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  • 8/10/2019 4 surat an-nisa


    Surat An-Nis' (The Women) -

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    Muhsin Khan: O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from asingle person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his ifeHaa ("#e)$, and from them %oth He created many men andomen and fear Allah through Whom you demand your mutual(rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the om%s (kinship)&'urely, Allah is "#er an AllWatcher o#er you&Sahih International: O mankind, fear your Lord, ho created you from one soul andcreated from it its mate and dispersed from %oth of them many menand omen& And fear Allah , through hom you ask one another,and the om%s& ndeed Allah is e#er, o#er you, an O%ser#er&Tafsir Jalalayn: O people, of *ecca, fear your Lord, that is, His punishment %y %eingo%edient to Him, Who created you of a single soul, Adam, and from itcreated its mate, "#e (Ha+), from one of his left ri%s, and from the pairof them, Adam and "#e, scattered, separated and spread, many men and,many, omen- and fear .od %y hom you claim your rights$ from oneanother (tass+al/na: the original t+ of tatas+al/na$ has %een assimilatedith the s0n- a #ariant reading has tas+al/na), so that one of you says to theother, 1 ask you, %y .od2, or 13or .ods sake2- and, fear, kinship ties, lest

    you se#er them (a #ariant reading of alarh+ma, 1and kinship ties$ is alarh+mi, as a supplement to the pronoun contained in %ihi sc& .od$)& 4heyused to implore one another %y ties of kinship& 'urely .od has %een atchfulo#er you, heedful of your deeds, for hich He ill re5uite you, that is to say,He is e#er possessed of such an attri%ute&Indonesian

    : Hai sekalian manusia, %ertakalah kepada 4uhanmu yang telahmenciptakan kamu dari seorang diri, dan dari padanya Allahmenciptakan isterinya- dan dari pada keduanya Allahmemperkem%ang %iakkan lakilaki dan perempuan yang %anyak&6an %ertakalah kepada Allah yang dengan (mempergunakan)nama7ya kamu saling meminta satu sama lain, dan (peliharalah)hu%ungan silaturrahim& 'esungguhnya Allah selalu men8aga danmengaasi kamu&
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    Muhsin Khan: And gi#e unto orphans their property and do not e9change (your)%ad things for (their) good ones- and de#our not their su%stance (%yadding it) to your su%stance& 'urely, this is a great sin&Sahih International: And gi#e to the orphans their properties and do not su%stitute thedefecti#e of your on$ for the good of theirs$& And do notconsume their properties into your on& ndeed, that is e#er agreat sin&Tafsir Jalalayn: 4he folloing as re#ealed regarding an orphan ho demanded hisproperty from his guardian %ut as refused it: .i#e the orphans, the underage ones that ha#e no father, their property, hen they ha#e reachedmaturity, and do not e9change the e#il, the unlaful, for the good, thelaful, that is, taking the one in place of the other, as you do hen you takehat is good from the orphans property, and lea#e him your faulty propertyinstead- and a%sor% not their property, %y$ adding it, into your property-surely that, the a%sor%ing of it, is a great crime, a serious sin& When this asre#ealed they found it diicult to maintain guardianship o#er orphans, and

    some of them had ten or eight i#es under their care, and did not treat themall e5ually, and so the folloing as re#ealed:Indonesian: 6an %erikanlah kepada anakanak yatim (yang sudah %alig) hartamereka, 8angan kamu menukar yang %aik dengan yang %uruk dan8angan kamu makan harta mereka %ersama hartamu&'esungguhnya tindakantindakan (menukar dan memakan) itu,adalah dosa yang %esar&

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    Muhsin Khan: And if you fear that you shall not %e a%le to deal 8ustly ith theorphangirls, then marry (other) omen of your choice, to or
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    Tafsir Jalalayn: And gi#e omen their dories (sadu5+t, plural of sud5a), their %ridalmoney (mahr, muh/r), as a free gift (nihlatan, is a #er%al noun), a presentgi#en out of the kindness of ones heart- %ut if they are pleased to oer youany of it of their on accord (nafsan, 1of their on accord, is forspeci=cation and is taken from the su%8ect of the #er% thus, it refers %ack to

    1they, the omen$), meaning, if$ their on sel#es are pleased that youshould ha#e something of the dory and they gi#e it to you then, consume itith, good, holesome appetite, a praiseorthy conse5uence, ith no harmtherein for you ith regard to the Hereafter: this as re#ealed in responseto those ho ere opposed to this consumption$&Indonesian: Berikanlah maskain (mahar) kepada anita (yang kamu nikahi)se%agai pem%erian dengan penuh kerelaan& ;emudian 8ika merekamenyerahkan kepada kamu se%agian dari maskain itu dengansenang hati, maka makanlah (am%illah) pem%erian itu (se%agaimakanan) yang sedap lagi %aik aki%atnya&

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    Muhsin Khan: And gi#e not unto the foolish your property hich Allah has made

    a means of support for you, %ut feed and clothe them thereith,and speak to them ords of kindness and 8ustice&Sahih International: And do not gi#e the eakminded your property, hich Allah hasmade a means of sustenance for you, %ut pro#ide for them ith itand clothe them and speak to them ords of appropriate kindness&Tafsir Jalalayn: But do not, O guardians, gi#e to the foolish, the s5uanderers from amongmen, omen and children, your property, that is, the property that is theirs%ut held %y you, hich .od has assigned to you as maintenance (5iy+man,1maintenance, is the #er%al noun from 5+ma- a #ariant reading has 5iyaman,the plural of 50ma, 1#alue, that is, that ith hich property is #alued),meaning that the property hich sustains your li#elihoods and the ell%eing of your children, lest they e9pend it improperly- pro#ide for themthereof, that is, feed them from it, and clothe them, and speak to themdecent ords, prepare for them a kind reception, %y gi#ing them theirproperty hen they reach maturity&Indonesian: 6an 8anganlah kamu serahkan kepada orangorang yang %elumsempurna akalnya, harta (mereka yang ada dalam kekuasaanmu)
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    yang di8adikan Allah se%agai pokok kehidupan& Berilah mereka%elan8a dan pakaian (dari hasil harta itu) dan ucapkanlah kepadamereka katakata yang %aik&

