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    Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

    Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Mark Wssner

    Management Board: Bernhard Schreier, Vorsitzender Dirk Kaliebe Stephan Plenz Dr. Jrgen Rautert

    Principal place of business: Heidelberg Amtsgericht Mannheim (competent registry court) Commercial Register - HRB 330004 VAT Number DE 143455661

    Commerzbank AG Heidelberg (BLZ 672 400 39) Kto 192264001 IBAN: DE32 6724 0039 0192 2640 01 BIC: COBADEFF672

    Dresdner Bank AG Heidelberg (BLZ 672 800 51) Kto 4 625 109 IBAN: DE98 6728 0051 0462 5109 00 BIC: DRESDEFF672

    Not to be released until the speech starts!

    Speech for the Annual General Meeting of

    Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG

    Thursday, July 23, 2009

    Congress Center Rosengarten, Mannheim

    Bernhard Schreier

    Chief Executive Officer

    The spoken word applies!

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    Sehr geehrte Aktionrinnen und Aktionre,


    Shareholders representatives,

    Representatives of the media,

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    On behalf of the Management Board of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, I wouldlike to welcome you to our Annual General Meeting here in Mannheim where we will

    be reporting on how the company has fared during financial year 2008/2009.

    Market developments

    Since our previous Annual General Meeting a year ago, there have been major

    changes in the world, the world of business, the world of the printing press industry,

    and thus the world of Heidelberg. For months, there has been nothing but doom and

    gloom in the media. Even though we have now just about had our fill of these

    depressing reports, I would like to once again briefly outline the macroeconomic

    developments over the past twelve months. Without understanding these

    developments, it is virtually impossible to correctly assess the current situation at


    The global economy is experiencing its worst crisis since the Second World War,

    and the capital goods industry its worst since the Great Depression 80 years ago.

    Here in Germany our domestic market and also our single most important market

    it is predicted that GDP will shrink by six percent. In other words, the volume of

    goods and services will be down EUR 150 billion on a year ago. We are also seeing

    similarly sharp declines in other industrialized nations.

    The impact of these dramatic developments has been particularly pronounced on

    Germanys strongly export-oriented mechanical engineering companies. Incoming

    orders for the period January to May 2009 were nearly 50 percent down on the

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    same period the previous year and, according to the VDMA the German

    Engineering Federation we are still not through the worst.

    This unprecedented collapse of the economy has hit the printing industry and thus

    press manufacturers especially hard. The amount spent by the advertising industry

    has a major impact on business at the mostly small and medium-sized printshops.

    This industry accounts for around 60 percent of their capacity utilization and

    earnings and therefore has a considerable influence on their investment behavior. In

    times of crisis, however, this industrys spending falls almost like a law of nature

    and during this latest crisis it has plummeted. A decline in advertising expenditure of

    between five and eight percent is expected for the current year.

    As a result, printshops are currently in worse spirits than for many a year, and this

    situation is not unique to Germany. According to a survey by the BVDM the

    German Printing and Media Industries Federation business expectations are

    currently a little brighter, but projected figures are still clearly in the red. This means

    that far more printshops can still expect business to worsen rather than improve

    over the next six months.

    The inevitable consequence of this is that printshops are extremely reluctant to

    order new equipment. The situation being seen in Germany is also mirrored in other

    countries. Whats more, the financial crisis has made banks review the terms

    applying to loans and credit lines, in particular for small and medium-sized

    companies and thus for many printshops. As a result, some printshops would still

    like to invest but are unable to obtain the necessary funds from their bank.

    Current situation / results for financial year 2008/2009

    Chart: Significant decline in orders

    What does this mean for Heidelberg? Business was satisfactory up to the summer

    of 2008. We did of course receive a boost from drupa, the leading industry trade fair

    that is held every four years and took place at the end of May and beginning of June

    2008, once again bringing trade visitors from around the world to Dsseldorf. This

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    event gave us another opportunity to emphasize our excellent position in the


    As you may recall, the second quarter of the financial year brought one of the critical

    points of the financial crisis the collapse of U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers

    and we started to become very aware of our customers reluctance to invest and a

    downturn in business.

    As for quarters three and four, our customers slammed the brakes down hard on

    investments. Taking the average for the two quarters, we only processed orders

    worth EUR 520 million. This is the lowest level for over ten years and represents an

    unprecedented freefall over these two quarters. By way of comparison, the average

    figure for incoming orders during the same quarters the previous year was still

    around EUR 940 million, that is to say almost twice as high.

