  • PUBLICA:Universitat Politcnica de Valncia (UPV) Espaa

    DIRECTORA:Isabel Tort Ausina

    CONSEJO EDITORIAL: Giovanni BoccardiIgnacio YusimIrene FornesJose Joaqun LorenteLupe NavarroLuz CamposMontse Martnez

    COMIT HONORFICO:Concha de Soto Jose Luis MontalvManuel Jess RamrezMarielle Richon

    I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1372

    Universitat Politcnica de Valncia Camino de Vera s/n. 46022Valencia. EspaaTlf. 96 387 77 80Fax. 96 387 77 89

    E-mail: [email protected]

    10028 Marzo 2013

    BOLETNCtedra UNESCO Forum Universidad y Patrimonio

    Organizacinde las Naciones Unidas

    para la Educacin,la Ciencia y la Cultura

    Lanzan una campaa contra el trfico ilcito:

    Sus acciones cuentan: sea un viajero responsable

    La Organizacin Mundial del Turismo (OMT), la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (UNODC) y la Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas para la Educacin, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO) han aunado fuerzas para promover una campaa mundial en la que se insta a los viajeros a apoyar la lucha contra diversas formas de trfico ilcito. La campaa se present al sector turstico en la feria internacional de turismo de Berln, la ITB, el 5 de marzo de 2014.

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    Sus acciones cuentan: sea un viajero responsable aspira a sensibilizar al pblico respecto a los bienes y servicios ilegales que con ms frecuencia pueden encontrar los turistas en sus viajes. La campaa ofrece orientacin para reconocer posibles situaciones de trfico de personas, especies silvestres, artefactos culturales, drogas ilegales y falsificaciones, e invita a los viajeros a actuar, to-mando decisiones de consumo responsables. Los turistas son ciudadanos globales y, cuando son ms de 1.000 millones las personas que viajan por el mundo cada ao, deben convertirse en una fuerza benfica. Tomar las decisiones ticas correc-tas como consumidores reduce la demanda de productos ilegales y contribuye a conservar los bienes naturales y culturales que configuran una parte inestimable del patrimonio de las comunidades y las poblaciones a las que visitan., dijo el Secretario General de la OMT, Taleb Rifai, durante el lanzamien-to de la campaa.El Director Ejecutivo de la UNODC, Yury Fedotov, insisti mientras tanto en la importancia de in-formar a los viajeros del destino del dinero que pagan al comprar productos ilegales. Los viajeros tienen la responsabilidad de no contribuir a los beneficios que genera la delincuencia organizada. Ya se trate de la venta de personas, productos de origen animal, drogas, artefactos culturales o fal-sificaciones, es importante que los viajeros entiendan perfectamente la naturaleza explotadora de estas actividades. Las campaas de sensibilizacin, como esta, son esenciales para que los posibles consumidores estn informados de los efectos adversos de sus decisiones de compra.La Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, subray que proteger el patrimonio cultural es in-separable de proteger a las personas. Los turistas son blancos fciles para los traficantes que venden artefactos culturales de procedencia dudosa, explic, y aadi: No suelen ser conscientes de que esos souvenirs pueden ser un patrimonio robado, arrancado de su entorno original, extrado ilegal-mente de un yacimiento arqueolgico, o adquirido por personas sin escrpulos que ofrecen un exiguo pago a cambio. Su prdida puede causar dao y afliccin considerables a sus propietarios legtimos, para quienes esos elementos forman parte intrnseca de su identidad y de sus valores culturales.Sus acciones cuentan: sea un viajero responsable contribuir al objetivo de las Naciones Unidas de combatir la delincuencia organizada, as como de cumplir el Cdigo tico Mundial para el Turismo de la OMT.La campaa se lanza con el apoyo de Marriott International y Sabre Holdings, las primeras empresas tursticas que se asocian a la campaa para promover este importante mensaje entre sus millones de clientes. Marriott compartir el mensaje contra el trfico ilcito con sus huspedes, empleados y miembros de Marriott Rewards a travs de sus sitios web internos y externos y en nuevos boletines, correos electrnicos de confirmacin de reservas, revistas de los miembros de Marriott Rewards y en blogs y medios sociales. Sabre apoyar la campaa con cuatro negocios y productos destinados al consumidor: Travelocity,, TripCase y GetThere. Adems, difundir el mensaje exter-namente entre sus interlocutores e internamente entre sus empleados.Adems de los responsables de las tres organizaciones de las Naciones Unidas, participaron en el evento el recientemente nombrado Presidente del Comit Mundial de tica del Turismo y ex Director General de la Organizacin Mundial del Comercio, Pascal Lamy, la Vicepresidenta Ejecutiva y Jefa de Comunicacin y Relaciones Institucionales de Marriott International, Kathleen Matthews, y el Presi-dente y Director Gerente de Sabre Hospitality Solutions, Alex Alt. Pascal Lamy ofreci su pleno apoyo a la iniciativa: A la luz de nmero creciente de turistas interna-cionales, tenemos que promover comportamientos ms ticos y responsables entre los viajeros. Por eso he hecho que sea una prioridad del Comit apoyar esta campaa de sensibilizacin, dirigida por las Naciones Unidas, para informar a los turistas de cmo pueden unirse a la lucha global contra el trfico ilcito, afirm. Uno de los objetivos principales del Comit ser llegar a los jvenes, difundir

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    el mensaje contra el trfico ilcito entre las futuras generaciones de viajeros.Sabemos que nuestro sector puede desempear un papel importante y ayudar a detener el trfico ilcito, haciendo llegar el mensaje de esta campaa al pblico viajero. Marriott lo compartir con ms de 80 millones de clientes y con una plantilla de aproximadamente 325.000 personas en todo el mun-do. Invitamos a otros lderes del turismo a unirse a nosotros y a los organismos de las Naciones Unidas en este esfuerzo crtico, dijo Kathleen Matthews.Bruce Charendoff, Primer Vicepresidente de Relaciones Gubernamentales y Externas de Sabre, ma-nifest: Luchar contra la trata de seres humanos es la iniciativa de responsabilidad social ms im-portante de Sabre, y por eso aprovechamos la oportunidad de asociarnos a las Naciones Unidas para sensibilizar a los millones de viajeros a los que damos servicio en todo el mundo respecto a este delito tan extendido. Compartiremos ampliamente el mensaje de la campaa del viajero respon-sable en nuestras plataformas de reserva online de Travelocity y y en la aplicacin para dispositivos mviles TripCase, as como a travs de nuestra solucin de reservas corporativas GetThere, en la que participan las empresas que as lo desean. Los traficantes a menudo utilizan en sus actividades a actores tursticos incautos. Trabajando juntos, podemos educar a los viajeros y a los agentes del sector y empezar a erradicar esta horrenda lacra. Podemos adems ofrecer esperanza a sus vctimas.

    Enlaces de inters:El Cdigo tico Mundial para el Turismo Contactos:OMTResponsable de Prensa: Marcelo [email protected]: (+34) 91 567 81 60Programa de Comunicacin y Publicaciones de la [email protected].: (+34) 91 567 8100 / Fax: +34 91 567 8218

    UNODCJefe de Comunicacin y Sensibilizacin, UNODC: Alun [email protected].: (+43) 699 1459 5726

    UNESCORelaciones con los Medios, UNESCO: Sue [email protected]: (+33 1) 4568 17 06 / Mvil: (+33 6) 15 92 93 62

    + info:

  • Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo[28/03/2014 12:20:27]

    Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo

    News Agenda Publications

    Noticias Premios y Reconocimientos

    Premio Ecuatorial 2014 El Premio Ecuatorial 2014 reconocer 25 iniciativas locales que demuestren l iderazgo en promover soluciones locales innovadoras para la gente, la naturaleza y las comunidades resistentes. Todas las iniciativas ganadoras sern premiadas con el Premio Ecuatorial 2014 y 5.000 dlares. Cinco ganadores recibirn un reconocimiento especial y un total de 20.000 dlares cada uno. Los representantes de las comunidades ganadoras recibirn apoyo para participar en eventos durante la Cumbre del Clima del Secretario General de la ONU y la Conferencia Mundial de los Pueblos Indgenas en Nueva York en septiembre de 2014.

