  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly used English essay


    Mrs. Little saw an ad on television. It was selling trained

    chickens, but each chicken cost a lot of money. So Mrs. Little

    decided to train her own. She went to a farm, bought a chicken,

    and began teaching it.

    Ba Little knew that chickens love to peck. She acquired a toy

    piano and put food on the keys. The chicken would pick at the

    piano keys to get the food. Each time the chicken pecked, it

    would be playing the piano. Soon Mrs. Little had the chicken

    playing without food on the keys. The chicken knew it would get

    fed after it finished playing.

    Mrs. Little had the only piano-playing chicken in Benld,

    lllions or anywhere!

    1.  chicken (n): con ga con

    2.  to decide (v): quye t d inh

    3.  ad (n): hanh don g thong bao, quang cao

    4.  to train (v): dao tao, hud ng ddn

    5.   to peck (v): m o6.  to acquire (v): co duoc 


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    C ac  bAi Iuan tUnq  anIi Thowq duNq


    Mrs. Little da xem mot chifdng trinh quang cao tren ti vi noi

    ve nhCfng chu ga con difdc huan luyen, nhung gia cua moi chu ga

    do rat dat. Vi the ba quyet dinh tif minh huan luyen con ga. Ba di

    den nong-trai, mua mot con ga con va bSt dau day no.

    Ba Little biet rang ga con thich mo. Ba kiem mot cay dan

    difong cam do choi va dat thCfc an tren cac phim dan. Ga con se

    md len phim dan de lay thifc an. Moi lan ga con mo, no cung se

    choi dan. Chang bao lau ba Little da tap cho ga con chcfi dan ma

    khong can de thifc an tren phim. Ga con biet no se difOc cho 3n

    sau khi choi dan xong.

    Ba Little co con ga biet choi dan difOng cam duy nhat b   •

    Benld, Illions va d  bat cif noi dau.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly used English cssoy


    In February my school organized courtesy campaign. This

    campaign was to make students realize the importance of being


    During that month, we had an exhibition on the different

    ways of showing courtesy. There was a picture of a young boy

    giving up his seat on the bus to an old lady. Another picture

    showed a person saying “Thank you” after receiving a gift from

    someone. We were also treated to a film show on the different

    ways a person could be courteous.

    We learnt to greet our teachers politely. I also learnt to bemore courteous to my friends. I said “Thank you” when I

    borrowed something from them or when they helped me with my

    schoolwork. Most of all, I felt that I had leamt to be more

    courteous to both p eop le 1 knew as well as to strangers. I thought

    the courtesy campaign in my school was a success.

    1.  campaign (n): cuoc

    van dong, chien dich

    2.   courtesy (n): thai do nha nhdn, l ich su

    3.   exhibition (n): cuoc t r ung    bay, t r ien lam

    4.   different (adj): khac 

    5.   to learn (v): hoc 


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   bAi Iuan  tU'nq  anU Thong duNq

    CUOC VAN O0NG t h an h  lich

    Vao thang hai, tnfdng toi phat dong mot phong trao thanhlich. Phong trao nay nham giup hoc sinh nhan thifc ditoc tam

    quan trong cua phep lich sif va le do.

    Trong suot thang do, chung toi co mot cuoc tRfng bay ve

    viec bieu hien phep lich sif theo nhieu cach khac nhau. Co bifc

    tranh ve mot cau be nhifdng cho tren xe buyt cho mot ba cu.

    BCfc tranh khac la hinh anh mot ngifdi dang noi “Cam On” sau

    khi nhan difOc mon qua cua ai do tang. Chung toi cung di/Oc

    xem phim ve nhieu cach the hien thai do lich sif khac nhau cua

    mot ngifdi.

    Chung toi da hoc cach chao hoi thay co mot cach le phep.

    Toi cung hoc difdc cach lich sif hon vdi ban be. Toi noi “Cam cfn

    nhe" khi mifdn cua ban mot vat gi do hoac khi ban giup toi lam

    bai tap d trifdng. Quan trong hon ca, tdi hieu minh phai lich sif

    hon vdi ngifdi quen cung nhif ngifdi la. Tdi nghi ring cuoc van

    dong thanh lich d trifdng tdi da thanh cong.


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    Commonly used English essay

    55. SPORTS DAY

    Yesterday, my school held its annual Sports Day. It was an

    exciting day for all the students in my school. The events were to

    be held at two o ’clock in the afternoon . But all the students were

    told to report to school at nine o ’clock in the morning."

    A lot of things needed to be done so that the event would

    run smoothly. A number of us helped to arrange the chairs in

    neat rows. A few schoolmates helped to hang up some


    The time passed very quickly. Before we realized it, parents

    and other visitors had begun to arrive. This was the first time I

    would be participating in a race. I felt really excited and nervous.

    When my race was announced, I went to the track to get ready. I

    did not win the race, but it was a good experience. By six o’clock

    in the evening, all the sports events were over. It had been a very

    tiring but happy day.

    1.  to arrange (v): ui tri 

    2.   to participate (v): tham du

    3.  nervous (adj): cang thang, hoi hop

    4.  track (n): dudng dua

    5.   ready (adv): san sang 


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C ac  bAi Iuan  Ticwq anU Thong dung


    Horn qua, trifdng toi da td chifc ngay hoi the thao hangnam. Do la mot ngay soi noi nhat doi vdi toan bo hoc sinh cua

    trifdng. Cac mon thi dau difdc tien hanh vao hai gid tnJa. Nhifng

    tat ca hoc sinh phai co mat tai trifdng luc chin gid sang.

    Can phai lam nhieu viec de cuoc thi dau dien ra tot dep. M&t

    so hoc sinh sap xep ghe ngoi thanh hang ngay ngan. So khac

    mang theo mot so' do trang tri.

    Thdi gian troi qua that mau. Trifdc khi chung tdi nhan ra

    dieu do, phu huynh va khach khifa da bat dau den. Day la lan dau

    tien tdi tham dif mot cuoc chay dua. Tdi that sif cam thay kich

    dong va cang thing. Khi cuoc dua cua tdi difOc thong bao, toi di

    den difdng dua va chuan bi sin sang. Tdi khong thing cuoc,

    nhifng do la mot kinh nghiem quy bau. Vao luc sau gid chieu,

    moi cuoc thi dau deu ket thuc. Do la mot ngay het sifc met nhocnhifng vo cung vui ve.


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    Commonly used English essay



    Young people are always active and keen on learning so

    most of them prefer to live in town.

    First of all, living in town they have many chances to widentheir knowledge. Nowadays many language schools and centers

    open in town. They can go to any evening classes to improve

    their foreign languages such as French, English, Russian,

    German, Japanese and Chinese. Experienced teachers and

    professors are ready to provide them with what they want to

    know. Besides that, they can go to public libraries or English

    speaking clubs to broaden their knowledge and drill their Englishspeaking skills.

    Second, living in town they can keep abreast of current

    affairs all over the world by reading newspapers, magazines or by

    watching television or listening to the radio. In the morning, they saw

    Kuwait occupied by Irag troops but in the evening, they saw them

    driven out of this oil-producing country by powerful allied forces.

    Third, our country is open to all foreign investments and

    town is the cradle of industrial development. Therefore, upon

    graduating from university, they can have favorable opportunities

    to make full use of their ability.


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    C  ac  bAi Iuan  Tieng Awh Thong dung 

    Finally, there are many comfortable means of

    communication and entertainment in town. They can go

    anywhere they like and after a hard day's work they can enjoyminutes of recreation by watching interesting films on a large

    screen in a modem and air-conditioned cinema in town.

    For the above-mentioned reasons, an urban life has always

    been a fascinating appeal to all young men in the world.

    1. active (adj): ndng dong 

    2. to be keen on (v): ham meI 

    3. chance (n): co hoi 

    4. to widen (to broaden) (v): mo rong 

    5. to improve (v): cai thien


    Gidi tre luon luon nang dong va hieu hoc vi vay ho thich

    song cf thanh pho.

    Trifdc het, song d   thanh pho hp co nhieu cO hoi de md

    mang kien thCrc. Ngay nay nhieu trifdng va trung tam ngoai ngCf

    difdc md tai thanh pho. Hp co the den bat ky mot ldp hoc dem

    nao de trau doi ngoai nguf nhif Phap, Anh, Nga, DifC. Nhat va

    Trung Quoc. NhCfng giao vien va giao sif giau kinh nghiem sin

    sang cung cap cho hp nhCfng gi hp can biet. Ngoai ra. hp con co

    the den nhCfng thif vien cong cong hay cac cau lac bo noi tieng

    Anh de me? rong kien thCfc va luyen tap ki nang noi.

    Thif hai, song tai thanh pho hp co the theo kip cac bien co

    dang xay ra khap noi tren the gidi bang cach doc bao, xem ti vi


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly used English essay

    hay nghe dai. Vao buoi sang, ho nhin thay dat nifdc Kuwai bi

    quan doi Irak xam chiem nhung buoi chieu ho thay chung bi cac

    life lifdng dong minh hung manh danh bat ra khoi quoc gia san

    xuat dau lira nay.

    Thtf ba, dat nifdc chung ta dang md cite don nhan cac

    nguon dau tif nifdc ngoai va thanh pho la cai noi cua sif phat

    trien cong nghiep. Do do, sau khi tot nghiep dai hoc, ho co the

    co nhieu CO hoi thuan loi de tan dung tai nang cua ho.

    Sau cung, d tai thanh pho co nhieu phifdng tien thong tin va

    giai tn thuan loi. Ho co the di den bat ky ndi nao hp thich va sau

    mot ngay lam viec met moi hp co the thifdng thCfc nhCfng giay

    phut giai tri bang cach xem nhCfng bo phim hap dan tren man

    anh rong trong mot rap chieu bong co may dieu hoa nhiet do.

    Vi nhCfng li do tren, cuoc song noi thanh pho luon luon hap

    din doi vdi dai da so thanh nien tren the gidi.


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    C  ac   bAi Iuan TiENq anU th oN q duNq


    Dark black clouds in a dull sky meant one thing only: there

    was going to be thunderstorm. Not one of us had brought an

    umbrella, or even a raincoat, when Jack suggested we should goto museum, we all agreed immediately. As we had been shopping

    all morning and were now feeling very tired, it would be pleasure

    to sit down. We took a bus and arrived just as large drops of rain

    to beginning to fall.

    The museum was quite deserted and very peaceful. We sat

    down in the main hall and listened to the rain beating against the

    windows. Suddenly there was a great disturbance at the entrance.

