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Volume 10 - 17 April, 2012

Jus ce Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Dear Parents and Students 

In this season of Easter, as we celebrate the joy of new life and new hope, we seek to be people of joy and light.  We seek to find in ourselves new ways of being true to ourselves and to honour the unique gi edness given to each of us by our loving God. 














May  “what  is best  in us”  shine  forth during  the  term  ahead,  as we  seek  to be  a  loving, nurturing  and enriching community of learners, striving for excellence in all we do. 


We welcome to the staff Ms Kimberley Lennon.  Ms Lennon is replacing Mrs Valen ne, whose leave has been extended un l the end of the year. 

We welcome back from long service leave both Mr John Kemp and Ms Kath McCormack and we welcome also the return of Mrs Libby Davies and Mrs Margaret Dowling, both of whom will be with us during the early weeks of term whilst Mrs Jenny Strachan and Mrs Margaret Neale both take short periods of  leave.    In Mrs Strachan’s absence, Mrs Carla Wood will be the Ac ng Year 8 Co‐ordinator. 

We offer a most par cular and special welcome to Year 10 student, Ellen Dunphy, who is visi ng us this term.  Ellen comes to us ‘on exchange’ from Loreto Foxrock in Dublin, Ireland.  We trust that her  me with us will be enjoyable and a truly special and memorable experience.  We thank her generous hosts, the Dibley and Carlson families, for their kindness and support in accep ng Ellen into their families. 



Radiant Rain God  (Edward Hays)                                 

You come to us unexpectedly                                           Like a sudden April rainfall                                             Drenching newly planted flowers.                                        You rinse the neglected residue                                      From our wearied, worn spirits                                                And refresh our  red desire                                                    To give ourselves fully to you.                                                       The steady pa er of your love                                            Upon the garden of our hearts                                                        Ac vates what is best in us.  Amen. 

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With a great deal of excitement and a sense of certain an cipa on, today marks an important ‘moment in  me’ for teaching and learning at Loreto.   Today  the Year 8’s become  the first recipients of  the Loreto student  laptop project.   This project has been years  in the dreaming and the making, so to see this day finally arrive  is deeply sa sfying.  Once again, I wish to thank the staff who have led and delivered this project for us.  In par cular, thanks go to Mr Gavin Swanson; Mr Russ Morgan; Mr Gary Marsh; Mr Suni Nagoji; Mr Chris Henry and Mr Noel Williams. 

At the commencement of Term Three, laptops will be delivered to Year 10’s and following that all year levels will have them from the beginning of the 2013 academic year.   This equitable access to technology for all students,  in all classes, at all  mes and at home is seen as a vital ingredient for teaching and learning excellence.  This is not to say, of course, that technology will or ever should be used in all classes and/or at all  mes, but the access to its use, when so desired, is important. 

We thank you for your support of this rollout and for your ongoing interest and involvement as we con nue to work together to ensure our students use technology responsibly and wisely. 


Congratula ons  to Mrs Meg Stevens and  the Sports department on  the success  late  last  term of  the College  Inter‐house Cross Country event.   The new venue at Whites Hill Reserve, with a  longer more authen c cross country course, proved  to be both popular and challenging.  Our thanks to Loreto’s new middle and long distance coaches, Claire Geraghty and Andrew Lulham, who are both doing a wonderful job; encouraging and mo va ng our runners to produce quality  mes. 

Congratula ons to the winning House, Ward and also to the age group winners: 

13 Years  Beth Kassulke 

14 Years  Megan Laycock 

15 Years  Hannah Wixted 

16 Years  Gabrielle Kassulke 

17 Years   Eloise Carroll 

We  look  forward  to a  strong  team performance at  this year’s  inter‐school event  to be held  later  this  term and wish all  team members well in their goals to achieve personal best  mes. 


We extend our prayers and sympathies to: 

the family and friends of past pupil Karen Pandy  (Class of 1991) who passed away recently a er a period of  illness.   We remember Helene, Geoff and Lisa in our hearts as we pray for Karen’s eternal peace.  Amen.  

