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    開設學年度/學期 108學年度第 2 學期

    課程名稱(中文) 國際恐怖主義研究

    課程名稱(英文) Study on International Terrorism

    課 碼 (通識中心填寫)

    3415016_01 學分數 3

    授 課 方 式 課堂上課 □網路教學 □其他


















    週次 主題

    1 課程介紹


    2 認識恐怖主義 3 恐怖主義的本質與概念

    4 教學影片欣賞或景美人權園區導覽《到校講座》


    5 文化因素與恐怖主義 6 經濟因素與恐怖主義

    7 政治因素與恐怖主義


    8 賓拉登與蓋達組織

    9 伊斯蘭國 10 大規模毀滅性武器與恐怖主義

    11 媒體、網路與恐怖主義

    12 恐怖主義的資助與資金的流動

    國際反恐戰略 13 聯合國與恐怖主義

    14 國際法與恐怖主義

    15 美國與反恐戰略

    16 歐盟反恐戰略

    17 東亞與反恐戰略

    18 台灣反恐戰略

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    授 課 大 綱



    第 1週 課程介紹 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    第 2週 認識恐怖主義

    *林泰和,(2015),恐怖主義研究:概念與理論(台北市:五南) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    第 3週 恐怖主義的本質與概念




    47 卷 2 期,頁 119-149。




    Jonathan Barker,張舜芬(譯),誰是恐怖主義:當恐怖份子遇上反恐戰爭 台北:書林


    *杭士基(Chomsky, Noam)著,李振昌譯,(2004),海盜與皇帝:真實世界中的新舊國際





    分析」,問題與研究,第 48 卷 4 期,頁 67-93。

    王海燕,(2008),「關於國際恐怖主義犯罪的研究」,遼寧警專學報,2008 卷 5 期,頁


    過子庸,(2010),「911 事件後恐怖分子運用科技進行恐怖活動之探討」,前瞻科技與管

    理,第 S 期,頁 59-74。

    王金龍;張平吾,(2011),「全球恐怖主義發展趨勢之探討」,銘傳社科學報,第 2 期,

    頁 1-31。




    國家安全學術研討暨實務座談會論文集。 ** Andrew H. Kydd and Barbara F. Walter (2006), “The strategies of Terrorism,” International Security, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 49-80. Jenkins, Brian Michael: The Study of Terrorism: Definitional Problems, P-6563. Santa Monica.

    CA, RAND Corporation, Juni 1981.。 John Mueller (2006), “Is There Still a Terrorist Threat? The Myth of the Omnipresent Enemy, “Foreign Affairs. Douglas, Roger. Law, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Terrorism (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 2013), Ch. 3. Hoffman, Bruce and Reinares, Fernando. eds, The Evolution of the Global Terrorist Threat: From 9/11 to Osama bin Laden's Death (New York: Columbia University Press, 2014), Introduction. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    第 4週 教學影片欣賞 或 景美人權園區導覽《到校講座》 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$$$&la=ch&requery=true

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    恐怖主義產生的原因 第 5週 文化因素與恐怖主義




    究》,第 55 卷第 2 期,2016 年 6 月,頁 1-27。


    主編《中國大陸與非傳統安全》,台大中國研究中心,中正大學戰略所,頁 13-40


    *俞力工 著,(2008),反恐戰略與文明衝突,秀威資訊科技出版,第二章。

    *杭士基(Chomsky, Noam)著,李振昌譯,(2004),海盜與皇帝:真實世界中的新舊國際恐


    柳思思,(2010),「伊斯蘭祈禱團再起波瀾的原因探析」,南海問題研究,第 2010 卷 2

    期,頁 23-32。


    年研究,第 2010 卷 7期,頁 18-25。

    楊生平;張慧慧,(2009),「金球化背景下恐怖主義的文化反思」,江漢論壇,第 2009

    卷 6 期,頁 119-123。

    肖平,(2009),「淺析恐怖主義的構成要素」,成都大學學報,第 2009 卷 4 期,11-14。


    化,第 2010 卷 5 期,19-24。 ** Mahmood Mamdani (2002), “Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: A Political Perspective on Culture

    and Terrorism,” American Anthropologist, Vol. 104, No. 3, pp. 766-775 ** Max Abrahms (2006) “Why Terrorism Does Not Work,” International Security, Vol. 31, No.

