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The OER Movement and its Implications for Local Knowledges

Case Study of the Dominican Republic and their development and use of OER

Presentation of Prelim AbstractSome Background Information on OERAlfonso Sintjago – April 15

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“In my 1994 CIES presidential address I posed another “perplexing question” about “when comparative and international education will achieve recognition as something more than an ‘amorphous’ field” (Wilson 1994: 485).I believe that the answer is that globalisation has given comparative and international education increased recognition, and that ICTs have provided the communications tools to reach wider audiences. I urge all comparative and international educators to use this recognition wisely by doing their utmost to communicate effectively the results of the academic and field-based research and insights to policy-makers, educational reformers and practitioners”

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Broader Academia“My view is that in the open-access

movement, we are seeing the early emergence of a meta-university—a transcendent, accessible, empowering, dynamic, communally constructed framework of open materials and platforms on which much of higher education worldwide can be constructed or enhanced.” – Charles Vest 2006

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What are OER?“open educational resources are digitised

materials offered freely and openly for educators, students and self-learners to use and reuse for teaching, learning and research”

Term was first coined at a UNESCO meeting – 2002

OECD - the concept of “open educational resources” is both broad and vague.

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Conceptual Map

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Who is Involved? (OECD 2006)Over 3000 open access courses from over 300

universities.In the United States 1 700 courses by university-based

projects at MIT alone. Rice University, Carnegie Mellon University, among others have opened their courses.

In China 750 courses - 222 universities - China Open Resources for Education (CORE) consortium.

In Japan more than 400 courses - the Japanese OCW Consortium - members have grown from 7 to 19 2005-2006.

In France - 800 educational resources - 100 teaching units -11 member universities of the ParisTech OCW.

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Major OER Initiatives (2011)Wikieducators.orgFree Textbook MovementConnexions ConsortiumOpenCourseWare ConsortiumCommunity Colleges Consortium for Open

Education ResourcesUNESCO Support for the OERU Initiative

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Who Uses MIT OCW and OER? (2005)OCW is accessed by a broadly international population ofeducators and learners.• 61% of OCW traffic is non-US; East Asia-22%, Western Europe-15%, South Asia-6%, Latin America-5%, other regions-13%• 49% of visitors are self learners, 32% students, 16% educators

The OCW site is being successfully used by educators, students and self learners for wide range of purposes.• Educator uses: planning a course (26%), preparing to teach a class (22%), enhancing personal knowledge (19%)• Student uses: complementing a course (38%), enhancing personal knowledge (34%), planning course of study (16%)• Self learner uses: enhancing personal knowledge (56%), keeping current in field (16%), planning future study (14%)• 41% are completely successful; 51% are somewhat successful

Source:MIT OpenCourseWareEvaluation – 2005

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Creative Commons Licenses (OECD 2006)

As of June 2006, the use of the different license

options had the following distribution:

Attribution (BY) is used by 96.6% of all licensors.

Non-commercial option (NC) 67.5%.

Share Alike (SA) 45.4%.

No derivatives (ND) 24.3%.

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