Jessica Mar nez  (Year 11) and her family on the passing of her Grandfather. We pray for his eternal rest.  Amen  

Yours sincerely

Mrs Cheryl Hamilton


Volume 10 - 17 April, 2012 Page 3

Jus ce Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

XäxÇàá VtÄxÇwtÜ Wednesday 18 April

Debating Round 2 - Year 9 & 11

Friday 20 April

Year 12 C Art Wearable Art Workshop

Autumn Concert 1 - Mary Ward Centre : 6.00pm

Saturday 21 April

Round 7 Tennis

Tuesday 24 April

Autumn Concert 2 - Mary Ward Centre: 6.00pm

Year 10 Marist Dancing 7pm - 9.30pm

Parent Sports Support Meeting 7.30pm

Wednesday 25 April

Anzac Day

Thursday 26 April

St Vincent de Paul Special School Visit

Debating Round 2 - Year 10 and 12

Friday 27 April

Year 11 C Art Photography Excursion

Year 11 Geography Field Trip

Interact Dance

Saturday 28 April

Tennis - Round 8

Tuesday 1 May

Parent/Student/Homeroom Teacher Interviews - 1.30pm - 6.30pm

Year 10 Marist Dancing 7pm - 9.30pm

Wednesday 2 may

Debating Round 2 - Year 8 & Snr A

Thursday 3 May

Year 11 Retreat - 3 and 4 May

Year 12 Mod History UQ Research Day

Year 10 English - Romeo & Juliet 6.30pm (optional)

Friday 4 May

Year 9 Geography Field Trip

Saturday 5 May

Round 9 Tennis

All Schools Cross Country Championships

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VtÜxxÜá axãá Schoolbased Traineeship Vacancies Year 11 students Certificate III in Business Administration with a Studio Pilates Internationall at Hawthorne – work day Thursday Certificate IV in Information Technology Multimedia with Bcreative Fortitude Valley Certificate III in Business Administration with Ace Sports Medicine Mt Gravatt – work day Thursday Certificate III in Retail various suburbs Certificate III in Hospitality – Donut King, Wendy’s and Pizza Hut – various suburbs Certificate III in Hospitality – Bookshop & Gifts Café – CBD Certificate III Hospitality – “Shingle Inn” Eagle Street and McArthur Central, City Certificate II and III Hairdressing – Tarragindi and Coorparoo Certificate III Business – Subway – CBD

Year 12 students only Certificate III Hairdressing – Sunnybank Application details please contact Mrs Cuskelly 3394 9922. Christine Cuskelly – Industry Placement Coordinator

XÇàxÜàt|ÇÅxÇà UÉÉ~á

2012/2013 Entertainment™ Books are now available to families, with funds raised going towards the school. The new Book is packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers.  For more details please complete the attached flyer or visit Thank you.

lxtÜ L‰DE fâu}xvà V{tÇzxá

All changes of subjects must be finalised with Mr Elsworthy by 1.00 pm Friday, 20 April. Please collect a Subject Change form from the office. A letter from parents is essential if any subject changes are to be considered. Return both the form and the letter to Mr Elsworthy. Pat Elsworthy - Deputy Principal - Curriculum

hÇ~ÇÉãÇ ctçÅxÇà Éy fv{ÉÉÄ Yxxá @ UtÇ~ Éy dÄw The following payments have been deposited into the College’s bank account number with insufficient information to post to parent accounts:

30/1/12 $2252.75

30/1/12 $2065.00

22/2/12 $500.00

12/3/12 $2065.00

13/4/12 $2019.00 (Lauren’s School Fees)

If you think any of these payments belong to you, please contact Libby Oliver on 3394 9928. The preferred method of paying school fees is by BPAY but if you are paying school fees directly into the college bank account, it is important that accurate information is given using your Account Number as the reference.

fv{ÉÉÄ Yxxá Term 2 fees are now due for payment. Please forward your payment as soon as possible. Your prompt settlement of your account assists the College in meeting its financial obligations in a timely manner. Thank you. Noel Williams - Business Manager

Wtàx VÄt|ÅxÜá Year 12 Parent Get Together on Friday 11 May. Further details will be published in next newsletter.