    2, pp. 42-78. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    第 6週 經濟因素與恐怖主義




    第 47 卷 2 期,頁 119-149。

    林泰和 (2011):「國際恐怖主義的資金流動」,《問題與研究》,第 50卷 1 期,頁 97-141


    林泰和(2011):「歐洲聯盟打擊恐怖主義洗錢措施之演進與展望—後 911 的政策研析」,

    《歐洲國際評論》,第 7 期(2011 年 7 月),頁 29-62。

    *俞力工 著,(2008),反恐戰略與文明衝突,秀威資訊科技出版,第三章。


    件史分析法之探討」,東吳政治學報,第 25 卷第 3 期,頁 1-49。

    簡嘉宏,(2010),「恐怖主義的經濟因素探討:以白米詐彈客楊儒門為案例」,2010 年

    中國政治學會年會暨學術研討會(2010 年)。

    崔虎,宋美玲(2009),「從經濟視角看國際恐怖主義」,國際關係學院學報,第 2009 卷

    4 期,頁 49-51, 59。 Krisztina Kis-Katos& Helge Liebert& Günther G. Schulze (2010) “ On the Origin of Domestic

    and International Terrorism” University of Freiburg Department of International Economic Policy Discussion Paper Series Nr. 12, pp.1-38.

    ** S. Brock Blomberg, Hess Gregory D. and Akila Weerapana (2004), “Economic conditions and terrorism,“ European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 24, pp. 463-478.

    R. Barry Johnston and Oana M. Nedelescu (2006), “The Impact of terrorism on financial

  • 4

    markets,” Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 7-25. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    第 7週 (10/31) 政治因素與恐怖主義




    47 卷 2 期,頁 119-149。

    Jonathan Barker,張舜芬(譯),誰是恐怖主義:當恐怖份子遇上反恐戰爭 台北:書林



    義與國家安全學術研討暨實務座談會論文集。 *Brian Burgoon (2006), “On Welfare and Terror – Social Welfare Policies and Political-

    Economic Roots of Terrorism,” Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 176-203.

    *Paul Hoffman (2004), “Human rights and Terrorism,” Human Rights Quarterly, 26, pp. 932-955.

    *Thomas Homer-Dixon (2002), “The Rise of Complex Terrorism,” Foreign Policy, Vol. 128, pp. 52-62.

    *Jessica Wolfendale (2006) “Terrorism, Security, and the Threat of Counterterrorism,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 29,No. 7, pp. 753-770.


    行為者、結構、工具 第 8週 賓拉登與蓋達組織


    **林建財,(2002),「美國、賓拉登、恐怖主義」,歷史月刊,168 期,頁 28-33。

    *賈夸 (Jacquard, Roland)著,陳浩譯,(2001),賓拉丹秘密檔案,聯經,第六章、第十




    第 55 卷第 2 期,頁 1-27。


    展趨勢」,2013 年 12月 4 日,(台北:財團法人海峽交流基金會),頁 23-39。


    第 35 期,頁 13-18。




    *Darren Lake (2001), “Lines of Communication:Alliance Air Strikes Continue to Target Taliban Communication Systems”, Jane’s Defense Weekly, Vol. 36, No. 16, pp. 18-26.

    *Karen J. Greenberg, Al Qaeda now: understanding today’s terrorists (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005), ch. 1.


    第 9週 伊斯蘭國


    派崔克‧柯伯恩(Patrick Cockburn):伊斯蘭國(好優文化:2014)。

    賽繆爾‧羅洪(Samuel Laurent):ISIS大解密(立緒文化,2015)

    麥可‧韋斯(Michael Weiss)、哈桑‧哈桑(Hassan Hassan):恐怖的總和(聯經,2018)

  • 5

    林泰和(2016):「近期歐洲恐怖主義發展之研析」,《問題與研究》,第 55 卷第 4

    期,2016 年 12 月,頁 113-127。

    林泰和 (2016) :「2016年布魯塞爾恐攻對歐洲的影響」,《戰略安全研析》,第 132

    期,2016 年 4 月,頁 36-44。

    林泰和 (2016) :「2016印尼雅加達恐攻事件:背景、分析與反思」,《戰略安全研

    析》,第 130 期,2016年 2 月,頁 32-41。

    林泰和 (2014) :「伊斯蘭國與東南亞和恐怖主義的連結」,《戰略安全研析》,第 115

    期,2014 年 11 月,頁 38-45。

    * Dennis Piszkiewicz 著,方淑惠譯,(2007)。恐怖主義與美國的角力,國防部史政編譯

    室編譯處,頁 255-283、285-295。


    李世安,(2008),「恐怖主義的歷史考察」,煙台大學學報,第 21 卷 4 期,頁 107-113。 **Gilbert Rozman and Noah Rozman (2003), “The United States and Asia in 2002: Needing

    Help against ‘Evil’,” Asian Survey, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1-14 **Peter Howard (2004), “Why Not Invade North Korea? Threats, Language Games, and U.S.