    Chart: Global economic crisis hits all markets

    For the financial year as a whole, this means that incoming orders slumped by 20percent to EUR 2.91 billion. In the second half of the financial year, customers in

    virtually all markets and regions put their planned investments on ice. Most of our

    largest and most important markets were particularly hard hit. Order levels in the

    U.S., the United Kingdom, and China plummeted by up to 35 percent compared to

    the previous year and the sole reason for there only being a moderate decline of 6

    percent in Germany was the fact that we were able to benefit more from orders

    placed at drupa. Only a handful of smaller markets such as Switzerland, Turkey,

    and the Czech Republic bucked the negative trend and helped slightly reduce theoverall decline. The slump affected both our Press and Postpress divisions to the

    same extent.

    Chart: Divisions

    The Press division our largest sector covers all prepress, sheetfed offset, and

    flexographic printing products, and our web offset sales activities. The extremely

    unfavorable underlying conditions for our customers are the sole cause of results

    being down on the previous year. As things stand, our market share has not

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    decreased on any market. An important factor for the large-format segment, which

    we entered only in the year under review, is that we now have reference presses in

    our key target regions and customers are seeing for themselves just how well they


    The Postpress division covers all postpress operations. The underlying economic

    conditions have also hit postpress business hard, but one positive aspect has been

    the comparatively high demand from packaging printshops for our die-cutters.

    Incoming orders were also up for adhesive binders, thanks in part to new and

    improved products.

    Our comprehensive service, the consumables portfolio, our Prinect workflow

    software, and our remarketed equipment business cover both the press and

    postpress sectors.

    We have been successful in expanding our consumables and services business,

    which is relatively unaffected by economic cycles. Despite the crisis, we were able

    to maintain sales of both consumables and services at a steady level and evenfurther expanded our consumables business through acquisitions. Both incoming

    orders and sales were up for these two areas of business, reaching a level of just

    under EUR 740 million compared to around EUR 700 million in the previous year. In

    the year under review, consumables alone generated sales of around EUR 300

    million compared with approximately EUR 280 million the previous year and thus

    achieved a market share of just under four percent.

    We have grouped together our sales financing services in the Financial Servicesdivision.

    Chart: Financial year 2008/2009

    As a result of the much lower volume of orders, the order backlog at the end of the

    financial year was also down on the previous year, clearly reflecting the way

    business developed over the financial year under review. After the first six months,

    as at September 30, 2008, it was still on a par with the previous year, at around

    EUR 1.2 billion. However, in the second half of the financial year, ending on March

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    31, 2009, the marked reluctance to invest almost halved it to just EUR 650 million.

    At this point, we had orders to last us for the equivalent of 2.6 months, compared

    with 2.9 months the previous year.

    Inevitably, it was a similar story for sales as for incoming orders. At roughly EUR 3

    billion, they were 18 percent down on the previous year and at their lowest level for

    five years. There was an above-average decline in incoming orders and sales in the

    North America, Eastern Europe, and Asia Pacific regions, but a comparatively

    moderate one in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa region, which saw the

    strongest sales.

    The proportion of revenue from emerging markets remained static at around 35

    percent. During the course of the financial crisis, it has been even more difficult to

    obtain loans on these markets than in industrialized nations. Despite this, we are still

    convinced that, in the medium term, the emerging markets offer greater growth

    potential for the print media industry than the traditional industrialized nations.

    Chart: Operating position

    Although we were very quick to introduce cost-cutting measures which I will go

    into in more detail later the very marked decreases in sales also had a hugely

    adverse effect on the result recorded by Heidelberg. Excluding restructuring costs,

    the operating result based on EBIT was EUR -49 million. Including restructuring

    costs, the operating loss was EUR -228 million, compared with an operating profit of

    EUR 268 million the previous year. This development and in particular the

    dimensions the crisis subsequently took on were, Ladies and Gentlemen,unforeseeable.

    In addition to the sharp drop in sales, a number of other factors weighed heavily on

    the result. Chief among these were the high energy and raw material prices at the

    beginning of the financial year, the cost of the series launch of our very large format

    presses, and at least during some phases unfavorable exchange rate


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    Given the extremely difficult underlying conditions, the refinancing requirements at

    Heidelberg also rose sharply in the financial year under review. This was a further

    factor in the worsening of the financial result from EUR -69 million to EUR -119

    million. The end result was a pre-tax loss of EUR -347 million, compared to a pre-tax

    profit of EUR 199 million the previous year. The company recorded a net loss of

    EUR -249 million, also substantially down on the previous years net profit of EUR

    142 million.