    + info: http://www.equatorinit Enviado por miembro FUUP: Eisenberg, Amy (Estados Unidos de Amrica / United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amrique)

    Abierta la convocatoria de 2014 para el Premio Campeones de la Tierra del PNUMA La accin contra el cambio climtico a examen mientras en el mundo se trabaja por l legar a un nuevo pacto cl imtico El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) ha abierto la convocatoria para la presentacin de candidaturas al Premio Campeones de la Tierra 2014, que reconoce la labor de visionarios cuyas acciones y l iderazgo hayan tenido un impacto posit ivo en el medio ambiente

    + info: Enviado por miembro FUUP: Eisenberg, Amy (Estados Unidos de Amrica / United States of America / Etats-Unis d'Amrique)

    The HERITAGE PLUS Joint Call is now open! Deadline 28 April 2014 The Joint Programming Init iative in Cultural Heritage and Global Change is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity for transnational proposals in the area of cultural heritage. This Heritage Plus call is designed to generate new, research-based knowledge to promote the sustainable use and management of cultural heritage and so to meet societal challenges and contribute to the development on the society. The call aims

    to fund excellent collaborative, transnational, interdisciplinary, innovative R&D projects focussed mainly on tangible cultural heritage research, while not excluding the interl inked aspects of intangible and digital heritage. + info:

    La Etiqueta del patrimonio europeo La Etiqueta del patrimonio europeo es una iniciativa intergubernamental iniciada en 2006 por distintos Estados europeos. Su objetivo es reforzar el sentimiento de adhesin de los ciudadanos europeos a una identidad europea comn y favorecer el sentimiento de pertenencia a un espacio cultural comn. Para recibir esa Etiqueta, los parajes patrimoniales deben resaltar su dimensin europea, y en su entrada debe colocarse una placa en la que figure el logotipo de la Etiqueta. + info:

    Anuncio de los ganadores del premio UE de patrimonio Cultural / Premios EUROPA NOSTRA 2014 - Fecha lmite para votar: 20 abril La Comisin Europea y Europa Nostra anuncian hoy los ganadores del Premio Unin Europea de Patrimonio Cultural / Premios Europa Nostra. Los veintisiete ganadores, seleccionados entre ciento sesenta proyectos nominados de treinta pases, son recompensados por sus logros en cuatro mbitos: conservacin; investigacin; dedicacin especial; educacin, formacin y sensibil izacin. La ceremonia de entrega tendr lugar el 5 de mayo en el Burgtheater de Viena, con el patrocinio de Heinz Fischer, Presidente de Austria. Androulla Vassil iou, Comisaria Europea de Educacin, Cultura, Multi l ingismo y Juventud, y Plcido

    Domingo, cantante de pera y Presidente de Europa Nostra, presentarn conjuntamente los premios. Seis de los galardonados sern proclamados ganadores del Gran Premio, dotado con 10 000 euros para cada uno de ellos, y uno recibir el Premio del Pblico, adjudicado tras una encuesta en lnea realizada por Europa Nostra. Adems de celebrar la excelencia del trabajo sobre el patrimonio cultural, el Premio de la UE tiene por objeto promover estndares de calidad en el mbito de la conservacin. + info:

    2014 World Monuments Fund / Knoll Modernism Prize - Deadline: 30 June 2014 World Monuments Fund invites you to submit a nomination for the 2014 World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize. The prize wil l be awarded this fal l to a design professional or f irm in recognit ion of innovative solutions that preserved and saved a modern landmark at r isk. Nominated projects must have been completed in the past f ive years. The World Monuments Fund/Knoll Modernism Prize recognizes heroic efforts that preserve our modern heritage.
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    Submissions for projects that have enhanced a site's architectural, functional, economic, and environmental sustainabil i ty while also benefit ing the community are encouraged. + info:

    Premio Cosso, 2014. Patrimonio Histrico Educativo - Fecha lmite: 30 abril 2014 La Sociedad Espaola para el Estudio del Patrimonio Histrico-Educativo (S.E.P.H.E), con la colaboracin del Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de Espaa, convoca el PREMIO MANUEL BARTOLOM COSSO, dirigido a impulsar y valorar las iniciativas y trabajos que -desde la dedicacin a ese mbito- concurran al desarrollo de la que constituye su fundamental f inalidad: la proteccin, conservacin, estudio e investigacin del patrimonio histrico-educativo, as como la promocin de acciones que estimulen tales tareas. Plazo de presentacin de solicitudes: 30 de abri l de 2014. + info: http:// Enviado por miembro FUUP: lvarez Domnguez, Pablo (Espaa / Spain / Espagne)


    Marie Curie Actions - Research Fellowship Programme On these pages, you wil l f ind practical information on each of the Marie Curie actions including guidance on how to apply for funding, information on progress of calls for proposals, evaluation and funding decisions. Marie Curie Actions are open to researchers of al l ages and levels of experience, regardless of nationality. To help you decide which Marie Curie Action is most appropriate for your particular profi le and needs, you are advised to consult the Marie Curie Quick-Guide. + info:

    2015-2016 NIAS Fellowships for International Scholars in Netherlands - Deadline: 15 April Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS) offers residential fel lowships from prominent researchers and senior scholars in the humanities and social sciences. At least 3 years of post-PhD degree academic experience is required for eligibi l i ty. NIAS fellowships are in principle awarded for advanced research during a full academic year. Fellows are offered an off ice at the institute and a studio apartment or family apartment. Applications should be submitted ti l l 15th Apri l 2014. + info:

    Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology (MSP) - Islamic Development Bank. Deadline: 31 December The objective of the programme is to develop technically qualif ied human resources in the IDB member countries by providing scholarships to promising and outstanding scholars and researchers to undertake advanced studies and research in the fields of applied science and technology needed for the development of the member countries. The Programme offers scholarships for study and research at two levels: ( i) 3-year Ph.D. study/ research, and (i i) 6-12 months of Post-Doctoral research. + info: j /portal/anonymous?NavigationTarget=navurl://c28c70fde436815fcff1257ef5982a08

    2014 International Heritage Scholarship at Curtin University in Australia - Deadline: 18 July 2014 Curtin University is pleased to introduce Heritage Scholarships, which are open to cit izens of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. This scholarship category awards eligible students 25% of their f irst year of tuit ion. Curtin University recognises the long-standing relationship it has with these major South East Asian nations and this scholarship aims to grow the trust and confidence in Curtin University as a place for students to further their studies, careers and l i fe experiences. + info:

    Postgraduate Scholarships for Ghanaian and Nigerian Students in UK - Deadline: 31 July 2014 The Science Faculty is delighted to offer a number of scholarships for Ghanaian and Nigerian students. The scholarships wil l be in the form of 20% fee reduction from any tuit ion fee but please note, i t cannot be taken in conjunction with any other fee reduction or bursary offered by the University. The scholarship is a one-off award towards a one year Masters fees and is non-renewable and only valid for study on the courses. + info:

    School of Modern Languages and Cultures Postgraduate Bursaries in UK - Deadline: 13 June 2014 The School of Modern Languages and Cultures, comprising the following disciplines and centres is offering bursaries for students undertaking taught and research MAs and PhD programmes, ful l-t ime and part-t ime, starting in September/October 2014. Both Home/ EU and international students are eligible to apply. The School offers postgraduate teaching and supervision by leading researchers in their f ields within the disciplines and Centres. Part-fee bursaries at UK/EU fee levels may be awarded to individual applicants at the discretion of the Scholarships Committee. Bursary applications are invited from highly qualif ied prospective students of al l nationalit ies for MA and PhD by research and for taught MA programmes. Applications wil l

    be considered on academic merit alone. + info:

    Educational tourism is enhancement of learning opportunities ...Study abroad experiences. Most major universit ies round the world promote some sort of foreign travel for his or her students. Study abroad experiences give students with something from 6-week intensive study sessions to a ful l year of cultural and l inguistic immersion. US universit ies that have long seen themselves as student-exporters have currently returned to comprehend that non-English speaking students look for US study abroad adventures too. Students usually travel not solely among their destination country of alternative however throughout that county and even to neighboring lands. The goal here is to widen the tutorial expertise so university students dont solely grasp

    their own culture however conjointly that of a minimum of one alternative nation + info: ies/