    Foreign Policy,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 805-828. **Peter Liberman (2006), “An Eye for an Eye: Public Support for War against Evildoers,”

    International Organization, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 687-722. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    第 10週 大規模毀滅性武器與恐怖主義



    頁 1-38。






    張家棟,(2010),「核武器擴散狀況與防制成效」,2010 非傳統安全──反洗錢、不正常

    人口移動、毒品、擴散學術研討會。 *David P. Auerswald (2006): “Deterring Nonstate WMD Attacks,” in: Political Science

    Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 543-568. Allison, Graham (2004): Nuclear Terrorism-The Ultimate Preventable Catastrophe, New York:

    Henry Holt and Company Auerswald, David P. (2006): “Deterring Nonstate WMD Attacks,” in: Political Science

    Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 543-568. Betts, Richard (2002): “The Soft Underbelly of American Primacy: Tactical Advantage of

    Terror,” Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 117, No. 1, pp. 19-36 Bhattacharyya, Sudeshna (2006): Third Party Deterrence as A Strategy to Prevent Nuclear

    Terrorism, UMI Number: 1436518. Braun, Chaim & Chyba, Christopher F. (2004): “Proliferation Rings: New Challenges to the

    Nonproliferation Regime,” International Security Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 5-49. Castillo, Jasen J. (2003): “Nuclear Terrorism: Why Deterrence still matters,” Current History,

    Vol. 102, No. 668, pp. 426-431. Corr, Anders (March 2005): “Deterrence of Nuclear Terror,” The Nonproliferation Review,

    Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 127-147. Dunn, Lewis A. (2008): “Can Al Qaeda Be Deterred from Using Nuclear Weapons,” in: Russell

    D Howard/James J.F. Forest: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism, Contemporary Learning Series, McGraw-Hill, pp. 295-316.

    Ferguson, Charles D. & Potter, William C. (2005): The Four Faces of Nuclear Terrorism,

  • 6

    Routledge. Fischer, Dietrich (2005): “The Real Threat is Nuclear Terrorism,” Peace Review, Vol. 17, pp.

    451-453. Fisher, Uri (2007): “Deterrence, Terrorism and American Values,” Homeland Security Affairs,

    Vol. III, No. 1, pp. 1-17. Helfstein, Scott et al. (2009): “White Paper Prepared for the Secretary of Defense Task Force

    on Dod Nuclear Weapons Management: Tradeoffs and Paradoxes: Terrorism, Deterrence and Nuclear Weapons,” Studies in Conflict &Terrorism, Vol. 32, pp. 776-801.

    Howard, Russell D. (2008): “The New Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction,” in: Russell D. Howard/James J.F. Forest: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism, Contemporary Learning Series, McGraw-Hill, pp. 6-19.

    Jenkins, Brian M. 1975/September: Will Terrorists go nuclear, Rand p-5541, Santa Monica, California.

    Jenkins, Brian Michael (2008a): Will Terrorists Go Nuclear? Prometheus Books Jenkins, Brian Michael (2008b): “The New Age of Terrorism,” in: Russell D. Howard/James

    J.F. Forest: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism, Contemporary Learning Series, McGraw-Hill, pp. 23-31.

    Kapur, S. Paul (2009): “Deterring Nuclear Terrorists,” in: T.V. Paul et al. eds.: Complex Deterrence-Strategy in the Global Age, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press

    Levi, Michael (2007): On Nuclear Terrorism, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

    Levi, Michael (2008): Stopping Nuclear Terrorism- The Dangerous Allure of a Perfect Defense, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 87, issue 1, pp. 131-134.

    O’Neil, Andrew (2008): “Terrorist Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction: How Serious Is the Threat,” in: Russell D. Howard/James J.F. Forest: Weapons of Mass Destruction and Terrorism, Contemporary Learning Series, McGraw-Hill, pp. 65-76.

    Parachini, John (Autumn 2003): “Putting WMD Terrorism into Perspectives,“ Washington Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 37-50.

    Payne, Keith B. (2008): The Great American Gamble-Deterrence Theory and Practice from the Cold War to the Twenty-First Century, Fairfax, Virginia: National Institute Press.

    Potter, William C. (2008): “Nuclear Terrorism and the Global Politics of Civilian HEU Elimination,” in: Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 135-157.

