Page 1: 3年生日々題(上級編) our “non-working” hours, routine activities such as house cleaning and trimming our toenails, is actually work. Therefore, when we add this


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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 1 )

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(A)Anger is “an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and

rage,” according to Charles Spielberger, a psychologist who specializes in the study of anger. (B)Like

other emotions, it is accompanied by physiological and biological changes; when you get angry, your

heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of your energy (1)ホルモン[複数形] and adrenalin.

Anger can be caused by both (2)external and internal events. You could be angry at a specific

person (such as a co-worker or supervisor) or event (a traffic jam or a canceled flight), or your anger

could be caused by worrying about your personal problems. Memories of (3)深く傷ついた or

enraging events can also trigger angry feelings.

The instinctive, natural way to express anger is to respond (4)aggressively. (C)Anger is a natural,

adaptive response to threats; it inspires powerful, often aggressive, feelings and behaviors, which

allow us to fight and to defend ourselves when we are attacked. A certain amount of anger, therefore,

is necessary to our survival. On the other hand, we can’t physically attack every person or object

that irritates us; laws, social norms, and common sense place limits on how far our anger can take us.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A)~(C)を,(B),(C)はそれぞれ itの指すものを明らかにしながら,和訳せよ。




Page 2: 3年生日々題(上級編) our “non-working” hours, routine activities such as house cleaning and trimming our toenails, is actually work. Therefore, when we add this


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(C) 怒りは,脅威に対する自然な適応反応である。つまり怒りは,強力でしばしば攻撃的な感



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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 2 )

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The clearest evidence for the role of color in sexual attraction among butterflies comes from

studies of species in which males and females have (1)distinctly different appearances. Obviously,

to mate successfully, individuals must be able to determine whether other conspecific butterflies are

of their own or of the opposite sex. The rest, it can be argued, is fine-tuning.

A (2)gorgeous butterfly species whose males and females differ in color is the Little Yellow, Eurema

lisa. (A)Both sexes appear an identical yellow to the human eye, the shade being produced by

pigments in (B)the tiny scales that cover the butterflies’ translucent wings. Males and females look

quite different to butterflies, however, which perceive light at wavelengths beyond the human (3)目に

見える range and into the (4)ultraviolet. Yellow wing scales on the upper surface of the males’ wings

reflect ultraviolet light, and (C)those of females do not.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



3. 下線部(C)の指すものを日本語で答えよ。

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3. 下線部(C)の指すものを日本語で答えよ。


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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 3 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





On encountering a female, a Little Yellow male (1)flutters about her briefly before landing and

attempting to copulate. On confronting another male, he speeds away and continues his search.

(A)These simple behaviors allowed me to develop a test for the cues males use to recognize females.

I first (2)glued Little Yellow wings to cards and presented them to males. Males landed on, and even

attempted to copulate with, female wings. (B)But male study subjects paid scant attention to male

wings similarly mounted.

The next phase of the experiment showed that color was responsible for this choice. I prepared a

card with two sets of male wings. A quartz slide that (3)transmits both visible and ultraviolet light

covered one set of wings, and a filter that blocks ultraviolet (4)wavelengths overlaid the other.

(C)Males now attempted to mate with the male wings under the filter ― wings that appeared to be


1. 下線部(1)~(4)の意味を答えよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



3. 下線部(C)のようになった理由を日本語で答えよ。

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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 4 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





People generally know soon enough (A)when they are dehydrated, in need of food, or exposed

to some kind of noxious stimulus. They start experiencing (1)unpleasant ( ) feelings such as

thirst, hunger, and pain which (2)goad them ( ) taking appropriate corrective action. Messages

of this kind have also evolved to notify us when we are separated from and in need of close, affectionate

contact with others. These messages (3)are often collectively ( )( )( ) “loneliness”.

Loneliness is something that nearly everyone experiences at some stage during their lives and it can

be caused by (B)almost any event involving a change in the quality or number of one’s social

relationships. The death of a close friend or relative, or a divorce or separation, are extreme

examples, although even relatively minor upheavals can also create profound distress.

1. 下線部(1)~(3)のカッコについて,日本語の意味になるように適語を補充せよ。

(1) 不快な自覚症状

(2) 彼らを刺激して~させる

(3) しばしば総称して「孤独感」と呼ばれている

/ /

2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中より選んで答えよ。

a member of your family

extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain

harmful or poisonous

3. 下線部(A)を和訳し,(B)の例を本文に則して2つ日本語で答えよ。



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a member of your family relative

extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain distress

harmful or poisonous noxious


(B) 親しい友人や身内の死 離婚や別離

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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 5 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





(A)Moving to a new neighborhood, a new school or a new job, even a change in status such as a

promotion at work can result in moderate to severe bouts of loneliness. People (1)様々である[v-] markedly

in how susceptible they are to the feelings of isolation associated with loneliness. When human subjects

have been isolated in (2)featureless rooms as part of psychological experiments, some have managed to

remain for periods of up to eight days (B)without feeling anything more than slight nervousness or unease.

Others have been ready to batter the door down within a few hours. Loneliness must also be clearly

distinguished from the state of being alone. ( a ) may be actively sought out and enjoyed. ( b ) is

always a negative concept. (C)Hence, it is possible for a person to be alone yet contented hundreds of

miles from the nearest human being, while the same individual may feel desolate with loneliness in the

middle of a large crowd of people. In this respect, loneliness differs from the symptoms of physical


1. 下線部(1)~(3)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。(1×3)

(1) (2)


2. カッコ( a ),( b )に The formerまたは The latterを入れよ。(1)

(a) (b)

3. 下線部(A)~(C)を和訳せよ。(2×3)




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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 6 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





(A)Fever is an example of a biological defence mechanism that is often regarded as merely an

unpleasant symptom of disease. A raised body temperature is a standard biological response to

(1)infection by bacteria and (2)viruses, and a good indicator of illness.

In ancient Greece, fever was understood as a natural response to infection. The (3)ギリシャ人[複

数形] believed that a moderate fever could assist the patient to overcome infection. (B)This view

changed (4) 根本的に in later centuries. Fevers are unpleasant and therefore considered

undesirable. Drugs that could make the symptoms disappear were welcomed (5)enthusiastically.

(6)( ) the end of the nineteenth century the use of fever-reducing drugs had become a common

practice. Nowadays when we have a mild fever we reach for the drugs, but the theory of evolution

suggests that the ancient (3)ギリシャ人 were nearer the mark in their attitude towards fever.

1. 下線部(1)~(5)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。下線部(6)はカッコに適語を補充せよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6) ~までには

2. 下線部(A),(B)について指示にしたがって答えよ。



Page 12: 3年生日々題(上級編) our “non-working” hours, routine activities such as house cleaning and trimming our toenails, is actually work. Therefore, when we add this

⑤要復習語のまとめ(10語選んで表を埋めること) その後、何度も反復する。

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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 7 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





Animals are equipped with specific biological mechanisms for generating just the right amount

of fever in response to infection. As a defence mechanism, it is biologically (1)costly: animals use

considerably more energy when their body temperature is raised. The logic of evolution implies that

fever should have biological benefits to (2)offset its obvious costs. Today we think that natural

selection has favoured fever because it helps those who are sick to combat infection. Fever is

designed to make life harder for the (3)offending bacteria or viruses. Like all organisms, bacteria

and viruses work best at a particular temperature. Alter that temperature and they (4)やめる to


This explanation for fever suggests that taking drugs to ‘cure’ fever might (5)do more harm than

good. Experiments have shown that in certain circumstances suppressing a fever can actually delay

(6)回復 from infection. In one experiment, chickenpox sufferers were either treated with a drug

often used to lower their body temperature, or were given no treatment at all. It took more time for

those who were treated with the drug to recover from disease. The message of the experiment is that

(A)suppressing the body’s natural reactions to infection can have disadvantages as well. Fever-

reducing drugs are undoubtedly beneficial in many cases and can be vital when a high fever threatens

the patient’s health. But their careless use to suppress (B)the mild fevers that accompany common

infections might be a mistake.

