Page 1: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition :

Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory


民國 98 年 10 月 30 日

洪正幸 Felix T. Hong, M.D., Ph.D.Dept of Physiology Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48201 USA

[email protected]

國立成功大學三創中心Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center

National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 701, Taiwan

Page 2: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

知與識 ( 知道與辨識 )Knowing and Recognizing

「發現就是看到每個人都曾看過的,但是想到沒人想過的。」“Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”

Albert Szent-Györgi

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Henri Poincaré’s 1908 Introspection

French mathematician Henri Poincaré’s reported his introspection of mathematical discoveries.

(Original French version, published in Paris, 1908)

The Centennial Anniversary of the Publication of

The Foundations of Science

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Just at this time I left Caen, where I was then living, to go on a geologic excursion under the auspices of the school of mines.

就在我離開我居住的 Caen ( 法國北部 ),準備去參加一個由礦業學校主辦的地質學之旅的時候。

Henri Poincaré’s 1908 Introspection

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The changes of travel made me forget my mathematical work. Having reached Coutances, we entered an omnibus to go some place or other.

參加旅行的心態轉變讓我暫時拋棄了我原本的數學研究。抵達 Coutances 後,我們上了巴士,要到別的地方去。

Henri Poincaré’s 1908 Introspection

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At the moment when I put my foot on the step the idea came to me, without anything in my former thoughts seeming to have paved the way for it, that the transformations I had used to define the Fuchsian functions were identical with those of non-Euclidean geometry.

就在我要踏上巴士的那一刻,突然靈機一動,產生一個跟我以前所做思考亳無關聯的奇想,就是Fuchsian functions 與 non-Euclidean Geometry (非歐幾何 ) 的 transformation 演算方法相同,而可以相互套用。

Henri Poincaré’s 1908 Introspection

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I did not verify the idea; I should not have had time, as, upon taking my seat in the omnibus, I went on with a conversation already commenced, but I felt a perfect certainty. On my return to Caen, for conscience’ sake I verified the result at my leisure.

當我坐在巴士上時,因我已開始與人聊天,而沒有時間去驗證這個想法,但我覺得仍有相當的把握。在我返回 Caen 之後,為了讓自己心安,我隨即從容地驗證演算的結果確實無誤。

Henri Poincaré’s 1908 Introspection

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He referred to the period of incubation prior to illumination as “long, unconscious prior work.”

他談到闡明之前的蘊釀期中的 “持久而無意識的工作”。

Henri Poincaré’s 1908 Introspection

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He also referred to the unconscious mind as the “subliminal self,” which was capable of “discernment” ([pattern] recognition).

他也談到無意識的思考就像 “潛意識的自我”也有辨識能力 ( 也就是有洞察力 ) 。

Henri Poincaré’s 1908 Introspection

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He suspected that [the subliminal self] knows better how to divine than the conscious self, since it succeeds where that has failed.


Henri Poincaré’s 1908 Introspection

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He raised the question: “is not the subliminal self superior to the conscious self?”

他提出一個問題 : “潛意識的自我難到不比意識清醒的自我優秀嗎 ?”

Henri Poincaré’s 1908 Introspection

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Wallas’ Four Phase Model

準備期 Preparation 醞釀期 Incubation 闡明期 Illumination ( 頓悟 Eureka!) 驗證期 Verification

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The Chance-Configuration Modelof Dean Simonton

Blind Search

盲目搜尋 Selection

篩選 Retention


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The Chance-Configuration Modelof Dean Simonton

Blind Search

盲目搜尋 Selection

篩選 Retention


Random Mutation

隨機變異 Natural Selection

物競天擇 Reproduction


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解題有如圖案識別 Problem Solving as Pattern Recognition

題目 = Pattern = Lock ( 鎖 ) 可行的答案 = Templates = Keys ( 鑰匙 ) 解題 Problem solving = Pattern Recognition ( 圖案識別 ) 關鍵點 : 有兩種圖案識別

In the course of my attempts to decipher the enigma of creativity, I realized that a problem can be regarded as a pattern, and problem solving is finding a template that can fit the pattern.

The key to the answer: distinguishing two types of pattern recognition.

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The Chance-Configuration Modelof Dean Simonton

Search-and-Match Phase


Verification-Retention Phase


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Defining the Search Space Blind Search

盲目搜尋 Heuristic Search

啟發式搜尋 Dogmatism

(self-imposed constraint)

教條主義 ( 自我設限 )

Too large


可接受Too small


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What is So Special About Pattern Recognition?

Rule-based pattern recognition:keyword matching

Objective criteria do not tolerable ambiguity or imprecision.