Gloria Cust - Year 11 Parent Represenative

Year 8 Mother and Daughter High Tea on Sunday 20th May at 3.30 pm. Further details to come soon. Thank you. Julia Gough - Year 8 Parent Representative

Volume 10 - 17 April, 2012 Page 5

Jus ce Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

WÜtÅt axãá

MIDSUMMER (A Play with Songs)

On Saturday 14th April, Sia Cambaclis, Sam Bull, Flynn Hall and myself, along with our fellow La Boite Theatre student Ambassadors, previewed La Boite Theatre’s latest production Midsummer (A Play with Songs). This two person show features Cora Bissett and Mathew Pidgeon, who both charm the audience with their Scottish brogue and keep the audience laughing all night. Midsummer follows the escapades of two people stumbling through life (and middle age), focusing on the reality of unfulfilling lifestyles and the possibility of change. Midsummer (A Play with Songs) is not a love story, rather a story about love, told through a combination of comedic wit and music. In good conscience, I must stress that the content rating of this play is MA15+. We therefore recommend this show to any Year 11 -12 Drama students, staff and/or interested parents and friends within our school community. It promises to be an enjoyable night out! If you are interested in attending a performance of Midsummer (A Play with Songs) or any of La Boite Theatre’s main stage productions throughout the year, please contact either myself or one of the other La Boite Theatre student ambassadors (Sia Cambaclis -12 Red, Flynn Hall -12 Green or Samantha Bull - 11 White) who will be able to give you significantly discounted tickets. This offer extends to parents and friends of our Loreto College community. We are endeavouring to make the most of this opportunity to represent Loreto College and La Boite Theatre and we want to ensure that we can extend the benefits of the Ambassador Program to the Loreto school community. Rebecca Newman

`âá|v axãá Music Concerts – Our first Music Department concerts for the year will be held on this Friday 20 April and Tuesday 24 April. I would like to remind parents that these concerts are key events in the ongoing development of our ensembles and our students. Attendance by all students at the concert in which their ensemble is performing is compulsory. Our expectation is that all students will arrive on time at 5:30 pm at the Mary Ward Centre and go immediately to meet their conductor in the nominated warm up area (see attached Concert information). The concerts will finish sometime between 8 pm and 9 pm on each night. If your daughter is unable to attend a school concert in which they are listed to perform, then you should contact the Coordinator of Music, Mr Ben Langford, in writing well prior to the event to negotiate a solution. Both concerts are licensed and beer and wine will be available for adults. Alcohol must only be consumed in the “supper” area next to the canteen – glass should never be taken back to the seating area. A complete program for each concert can be found in the attached Concert Information.

Behaviour Expectations – Could parents please remind their daughters of the following expectations that hold true for any music concert

1. Audience members are expected to be present for the entire concert, whether their performance is first or last on the night – this is a basic courtesy to the other performing groups. Obviously, occasionally circumstances may not allow this to be possible, but students arriving late or departing early should always be approved in advance by the Coordinator of Music.

2. When not on stage, students should always be seated either with their parents or in the designated Student Seating area

3. Students are not to gather in the Mezzanine or at the back of the hall at any time during the concert.

4. After a performance, students should pack up and return to the audience, not stay in warm-up areas.

5. It is an expectation of a Formal Concert that audience members do not speak during a performance or while the Compere is introducing a performance.

6. Use of toilets and drinking fountains should be restricted to before the concert or during Intermission.

7. All mobile phones should be turned off – and not used for texting or calls during the concert.

8. You should show your appreciation through polite applause only, not calling out / cheering.

Concert Suppers – As Autumn Concert 2 features smaller ensembles and therefore fewer students, could ALL students who are performing at this concert please bring a plate of food for supper. For Autumn Concert 1, could all students who are not involved in the second event please bring a plate for supper. These plates should be delivered to the Mary Ward Centre canteen on arrival at 5:30 pm.