1. 下線部(1)~(6)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)

2. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



Page 14: 3年生日々題(上級編) our “non-working” hours, routine activities such as house cleaning and trimming our toenails, is actually work. Therefore, when we add this

⑤要復習語のまとめ(10語選んで表を埋めること) その後、何度も反復すること。

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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 8 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





Violence results from humanity’s feeling of (1)impotence. The loss of individual and personal

meaning in our age ensures a corresponding violence from those who are deprived ( ア ) their

identities; for violence, whether spiritual or physical, is a (2)quest for identity and the meaningful.

The ( イ ) identity, the ( ウ ) violence.

It’s why they have to kill in order to find out whether they are real. This is where the violence

comes from. This meaningless killing around our streets is the work of people who have lost all

identity and who have to kill in order to know if they are real or if the other person is real.

Violence as a form of quest for identity is one thing that (A)people who have been ripped off feel the

need of. Such a person is going to show who he is, or that she’s tough. So anybody on a psychic

frontier tends to get tough or violent, and it’s happening to us on a mass scale today. It might even

be said that in a society which (3)proceeds at the speed of light, humankind has neither goals,

objectives, ( エ ) private identity. A person is an item in a data bank ― software only, easily

forgotten ― and deeply (4)resentful.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,英語を日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. カッコ( ア )~( エ )に適語を補充せよ。

ア. イ.

ウ. エ.

3. 下線部(A)を和訳せよ。

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⑤要復習語のまとめ(10語選んで表を埋めること) その後、何度も反復すること

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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 9 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





Many teachers and schools, in an attempt to be color-blind, do not want to (1)acknowledge cultural

or (2)人種の differences. “I don’t see Black or White,” a teacher will say, “I see only students.” This

statement assumes that to be color-blind is to be fair, impartial, and objective because to see

differences, in this line of reasoning, is to see (A)what seems on the surface to be defects and

inferiority. Although this sounds fair and honest and ethical, the opposite may actually be true.

Color blindness may result in refusing to accept differences and therefore accepting the dominant

culture as the norm. (B)It may result in denying the very identity of our students, (3)thereby making

them invisible. What seems on the surface to be perfectly fair may in reality be fundamentally

unfair. In the classic sense, being color-blind can mean being (4)nondiscriminatory in attitude and

behavior, and in this sense, color blindness is not a bad thing. However, too often it is used as a way

to deny (C)differences that help make us who we are.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A)~(C)を和訳せよ。




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⑤要復習語のまとめ(10語選んで表を埋めること) その後、何度も反復すること

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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 10 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





A good example was provided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1974. The San Francisco School

Department (1)was ( ) on ( ) of Chinese-speaking students who, parents and other

(2)advocates charged, were not being provided with an equal education. The school department,

however, argued that they were indeed providing these students with an equal education because they

had exactly the same teachers, instruction, and materials as all the other students. The U.S.

Supreme Court, in a (3)unanimous decision, ruled (4)( ) the school department.

The dictum “Equal is not the same” is useful here. It means that (A)( lead / not / treating / in / to /

same / will / necessarily / everyone / the / equality / way ); rather, it may end up perpetuating the

(5)inequality that already exists. (B)Learning to affirm differences rather than deny them is what a

multicultural perspective is about.

1. 下線部(1),(4)のカッコには適語を補充し,(2),(3),(5)は意味を答えよ。

(1) 中国語を話す生徒の利益を守るために訴えられた

(1) / (2)

(3) (4)


2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中から選んで答えよ。

a short phrase that expresses a general rule or truth

3. 下線部(A)を並べ換え,(B)を和訳せよ。



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⑤要復習語のまとめ(10語選んで表を埋めること) その後、何度も反復すること

日本語 英語 備考(同意語、反意語、派生語等)



2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中から選んで答えよ。


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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 11 )

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What makes us specifically human? The complexity of our language? Our problem-solving

strategies? You may be shocked by my suggestion that, in some very deep sense, (A)language and

some aspects of human problem solving are no more or less complex than the behaviors of other

species. Complexity as such is not the issue. Spiders weave complex webs, bees (1)transmit complex

information (B)about sources and quality of nectar, ants interact in complex colonies, beavers build

complex dams, chimpanzees have complex problem-solving strategies, just as humans use complex

language. (C)Nor are our problem-solving skills so remarkable: there are human beings who have

perfectly normal human mental abilities, but who nevertheless are unable to solve certain problems

that a chimpanzee can solve. There is, however, one extremely important difference between human

and non-human intelligence, (D)a difference which distinguishes us from all other species. Unlike

the spider, which stops at web weaving, the human child ― and, I maintain, only the human child ―

has the potential to take its own representations as objects of (2)cognitive attention. Normally,

human children not only become efficient users of language; they also have the capacity to become

little grammarians. By contrast, spiders, ants, beavers, and probably even chimpanzees do not have

the potential to analyze their own knowledge.

1. 下線部(1),(2)について,英語を日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

2. 下線部(A),(B),(D)は和訳し,(C)はほぼ同じ意味を表すよう書き換えよ。



(C)Our problem-solving skills are ( ) so remarkable, ( ).


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Our problem-solving skills are ( not ) so remarkable, ( either ).

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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 12 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





In experiments involving human subjects, a great many subtle influences can distort research

results. One (1)distortion arises from (A)the Hawthorne Effect. This refers to any situation in

which the experimental conditions are such that the mere fact that the subject is aware of

participating in an experiment, is aware of the hypothesis, or is receiving special attention tends to

improve performance. The name came from studies carried out at the Hawthorne Plant of the

Western Electric Company. In one of these studies the (2)照明 of three departments in which

employees (3)~を検査する[過去形] small parts, assembled electrical relays, and wound (4)coils was

gradually increased. The production efficiency in all departments generally went up as the light

intensity increased. (B)Experimenters found, however, that upon decreasing the light intensity in a

later experiment, the efficiency of the group continued to increase slowly but steadily. Further

experiments, with rest periods and varying the length of working days and weeks, were also

accompanied by gradual increases in efficiency whether the change in working conditions was for the

better or for the worse. (C)Apparently the attention given the employees during the experiment was

the major factor leading to the production gains.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A)はどのような状態のことを言うか。日本語で答えよ。


3. 下線部(B),(C)を和訳せよ。



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2. 下線部(A)はどのような状態のことを言うか。日本語で答えよ。(2)



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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 13 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





Each year, thousands of people die in automobile accidents in which ordinary drugs, alone or (1)in

( ) with alcohol, are present. Contrary to the stereotype, not all victims are quick-tempered teens or

sorrowful widows carrying purses full of pills. Many are (2)prudent men and women who are taking

(A)prescription drugs for genuine health problems. But the results can be tragic. A New Jersey

(B)woman who was taking an antidepressant along with another prescription medication drove her car

into a twelve-year-old boy who was riding his bicycle in broad daylight. The youth lost consciousness and

died two and a half years later.

All manner of medications have been charged as potential accident-causers. For example, many

tranquilizers, cold medications, antidepressants and motion-sickness drugs can make you sleepy and

(3)inattentive, destroy your judgment and slow your reaction time. Some pain relievers can make you feel

overconfident. This can lead to reckless behavior, such as disregarding speed limits and weaving in and

out of traffic. And some high-blood-pressure drugs and muscle relaxants make you (4)dizzy and


1. 下線部(1)はカッコに適語を補充し,下線部(2)~(4)は,英語を日本語にせよ。

(1) ~との組み合わせで (2)

(3) (4)

2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中から選んで答えよ。

1. a drug that makes a person or animal calm or unconscious, often used to make someone less nervous

or anxious

2 not caring or worrying about the possible bad or dangerous results ones actions

1 2

3. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



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2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中から選んで答えよ。(1×2)

1 tranquilizer 2 reckless

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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 14 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





A Los Angeles police officer found (1)a man in his ( ) sixties slumped in his car, gripping the

steering wheel (2)( ) noticing that the stoplight had changed to green. The officer recalls, “The man

did not speak clearly and exhibited a lack of balance and coordination ― classic signs of drunkenness.

However, it turned out he’d simply been taking blood-pressure medication along with a tranquilizer.”

(A)Shockingly little research has been done on driving under the influence of prescription drugs, because

many authorities measure only alcohol consumption. (3)To make ( ) worse, physicians and

pharmacists often neglect to warn patients about potential hazards. Doctors have a tendency to say, “Take

this for a week and then give me a call.” They don’t say, “Do not drive while you are taking this medicine.”