Picture-based pattern recognition:

matching by images

matching by analogy

Subjective criteria allow for an enormous latitude of ambiguity and imprecision.

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兩種圖案識別Two Types of Pattern Recognition

數位式圖案識別Rule-based (digital) pattern recognition

類比式圖案識別Picture-based (analog) pattern recognition

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How Did Dumb High-Achiever at WSU Solve a Problem?

They recognized only pre-existing, well defined patterns. They got lost when patterns were distorted or did not fit any known ones.

I called that rule-based reasoning 規則式思考 (also known as verbal thinking 語言式思考 in the literature).

Dumb high-achievers practiced digital pattern recognition 數位式圖案識別 .

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How did geniuses solve a problem? Geniuses transformed a problem into a picture,

and looked at the entire picture as a whole (Gestalt psychology).

Geniuses did not stick to rigid rules, and could recognize distorted patterns in accordance with their gut feeling.

I called that picture-based reasoning 圖像式思考 (also known as visual thinking 視覺式思考in the literature).

Geniuses practiced analog pattern recognition 類比式圖案識別 .

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兩種圖案識別:一、數位式圖案識別 Two Types of Pattern Recognition:

1. Digital (Rule-Based) Pattern Recognition

關鍵字辨讖 文字類比、似是而非、牛頭對馬嘴 ( 不會舉一反三 ) 只有黑白之分、而無灰色鑑別 客觀的標準 不容許有誤差 Keyword matching Analogy by words Black-and-white dichotomy; no sense of grayscales Objective criteria; do not tolerable ambiguity. Fault-intolerant

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Recognition of email addresses (電子郵件地址 ) or telephone numbers (電話號碼 )

DNA typing (DNA 鑑定 )

數位式的圖案識別Digital Pattern Recognition

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數位式的圖案識別Digital Pattern Recognition

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數位式的圖案識別Digital Pattern Recognition

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數位式的圖案識別Digital Pattern Recognition

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數位式的圖案識別Digital Pattern Recognition

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圖案或圖形辨識 圖像類比 (會舉一反三 ) 灰色鑑別、五十步可以笑百步。 主觀的標準 容許有誤差 Matching by images Analogy by pictures Sense of grayscales Subjective criteria allow for an enormous latitude of

ambiguity and imprecision Fault-tolerant

兩種圖案識別:二、類比式圖案識別 Two Types of Pattern Recognition:

2. Analog (picture-Based) Pattern Recognition

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類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Female figure 女人的胴體

From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in Downward Causation

edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V. Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

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Female figure 女人的胴體

From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in Downward Causation

edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V. Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

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Female figure 女人的胴體

From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in Downward Causation

edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V. Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

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Female figure 女人的胴體

From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in Downward Causation

edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V. Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 33: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

Female figure 女人的胴體

From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in Downward Causation

edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V. Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 34: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30


From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in Downward Causation

edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V. Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 35: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

Man’s face 男人的臉孔 ?

From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in Downward Causation

edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V. Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 36: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

Man’s face 男人的臉孔

From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in Downward Causation

edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V. Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 37: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

Man’s face 男人的臉孔

The interpretation is objective. From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in

Downward Causation edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V.

Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 38: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

Man’s face 男人的臉孔

The interpretation is still objective. From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in

Downward Causation edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V.

Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 39: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

Man’s face 男人的臉孔

The interpretation is somewhat objective. From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in

Downward Causation edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V.

Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 40: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

Man’s face 男人的臉孔 ? or Female figure 或女人的胴體 ? The choice is somewhat subjective. From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in

Downward Causation edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V.

Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 41: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

Man’s face 男人的臉孔 or Female figure 女人的胴體 ? The choice is less subjective. From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in

Downward Causation edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V.

Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 42: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

A gender change?

The choice is much less subjective. From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in

Downward Causation edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V.

Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 43: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

Female figure 女人的胴體

The choice is somewhat objective. From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in

Downward Causation edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V.

Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 44: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

Female figure 女人的胴體

The choice is objective. From: P. B. Andersen, Genres as self-organizing systems, in

Downward Causation edited by P. B. Andersen, C. Emmeche, N. O. Finnemann and P. V.

Christiansen, Aarhus University Press, 2000.

類比式的圖案識別Analog Pattern Recognition

Page 45: 圖案辨識 : 獨家創新力學說的理論基礎 Pattern Recognition : Theoretical Basis of Our Unique Creativity Theory 國立成功大學 三創課程 民國 98 年 10 月 30

分子辨識Molecular Recognition

Molecular recognition is accomplished by matching a finite number of recognition sites.