Calendar Dates – I have confirmed Sorelle’s entry into the Crackerjack Carnival “Battle of the Bands” competition. The date for this event will be Friday 1 June, with a likely performance time of 6:30 pm. Could members of Sorelle please add this date to their calendars urgently and contact Mr Langford in the event of any difficulties. Being a small group, if even one or two students are unable to attend, then the performance cannot go ahead!

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Secondly, members of Jazz Ensemble and Chorale are reminded of the extra workshops to be held on the afternoon of Wednesday 9 May. On this day, we will be working with John Morrison & Jackie Cooper! John is an amazing jazz drummer and spent many years touring worldwide as part of his brother James Morrison’s quartet. You can find recordings of his playing on the albums such as Snappy Doo & Live at the Sydney Opera House. In recent years, John has shared his time between working with school bands, running his own professional Big Band (Swing City Big Band) and running the Mount Gambier Generations in Jazz festival. Jackie is the vocalist with Swing City, as well as running her own 8 piece band “Itty Bitty Big Band”. Check them out at

Senior Classroom Music – All students in the Year 11 and 12 Music Classes are reminded that we will be going on to see the musical “Annie” on Tuesday 17 April (first week back next term). The Music Department has purchased the tickets for you so all you have to do is make sure you are available! Ben Langford - Director of Music fÑÉÜàá WxÑtÜàÅxÇà axãá

BSGSA Volleyball – Final Round Reports:

On the last Wednesday of term, Loreto Volleyball teams competed in their final round of matches in the BSGSA competition. All teams played exciting games; producing an excellent standard of Volleyball and some very exciting matches. Open A – Final Placing: Second The Open A Volleyball team finished on a strong note to the season, defeating San Sisto College 2 - 1. This ultimately means the girls have managed a second placing in the competition, just behind All Hallows’. The girls dominated throughout the game with their serving and serve receiving being at the best quality it had been nearly all season. Strong serving from all girls in the first two sets allowed for an easy and well deserved win. Congratulations to all girls for a strong season: Stephanie Esprester (Captain), Aimee Rees, Carla Caputo, Elizabeth Kehoe, Eloise Jackson, Isabelle Mowen, Jessica Gillis, Kristin Feuerriegel, Sarah Pettiford and Tegan Fitzgerald. Open C –– Final Placing: Premiers Congratulations to the Open Cs on a 2 sets -1 victory over Mary McKillop College on Wednesday which secured them the premiership for the 2012 season. Madison-Rose Young played exceptional in her final game for Loreto and was supported by strong performances from Emmaline-Kate Ball and Maddy Brown. I would like to personally thank all the girls for their tireless work effort and positive attitudes throughout the season. Their strong commitment to trainings and the team was always going to result in a successful season. Congratulations to: Awien Lee, Emily McMahon, Emmaline-Kate Ball, Isabella Mammone, Kiah Smith, Madeleine Dinnen, Madison Brown, Madison-Rose Young, Mary-Kate Dennis and Sophie Atkinson. Junior A – Final Placing: Third Our final game of the season was played with top skill and determination and resulted in a 3 set to nil victory over Mt St Michael’s. Strong serving by Shannon O’Connor together with great attacking plays by Wade Bilton and Claudia Miotti were some of the highlights. As this is their final year in Juniors it was a fantastic opportunity for the girls to develop their skills with their fellow peers. Well done, Girls- a great season. Congratulations to: Abigail Raison, Claudia Miotti, Erin Stafford, Gabrielle Stein, Jemima Moore, Mia Page, Rebecca Marshall, Sarah Toohey, Shannon O’Connor and Wade Bilton. Junior B – Final Placing: Second The Junior Bs played their last game against MMK this week, managing to end the season with a final win 3 - 0! Megan Laycock provided us with some fantastic serving and Kate O'Sullivan demonstrated a great volleyball attitude - chasing down every ball. The girls have improved so much throughout the season and should all be very proud of their achievements! Thanks for a great season girls! Congratulations to: Gabryela Sellars, Georgia Garrett, Georgia Johnson, Isobella Scott, Julia Logan, Kate Hutchins, Kate O’Sullivan, Kelsey Ahrens, Lucy Nielson and Megan Laycock. Junior D – Final Placing: Third This team saved their best game til last. Unfortunately, the result did not go their way, and they lost the match 2 sets to 1 against St John Fisher. Their serving was spot on as was their rallying in attack. Special mention to Georgia Christie for her consistent back court covering and to Grace O’Shea for her attack on the net. All team members should be proud of the number of three hit attacking plays that were produced in the match. Congratulations to: Anya Anderson, Emma Quinn, Georgia Christie, Grace O’Shea, Kassidy Graham, Kate Duffy, Matilda Ruffin, Nikki Foley, Sabrina Pennsi and Samantha Crawford.