And busy pharmacists may not give warnings, either.

If a single medication can pose problems, mixtures can be disastrous. Yet combining drugs is alarmingly

common ― particularly among the elderly. In fact, studies show that the average person over sixty-five

is taking three or more prescription medications at the same time. And many of these people may be

taking nonprescription medications on top of (B)that.

1. 下線部(1)~(3)のカッコに適語を入れよ。

(1) 60代後半の男 (2) 気付くことなく

(3) さらに事態を悪化させることには

2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中より選んで答えよ。

1. someone who is trained to prepare drugs and medicines and who works in a store or in a hospital

2. the amount of drink that is drunk

3. something that may be dangerous or cause accidents, problems etc.

1 2

3. 下線部(A)を和訳し,(B)の指すものを日本語で答えよ。



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2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中より選んで答えよ。

1 pharmacist 2 consumption

3 hazard

3. (B)の指すものを日本語で答えよ。

(B) 3つあるいはそれ以上の処方薬

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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 15 )

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All animals kill, and not necessarily just for food or self-defence. Our two well-fed cats, for instance,

routinely horrify us by bringing into the house the shattered corpses of chipmunks they have murdered for

the joy of the hunt. But there is something unique about human killing. Human killing is not

(1)instinctual. One manifestation of the noninstinctual nature of human beings is the extraordinary

variability of their behaviour. Some are hawks and some are doves. In regard to a form of killing, some

love to hunt and others abhor hunting, while still others are (2)indifferent on the matter. Not so with

cats. All cats will hunt chipmunks, given the opportunity.

The almost total lack of (A)instincts ― elaborate, predetermined, stereotypic behaviour patterns ― is

the most significant aspect of human nature. It is our lack of instincts that is responsible for the

extraordinary variability and (3)mutability of our nature and our behaviour. What replaces species-wide

instincts in human beings is learned individual choice. Each of us is (4)ultimately free to choose how we

are going to behave. We are even free to reject what we have been taught and what is normal for our

society. We may even reject the few instincts we have, as (B)do those who rationally choose celibacy or

(5)submit themselves to death by martyrdom. Free will is the ultimate human reality.

1. 下線部(1)~(5)について,英語を日本語にせよ。(1×5)

(1) (2)

(2) (4)


2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中から選んで答えよ。(1)

to hate a type of behavior or way of thinking, especially because you think it is morally wrong

3. 下線部(A)を具体的に説明している個所を和訳せよ。




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2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中から選んで答えよ。


3. 下線部(A)を具体的に説明している個所を和訳せよ。


(A) 精密で,生まれもって決められた,型通りの行動様式

(B) 人間に残されているわずかな本能ですら拒否する

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Let us remember what so many theologians have said: Evil is the inevitable concomitant of free will,

the (1)price we pay for our unique human power of choice. Since (2)ours is the power to choose, we are

free to choose wisely or stupidly, to choose well or badly, to choose for evil or for (3)good. Since we have

this enormous ― almost incredible ― freedom, it is no wonder that we so often (4)abuse it and that human

behaviour, (5)in ( ) to that of the ‘lower’ animals, so often seems to get out of whack. Many animals

may kill to protect their territory. But only a human could direct mass killing of his own species so as to

protect his ‘interests’ in a far distant land he has never set eyes upon.

So our human killing is a matter of choice. In order to survive, we cannot not kill. But we can choose

how, when, where, and what we will kill. The moral complexities of such choices are enormous and often

quite paradoxical. (A)A person may become a vegetarian as an ethical choice in order to refrain from even

the indirect responsibility for killing, (B)yet to survive, he or she must still bear the responsibility for

hacking living plants off at the roots and roasting the corpses thereof in ovens.

1. 下線部(1)~(5)について,指示にしたがって答えよ。

(1)意味を書け (2)主語を日本語に




2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中より選んで答えよ。

the area that an animal, person, or group considers to be their own and will defend against others

3. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



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2. the area that an animal, person, or group considers to be their own and will defend against others


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Behavior is ultimately the product of the brain, the most mysterious organ of them all.

(A)Exactly what it is about our brains that leads to our extraordinary consciousness remains obscure;

but we can certainly learn much from sketching the contrast between our brains and those of our

closest relatives.

The first thing that springs to mind when we think about the modern human brain is its large size.

Of course, we don’t have the largest brains around; but then, we’d expect elephants to have much

larger brains than us, for exactly the same reason that (1)they have bigger hearts, livers, and lungs.

What’s more surprising, perhaps, is that we don’t even have the largest brains (B)in relative terms:

the South American squirrel monkey, for example, has a brain that weighs in at 3 percent of its body

weight, while the human brain accounts (2)( ) only around 2 percent of human body weight.

Let’s not be (3)misled by this, however; for (C)it simply reflects the fact that, among the huge spectrum

of mammal species, brain size increases more slowly than body size in general ― and most squirrel

monkeys weigh under two pounds.

1. 下線部(1)の指すものを日本語で答えよ。

2. カッコ(2)に適語を入れよ。

3. 下線部(3)の現在形を答えよ。

4. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



5. itの指すものを具体的に明示して下線部(C)を和訳せよ。


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1. 下線部(1)の指すものを日本語で答えよ。 象

2. カッコ(2)に適語を入れよ。 for

3. 下線部(3)の現在形を答えよ。 mislead

5. itの指すものを具体的に明示して下線部(C)を和訳せよ。





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The important thing is that our brains are about three times larger than would be expected for

an ape that weighs as much as we do; and (A)this in itself is significant, for the brain is an extremely

power-hungry mechanism that because of its size consumes some 20 percent of our entire (1)energy

intake, despite its trivial contribution to body weight. (B)What’s more, unlike the other bodily

organs, the brain demands a constant supply of this large amount of energy. There has to be some

advantage for the amount of our energy budget that is absorbed by the contents of our (2)頭蓋骨[複数

形]; and this advantage can only be sought in our behavior.

But the matter doesn’t rest there, for (C)sheer brain size is far from the full story. The (3)組織構

造[o-] of our brains is also unique, and it is this that appears to hold the ultimate key to our remarkable

cognitive powers. There’s a huge amount, of course, that we don’t know about how the brain works

and especially about how a mass of chemical and electrical signals can give rise to such complex effects

as cognition and consciousness. Nonetheless, the way in which brains are structured tells us a lot

about their (4)capabilities.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A)の内容を日本語で説明せよ。(B),(C)は和訳せよ。




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2. 下線部(A)の内容を日本語で説明せよ。



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Prehistoric humans spent only 40 percent of their waking hours on the necessities of life, such as food

and shelter, according to anthropologists. That left 60 percent for “(1)余暇 ” pursuits ― napping,

storytelling, painting pictograms on cave walls, and so on. Despite the increase of “labor-saving” devices

ranging from (2)電子レンジ[2語] to drip-irrigation systems, modern humans seem to have less (1)余暇 time

than their long-lost ancestors. (A)Visions of a twenty-hour work week, a noble idea proposed by

philosopher Bertrand Russell in the 1930s, have never come to pass. In fact, as the global and (3)domestic

economy declines, many people find themselves working fifty to sixty hours a week just to get by.

In this culture, (B)our sense of identity and even self-worth is measured largely by the work that we do,

rather than by what we do with our spare time. In fact, the very adjective “spare” suggests that any time

left over from work is of lesser importance. Paradoxically, however, (C) what we do in our spare time more

often defines our personalities than what we do nine to five. Certainly for some people, their professional

career is identical with personal satisfaction, but for many, work is the way to pay the bills, while (1)余暇

is an opportunity to pursue activities that truly nurture them. Juliet Schor, in her essay “Exiting the

Squirrel Cage,” takes this argument a step further.

1. 下線部(1)~(3)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)


2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中より選んで答えよ。

scholars who study the human race, including its different types and its beliefs, social habits and

organization, etc.

3. 下線部(A)~(C)を和訳せよ。




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2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中より選んで答えよ。

scholars who study the human race, including its different types and its beliefs, social habits and organization,



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Drawing a (1)区別 between “unpaid work” and “true leisure,” she argues that much of what we do

in our “non-working” hours, routine activities such as house cleaning and trimming our toenails, is actually

work. Therefore, when we add this unpaid work time to forty-odd hours per week on the job, we’re left

with almost no “true leisure” time. (A)Yet ironically, it is this tiny fraction of “true leisure” time that plays

what some would argue is the most important role in defining us as unique individuals.