    Then large parties of school-boys were led in by a teacher

    The poor man was trying to keep them quiet and

    Lhreatening to punish them, but they did not pay the slightest

    attention. The boys ran here and there like a wild tribe.

    Apologizing for this lack of discipline, the teacher explained that

    the boy were "rather excited". But in the end the noise provedtoo much for us and we decided to leave. As Jack remarked when

    we were walking in the rain, the boys had more right to be in the

    museum than we had. After all, they had come on an

    "educational visit, while we had simply wanted to get out of

    the rain.

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    Commonly used English essay

    1-  thunderstorm (n): con mua g iong 

    2.  to desert (v): hoang vdng, vdng ve

    3.  tribe (n): so luong ngudi ra t dong 

    4.   to remark (v): danh dau la i  

    5.   rain (n): m ua


    May den van vu tren nen trdi u am nghia la sap co mot con

    mua giong. Ca bon chung toi khong ai mang theo mot cay du,

    ngay ca ao mua cung khong co. Vi the khi Jack de nghi nen den

    vien bao tang, tat ca chung toi deu dong y ngay. Vi da di mua

    sam suot ca buoi sang va gid dang cam thay rat met, nen difdc

    ngoi xuong han la thu vi lam. Chung toi don xe buyt den vien bao

    tang vua luc nhCfng giot nifdc mua nang nang bat dau rOi xuong.

    Vien bao tang hoan toan vang ve va yen tinh. Chung toi

    ngoi d sanh phong, lang nghe nhCfng tieng mua dap vao cifa sd.

    Dot nhien, co tieng nao dong d cua vao. Sau do, mot doan hoc

    sinh dude mot thay giao dan vao.

    Ngifdi thay dang thifdng co bao chung giCf yen lang va doa

    se trifng phat chung, nhifng chung chang chut chu y. Lu con trai

    chay khap noi nhif mot dam tre mat kiem soat. Thay giao xin loi

    vi thai do thieu ky luat cua hoc tro minh, va giai thich rang bon

    con trai dang “phan khich ". Nhifng cuoi cung tieng on ao da

    chifng minh cho chung toi thay la con hon the nDa, nen chung toiquyet dinh rdi khdi nOi nay. Khi chung toi bifdc di trong mifa.

     Ja ck nhan xet rang bon ;o n trai do co quyen d trong vien bao

    tang hdn la chung toi. Vi suy cho cung chung den la de “tham

    quan hoc hoi”, con chung toi don gian la muon tru mua!


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   bAi Iuan  TiENq anIi  T^ONq dwq


    When the school reopened after the mid-year school holiday,

    we had a new class-mate. Her name is Cheng Siew Hong and

    she has emigrated with her family from Hong Kong to Singapore.

    The class was excited and I was especially so because she

    happened to sit next to me. My form teacher told us to make her

    feel at ease with us. Siew Hong is a cheerful-looking girl and an

    active athlete. She runs fast, swims well and even takes part in

    high-jump competitions. Siew Hong and I soon became very

    good friends because of our common interest in sports. We never

    run out of topics to talk about. We have lots of fun together, both

    in class and out on the field. 1 help Siew Hong cope with the

    English language while she helps me out of with the Chinese


    Since this was the first time she’s been in Singapore, the

    class decided to bring Siew Hong to some of the local tourist

    attractions like Sentosa and Botanic Garden. We also brought her

    to Satay Club to let her try the tasty local speciality. With ourhelp, Siew Hong fitted into class in no time. She is glad to join

    our class and we are glad to have her as a new friend.

    1.  to emigrate (v): di cu

    2.   form teacher (comp.n): giao uien chu nhiem


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    Commonly used English gssqy

    3.  run out (of sth): du ng het hodc can het cai g i  

    4.   to cope with (v): duefng dau, d di p ho

    5.  speciality (n): ddc san

    M0T NGUOI BAN Nl6l

    Khi trifdng hoc md cifa lai sau ki nghi giOfa nam, ldp chung

    toi co them mot ngifdi ban mcfi. Ten co ban la Cheng Siew

    Hong. Co da cung gia dinh di cif tif Hong Kong sang Singapore.

    Ldp hoc rat phan khich va toi con phan khi'ch hon nifa vi co

    ban tinh cd ngoi canh toi. Thay chu nhiem bao chung toi hay

    giup co thay thoai mai, de chju hon. Siew Hong la mot co gai vui

    tifdi va la mot van dong vien tich cifc. Co chay rat nhanh, boi loi

    gidi va tham chi con tham gia tranh tai trong cuoc thi nhay cao

    nifa. Chang bao lau toi va Siew Hong da trd thanh ban be than

    thiet vi deu yeu thi'ch the thao. Chung toi khong bao gid het

    chuyen de noi vdi nhau. Chung toi chia se nhieu dieu thu vi, catrong ldp hoc lln ngoai san cd. Toi giup Siew Hong difang dau

    vdi mon tieng Anh, con co ay giup toi hoc tieng Trung Quoc.

    Vi day la lan dau tien Siew Hong d Singapore, nen ca ldp

    quyet dinh dlin co di tham vai nOi hap dan khach du lich, nhif dao

    Sentosa hoac vifdn bach thao. Chung toi con difa den cau lac bo

    Sa tay de co nem thif dac san cua dia phi/ong. DifOc chung toi

    giup d

  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   b/\i Iuan  t icing ANh Thong duNq


    I would like to live in a house by the sea where I can see the

    sun rise and set every day.

    This is how 1will want my house to be like: after passing the

    front gate, there will be a lovely rose garden. Then, the big white

    house comes into view. When 1 walk through the door, a white

    sitting room with a pink sofa set will greet me. Paintings of

    beautiful flowers hanging on the walls will make the room look

    comfortable and fresh.

    The three bedrooms will be on the second level. One is for

    my parents, one for my brother and one for me. I will like my

    room to be painted pink. Above my bed, 1will hang a big picture

    of a ballerina dressed in white. The grey carpet on the floor will

    be strewn with many cushions to lie reading novels. 1 will do my

    homework on the table by the window through which I can see

    the stars at night.

    On the highest level will be an open space which overlooks

    the sea. It will be used for barbecue in the evening.

    No matter how fine this house may seem, it is just a dream.

    What is reality for me is a three-room flat in Tiong Bahru


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    Commonly used English essay

    1.  ballerina (n): nCt d ien vien mua ba le

    2.   to strew (v): trai  

    3.  barbecue (n): bua tiec ngoai trdi, dn thuc fin nuang tren u! 4.   reality (n): thuc te

    5.  dream (n): g iac m a

    NGOl NHA TOl thich  s 6 ng

    Toi thich difOc song d ngoi nha canh bd bien, d do ngay nao

    toi cung co the nhin thay mat trdi moc va canh hoang hon.

    Ngoi nha mO ifdc cua toi la ngoi nha sau khi di qua cong

    trifdc se cd mot vifdn hoa hong dang yeu. Tiep do, mot can nha

    ldn mau trang hien ra trifdc mat. Khi toi qua cite chinh, mot

    phong khach mau trang vdi mot bo ghe trang ky mau hong se

    chao don toi. NhCfng bifc tranh hoa treo tren tifdng se lam can

    phong trong d£ chiu va tifoi mat.

    Ba phong ngu d tang hai. Mot phong danh cho cha me, mot

    phong cho em toi va mot cho toi. Toi thich can phong cua toi

    son mau hong. Phia tren giufdng toi se treo bifc tranh ve mot vu

    cong bale mac do trang. Chiec tham mau xam dat tren san vdi that

    nhieu goi de nam doc tieu thuyet. Toi se lam bai tap ve nha d ban

    hoc ke ben canh cite sd de co the ngam sao trdi vao ban dem.

    Tang tren cung se la mot khoang khong nhin ra bien. NhCfng

    bCfa tiec ngoai trdi vao buoi tdi se difOc td chCfc d do.

    Cho du can nha nay cd dep den dau di nifa cung chi la mot

    giac mO. Thifc te thi toi dang song trong mot can ho ba phong d

    Tiong Bahru.


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    C  ac   bAi Iuan tU n q Anh tho n g duwq


    The street lamps are shaped like chocolate candy kisses. The

    streets have names like East Chocolate Avenue. You are in

    Chocolate Town, U.S.A. Its real name is Hershey, Pennsylvania.

    In 1905, a man named Milton Hershey opened a chocolate

    factory in a cornfield. Today, there are thousands of people living

    in the town. Visitors are amazed at the huge vats that hold ten

    thousand pounds of chocolate each. It takes milk from fifty

    thousand cows every day to help make the candy. There are

    barns holding 90 million pounds of cacao beans. Chocolate is

    made from cacao beans.

    If you are ever near Hershey, Pennsylvania, stop at the

    world's largest chocolate factory. There are free samples too!

    1.  chocolate (n): so co la

    2.   lamp (n): bong den

    3.  kiss (n): mau, thoi  

    4.  Avenue (n): dai Ip, cao oc 

    5.   to amaze (v): lam kinh ngac, la m sung sot 

    6. vat (n): thung, be, chum

    7. bean (n): hat 

    8.  free (adj): mien ph i , khong mat t ien

    9.  sample (n): sd lupng nho san pham b ieu khong 


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    Commonly used English cssqy


    Den difdng co hinh dang giong nhif nhufng thoi keo so co la.Difdng pho co nhCfng cai ten dai loai nhif la East Chocolate

    Avenue. Ban dang d thanh pho So co la, Hoa Ky. Ten that cua

    no la Hershey, thuoc bang Pennsylvania.

    Vao nam 1905, mot ngifdi dan ong ten Milton Hershey md

    nha may so co la tai mot canh dong ngo. Ngay nay, co hang

    ngan ngifdi song trong thanh pho nay. Cac du khach kinh ngac

    trifdc nhdng cai thung khong lo, moi thung chifa mifdi ngan canso co la. Phai lay sCta tCf nam mifOi ngan con bo moi ngay de lam

    keo. Co nhieu nha kho chifa chin mifOi trieu can hat ca cao. So

    co la difpc lam tif hat ca cao.

    Neu ban co luc nao den Hershey, Pennsylvania, hay ghe lai? _

    nha may so co la ldn nhat the gidi. O do cung co nhting mau

    hang difOc phat mien phi nufa day!


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac  bAi Iuan  TitNq aimIi  Thomq duNq


    A swan was sleeping on a pond one winter. During the night

    weather became very cold. The water turned into ice. The swan

    couldn't move, and in time it could die.