    Rühle, Michael (2007): “Enlightenment in the second nuclear age,” International Affairs, Vol. 83, No. 3, pp. 511-522.

    Schelling, Thomas C. (1982): Thinking about Nuclear Terrorism, International Security, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 61-77.

    Talmadge, Caitlin (2007): “Deterring a Nuclear 9/11,” Washington Quarterly, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 21-34.

    Trager, Robert F. /Zagorcheva, Dessialava P. (2006): “Deterring Terrorism-It Can Be Done,” International Security, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 87-123.

    Ward, Wilson (2008): “The Myth of Nuclear Deterrence,” Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 421-439.

    Whiteneck, Daniel (2005): “Deterring Terrorists: Thoughts on a Framework,” Washington Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 187-199.


    第 11週 媒體、網路與恐怖主義



    47 卷 2 期,頁 119-149。

    徐雍(2014),社群網站與恐怖組織應用研究 : 以「伊斯蘭國」為例。

    *范卡塔拉曼(Venkatraman, S.)主編,趙雪波譯,(2006),媒體與恐怖主義,中國傳媒大


  • 7

    **彭慧鸞,(2004),「數位時代的國家安全與全球治理」,問題與研究,第 43 卷第 6 期,

    頁 29-52。

    克拉克‧理查(Clarke, Richard A.)著,王文勇譯,(2014),網路戰爭:下一個國安威脅及


    張沛,(2010),「資訊時代如何應對媒體恐怖主義」,青年記者,第 2010 卷 6C 期,76-



    學報,第 98 期,頁 27-50。

    簡嘉宏,(2012),「全球化脈絡下的恐怖主義與媒體」,國防雜誌,第 27 卷第 5 期,頁


    簡嘉宏,(2012),「全球衝突及其管理:以網路恐怖主義為案例」,復興崗學報,第 102

    期,頁 305-332。

    Andy Oppenheimer 著,余忠勇譯,(2012),「網路戰—對抗無聲的大規模毀滅性武器」,

    國防譯粹月刊,第 39 卷 8 期,頁 26-32。


    拉登照片談起─」,第七屆恐怖主義與國家安全學術研討暨實務座談會論文集。 **Slone, Michelle, “Response to Media Coverage of Terrorism,” Journal of Conflict Resolution,

    Vol. 44. No. 4 (2000), pp. 508-522. *Weimann, Gabriel, Terror on the Internet- The New Arena, the New Challenges (Washington

    D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2006), ch.1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    第 12週 恐怖主義的資助與資金的流動



    *林泰和,(2011),「國際恐怖主義的資金流動」,問題與研究,第 50 卷 1 期,頁 97-


    林泰和 (2011):「歐洲聯盟打擊恐怖主義洗錢措施之演進與展望—後 911 的政策研

    析」,《歐洲國際評論》,第 7 期 (2011 年 7 月),頁 29-62。


    47 卷 2 期,頁 119-149。

    汪毓瑋,(2010),「恐怖分子金融與美國反製作為之研究」,2010 非傳統安全──反洗


    **Valpy FitzGerald (2004), “Global financial information, compliance incentives and terrorist funding,” European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 20, pp. 387-401.

    *S. Brock Blomberg, Gregory D. Hess, and Akila Weerapana (2004), “Economic conditions and terrorism,“ European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 24, pp. 463-478.

    Abuza, Zachary,“The Social organization of terror in Southeast Asia: the case of Jemaah Islamiyah,” in Thomas J Biersteker and Sue E. Eckert (ed.), Countering the Financing of Terrorism (London: Routledge, 2008), pp. 63-89.

    Art, Robert, “The Fungibility of Force,” in R. Art & K. Waltz(eds.), The Use of Force-Military Power and International Politics (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 1999). pp. 3-22.

    Biersteker, Thomas J. & Eckert Sue E.“Introduction: the challenge of terrorist financing,” in: Countering the Financing of Terrorism (New York: Routledge, 2008). pp.1-16.

    Byman, Daniel, Deadly Connections – States that Sponsor Terrorism (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005).

    Comras, Victor, “Al Qaeda Finances and Funding to Affiliated Groups,” in: Giraldo, Jeanne K. & Trinkunas, Harold A., Terrorism Financing and State Responses- A Comparative Perspective (Stanford University Press, 2007), pp.115-133.

    Croissant, Aurel &Barlow, Daniel, “Terrorist Financing and Government Responses in

  • 8

    Southeast Asia,” in: Giraldo, Jeanne K. & Trinkunas, Harold A., Terrorism Financing and State Responses- A Comparative Perspective (Stanford University Press, 2007), pp. 203-230.