With so little “true leisure,” the pressure to have fun and fill that time with satisfying activities becomes

greater. Our weekends should be filled with great parties, hot dates, (2)productive creativity, and

meaningful spiritual activity, or we feel as though we’ve failed in some way. Although we look forward to

the parts of our lives away from work, the pressure to occupy free time with (3)stimulating activity can

actually become as (4)oppressive as work itself. A sociologist calls (B)this sense of the burden of leisure

“the lifestyle trap.” When the stress of work flows over into non-working hours, then leisure becomes

restless, action-packed and anything (5)( ) relaxing.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。カッコ(5)には適語を補充せよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)


2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中から選んで答えよ。

This word is used to say that a situation is one in which the opposite of what you expected happens or is


3. 下線部(A)を和訳し,(B)を具体的に説明せよ。



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2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中から選んで答えよ。

This word is used to say that a situation is one in which the opposite of what you expected happens or is true.


3. (B)を具体的に説明せよ。

(B) 空いた時間を刺激的な活動で埋めなければならないという心理的圧迫感

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Social norms are unwritten rules that govern the way that people behave within a society or group.

These norms provide stability in the long run, (A)( chaos / decaying / from / into / preventing / the

society ), and ensuring that even (1)monumental change happens slowly. But they also strongly

influence individuals to (2)従う to society. For instance, one study in the 1950s showed this very

clearly. New students at a university were (3)無作為に assigned to live among either conservative

students or liberal students. The researchers observed that these new students gradually adapted

their values and beliefs over time to fit the norms of their surroundings.

(B)Other studies have shown that people followed group norms even when they had direct evidence

that contradicted the norm. For example, in one study, people were asked to estimate the length of

a line drawn on a piece of paper. People’s estimates followed a group norm even in cases when people

could see with their own eyes that the group was wrong.

Social norms often (4)stifle creativity in groups. To the extent that creativity is the result of

“thinking outside the box,” groups do not normally reward creative individuals, but instead ignore

them or even push them out of the group completely. (C)This often works to the detriment of many

businesses who strive to attract creative talent to their organization only to see them become

unproductive under the pressure of conformance to norms.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A)を並べ換え,(B),(C)は和訳せよ。




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Not only businesses, but also educational systems suffer from this institutional tendency. The

science adviser to the Japanese government, Kiyoshi Kurokawa, declared to The Chronicle of Higher

Education, “(A)I am almost exploding at the way the university system bangs down the nail that sticks

up.” He further complains, “Our young people are not being allowed to (1)excel.”

One way to encourage creativity (and overcome the influence of social norms) can be taken from a

study by Adarves-Yorno, et al. (2006). In one part of the study, they asked two groups of participants

to create posters and (2)それとなく gave each group a norm about words and images: for one group,

the importance of words was emphasized, while for the other group, the importance of images was

emphasized. (B)The researchers also heightened the participants’ group identity by emphasizing

their group membership. Afterward, the two groups judged a (3)leaflet provided by the researchers

which consisted of 90% images. In their judgments, participants (4)を同等とみなした creativity with

following the group norm; the ‘words’ group rated the leaflet as less creative than the ‘images’ group

did. A second part of the study with different participants was similar to the first, but the

participants’ individual rather than group identity was heightened. As a result, the participants’

judgments were the opposite: (C)( as / being / creativity / inconsistent / perceived / the group norms /

was / with ).

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



3. 下線部(C)が次の日本文に相当する英文になるように,カッコ内の語句を並べ換えよ。ただし文頭にく


(C) 創造性は,グループの規範と一致しないこととして理解された。

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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 23 ) 反復回数 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





Unorganized fun away from the watchful eyes of parents could be more valuable for your child’s

future than you realize.

When asked what my best childhood memories are, I immediately think of playing in the garden,

building houses and hiding places out of (1)cardboard boxes, climbing trees, (2)監視されていない bike

riding with friends from the neighborhood, inventing adventure games, and baking delicious cakes

made from a (3)混合 of sand and water on the local (4)playground.

Shelly Newstead, a researcher on play at home and in schools, strongly believes in the significance

of this sort of fun and play in children’s primary-school years. “Free-range play,” or play that is freely

chosen, personally directed, and motivated from within, is more important for a child’s development

than tightly scheduled and carefully planned after-school activities and year-round organized sports.

Unfortunately, children’s natural need for free play is increasingly suppressed by (A)helicopter

parents ― parents who are always looking over their children’s shoulders and who are obsessed with

academic success. (B)As play cannot be measured like academic tests or sporting competitions, its

perceived value in a child’s development has diminished. Parents feel they need to provide a wide

variety of structured and adult-directed activities to raise smarter children. Stressed parents

transport children ― some of whom are barely old enough to walk ― to violin lessons, to foreign

language classes, or to training schools that promise to make them geniuses. (C)Primary-school

children participate in swimming schools at sunrise and finish with art-appreciation classes at sunset.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A)は具体的な内容を日本語で答え,(B),(C)は和訳せよ。




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2. 下線部(A)は具体的な内容を日本語で答えよ。

(A) 常に子供を肩越しに覗き込み,学業での成功に取りつかれている親のこと。

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(A)Safety is also a major concern, which results in parents who don’t let their children out of sight

and don’t allow them to engage in risk-taking behavior such as using a pocket knife to do wood carving.

Lenore Skenazy notes (1)critically in her book Free-Range Kids that (B)too much adult caution is

turning ordinary, active children into incompetent children.

Of course, it is wonderful that parents take such great interest in the achievements and protection

of their children. But it is also having quite the opposite of the desired effect, for children are not

being given the freedom to develop their own interests and creativity. This means that true play-

time is limited and that, according to psychology professor Peter Gray, “the (2)lifelong consequences

for children can be more serious than we realize.” Everything from reading ability and creativity to

social skills and mental health is suffering. Gray and many other (3)教育者[複数形] assert that play

is a biological need that teaches children the ability to adapt as well as basic survival skills.

Free-range play is also a natural source of happiness. Instinctively, children like to play. They

are born with curiosity and a healthy love of adventure, exploration, and excitement. Play offers the

best and most important classroom, where children learn essential life skills such as social and

emotional intelligence. Through playing with others of the same age, children learn how to socialize,

to show initiative, and to demonstrate leadership. They have to solve conflicts, learn about rules,

negotiate, and communicate ideas clearly.

1. 下線部(1)~(3)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)


2. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



3. 同年齢の子供たちと遊ぶことを通して子供たちが学ぶ3つのことを,日本語で答えよ。

・ ・

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3. 同年齢の子供たちと遊ぶことを通して子供たちが学ぶ3つのことを,日本語で答えよ。

・社会的な振る舞い方 ・独創性の発揮の仕方


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日付:( )月( )日( )曜日 L( 25 )

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At a recent professional meeting, a Stanford University researcher discussed the results of a test

of the effects of a drug to control aggression. The trouble is that the research was carried out on

(1)juvenile inmates in a California prison, creating a lot of legal and ethical problems.

The Stanford research gave groups of juvenile inmates (2)varying doses of an anti-aggression drug

and (A)assessed its effect on their behavior. The controversy lies in the fact that the researcher

(3)reportedly admitted setting the dose so low as to be a placebo, intentionally denying the subjects

any therapeutic effect from the drug.

(4)Federal regulations allow research in prisons (5)( ) only very limited conditions: when

(B)there is a prospect of direct therapeutic benefit for the subjects. This means no placebo-controlled

trials are allowed.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)の意味を答え,カッコ(5)には適語を入れよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)


2. ( )に本文中の語を入れて次の英文を完成させよ。ただし,( )には同一の語が入る。

A ( ) is a substance with no effects that a doctor gives to a patient instead of a drug. ( )s are

used when testing new drugs or sometimes when a patient has imagined their illness.

3. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



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2. ( )に本文中の語を入れて次の英文を完成させよ。ただし,( )には同一の語が入る。(1)


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Research in prisons was not always so limited. Before the early 1980s, prisoners were considered to

be a popular (1)research population. Prisoners offered a controlled environment: No prisoners would

be “lost to (2)follow-up.” Prisoners were highly (3)motivated subjects, whether to earn extra money

or other forms of payment, make up for previous behavior, or (4)get better access to medical care. In

fact, a study performed in the early 1980s demonstrated that research participation was a popular

and highly-valued activity; the most powerful inmates were the most likely to be research subjects.