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    Muhsin Khan: And try orphans (as regards their intelligence) until they reach

    the age of marriage- if then you =nd sound 8udgement in them,release their property to them, %ut consume it not astefully, andhastily fearing that they should gro up, and hoe#er amongstguardians is rich, he should take no ages, %ut if he is poor, let himha#e for himself hat is 8ust and reasona%le (according to hisork)& And hen you release their property to them, take itnessin their presence- and Allah is All'uicient in taking account&Sahih International: And test the orphans in their a%ilities$ until they reachmarriagea%le age& 4hen if you percei#e in them sound 8udgement,

    release their property to them& And do not consume it e9cessi#elyand 5uickly, anticipating$ that they ill gro up& And hoe#er,hen acting as guardian$, is selfsuicient should refrain fromtaking a fee$- and hoe#er is poor let him take according to hatis accepta%le& 4hen hen you release their property to them, %ringitnesses upon them& And suicient is Allah as Accountant&Tafsir Jalalayn: 4ry, test, ell the orphans, %efore reaching maturity ith regard theduties of$ religion and %efore$ they can legally$ manage their on aairs,until they reach the age of marrying, that is, until they ha#e %ecome eligi%lefor it through pu%erty or legal$ age, hich, according to al'h+=10, is thecompletion of =fteen years- then, if you percei#e in them maturity, that is,right 8udgement$ in matters of religion and their property, deli#er theirproperty to them- consume it not, O guardians, astefully, ithout duemerit, and in haste, that is, hastening to e9pend it, fearing, lest they shouldgro up, and %ecome mature, at hich time you ill %e o%liged to hand ito#er to them& f any man, ho is a guardian, is rich, let him %e a%stinent,that is, let him a%stain from the orphans property and refrain fromconsuming it- if he is poor, let him consume, of it, honoura%ly, that is, in lineith the age for his ork& And hen you deli#er to them, the orphans, their
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    property, take itnesses o#er them, that they ha#e recei#ed it and that youare a%sol#ed of the o%ligation$, so that if any dispute occurs, you are a%le torefer to a clear proof: this is a command intended$ for guidance& .odsuices as a reckoner, as a guardian of His creatures deeds and as areckoner of these deeds$ (the %+ in %iLl+hi$ is e9tra)&Indonesian

    : 6an u8ilah anak yatim itu sampai mereka cukup umur untukkain& ;emudian 8ika menurut pendapatmu mereka telah cerdas(pandai memelihara harta), maka serahkanlah kepada merekahartahartanya& 6an 8anganlah kamu makan harta anak yatim le%ihdari %atas kepatutan dan (8anganlah kamu) tergesagesa(mem%elan8akannya) se%elum mereka deasa& Barang siapa (diantara pemelihara itu) mampu, maka hendaklah ia menahan diri(dari memakan harta anak yatim itu) dan %arangsiapa yang miskin,maka %olehlah ia makan harta itu menurut yang patut& ;emudianapa%ila kamu menyerahkan harta kepada mereka, maka hendaklah

    kamu adakan saksisaksi (tentang penyerahan itu) %agi mereka&6an cukuplah Allah se%agai >engaas (atas persaksian itu)&*0to top

    Muhsin Khan

    : 4here is a share for men and a share for omen from hat is left%y parents and those nearest related, hether, the property %esmall or large a legal share&Sahih International: 3or men is a share of hat the parents and close relati#es lea#e,and for omen is a share of hat the parents and close relati#eslea#e, %e it little or much an o%ligatory share&Tafsir Jalalayn: 4he folloing as re#ealed as a repudiation of preslamic practices inhich omen and children ere not gi#en any inheritance: 4o the men,

    young ones and kin, %elongs a share, a portion, of hat, deceased, parentsand kinsmen lea#e, and to the omen %elongs a share of hat parents andkinsmen lea#e, hether it, the property, %e little or much& .od has made it,an o%ligatory share, apportioned, to %e gi#en to them&Indonesian: Bagi orang lakilaki ada hak %agian dari harta peninggalan i%u%apa dan kera%atnya, dan %agi orang anita ada hak %agian (pula)dari harta peninggalan i%u%apa dan kera%atnya, %aik sedikit atau%anyak menurut %ahagian yang telah ditetapkan&
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    Muhsin Khan: And hen the relati#es and the orphans and Al*asakin (the poor)are present at the time of di#ision, gi#e them out of the property,and speak to them ords of kindness and 8ustice&Sahih International: And hen other$ relati#es and orphans and the needy are presentat the time of$ di#ision, then pro#ide for them something$ out ofthe estate and speak to them ords of appropriate kindness&Tafsir Jalalayn: And hen the di#ision, of the inheritance, is attended %y kinsmen, those ofkinship ho cannot inherit, and orphans and the poor, grant them,something, out of it, %efore the di#ision is eected$- and, if the inheritorsare young, speak to them, O guardians, honoura%le ords, kindly, %yapologising to them that it is not your possession to di#ide as you ish$, %utthat it is for the young inheritors$& 'ome say that this stipulation$ asa%rogated- others say that it as not, only that people ere all too readilyneglecting it, since it as encouraged %ut not prescri%ed$& According to %n1A%%+s, hoe#er, it is a duty&Indonesian

    : 6an apa%ila seaktu pem%agian itu hadir kera%at, anak yatim danorang miskin, maka %erilah mereka dari harta itu (sekedarnya) danucapkanlah kepada mereka perkataan yang %aik&

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    Muhsin Khan: And let those (e9ecutors and guardians) ha#e the same fear intheir minds as they ould ha#e for their on, if they had left eakospring %ehind& 'o let them fear Allah and speak right ords&Sahih International
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    : And let those e9ecutors and guardians$ fear in8ustice$ as if theythemsel#es$ had left eak ospring %ehind and feared for them&'o let them fear Allah and speak ords of appropriate 8ustice&Tafsir Jalalayn: And let them fear, let them %e concerned for the orphans, those ho, if

    they, are a%out to, lea#e %ehind them, that is, after their death, eakospring, young children, ould %e afraid for them- that they %e ruined- letthem fear .od, in the matter concerning orphans, and let them gi#e hatthey ould lo#e for their on ospring after their death- and speak, to theone approached %y death, pertinent ords, the right ords$, %y en8oininghim to gi#e as #oluntary almsgi#ing no more than the third of theinheritance$, and lea#e the remainder for the ones inheriting, so that they donot end up as dependants&Indonesian: 6an hendaklah takut kepada Allah orangorang yang seandainyameninggalkan di%elakang mereka anakanak yang lemah, yangmereka khaatir terhadap (kese8ahteraan) mereka& Oleh se%a% itu

    hendaklah mereka %ertaka kepada Allah dan hendaklah merekamengucapkan perkataan yang %enar&

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    Muhsin Khan: ?erily, those ho un8ustly eat up the property of orphans, they eatup only a =re into their %ellies, and they ill %e %urnt in the %la@ing3ire!Sahih International: ndeed, those ho de#our the property of orphans un8ustly areonly consuming into their %ellies =re& And they ill %e %urned in aBla@e&Tafsir Jalalayn: 4hose ho consume the property of orphans un8ustly, ithout any right, areonly consuming, the hole of it as, =re in their %ellies, %ecause that is here

    such action$ leads, and they shall %e e9posed to (read acti#e yaslana, orpassi#e yuslana), that is, they shall enter, a %la@e, an intense =re, in hichthey shall %urn&Indonesian: 'esungguhnya orangorang yang memakan harta anak yatimsecara @alim, se%enarnya mereka itu menelan api sepenuhperutnya dan mereka akan masuk ke dalam api yang menyalanyala(neraka)&
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    Muhsin Khan: Allah commands you as regards your childrens (inheritance)- tothe male, a portion e5ual to that of to females- if (there are) onlydaughters, to or more, their share is to thirds of the inheritance-if only one, her share is half& 3or parents, a si9th share ofinheritance to each if the deceased left children- if no children, andthe parents are the (only) heirs, the mother has a third- if thedeceased left %rothers or (sisters), the mother has a si9th& (4hedistri%ution in all cases is) after the payment of legacies he mayha#e %e5ueathed or de%ts&