    Marine Scholarship for International Students in China - Deadline: 30 April 2014 The ocean, covering about 71% of the Earths surface, plays a primary role in addressing the climate change and supporting the global economy, trade and l ivelihood. The sustainable ocean development has direct impact on the development and prosperity of al l coastal countries now and in the future. And it has become an inexorable trend worldwide that through international cooperation and exchange we should deepen our understanding of the ocean and promote sustainable ocean development to enhance regional and global economic prosperity. Under this consideration, the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the Ministry of Education of China jointly init iate the program of Marine Scholarship of China
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    (hereinafter called the Scholarship) for the purpose of providing financial support to outstanding students from the coastal countries or regions around the South China Sea, the Pacif ic and the Indian Oceans and African developing countries to study in China for a masters or doctoral degree in oceanography or other related specialt ies, cult ivating advanced professionals of the related fields for developing countries, enhancing international marine cooperation and exchange, and promoting the harmonious ocean development in the region and around the world. China Scholarship Council (CSC) is in charge of the admissions and routine management of the Scholarship. + info:

    Museum Studies Distance Learning Scholarships at University of Leicester in United Kingdom - Deadline: 31 March 2014 The School of Museum Studies is pleased to offer f ive scholarships for Apri l 2014 entry to its distance learning masters degree programmes. The scholarships are available for 2 x 2,000 scholarships open to applicants currently working or volunteering in UK museums and 3 x 1,000 scholarships open to all applicants. Scholarships are provided in the fields of Museum Studies, Learning and Visitor Studies in Museums and Galleries, Digital Heritage and Heritage and Interpretation offered by the University of Leicester in UK.

    + info:

    M.Sc. Scholarship Program in Environmental & Energy Engineering at University of Genoa, Italy - Deadline: 30 June 2014 The purpose of the Master of Science program in Environmental & Energy Engineering (Polytechnic School, University of Genoa, Italy) is to offer advanced education in the fields of natural and industrial r isk management, sustainable development and sustainable and distributed energy. The latest topics associated with prediction, prevention and management of natural hazards, indoor and outdoor pollution, waste disposal and site remediation, health risk assessment, C02 sequestration, water supply and wastewater treatment, energy from waste, recycling, cl imate change dynamics, renewable energy production, fuel

    cells, biofuels, smart power grids and low emission power plants are addressed by the M.Sc. program. Faculty members teaching in the program have ongoing collaborations with excellent national and international industries and research institutes. The teaching activity of the program takes place in the modern Campus located in the city of Savona, which is endowed with sport and accommodation facil i t ies, l ibrary and auditorium. Since 2010, a research center devoted to sustainable energy is also being established in the same Campus. + info:


    Concursos - Nueve pelculas medioambientales premiadas durante el ltimo Festival Internacional de Cine medioambiental Francia Durante el lt imo Festival Internacional de pelculas medioambientales (FIFE), organizado por la regin Ile-de-France del 4 al 11 de febrero de 2014, nueve pelculas, documentales y cortometrajes, han sido premiados. La seleccin se hizo sobre una centena de pelculas y una veintena de webdocumentales, de cerca de 40 pases, y que trataban el medio ambiente + info: i lm-environnement-f i fe-2014-palmares-20804.php4

    Competition - LAN Chosen to Revamp Paris Grand Palais - Paris (France) After a nine-month long competit ion, LAN Architecture has been commissioned to restructure and extend the historic Grand Palais in Paris. With the intent to restore the buildings original coherence and sense of transparency, LAN plans to revamp the 1900 Worlds Fair building by resorting its unity and circulation, as well as the volume of its galleries around the Grand Nave and the addit ion of a new entrance court + info:

    Three Finalists Announced for Moscows Ukraina Hotel Entryway Competition - Russian Federation The Ukraina Hotel, with the support of the non-state educational institution Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design, have announced the finalists for the Ukraina Hotel Entryway competit ion. Designs from ABD Architects (Russia) in cooperation with Werner Sobek Moskwa (Russia), TPO Lesosplav (Russia) in cooperation with Malishev Wilson Engineers (UK), and Studio 44 (Russia) have been chosen from a total of ten competing proposals, one of which wil l now be implemented by the client. Offering the chance to design a new entrance to one of Moscows foremost landmarks, the winning scheme wil l provide a rare opportunity to work with an unique example of Stalinist architectural

    heritage + info: ion/

    Competition: Landslide 2014: Art and the Landscape Call for Nominations - Deadline: 1 April Do you know of threatened or at-risk examples of art and the landscape? It could be a group of ancient petroglyphs, a sculpted earthwork, a Modernist installation or other examples. There are just two weeks left to nominate a site for Landslide 2014: Art and the Landscape, this years iteration of The Cultural Landscape Foundations annual, thematic compendium of at-risk sites. Many of these sites are endangered by development, neglect, vandalism, industrial operations and other threats. For more than a decade, Landslide has successfully brought national attention to threatened sites, raised their

    visibi l i ty, and promoted their informed stewardship + info: ight/ landslide-2014

    Arquitectura y Paisaje: Memory Wound Monumento en homenaje a las victimas de la masacre en Noruega Concebido como una herida o fractura de tres metros y medio en el paisaje, el poderoso monumento a aquellos que perdieron sus vidas en la masacre de Utoya, el art ista sueco Jonas Dahlberg, gan la competencia para los atentados del Memorial del 22 de Julio en Noruega. Mi concepto para el Memorial Srbrten propone una herida o corte en la naturaleza. ste interpreta la experiencia fsica de la prdida, reflejando la repentina y permanente prdida de aquellos que murieron, describi Dahlberg. + info:

    Puesto de trabajo

    English Heritage Historic Places Adviser- Deadline for Applications 16 March 2014 The Historic Places Team wil l support local communities (including through local authority partners) in appreciating the signif icance of their local historic environment and its potential to deliver benefits for the community by: promoting the effective use of the planning system at strategic and local levels; building capacity; engaging
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    with communities to identify opportunit ies for enhancement; supporting networks; and championing historic places. It also supports the HAR and Development Management teams. + info: http://

    Job Offer - Heckington Windmill Regeneration Project: Project Manager (United Kingdom) Deadline for Applications: 31 March 2014 Heckington Windmill is a Grade I l isted building located in the heart of Lincolnshire and is the only 8 sailed working windmill in Western Europe. The Heckington Windmill Regeneration Project is a Heritage Lottery Funded project of just over 1m, which wil l restore and develop the associated mil l buildings on site into a f irst class heritage attraction. The successful applicant wil l be required to manage, supervise and successfully deliver the capital works programme.

    Experience of conservation buildings work, together with working with community groups and HLF funded projects is essential, as is a f lexible approach to working + info: http://

    Job Offer - Job Vacancy: Lecturer in Geoarchaeology. Deadline: 27 March The UCL Institute of Archaeology is recognised as one of the leading academic departments of Archaeology not just in the UK but globally. The Institute is the largest department in its f ield in the UK, with the largest graduate research community, and the broadest range of coverage and offers a uniquely stimulating environment for the study of all f ields of archaeology, conservation and cultural heritage. The post-holder wil l carry out teaching at BA/BSc level, at MSc level, especially as part of the MSc in Environmental Archaeology, supervise or co-supervise MPhil/PhD students on geoarchaeological topics, organise student f ield tr ips, and

    oversee the use of the Institute's sedimentology laboratory for research and teaching + info:

    Job Offer - Port Sunlight Village Trust Conservation Adviser (United Kingdom) Deadline 30 March 2014 The Port Sunlight Vil lage Trust is dedicated to the Conservation and Management of the extraordinary vi l lage of Port Sunlight. With ownership of most of the principal buildings, 1/3rd of the cottages, all of the visible landscape and covenants in force with all house owners, the Trust has a major role in securing the future of the vil lage. We are continuing with our work to help protect the vil lage from further erosion of the heritage and a core aspect of this is the establishment of this ful l t ime post + info: http://

    Call for proposal for a 3-day mission on Art Nouveau - Deadline: 13 June 2014 The Monuments and Sites Directorate of the Brussels-Capitale Region, project leader of the Art Nouveau & Ecology project, supported by the Culture Programme 2007-2013 of the European Commission and organised by the Rseau Art Nouveau Network, proposes to f inancially support a scientif ic or technical mission of three days, in Belgium or in another country of the European Union, as long as the mission wil l be performed before the end of March 2015 and it wil l provide a new element to our knowledge of the Art Nouveau of Brussels. The proposals (to be developed on max. two A4 pages) must be sent by post to the following address, before 13 June 2014: Conde-Reis Guy Direction des Monuments et des Sites CCN Rue du Progrs, 80 bte 1 1030 Bruxelles [email protected] Only one proposal wil l be selected. The Monuments and Sites Directorate wil l cover the (capped) travel and accommodation expenses as well as a f ixed per-diem. + info: Enviado por miembro FUUP: Alleaume, Anne-lise (Francia / France / France)