    The swan called, but there was no one to help. Suddenly, a

    flock of geese came flying by. When they saw the swan stuck in

    the ice, they landed right by it. Soon they were pecking away at

    the ice. After a short while, the swan was free. As it winged

    through the air it called a thank you. Maybe someday the swan

    would be able to help the geese.

    1.  goose (n): con ngong 

    2.  swan (n): con thien nga

    3.  pond (n): cai ao

    4.   in time (idm): sdm hay muon, cuoi cung 

    5.  flock (n): dan,  bay

    6. to stick (in sth) (stuck - stuck) (v): bi ket, bi hoc 

    7. to land (v): ha cach

    8.  to wing (v): bay (bdng doi canh)


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    Commonly used English essay

    NGONG ba  g iup  do  th i£n nga  nhu th £ nao

    Mua dong no, co con thien nga dang ngu tren mot cai ao.

    Suot dem, thoi tiet rat lanh. Nifdc dong thanh bang. Con thien

    nga khong the cif dong difOc va sdm hay muon thi thien nga cung

    se chet mat.

    Con thien nga keu len nhifng khong co ai den giup no. Bat

    ngd, co mot dan ngdng bay ngang qua. Khi thay con thien nga bi

    ket trong bang, chung dap xuong ngay gan do va nhanh chongmd vang chd nifdc dong bang. Mot luc sau, con thien nga difpc

    cCfu thoat. Khi cat canh bay len no keu cam On. Co le mot ngay

    nao do thien nga co the se giup dd lai cac con ngong.


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    C  ac   bAi Iuan  t iin q Awh thon g dung

    62. A FLOOD

    After spending the morning in the school library, 1 was

    dismayed to find the sky overcast. The first few drops of rain

    were already falling when 1 dashed to the nearby bus-stop. I was

    relieved when the bus came soon afterwards. A few minutes after

    I boarded the bus, the rains feel in torrent. The bus moved along

    the road very slowly.

    About on e hour later, the bus came to a standstill. 1 cleaned

    the clouded-up window with my hands. T o my dismay, 1 saw that

    we ere caught right in the middle of a flood. The water came up

    to the first step of the bus. The canal beside the road had


    A car had stalled in the flood. Some men were pushing it

    through the flood water to a side road so that other vehicles could

    pass. After they succeeded in doing so, the traffic continued at a

    very slow pace. 1arrived home late that day.

    1. overcast (n): bi   may bao phu, am u

    2. to relieve (v): cam thay nhe bat su cang thdng 

    3. torrent (n): dong nuac, u.u.. chay manh, thac 

    4. standstill (n): su du ng lai , su dung lai  

    5. to stall (v): (ue may moc) chet may 

    6. pace (n): toe do (nhat la di hoac chay)


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    Commonly used English essay


    Sau mot buoi ngoi d thif vien trifdng, toi hoang hon khi thaybau trdi day may u am . Vai hat mite dau tien roi xuong khi toi

    chay den tram xe.buyt gan do. Toi cam thay nhe nhom khi chang

    may choc sau xe buyt da den. Vai phut sau khi toi len xe thi mite

    rOi nhif trut nifdc. Chiec xe buyt dich chuyen cham chap tren


    Khoang mot gid sau xe difng han. Toi dung tay lau canh cite

    sd b| nifdc mite lam md, va that khung khiep khi thay minh bi ketgiOte mot cOn lu. Nifdc da dang len den bac thang dau tien cua xe.

    Dong kenh ben canh con difdng chim trong be nifdc.

    Mot chiec o to bi chet may giCte con lu. Vai ngifdi dang cd

    day no qua dong nifdc lu den ve difdng de nhCfng xe khac co the

    chay qua. Sau khi hp lam xong, xe co lai lifu thong vdi toe do vo

    cung cham. Horn do toi ve nha muon.

    14 3

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    C  ac   b/vi Iuan  titNq anU T^ONq dung


    An activity in which we take an interest outside our regular

    work becomes a hobby. Some students make drawing or painting

    a hobby, for other collection of stamps or gardening. Shell

    collecting on the beach is the hobby of some children.

    Hobby benefits many individuals. For example, a person

    who collects stamps of various countries of the wdrld takes a

    special interest in the study of the subject of the stamp as well as

    the country where it is used. He may spend a lot of money

    buying rare stamps for his album and takes a great pride in

    owning them. Hobby also teaches a person the value of things or

    activity he is interested in.

    As for me 1 have had a few hobbies at different stages in my

    life. My earliest hobby was stamp collecting. Then it was keeping

    pets. I had two pet dogs and a parrot. Presently, my hobby is

    gardening. I plant flower and vegetables in my house compound

    and water them everyday. 1 nurse the plants by weeding or

    putting manure at times. Very often 1 sell my flowers to florists

    and get small income.

    It is wiser to engage oneself in any hobby than it is to idle

    away one's precious time.


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    Commonly used English essay

    1.  hoppy (n): sd thich

    2.   collection (n): bo situ tap

    3.   stamp (n): tem4.   income (n): thu nhap

    5.   flower (n): hoa

    S6 THICH

    Sd thich la mot dieu ma ta quan tam den ngoai cong viec

    thifdng ngay. Mot so hoc sinh co sd thich la ve tranh, sd khac lai

    thich sifu tap tem hoac lam vifdn. Sifu tap vo so tren bai biencung la sd thich cua mot difa tre.

    Sd thich rat cd ich cho nhieu ngifdi. Vi du nhif, mot ngifdi

    sifu tap tem cua nhuftg nifdc khac nhau tren the gidi se dac biet

    quan tam nghien cifu ve noi dung cua con tem cung nhif ve quoc

    gia li/u hanh con tem do. Anh ta co the bo ra rat nhieu tien mua

    nhCfng con tem hiem de lifu vao bo sifu tap va rat tif hao khi sd

    hCfu chung. Sd thich cung day ta nhan biet difdc gia tri cua do vathoac hoat dong ma ta dang quan tam.

    Ve phan toi, toi co vai sd thich theo tifng giai doan khac

    nhau trong ddi. Sd thich dau tien la sifu tap tem. Sau do con lai la

    thich nuoi thu cifng. Toi co hai con cho va mot con vet. Con hien

    gid sd thich cua toi la lam vifdn. Toi trong hoa va rau cai trong

    khu dat tao kin xung quanh nha va tifdi nifdc moi ngay. Toi cham

    chut cay coi, nhd co dai va thinh thoang lai bon phan cho cay.Toi thifdng ban hoa cho ngifdi ban hoa va kiem difpc mot khoan

    thu nhap nhd.

    D im minh vao mot sd thich nao do ro rang khon ngoan hon

    la lang phi thdi gian qui bau cua minh.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   b/\i Iuan  TitNq anN  Tbowq dumc;

    64. A GOOD DEED

    There is an overhead bridge in front of the block of flats

    where I live. An old lady sits inere selling sweets and peanuts.

    She told me that she had been abandoned by her grown-up

    children. Out of sympathy I buy a packet of peanuts from her

    whenever I cross the bridge.

    One day as I was crossing the bridge, it started to drizzle.

    The old lady packed her things and hurriedly went down the

    stairs. Before I could run forward to give her a hand she missed a

    step and fell. By the time I reached her, she had already fainted. I

    was shocked to see her head bleeding. Unfortunately, there was

    no one around to help. Thus, I left her and ran to the nearest

    telephone booth to call for an ambulance.

    In the hospital, the doctor told me that the old lady would

    soon be well as she had not lost too much blood. I was not

    relieved as her family would not care for her. I asked my father

    for help. Soon, she was sent to live in an Old Folks Home.

    I feel glad to have been of help to the old lady. I intend to

    visit her often at the Old Folks Home.

    1.  deed (n): viec da lam

    2.   to abandon (v): bo roi 


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    Commonly used English gssqy

    3.  sympathy (n): su cam thong 

    4.   to faint (v): nga't x!u, bat t inh

    5.   lady (n): quy ba

    m Qt v i $ c  lAm  t 6 t

    Co mot chiec cau cao qua dau b  phia tnfdc khu chung cif noi

    toi song. Mot ba cu ngoi b   do ban keo va dau phong. Cu ke vdi

    toi rang cac con cu nay da tn/efng thanh va da bo roi cu. Vi qua

    thifdng cu nen moi khi qua cau toi lai mua giup cu mot bao dauphong.

    Mot ngay no, khi toi dang bang qua cau thi trdi mite lat

    phat. Cu gia thu don do dac va voi va di xuong cau thang. Tnfdc

    khi toi co the chay den va giup cu mot tay thi cu bifdc hut va nga

    xuong. Luc toi chay den thi cu da ngat di. Toi choang vang khi

    thay dau cu chay mau. That khong may, chang co mot ai ben

    canh giup dd. Vi vay toi de cu b  do va chay den phong dien thoai

    gan nhat de goi xe cifu thifdng.

    O ben h vien, bac si ba o toi rang cu gia se sdm binh phuc vi

    cu khong bj mat nhieu mau. Toi khong an tam vi gia dinh cu se

    khong cham soc cu. Toi da nhd cha giup dd. Sau do cu difdc girt

    den song b  mot nha difdng iao.

    Toi clim thay vui khi giup dd difdc cho ba cu gia. Toi dif dinhdi tham cu thifdng xuyen b   nha difdng lao.


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    C  ac   bAi Iuan   t U n q anM  ihoNq duNq

    65. KID VISITS

    Every day after school, Rita Sanchez would stop her

    grandmother’s apartment, Rita and her grandmother both looked

    forward to these times together. In fact, .R ita’s grandmother kept

    saying, “I wish all my other friends had grandchildren to visit

    them like this”.

    That gave Rita an idea. She talked with friends about it. Kid

    Visits was underway. Each day, on the way home from school,

    Kid Visits kids stop and spend time with older people in the

    neighborhood. The children talk, run errands, or even take thepeople to the park.

    “It's the great for everyone, Rita tells people. People who

    live alone get to see other people more often. And we get to feel

    this we have dozens of grandparents!

    1.  visit (n): su tham vieng 

    2.   look forward to (v): mong cha , m ong da i  

    3.  underway (idm): da bat dau va dang t ien tr ien

    4.   errand (n): viec Idt vdt 

    5. alone (adj): mot minh, dan doc, cd dan

    6. dozen (n): td (muai hai dan vi)


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    NHONG BCTA t r £ t h Am  v i£ n g

    Moi ngay, sau gid tan hoc, Rita Sanchez ghe lai can ho cuaba minh. Ca Rita va ba deu mong doi nhCfng giay phut d ben

    nhau nhif the. Thifc te ba cua Rita luon noi: Udc gi tat ca ban be

    cua toi deu co chau den cham nom giong the nay.