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    the portion, the lot, of to females, if there are to omen$ ith him, sothat half the property is his, and the other half is theirs- if there is only onefemale ith him, then she has a third, and he recei#es to thirds- if he is theonly one, he takes it all- and if they, the ospring, %e, only, omen more thanto, then for them tothirds of hat he, the deceased, lea#es- likeise ifthey %e to omen, since in the case of to sisters, more deser#ing of such

    a share, .od says, 4hey shall recei#e tothirds of hat he lea#es & C:DEF$-and since a female is entitled to a third ith a male, she is all the moredeser#ing of the same share$ ith a female& t is said that fa5, 1more than,introduces a relati#e clause- it is also said to guard against the rongimpression that the greater the num%er of females$ the greater the portionthey are entitled to$, since, it is mistakenly$ thought that the entitlement ofto females to tothirds deri#es from the fact that a female is entitled toone third hen ith a male- %ut if she, the daughter, %e one (+hidatan, isalso read +hidatun, making the k+na construction$ syntactically complete)then to her a half- and to his parents, the deceaseds, to each one of the to(likulli +hidin minhum+, su%stitutes for the pre#ious lia%aayhi, 1to hisparents) the si9th of hat he lea#es, if he has a child, male or female: the

    point of the su%stitution is to sho that they do not share the si9th %utrecei#e one each$& 4he term$ 1child (alad) also applies to a grandchild,and likeise 1parent (a%%) to a grandparent- %ut if he has no child, and hisheirs are his parents, alone or along ith a spouse, then to his mother (readliummihi- also read, in %oth places here and further don$, liimmihi inorder to a#oid the cum%ersome transition from a damma 1u$ to a kasra 1$)a third, of the property, or hat remains after the spouse, the rest %eing forthe father- or, if he has si%lings, to or more, males or females, to hismother a si9th, and the rest for the father, and nothing for the si%lings&Indonesian: Allah mensyariatkan %agimu tentang (pem%agian pusaka untuk)

    anakanakmu& em%agianpem%agian terse%ut di atas) sesudah dipenuhi asiat

    yang ia %uat atau (dan) sesudah di%ayar hutangnya& (4entang)orang tuamu dan anakanakmu, kamu tidak mengetahui siapa diantara mereka yang le%ih dekat (%anyak) manfaatnya %agimu& niadalah ketetapan dari Allah& 'esungguhnya Allah *aha*engetahui lagi *aha Bi8aksana&

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    Muhsin Khan: n that hich your i#es lea#e, your share is a half if they ha#e nochild- %ut if they lea#e a child, you get a fourth of that hich they

    lea#e after payment of legacies that they may ha#e %e5ueathed orde%ts& n that hich you lea#e, their (your i#es) share is a fourthif you lea#e no child- %ut if you lea#e a child, they get an eighth ofthat hich you lea#e after payment of legacies that you may ha#e%e5ueathed or de%ts& f the man or oman hose inheritance is in5uestion has left neither ascendants nor descendants, %ut has left a%rother or a sister, each one of the to gets a si9th- %ut if morethan to, they share in a third- after payment of lagacies he (orshe) may ha#e %e5ueathed or de%ts, so that no loss is caused (toanyone)& 4his is a Gommandment from Allah- and Allah is "#er All;noing, *ost3or%earing&

    Sahih International: And for you is half of hat your i#es lea#e if they ha#e no child&But if they ha#e a child, for you is one fourth of hat they lea#e,after any %e5uest they may ha#e$ made or de%t& And for the i#esis one fourth if you lea#e no child& But if you lea#e a child, then forthem is an eighth of hat you lea#e, after any %e5uest you mayha#e$ made or de%t& And if a man or oman lea#es neither

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    %agi masingmasing dari kedua 8enis saudara itu seperenam harta&4etapi 8ika saudarasaudara sei%u itu le%ih dari seorang, makamereka %ersekutu dalam yang sepertiga itu, sesudah dipenuhiasiat yang di%uat olehnya atau sesudah di%ayar hutangnyadengan tidak mem%eri mudharat (kepada ahli aris)& (Allah

    menetapkan yang demikian itu se%agai) syariat yang %enar%enardari Allah, dan Allah *aha *engetahui lagi *aha >enyantun&*+

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    Muhsin Khan

    : 4hese are the limits (set %y) Allah (or ordainments as regardslas of inheritance), and hosoe#er o%eys Allah and His*essenger (*uhammad 'AW) ill %e admitted to .ardens underhich ri#ers Io (in >aradise), to a%ide therein, and that ill %ethe great success&Sahih International: 4hese are the limits set %y$ Allah , and hoe#er o%eys Allah andHis *essenger ill %e admitted %y Him to gardens in >aradise$under hich ri#ers Io, a%iding eternally therein- and that is thegreat attainment&

    Tafsir Jalalayn: 4hose, rulings mentioned ith respect to orphans and hat folloed, are.ods %ounds, His las, hich He has delimited for His ser#ants, so thatthey may act in accordance ith them and not infringe them& Whoe#er o%eys.od and His *essenger, in hat He has ruled, He ill admit him (yudkhilhu,or, as a shift to the =rst person plural$ read nudkhilhu, 1We ill admit him)to .ardens underneath hich ri#ers Io, a%iding therein- that is the greattriumph&Indonesian: (Hukumhukum terse%ut) itu adalah ketentuanketentuan dariAllah& Barangsiapa taat kepada Allah dan Jasul7ya, niscaya Allahmemasukkannya kedalam surga yang mengalir didalamnya sungaisungai, sedang mereka kekal di dalamnya- dan itulah kemenanganyang %esar&

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    Muhsin Khan: And hosoe#er diso%eys Allah and His *essenger (*uhammad'AW), and transgresses His limits, He ill cast him into the 3ire, toa%ide therein- and he shall ha#e a disgraceful torment&Sahih International: And hoe#er diso%eys Allah and His *essenger and transgressesHis limits He ill put him into the 3ire to a%ide eternally therein,and he ill ha#e a humiliating punishment&Tafsir Jalalayn: But hoe#er diso%eys .od, and His *essenger- and transgresses His%ounds, him He ill admit (read$ in %oth ays as a%o#e, yudkhilhu andnudkhilhu$) to a 3ire, a%iding therein, and for him, in it, there shall %e ahum%ling chastisement, one of humiliation& (n %oth of the last$ #erses, thesingular$ person of the sui9ed pronouns and the #er%s$ accords ith thesingular$ form of the particle$ man, 1hoe#er, hile the plural person in$kh+lid0n, 1a%iding, accords ith its general plural$ import&)Indonesian: 6an %arangsiapa yang mendurhakai Allah dan Jasul7ya danmelanggar ketentuanketentuan7ya, niscaya Allahmemasukkannya ke dalam api neraka sedang ia kekal di dalamnya-dan %aginya siksa yang menghinakan&