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分子辨識Molecular Recognition

Molecular recognition is accomplished by matching a finite number of recognition sites.

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分子辨識Molecular Recognition

Molecular recognition is accomplished by matching a finite number of recognition sites.

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分子辨識Molecular Recognition

Molecular recognition is accomplished by matching a finite number of recognition sites.

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Incompatibility of Sequential Algorithm and Pattern Recognition

Linear sequential reasoning


Gestalt (holistic) synthesis

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Pattern Recognition asA Holistic (Parallel) Process

The portrait of American inventor Thomas A. Edison was constructed with a sequential array of product names from JAMECO’s catalogue.

The alphabets, constituting the product names, vary in size, brightness and 3 colors.

Edison appeared to stare in the left lower direction.

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Pattern Recognition asA Holistic (Parallel) Process

At this level of magnification, the eyes, the nose and the mouth are still discernible.

The effect of Edison’s gaze was primarily due to the large sizes of letters “O” and “IC,” portraying the right and the left pupils of Edison’s eyes.

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Pattern Recognition as A Holistic (Parallel) Process

At this level of magnification, the “stare” can be identified with two product names: MOTHERBOARDS ROBOTICS.

With prior knowledge, the eye sockets and the “stare” are still discernible.

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Pattern Recognition asA Holistic (Parallel) Process

At the same level of magnification but with the additional “landmarks” clipped off, the “stare” is no longer discernible, even with prior knowledge of its existence.

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Pattern Recognition asA Holistic (Parallel) Process

How about this?

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Pattern Recognition asA Holistic (Parallel) Process

And this? (The gray scale was eliminated.)

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並行處理Parallel Processing

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The Chance-Configuration Modelof Dean Simonton

Search-and-Match Phase Verification-Retention Phase

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Interpretation ofHenri Poincaré’ Remark

“... it is by logic that we prove.

It is by intuition that we discover.”

「我們以直覺來發現 , 以邏輯來驗證。」 Henri Poincaré

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Interpretation ofHenri Poincaré’ Remark

“... it is by logic that we prove.

It is by intuition that we discover.”

「我們以直覺來發現 , 以邏輯來驗證。」 Henri Poincaré

Interpretation:Identify intuition with the search-and-match phase.

Identify logic with the verification phase.

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幾個相關聯的概念 直覺 Intuition

靈感 Inspiration

領悟 Insight

佛洛依德的初級思考 Primary-Process Thinking

圖像式思考 Picture-based reasoning

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邏輯 Logic

佛洛依德的次級思考 Secondary-Process Thinking

規則式思考 Rule-based reasoning

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Other Equivalent Models Poincaré: intuitive and logical approaches Freud: primary-process and secondary-

process thinking Kris: inspirational and elaborative phases Newell, Shaw and Simon: solution-generating

and solution-verifying processes. Bastick: visual-ability and verbal-ability modes Boden: parallel-intuitive and sequential-

deliberative thinking.

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Robert Rosen’s Classification of Natural Processes

Unformalizable process Non-algorithmic process Semantic process

Formalizable process Algorithmic process Syntactic process

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Syntactic 句法學 完全照字面詮釋。

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Semantic 語意學 必須聽到弦外之音 由字裡行間來揣摩會意

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Semantic 語意學 Were it not out of respect for the Office of

the U.S.President, I would have called George W. Bush a son-of-a-bitch.



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Semantic 語意學 Why a son-of-a-bitch is such a derogatory term? A son of a bitch is an offspring of a female dog.

That is, a little puppy. But little puppy is adorable. But English-speaking people also call a prostitute a

bitch. 為何說是母狗養的這麼難聽? 是母狗養的,就是小狗。很可愛呀! 但是英語系的人種稱呼妓女為母狗。 你還要我多作說明嗎?會意了嗎?

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Semantic 語意學 你說他是飯桶高材生,好歹他也有耶魯大學及哈佛大學的高學歷。

「搞不好」其實是搞得意外的好。 起碼 ( 騎馬 ) 要一百萬元才買得到。那騎牛呢?

Tough Luck = Too bad Oh Ya? 真的嗎?

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Computer-based Translation 電腦翻譯

Out of sight out of mind. 眼不見,心不煩。 Invisible idiot. 隱形 (令人看不到 )的白癡。

Out of sight = 看不到 Out of mind = 發瘋、發狂、瘋子、心靈失常 Idiot = 白癡

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Computer-based Translation 電腦翻譯

美國的博士制度規定要修兩種外國語言。 電腦只會 syntax 而不會 semantic 。 那位制定可以用電腦語言來取代一種外語的仁兄真是白癡。

因為他望字生義,他的思考方式是不折不扣的 飯桶高材生 .