    Dieu do lam Rita nay ra mot sang kien. Co noi vdi cac ban

    cua minh ve dieu nay. Chlng bao lau nhom nhCfng difa tre tham

    vieng difOc thanh lap va phat trien. Mdi ngay, tren difdng tif

    trifdng ve nha, cac thanh vien trong nhom nay se ghe lai thamnhCfng ngifdi gia trong xom. Bon tre tro chuyen, lam nhCfng viec

    lat vat, hoac tham chi con difa ho den cong vien.

    “Dieu nay that tuyet vdi ddi vdi moi ngifdi, Rita noi. NhCfng

    ngifdi song mot minh se gap gd nhieu ngifdi khac thifdng xuyen

    hon. Va chung ta se thay cd den hang ta cac ong ba!”

    Commonly used English essay ______ ________________


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    C  ac   bAi Iuan  Titwq ANh ihowq dung


    Teachers’ Day falls on the twentieth of November. Every

    year, our chool will celebrate this day by holding a concert

    especially for the principal and teachers. This year was no


    On that day, the whole school proceeded to the hall after

    morning assembly. Every class was involved in the concert. There

    were dances, sketches, mimes and songs. All the performers did

    their best and the concert was a great success.

    After the concert, we went back to our classes to have our

    class parties. My classroom was transformed into a party hall.

    When our form teacher came into the class, she was very

    surprised indeed. We had food, drinks and presents for her.

    Some of us even made cards for her and she was very touched.

    - At the end of the day, everyone was in a good m ood. 1 felt

    that, as students, we should thank our teachers for teaching us

    our lessons so patiently and cheerfully. What better opportunity is

    there for us to show our appreciation than on Teachers' Day?

    1.  to celebrate (v): l a m l i    ky niem

    2.   sketch (n): va hai kich ngdn

    3.  mine (n): kich cam

    4.   touched (adj):  xuc d o n g , cam ddng 

    5. appreciation (n): su cam kich, long b iet cm


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly mcd English essay


    Le hien chiiong nha giao la vao ngay 20 thang 11. Hang

    n5m, tn/dng toi lai td chtfc ngay nay bang mot buoi bieu diln van

    nghe dac biet danh cho thay hieu tnidng va cac giao vien. N5m

    nay cung khong ngoai le.

    Vao ngay do, toan tn/dng tap hop tai hoi tnidng sau khi da

    rmt tinh vao buoi sang. Mdi lcfp deu tham gia vao buoi lien hoan

    van nghe. Co cac tiet muc mua, hai kich ngan, kich cam va cac

    ca khuc. Tat ca dien vien deu cd gang het sufc minh de chuong

    trinh van nghe di/dc thanh cong tdt dep.

    Sau buoi van nghe, chung toi trcf lai ldp hoc de chuan bi cho

    bCfa tiec cua 16p. Lcfp toi bien thanh mot phong tiec. Khi co chu

    nhiem budc vao, co that sU ngac nhien. Chung toi mdi co tham

    du va tang qua cho co. Vai ban con lam thiep de chuc mCfng co

    nute, co giao rat xuc dong.

    Vao cuoi ngay, moi ngifcfi deu d trong tam trang vui ve. Toithay rang la hoc sinh, chung ta phai biet On thay co giao da kien

    nhan va vui ve giang day chung ta. Vay thi con dip nao tdt hon

    dip nay de chung ta bay to long biet On cua minh ddi vdi thay co.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   bAi Iuan  TitNq anIi ihoN q duNq


    The Sentosa cable car in Singapore was known to be one of

    the safest in the world. However, on a day in January 1983,

    holiday makers on a cable car ride to Sentosa Island were facedwith a disaster.

    The cables supporting the cable cars snapped when a drill

    ship was pushed by the strong currents towards the cable car

    lines. The drill tower of the ship hit the cables before anything

    could be done to stop it.

    Two of the cable cars were plunged into the sea below. The

    door of another cable car burst opened and three passengers

    inside were thrown out of it. Altogether, five people died in this

    disaster. Several cable cars hung dangerously from the cables,

    swinging violently in the strong winds. Thirteen people were

    trapped in three of these cable cars. At any time, these cable cars

    could have plunged into the sea and killed the passengers inside.

    Rescue workers embarked on a daring helicopter rescue

    operation. All the thirteen people were rescued.

    1.  cable car (n): toa xe dupe nang len cao ua ducfc keo 

    bang mot    day cap chuyen dong 

    2.  to snap (v): lam cho cai g i gay do t n got bang m ot t ieng  

    dong ldn


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    Commonly used English essay

    3.  current (n): chuyen dong thanh dong cua khong khf, nude

    4.   disaster (n): tham hoa

    5.   passenger (n): hanh khach

    mQt ta i  nan

    He thong xe treo tren day cap Sentosa cua Singapore co

    tieng la he thong an toan nhat tren the gidi. Vay ma, vao mot

    ngay thang gieng nam 1983, nhCfng ngifOi di nghi bang xe treo

    tren day cap den dao Sentosa da gap mot tham hoa.

    Cac day cap nang nhCfng toa xe bong dift phift khi mot chiec

    tau khoan bi nhCfng luong gio manh day dat ve phia cac tuyen

    day cap. Thap khoan tren tau va vao cac toa xe trifdc khi ngifdi

    ta co the thifc hien dieu gi do nham ngan chan no lai.

    Hai toa xe do nhao xuong bien. Canh cite mot toa xe khac

    bung ra va ba hanh khach trong xe bi nem ra ngoai. Co tat ca

    nam ngifdi b| thiet mang trong tham hoa nay. Nhieu toa xe lolifng tren day mot cach nguy hiem, lac lif dCf dpi trong con gio

    manh. MifOi ba ngiidi con ket lai trong ba toa xe. Bat cif luc nao

    cac toa xe nay cung co the roi xuong bien, de doa tinh mang cua

    nhCfng hanh khach con d   ben trong.

    Nhan vien cCfu ho da mao hiem giai cifu cho hanh khach

    bang trifc thang. Ca mifdi ba ngi/di deu thoat nan.

    15 3

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    C  ac   b/tf Iuan  TiiNq anU  Thong duNQ


    Phong had always been a very untidy boy. After playing with

    his toys at home he would leave them around the living room.

    His mother would then have to put them away for him.

    One day, Phong wanted to visit his friend, Vu. Before Phong

    left his house, he took some rambutans along with him. On the

    way to Vu’s house, Phong ate the rambutans. After eating each

    fruit, Phong threw the skill on the ground. Soon there was a trail

    of rambutan skills behind him.

    A policeman on duty saw what Phong was doing. He went

    over to the littering boy and gave the boy warning. Phong was

    then asked to pick up all the rambutant skills he had thrown. He

    was also asked to throw them into the dustbin. The boy

    apologized for what he had done. He also promised the

    policeman that he would not litter again.

    1.  to litter (v):  xa rac, uut rac bua bai 

    2.  untidy (adj): Ion xon, bi/a bai 

    3.  rambutan (n): qua chom chom

    4.   trail (n): dau vet duoi dang mot vet seo dai do a^cai gi di   

    qua de lai 

    5.   dustbin (n): thung rac 

    6.  to apologize (v):  x in lo i, no i rang m inh an han


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly used English essay

    XA RAC

    Phong luon la mot cau be rat i1  bite bai. Sau khi choi xongdo chcfi, cau ta vift chung lung tung xung quanh phong khach.

    The la me cau phai thu don lai cho cau ta.

    Mot ngay no, Phong muon den tham Vu, ban cau. Trifdc khi

    ra khoi nha, Phong cam theo vai qua chdrn chom. Tren difdng

    den nha Vu, Phong an chom chom, roi vift vo ra difdng. Choc

    lat, sau lifng cau ta da co mot vet dai toan v6 chom chom.

    Mot vien canh sat dang thi hanh nhiem vu chot trong thay

    hanh dong cua Phong. Anh ben di den ben cau be va canh cao

    cau ta. Roi anh yeu cau cau phai nhat het so vo chom chom ma

    cau da vtit bite bai, sau do phai nem chung vao thung rac. Cau be

    xin loi ve viec da lam. Cau cung hite vdi ngifdi canh sat rang cau

    se khong vift rac bite bai nute.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   bAi Iuan  tienq anIi thoNq duNq


    One weekend, my aunt organized a two-day camping to

    Sentosa Island. A day before leaving, my mother packed some

    fresh food and some canned food into a box. Then we took the

    camping equipment "*.nd sleeping bags out of the cupboard forthe trip. I was afraid of mosquito bites, so I brought along a can

    of insect repellent.

    Early the next morning, we put all the stuff in the car and left

    for the jetty. We were to take a ferry to the island.

    The ferry trip was smooth. On our way there, a few of my

    cousins and I sang some songs that we had leant in school. We

    reached Sentosa Island just before noon. We went to the camp

    site. After pitching our tents, we had our lunch.

    The youngsters decided to explore the island in groups of

    three. My mother and my aunt went for a walk, while my father

    went for a swim. In the evening, we played some games together.

    The next evening, we made our way home. It was really fun

    camping but rather tiring.

    1.  to camp (v): di cam trai 

    2.  repellent (n): chat hod hoc de chong con trung (ruoi, 

    mudi. . . )

    3.   jetty (n): cau tau


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    Commonly used English essay

    4.   ferry (n):  pha

    5.   to pitch (v): dung, cdm (leu, trai, u.u..trong mot thefi  

    gian ngdn)


    Mot ngay cuoi tuan, di toi td chut mot chuyen di cam trai

    hai ngay tren dao Sentosa. Horn tn/dc chuyen di, me toi da

    chuan b| mot it thtfc an ti/Oi va vai do hop vao thung. Sau do

    chung toi loi bo do cam trai va tui ngu ra kh6i tu de chuan bi chochuyen di. Toi con so bi muoi dot nen dem theo mot lo thuoc

    chong con trung.

    Sang sdm horn sau, chung toi dat tat ca cac vat dung vao xe

    va lai ra cau tau, doan di pha ra dao.

    Chuyen pha dien ra suon se. Doc dudng di, toi cung cac anh

    em hat nhCfng bai da hoc di/Oc d trudng. Trudc 12 gid trua,

    chung toi da den dao. Chung toi di den khu vut cam trai. Sau khi

    difng trai xong, chung toi dung bCfa trifa.