    Our weak business situation and high outflow of funds in the first half of the financial

    year affected the free cashflow, too. Following a positive figure of EUR 215 million

    the previous year, it fell into the red by EUR 201 million. In the second half of the

    financial year, however, the cost-cutting measures introduced helped boost the

    inflow of funds.

    Chart: Balance sheet equity and liabilities

    Due to our poor business performance and the negative effects of business

    operations, our financial liabilities also rose sharply. At the end of the financial year,they were EUR 216 million up on the previous year at EUR 760 million. As a result,

    our net financial debt the difference between our financial liabilities and our liquid

    assets grew significantly from EUR 402 million to EUR 681 million.

    Chart: Balance sheet assets

    Details on the individual items on the balance sheet and the profit and loss account

    can be found in our Annual Report.

    Based on the figures I have outlined and the short-term business prospects, the

    Management Board and the Supervisory Board feel it is inappropriate to propose

    paying a dividend for the financial year just closed. We need to transfer a large part

    of the retained earnings to revenue reserves and carry forward the remaining

    amount. This is the logical course of action given the poor underlying economic

    conditions and will help avoid placing a further strain on equity. Having weighed

    these concerns against the interests of our shareholders and the payment of a

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    dividend, we believe it is vital that earnings this year are not distributed and trust that

    you will understand the reasons behind this decision.

    Market positioning

    Ladies and Gentlemen, the past financial year was without doubt one of the worst in

    the more than 150-year history of Heidelberg if not the worst. And let me say

    straight away that things will not get much easier in the current financial year.

    I am reluctant to paint a completely black picture, though. There are some signs,

    albeit small ones, of a light at the end of the tunnel. In April, May, and June,

    incoming orders stabilized at the low level of the previous two quarters. It is currently

    difficult to judge whether this is already a sign of the tide turning. I personally prefer

    to take a cautious approach, all the more since higher incoming orders were mainly

    down to a regional increase resulting from Mays China Print trade fair in Beijing.

    This trade fair is the most important one for us in the region and we were very happy

    with how it went. The downturn appears to have halted for the time being in Chinaand our business there is picking up again. This is not sufficient to compensate for

    the decline in Europe and Asia, though.

    A great deal has changed over the past twelve months. One thing has not changed,

    though. Heidelberg is still setting milestones on the press market. Equipment Made

    by Heidelberg still enjoys an excellent reputation in 170 countries around the globe.

    Despite the extremely difficult conditions, we have succeeded in maintaining our

    market share. One contributory factor has been our new very large format pressesfor sheet widths of 145 and 162 centimeters, which we unveiled last year at drupa.

    We have sold presses in this format class which is ideal for packaging printing

    on all the key markets, including China.

    Critics say that Heidelberg has fared worse than its competitors over the past

    financial year. This is only true if looked at on a superficial level and is rather like

    comparing apples with pears. We are the only one of the big companies in the

    sector three of which are based in southern Germany to focus exclusively on

    sheetfed offset presses. Unfortunately, this type of press is hit very hard and very

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    quickly by economic downturns due to its great dependence on commercial printing

    and the advertising market. Web offset presses, on the other hand, such as our

    competitors also offer, take some time to feel the effects of a downturn.

    Be that as it may, we too are critical of our performance. We know that

    developments over the past twelve months have resulted in us unsettling and

    perhaps even angering a lot of people including our employees, our customers,

    our suppliers, and last but not least our shareholders and owners. That is hardly

    surprising and we understand their reaction. The Heidelberg share price is currently

    around two-thirds down on the same time last year. That is totally unsatisfactory for

    you and for me, too. One of our top priorities must therefore be to regain the trust of

    the diverse groups with an interest in the company, its management, its business

    model, and its shares.

    New financing structure

    Our new financing structure definitely plays a key role in this process. I would like to

    stress one thing straight away. As soon as we saw that the financial crisis wasspreading to the real economy and would thus soon hit the print media industry, i.e.

    in the summer of 2008, we focused our attention on possible cost-cutting measures

    and our financing.