    Donato Masciandaro & Alessandro Portolano “Financial Policy: Offshore Centres and Competition in Regulation: The Laxity Problem,” in Donato Masciandaro (ed.), Global Financial Crime-Terrorism, Money Laundering and Offshore Centres (Burlington: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 125-179.

    Farah, Douglas, “Al Qaede and the germstone trade,” in Thomas J. Biersteker, & Sue E. Eckert (eds), Countering the Financing of Terrorism (New York: Routledge, 2008), pp.193-2006.

    Giraldo, Jeanne K. & Trinkunas, Harold A., “Introduction,” in Giraldo, Jeanne K. & Trinkunas, Harold A., Terrorism financing and State Responses – A Comparative Perspective (Stanford University Press, 2007). pp.1-3.

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    Homer-Dixon, Thomas “The Rise of Complex Terrorism,” Foreign Policy, Vol. 128 (2002), pp. 52-62.

    Johnston, R. Barry & Nedelescu, Oana M., “The Impact of terrorism on financial markets,” Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. 13, No. 1 (2006), pp. 7-25.

    Jurith, Ed, “Acts of Terror, Illicit Drugs and Money Laundering,” Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. 11, No. 9(2003), pp. 158-162.

    Kahler, Miles, “Economic security in an era of globalization: definition and provision,” The Pacific Review, Vol. 17 No. 4(2004), pp. 485–502.

    Kiras, James D.“Irregular Warfare: Terrorism and Insurgency,” in Baylis (et al.), Strategy in the Contemporary World – An Introduction to Strategic Studies (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007). pp. 163-191.

    Levi, Michael, “Lessons for countering terrorist financing from the war on serious and organized crime,” in Thomas J. Biersteker, & Sue E. Eckert(eds), Countering the Financing of Terrorism (New York: Routledge, 2008). pp. 260-288.

    Levitt, Matthew, “Hezbollah Finances – Fighting the Party of God,” in Giraldo, Jeanne K. & Trinkunas, Harold A.: Terrorism financing and State Responses – A Comparative Perspective, (Stanford University Press, 2007). pp. 134-151.

    Masciandaro, Donato & Portolano, Alessandro, “Financial Policy: Offshore and Competition in Regulation,” in: Masciandaro, Donato (ed.): Global Financial Crime-Terrorism, Money Laundering and Offshore Centres (Burlington: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 125-179.

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    Passas, Nikos, “Terrorism financing Mechanisms and Policy Dilemmas,” in: Giraldo, Jeanne K. & Trinkunas, Harold A.: Terrorism financing and State Responses – A Comparative Perspective (Stanford University Press, 2007). pp. 21-38.

    Picarelli, John& Shelly, Louise, “Organized Crime and Terrorism,” in Giraldo, Jeanne K. & Trinkunas, Harold A.: Terrorism Financing and State Responses- A Comparative Perspective (Stanford University Press, 2007). pp. 39-55.

    Raphaeli, Nimrod, “Financing of Terrorism: Sources, Methods, and Channels,” Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 15. No. 4(2003), pp. 59-82.

    Rider, Barry A. K., “Law: The War on Terror and Crime and the Offshore Centres: The ‘New’ Perspective?” In: Masciandaro, Donato (ed.): Global Financial Crime-Terrorism, Money Laundering and Offshore Centres (Burlington: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 61-95.

    Schneider, Friedrich: “Macroeconomics: The Financial Flow of Islamic Terrorism,” In: Masciandaro, Donato(ed.): Global Financial Crime-Terrorism, Money Laundering and Offshore Centres (Burlington: Ashgate, 2004), pp. 97-124.

    Shapiro, Jacob N., “Terrorist Organizations’ Vulnerabilities and Inefficiencies,” Giraldo, Jeanne

  • 9

    K. & Trinkunas, Harold A.: Terrorism Financing and State Responses- A Comparative Perspective (Stanford University Press, 2007).pp. 56-71.

    Stern, Jessica & Modi, Amit, “Producing terror-Organizational dynamics of Survival,” in: Countering the Financing of Terrorism (New York: Routledge, 2008). pp. 19-46.

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    第 14週 國際法與恐怖主義



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    區域反恐戰略 第 15週 (12/26) 美國與反恐戰略



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    第 16週 歐盟反恐戰略



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    共事務》,第 6 期,2017 年 3 月,頁 1-20。

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    2 期(2008 年 6 月)。

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    第 17週 東亞與反恐戰略


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    期,2016 年 5 月,頁 42-58。

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    第 18週 台灣與反恐戰略


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