    Dam tre quyet dinh tham hiem hon dao theo tifng nhom ba

    ngiidi. Me va di toi di dao, con cha toi di boi. Toi den, chung toi

    cung nhau chdi tro choi.

    Tdi hom sau, chung toi trd ve nha. Di cam trai vui nhijng

    kha met.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   bAi Iuan tienc* anIi thoNq duNq


    People in Memphis, Tennessee, have a special treat in the

    Memphis Zoo. For years they had enjoyed Julie, the zoo twenty-seven-year-old hippopotamus, a large animal that lives in water.

    Recently, however, Julie gave birth to a set of forty-pound twins.

    People around Memphis made quite a fuss about the two

    babies. Julie’s children were, after all, the first hippo twins ever to

    be bom in the United States. As a result, they had a chance to

    meet with everyone from city officials to movie stars. Julie,

    ^however, was not impressed with all the attention or her well-known guests. In fact, she made sure that no one, not even the

    zoo keepers, got close to her young offspring. Now, do you think

    anyone is willing to argue with this four-thousand-pound hippo?

    1.  treat (n): niem vui ldn

    2.  hippopotamus (n): con ha ma

    3.  twins (n): cap song sinh

    4.   make a fuss (idm): dac b iet chu y den ai/cai gi, Idm rum  


    5.   to impress (v): gay an tuong 

    6.  offspring (n): con cua mot con vat  

    7. to be willing to (v): san sang, san long 


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly used English cssqy


    Ngi/di dan b   Memphis, Tennessee, co niem vui bat ngd dac

    biet b   vi/dn bach thu Memphis. Trong nhieu nam nay hp rat yeu

    thich Julie, con -ha ma 27 tuoi b sd   thu, mot con vat to ldn song

    di/di nifdc. G an day, Ju lie ch o ra d

  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C a c bk i   Iuan Titwq Anh thong duNq


    When I was in Primary Four, a new boy joined my class

    during the second semester. As I was sitting next to him, I was

    asked to help him to get used to the new environment. We hit it

    off instantly. Two years have passed since. Now, we have

    become the best of friends. That boy’s name is Wie Zhiwei.

    Zhiwei is much taller and skinier than I. He is also very agile.

    That is why he has qualified for our school basketball team. He is

    also one of our school’s best athletes. He specialized in the

    hurdles and high jump events.

    Though Zhiwei is very involved in sports and games, he is

    very disciplined. He always finishes his homework on time. In

    fact, he has always been one of the top pupils in class.

    One major belief that both of us agree on is that friends

    should share their thoughts and knowledge. This enables us to

    know each other very well. Thus, in spite of the fact that he is an

    extrovert and I am n ot, we are still such close friends I really

    treasure this friendship and hope that it will last forever.

    1.  semester (n): hoc   ky sau thang 

    2.   hit it off (idm): an   y, tam dau   y hop

    3.  skinny (adj): ra t   gay, gay nhom

    4.  agile (adj): nhanh nhen

    5.   extrovert (n): nguoi hoat bat ua thich giao du


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly used English essay


    Khi toi hoc ldp bon, trong hoc ki hai, mot ban tra*i mcfi vao

    ldp toi. Vi toi ngoi canh ban ay nen toi di/Oc yeu cau giup dd ban

    quen dan vdi moi trifdng mdi. Chung toi ket than vert nhau ngay.

    Hai nam hoc troi qua ke ti/ do. Bay gid chung toi da trd thanh

    nhifng ngi/di ban tot cua nhau. Ban nam do ten la Wie Zhiwei.

    Zhiwei cao va gay hdn toi. Cau cung rat nhanh nhen. Do la

    li do tai sao cau du kha nang gia nhap doi bong t o   trifdng toi.

    Cau cung la mot trong nhOfrig van dong vien gidi nhat tri/dng.Cau chuyen ve chay vifOt rao va nhay cao.

    . Mac du Zhiwei rat quan tam den the thao va cac mon choi,

    nhi/ng cau rat co ki luat. Cau luon hoan tat bai tap ve nha dung

    gid. Thifc te cau luon la mot trong nhifng hoc sinh difng dau ldp.

    Mot dieu ma ca hai chung toi cung thoa thuan la ban be phai

    chia se suy nghi va kien thifc cho nhau. Dieu nay giup chung toi

    hieu nhau nhieu hon. Vi vay mac du tren thifc te cau la mot ngifdi

    cdi md con toi thi khong, chung toi van la ban than cua nhau.Toi

    that sif quy trong tinh ban nay va hi vong no' se keo "dai mai mai.


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    C ac bAi Iuan Tifrq Awh Thowq dung

    72. A RAINY DAY

    A rainy day is disliked by school children because it keeps

    them indoor. They have little chance to go out and play on a

    rainy day.

    Once I had an unpleasant experience on a rainy day. It was

    on Monday and 1 was attending my class. All of a sudden, the

    clouds became darker, followed by a torrential rain. The rain

    started at about 9.00 a.m and continued for more than an hour.

    The rainy water started to creep into our class gradually. Our

    shool being in a low land, it took little time for'the whole schpol -

    compound to get flooded.

    Our teachers had little work to do during the rain as thunder

    became deafening followed by a stormy weather. The school was

    dismissed an hour earlier than usual and we had to walk back

    home in knee-deep water. 1did not bring my umbrella, so I had to

    share my friend’s umbrella on my way home. By the time 1

    reach ed hom e 1 was drenched. 1 felt miserable as my books were

    all wet. 1 had to dry them up for the next day. I saw a few treesup-rooted in front of my house and it was caused by the rain. A

    canal near my house was over-flowing and it took like the whole

    place would go under water. We were lucky that the flood water

    receded and the sky became clearer soon.

    I still remember the dreadful scene of that rainy day.


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    Commonly used English essay

    1.  deafening (adj): diec tai , choi tai  

    2.   to dismiss (v): giai tan

    3.  umbrella (n): cai o

    4.   to drench (v): lam a&t sung 

    5. to up-root (v): nho bat r i  

    M0T NGAY Ml/A

    Hoc sinh khong thich trdi mite bdi vi chung phai d trong

    nha. Chung kho co co hoi ra ngoai choi trong mot ngay mite gio.

    Cd lan toi da nem trai mot kinh nghiem kho chiu ve mot

    ngay trdi mite. Dd la horn thif hai, toi dang hoc trong ldp. Bat

    chdt may mite keo den den kit, roi mite tuon nhif trut nifdc. Tran

    mite bat dau vao khoang 9 gid sang va keo dai hdn mot gid lien.

    Nifdc mite tif tif chay vao ldp hoc. Trifdng toi nam d vung dat

    thap, nen chang bao lau sau ca khuon vien trifdng da bi ngap lut.

    Cac thay co chang giang duoc gi nhieu trong luc trdi mite vi

    sam set ren vang va mite bao ap den. Trifdng tan hoc sdm hdn

    mot tieng va chung toi phai loi ve trong nifdc mite ngap qua dau

    goi. Toi khong dem theo du nen phai che chung vdi ban. Khi ve

    den nha ngifdi toi da ifdt sung. Toi cam thay dau kho vi sach vd

    da bi ifdt sach. Toi phai hong kho chung de ngay mai con di hoc.

    Phia trifdc nha, toi thay vai than cay bi bat goc do trdi mite. Con

    kenh gan nha nifdc dang tran ngap. Cd ve nhif khap noi deu

    chim trong bien nifdc. Cung may la nifdc lu da rut dan va bau trdi

    trd lai trong xanh.

    Toi nhd mai canh tifdng dang sd cua cdn mite horn ay.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac  bAi Iuan Titwq Ash Thong duNq


    After answering the call, my mother told me that she had to

    go and look after my aunt who was sick. Before she left, she gave

    me some money to buy dinner.

    I decided, however, that a home-cooked meal would be more

    nutritious. I searched through the refrigerator and found some

    vegetables chicken wings, meat and fish.

    First, 1 took the chicken wings out of the freezer to thaw.

    Then I cut the vegetables and washed them. I also beat some

    eggs to make omelettes. I had never realized that the preparation

    of food before cooking could be so tedious.

    When the oil was hot, 1 started frying the chicken wings. To

    my dismay, there was badly burn because the cooking oil was too

    hot. The vegetables, too. were a little over- cooked. I was only

    proud of the omelettes which even my fussy brother said were


    On the whole, dinner was generally all right, considering that

    it was my first attempt at cooking. I believed I could do better with

    more practice in the future.

    1.  to attempt (v): co gang, no luc 

    2.  to thaw (v): lam tan


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    Commonly used English essay

    3. tedious (adj): qua cham hoac qua buon te

    4.   dismay (n): su mat het t inh than

    5.  fussy (adj): kho t inh, cau ky 

    6 . yummy (adj): ngon tuyet  

    lAn dAu ti£n tOi tap nAu An»

    Sau khi tra ldi dien thoai, me toi dan rang me phai di cham

    soc di toi dang benh. Tnfdc khi di, me dua toi mot it tien de di

    mua thOfc an cho bufa toi.

    Tuy nhien toi thay mot bifa an nau d nha se dinh difdng hon

    nhieu. Toi luc tu lanh va tim difOc mot it rau cai, canh ga, thit va


    Trifdc tien toi mang canh ga ra khoi tu lanh de cho tan da.

    Sau do toi cat va nfa rau cai. Toi dap trifng de lam mon trifng

    chien. Trifdc day, toi khong nhan thay viec chuan bi thifc an

    trifdc khi nau cd the nham chan den the.

    Khi dau da nong, toi bat dau chien canh ga. Toi mat het tinh

    than khi thay chung da bi chay khet bdi dau an qua nong. Rau cai

    cung vay, chung cung bi nau hoi nhif. Toi chi tif hao cd moi mon

    trifng chien, mon ma ngay ca difa em kho tinh cung noi la “ngon


    Noi chung bCfa an cung tam difdc, cif xem nhif la lan tap nau

    an dau tien cua toi. Toi tin rang sau nay toi cd the nau an tot hon.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   bAi Iuan  TieNq anIi  ThoNq duNq


    I have had this little wooden pencil case with me for about

    two years. It is the most precious gift that I have because it was

    made for me by my late grandfather for my tenth birthday.

    My grandfather was a carpenter. After he retired, he

    continued to spend his time on woodwork. He liked to work in

    the garden where it was cooler. I used to sit beside him and watch

    him while he hammered away.

    One day, 1 could not find my grandfather in his use place in

    the garden. After hunting high and low, I found him in his room.