Volume 10 - 17 April, 2012 Page 7

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Junior E – Final Placing: Second Opening with a 25 - 12 win to the first set, we thought we were in for rather quick game. This wasn't to be though! Our excellent serving in the first set quickly disappeared, and we were struggling to win rallies. The score however does not reflect what I consider to be the most important factor; game play. We were striving to play real volleyball, setting the ball up for a hit, as opposed to a game that more closely resembled tennis. The girls are to be congratulated for their discipline over the season, which will stand them in good stead in future years on the court! This team has been a real pleasure to coach and consisted of the following players: Aislind Bell, Alice Crawford, Amanda Hansen, Clare Lyons, Jessica Galpin, Jo-Lin Chiang, Ryleigh Bennett, Sidonie Smith, Sophie Hinchliffe and Victoria Flores.

Junior F – Final Placing: Second The volleyball season for the Year 8 F team was an overall success! Starting off the season the girls had little confidence as they were new to the sport. However, as the season progressed, each one of the girls developed a whole new level of skill and confidence and went on to finish 2nd overall. The girls’ serving and overall team work were aspects of the game that pulled them through as well as their positive and determined nature. I have no doubt they will go on to become skilled volleyball players in the years to come! I had so much fun coaching the girls and I hope to coach them again sometime soon. Good luck girls for your future volleyball career. Congratulations to: Annetta Hile, Christina Stephanos, Georgia Fuller, Georgia Paroz, Jesse St Ledger, Julia Beiers, Mia Munch, Sophie Freedman, Zoe McNamee and Zoe Sever. As this is the final Volleyball report for the season, I would like to extend my congratulations to the all Loreto Volleyballers on their commitment to training and performing and the manner in which they took the court from week to week. To finish with this is an amazing result. All girls played each game in true Loreto spirit: with fun and determination! Stephanie Esprester led from the front; always leading by example, supporting her peers and being a invaluable assistant to me. I would also like to acknowledge our team of dedicated coaches and thank them for sharing their passion and knowledge with the girls: Zach Voll, Justin Feuerriegel, Keira Harris, Rebecca Calder, Lewis Burrows, Mrs Gold and Hannah Meecham. To our staff who generously supervised the travel teams: Mr Wright, Mrs Logan, Mrs Heathcote, Mrs Ward, Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Stevens, Mrs Begley, Mr Lane-Richarson and Mrs Meecham and lastly, to Mrs Wilkinson for all the behind the scene work in the sports office. LORETO VOLLEYBALL 2012 – a season to be proud of! Kirsty Gore – Volleyball Coordinator

Tennis is back this week - This Week’s Draw: Round 7: 21 April A/ARES V All Hallows’ (2) at Morningside Tennis centre B1/B2 V All Hallows’ (2) at Morningside Tennis Centre B3/4 V All Hallows’ at Brisbane girls Grammar B5/6 V Stuartholme at Brisbane Girls Grammar B7/8 V BYE C1 V Lourdes Hill at Morningside Tennis Centre C2/3 V Stuartholme (2) at Brisbane Girls Grammar D1/2 V All Hallows’ (1) at Brisbane Girls Grammar D3 V Mt St Michael’s at Brisbane Girls Grammar D4 V BYE E1/2 V Lourdes Hill at Morningside Tennis Centre E3/4 V Lourdes Hill at Brisbane girls Grammar E5 V All Hallows’ at Brisbane Girls Grammar