    Job Offer - Croydon Conservation Officer (United Kingdom) Deadline: 4 April 2014 Croydon is placed to be a major strategic force for growth and transformation in London and the South East. The Council has a vision to deliver signif icant growth and town centre renewal over the next 20 years, as conveyed in the Croydon Local Plan, the Croydon Opportunuty Area Planning Framework and supponrting masterplans, the most recent of which is focussed on Croydon's historic Old Town. Design quality, the protection and enhancement of Croydon's rich and varied built heritage and the importance of local character are central to the delivery of this change. This post offers a unique and excit ing opportunity to join Croydon's Spatial Planning Service, which brings together the disciplines of planning policy, architecture, urban design, conservation and landscapes architecture to support a coordinated approach to the planning and delivery of appropriate and sustainable development over the next 20 years + info: http://

    Job Offer - HRBA updates - St James, Liverpool - seeking an architectural consultant St James, Liverpool, grade 2* l isted had been closed for 30 years. In May 2010 St James was off icial ly handed over from The Churches Conservation Trust to Liverpool Diocese. The vision of the St James Heritage & Hope project is to transform a derelict Grade II* l isted Church building into a welcoming and usable space, for the benefit of the local community. It is to inspire people to re-discover the hidden heritage held within St James, to celebrate its history, diversity and character, to benefit from its rich cultural heritage, bringing hope to a new generation.

    A stage one bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund was submitted on the 14th February 2014. They are now seeking to appoint an Architectural Consultant for the restoration of a Grade II Church building and a new linked Heritage Centre estimated build cost 2.5m. + info:

    Job Offer - Post Doctoral Research Associate with a specialism in geoarchaeology - University of York (United Kingdom) Deadline: 4 April The AAREA Project (The Archaeology of Agricultural Resil ience in Eastern Africa) is funded by a European Research Council Starting Grant, and is hosted by the Department of Archaeology at the University of York in partnership with the Geography Department at Durham University, with research collaborators across Europe and east Africa. The project seeks to employ a Post Doctoral Research Associate (or a researcher with the equivalent of doctoral levels of experience) with a specialism in geoarchaeology to form a pivotal role within this research team. The
  • Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo[28/03/2014 12:20:27]

    post is for a f ixed-term contract to the end of January 2018 + info: https://

    Job Offers - English Heritage: Inspector Historic Buildings and Areas (United Kingdom) Closing date for applications: 1 April 2014 This is an opportunity for an Inspector of Historic Buildings and Areas to join our Development Management team based in Manchester. You wil l deliver English Heritage advice in response to pre-application and formal consultations across the diverse and fascinating historic environment of the North West. This is an opportunity to use your extensive knowledge of architectural history and apply it creatively using our ethos of Constructive Conservation to help manage change to the most signif icant heritage assets in our region. You wil l be responsible for a heavy workload of consultations and manage the performance and development of an Assistant Inspector while supporting the Heritage At Risk and Historic Places teams deliver their objectives. + info: http://

    Job Offer - Penang Heritage Trust Director Penang Heritage Trust is a heritage conservation advocacy group actively working to preserve the George Town World Heritage Site as well as other aspects of Penangs cultural and natural heritage through public advocacy, educational programmes and cultural mapping. The Penang Heritage Trust (PHT) seeks a director to implement the strategic goals and objectives of the organization. This individual must be creative and have a passion for heritage safeguarding and preservation. The individual should have programme development experience to sustain the organizations funding needs through

    membership and corporate sponsorship, and the leadership experience and skil ls to manage staff and volunteers. This individual wil l be responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization and its f iduciary needs. + info:

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  • Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio[28/03/2014 12:20:29]

    Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio

    News Agenda Publications


    Histrica visita del presidente chino Xi Jinping a la UNESCO El presidente de la Repblica Popular China, Xi Jinping, se convirt i hoy en el primer jefe de Estado chino en visitar la UNESCO. El presidente Xi y la primera dama, Peng Liyuan, fueron recibidos en la sede parisiense de la Organizacin por la Directora General, Ir ina Bokova, que describi la visita como histrica e hizo votos por que se fortalezcan an ms los lazos que unen a China y a la UNESCO. Irina Bokova destac que los lazos que unen a China y la UNESCO se han fortalecido mucho estos lt imos aos. + info: ima/communities/single-


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  • Arquitectura de tierra[28/03/2014 12:20:30]

    Arquitectura de tierra

    News Agenda Publications


    World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP) Earthen architecture is one of the most original and powerful expressions of our abil i ty to create a built environment with readily available resources. It includes a great variety of structures, ranging from mosques, palaces and granaries, to historic city centres, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites. Its cultural importance throughout the world is evident and has led to its consideration as a common heritage of humankind, therefore deserving protection and conservation by the international community. In 2011, over 10% of the World Heritage properties incorporate earthen structures. The availabil i ty and economic quality of the material mean it bears great potential to contribute to

    poverty alleviation and sustainable development. + info: began February 22, 2003 as the online research of Ronald Raelan architect and Assistant Professor at the University of California Berkeley. The compilation of the research on the earth architecture website led to the publication of Earth Architecture (Princeton Architectural Press, 2008, paperback edit ion, 2010), which examines the contemporary history of the oldest and most widely used building material on the planetdirt. The research was funded by the Graham Foundation for Constructed Topographies: Earth Architecture in the Landscape of Modernity, and the Architectural League of New York's Deborah Norden Competit ion for Wadi Hadramut: Cit ies of Earth. + info: Agenda International Conference on Conservation of Stone and Earthen Architectural Heritage 20 mayo - 23 mayo 2014 Gongju. Repblica de Corea Organizadores: ICOMOS-ISCS Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 1 ago 2013 + info:

    XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti" 12 junio - 14 junio 2014 Capri. Ital ia Organizadores: Seconda Universit degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 20 ene 2014 + info: http://www.leviedeimercanti. i t /2014eng Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.

    Jornadas Internacionales de reflexin en patrimonio cultural 2014 "Tradicin y contemporaneidad" 04 septiembre - 05 septiembre 2014 Bogot D.C.. Colombia Organizadores: Facultad de Ciencias del Hbitat - Universidad de la Salle Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 17 abr 2014 + info: Enviado por miembro FUUP: Saravi, Jorge (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)

    VerSus 2014 - Congreso internacional sobre las Lecciones de la arquitectura verncula para la sostenibilidad 11 septiembre - 13 septiembre 2014 Valencia. Espaa Organizadores: Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, Instituto Universitario de Restauracin del Patrimonio, Escuela Superior Galleacia (Portugal) Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 15 ene 2013 + info: Enviado por miembro FUUP: Vegas, Fernando. Espaa Publicaciones

    Terracruda e nanotecnologie. Tradizione, innovazione e sostenibilit Curatore: Francesca Scalisi; Cesare Sposito
  • Arquitectura de tierra[28/03/2014 12:20:30]

    ISBN-13 9788854860445 Editore: Aracne - Collana: Esempi di architettura Ao: 2013 Gi con i l Programma di r icerca nazionale PRIN 2006, dall 'Unit di Ricerca UR/1, che fa capo all 'Universit degli Studi di Palermo, era stata affrontata la ricerca sui material i composit i nanostrutturati, mirati al recupero e alla conservazione del

    patrimonio architettonico. E con Alberto Sposito, co-ordinatore nazionale e responsabile di una unit di r icerca, erano l 'unit chimico-fisica di Palermo e l 'unit che faceva capo all 'universit di Messina. Con i fondi assegnati da tale PRIN l 'Unit di Palermo ha organizzato nel 2009 i l I Convegno Internazionale dal t i tolo "Nanotech for architecture: innovative technologies, techniques and nanostructured materials", i cui att i sono stati pubblicati da Luciano Editore (2009). Inoltre, lo stesso anno e con gli stessi t ipi sono state pubblicate le risultanze della ricerca con i l t i tolo "Nanotecnologie & nanomaterial i per l 'architettura". + info: Enviado por miembro FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia (Ital ia / Italy / Ital ie)