    However, all these efforts proved inadequate in the face of the dramatic

    developments on the markets including the financial markets. Lets make no

    bones about it Heidelberg, like many other companies, fared worse and worse as

    the months went by. Unfortunately, banks are now much more cautious aboutgranting loans than before for very different reasons. When extending credit lines,

    they impose far greater demands in terms of creditworthiness but companies

    naturally tend to be less creditworthy in times of crisis. The economy has been

    caught up in this vicious circle for months, and yet virtually every company will get

    into difficulties sooner or later without loans especially in times such as these.

    Heidelberg is no exception but we have managed to overcome these difficulties

    through a combination of our own efforts and help from the state.

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    Chart: Planned financing structure

    The aim of the new financial structure was to stabilize and restructure our credit

    requirements under fundamentally different underlying economic conditions. As you

    can imagine, an undertaking of this kind is especially difficult in times of crisis. We

    were quick to enter into intensive talks with our banks based on a detailed financing

    concept that essentially corresponded to the previous financing structure in its type,

    scope, and term. Despite the difficult underlying conditions, we succeeded in

    transforming the existing financing structure into a new structure and safeguarding

    the Groups continued liquidity by securing loan pledges in principle from the banks.

    The prerequisite for implementing this concept is that securities be provided as

    stipulated by Economic Stimulus Package II.

    The future financing structure, worth a total of EUR 1.4 billion, now runs over a

    period of three years and originates from three sources. The first is a EUR 550

    million loan with a 90 percent guarantee from the federal government and the states

    of Baden-Wrttemberg and Brandenburg, the second a EUR 300 million loan from

    the KfW the Reconstruction Loan Corporation and the third a EUR 550 millionsyndicated credit line. The federal and state pledges provide us with the framework

    to bridge the current phase, at a time when it is extremely difficult to secure loans

    within the financial system. The banks loan pledges, coupled with the federal and

    state support, thus gives us a solid financial framework.

    Heidelberg was one of the first companies in Germany to receive help from

    Economic Stimulus Package II. The decisive factor was that we fully satisfied the

    criteria for inclusion in this program. These criteria are very strict and clearly defined and I therefore feel it is important to run through them briefly again.

    There are two main conditions to be met. Firstly, companies who wish to be

    considered must have been healthy before the date deemed to mark the start of the

    crisis July 1, 2008 and Heidelberg was. Secondly, only companies that are

    competitive in principle and have positive prospects for the future are eligible and

    Heidelberg does indeed have good prospects, Ladies and Gentlemen.

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    I would like to add that the state has neither simply given us money nor subsidized

    us at the taxpayers expense. The state guarantee and the indemnity against liability

    under the KfW loan created the framework that enabled or if you prefer

    facilitated our refinancing with our commercial banks. It goes without saying that we

    are grateful for this help given the serious nature of the crisis, but a number of

    defined criteria had to be met. We are not simply being given the guarantee and

    indemnity, but are paying standard market charges.

    It was no great surprise that our competitors did not exactly welcome this support.

    Some even claimed it amounted to distortion of competition. This is most certainly

    not the case, Ladies and Gentlemen. At the end of the day, little has changed in

    terms of the overall financing volume.

    Similarly, there are no grounds for assuming as some have that we will now

    lower our prices. Why should we? The package has without doubt been a great help

    in the current situation, but it has not made our financing any less expensive overall

    quite the opposite in fact. For example, the convertible bond, which in all likelihood

    will have to be paid back prematurely next spring and is currently subject to aninterest rate of 3 percent, is being replaced by the KfW loan, which has an interest

    rate more than twice as high. The other loans are also certain to prove expensive.

    This makes further compromises on price impossible. As you can see, any talk of

    distortion of competition is nonsense!

    The new financing structure is certainly not the solution to all our problems, Ladies

    and Gentlemen, but to express it in metaphorical terms although the sea is still

    rough, the cargo is now once again securely stowed and the ship remains on aneven keel.

    Capital structure

    Now that we have secured external financing, we can set about strengthening our

    equity capital base again. In the year under review, the companys equity fell by

    around EUR 400 million to EUR 796 million mainly due to the high net loss. As a

    result, the equity ratio dropped from 34 to 25 percent a worrying development that

    we are keen to turn around.

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    This percentage is clearly too low and should be increased again to an appropriate

    level in the medium term. In order to achieve this, we are open to discussions with

    potential investors of any kind. The decisive factor to start with is not the form of

    potential investors, but their strategic, long-term interest in Heidelberg I repeat:

    strategic, long-term interest. The crucial requirement is thus that investors intend to

    make a long-term commitment to Heidelberg probably like most of the

    shareholders here today.