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    Muhsin Khan: And those of your omen ho commit illegal se9ual intercourse,take the e#idence of four itnesses from amongst you againstthem- and if they testify, con=ne them (i&e& omen) to houses untildeath comes to them or Allah ordains for them some (other) ay&Sahih International
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    : 4hose ho commit unlaful se9ual intercourse of your omen %ring against them four itnesses$ from among you& And if theytestify, con=ne the guilty omen to houses until death takes themor Allah ordains for them another$ ay&Tafsir Jalalayn

    : As for those of your omen ho commit ledness, adultery, call four,*uslim men, of you to itness against them- and if they itness, againstthem such ledness$, then detain them in their houses, and pre#ent themfrom mi9ing ith people, until, the angels of, death take them or, until, .odappoints for them a ay, out of it& 4his as stipulated for them at the #ery%eginning of slam, %ut then a ay out as appointed for them through thestipulation$ that the #irgin should recei#e a hundred lashes and %e %anishedfor a year, and the married oman %e stoned& 4he prescri%ed punishmentas e9plained thus in the had0th, 1Gome listen to me! Gome listen to me!.od has no made a ay out for them, as reported %y *uslim&Indonesian: 6an (terhadap) para anita yang menger8akan per%uatan ke8i ,

    hendaklah ada empat orang saksi diantara kamu (yangmenyaksikannya)& ;emudian apa%ila mereka telah mem%eripersaksian, maka kurunglah mereka (anitaanita itu) dalamrumah sampai mereka menemui a8alnya, atau sampai Allahmem%eri 8alan lain kepadanya&

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    Muhsin Khan: And the to persons (man and oman) among you ho commitillegal se9ual intercourse, punish them %oth& And if they repent(promise Allah that they ill ne#er repeat, i&e& commit illegal se9ualintercourse and other similar sins) and do righteous good deeds,lea#e them alone& 'urely, Allah is "#er the One Who acceptsrepentance, (and He is) *ost *erciful&Sahih International

    : And the to ho commit it among you, dishonor them %oth& But ifthey repent and correct themsel#es, lea#e them alone& ndeed,Allah is e#er Accepting of repentance and *erciful&Tafsir Jalalayn: And hen to of you (read alladh+ni or alladh+nni) men, commit it,that is, a led act, adultery or homose9ual intercourse, punish them %oth,ith insults and %eatings ith sandals- %ut if they repent, of this led act$,and make amends, through good$ action, then lea#e them %e, and do not
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    harm them& .od e#er turns relenting$, to those ho repent, and is *erciful,to them& 4his #erse$ is a%rogated %y the prescri%ed punishment if adulteryis meant %y the led act$, and similarly if homose9ual intercourse is meant,according to al'h+=10- %ut according to him, the person ho is the o%8ect ofthe penetrati#e$ act is not stoned, e#en if he %e married- rather, he isIogged and %anished& udging %y the dual person pronoun, it seems more

    o%#ious that homose9ual fornication is meant %y this #erse$, e#en thoughthe former sc& al'h+=10$ as of the opinion that it referred to an adultererand an adulteress- %ut this opinion of his$ may %e countered %y the fact thatthe reference to$ the to men$ %ecomes clear on account of the particlemin %eing attached to a masculine pronoun minkum, 1of you$, and %y thefact that they suer the same punishment, %oth eect the action of$repentance and are %oth granted$ that they %e left alone thereafter$, allof$ hich applies speci=cally to men, gi#en that for omen detention isstipulated, as as stated %efore&Indonesian: 6an terhadap dua orang yang melakukan per%uatan ke8i di antara

    kamu, maka %erilah hukuman kepada keduanya, kemudian 8ikakeduanya %ertau%at dan memper%aiki diri, maka %iarkanlahmereka& 'esungguhnya Allah *aha >enerima tau%at lagi *aha>enyayang&

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    Muhsin Khan: Allah accepts only the repentance of those ho do e#il inignorance and foolishness and repent soon afterards- it is they tohom Allah ill forgi#e and Allah is "#er All;noer, AllWise&Sahih International: 4he repentance accepted %y Allah is only for those ho do rongin ignorance or carelessness$ and then repent soon after& t isthose to hom Allah ill turn in forgi#eness, and Allah is e#er;noing and Wise&Tafsir Jalalayn: 4he repentance that .od accepts, that is, the one hich He has prescri%edfor Himself to accept, out of His %ounty, is only of those ho do e#il, an actof diso%edience, in ignorance (%i8ah+latin, a circumstantial 5uali=er, inother ords, 1they are ignorant hile they are diso%eying their Lord)- thenrepent shortly thereafter, %efore the last gasps of death- .od ill relent tothose, He ill accept their repentance& And .od is e#er ;noing, of Hiscreatures, Wise, in hat He does ith them&Indonesian
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    : 'esungguhnya tau%at di sisi Allah hanyalah tau%at %agi orangorang yang menger8akan ke8ahatan lantaran ke8ahilan, yangkemudian mereka %ertau%at dengan segera, maka mereka itulahyang diterima Allah tau%atnya- dan Allah *aha *engetahui lagi*aha Bi8aksana&

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    Muhsin Khan: And of no eect is the repentance of those ho continue to do e#ildeeds until death faces one of them and he says: K7o repent-Knor of those ho die hile they are dis%elie#ers& 3or them We ha#eprepared a painful torment&Sahih International: But repentance is not accepted$ of those ho continue to$ doe#il deeds up until, hen death comes to one of them, he says,Kndeed, ha#e repented no,K or of those ho die hile they aredis%elie#ers& 3or them We ha#e prepared a painful punishment&

    Tafsir Jalalayn: Jepentance is not for those ho do e#il deeds, sins, until, hen deathapproaches one of them, and the pangs of death %egin, he says, uponitnessing his predicament: 1ndeed no repent, for this ould not a#ailhim and ould not %e accepted from him- neither for those ho diedis%elie#ing, if they repent in the Hereafter upon seeing the chastisement: itill not %e accepted from them& 4hose We ha#e prepared for them apainful chastisement&Indonesian: 6an tidaklah tau%at itu diterima Allah dari orangorang yangmenger8akan ke8ahatan (yang) hingga apa%ila datang a8al kepadaseseorang di antara mereka, (%arulah) ia mengatakan:

    K'esungguhnya saya %ertau%at sekarangK& 6an tidak (pula diterimatau%at) orangorang yang mati sedang mereka di dalam keka=ran&Bagi orangorang itu telah ;ami sediakan siksa yang pedih&

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    Muhsin Khan: O you ho %elie#e!