    Earth Architecture By Ronald Rael ISBN 9781568987675 University of California, Berkeley Ao: 2008 Currently it is estimated that one half of the world's population--approximately three bil l ion people on six continents--l ives or works in buildings constructed of earth. And while the vast legacy of tradit ional and vernacular earthen construction has been

    widely discussed, l i t t le attention has been paid to the contemporary tradit ion of earth architecture. Author Ronald Rael, founder of provides a history of building with earth in the modern era, focusing particularly on projects constructed in the last few decades that use rammed earth, mud brick, compressed earth, cob, and several other interesting techniques. Earth Architecture presents a selection of more than 40 projects that exemplify new, creative uses of the oldest building material on the planet + info:

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  • Pintura Rupestre[28/03/2014 12:20:31]

    Arte rupestre y patrimonio prehistrico

    News Agenda Publications

    Noticias Laboratoire de recherche des monuments historiques de Champs sur Marne - France Cre en 1970, l init iative de Jean Taralon, inspecteur gnral des monuments historiques Un service comptence nationale du Ministre de la Culture et de la communication (direction gnrale des patrimoines, sous-direction des monuments historiques). Un laboratoire ddi la recherche sur la conservation des monuments protgs au titre des monuments historiques. Un centre de documentation avec des bases de donnes sur la conservation du patrimoine culturel (bibliographie et images), accessibles sur Internet + info: l_fi les/patrima/docs-evenements/8juin2011/PDF/LRMH-8juin2011.pdf

    Ancient Buddhist caves in China could turn to sand Urgent conservation work is needed to save a series of caves in northwest China containing ancient murals by Buddhist monks, which are threatened with destruction from the forces of nature. + info:

    Dcouverte des premiers dinosaures d'Arabie Saoudite ..."Les fossiles de dinosaures sont extrmement rares dans la pninsule arabique, avec seulement une poigne d'os trs fragments rpertoris jusqu'ici. Cette dcouverte est importante non seulement en raison de l 'endroit o les vestiges ont t trouvs, mais aussi en raison de leur possibil i t tre identif is. En effet, ce sont les premiers dinosaures taxonomiquement reconnaissables signals dans la pninsule arabique", souligne Dr Benjamin Kear de l 'universit d'Uppsala qui est galement le directeur de ce projet. + info:

    Los europeos de hace 7.000 aos tenan piel oscura y ojos azules La secuenciacin del genoma de restos humanos del Mesolt ico, encontrados en un yacimiento leons, revela que los antiguos cazadores recolectores europeos tenan los ojos claros y la piel oscura, una combinacin que no existe en la Europa actual. Es la primera vez que se recupera ADN completo de un individuo del viejo continente que vivi antes del Neolt ico. + info:

    Gastornis: un oiseau gant herbivore successeur des dinosaures Quelques mil l ions d'annes aprs l extinction des grands dinosaures, et avant la domination des mammifres, les plus grands animaux terrestres vivant en Europe taient des oiseaux. Le rgime alimentaire de ces colosses nomms Gastornis fait dbat depuis plus de vingt ans. Une nouvelle tude combinant des analyses morphologiques et gochimiques ont permis de trancher : Gastornis tait herbivore. Ce rsultat, issu de la collaboration entre plusieurs quipes franaises coordonnes par Delphine Angst du Laboratoire de Gologie de Lyon : Terre, plante et environnement vient dtre publi dans le journal Naturwissenschaften.

    + info:

    New analyses verify the use of fire by Peking Man- China Zhoukoudian Locality in northern China has been widely known for the discovery of the Middle Pleistocene human ancestor Homo erectus pekinensis (known as Peking Man) since the 1920s. By 1931, the suggestion that the Zhoukoudian hominins could use and control f ire had become widely accepted. However, some analyses have cast doubt on this assertion as sil iceous aggregate (an insoluble phase of burned ash) was not present in ash remains recovered from the site. New analyses of four ash samples retrieved from different posit ions of Zhoukoudian Locality 1 during the excavations carried out in 2009, present evidence for the controlled use of f ire by Peking Man,

    according to an article published in the journal Chinese Science Bulletin 59. + info:

    The nuraghe, an ancient building - Italy The word nurac, as Atti l io Mastino says in his report about a latin monumentary inscription of the I cent. A.D., written on the the nuraghe Aidu Entosarchitrave, appears for the first t ime in the epigraph as nurac and could be related to the protosardo nickname used to define the megalithic building. Before this period it was called Protonuraghe. The word proto comes from the Greek prtos, meaning f irst, original; a protonuraghe is a building believed to be the ancestor of a nuraghe. In the same way, the word protosardo stands for the language spoken before the sardo language

    + info:

    Opration Grand Site Valle de la Vzre - France Retrouver la revue de presse du projet Grand Site Valle de la Vzre et l 'actualit des autres Grands Sites sur le l ien suivant.
  • Pintura Rupestre[28/03/2014 12:20:31]

    + info: Agenda Exposition - Si la vie nous tait conte : les Gabonionta 12 marzo - 30 junio 2014 Viena. Espaa Organizadores: Musum national d'histoire naturelle de Vienne + info:

    XII International Forum of Studies "Le Vie dei Mercanti" 12 junio - 14 junio 2014 Capri. Ital ia Organizadores: Seconda Universit degli Studi di Napoli and BENECON SCaRL Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 20 ene 2014 + info: http://www.leviedeimercanti. i t /2014eng Enviado por miembro FUUP: CIAMBRONE, Alessandro.

    Primer Congreso Nacional de Arte Rupestre 10 septiembre - 12 septiembre 2014 Rosario, Santa Fe. Argentina Organizadores: Universidad Nacional de Rosario Contacto: [email protected] + info: Enviado por miembro FUUP: Ftima Rut SOLOMITA BANFI. Argentina Publicaciones

    Painted Caves - Palaeolithic Rock Art in Western Europe By Andrew J. Lawson ISBN: 9780199698226 Ao: 2012 Painted Caves, a beautiful ly i l lustrated introduction to the oldest art of Western Europe, charts the historical background to the acceptance of a Palaeolithic age for the very ancient paintings found in caves. Offering an up-to-date overview of the geographical distribution of the sites found in southern France and the Iberian Peninsula, and examples known in Britain, Italy,

    Romania, and Russia, Lawson's expert study is not restricted to the art in caves, but places this art alongside the engravings and sculptures found both on portable objects and on rock faces in the open air. Written from an archaeological perspective, the volume stresses how the individual images cannot be considered in isolation, but should rather be related to their location and other evidence that might provide clues to their signif icance. Although many scholars have put forward ideas as to the meaning and function of the art, Lawson discusses some of the substantive theories and offers glimpses of his own experience in the field and enduring fascination for the subject + info:

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  • Biodiversidad[28/03/2014 12:20:34]


    News Agenda Publications

    Noticias Creacin de la reserva natural de Chaumes de Verniller - Francia El decreto del 13 de febrero de 2014 que crea la reserva natural nacional de Chaumes de Vernil ler fue publicado al Boletn Oficial el 15 de febrero de 2014. La reserva est situada en la Champagne berrichonne, en la zona periurbana de Bourges en el Cher, y cubre una superficie total de aproximadamente 81 hectreas. Se encuentra en el corazn de la zona industrial de las orqudeas, entre dos empresas de armamento + info: ler-20814.php4#xtor=EPR-1

    Digitalizador para registro de dados sobre biodiversidade (Brasil) O Ncleo de Pesquisa em Biodiversidade e Computao (BioComp) e o Laboratrio de Automao Agrcola (LAA) do Departamento de Engenharia de Computao e Sistemas Digitais (PCS) da Escola Politcnica da Universidade de So Paulo (Poli/USP) lanou a Biodiversity Data Digit izer (BDD), ferramenta desenvolvida para facil i tar a digital izao, manipulao e publicao de dados sobre biodiversidade. O digital izador tem como objetivo construir bancos de dados, em laboratrios e instituies, mais completos e organizados e que permitam a interao e manipulao simples dos dados, especialmente aqueles coletados em

    campo e em pequenas colees, que no justif iquem ou necessitem de um software de gerenciamento de colees + info:

    Etude du Killifish pour comprendre l'volution des espces ...La question fondamentale de ce projet est ds lors de comprendre comment des mcanismes pigntiques peuvent palier ce manque de diversit gntique afin d'expliquer l 'extraordinaire facult d'adaptation de cette espce et de comprendre les mcanismes volutifs sous- jacents. Afin d'atteindre ces objectifs, plusieurs analyses de pointe seront ralises en partenariat avec des laboratoires amricains l 'Universit de Californie Davis (Prof. Keltz et Prof. Whitehead) ainsi qu' l 'Universit d'Alabama (Prof. Earley). + info:

    Marine Scholarship for International Students in China - Deadline: 30 April 2014 The ocean, covering about 71% of the Earths surface, plays a primary role in addressing the climate change and supporting the global economy, trade and l ivelihood. The sustainable ocean development has direct impact on the development and prosperity of al l coastal countries now and in the future. And it has become an inexorable trend worldwide that through international cooperation and exchange we should deepen our understanding of the ocean and promote sustainable ocean development to enhance regional and global economic prosperity. Under this consideration, the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the Ministry of Education of China jointly init iate the program of Marine Scholarship of China

    (hereinafter called the Scholarship) for the purpose of providing financial support to outstanding students from the coastal countries or regions around the South China Sea, the Pacif ic and the Indian Oceans and African developing countries to study in China for a masters or doctoral degree in oceanography or other related specialt ies, cult ivating advanced professionals of the related fields for developing countries, enhancing international marine cooperation and exchange, and promoting the harmonious ocean development in the region and around the world. China Scholarship Council (CSC) is in charge of the admissions and routine management of the Scholarship. + info:

    Argentinos que salvan elefantes No es el ttulo de una pelcula, es la realidad que nos golpea a la cara, los elefantes africanos pueden desaparecer de la faz de la t ierra en 10 aos si no se trabaja para evitarlo, su mayor enemigo es el hombre, que los mata por un par de colmil los que sern vendidos en el mercado asitico para la realizacin de diversas piezas de adorno que marcan la escala social de cada famil ia, en una sociedad hper avanzada en tecnologa y que mantiene estas inexplicables y estpidas tradiciones. Nicols Davio suea con Salvar a los elefantes o al menos aportar sus conocimientos y adentrarse en un

    continente l leno de peligros para ayudarlos. Pero no es fcil porque no hay sponsor para una misin como esta. El es mdico veterinario, Medalla de Oro por los excelentes promedios en la Facultad de Veterinaria de la Universidad de La Plata, es baraderense y el ao pasado estuvo trabajando y estudiando tres meses en frica, ayer fue portada de la Revista del Diario La Nacin + info: Enviado por miembro FUUP: Pataro, Mara Susana (Argentina / Argentina / Argentine)

    Whales Mean Business Whalefest, coming up on 14-16 March in Brighton, UK, is now in its third year and, as a rapidly growing sector of tourism around the world, from Madeira to Monterey, South Africa to Scotland, it is an event many countries should consider attending and learning from. + info:

    Kew's Millennium Seed Bank - United Kingdom
  • Biodiversidad[28/03/2014 12:20:34]

    Kew is a global resource for plant knowledge. Our scientif ic expertise is focused on plant and fungi identif ication and naming, comparative plant and fungal biology, plant and fungi conservation and health, plus determination of ecosystem services provided by plants and fungi. All our work contributes essential knowledge addressing the global challenges of biodiversity loss, food security, poverty, disease and the changing climate.

    + info: lennium-seed-bank

    Ambassadeurs du patrimoine Biodiversit et paysages -- France Le rseau des ambassadeurs du patrimoine Biodiversit et Paysages l init iative du Syndicat Mixte pour la protection et la gestion de la Camargue Gardoise runit les acteurs du tourisme engags dans une dmarche de prservation du patrimoine naturel et de transmission de connaissances leurs visiteurs. Par leurs engagements, les membres du rseau assurent le respect des mil ieux naturels dans lesquels i ls exercent leurs activits culturelles et sportives.

    + info: Agenda 33e Congrs des rserves naturelles de France "Les Pyrnes-Orientales l'honneur" 09 abri l - 12 abri l 2014 Argels sur mer. Francia Organizadores: Rserves Naturelles de France (RNF); le Conseil Gnral des Pyrnes-Orientales et La Rgion Languedoc Roussil lon Contacto: Lela BONNET - [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 8 mar 2014 + info:

    Congreso Mundial de Parques Los Parques, la gente y el planeta: soluciones inspiradoras 12 noviembre - 19 noviembre 2014 Sydney. Australia Organizadores: UICN - Unin Internacional para la Conservacin de la Naturaleza Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 jun 2014 + info: Publicaciones

    Larbre champtre, premire matire Arbre &Paysage 32 France : Association Arbre &Paysage 32 Ao: 2014 Lassociation Arbre &Paysage 32, oprateur de terrain pour les arbres de pays et l agroforesterie , vient de publier un l ivret destin faire dcouvrir ou rappeler le rle dun arbre champtre dans la transformation et la synthse de la matire dans son environnement ainsi que dans son amlioration.

    + info: iches-thematiques/l ivret-Arbre-matiere-premiere-AP32-Arbre-et-Paysage-agroforesterie.pdf

    AfriMAB: les rserves de biosphre en Afrique subsaharienne, prsentation du dveloppement durable = AfriMAB: Biosphere Reserves in Sub-Saharan Africa; showcasing sustainable development Pool-Stanvliet, Ruida; Clsener-Godt, Miguel Pretoria,South Africa: Department of Environmental Affairs; Paris, France: UNESCO ISBN 978-0-620-57142-5 (francs); 978-0-620-57141-8 (ingls) Ao: 2013 Cette publication reprsente une contribution importante des rserves de biosphre africaines envers l 'excution du

    programme MAB sur le continent africain. This publication represents an important contribution of African biosphere reserves towards the implementation of the MAB Programme on the continent of Africa. + info:

    Panorama des services cologiques fournis par les milieux naturels en France - Volume 2.3 : les cosystmes urbains Rdaction : Marion Pguin et Justine Delangue, sous la coordination de Sbastien Moncorps, directeur du Comit franais de l UICN, et de Guil lemette Rolland, prsidente de la Commission Gestion des cosystmes Paris, France : UICN France, 2013 ISBN 978-2-918105- 22-0 Ao: 2013 Aprs les cosystmes forestiers, le Comit franais de l UICN publie aujourdhui une nouvelle brochure sur les services

    cologiques fournis par les cosystmes urbains franais (mtropole et outre-mer). Aprs une prsentation de l cosystme concern et de ses spcif icits, sont i l lustrs l ensemble des services selon la typologie dfinie dans le Mil lennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) : support, approvisionnement, rgulation, culturel. + info:

    Biodiversit dOutre-mer : une exceptionnelle richesse et une responsabilit mondiale de la France pour la protection de la plante Ouvrage coordonn par Olivier Gargominy et Aurlie Bocquet Codit par les dit ions Roger Le Guen et le Comit franais de l UICN avec le soutien du Ministre des Outre-mer, du Centre National du Livre, de l Office National des Forts et de la Fondation Nature et Dcouvertes. ISBN 978-2- 915964-06-6 Ao: 2013

    Le Comit franais de l UICN publie Biodiversit dOutre-mer un ouvrage de rfrence prsentant les dernires connaissances scientif iques sur la biodiversit terrestre et marine des collectivits franaises doutre-mer ainsi que les actions mises en uvre pour la protger. Grce la contribution de plus de 150 experts, i l permet de mesurer les efforts accomplis depuis dix ans et de souligner les dfis restant relever pour la
  • Biodiversidad[28/03/2014 12:20:34]

    conservation de la biodiversit. + info:

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  • Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas[28/03/2014 12:20:37]

    Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas

    News Agenda Publications


    Acidificacin de los ocanos: la experiencia eFoce se presentar en marzo Hasta la primavera de 2015, los cientf icos de la experiencia eFoce se interesarn por los impactos de la acidif icacin de los ocanos sobre plantas acuticas y sobre pequeos organismos que viven en las cercanas. Inicialmente programada para finales del ao pasado, la experiencia eFoce, la observacin de los impactos de la acidif icacin del ocano, f inalmente se presentar en marzo. "En Navidad sufrimos una tempestad devastadora en la rada: un pedazo de armazn de un barco varado

    choc y destruy uno de nuestros acuarios, estamos en el perodo de reconstruccin", explica Frdric Gazeau, coordinador del proyecto, investigador en el laboratorio de Oceanografa de Vil lefranche. Los futuros sistemas sern diseados para ser retirados ms fcilmente, con el f in de evitar este t ipo de inconvenientes. Las experiencias deberan tener lugar hasta la primavera de 2015 + info: ication-oceans-efoce-20861.php4