    We would like to keep open the option of a capital increase for this purpose. We

    already received authorization at last years Annual General Meeting to increase the

    capital stock by a total of 30 percent.

    Under item 6 of todays agenda, the Management Board and Supervisory Board will

    therefore propose increasing the capital stock by a further 20 percent or a total of

    just under EUR 40 million by July 1, 2014 through the issue of new bearer shares.

    The possibility of an equity increase is in no way an indication that the federal andstate guarantees and the KfW loan are inadequate. I am sure shareholders will

    agree that they are indeed adequate. Now that we have reorganized our financing

    structure, both the banks and the federal and state authorities expect us to improve

    our equity capital base.

    A possible capital increase can have a stabilizing effect in a crisis such as the

    present one.The funds from a possible capital increase could reduce the existing

    financial liabilities and thus the high interest payments resulting from the newfinancing structure.This instrument will give Heidelberg the scope for financial

    maneuver over the long term and will also enable it to grasp market opportunities

    quickly and flexibly, and to cover the associated capital requirements in the short

    term. Should you approve this increase, the possible capital expansion would

    amount to 50 percent of the capital stock. This is the upper limit allowed by law and

    should also be kept as an option in the current situation. You will have seen, Ladies

    and Gentlemen, that virtually all companies affected by the crisis are asking their

    shareholders to approve this measure. Achieving a good balance between equity

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    and outside capital is without question in the interests of both the company and its


    Strengthening our equity capital base and obtaining new investors also offers us the

    opportunity to increase our share price on a sustainable basis. I am convinced that

    an equity increase offers greater potential for boosting the share price in the medium

    term than if we were to opt out of such a measure. This applies in particular if the

    upturn takes even longer than expected to arrive.

    At this point, I would like to say a few words about share buybacks. As you know,

    we have implemented two buyback programs over recent years. We have often

    been criticized for doing so given that the share price has fallen sharply since then.

    However, I still firmly believe that each of the buyback decisions was right at the

    time. The buybacks took place during a period when we passed on our net profits to

    our shareholders in the form of a dividend. The developments on the financial

    markets and in the real economy over the past twelve months could not have been

    predicted, even as a worse-case scenario.

    Personal perspective

    I would now like to say a few personal words about the past twelve months and how

    I see things developing.

    I have now been working for Heidelberg for 34 years, including my training period

    with the company. This is not the first crisis I have experienced here, nor the first in

    my role as CEO. It is, however, without doubt one of the worst and probably theworst of all. We have come through previous crisis periods and I firmly believe we

    will do so this time, too. As CEO, I see it as my responsibility and my duty towards

    our employees, our customers, our suppliers, and you, our shareholders to ensure

    this is the case.

    The last crisis to hit the company was in 2001/2002 when the Internet bubble burst

    and following the attacks of September 11, 2001. This coincided with the previous,

    albeit much smaller, economic crisis. As a result, our net profit of EUR 200 million

    turned into a net loss of nearly EUR 700 million in the space of just two years

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    among other things due to divestments and restructuring costs. Back then we also

    did our homework, reviewing our business model and making the company more

    streamlined and efficient.

    When the economy picked up again, our restructuring was quick to bring positive

    results. Within three years, we achieved a net profit 30 percent higher than in the

    last year before the crisis.

    Package of measures

    Ladies and Gentlemen, Heidelberg is currently experiencing a serious crisis just

    like many other companies in the print media industry and other sectors. What has

    the company done and what measures has the Management Board taken so far in

    response to this crisis?

    When a worsening of the underlying economic conditions became clearly apparent a

    year ago, we took action straight away. Before the last Annual General Meeting in

    July 2008, we approved a package of measures to achieve savings totaling EUR100 million by 2011, three-quarters of this within a period of 18 months.

    Two months later, in mid-September, the financial crisis took on dramatic

    proportions with the collapse of the Lehman Brothers investment bank, thereby

    leading to a far worse slump in the real economy. Within a few weeks of this,

    Heidelberg announced it was doubling its savings target to EUR 200 million and

    accelerating the measures to achieve this. At this point, we also decided to reduce

    our global workforce of around 20,000 by 2,500 through socially acceptablemeasures.