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    mereka melakukan peker8aan ke8i yang nyata& 6an %ergaullahdengan mereka secara patut& ;emudian %ila kamu tidak menyukaimereka, (maka %ersa%arlah) karena mungkin kamu tidak menyukaisesuatu, padahal Allah men8adikan padanya ke%aikan yang %anyak&

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    Muhsin Khan: But if you intend to replace a ife %y another and you ha#e gi#enone of them a Gantar (of gold i&e& a great amount) as *ahr, take notthe least %it of it %ack- ould you take it rongfully ithout a rightand (ith) a manifest sinMSahih International: But if you ant to replace one ife ith another and you ha#egi#en one of them a great amount in gifts$, do not take %ack$ fromit anything& Would you take it in in8ustice and manifest sinMTafsir Jalalayn: And if you desire to e9change a ife in place of another, %y di#orcing theone, and you ha#e gi#en to one, of the spouses, a hundredeight, that is, alarge sum as dory, take of it nothing& Would you take it %y ay of calumny,in8ustice, and manifest sinM (%uht+nan, 1calumny, and ithman, 1sin, end inthe accusati#e %ecause they are circumstantial 5uali=ers)- the interrogati#e

    here is meant as a re%uke, and as a disa#oal here He says:Indonesian: 6an 8ika kamu ingin mengganti isterimu dengan isteri yang lain ,sedang kamu telah mem%erikan kepada seseorang di antaramereka harta yang %anyak, maka 8anganlah kamu mengam%ilkem%ali dari padanya %arang sedikitpun& Apakah kamu akanmengam%ilnya kem%ali dengan 8alan tuduhan yang dusta dandengan (menanggung) dosa yang nyataM

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    : And ho could you take it (%ack) hile you ha#e gone in untoeach other, and they ha#e taken from you a =rm and strongco#enantMSahih International: And ho could you take it hile you ha#e gone in unto each other

    and they ha#e taken from you a solemn co#enantMTafsir Jalalayn: Ho shall you take it, that is, %y hat right, hen each of you has %eenpri#ily ith the other, through se9ual intercourse, hich #alidates the dory,and they ha#e taken from you a solemn co#enant, a %inding pledge, and thatis hat .od commanded, namely, that they should %e retained honoura%ly orset free #irtuously&Indonesian: Bagaimana kamu akan mengam%ilnya kem%ali, padahal se%agiankamu telah %ergaul (%ercampur) dengan yang lain se%agai suamiisteri& 6an mereka (isteriisterimu) telah mengam%il dari kamu

    per8an8ian yang kuat& *,,to top

    Muhsin Khan: And marry not omen hom your fathers married, e9cept hat

    has already passed- indeed it as shameful and most hateful, andan e#il ay&Sahih International: And do not marry those omen$ hom your fathers married,e9cept hat has already occurred& ndeed, it as an immoralityand hateful to Allah $ and as e#il as a ay&Tafsir Jalalayn: And do not marry omen hom (m+ means man) your fathers married,unless it %e a thing of the past, hich is forgi#en you- surely that, marryingthem, is o%scene, #ile, and a%omina%le (ma5tan, means it results in ma5t,1se#ere hate, from .od), an e#il ay, an e#il$ path is this&

    Indonesian: 6an 8anganlah kamu kaini anitaanita yang telah dikainioleh ayahmu, terkecuali pada masa yang telah lampau&'esungguhnya per%uatan itu amat ke8i dan di%enci Allah danse%uruk%uruk 8alan (yang ditempuh)&

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    Muhsin Khan: 3or%idden to you (for marriage) are: your mothers, yourdaughters, your sisters, your fathers sisters, your mothers sisters,your %rothers daughters, your sisters daughters, your fostermother ho ga#e you suck, your foster milk suckling sisters, youri#es mothers, your step daughters under your guardianship, %ornof your i#es to hom you ha#e gone in %ut there is no sin on youif you ha#e not gone in them (to marry their daughters), the i#esof your sons ho (spring) from your on loins, and to sisters in

    edlock at the same time, e9cept for hat has already passed-#erily, Allah is Oft3orgi#ing, *ost *erciful&Sahih International: >rohi%ited to you for marriage$ are your mothers, yourdaughters, your sisters, your fathers sisters, your mothers sisters,your %rothers daughters, your sisters daughters, your milk$mothers ho nursed you, your sisters through nursing, your i#esmothers, and your stepdaughters under your guardianship %orn$of your i#es unto hom you ha#e gone in& But if you ha#e notgone in unto them, there is no sin upon you& And also prohi%ited

    are$ the i#es of your sons ho are from your on$ loins, and thatyou take in marriage$ to sisters simultaneously, e9cept for hathas already occurred& ndeed, Allah is e#er 3orgi#ing and *erciful&Tafsir Jalalayn: 3or%idden to you are your mothers, in marriage, and this includes thepaternal and maternal grandmothers- and daughters, including theirchildren, if they should loer themsel#es to such standards$- your sisters,from your fathers and mothers- your paternal aunts, that is, the sisters of

    your fathers and grandfathers- and maternal aunts, that is, the sisters of

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    your mothers and grandmothers- your %rothers daughters, your sistersdaughters, including the children of these daughters- your foster mothersho ha#e gi#en you milk, =#e times ithin the =rst to years, as pointed outin a had0th- your foster sisters, and, according to the 'unna, the daughtersof these- and these fostersisters include those suckled %y a oman ithhom the man has had intercourse, those suckled %y the mans paternal

    aunts, or maternal aunts, or those suckled %y his %rothers daughters, or hissisters daughters, on account of the >rophets$ had0th that, 1What kinshipmakes unlaful suckling also makes unlaful, as reported %y alBukh+r0and *uslim- your mothersinla, your stepdaughters (ra%+i%, plural ofra%0%a, the daughter of ones ife from another hus%and), ho are, %eing%rought up, in your care (all+t0 f0 hu8/rikum is an ad8ecti#al 5uali=er,reiterating the o%#ious, ithout any additional import)- %eing %orn of youri#es you ha#e %een in to, in se9ual intercourse %ut if you ha#e not yet%een in to them you are not at fault, if you lea#e them, to then marry theirdaughters and the spouses of your sons ho are of your loins, as opposedto those hom you ha#e adopted, hose spouses, in contrast, you maymarry- and that you should take to you, in marriage, to sisters together,

    sisters$ %y kinship or %y suckling: the 'unna adds that you may not marryher together ith her paternal or maternal aunt- it is permissi%le to marryeach of these separately or to on them as handmaidens$ together, %ut onlyha#e se9ual intercourse ith one of them- unless it %e a thing of the past,from preslamic times, hen you may ha#e married in one of the aysmentioned: you are not at fault& .od is e#er 3orgi#ing, of hat you ha#edone in the past, prior to this prohi%ition, *erciful, to you in this matter&Indonesian: 6iharamkan atas kamu (mengaini) i%ui%umu- anakanakmuyang perempuan- saudarasaudaramu yang perempuan, saudarasaudara %apakmu yang perempuan- saudarasaudara i%umu yang