But such motivation is precisely why (5)concerned regulators moved to limit research participation

by prisoners. (A)How can subjects give truly voluntary consent in a setting where freedom is so

severely constrained? In the case of the Stanford research, consent is (B)doubly complicated by the

fact that the prisoners were juveniles.

The Stanford researcher has not yet commented on his motives, but he might have found inmates

a desirable research population for a number of reasons. For research into ways to control

aggression, whom is it better to study and who is more likely to benefit than aggressive prisoners?

(6)Deceitfully breaking the rules as he did, however, runs the risk of harming not only subjects but

the future of such research altogether.

1. 下線部(1)~(6)の意味を答えよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)

2. 下線部(A)を和訳せよ。

3. 下線部(B)についてどういう点で doublyなのか2点をあげよ。

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3. 下線部(B)についてどういう点で doublyなのか2点をあげよ。

1. 極端に束縛された条件の下での同意が有効かどうか

2. 未成年の同意が有効かどうか

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On March 31, 1880, the good people of Wabash, Indiana (population 320), launched a

technological revolution. On top of the town’s courthouse, they mounted two bars with a 3,000-

candlepower bulb at both ends of each. They then started up a steam engine to generate electricity,

and at 8 p.m., flipped a switch. (1)Sparks showered, and Wabash became the first electrically lit city

in the world. “(A)The strange, weird light, exceeded in power only by the sun, rendered the square

as light as midday,” one witness reported. “Men fell on their knees, groans were uttered at the sight,

and many were dumb with amazement.”

A century and a quarter later, electric light turns night into day around the globe. In the first

world atlas of artificial night-sky brightness, based on high-resolution satellite data and released in

2001, the heavily developed urban areas of Japan, Western Europe, and the United States (2)blaze

like amusement parks. We flood the heavens with so much artificial light that nearly two-thirds of

the world’s people can no longer see the Milky Way. (B)On a clear, dark night far from light-polluted

skies, roughly 2,500 stars can be seen by the naked eye. For people living in the suburbs of New

York, that number decreases to 250; residents of Manhattan are lucky to see 15. Moreover, as the

stars fade from view, more and more research is suggesting that excessive exposure to artificial night

light can alter basic biological rhythms in animals, change (3)predator-prey relationships, and even

trigger deadly hormonal (4)失調[複数形] in humans.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中より選び,名詞の場合は単数形で答えよ。

1. a long deep sound made when someone is annoyed, upset or in pain, or with pleasure

2. temporarily not speaking or refusing to speak

1 2

3. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



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2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中より選んで答えよ。

1. a long deep sound made when someone is annoyed, upset or in pain, or with pleasure

2. temporarily not speaking or refusing to speak

1 groan 2 dumb

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Many creatures are (1)遺伝的に programmed to (2)navigate by the dim glow of the stars and the

moon. For them, night lights can be deadly: Michael Mesure, founder of the Toronto-based Fatal

Light Awareness Program, estimates that 100 million songbirds crash into lit buildings in North

America each year. (3)Likewise, artificial light is a source of confusion for the relatives of butterflies

that are active at night. Rod Crawford, of the Burke Museum at the University of Washington,

believes that (A)light pollution may be the leading cause, after habitat loss, of the decline of the

spectacular giant silk moths that were once a source of summer visual delight. “The farther from

lights and altered habitats you get, the more moths you find,” he says.

Kenneth Frank, a Philadelphia physician who also studies insects, says that (B)light-lured moths

often miss their brief opportunities to mate, or are killed by larger, light-stalking creatures.

(C)Bright lights also disrupt migration routes, confining some moth populations to isolated islands of

darkness. But Frank admits that the situation of the moths is unlikely to cause public concern.

“Never argue against something (4)の味方になって[3語] moths,” he warns. “People will just laugh

at you. Talk about ecosystems instead.”

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A)~(C)を和訳せよ。





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Until recently, studying music in school was regarded as a luxury. A child’s math and language

skills or scientific problem solving were considered to deserve the major portion of the curriculum,

while music, art, and other related subjects received only passing attention at most. Music teachers

faced competing demands from extra lessons, sports practice, and play rehearsals. But with the help

of science, (A)this erosion of time devoted to music looks like being (1)halted and even reversed.

According to one scientific study, music raises the learning capacity in so-called “hard” subjects as

mathematics and physics in addition to language acquisition, and this should help (2)restore a more

balanced curriculum. Researchers, in the paper on music and spatial task performance, reported

that listening to as little as ten minutes of Mozart’s music produced an (3)elevation in brain power

lasting ten to fifteen minutes, a finding that triggered much of the current interest in the positive

effect of music on learning.

The observation of the close relationship between music and mathematics stretches back for a couple

thousand years. Pythagoras acknowledged the importance of proportion in harmony and melody.

Mozart’s sudden musical development, too, shows math and music are connected. The musical

genius was (4)initially cool towards the profession that would later bring him great fame, leading a

happy and not too burdened childhood, learning his lessons, (B)whatever they were, easily and quickly.

Then Mozart suddenly exploded with a passion for music, filling every bit of space in the house with

(5)scribbled figures after he learned the fundamentals of (6)arithmetic. His passion for music was

closely connected to his understanding of mathematics.

1. 下線部(1)~(6)の意味を答えよ。

(1) halt (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)

2. 下線部(A)を和訳せよ。

3. 下線部(B)を和訳せよ。ただし,theyの指すものを明示すること。

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3. 下線部(B)を和訳せよ。ただし,theyの指すものを明示すること。


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Moreover, there are even recent findings that further (1)clarify the linkage. Researchers

connected the discovery to a complex theory about the way our minds are organized. (2)In essence,

scientists are saying higher mental operations such as music and mathematics use a common,

structured, and spatial-temporal language that allows people including children to work across

(3)seemingly unrelated academic disciplines that are tied together by this communication link.

The relationship between music and the scientific subjects or language learning is, as a matter of

fact, highly controversial. There are some studies that have thrown doubt upon it. In any case,

playing music and singing use a wide range of senses. Being able to integrate these and produce a

satisfying (4)synthesis is a powerful experience for children, (A)deserving greater appreciation than

has been given thus far. When learning like this happens in a chorus or orchestra, the total effect is

even more (5)potent. (B)What other school activity cultivates a strong community spirit, helps us

learn languages, increases our mathematical and scientific capacity, and puts us in touch with our

musical heritage?

1. 下線部(1)~(5)の意味を答えよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)


2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中より選んで答えよ。

causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being


3. 下線部(A)を和訳せよ。

4. 下線部(B)の述語動詞をすべてあげよ。

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2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を本文中より選んで答えよ。

causing a lot of disagreement, because many people have strong opinions about the subject being



4. 下線部(B)の述語動詞をすべてあげよ。

cultivates, helps, increases, puts

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In 1932, a group of American fashion manufacturers found themselves faced with a flood of

knockoffs ― cheap copies of original designs. (A)Fashion manufacturers, then as now, were not

protected by patents or copyrights. So they decided to take direct action to stop the copying. They

set up the Fashion Originators (1)Guild of America to monitor (2)retailers and keep track of original

designs; if you look at (3)古くて価値のある dresses from the thirties, you can find labels reading “A

registered original design with Fashion Originators Guild.” Retailers selling knockoffs were “red-

carded,” and guild members wouldn’t sell their merchandise to red-carded stores. (B)This was

unpopular with the retailers, but it seems to have reduced the copying. The only problem with the

plan was that it was illegal: in 1941, the Supreme Court ruled that the manufacturers’ arrangement

violated antitrust law, and the knockoff artists stayed in business.