    When there was a further sharp fall in demand in the press industry in the first three

    months of 2009, we once again took immediate action. At the end of March, the

    Management Board therefore decided to step up the package of measures

    significantly to achieve a further substantial reduction in capacities and structural

    costs. The target of the cost-cutting program scheduled to run until 2011 was

    doubled again to its current level of EUR 400 million. This makes shedding a further

    2,500 jobs unavoidable. We will therefore end the year with 5,000 fewer employees

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    than we started it, but such tough measures are necessary to safeguard the

    remaining 15,000 jobs.

    This process is very painful for Heidelberg and its Management Board. We are

    aware of the personal dimension involved in every one of the job losses, but they

    are unavoidable in the current climate. No alternative course of action is open to us.

    Given that the scale of the job cuts is unprecedented at Heidelberg, it is highly

    unlikely that they will be achieved without compulsory redundancies. The

    Management Board has therefore been forced to terminate the agreement

    safeguarding the companys future with effect from June 30, 2009. This agreement

    concluded with employee representatives was most recently extended in October

    2007 and was scheduled to run until 2012. The opening clause of the agreement

    provides for termination as a last resort to avoid jeopardizing the companys very

    existence. We are currently in intensive negotiations with employee representatives

    on the exact form the job cuts will take.

    Chart: Employees (I)

    Heidelberg has definitely never been the kind of company to see its employees only

    in terms of costs, Ladies and Gentlemen. In times such as these, however, we need

    to look much more closely at running costs than ever before. After material costs,

    personnel expenses represent the second largest item in the profit and loss account.

    As a result of the slump in business, these expenses have gone from being

    equivalent to 32 percent of sales to more than 35 percent in the space of a year. Our

    measures aim to cut personnel expenses in line with the drop in business.

    Chart: Employees (II)

    Since the start of the year, around 2,000 employees including temporary staff

    have already left the company. A further 500 job cuts have also been definitively

    agreed. These are quite separate from the current negotiations with employee

    representatives. 200 employees will leave the company in the course of the current

    financial year and another 300 have taken partial retirement and have contracts that

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    run until the next financial year. As a result, we have almost completely achieved the

    target we set in October.

    Package of measures in detail

    Chart: Lowering structural costs

    The cost-cutting package that will save us EUR 400 million by financial year

    2010/2011 essentially consists of six measures.

    The most important is reducing structural costs in corporate functions by EUR 105

    million. This will be achieved by consolidating functions, optimizing processes, and

    making the job cuts referred to.

    We will also be amalgamating functions, simplifying processes, and shedding jobs in

    our worldwide service and sales units. This will result in savings of EUR 85 million.

    Further efficiency increases will cut research and development costs by EUR 70million without this jeopardizing our technology leadership.

    As for production, we will be dispensing with some administrative functions at the

    various sites, optimizing planning, control, and logistics processes, and reducing the

    number of external service providers. The savings achieved here will total EUR 65


    We are looking to save EUR 50 million by increasing production and purchasingvolumes outside the euro zone, thereby reducing our overall foreign currency risk.

    Last but not least, we also plan to reorganize our Postpress division by combining

    functions and relocating some production operations in the packaging section.

    Significant progress has already been made with this package of measures. In the

    financial year just closed we were able to make savings of EUR 84 million, and by

    the end of the current financial year this figure should have increased to between

    EUR 350 million and EUR 380 million.

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    Ladies and Gentlemen, these measures are already having a positive impact. In

    conjunction with the short-time working introduced at the beginning of the year, they

    have enabled us to get close to achieving a break-even operating result despite the

    extremely weak third and fourth quarters. Around 90 percent of our employees in

    Germany are on short-time working, and we have provisionally extended this until

    November. On average, they are only working half the normal number of hours each

    month. However, we are putting this period of low capacity utilization to constructive

    use. We are providing employees who are on short-time working with

    comprehensive further training. An average of one in four employees has already

    enrolled for a training course. The objective during these times of crisis is to prepare

    staff for the challenges ahead.


    As I am sure shareholders are aware, Germanys mechanical engineering industry

    including press manufacturers and thus Heidelberg has been extremely hard hit by

    the financial and economic crisis. Despite this, the companys relative strengthremains unchanged. Heidelberg is and will remain one of the leading companies in a

    sector that has developed into a high-tech industry over recent years. It is the only

    company in this branch that can offer fully integrated solutions from prepress to

    postpress and far beyond.