    perempuan- anakanak perempuan dari saudarasaudaramu yanglakilaki- anakanak perempuan dari saudarasaudaramu yangperempuan- i%ui%umu yang menyusui kamu- saudara perempuansepersusuan- i%ui%u isterimu (mertua)- anakanak isterimu yangdalam pemeliharaanmu dari isteri yang telah kamu campuri, tetapi8ika kamu %elum campur dengan isterimu itu (dan sudah kamuceraikan), maka tidak %erdosa kamu mengaininya- (dandiharamkan %agimu) isteriisteri anak kandungmu (menantu)- danmenghimpunkan (dalam perkainan) dua perempuan yang%ersaudara, kecuali yang telah ter8adi pada masa lampau-sesungguhnya Allah *aha >engampun lagi *aha >enyayang&

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    Muhsin Khan: Also (for%idden are) omen already married, e9cept those(capti#es and sla#es) hom your right hands possess& 4hus hasAllah ordained for you& All others are laful, pro#ided you seek

    (them in marriage) ith *ahr (%ridal money gi#en %y the hus%andto his ife at the time of marriage) from your property, desiringchastity, not committing illegal se9ual intercourse, so ith those ofhom you ha#e en8oyed se9ual relations, gi#e them their *ahr asprescri%ed- %ut if after a *ahr is prescri%ed, you agree mutually(to gi#e more), there is no sin on you& 'urely, Allah is "#er All;noing, AllWise&Sahih International: And also prohi%ited to you are all$ married omen e9cept thoseyour right hands possess& 4his is$ the decree of Allah upon you&

    And laful to you are all others$ %eyond these, pro#ided$ that youseek them in marriage$ ith gifts from$ your property, desiringchastity, not unlaful se9ual intercourse& 'o for hate#er you en8oyof marriage$ from them, gi#e them their due compensation as ano%ligation& And there is no %lame upon you for hat you mutuallyagree to %eyond the o%ligation& ndeed, Allah is e#er ;noing andWise&Tafsir Jalalayn: And, for%idden to you are, edded omen, those ith spouses, that youshould marry them %efore they ha#e left their spouses, %e they *uslim freeomen or not- sa#e hat your right hands on, of captured sla#e$ girls,hom you may ha#e se9ual intercourse ith, e#en if they should ha#espouses among the enemy camp, %ut only after they ha#e %een a%sol#ed ofthe possi%ility of pregnancy after the completion of one menstrual cycle$-this is hat .od has prescri%ed for you (kit+%a is in the accusati#e %ecauseit is the #er%al noun)& Laful for you (read passi#e auhilla, or acti#e aahalla), %eyond all that, that is, e9cept hat He has for%idden you of omen,is that you seek, omen, using your ealth, %y ay of a dory or a price, inedlock and not, fornicating, in illicitly& 'uch i#es as you en8oy there%y,and ha#e had se9ual intercourse ith, gi#e them their ages, the dories

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    that you ha#e assigned them, as an o%ligation- you are not at fault inagreeing together, you and they, after the o%ligation, is ai#ed, decreased orincreased& .od is e#er ;noing, of His creatures, Wise, in hat He hasordained for them&Indonesian: dan (diharamkan 8uga kamu mengaini) anita yang %ersuami,kecuali %udak%udak yang kamu miliki (Allah telah menetapkanhukum itu) se%agai ketetapan7ya atas kamu& 6an dihalalkan %agikamu selain yang demikian (yaitu) mencari isteriisteri denganhartamu untuk dikaini %ukan untuk %er@ina& *aka isteriisteriyang telah kamu nikmati (campuri) di antara mereka, %erikanlahkepada mereka maharnya (dengan sempurna), se%agai suatukea8i%an- dan tiadalah mengapa %agi kamu terhadap sesuatuyang kamu telah saling merelakannya, sesudah menentukan maharitu& 'esungguhnya Allah *aha *engetahui lagi *aha Bi8aksana&

    *,.to top

    Muhsin Khan: And hoe#er of you ha#e not the means hereith to ed free,%elie#ing omen, they may ed %elie#ing girls from among those

    (capti#es and sla#es) hom your right hands possess, and Allah hasfull knoledge a%out your 3aith, you are one from another& Wedthem ith the permission of their on folk (guardians, Auliya ormasters) and gi#e them their *ahr according to hat isreasona%le- they (the a%o#e said capti#e and sla#egirls) should %echaste, not adulterous, nor taking %oyfriends& And after they ha#e%een taken in edlock, if they commit illegal se9ual intercourse,their punishment is half that for free (unmarried) omen& 4his is
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    for him among you ho is afraid of %eing harmed in his religion orin his %ody- %ut it is %etter for you that you practise selfrestraint,and Allah is Oft3orgi#ing, *ost *erciful&Sahih International: And hoe#er among you cannot =nd$ the means to marry free,

    %elie#ing omen, then he may marry$ from those hom your righthands possess of %elie#ing sla#e girls& And Allah is most knoinga%out your faith&

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    un%elie#ing omen, hom it is unlaful to marry, e#en if one should =nd no%elie#ing omen and fear the distress of fornication$- yet it is %etter for youto %e patient, and a%stain from marrying sla#egirls, lest the child should%ecome ensla#ed also& .od is 3orgi#ing, *erciful, %y alloing room formanoeu#re in these matters&Indonesian

    : 6an %arangsiapa diantara kamu (orang merdeka) yang tidakcukup per%elan8aannya untuk mengaini anita merdeka lagi%eriman, ia %oleh mengaini anita yang %eriman, dari %udak%udak yang kamu miliki& Allah mengetahui keimananmu-se%ahagian kamu adalah dari se%ahagian yang lain, karena itukainilah mereka dengan sei@in tuan mereka, dan %erilahmaskain mereka menurut yang patut, sedang merekapun anitaanita yang memelihara diri, %ukan pe@ina dan %ukan (pula)anita yang mengam%il lakilaki lain se%agai piaraannya- danapa%ila mereka telah men8aga diri dengan kain, kemudian

    mereka melakukan per%uatan yang ke8i (@ina), maka atas merekaseparo hukuman dari hukuman anitaanita merdeka yang%ersuami& (;e%olehan mengaini %udak) itu, adalah %agi orangorang yang takut kepada kemasyakatan men8aga diri (dariper%uatan @ina) di antara kamu, dan kesa%aran itu le%ih %aik%agimu& 6an Allah *aha >engampun lagi *aha >enyayang&