In the decades since, copying has remained common in the fashion industry. Fashion-conscious

but low-priced retailers like H&M and Zara have flourished, thanks to their ability to take designs

from Milan to the mass market. Private-label designers for major department stores (4)自慢してい

る of the high quality of their imitations. And almost as soon as hot new designs appear on the

fashion-show runway, photographs and drawings of them are on their way to Chinese factories that

can produce reasonable facsimiles at a fraction of the cost. (C)Designers today are as annoyed by

this as their prewar counterparts were.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A),(C)を,(C)は this の具体的内容を明らかにしながら,和訳せよ。



3. 下線部(B)の具体的な内容を日本語で答えよ。

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2. 下線部(C)を,this の具体的内容を明らかにしながら,和訳せよ。

(C) 今日のデザイナーたちは,戦前のデザイナーたちと同じくらい,安価な模造品が大量に


3. 下線部(B)の具体的な内容を日本語で答えよ。(2)



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(A)Designers’ frustration at seeing their ideas mimicked is understandable. But this is a classic

case where the cure may be worse than the disease. There’s little evidence that knockoffs are

damaging the business. Fashion sales have remained more than healthy ― estimates value the

global luxury-fashion (1)sector at 130 billion dollars ― and the high-end firms that so often see their

designs copied have become stronger. More striking, a recent paper by law professors Kal Raustiala

and Christopher Sprigman suggests that weak intellectual-property rules, far from hurting the

fashion industry, have instead been essential to its success. The professors call this effect (B)“the

piracy paradox.”

The paradox stems from the basic (2)ジレンマ that (3)underlies the economics of fashion: (C)for the

industry to keep growing, customers must like this year’s designs, but they must also become

dissatisfied with them so that they’ll buy next year’s. Many other consumer businesses face a similar

problem, but fashion ― unlike, say, the technology industry ― can’t rely on improvements in power

and performance to make old products (4)時代遅れな. Raustiala and Sprigman argue persuasively

that, in fashion, it’s copying that serves this function. Copying enables designs and styles to move

quickly from early adopters to the masses. And since no one cool wants to keep wearing something

after everybody else is wearing it, the copying of designs helps fuel the endless demand for something


1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A),(C)を和訳せよ。



3. 下線部(B)“the piracy paradox” の具体的な内容を日本語で答えよ。

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3. 下線部(B)“the piracy paradox” の具体的な内容を日本語で答えよ。



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It comes near to stating the obvious that all languages have developed to express the needs of

their users, and that in a sense all languages are equal. All languages meet the social and

psychological needs of their speakers, are equally deserving of scientific study, and can provide us

with valuable information about human nature and society.

There are, however, (A)several widely held misconceptions about languages which stem from a

failure to recognize this view. The most important of these is the idea that there are such things as

‘primitive’ languages ― languages with a simple grammar, a few sounds, and a vocabulary of only a

few hundred words, whose speakers have to (1)補う[c-] for their language’s (2)deficiencies through

gestures. Speakers of ‘primitive’ languages have often been thought to exist, and there has been a

great deal of (3)speculation about where they might live, and what their problems might be. If they

relied on gestures, how would they be able to communicate at night? (B)Without abstract terms, how

could they possibly develop moral or (4)宗教の belief? In the 19th century, such questions were

common, and it was widely thought that it was only a matter of time before explorers would discover

a genuinely primitive language.

The fact of the matter is that every culture which has been investigated, no matter how ‘primitive’

it may be in cultural terms, turns out to have a fully developed language, with (C)a complexity

comparable to those of the so-called ‘civilized’ nations. There are no ‘bronze age’ or ‘stone age’


1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A)~(C)を和訳せよ。




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How much salt do we eat? In the 1980s, before it was widely known to be associated with high

blood pressure, salt consumption in the United States was between 6 and 15 grams a day. The WHO

target daily (1)摂取量 is 5 grams. National governments are happy to (2)sanction higher levels ― 6

grams in the UK ― which are reprinted on many food packets. But we still eat more salt than this.

On its website the European Salt Producers’ Association proudly, if perhaps a little incautiously, touts

a figure of 8 grams a day per capita salt consumption. Americans still consume around 10 grams a


(A)The producers are vigorous in their defense of people’s right to consume as much salt as they

want, in tones that at times recall the tobacco lobby. There is no need for healthy people to reduce

their salt intake, they insist, while casting doubt on studies linking (3)sodium to high blood pressure.

In some cases, they point out, elderly people have died apparently because they have not been getting

enough salt. (B)Although the 6-gram daily allowance applies to adults of all ages, the elderly are more

susceptible to high blood pressure and so presumably more likely to act on heightened fears by cutting

out salt. Not all people should automatically reduce their salt intake, therefore.

1. 下線部(1)~(3)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)


2. 次の塩摂取量を日本語で答えよ。

(1) 世界保健機関による1日の目標摂取量。

(2) ヨーロッパ塩製造者協会が推奨する1日の摂取量。

(3) 今日のアメリカ人の1日あたりの摂取量。

(1) (2)


3. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



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2. 次の塩摂取量を日本語で答えよ。

(1) 世界保健機関による1日の目標摂取量

(2) ヨーロッパ塩製造者協会が推奨する1日の摂取量

(3) 今日のアメリカ人の1日あたりの摂取量

(1) 5グラム (2) 8グラム

(3) 約 10グラム

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But (A)salt is not like smoking, because you aren’t always aware of it when you indulge. The

recommended daily allowance is well publicized, but this information is of little use if you cannot

calculate your intake. (B)This is almost impossible to do. Packaged foods have long been obliged to

list their major ingredients, which often include salt, but they do not have to declare the relative

amount of salt present. (C)More recently, in response to concerns not only about salt, but also about

fats and sugar, manufacturers have begun to include panels of “nutrition information,” and some also

give overall “guideline daily amounts” of these dietary elements. In the UK, this apparently helpful

gesture has been viewed as a pre-emptive measure to head off a “traffic lights” scheme proposed in

2005 by the Food Standards Agency to display much more (1)readily understood red, yellow or green

gradings for these substances.

But even declaring salt content is not transparently done. Some global brands such as Heinz and

Kellogg’s (2)責任を持って give figures for salt and for that salt in terms of its sodium content alone.

(D)Cereals are especially assiduous about displaying this information, perhaps because it is at

breakfast that we are most likely to pause to consider our dietary health. But many products

indicate salt only as sodium. In a sense, this is medically useful since sodium is the component of

salt linked to high blood pressure.

1. 下線部(1),(2)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

2. 下線部(A),(C),(D)は和訳し,(B)は具体的な内容を日本語で答えよ。





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2. 下線部(B)は具体的な内容を日本語で答えよ。

(B) 自分の(1日当たりの)塩摂取量を算出すること。

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(A)The English word ‘euphemism’ comes from the Greek euphemismos, which in turn comes from

two Greek words: eu meaning good and phanai meaning to speak. A euphemism is a way of

expressing something unpleasant or (1)offensive by avoiding (2)direct reference and substituting a

milder word or phrase.

Without euphemisms, communication would be almost impossible. Each society has its own taboo

areas: topics which are too distressing or too embarrassing to talk about directly. Death, disease,

sex, (3)dishonesty, drunkenness, nakedness, fatness, ugliness, old age, and madness are just a few

examples. Most people find it difficult to talk about these topics, yet they are facts of life and cannot

be ignored.

Euphemisms come in a variety of forms. One of the most common avoids the use of embarrassing

words by substituting body language or (4)suggestive but meaningless sounds. “Would you like to go

to the, er ..., before you leave?”, the pause filled by perhaps a gentle cough or a quick (5)glance upstairs,

can be readily interpreted as an invitation to visit the lavatory.

Fill the pause with a related but ‘safe’ word, a word with no unpleasant (6)associations, and you

have the most popular kind of euphemism. In a polite social situation, most Americans would prefer

to ask the way to the ‘bathroom’ and would be uncomfortable with words such as toilet or lavatory.

(B)Both of these, however, are themselves euphemisms, the original meaning of toilet being a piece of

material used to wrap clothes or cover a dressing-table, and that of lavatory being a place to wash.

1. 下線部(1)~(6)の意味を答えよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)

2. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



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Euphemisms are not restricted to words and phrases. (1)長ったらしい [L-] and roundabout

expressions are a common way of avoiding directness. (A)’It seems to me that what you are saying

does not altogether accord with the truth’ can be easily translated as ‘I think you’re lying’. Likewise,

‘One could say that she’s not the most reliable of people’ will be readily understood to mean ‘She

(2)( ) be trusted’.