    Obviously, the print media industry is in competition with other forms of

    communication, in particular the Internet. This has an impact on printshops order

    volumes, run lengths, capacity utilization, and results and is a trend that cannot bereversed.

    Nevertheless, there is no reason to take an entirely gloomy view of the industrys

    future. Ultimately, electronic media can only complement printed media, never

    completely replace them. Print products will still be needed in the future for

    advertising, for information and communication, and above all for packaging.

    Despite the crisis and the growth of online media, the global annual printing volume

    of approximately EUR 400 billion is stable and there are even some indications of a

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    small amount of growth. Advertising and packaging printing, that is to say our core

    target segments, account for two-thirds of this volume.

    Ladies and Gentlemen, there is no doubt in my mind that sheetfed offset printing

    has a future! Forecasts indicate that printing volumes will be as high after the crisis

    as they were before it. As a result, the press market as a whole can also return to its

    pre-crisis level in the medium term. There will, however, be shifts in the existing

    structures both in regional terms and with regard to the individual segments.

    Growth will strengthen on the large emerging markets such as China and India but

    weaken in the large industrialized nations. Advertising printing will probably grow

    more slowly, whereas packaging printing will continue to grow worldwide

    especially in developing countries and on emerging markets.

    Chart: Packaging printing

    Heidelberg is ideally placed to benefit from all these developments. The market

    launch of our very large format presses last year represented a major step towards

    strengthening our packaging printing business. The presses, with a sheet width of145 and 162 centimeters, are ideal for printing packaging in long runs. Unlike the

    demand in the advertising industry, the demand for packaging for items such as

    groceries, pharmaceuticals, and detergents remains comparatively stable, even

    during economic downturns. Thanks to our dense sales and service network in the

    large developing countries and on the major emerging markets, we are in an

    excellent position. Whats more, Heidelberg presses enjoy an excellent reputation

    the world over.

    Chart: Strategy Reducing dependency on economic cycles

    The fact that manufacturers of consumers goods are turning to ever more complex

    packaging to make their products stand out is creating additional opportunities for

    growth. In addition, the growing problem of brand piracy is boosting the demand for

    counterfeit-proof packaging. Packaging printing solutions currently account for

    around 15 percent of our total sales. In the medium term, we are looking to increase

    this proportion to 25 percent. Advertising printing still the largest segment will

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    then account for less than 50 percent. This sector currently still generates around

    two-thirds of sales.

    In general terms, it is one of our key objectives to stabilize sales by gradually

    reducing our dependence on the advertising market, which is tied to economic

    cycles. Our consumables business inks and coatings in particular has an

    important role to play in this respect. As a full-service provider for the entire value-

    added chain in the printing industry, we know exactly which consumables work best

    with our equipment. The fact that we have approved the quality of our consumables

    gives customers the production and process reliability they need.

    Chart: Consumables

    The global consumables market is worth around EUR 8 billion, and Heidelberg

    currently has a market share of around four percent. In the next five years, we are

    looking to double sales in this segment, thereby substantially increasing our share of

    the market. Given that sales potential depends to a great extent on product quality

    and the number of presses installed, we expect particularly good growthopportunities in this sector.

    Chart: Service

    We enjoy similarly favorable conditions in the service sector, which we have already

    expanded substantially over recent years. No other company in the industry has

    such a dense service network stretching across 170 countries worldwide. The target

    is for consumables and services to account for around 25 percent of our total salesin future.

    We will also be expanding our global consultancy business. Printshops demand for

    consultancy services grows particularly fast in times of crisis as they attempt to

    optimize business processes and improve management. Our recognized position as

    one of the leading companies on the market makes us the partner of choice for

    customers in this sector. No other company in the print media industry can offer its

    customers such a comprehensive range of solutions from prepress software and

    presses in all formats to postpress and printshop consultancy.

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    Chart: Production for third parties

    Manufacturing will also become more important to us in the years ahead. This is a

    sector we will continue to expand, generating additional sales of EUR 100 million

    over the next five years by manufacturing complex mechanical components for

    companies from all kinds of sectors. As a manufacturer of precision machinery that

    makes components with tolerances as low as a few thousandths of a millimeter in

    some cases, we have extensive know-how in this field of business and currently

    supply more than 70 customers.

    Chart: Emerging markets

    A very important aspect of our strategy remains the expansion of our business on

    large emerging markets that are enjoying strong growth, especially China and India.