    Articulacin de las reglas francesas relativas a la calidad de las aguas interiores y de las aguas marinas Francia Mientras que Francia es destacada por Bruselas por la mala calidad de sus aguas marinas, el Ministerio de Ecologa public el 24 de febrero una instruccin relativa a la articulacin entre la directiva-marco sobre el agua (DCE) y la directiva-marco estratgica para el medio marino (DCSMM). El texto est destinado concretamente a los prefectos, a Onema, a las agencias del agua, a Ansas, a Ifremer y al CNRS. Esta instruccin responde a la voluntad de la Comisin Europea de vincular ambos disposit ivos, dado el fuerte lazo que existe entre la calidad de las aguas interiores y de las aguas marinas. El ejemplo de la proliferacin de las algas verdes sobre las costas bretonas a causa de la presencia excesiva de nitratos en los ros evidencia + info: ime-interieure-nitrates-directive-sdage-pamm-dce-dsmm-20892.php4

    Economie et espaces naturels Depuis sa cration en 1975, le Conservatoire a dpens environ 800 M pour l 'acquisit ion de sites. Chaque anne, i l investit prs dune vingtaine de mil l ions d'euros pour l 'acquisit ion de nouveaux terrains et environ 10 M pour leur restauration ou leur entretien. Le Conservatoire et ses gestionnaires lvent des financements complmentaires (Europe, collectivits, agences de l eau entreprises et fondations mcnes, particuliers) hauteur de 10 20 M par an. Les gestionnaires des sites investissent galement en finanant l entretien et la surveil lance des sites. Le domaine protg, 154.000 ha ce jour, dgage un peu plus de 1,2 M par an de redevances d'occupation ou d'usage. + info: http://www.conservatoire-du-l i t

    Bon tat cologique du milieu marin : Bruxelles tire la sonnette d'alarme La Commission europenne dresse un bilan alarmant de l 'application de la directive, entre en vigueur en 2008, visant un bon tat cologique des mers de l 'UE en 2020. Bruxelles pointe le manque d'ambition des Etats membres dont la France. La Commission europenne a publi le 20 fvrier un rapport dressant un premier bilan de l 'application de la directive europenne ' 'Stratgie pour le mil ieu marin' ' par les Etats membres, visant parvenir un ' 'bon tat cologique' ' des mers et des ocans de l 'UE d'ici 2020

    + info: ieu-marin-mer-europe-france-20875.php4#xtor=EPR-1

    Reviving the Dead Sea requires new approach scientists say Why scientists question the longstanding plan to merge the Dead Sea and the Red Sea. Half a l i fetime ago, in 1979, I traveled with my college roommate to one of the wonders of the world, a giant salt lake l inking Israel and Jordan called the Dead Sea. We arrived at the nearby Ein Gedi Spa at the foot of the Judean Hil ls, donned swimsuits, and took a short stroll into an expanse of ir idescent blue 10 times salt ier than the Atlantic back home. I splayed my arms and legs and bobbed in the sun l ike a buoy, unsinkable in a legendary pool revered for its healing properties 1,338 feet below sea level, the lowest spot on Earth. + info: http://nauti l .us/issue/10/mergers--acquisit ions/the-dead-sea-l ives

    Whales means business Whalefest, coming up on 14-16 March in Brighton, UK, is now in its third year and, as a rapidly growing sector of tourism around the world, from Madeira to Monterey, South Africa to Scotland, it is an event many countries should consider attending and learning from. + info:

    Postgraduate Scholarships for Ghanaian and Nigerian Students in United Kingdom - Deadline: 31 The Science Faculty is delighted to offer a number of scholarships for Ghanaian and Nigerian students. The scholarships wil l be in the form of 20% fee reduction from any tuit ion fee but please note, i t cannot be taken in conjunction with any other fee reduction or bursary offered by the University. The scholarship is a one-off award towards a one year Masters fees and is non-renewable and only valid for study on the courses.
  • Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas[28/03/2014 12:20:37]

    Scholarships are provided within the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (Engineering Geology, Geological and Environmental Hazards, Environmental Geology and Contamination & Crisis and Disaster Management) and Department of Geography (Geographical Information Systems and Coastal and Marine Resource Management) at University of Portsmouth. + info:

    Marine Scholarship for International Students in China - Deadline: 30 April 2014 The ocean, covering about 71% of the Earths surface, plays a primary role in addressing the climate change and supporting the global economy, trade and l ivelihood. The sustainable ocean development has direct impact on the development and prosperity of al l coastal countries now and in the future. And it has become an inexorable trend worldwide that through international cooperation and exchange we should deepen our understanding of the ocean and promote sustainable ocean development to enhance regional and global economic prosperity. Under this consideration, the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the Ministry of Education of China jointly init iate the program of Marine Scholarship of China

    (hereinafter called the Scholarship) for the purpose of providing financial support to outstanding students from the coastal countries or regions around the South China Sea, the Pacif ic and the Indian Oceans and African developing countries to study in China for a masters or doctoral degree in oceanography or other related specialt ies, cult ivating advanced professionals of the related fields for developing countries, enhancing international marine cooperation and exchange, and promoting the harmonious ocean development in the region and around the world. China Scholarship Council (CSC) is in charge of the admissions and routine management of the Scholarship. + info:

    Con nuevo Parque Marino Tic-Toc Chile da un paso decisivo en la conservacin de su mar y de especies emblemticas como la ballena azul La proteccin de uno de los ecosistemas ms prstinos del sur del mundo, cuya salud es clave para la vida de ballenas azules y un sinnmero de otras especies, y la proyeccin del desarrollo sustentable de la comunidad de Ral Marn Balmaceda, podrn hacerse efectivas gracias a la creacin de una zona de proteccin marina de 87.500 ha, la ms grande de Chile continental. Se trata de un potente mosaico de conservacin integrado por el Parque Marino Tic-Toc y el rea Marina Costera

    Protegida (AMCP) de Pit ipalena, el cual se ubica entre la costa de la provincia de Palena y la comuna de Puerto Cisnes, en el Golfo de Corcovado + info:

    Directive tudes d'impacts: la pollution sonore sous-marine prise en compte Les ONG saluent le vote des eurodputs qui prennent en compte les impacts de la prospection ptrolire offshore sur la biodiversit marine dans la nouvelle directive relative l 'valuation des incidences sur l 'environnement. + info:

    Le corail rouge - Un modle de biominralisation Un joyau de la Mditerrane. Le corail rouge est le squelette de Corall ium rubrum, un organisme colonial avec de nombreux polypes. + info:

    Les mystres des nuits polaires Que se passe-t-i l sous la surface de l 'ocan lors de cette longue nuit polaire qui s'tale de novembre mars ? Est-ce que les espces marines ont des capacits optiques particulires pour voir dans le noir ? Ce sont ces questions qui ont pousses le professeur Jorgen Berge (University of Arctic, Tromso et University Centre in Svalbard), Geir Johnsen (NTNU et UNIS) et Asgeir Sorensen (NTNU) participer l 'encadrement de deux cours interdisciplinaires organiss par l 'UNIS et l 'Universit de Tromso. + info:

    Etude de frquentation et de mobilit sur le Grand Site Baie de Somme - France La Baie de Somme est une destination Nature connue et rpute pour ses grands espaces, une faune et une flore prserves. En tant quanimateur et gestionnaire du label Grand Site, le Syndicat Mixte a souhait disposer dlments tangibles : combien de visiteurs accueil lons- nous chaque anne sur les espaces de nature ? qui vient ? quelles sont les attentes ? comment les visiteurs se dplacent t- i ls? Une tude de frquentation touristique et de mobil i t a t lance en 2013 et fait chos une prcdente tude mene en 2002. Les rsultats nous permettrons danalyser l volution de la frquentation, dadapter les amnagements (parking,

    signaltique, etc.) afin de mieux accueil l ir les visiteurs sans altrer la prservation des espaces fragiles. + info: Agenda Summer School - Russian Culture in Baltic Nature 27 junio - 08 jul io 2014 Several cit ies, Estonia &. Federacin de Rusia Organizadores: The European University at St Petersburg Contacto: russianculturebalt [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 15 mar 2014 + info: ic2013-en