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Word Replacement Game Solution-generating Intuitive Inspirational Parallel-intuitive Visual Picture- (pattern-)based Non-formalizable Semantic process Non-verbalizable Primary process

Solution-verifying Logical Elaborative Sequential-deliberative Verbal Rule-based Formalizable Syntatic process Verbalizable Secondary process

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What Is Intuition?Psychologists’ Answer


“What we need most in the study of insight are some new insights!”

R. J. Sternberg and J. E. Davidson

Insight, in Encyclopedia of Creativity, Vol. 2, pp. 57-69, (M. A. Runco and S. R. Pritzker, Eds.), Academic Press, San Diego, London, Boston, New York, Sydney, Tokyo and Toronto, 1999.

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What Is Intuition?Psychologists’ Answer


“What we need most in the study of insight are some new insights!”

No syntactic content.

Only semantic content

Therefore, insight is a semantic process.

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Obscenity Defined Implicitly

「當我看到時,就自然知道。」“I know it when I see it!”

Potter StewartU.S. Supreme Court ex-associate justice

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What Is Intuition?Carl Friedrich Gauss’ Description


In referring to a long-standing problem which he had just solved, Gauss said, “Like a sudden flash of lightning, the riddle happened to be solved. I myself cannot say what was the conducting thread which connected what I previously knew with what made my success possible.”

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What Is Intuition?Nikola Tesla’s Description


As I uttered these inspiring words the idea came like a flash of lightning and in an instant the truth was revealed.

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What Is Intuition?Albert Einstein’s Description

In responding to Hadamard’s questionnaire, Einstein indicated,

His initial thought process is largely visual. The words or the language do not seem to play any role in his mechanism of thought.

Conventional words or other signs have to be sought for laboriously only in a secondary stage.

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What Is Gut Feeling?A 911 Survivor’s Introspection

In his hour-long descent from the 72nd floor of one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, Cary Shieh stated in an widely distributed email:

“There was no smoke at all in the stairwell, but there was a strange peculiar smell,

which I later remembered it smelling like how it does when one boards an aircraft.

I later found out that this was jetfuel.”

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What Is Intuition?It’s Parallel Processing

The mystery of insight, intuition, and what Sigmund Freud referred to as primary-process thinking can be elucidated by identifying these process with parallel processes.

Parallel processes are difficult to articulate (verbalize) explicitly.

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Advantages of Rule-Based Reasoning Speed. Less effort and mental strain. Highly objective. Optimized for standardized tests and

simple essay tests that require only regurgitation (e.g., simple definitions, or descriptions of processes).

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Disadvantages of Rule-Based Reasoning Handicapped at the search phase. Handicapped at the match phase. Possible misuse or abuse of rules at the

verification phase. Incapable of generating new rules. Unsuitable for most essay tests that require

reorganization of knowledge or novel arguments.

Short retention time. Not conducive to creativity.

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規則式的思考可能造成虛假的安全感Rule-Based Reasoning Fosters A False Sense of Safety

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A Dye Laser

A dye laser with the chassis closed for normal operation (left). The chassis is opened to expose the capacitor and the flash lamp.

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Dye Laser with a high-voltage condenser (capacitor)

The dye laser and its high-voltage (12,000 volts) capacitor (condenser). Normally, the stored electricity discharges, upon triggering, through the flash lamp to stimulate the dye to generate laser light.

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Safety Interlock

Unlatch the safety interlock allows electricity to be discharge through the resistor to the ground so the no lethal amount of electricity is present upon opening the chassis.

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The Resistors in the Protective Circuitry

The resistors in the protective circuitry are occasionally burnt out, thus preventing the normal function of the safety interlock.


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Rule-Based Reasoning Could Kill

If the resistors are blown, the safety interlock circuitry no longer protects the operator from the lethal high voltage.

Rule-based reasoning failed to take into account the circumstance of malfunctioning of the protective circuitry when the resistors burnt out.

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撤飛彈或銷毀飛彈 ?



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聖母峰的悲劇Tragic Accident at Mt. Everest

The pros and cons of rule-based versus picture-based reasoning were vividly described in Anatoli Boukreev and G. Weston DeWalt's book The Climb, which chronicled the May 10, 1996, tragic accident in the “Death Zone” of Mt. Everest (pp. 134-135):

規則式思考與圖像式思考的利弊,在 Anatoli Boukreev 與 G. Weston DeWalt 的書 The Climb中被生動的描述。它是敘述 1996 年 5 月 10 日,發生在聖母峰的“ Death Zone” 的悲慘意外(pp. 134-135) .