Expressions like these contain two key (3)elements of euphemism: (B)litotes and

(4)understatement. Litotes is a way of softening a strong statement by expressing it as the negative

of its opposite ― so a ‘problem of not inconsiderable proportions’ could well be a major disaster, and

‘not ... the truth’ equals lying. A lot of euphemisms (5)~に依存している[2 語] this use of the

negative. If you are ‘not all there’, you are mad. If people are ‘not as young as they were’, they are

old. A similar job can be done by negative (6)prefixes. To say that someone is ‘unwell’ is a softer

and more gentle statement than to say frankly that they are ill or sick.

1. 下線部(1),(5)は英語に,(3),(4),(6)は日本語に,また,カッコ(2)には適語を入れよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)

2. 下線部(A)を和訳し,(B)はどのような表現法か,英文に則して日本語で説明せよ。



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2. (B)はどのような表現法か,英文に則して日本語で説明せよ。

(B) きつい言葉を和らげるのに,その反意表現の否定形を用いる方法

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Understatement is another way of taking the heat out of a strong and perhaps upsetting statement.

Someone who is (1)short-tempered, (2)obstructive or otherwise (3)objectionable can be described as

‘difficult’. Something that is ‘(4)awkward’ can be downright dangerous: an ‘awkward step’ could

deposit you on your back at the foot of the stairs, and an ‘awkward customer’ might give you a black


Not only words, but grammar can be (5)euphemistic too. (A)The use of the passive voice in place

of the active is a common way of blurring the directness of a message, shifting the focus of attention

away from the subject. A naughty boy might, for example, try to avoid responsibility by saying

‘(B)( )( )( )( )’ rather than ‘I broke the window’.

Finally there is the ‘blind-them-with-science’ school of euphemism, which hides the unwelcome or

the frightening behind a long word or a technical term (even better if it is from a foreign language).

So a (6)tumour becomes a neoplasm; the sexual organs are the pudenda; and a dustman is

transformed into a refuse operative.

1. 下線部(1)~(6)の意味を答えよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)

2. 下線部(A)を和訳せよ。

3. 下線部(B)を完成させよ。

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3. 下線部(B)を完成させよ。

The window got broken

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In one of his dark moments, Pascal said that all man’s unhappiness came from a single cause, his

inability to remain quietly in a room. (1)Diversion. (2)Distraction. Fantasy. Change of fashion,

food, love, and landscape. We need them as the air we breathe. Without change our brains and

bodies (3)腐る. (A)The man who sits quietly in a shuttered room is likely to be mad, tortured by

illusions and introspection.

Some American brain specialists researched the brains of travelers using X-rays. They found that

changes of scenery and awareness of the passage of seasons through the year stimulated the rhythms

of the brain, increasing a sense of well-being. (B)Monotonous surroundings and tedious regular

activities wove patterns which produced fatigue, nervous disorders, apathy, self-disgust, and violent

reactions. It’s hardly surprising, then, that a generation protected from the cold by central heating,

from the heat by air-conditioning, carted in clean transports from one house or hotel to another, should

feel the need for journeys of mind or body, or for the exciting journeys of music and dance. We spend

far too much time in shuttered rooms.

(C)Children need paths to explore, to take bearings on the earth in which they live, as a navigator

takes bearings on familiar landmarks. If we search the memories of childhood, we remember the

paths first, things and people second ― paths down the garden, the way to school, the way round the

house, (4)回廊[複数形] through the long grass. Tracking the paths of animals was the first and most

important part of early humans’ education.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A)~(C)を和訳せよ。




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An important difference between persons and other creatures is that only persons can be morally

responsible for what they do. When we accept that someone is a morally responsible agent, this

typically involves more than holding a particular belief about him; it (1)entails a willingness to adopt

certain attitudes toward that person and to behave toward him in certain kinds of ways. Imagine,

for example, that you return home one evening and find your treasured Waterford vase shattered on

the dining room floor. (A)[ Discovering that the vase has been purposely shattered by a (2)malicious

houseguest will give rise to a set of reactions much different than those which would seem appropriate

were you to discover that the vase had been (B)accidentally toppled from the shelf by your (3)clumsy

cat. ] In the latter case, you might feel regret and perhaps even anger at your cat, but you would

hardly feel the same sort of resentment and moral (4)indignation that would seem warranted had

your guest intentionally broken the vase in order to hurt you. Moreover, it would be appropriate to

blame your guest and to hold him responsible for the (5)misdeed in a way much different from the

way in which you might discipline your cat and try to train him not to climb on the furniture in the

future.1. 下線部(1)~(5)の意味を答えよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)


2. カッコ(A)部分の主語を和訳せよ。

3. 下線部(B)と反対の意味を表す語を本文中から2つ選んで答えよ。

4. 本文中から仮定法の ifが省略された節に赤線を引け。

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3. 下線部(B)と反対の意味を表す語を本文中から2つ選んで答えよ。


4. 本文中から仮定法の ifが省略された節に赤線を引け。

1. were you to discover that ~

2. had your guest intentionally broken the vase in order to hurt you.

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Of course, to make these claims is not to deny that there is one sense in which both the guest and

the cat are responsible for breaking the vase in the respective scenarios. Each is (1)causally

responsible - each plays a causal role in bringing ( a ) the destruction of the vase. But whereas

both persons and nonpersons can be causally responsible for an event, only persons can be morally


For many people, questions of moral responsibility are associated primarily with wrongdoing like

(A)that described in the preceding example. According to this view, questions concerning who may

legitimately be held responsible are seen to stem ( b ) more practical questions concerning who

should be blamed and punished for their misdeeds; similarly, a concern to understand the (2)propriety

of our responsibility (3)ascriptions is driven mostly by a concern to understand what justifies the

(4)punitive measures we take toward those who injure us and violate the norms of society. (B)Such

a view helps to give expressions such as “I am going to hold you responsible” or “I promise to find out

who is responsible for this” a mostly negative connotation, calling to mind the retributive attitudes

and harsh treatment that await wrongdoers.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)の意味を答えよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. カッコ( a ),( b )に適当な語を入れよ。

a B

3. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



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In contrast to this approach, however, others take a broader view of moral responsibility. They

associate responsibility not only with negative responses like resentment and blame, but also with

more positive responses such as gratitude, respect, and praise. To see the (1)intuition behind this

view, imagine that you once again return home after work. This time, instead of finding a shattered

vase, you discover that your neighbor’s exceedingly ugly tree ((A)which had long blocked the otherwise

spectacular view from your living room) has been knocked down. As in the previous examples, your

reactions will vary depending upon what you subsequently learn about the causes that led to the tree’s

demise. For instance, your reaction would presumably depend on whether the tree’s uprooting was

the result of a fortuitous gust of wind ( a ) the efforts of your considerate neighbor who removed

the eyesore as a birthday surprise for you. In the former case, you might feel fortunate or happy, but

you would hardly feel the gratitude and desire to praise (B)[ that would seem appropriate (C)had your

thoughtful neighbor torn down the offensive tree just to please you. ] The point stressed by the

(2)proponent of the broader conception of responsibility is that there is a (3)spectrum of reactions

(including positive reactions) that are appropriately applied only to persons.

1. 下線部(1)~(3)の意味を答えよ。

(1) (2)


2. カッコ( a )に適語を入れよ。

3. 下線部(A)を和訳せよ。

4. カッコ(B)部分が修飾している語句を日本語で答えよ。

5. 下線部(C)を ifを使って書き換えよ。

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4. カッコ(B)部分が修飾している語句を日本語で答えよ。


5. 下線部(C)を ifを使って書き換えよ。

if your thoughtful neighbor had torn down the offensive tree just to please you

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(A)English draws its words from many sources, in particular from the Greek, Latin, and Romance

languages on the one hand and from the Teutonic languages on the other. All have contributed to

the (1)richness of modern English as a medium of expression.