Cross Country Congratulations to the girls who were selected in the Cross Country Squad for 2012. The hard work has begun with training commencing over the term break. All girls should be starting the Cross Country training this week. The training times are Monday and Wednesday 6.45am to 8.00am and Tuesday and Thursday 3.30pm to 4.45pm. The details are in the booklet and have been given to the girls last term. All permission forms and details of attendance at Cross Country meets must be submitted to the Sports Department by Wednesday 18 April. The next Cross Country meets are as follows:

University of Queensland Meet, St Lucia – Friday 20 May

QLD All Schools Cross Country, Bald Hills – Saturday 5 May

Mount St Michael’s Meet, Anzac Park, Wool St Toowong – Wednesday 9 May

Brisbane Girls Grammar School Invitational Meet, Spring Hill - Wednesday 11 May. Any further enquiries please phone Mrs Stevens on 33949980.

Parent Sport Support Meeting There will be a Parent Sport Support meeting on Tuesday 24 April at 7.30pm at Loreto College in Room 605. All parents are welcome.

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c 9 Y axãá                                                                                                                                                                                       By now you will have received your email inviting you to the P and F Dinner Dance - Denim and Lace - on 16 June. Now is the time to purchase your tickets! Spend the night dining and dancing in the company of friends. Listen to the sounds of the great band - Whosyadaddy. Complimentary sparkling bubbles and canapés on arrival. A lovely meal will be provided for you to enjoy. What more could you need? Grab some friends now so you will be ready for the night. There is a special ‘early bird’ ticket - buyers raffle so get in soon!A reminder that the next P and F meeting will be held on 1 May, at 7.30 pm in the staffroom. We hope to see you there. Thank you. Elizabeth Fort - Secretary

fv|xÇvxaxãá                                                                                                                                                                                        Term two is starting off on a busy note in the Science Department. We have 10 girls attending the QIMR lectures at Herston this week and the Year 11 Biology excursion to North Stradbroke Island is fast approaching (Monday 21st May). The application process is now open for The National Youth Science Forum, a unique experience that enables students on the point of entering their final year of secondary school to get a hands-on feel for careers and learn about study options in the diverse fields of science, engineering and technology. Keen science students currently in Year 11 who wish to be considered for selection for the 12-day residential "science immersion" program to be offered in Canberra and Perth in January 2013 can apply on-line. In school holiday breaks during Year 12, they also have the opportunity to come back to campus in university and industry locations around the country, to build further upon their knowledge and experience and add further perspectives that assist in the successful transition to University. For further information, students can visit, or see me for information flyers. In addition, applications for the 2012 Australian Youth Aerospace Forum are now open. The Australian Youth Aerospace Forum (AYAF) is a five-day interactive forum open to Year 11 and 12 students from around Australia who are interested in a career in the Aerospace industry. AYAF will highlight aerospace engineering, aviation and avionics options for university and higher education, and the employment possibilities in the industry after graduation. The Brisbane 2012 forum runs from 25th – 29th June 2012 at UQ St Lucia. For further information, visit If you have any queries regarding the above events or any other Science enrichment activities, feel free to contact me at the College. Matt Lourigan – Science Coordinator


Volume 10 - 17 April, 2012 Page 9

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UâÄÄxà|ÇBaÉà|vxá Triple P: Positive Parenting Program Triple P is a system of easy-to-implement, well-tested solutions that helps to solve current parenting problems and prevent future problems before they arise. It has been designed to prevent behavioural, emotional and developmental problems in children aged 0-12 by enhancing the knowledge, skills and confidence of parents. Triple P suggests simple routines and small changes that can make a big difference to your family. Brisbane Family Psychology is running a Triple P group at 1B / 172 Evans Road, Salisbury on Saturday 28 April, from 9:15am to 3:00pm each day. A maximum of 15 spots are available in this group, to ensure all participants receive the maximum support from their facilitator. To register for the Triple P: Positive Parenting Program group, please phone 3306 1080, or email [email protected].