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    Muhsin Khan: Allah ishes to make clear (hat is laful and hat is unlaful)to you, and to sho you the ays of those %efore you, and acceptyour repentance, and Allah is All;noer, AllWise&Sahih International: Allah ants to make clear to you the laful from the unlaful$and guide you to the good$ practices of those %efore you and to

    accept your repentance& And Allah is ;noing and Wise&Tafsir Jalalayn: .od desires to make clear to you, the las of your religion and hat is in

    your %est interests, and to guide you in the ays, the paths, of those,prophets, %efore you, in the ay of hat is laful and hat is unlaful, sothat you might follo them, and to turn in forgi#eness$ toards you,%ringing you %ack from the diso%edience hich you practised, to o%edienceto Him- .od is ;noing, of you, Wise, in hat He has ordained for you&Indonesian
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    : Allah hendak menerangkan (hukum syariat7ya) kepadamu, danmenun8ukimu kepada 8alan8alan orang yang se%elum kamu (parana%i dan shalihin) dan (hendak) menerima tau%atmu& 6an Allah*aha *engetahui lagi *aha Bi8aksana&

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    Muhsin Khan: Allah ishes to accept your repentance, %ut those ho follotheir lusts, ish that you (%elie#ers) should de#iate tremendouslyaay from the Jight >ath&Sahih International: Allah ants to accept your repentance, %ut those ho follotheir$ passions ant you to digress into$ a great de#iation&Tafsir Jalalayn: And .od desires to turn forgi#ingly$ toards you (He repeats this in orderto e9pand upon it), %ut those ho follo their passions, the es andGhristians, or the *agians and adulterers, desire that you de#iate ith aterri%le de#iation, transgressing hat is right %y committing hat has %eenfor%idden you, so that you might %e like them&Indonesian: 6an Allah hendak menerima tau%atmu, sedang orangorang yang

    mengikuti haa nafsunya %ermaksud supaya kamu %erpalingse8auh8auhnya (dari ke%enaran)&

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    Muhsin Khan: Allah ishes to lighten (the %urden) for you- and man as createdeak (cannot %e patient to lea#e se9ual intercourse ith oman)&

    Sahih International: And Allah ants to lighten for you your diiculties$- and mankindas created eak&Tafsir Jalalayn: .od desires to lighten things for you, and make the rulings of the Laeasier for you- for man as created eak, una%le to a%stain from omenand passions&Indonesian
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    : Allah hendak mem%erikan keringanan kepadamu, dan manusiadi8adikan %ersifat lemah&

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    Muhsin Khan: O you ho %elie#e! "at not up your property among yoursel#esun8ustly e9cept it %e a trade amongst you, %y mutual consent& Anddo not kill yoursel#es (nor kill one another)& 'urely, Allah is *ost*erciful to you&Sahih International

    : O you ho ha#e %elie#ed, do not consume one anothers ealthun8ustly %ut only in laful$ %usiness %y mutual consent& And do notkill yoursel#es or one another$& ndeed, Allah is to you e#er*erciful&Tafsir Jalalayn: O you ho %elie#e, consume not your goods %eteen you rongly,unlafully according to the La, through usury or usurpation, e9cept it %etrading (ti8+ratan, also read ti8+ratun), so that the goods %e from tradeeected, through mutual agreement, through mutual goodill: such goods$

    you may consume& And kill not yoursel#es, %y committing hat leadstoards destruction on account of some ailiation, %e it in this orld or the

    Hereafter& 'urely .od is e#er *erciful to you, hen He for%ids you suchthings&Indonesian: Hai orangorang yang %eriman, 8anganlah kamu saling memakanharta sesamamu dengan 8alan yang %atil, kecuali dengan 8alanperniagaan yang %erlaku dengan suka samasuka di antara kamu&6an 8anganlah kamu mem%unuh dirimu- sesungguhnya Allahadalah *aha >enyayang kepadamu&

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    : And hoe#er commits that through aggression and in8ustice, Weshall cast him into the 3ire, and that is easy for Allah&Sahih International: And hoe#er does that in aggression and in8ustice then We illdri#e him into a 3ire& And that, for Allah , is alays$ easy&

    Tafsir Jalalayn: And hoe#er does that, hich he has %een for%idden, through aggression(1ud+nan, a circumstantial 5uali=er), transgressing hat is laful, andin8ustice (@ulman, reiterated$ for emphasis), him We shall certainly e9pose,admit, to a =re, herein he shall %urn- and that for .od is an easy matter&Indonesian: 6an %arangsiapa %er%uat demikian dengan melanggar hak dananiaya, maka ;ami kelak akan memasukkannya ke dalam neraka&

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    Muhsin Khan: And to e#eryone, We ha#e appointed heirs of that (property) left%y parents and relati#es& 4o those also ith hom you ha#e made apledge (%rotherhood), gi#e them their due portion (%y Wasiya ills, etc&)& 4ruly, Allah is "#er a Witness o#er all things&Sahih International: And for all, We ha#e made heirs to hat is left %y parents andrelati#es& And to those hom your oaths ha#e %ound to you$ gi#ethem their share& ndeed Allah is e#er, o#er all things, a Witness&Tafsir Jalalayn: 4o each, man and oman, We ha#e appointed heirs, relations to %e gi#en,of that, property, hich parents and kinsmen lea#e, for them, and to those tohom your right hands (aym+n, plural of yam0n, meaning 1oath or 1hand)ere pledged (read 1+5adat or 1a5adat), that is, those allies ith hom%efore the coming of slam you made co#enants of mutual assitance andinheritance& 'o gi#e them, no, their share, their portions of the inheritance,hich is a si9th& .od is e#er Witness o#er e#erything, e#er$ aare of it$,including your circumstances: this #erse as a%rogated %y His ords, Butthose related %y %lood are nearer to one another & :EP and QQ:F$&Indonesian: Bagi tiaptiap harta peninggalan dari harta yang ditinggalkan i%u

    %apak dan kari% kera%at, ;ami 8adikan pearispearisnya& 6an(8ika ada) orangorang yang kamu telah %ersumpah setia denganmereka, maka %erilah kepada mereka %ahagiannya& 'esungguhnyaAllah menyaksikan segala sesuatu&

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    : *en are the protectors and maintainers of omen, %ecause Allahhas made one of them to e9cel the other, and %ecause they spend(to support them) from their means& 4herefore the righteousomen are de#outly o%edient (to Allah and to their hus%ands), andguard in the hus%ands a%sence hat Allah orders them to guard