    His head was bent over a rectangular object and his hands were

    busy carving something.

    As soon as he saw me, he did the object behind his back and

    smiled guiltily, like someone caught in a naughty act.

     Just before my birthday, my grandfather fell sick. On the eve

    before my birthday, he passed away.

    T he next day, 1 found the wooden pencil case in his drawer.

    There some words carved on it: “Happy birthday to my beloved

    grandson”. 1 was touched. S o that was what my grandfather had

    been so secretive about. Sine that day, I have always cherished

    the birthday gift from my grandfather. To me, it is a priceless gift.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly used English essay

    1. carpenter (n): t h a m o c  

    2 . to ham m er away (idm): lam (viec gi) mot cach ti 'ch ctfc 

    3. high and low (pro): khSp chon, khdp noi  

    4. rectangular (n): co h inh chu nha t  

    5. to carve (v): cham, khac 

    6 . to pass away (idm): qua dai, khua't nui 

    7. to cherish (n): yeu thuong, g iu g in can than

    mQt m6n quA vOgiA

    Toi da mang theo chiec hop but chi bang go nho be nay ben

    minh hai nam nay. Do la mon qua quy nhat cua toi bcri vi no

    difdc ngifdi ong qua co lam de tang toi nhan dip sinh nhat lan thif


    Ong toi lam thd moc. Sau khi ve hifu, ong van danh thdi

    gian cho nghe moc. Ong thich lam viec ngoai vifdn vi khong khi

    d dd mat hdn. Toi thifdng ngoi ben canh va ngam nhin ong trong

    khi ong dang say site lam viec. .

    Mot ngay no, toi khong thay ong toi d ndi ong thifdng ngoi

    trong vifdn. Sau khi tim kiem khap ndi, toi thay ong trong phong

    rieng. Ong cui dau ben mot vat hinh chif nhat va doi tay dang

    ban biu khac cham gi dd. Ngay khi nhin thay toi, ong giau vat no

    sau lifng va mim cifdi ve cd loi y nhif mot ngifdi bi bat qua tangdang lam dieu vung trpm.

    Ngay tnfdc hom sinh nhat cua toi thi ong toi bi benh. Vao

    dem trifdc sinh nhat toi thi ong qua ddi.

    Ngay hom sau toi thay chiec hop but chi bang go trong ngan


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    C  ac   bAi Iuan   TitNq anM  thoNq duNq

    keo cua ong. Tren do co khSc chCf “Chuc miing sinh nhat difa

    chau yeu qui cua ong”. Toi that sif cam dong. Hoa ra day

    nhCfng gi ong da giCf kin. Ke tCf ngay do toi luon ap u mon qu&

    sinh nhat ma ong tang cho toi. Doi vdi toi do la mot mon qua

    vo gia.


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    Commonly used English essay


    Kendra’s legs felt as if they were going to fall off. It seemed

    as if she and the other dancers had been practicing for hours.

    Kendra knew that all this practice was important. After all,

    next week was the group's big show. She and the other dancers

    would perform from all over Africa. Hundreds of people would

    come to watch.

    Kendra had started dancing lessons when she was four. She

    had even come to love the time she spent practicing. Still, all this

    was very hard work for a seven-year-old girl. Sondra, her teacher,

    smiled at her. “Yes, Kendra thought, we’ll all be ready. It will bethe best recital ever”.

    1.  to practice (v): tap luyen

    2.   to fall off (v): roi  xuong, nga xuong 

    3.  dancer (n): dien vien mua

    4.  recital (n): buoi bieu dien am nhac, dieu mua

    5.  important (adj): quan t rong 

    6 . to seem (v): du&ng nha

    16 9

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    C  ac   bAi Iuan  titNq an  ̂ T^dNq dunq


    Chan cua Kendra co cam giac sip rcrt ra nhif the la co va cac

    dien vien mua khac da tap hang gid lien.

    Kendra biet ring buoi tap nay rat quan trong bcri tuan tcri la

    buoi bieu dien ldn cua ca nhom. Co va cac dien vien khac se bieu

    diln khap chau Phi. Hang tram ngifdi se den xem.

    Kendra bat dau hoc mua khi co len bon. Co be rat yeu thich

    nhCfng gid luyen tap. Nhifng day la cong viec cifc nhoc doi vdi

    mot co be bay tuoi. Sondra, giao vien cua co, dang rmm cifdi vcfi

    co. "Vang, Kendra nghi, tat ca chung toi da sin sang. Do la buoi

    trinh diln thanh cong nhat tif trifdc den nay”.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly used English essay


    I am a sixth grade student in De La Salle School. I enjoy

    going to school because I have many friends there. However, I

    still remember how frightened and lonely I felt on my first day

    at school.

    That moming, my mother drove me to school. I felt

    frightened when I saw so many students running about in the

    school field.

    I joined a queue and was brought into Class 1A by my

    teacher, Mrs. Devi. I burst into tears when my mother left. Many

    of classmates were also crying and Mrs Devi had a hard time

    pacifying us. She played some games with us to make us talk

    about ourselves. Soon, I got to know a few friends.

    Suddenly, we heard a bell ringing loudly and we started

    packing our things. However, Mrs Devi told us it was only a break

    and led us to canteen. I was glad to see my mother waiting for

    me with a bowl of prawn noodle. As I ate, I told her about my

    new friends.i

    After recess, another teacher came into our class and we

    sang nursery rhymes.

    At the end of the day, I was no longer frightened or lonely.

    My parents were glad when I told them I was looking forward to

    going to school the next day.

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    C  ac   bAi Iuan  m u g anU  ThoNg dyNq

    1.  to pacify (v): Idm nguoi  

    2.   break (n): su tam nghi  

    3.  prawn noodle (n): mi tom

    4.   recess (n): g id g ia i lao

    5.   nursery rhyme (n): bai tha hoac bdi hat danh cho tre em


    Toi la mot hoc sinh lcfp sau trifdng De La Salle. Toi thich di

    hoc vi b   do toi co rat nhieu ban be. Tuy nhien, toi van con nhd

    ro minh da sd hai va co don ra sao trong ngay dau tien den lcfp.

    Buoi sang hom ay, me lai xe difa toi den trifdng. Toi cam

    thay hoang sd khi nhin thay co qua nhieu hoc sinh chay nhay

    xung quanh san tnfdng.

    Toi difng vao mot hang va difdc co giao toi, co Devi difa vao

    ldp 1A. Khi me toi ra ve, toi oa khoe. Nhieu ban cung ldp cungdang khoe loc, khien co Devi phai kho sb   mat mot luc de chung

    toi nguoi ngoai. Co cung chung toi chdi vai tro chdi. va de chung

    toi tif gidi thieu ve ban than. Chang may choc toi da biet difdc

    mot vai ngifdi ban mdi.

    Dot nhien, chung toi nghe mot hoi chuong reo ldn va bSt

    dau thu don cap sach. Nhifng co Davi bao rSng do chi la gid tam

    nghi va dan chung toi den cang-tin. Toi vui mting trong thay me

    dang ddi toi vdi mot bat my tom. Vite an toi vifa ke cho me nghe

    ve nhCfng ngifdi ban mdi.

    Sau gid giai lao, mot co giao khac vao ldp va chung toi cung

    nhau hat nhCfng bai hat danh cho tre nho.


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    Commonly used English cssqy ______ _______________

    4Den cuoi ngay, toi khong con cam thay so hai hoac co don

    ntfa. B o me toi ra? vui mifng khi toi bao ho rang toi mong den

    ngay hom sau de di hoc.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   bAi Iuan   TiENq ANh Thowq dwq


    Dina waved to her mother. Then, with a push of her

    flippers, she moved slowly back to the surface. She came up

    directly under the boat. What a dive!

    Dina had grown up in a family of divers. Almost every

    weekend the family gathered its gear and set off for the driving

    spot or another. Now it was Dina’s turn to learn. She had been

    nervous at first. The air tanks had seemed heavy and bulky. The

    mask felt tight on her face. Soon, however, she had passed

    through all her training. This first dive had been wonderful. The

    sea and its cretures had been all around her. Hey, she called toher brother up in the boat. Can this fish come aboard9

    1.  to wave (v): vay   tay

    2.  flipper (n): chan nhai 

    3.  gear (n): dung cu, quan do

    4.  nervous (adj): so hai, cang thdng, bon chon

    5.  tank (n): thung, b inh

    6.  bulky (adj): cong kenh

    7. mask (n): mat na

    8.  tight (adj): khi t , chat  

    9.  aboard (adv): a tren hoac vao trong tau, xe buyt.   may bay


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly used English essay

    lAn lAn dAu ti£n cOa DINA

    Dina vay tay vdi me c.o. Sau do, day cai chan nhai, co tCf tu1

    .di chuyen len mat nifdc. Co ngoi len thang difdi chiec thuyen.

    That la mot lan lan ra tro!

    Dina ldn len trong mot gia dinh thd lan. Hau nhif cuoi tuan

    nao gia dinh cung tap trung dung cu va bat dau di lan d cho nay

    hoac ch6 khac Bay gid den lifdt Dina phai hoc. Dau tien co rat

    cang thang. Binh khi qua nang va cong kenh. Cai mat na tren

    mat hinh nhif qua chat. Tuy nhien, chang may choc co da vifdtqua difdc ddt luyen tap. Lan dau tien nay that tuyet vdi. Bien va

    cac sinh vat bien luon vay quanh co . Co keu len vdi’ anh minh

    con ca nay co the len thuyen difdc chif.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   bAi Iuan  Tieng Awh Thong duwq


    It was a bright Saturday morning. The school holiday had

     just begun and my form teacher, Mrs. Zhang, had promised to

    bring whole class on an excursion to the Botanic Garden.

    A bus was chartered to take us there. We assembled at

    school punctually and Mrs. Zhang did a head count before we

    boarded the bus. It was a long way to the Botanic Garden and we

    sang songs merrily on the way.

    Soon, we reached our destination. It was a beautiful place.

    We made a short tour round the garden and snapped some

    pictures of the whole class. We then found the spacious piece ofgrassland and played some games there. Even Mrs. Zhang joined

    in the fun.

    When it was one o’clock, we unpacked the food we brought

    and tucked into the noodles, sandwiches, fruits and barley drink.

    In the afternoon, we went to listen to a choral

    performance by National Junior College choir at the garden.They sang very well.

    All too soon, it was time to leave. However, we cheered Mrs.