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聖母峰的悲劇Tragic Accident at Mt. Everest

There was a tragic mountaineering accident in the “Death Zone” of Mt. Everest on May 10, 1996.

Rob Hall, the leader of Adventure Consultants:

legalist philosophy “墨守成規者” Scott Fischer, the leader of

Mountain Madness:

situationist philosophy “情況論者”

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聖母峰的悲劇Tragic Accident at Mt. Everest

The differences between [Rob] Hall's and [Scott] Fischer's philosophies of guiding [high-altitude mountaineering tours] were emblematic of an ongoing debate between practitioners in the adventure travel industry. The camps of belief can be roughly divided between the “situationalists” and the “legalists.”

Rob Hall 與 Scott Fischer [ 高海跋登山旅遊 ] 的嚮導哲學的不同之處,是象徵冒險旅遊業的業者間永不間斷的辯論。對峙的陣營可大略分為 “情況論者” 及 “墨守成規者”。

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聖母峰的悲劇Tragic Accident at Mt. Everest

The situationalists argue that in leading a risky adventure no system of rules can adequately cover every situation that might arise, and they argue that rules on some occasions should be subordinated to unique demands that present themselves.


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聖母峰的悲劇Tragic Accident at Mt. Everest

The legalist, believing that rules can substantially reduce the possibility of bad decisions being made, ask that personal freedom take a backseat.


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聖母峰的悲劇Tragic Accident at Mt. Everest

Critics of the legalist philosophy argue that an omniscient, rule-based position that minimizes independent action is being promulgated largely out of fear of bad publicity or lawsuits that might result from a lack of demonstrable “responsibility.”


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聖母峰的悲劇Tragic Accident at Mt. Everest

These critics find it confoundingly odd that an industry that promotes the values of personal freedom and initiative would expound a philosophy that minimizes the pursuit of these very values.


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What Is Intuition?“Aha!” Phenomenon

Suddenness of occurrence A snapping action tantamount to bursting into

laughter or a sigh of relief Feeling of certainty before verification Complete ignorance of why and how it


All these features point to parallel processing.

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What Is Intuition?Our Present Interpretation

the ability to correctly prune off unproductive search paths from the search tree, while correctly preserving productive search paths that are not obvious, so as to arrive at an optimal search space (heuristic search 啟發式的搜尋 ).

the uncanny ability to recognize a subtle match where average people fail.

In brief, having a good intuition means being good at both searching and matching.

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Re-interpretation of Freud’s Concept of the Unconscious

Segmentation of working memory into two regions:

focal attention vs. peripheral attention Defocusing of selective attention expands the

search space. The notion of the “edge” of attention

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任何創新力理論都必須通過的三個試驗 Three Litmus Tests of Creativity Theories

解釋何謂「直覺」、「領悟 (洞見 ) 」、「靈感」。


解釋何謂「頓悟」。 Explain what intuition, insight, or the source of

inspiration is. Explain why the creator often had no awareness

of how a discovery had been made, even after the fact.

Explain why a discovery often occurred suddenly: Eureka! “Aha” phenomenon.

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AI Interpretation of Simonton’s Model Search-and-Match Phase (two options):

Picture-based reasoning

parallel processing

with random access

subjective judgment required

Rule-based reasoning

sequential processing

with sequential access

objective judgment required

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AI Interpretation of Simonton’s Model Verification phase (only one option):

Strictly rule-based reasoning

sequential processing

strictly objective judgment required

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Francis Bacon (培根 ): The New Organon 新工具論Idols of the Marketplace 社會語言影響產生的謬見

And therefore the ill choice of words wonderfully obstructs the understanding. Nor do the definitions or explanations wherewith in some things learned men are wont to guard and defend themselves, by any means set the matter right. But words plainly force and overrule the understanding, and throw all into confusion, and lead men away into numberless empty controversies and idle fancies.


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Hemispheric Lateralization:Novelty-Routinization Scheme

Left Cerebral Hemisphere:

左腦半球Speech and language function 說話及語言功能Linear sequential thought 單線思考Routinized cognitive strategies 常規認知策略Sequential processing 順序性處理

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Hemispheric Lateralization:Novelty-Routinization Scheme

Right Cerebral Hemisphere:

右腦半球Nonverbal and spatio-visual function 非語言及視空的功能Gestalt (holistic) synthesis 整體性通盤考慮、合成Pattern recognition 圖案辨識Exploratory and novel cognitive strategies 探索創新心智策略Parallel processing 並行處理