Worldwide Marriage Encounter couples weekend for married couples Date: 27 – 29 April 2012 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston, (QLD) For bookings/details contact: Rhonda & Terry Boyle tel. 07 3352 3328 or [email protected] Information website:

1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching Parent Course A three session program for parents and carers to help manage difficult behavior in children 2 -12 years at Villanova College, 24 Sixth Avenue, Coorparoo, 4151 on Thursday 3rd, 10th & 17th May from 7pm to 9:30pm. Who’s running it? James Brown is a clinical psychologist from Bulimba Psychology. James has extensive training and experience in facilitating parent workshops and is the parent of 4 children. See for more information about James or contact Bulimba Psychology on 3899 1455. 

Tuckshop Vounteers Monday 23 April - Friday 27 April

Monday 23 April: Angela Sankey, Cath Tapsall, Lisa Smart

Tuesday 24 April: Maureen Roe, Janelle Pearce, Frances Steiner, Anna Stafford, Monique Cleed

Wednesday 25 April: Anzac Day Thursday 26 April: Donna Byrne, Brenda Scott, Julie Garrett, Angela Papanotoniou

Friday 27 April: Jayne Smith, Jenifer Hunter, Marina Pennisi

Special of the Day $3.50

Monday 23 April: Chicken Subs Tuesday 24 April: Meatlovers Pizza Wednesday 25 April: Anzac Day Thursday 26 April: Nachos Friday 27 April: Lasagne


Library Roster Volunteers Monday 23 April - Friday 27 April

Monday 23 April: Jane Stephen, Nora Kojrowicz, Kathryn Kwan

Tuesday 24 April: Barb Laycock, Linda Stevens, Karen Meimaris, Julie Bland

Wednesday 25 April: Anzac Day Thursday 26 April: Merry Godwin, Mary McMahon, Stefania Ciancio

Friday 27 April Jennifer Morris, Loretta Winter, Madonna Byrne


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Page 10 Volume 10 - 17 April, 2012

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L o r e t o P a r e n t s a n d F r i e n d s

Denimand Lace           Gala Dinner Dance  


Date:      June 16. 7pm ‐ Late 

Venue:      Mary Ward Centre, Cavendish Rd Coorparoo 

Band:      Live Music ‐  Who’sYaDaddies 

        Complimentary sparkling wine on arrival 

Dinner:      2 course meal and canapés        

Cost:      Tickets: $75 p.p. (Available from April 16) 

Buy your  cket before May 18 and go into the special draw for a $500 travel voucher donated 

by Pulse Travel and Loreto P and F Associa on. Don’t miss out!


Loreto Parents and Friends ‐ Denim and Lace Gala Dinner Dance ‐ RSVP Details                                      (Please return completed form to Trish Willing, or to College Office) 


Name:  _______________________________   Daughter’s name and Yr level:   ______________                                                    

Name of Table:  (Eg. 12 White table or Simpson table)___________________________ 

 Number on table:  (up to 8) ______________ 

OR‐Year Level Group you wish to be placed with:  _______________________________ 

Dietary Requirements:  ______________________________________________________ 

Number of  ckets ($75 per person) ______________ Cheque/Money enclosed_______________ 

Credit Card Details  ‐ MASTERCARD / VISA 

Card Number_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _       Expiry _ _/_ _ 

Name on Card_______________________________  Amount________________  

Signed_____________________________________Contact Number_________________ 

Volume 10, April 17, 2012 Page 11

Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Cross Country Carnival

Page 12 Volume 10, April 17, 2012

Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Page 13 Volume 10, April 17, 2012

Justice Sincerity FREEDOM Verity Felicity

Year 8s receive their laptops

Presented by the Loreto Interact ClubPresented by the Loreto Interact Club

Friday 27 AprilFriday 27 April

7pm to 10.30pm7pm to 10.30pm

Carina PCYCCarina PCYC

27 Narracott St, Carina27 Narracott St, Carina

Dress Code Dress Code -- Hawaiian Luau ThemeHawaiian Luau Theme

Tickets $12Tickets $12 Invitations are extended to boys in Years 8 to 12 attending Villanova, Iona, Marist Invitations are extended to boys in Years 8 to 12 attending Villanova, Iona, Marist

Ashgrove, St Laurence’s, Terrace and Anglican Boys Grammar (Churchie).Ashgrove, St Laurence’s, Terrace and Anglican Boys Grammar (Churchie).