    Zhang promised to bring us to an excursion during the December



  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Commonly used English essay

    1 . excursion (n): cuoc di choi ngSn ngay cung vdi mot so ngudi 

    2.   to charter (v): thue (mot ph uo ng t ien van chuyen i» 

    m ot muc d i ch ddc b iet)3.   to snap (v): chup nhanh (mot buc anh)

    4.   to tuck into sth (idm): an nga'u nghien

    5.   holiday (n): k i nghi  


    Horn do la mot buoi sang thif bay dep trdi. Tnfdng vi/a mdi

    nghi le va co chu nhiem ldp toi, co Zhang, da hifa dan ca ldp di

    tham quan vifdn bach thao.

    Chung toi thue mot chiec xe buyt de di den do. Chung toi

    tap hop d trifdng dung gid va co Zhang da diem danh trifdc khi

    tat ca len xe. Difdng den vifdn bach thao kha xa nen chung toi

    hat ho suot doan difdng di.

    Chang bao lau chung toi da den ndi. Do la mot ndi rat dep.

    Chung toi di mot vong quanh khu vifdn va chup vai bifc anhchung vdi ca ldp. Sau do chung toi tim thay mot mang co rong va

    choi mot vai tro chdi d do. Ngay ca co Zhang cung tham gia vao

    tro chdi.x

    Vao luc mot gid. chung toi md thifc an mang theo va an uong

    ngau nghien nao la mi goi, mi kep thit, trai cay va nifdc lua mach.

    Buoi chieu, chung toi nghe mot buoi bieu dien hdp xifdng

    cua dan dong ca cua Hoc vien Quoc gia trinh dien tai vifdn. Ho

    hat rat hay.

    Con qua sdm nhung da den luc phai ra ve. Tuy nhien, chung

    toi deu hoan ho khi co Zhang hifa se din chung toi di tham quan

    mot noi khac trong dip nghi le vao thang mifdi hai.


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C a c bAi Iuan TitNq  a sU   ThdNq duNq


    Bzzzz...zzzz...How do flies make that buzzing noise anyway?

    Do they have something hidden somewhere that makes the noise?

    First of all, flies buzz only when are flying. That is because

    the noise you hear is the sound of flies’ wings. Those wings move

    very quickly (almost two hundred times each second). In fact, they

    move so fast that they make buzzing sound. Mosquitoes also

    make a buzzing sound when they fly. A mosquitoe buzz, however,

    is not nearly as loud as fly.

    The champion buzz maker, of course, is that very noiseinsect called the bumblebee. In fact, the word "Bumble" comes to

    us from an old word that means “Humming". Isn’t that what the

    flapping of bees' wings sounds like?

    1.  to hide (v): giau

    2.   fly (n): con ruo i  

    3.  to buzz (v): tao ra tieng vo ve, ri ram, vu vu...

    4.   mosquitoe (n): con mudi  5.  to hum (v): keu vo ve, keu o o

    1 7H

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    Commonly used English ,ys$qy

    NHCTNGcOn trung k£u vo ve

    Bzzz...bzzz...Bang cach nao ruoi lai phat ra tieng keu vo ve?

    Phai chang chung co giau b   dau do mot thCf co the phat ra tieng

    dong nay?

    Trifdc tien, cac con ruoi chi keu vo ve khi chung dang bay.

    Do la vi tieng dong ban nghe difdc la am thanh dap canh cua

    ruoi. NhOfng cai canh nay ctf dong rat nhanh (gan hai tram lan

    mot giay). Thifc te, chung cif dong nhanh den noi gay ra tieng

    keu vo ve. Muoi cung gay ra tieng vo ve khi chung bay. Tuy

    nhien, tieng vo ve cua muoi hau nhif khong ldn nhif tieng vo ve

    cua ruoi.

    DI nhien, vo dich phat ra tieng vo ve la mot giong con trung

    difdc goi la mot con ong nghe. Thifc ra, tCf “Bum ble ” bat nguon

    tif mot tif cd co nghia “Humming”. Chang phai tieng dap canh

    cua con ong nghe giong nhif the nay sao?


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    C  ac   bAi Iuan TicNq anIi ThoNq duNq


    Man is described as a social ^n ijn al. He can not live by

    himself. A lonely man is either a samt or a thief. One feels the

    necessity of companions constantly at all stages in one's life.

    There is a famous saying about companionship: “Sorrow shared

    is sorrow halved and joy shared is joy doubled”. Ones pleasures

    will lose half their charm when there are no friends to ’share


    The com m on saying is: “Birds of a feath er flock together”.

    So a man can easily be judged by the companies he keeps. If he

    is often seen in the company of idle men, he also naturally be

    looked down upon as an idler.

    A real companion, however, is difficult to find. Such a

    companion, is one to whom one can turn to for advice, comfort,

    encouragement and help. He may not necessarily be-learned or

    wise, but he will understand his friend perfectly well. He will not

    fail to impart to him courage and strength. A good friend is the

    balm of our life.

    1.  companion (n): ban tot, ban dong hanh

    2.   saint (n): thanh

    3.   thief (n): ke t rom

    4. to judge (v): danh gia, phan xet  

    5.   idle (adj): nhan roi, ladi nhac 


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    Commonly used English essay

    6 . to turn (v): khuyen rdn, den u&i ai 

    7.  comfort (n): su an ui, ngu on an ui 

    8.   to impart (v): dem la i  9.  balm (n): dieu lam xoa d iu tam t r i  

    BAN T6 T

    Con ngifdi difOc mo ta nhif mot sinh vat mang tinh xa hoi.

    Con ngifdi khong the song mot minh difOc. Mot ngi/di co doc

    hoSc la mot vi thanh hoSc la mot ten trom. Ta luon cam nhan

    difOc si/ can thiet phai co ban trong moi giai doan cua cuoc ddi.

    Co mot cau noi ndi tieng ve tinh ban: “Noi buon chia doi con

    phan nifa, niem vui se gap hai lan”. Ta se danh mat mot nifa

    niem vui neu khong co ban be de chia se niem vui do.

    Ngifdi ta thifdng noi: “Ngifu tam ngifu, ma tam m a”. Vi the

    co the d l dang dan h gia mot ngifdi qua ban be cua ngifdi do. Neu

    ta thifdng thay ngifdi do giao du vdi nhifng ke vo cong roi nghe,difang nhien anh ta cung bi xem la mot ten lifdi nhac.

    Tuy nhien, rat kho tim thay mot ngifdi ban thifc sif. Do la

    ngifdi ban ma ta co the tim den de nhd khuyen ran, an ui, dong

    vien va giup dd. Ngifdi do khong can thiet phai thong thai hoac

    khon ngoan, nhifng anh ta hoan toan thau hieu difOc minh. Anh

    ta khong the khong mang lai cho ban minh long can dam va sifc

    manh. Mot ngifdi ban tot la ngifdi co the xoa diu n6i dau trong

    cupc song cua chung ta.


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    C  ac   bAi Iuan  tU nc, Anh ThoNq dung


    Today, thank to nature lovers, some of the world’s

    endangered animals are actually growing in numbers.

    Years ago, for example, people who felt that wolves were

    dangerous and killed so many wolves each year that soon they

    were almost gone. Nature lovers grew worried. No one wanted

    the wolves to disappear.

    Laws were passed to protect the wolves that were left. Wild

    wolves were captured in Canada and let ioose in U.S. forests.

    Scientists kept track of the wolves to make sure they would live.

    Soon, wolf packs began to form. Now, for the first time in almost

    a hundred years, wolves roam the forests of the Midwest.

    1.  to endanger (v): gay nguy hiem

    2.   to disappear (v): bien mat 

    3.   to kept track of (idm): theo doi , ndm tho ng t in ve

    4.   pack (n): bay, dan

    5.  to form (v): hinh thanh


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    Commonly used English essay


    Ngay nay, nhd nhCtag ngi/di yeu thien nhien, mot so dong

    vat co nguy co tuyet chung tren the gidi dang phat trien trd lai.

    Chang han nhi/, nhCtag nam tri/dc day, nhieu ngi/di cam

    thay cho soi la loai vat nguy hiem nen m6i nam da giet chet

    chung nhieu den noi chung gan nhif bien mat. NhCtag ngifdi yeu

    thien nhien trd nen lo lang. Ho khong muon loai soi bi tuyet


    Ngi/di ta da thong qua bo luat bao ve nhutag con soi con sot

    lai. Nhutag con soi hoang bi bat giCf d Canada va di/Oc tha long

    trong cac khu ritag d Hoa Ky. Cac nha khoa hoc da theo doi lu

    soi de dam bao rang chung van con song sot. Chang may choc,

    nhCtag dan soi bat dau di/pc hinh thanh. Hien nay, lan dau tien

    trong gan mot tram nam, cac con soi lai di lang thang trong cac

    khu ritag d vung Trung Tay.


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    C  ac   bAi Iuan m w q Anh Thowq duNq

    82. A PICNIC

    Last Sunday, whole my family went to East Coast beach for

    a picnic. The five of us piled into my fathers car and he drove us

    there. When we reached the beach, it was already very crowded.

    Some people were swimming, some were suntanning and some

    were wind-surfing. We chose a shady place on the beach to settle


    My brothers and I went for a swim. The water was very cold.

    While we were swimming, we saw our parents unpack the food

    which we had prepared at hom e. At about twelve o ’clock, we

     joined our parents for lunch. After the long swim, we were very

    hungry. Thus, we tucked into the chicken wings, sandwiches andtried noodles hungrily.

    After lunch, all of us went to collect sea-shells. There was an

    abundance of them on the beach. I found a reddish-brown sea-

    shell which looked like a little horn. My brothers said that blowing

    it would summon mermaids. Of course, I did not believe them.

    By then, the sun was starting to set. Reluctantly, we packedup and went home. Though all of us were very tired, we found it

    a truly enjoyable out.

    1.  to pile (v): vao (cai gi) mot cach hdn loan

    2.  to suntan (v): lam ram ndng bdng cach phcri ra mdt trdi 


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    Commonly used English essay

    3.   to wind-surfing (v): lucft tren uan buom

    4. hom (n): cai sung 

    5.  to summon (v):

    goi den

    6.  mermaid (n): nguoi cd,  my nhan ngu

    m0t bu6 i DA ngoai

    Chu nhat tuan trifdc, ca nha toi di da ngoai d bai bien phia

    Dong. Nam ngifdi chung toi chen chuc nhau vao chiec xe cua cha

    toi. Khi den ndi bai bien da dong nghjt ngifdi. Mot so dang bdi

    loi, mot so thi nam phdi nang, con so khac lifdt van buom.