    Tenth International Training Workshop on Integrated Coastal Management in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (MEDCOAST Institute 2014) 26 agosto - 11 septiembre 2014 Dalyan. Turqua Organizadores: MEDCOAST Foundation Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 may 2014
  • Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas[28/03/2014 12:20:37]

    + info: Enviado por miembro FUUP: zhan, Erdal (Turqua / Turkey / Turquie)

    V International Conference EuroMed 2014 "Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection" 03 noviembre - 08 noviembre 2014 Limassol. Chipre Organizadores: lynvCode, CIPA, ISPRS, Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO, Cyprus Library, ArchiSystems LTD, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus Computer Society, Cyprus Tourism Organisation, Department of Antiquit ies, CIOFF- CYPRUS NATIONAL SECTION and CYBC Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 may 2014 + info:

    Congreso Mundial de Parques Los Parques, la gente y el planeta: soluciones inspiradoras 12 noviembre - 19 noviembre 2014 Sydney. Australia Organizadores: UICN - Unin Internacional para la Conservacin de la Naturaleza Contacto: [email protected] FECHA LMITE: 30 jun 2014 + info:


    Panorama des services cologiques fournis par les milieux naturels en France - VOLUME 2.2 : Les cosystmes marins et ctier Rdaction : Marion Pguin et Justine Delangue, sous la coordination de Sbastien Moncorps, directeur du Comit franais de l UICN, et de Guil lemette Rolland, prsidente de la Commission Gestion des cosystmes Paris : UICN France / ISBN 978-2-918105-21-3 Ao: 2014 Aprs les cosystmes forestiers et les cosystmes urbains, le Comit franais de l UICN publie aujourdhui une nouvelle

    brochure sur les services cologiques fournis par les cosystmes marins et ctiers franais (mtropole et outre-mer). Aprs une prsentation de l cosystme concern et de ses spcif icits, sont i l lustrs l ensemble des services selon la typologie dfinie dans le Mil lennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) : support, approvisionnement, rgulation, culturels. + info:

    Mondes marins : Voyage insolite au coeur des ocans DAVID, Bruno; OZOUF, Catherine. Prface : Isabelle AUTISSIER Collection Beaux Livres ISBN 978-2-7491-3395-9 Ao: 2014 Des spcialistes des mondes marins issus des laboratoires du CNRS, des universits et d'autres organismes de recherche franais dressent un tat des l ieux des ocans en prsentant les travaux mens dans ce domaine et tracent les voies

    prospectives de recherche pour les annes venir. Un l ivre pour tous les amoureux de l 'ocan ! Un ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Bruno David et Catherine Ozouf-Costaz et Marc Troussell ier Institut cologie et environnement (INEE) du CNRS. + info:

    The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology Edited by Alexis Catsambis, Ben Ford, and Donny L. Hamilton ISBN: 9780199336005 Ao: 2013 The Oxford Handbook of Marit ime Archaeology is a comprehensive survey of the field as seen through the eyes of nearly f i f ty scholars at a t ime when marit ime archaeology has established itself as a mature branch of archaeology. This volume draws on many of the distinct and universal aspects of marit ime archaeology, bringing them together under four main themes: the research

    process, ships and shipwrecks, marit ime and nautical culture, and issues of preservation and management + info: ime-archaeology-9780199336005

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  • Bosques[28/03/2014 12:20:38]


    News Agenda Publications


    Universit della Montagna e Federforeste sottoscrivono convenzione di collaborazione scientifica I l Ge.S.Di.Mont. (Centro Interdipartimentale per la Gestione Sostenibile e la Difesa della Montagna) - Universit della Montagna di Edolo, sede distaccata dell Universit degli studi di Milano e Federforeste (Federazione Ital iana delle Comunit Forestali) hanno formalizzato un accordo, sottoscrivendo una Convenzione di collaborazione scientif ica. La collaborazione nasce dalla comune sensibil i t relativa alle problematiche tipiche dell area montana, con particolare riferimento al settore agricolo e forestale, in un ott ica di individuazione delle multifunzionalit, valorizzazione delle produzioni agro-alimentari tradizionali e sviluppo economico sostenibile

    + info:

    Fund invests in Kenya forest project, boosts UN scheme Luxembourg-based Althelia Climate Fund has invested $10 mil l ion in a Kenyan project that is part of a United Nations scheme to take a market-based approach to curbing destruction of forests in developing nations. + info:

    La Grande Muraille Verte : un projet africain qui concerne toute la plante En fvrier dernier, l 'occasion de la 4me dit ion des Trophes du mcnat d'entreprise pour l 'environnement et le dveloppement durable, le ministre de l 'Ecologie, du Dveloppement Durable et de l 'Energie a rcompens 8 projets exemplaires. Parmi ceux-ci, le projet dvelopp par le CNRS et l ' Institut Klorane qui mise sur le potentiel de rsistance et d'adaptation au mil ieu hosti le du Dattier du dsert. Un projet ambitieux de dveloppement durable qui comprend notamment un volet de recherches universitaires sur la restauration cologique et la rgnration forestire + info:

    Agenda Publicaciones REDD+ Global and Regional Programme Support Framework 2011- 2015 The United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countrie (UN-REDD Programme) Ao: 2011 The UN-REDD Programme supports national REDD+ readiness efforts in two ways: (i) direct support to the design and implementation of UN-REDD National Programmes; and (i i) complementary support to national REDD+ action through common approaches, analyses, methodologies, tools, data and best practices developed through the UN-REDD Global Programme. By June 2013, total funding for these two streams of support to countries totaled US$172.4 mil l ion. + info:

    News Agenda Publications

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  • Ciudades y centros histricos. Paisajes urbanos histricos[28/03/2014 12:20:40]

    Ciudades y centros histricos. Paisajes urbanos histricos

    News Agenda Publications


    PPG Place / John Burgee Architects with Philip Johnson - Pittsburgh - USA The design of PPG Place, by Phil ip Johnson and John Burgee, melds the notion of the modern corporate tower with a neo-gothic monument. Clad in almost a mil l ion square feet of glass manufactured by the anchor tenant PPG industries, the architects ingeniously rethought accepted practices in curtain wall design to create the crown jewel in Pittsburghs skyline. (1) The 1.57 mil l ion square foot complex was one in a series of high profi le corporate projects completed during Johnsons controversial foray into postmodernism + info: ip-johnson/

    Miami of India: The Forgotten Capital of Art Deco - Mumbai - Inda While visitors to the Indian capital of entertainment and commerce generally f lock to the citys tourist and world heritage sites, unknown to many, Mumbai has some of the finest examples of original Art Deco edif ices anywhere in the world. A visual feast for the design enthusiast, on the South side of the city, entire clusters of art deco off ice blocks, apartment buildings, hotels and cinemas sti l l remain standing in their t imeless elegance, albeit in need of quite a few l icks of paint. + info:

    Job Offer - Croydon Conservation Officer (United Kingdom) Deadline: 4 April 2014 Croydon is placed to be a major strategic force for growth and transformation in London and the South East. The Council has a vision to deliver signif icant growth and town centre renewal over the next 20 years, as conveyed in the Croydon Local Plan, the Croydon Opportunuty Area Planning Framework and supponrting masterplans, the most recent of which is focussed on Croydon's historic Old Town. Design quality, the protection and enhancement of Croydon's rich and varied built heritage and the importance of local character are central to the delivery of this change. This post offers a unique and excit ing opportunity to join Croydon's Spatial Planning Service, which brings together the disciplines of planning policy, architecture, urban design, conservation and landscapes architecture to support a coordinated approach to the planning and delivery of appropriate and sustainable development over the next 20 years + info: http://

    Call for Papers - Creative Space. University of Chitkara (India) July - December 2014 - Deadline: 15 April "Creative Space" is published using an open access publication model, meaning that all interested readers are able to freely access the journal online at The journal has a distinguished Editorial Board with extensive academic qualif ications, ensuring that the journal maintains high academic standards. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readabil i ty. + info:

    Cape Town : Historic Design Figures and Historic Waterfront Renewal The article is dedicated to a Sou