(B)The user of English has at his disposal a wealth of synonyms, among which he can find

alternative ways of expressing a given idea. Yet no two words will have meanings the same in all

respects; somewhere along the line they diverge; synonyms provide a similarity in some respects but

not in others. As the Oxford English Dictionary (O.E.D.) indicates, synonyms have “the same general

sense,” but each of them has meanings not shared by the others and exhibits different shades of

meaning in different contexts. Under certain circumstances the meanings overlap; in others they

( C ). The O.E.D. gives an example from Prescott’s Philip II: “The name of soldier is (2)同義の

with that of marauder.” Clearly, there are many soldiers who are not marauders and many marauders

who are not soldiers. However, during the historical era of Philip II, soldiers behaved (3)乱暴に and

(4)plundered wantonly. Under those circumstances the meanings of soldier and marauder ( D ),

but in other contexts, other circumstances, they did not.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。



3. 空所(C),(D)に入れるのに適切な動詞を本文中から抜き出し,必要ならば形を変えて答えよ。

(C) (D)

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Context means literally a weaving together. (A)It implies a union of parts into a whole, whereby

the meaning of the whole determines the meaning of an individual part. As an illustration of this we

might think of words with the same (1)つづり but different pronunciations. The sentence as a whole

tells us which meaning is appropriate. Thus, lead in one context is a (2)名詞 indicating a particular

heavy metal; in another it is a verb; meaning “to conduct” or “to guide.”

(B)Words from different roots that at one time had similar meanings may subsequently diverge.

Take, for instance, gut and intestine. Gut, of Teutonic origin, meant the contents of the (3)abdominal

cavity, the entrails. Then the word became directed to a particular entrail, the lower alimentary

tract. But by extension it came to have other meanings, including violin strings, the silken (4)fiber

from the intestine of a silkworm, and a narrow channel or passage, as, a channel of water. On the

other hand, intestine comes from the Latin intus, meaning within. (C)It referred to the lower part of

the alimentary tract but did not acquire a host of accessory meanings. Gut and intestine are most

certainly synonyms for the lower alimentary tract, but the congruence of meaning stops there.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

2. 下線部(A)~(C)を和訳せよ。




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We might think of synonyms as intersecting circles. (A)The portions that intersect represent the

identity of meanings, and in that area the words are interchangeable. The portions of the circles

that do not intersect represent the meanings unique for each, not (1)適用できる to other contexts.

We might think of each circle as having a (B)flavor, an indefinite aura, a composite imagery derived

from all the varied usages. The flavor of the whole affects that part of the circle acting as synonym.

The word square, for example, applied to the highly conservative person out of touch with modern

trends, conveys a definite image. The word calls up the properties of a geometric figure ― something

stable, with sharp angles. The person we call square seems to take on these properties as we use the

word. Different synonyms will each bring their own (2)metaphorical flavor that affects the total

(3)prose picture.

Synonym and context are essential terms in translation. When we learn a foreign language we

start with the rudiments of grammar and an elementary vocabulary. We have lists of words in the

one language and a list of equivalents in the other. The two lists represent synonyms. Then, after

gaining a little overall familiarity, we start on an elementary reader. (C)Those to which I have been

exposed always had a vocabulary in the back, giving in alphabetical order the foreign words, each

with its English equivalent.

1. 下線部(1)~(4)について,日本語は英語に,英語は日本語にせよ。

(1) (2)


2. 下線部(A),(C)を和訳せよ。



3. 下線部(B)はどのようなものか。日本語で答えよ。

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3. 下線部(B)はどのようなものか。日本語で答えよ。



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According to Stanley Coren, the author of The Intelligence of Dogs, dogs can understand about one

hundred and fifty of our words, signs, and signals, and in turn produce some thirty or forty sounds that we

can understand. Add to that their (1)multitude of looks and gestures, and you have the basis for

(2)genuine communication ― if (3)( ) quite cocktail-party conversation. An example: Your dog goes

over to the bedroom fireplace every night at about ten o’clock and looks up, and you know he wants a glass

of water. You once gave him water from a glass on the mantel, and with that (4)initial interaction, he

trained you to understand.

Indeed, we may be so intimate with our animals precisely because they do not speak. They listen to us,

and they communicate with us, but they do not have the capability to use words that can (5)cause

misunderstandings. Alan Beck and Aaron Katcher, in their book Between Pets and People, say that when

people interact with pets, they are calmer than when interacting with other humans. (6)A number of

studies have shown that blood pressure rises during human-to-human conversation, but it drops when we

are touching and talking to pets. (A)The fact that the animal cannot speak is one reason that the bond is

so relaxed. Animals keep conversation going by giving knowing looks, full of feeling and acknowledgment.

“They are intimates because they cannot talk,” write Beck and Katcher. “They ask no questions. They

say no words that hurt. They offer no advice.” Despite all the talking animals in myths, fables, and

children’s stories, they conclude, “we prefer them without words.”

1. 下線部(1),(2),(4)~(6)は英語を日本語にし,カッコ(3)には適語を補充せよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)

2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を文中から選んで答えよ。

1. the act of publicly thanking someone for something they have done

2. a close personal friend

1 2

3. the bond の内容を明示して下線部(A)を和訳せよ。

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2. 次の定義に当てはまる単語を文中から選んで答えよ。

1. the act of publicly thanking someone for something they have done

2. a close personal friend

1 acknowledg(e)ment 2 intimate

3. the bond の内容を明示して下線部(A)を和訳せよ。



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Cathy Hermann, a speech therapist and actress, has always been amazed at the way her cats’ faces seem

to reveal their thoughts and feelings. Once, she says, she came home with a Persian, and her two other

cats (1)were outraged by the (2)intrusion. They would look at her (3)with disdain, she says, “as if to say,

‘You’re a nice lady, but what were you thinking when you brought this ugly, boorish thing into the house?’”

She says their expressions allow her to read their minds: “A facial expression, a tilt of the head ― you know

exactly what they’re thinking.”

Such a liberal interpretation of a cat’s body language is not simply (4)wishful thinking, according to

Michael W. Fox, a specialist on animal behavior. “(A)There is a continuum of consciousness between

animals and people,” he says.

Cats also communicate (5)audibly, of course. In Understanding Your Cat, Fox writes that sixteen voice

patterns have been found in cats. They fall into three groups: murmur patterns, such as purring, which

are made in a friendly, relaxed state; vowel patterns, more (6)articulated sounds, like the meow used to

ask for food; and strained, intense sounds, such as the hiss and growl, reserved for attack, defense, or

mating. (7)The sound most associated with cats is purring, yet, Fox says, there is no good explanation for

it, except that it always signals contentment. Sometimes when cats are stressed, they will even purr as

a way to relax themselves. Since purring first occurs during nursing, he says, (8)it may have evolved as

a signal to the mother to let down milk.

1. 下線部(1)~(7)の意味を答えよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

(5) (6)


2. 下線部(8)の指すものを日本語で答えよ。

3. 下線部(A)を和訳せよ。

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2. 下線部(8)の指すものを日本語で答えよ。


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Fox, who also wrote Understanding Your Dog, says dogs (1)express contentment quite often through

sighing, which has a similar role to purring. When they lick people, he says, they are showing care-giving:

“It comes from the animal’s desire to give (2)affection.”

Not all communication between pets and people is about love and kindness, of course. Sometimes our

animals make clear their displeasure by hiding or turning their backs on us, or even (3)snarling or hissing.

If they seem stressed, there is a reason for their behavior. If they are acting oddly, your goal is to figure

out why. For instance, if your dog is lifting his leg indoors, he is communicating something ― perhaps

that the house is his territory, a perception that may reflect feelings of (4)insecurity or (5)dominance. A

similar message from your cat may reflect upset over a change ― like moved furniture ― or be a sign of


The messages our animals send us are relatively straightforward once you understand them. In fact,

the more you project your own feelings or needs onto your animals, the greater the chance for

misunderstandings and confusion. Guilt is one emotion that’s often projected onto pets, according to

Coren. (A)It’s not something animals have the capacity to feel, but other basic emotions like happiness,

depression, anger, fear, and excitement are quite real; (B)they have been bred into pets during centuries of

domestication. “Animals have (6)the traits that we’ve trained them to have, including responsiveness,”

says Coren. “A dog that cannot communicate will not survive in a human environment.”

1. 下線部(1)~(6)の意味を答えよ。

(1) (2)

(3) (4)



2. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。[(A)は itの内容がわかるように]



Page 96: 3年生日々題(上級編) our “non-working” hours, routine activities such as house cleaning and trimming our toenails, is actually work. Therefore, when we add this


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2. 下線部(A),(B)を和訳せよ。[(A)は itの内容がわかるように]

(A) 罪悪感は動物が感じることが出来るものではない。