    Chung toi chon mot chd co bong ram tren bai bien de ngoi nghi.

    Anh em toi ru nhau boi. Nude bien rat lanh. Khi dang bdi,

    chung toi nhin thay cha me dc/ thu’c an ma chung toi da chuan bi

    b   nha ra. Khoang 12 gid trite, chung toi len bd an trite cung vdi

    cha me. Bdi loi lau nen chung toi rat doi. Vi the, chung toi an

    ngau nghien nao la canh ga, nao la banh mi kep thit va mi xao.

    Sau bCte trite, ca gia dinh di nhat vo so. Co rat nhieu vo so

    tren bai bien. Toi tim thay mot vo so co mau nau anh do trong

    giong nhif cai sifng nho nho. Cac anh toi bao rang neu thoi len

    thi am thanh phat ra se goi difdc cac my nhan ngif den. Tat

    nhien toi chang tin ndi nhifng dieu nhif the.

    Luc do mat trdi bat dau lan xuong. Chung toi m iln cifdng

    thu don do dac va trd ve nha. Mac du ai cung met nhifng deu

    thay rang do qua la mot chuyen da ngoai rat vui.


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    C  ac   bAi Iuan  m a g Ash Thong duNq


    Generally, children wish they were grown and old people

    wish they were young again. Each age has its own pleasures and

    pains. And, to my mind, the happiest person is the one who

    knows how to enjoy fully what his age has brought to him.

    Childhood is the happiest time in one’s life. If the children

    are brought up by good families they will be well-bred, loved and

    taken care of carefully. They will become useful citizens to


    But childhood has its pains, too. They aren't allowed to do

    whatever they wish. If they do something wrong they will be

    punished. Therefore, they aren’t quite happy.

    When they grow up, they completely get rid of strict

    regulations and rules from their parents and schools but they have

    to work for their living. They can no longer expect others to pay

    for their food, their clothes and their lodging. Now they must

    have responsibility towards their families and society.

    The old age has been always considered as the worst age to

    be, but it’s not necessary for the old to be unhappy.


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    After many years of hard work, when reaching their old age,

    the old man accumulated lots of experiences which will be a

    valuable treasure for their future generations. They are now

    entitled to the pride in what they have bequeathed to their

    children. They can have the joy of seeing their children and

    grandchildren making progress in life or growing up around them.

    Moreover, if in their past lives they had great contributions

    to society, to their fatherland they would be remembered for ever

    and ever by the generations to come.

    1.  to wish (v): udc m o

    2.   pain (n): s i t dau kho

    3.  to take care of (v): cham soc 

    4.  to be allowed to do sth (idm): d i tgc phep lam g i  

    5.   to punish (v):  p ha t 

    6.   to expect (v): m o n g d a i  

    7.  to pay for (v): tra8.  to accumulate (v): t ich luy 

    9.  to be entitled to (v): co quyen duoc h i tdng 

    10. to bequeath (v): de lai 

    1 1 . contribution (n): si/ dong gop

    lQa tu6i dep nhAt

    Thifdng thi tre con ao udc chung difdc trifdng thanh va

    ngifdi gia ao udc ho difdc tre trd lai. M6i lufa tudi deu co nhifng

    vui thu va n6i kho rieng. Doi vdi toi, ngifdi hanh phuc nhat la

    ngifdi biet thifdng thifc tron ven nhifng gi ma lifa tudi cua minh da

    mang lai.

    Commonly used English cssqy _______________________


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    C   ac  b \ i   Iuan Titwq ANh Thowq dwq

    Tudi thd la tudi hanh phuc nhat tren ddi. Neu nhCfng difa tfe

    difdc nuoi difdng trong nhCfng gia dinh ne nep, chung se diflcfc

    day d6, thifdng yeu va cham soc chu dao. Chung se trd thanh

    cong dan co ich cho xa hoi.

    Nhifng tudi tre cung co nhCCng noi kho rieng. Chung khong

    difdc phep lam bat cd dieu gi chung muon. Neu lam sai chung se

    bi phat. Vi the chung khong hoan toan difdc hanh phuc.

    Khi ldn len chung hoan toan thoat khdi nhCfrig quy luat kh&t

    khe cua bd me va nha trifdng nhifng chung phai lam vi§c d i  kiem

    song. Chung khong the mong dpi ngifdi khac tra tien an, quan ao

    va nha d. Bay gid, chung phai co trach nhiem vdi gia dinh v&

    xa hoi.

    Tudi gia luon difdc xem la lC/a tudi toi te nhat nhifng ngifdi

    gia khong phai luon luon bat hanh.

    Sau nhieu nam lao dong cifc nhoc, den tudi ve gia, ngifdi giada tich luy difpc nhieu kinh nghiem ma do la kho tang quy gia

    cho the he mai sau. Bay gid ho co quyen tif hao ve nhQng gi ho

    da de lai cho con chau. Ho co the tan hifdng niem vui khi thay

    con chau minh vung bifdc vao ddi hay dang ldn dan quanh hp.

    Hdn nCte, neu trong qua khif hp co nhCfng dong gop to ldn cho

    xa hoi, cho td quoc thi hp se difdc cac the he mai sau nhd mai.


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    Commonly used English essay


    One day, my mother had to do some errands. She told me

    that she would be back an hour. She left my litter sister in my

    care. I was rather reluctant but I had to do it.

    I left my sister playing in the living-room, I was soon busily

    talking to friend on the phone. After a few minutes, I heard my

    sister screaming loudly. I ignored her thinking that she was just

    trying to attract my attention. My sister went on screaming. It got

    harder to hear my friend. I hung up and went to check on my sister.

    To my horror, I saw a small heap of matches burning in the

    living-room. My sister was rubbing thumb painfully. Immediately, Irushed to put out the fire. I carried her to kitchen and applied

    some ointment on her burnt thumb.

    When my mother came home, she saw my sister wearing a

    plaster on her thumb. She asked me what had happened. 1had to

    tell my mother the truth. She chided me for being irresponsible.

    1. errand (n):viec vat 

    2. to ignore (v): phot Id, lam nga

    3. to rub (v):  xoa, cha xd t 

    4. thumb (n): ngon   tay cai 

    5. plaster (n): (cung s t ick in g p las ter ) mieng bang d inh

    6. to chide (v): la   ray, t rach mdng 


  • 8/18/2019 22102014151449cacbailuant Anhthongdung 2 4939


    Cac bAi Iuan  TitNq Anh ThoNq dwq

    BAI HOC b £ OOl*

    Mot hom, me toi phai di lam mot vai viec iat vat. Me bao toi

    mot gid sau me se ve. Me de em lai cho toi cham soc. Hoi mien

    cifdng nht/ng toi van phai nhan ldi.

    Toi de   em toi choi trong phong khach vi toi ban noi chuyen

    vdi ban qua dien thoai. Vai phut sau, toi nghe tieng em toi la that

    thanh. Toi Id di va nghi rang em chi cd lam toi chu y. Em toi van

    tiep tuc la het. That kho nghe di/Oc tieng ban toi noi. Toi ben gac

    may dien thoai va di xem chuyen gi xay ra.

    Toi kinh hoang khi nhin thay mot dong diem quet dang chay

    trong phong khach. Em toi dang xoa xoa ngon cai mot cach dai)

    ddn. Ngay tut thi, toi chay den dap tat ngon lifa, roi dua em sang

    nha bep va boi thuoc bong len ngon tay cai cua em.

    Khi trd ve, me toi thay em bi bang mot mieng bang tren ngon

    tay cai. Ba lien hoi chuyen gi da xay ra. Toi phai ke cho me nghe

    het sU that. Ba qud trach toi vi da co thai do vo trach nhiem.


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    Commonly used English essay


    Th e school v acation had just begun. 1 thought 1 should make

    good use of the holidays to read some books and revise my work.

    Therefore, I decided to visit the bookshop in my neighborhood to

    see if I could find some good books.

    Though the bookshop is small, it is a fully equipped and well-

    organized one. The books there are classified according to subject

    to facilitate our search. We can also approach the friendly shop-

    assistants if we need an help.

    During that visit, the shop happened to have a special

    promotion. It was offering a ten percent discount on all purchase


    Since I was weak in maths, I bought two PSLE maths books.

    1also bought an English essay-writing guide book. A helpful shop-

    assistant recommended a science book too. Besides selling books

    and other reading material, the bookshop also has variety of

    other things like stationery and board games. I bought a set of

    files for myself and some lovely stickers for my little sister.

    I frequent visit the bookshop to see what new things they sell

    every month.

    It is certainly convenient to have a bookshop near my place.


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    C  ac  bAi Iuan  TitNq anU  TboNq duNQ

    1.  classified (v): da dirge phan loai 

    2.   to facilitate (v): lam cho de dang 

    3.   promotion (n): su khuyen mai quang cao   ixi cac hoat 

    dong khac nhdm tdng v iec ban mot san pham

    4.  stationery (n): vdn phong pham

    5.   bookshop (n): cua hang sach


    Ky nghi he vifa mdi bat dau. Toi nghi r3ng nen tan dungnhutag ngay nghi he de doc sach va on lai bai. Vi vay toi quyet

    dinh ghe qua hieu sach d   gan nha de xem co the tim di/dc mot

    vai quyen sach hay khong.

    Du nho, nhitag hieu sach difdc trang bi day du va sap xep

    ngan nap. NhCtag quyen sach difdc phan loai theo chu de thuan

    tien cho viec tim kiem. Chung ta co the nhd nhCtag ngudi ban

    hang than thien neu nhif thay can giup dd.

    Den cua hieu lan nay, tinh cd co mot ddt khuyen mai dSc

    biet. M6i mon hang difdc giam gia 10%.

    Vi yeu mon toan nen toi mua hai cuon khao sat ham so toan

    hoc PSLE. Toi cung mua mot quyen sach hifctag dan viet Iuan

    van tieng Anh. Ngifdi ban hang an can gidi thieu mot quyen sach

    khoa hoc. Ngoai viec ban sach va cac tai lieu tham khao, cite

    hang con co rat nhieu thif khac nhif van phong pham. cac mon

    do chdi tren ban cd. Toi mua mot bo bia ditag ho sd cho minh va

    vai cai nhan vd d ! thifdng cho em gai.

    Toi thifdng xuyen di hieu sach de xem mdi thang co ban

    them gi mcM. That la thuan tien khi co mot hieu sach a   gan nha.


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    Commonly used English essay

    86. MY F