All money raised will be donated to Mary Ward InternationalAll money raised will be donated to Mary Ward International

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Parent Volunteer Form

Name:________________________ Daughter’s Homeroom:________

I can assist from: 6.45pm - 8.45pm 8.45pm - 10.45pm

We are looking for parents to assist with jobs, including: dance floor and outside supervision, ticketing and Cloak Room. Thank you.

Please return to the office by Tuesday 24 April.

24 HOURS Important information about accident protection for students*

Dear Parent

Every day there are accidents involving children. To assist parents with costs associated with those accidents, we have SchoolCare Accident insurance provided by Catholic Church Insurances Limited. The SchoolCare Accident policy provides protection to all students attending our school.

The 24 hour cover includes accidental injury cover 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and provides lump sum benefits under Section 1 of the policy. Non-Medicare medical expenses are only payable in relation to activities such as:

– attending school

– engaging in a sporting activity

– a secondary student undertaking a work experience program

– voluntary services to a religious, charitable, educational or benevolent organisation

– youth activities organised by a voluntary association such as Guides or Scouts or

– travelling to or from the above activities.

Cover is worldwide.

Our policy covers three important areas of care and any one accident may be claimable under one or more of these areas.

Cover includes:

1. Up to $7,500 inclusive per accident for medical costs (excluding any Medicare expenses or the Medicare Gap) from the following registered medical practitioners: Dentist Chiropractor Osteopath Physiotherapist Remedial massage Podiatry Acupuncture, and also costs from a Chemist, and Hospital accommodation and facility fees.

Please note:

Federal legislation in Australia prohibits Catholic Church Insurances from covering:

the cost of any medical service for which a Medicare benefit is payable

the Medicare Gap or

the cost of any hospital treatment or other benefit unless the cost arises from an injury while

taking part in certain activities, such as:

– attending school

– engaging in a sporting activity

– a secondary student undertaking a work experience program

– voluntary services to a religious, charitable, educational or benevolent organisation

– youth activities organised by a voluntary association such as Guides or Scouts or

– travelling to or from the above activities.

2. Fixed amounts for defined events. For example, when a student accidentally receives a fracture of the

hand the policy will pay a fixed amount of $250. The full table of benefits lists all the defined events covered under the policy and the fixed amount payable. The full table of benefits is shown in the information sheet available at

3. Other benefits related to the injury sustained including:

Emergency transport resulting from an accidental injury Home tuition Hospital inconvenience allowance Nursing allowance Professional counselling fees and Assistance with payment of school fees in the event of the accidental death of a parent or guardian.

These are all limited to specific amounts per accident. These amounts are detailed in the table of benefits contained in the policy, and are subject to the policy wording, terms, conditions and exclusions.

Your child may have an accident so please cut out the information below and keep it on your fridge or in a handy place. Please personalise the text box beside the opening paragraph (Name of school: etc.) with your relevant policy information.

*Summary only. See the policy document for full terms, conditions and exclusions.

Loreto College Coorparoo 03PAE 0133052 Disability/PA 24 Hours cover Basic Cover

Loreto College $13 from each Book sold goes straight towards our fundraising. To order your copy of the new 2012/2013 Entertainment Book, contact:

Lesley Bongaarts Phone: 3394 9999 E-mail: [email protected]

Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________State: ________________ P/Code: __________________

I would like to order: _____ x Brisbane, Sunshine Coast & Surrounds @ $65 each (GST incl.) = $____________

_____ x Gold Coast & Northern NSW @ $55 each (GST incl.) = $____________

_____ x Far North Queensland @ $50 each (GST incl.) = $____________

Total amount enclosed:= $____________


Purchase your Book before March 26th and you will receive Bonus Offers worth over $180 that you can use immediately (subject to availabilty)

To view the new 2012/2013 Entertainment Book on line please visit

Thank you for your support.