    Although these countries have not been spared by the global economic crisis, their

    large national economies will benefit from above-average growth once the global

    economy picks up again. We still see China as a growth market with particularpotential, and we are the only European press and folding machine manufacturer to

    have our own plant here. It makes presses and postpress machines that are tailored

    precisely to local market needs. Despite the economic downturn in China, the

    demand for the machines we manufacture there has remained stable over recent


    Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be sticking to the overall strategy I have outlined at

    least in the medium term. It would definitely be a mistake to consider, much lessimplement, a complete strategic reorientation during an economic and financial

    crisis as serious as the current one. What we need is a calm but very decisive hand.

    And thats exactly what we have. We are absolutely determined to continue building

    on our definite strengths, including those in areas that are much less susceptible to

    economic fluctuations than commercial printing.


    Chart: Outlook

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    So how will things develop in the short term, that is to say in the current financial

    year? Regrettably, this question forces me to revert to a more gloomy tone. The

    underlying economic conditions will remain difficult in the coming months. Even

    though there are signs in some sectors that the low point has been reached or

    maybe even passed, the general view is that the economic risks still outweigh the

    opportunities. It is much more likely that we will need to wait until 2010 for a

    significant turnaround.

    Due to the continuing uncertainties, it must be assumed that printshops on key

    markets will remain reluctant to invest in the months ahead and that incoming orders

    will therefore remain at a low level at Heidelberg. Due to very weak incoming orders

    over recent months and the low order backlog, we must reckon on sales for the

    current financial year being down on the already very low level of the previous year.

    This will once again lead to low profit contributions and impact on the operating

    result. The package of measures the company was quick to introduce is, however,


    The rise in financing costs, which also include the costs of the guarantees in

    Economic Stimulus Package II, will also weigh on our financial result. Consequently,

    we are also expecting a substantial loss for financial year 2009/2010.

    Developments in Q1

    The cautious outlook for the financial year is borne out by the way it has started.

    Incoming orders appear to have stabilized at the low level of the previous twoquarters.

    The good news here is that we can see initial signs of a low point having been

    reached. As already indicated, however, we will need to wait and see how things

    develop. We will be publishing concrete figures for the first quarter of financial year

    2009/2010 on August 11 as planned.


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    Ladies and Gentlemen, Heidelberg has a very difficult financial year behind it and

    the short-term prospects are far from rosy. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that we will

    overcome this crisis as we have done others in the past and will regain our former

    strength in the medium term. We are currently making huge efforts to get things

    moving in the right direction. During the period between 2004 and 2008, we

    provided clear proof that we can emerge from serious crisis situations.

    Our ongoing package of cost-cutting measures to lower our structural costs

    significantly will create the basis to boost our profitability once the economy picks up


    We are working hard to reduce the dependency of Heidelberg on economic cycles

    by strengthening our packaging printing, consumables, service, consultancy, and job

    order production operations.

    We are focusing on building our competitive advantages on up-and-coming

    emerging markets such as China and India.

    Whats more, we are sticking to our strategy of providing complete solutions that

    offer printshops substantial production and cost benefits.

    We will also continue to maintain our sales companies high level of expertise in

    services and consultancy worldwide.

    We still play a key role in the development of the press market. Even during the

    crisis, we have maintained our market share worldwide.

    Overall, Heidelberg is thus ideally placed to once again enjoy profitable growth once

    the economy picks up and it will.

    We will emerge from this crisis as we have done before and start earning more

    money again. We will also see our share price increase and once again be in a

    position to pay a dividend, Ladies and Gentlemen.

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    I firmly believe that we are on the right track to safeguard the companys long-term

    future as a successful company on the press market, and I would ask for your

    support to ensure we achieve this. My closing message to shareholders is that

    Heidelberg most definitely has a future!

    Thank you very much for your time.

    Important note:

    This Press Information contains statements about future development that are based on assumptions and estimates

    by the management of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft. Even if the management is of the opinion

    that these assumptions and estimates are accurate, future actual developments and future actual results may differ

    significantly from these assumptions and estimates due to a variety of factors. These factors can include changes to

    the overall economic climate, changes to exchange rates and interest rates and changes in the graphic arts

    industry. Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Aktiengesellschaft provides no guarantee that future developments and the

    results actually achieved in the future will agree with the assumptions and estimates set out in this press release

    and assumes no liability for such.