    (e&g& their chastity, their hus%ands property, etc&)& As to thoseomen on hose part you see illconduct, admonish them (=rst),(ne9t), refuse to share their %eds, (and last) %eat them (lightly, if itis useful), %ut if they return to o%edience, seek not against themmeans (of annoyance)& 'urely, Allah is "#er *ost High, *ost .reat&Sahih International: *en are in charge of omen %y right of$ hat Allah has gi#enone o#er the other and hat they spend for maintenance$ fromtheir ealth& 'o righteous omen are de#outly o%edient, guardingin the hus%ands$ a%sence hat Allah ould ha#e them guard& Butthose i#es$ from hom you fear arrogance =rst$ ad#ise them-then if they persist$, forsake them in %ed- and =nally$, strikethem& But if they o%ey you once more$, seek no means againstthem& ndeed, Allah is e#er "9alted and .rand&Tafsir Jalalayn: *en are in charge of, they ha#e authority o#er, omen, disciplining themand keeping them in check, %ecause of that ith hich .od has preferredthe one o#er the other, that is, %ecause .od has gi#en them the ad#antageo#er omen, in knoledge, reason, authority and otherise, and %ecause ofhat they e9pend, on them the omen$, of their property& 4hereforerighteous omen, among them, are o%edient, to their hus%ands, guarding inthe unseen, that is, guarding$ their pri#ate parts and otherise during their

    spouses a%sence, %ecause of hat .od has guarded, for them, hen Heen8oined their male spouses to look after them ell& And those you fear may%e re%ellious, diso%edient to you, hen such signs appear, admonish them,make them fear .od, and share not %eds ith them, retire to other %eds ifthey manifest such diso%edience, and strike them, %ut not #iolently, if theyrefuse to desist from their re%ellion$ after lea#ing them in separate %eds$&f they then o%ey you, in hat is desired from them, do not seek a ayagainst them, a reason to strike them un8ustly& .od is e#er High, .reat, so%eare of Him, lest He punish you for treating them un8ustly&Indonesian: ;aum lakilaki itu adalah pemimpin %agi kaum anita, olehkarena Allah telah mele%ihkan se%ahagian mereka (lakilaki) atasse%ahagian yang lain (anita), dan karena mereka (lakilaki) telahmenafkahkan se%agian dari harta mereka& 'e%a% itu maka anitayang saleh, ialah yang taat kepada Allah lagi memelihara diriketika suaminya tidak ada, oleh karena Allah telah memelihara(mereka)& Wanitaanita yang kamu khaatirkan nusyu@nya, makanasehatilah mereka dan pisahkanlah mereka di tempat tidurmereka, dan pukullah mereka& ;emudian 8ika mereka mentaatimu,

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    maka 8anganlah kamu mencaricari 8alan untuk menyusahkannya&'esungguhnya Allah *aha 4inggi lagi *aha Besar&

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    Muhsin Khan: f you fear a %reach %eteen them tain (the man and his ife),appoint (to) ar%itrators, one from his family and the other fromhers- if they %oth ish for peace, Allah ill cause theirreconciliation& ndeed Allah is "#er All;noer, WellAc5uaintedith all things&Sahih International: And if you fear dissension %eteen the to, send an ar%itratorfrom his people and an ar%itrator from her people& f they %othdesire reconciliation, Allah ill cause it %eteen them& ndeed,Allah is e#er ;noing and Ac5uainted ith all things$&Tafsir Jalalayn: And if you fear, %ecome aare of, a %reach, a dispute, %eteen the to, themarried couple (the geniti#e construction shi5+5a %aynihim+, 1any$ %reach%eteen the to, is for a range of alternati#es$, in other ords: shi5+5an%aynihim+ is the normal construction$) send forth, for them ith theirconsent, an ar%iter, a 8ust man, from his folk, his kinsmen, and an ar%iter

    from her folk: the hus%and delegates to his ar%iter the matter of$ di#orce orthe acceptance of compensation in its place, hile she delegates to herar%iter the matter of$ separation& 4he to ar%iters do their %est and %id theone guilty of the in8ustice to desist, or they suggest separation if they see =t&.od, e9alted %e He, says, if they, the to ar%iters, desire to set things right,.od ill grant them, the married couple, success, determining for themhat constitutes an act of$ o%edience, %e it reconciliation or separation&'urely .od is e#er ;noer, of e#erything, Aare, of hat is hidden and hatis manifested&Indonesian: 6an 8ika kamu khaatirkan ada persengketaan antara keduanya,

    maka kirimlah seorang hakam dari keluarga lakilaki dan seoranghakam dari keluarga perempuan& ika kedua orang hakam itu%ermaksud mengadakan per%aikan, niscaya Allah mem%eri tau=kkepada suamiisteri itu& 'esungguhnya Allah *aha *engetahui lagi*aha *engenal&

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    Muhsin Khan: 4hose ho are miserly and en8oin miserliness on other men andhide hat Allah has %estoed upon them of His Bounties& And Weha#e prepared for the dis%elie#ers a disgraceful torment&Sahih International: Who are stingy and en8oin upon other$ people stinginess andconceal hat Allah has gi#en them of His %ounty and We ha#eprepared for the dis%elie#ers a humiliating punishment Tafsir Jalalayn: 4hose (alladh0na, the su%8ect) ho are niggardly, in their duty, and %idother people to %e niggardly, in the same, and conceal hat .od has%estoed upon them of His %ounty, in the ay of knoledge and property:these are the es (the predicate of the said$ su%8ect is an implied$ lahuma10dun shad0d, 1for them there is a promise of se#ere punishment)& And Weha#e prepared for those that dis%elie#e, in this and other matters, ahum%ling chastisement, one of humiliation&Indonesian: (yaitu) orangorang yang kikir, dan menyuruh orang lain %er%uatkikir, dan menyem%unyikan karunia Allah yang telah di%erikan7yakepada mereka& 6an ;ami telah menyediakan untuk orangorangka=r siksa yang menghinakan&

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    Muhsin Khan: And (also) those ho spend of their su%stance to %e seen of men,

    and %elie#e not in Allah and the Last 6ay they are the friends of'haitan ('atan)$, and hoe#er takes 'haitan ('atan) as anintimate- then hat a dreadful intimate he has!Sahih International: And also$ those ho spend of their ealth to %e seen %y thepeople and %elie#e not in Allah nor in the Last 6ay& And he to hom'atan is a companion then e#il is he as a companion&Tafsir Jalalayn
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    : And those (alladh0na, a supplement to the pre#ious alladh0na, 1those)ho e9pend of their su%stance to sho o to people, to %e seen of them, and%elie#e not in .od and the Last 6ay, the likes of the hypocrites and the*eccans& Whoe#er has 'atan for a comrade, for a companion, hosecommand he follos, as these do, then an e#il comrade has he&Indonesian

    : 6an (8uga) orangorang yang menafkahkan hartaharta merekakarena riya kepada manusia, dan orangorang yang tidak %erimankepada Allah dan kepada hari kemudian& Barangsiapa yangmengam%il syaitan itu men8adi temannya, maka syaitan itu adalahteman yang se%uruk%uruknya&

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    Muhsin Khan: And hat loss ha#e they if they had %elie#ed in Allah and in theLast 6ay, and they spend out of hat Allah has gi#en them forsustenanceM And Allah is "#er All;noer of them&Sahih International: And hat harm ould come$ upon them if they %elie#ed in Allahand the Last 6ay and spent out of hat Allah pro#ided for themMAnd Allah is e#er, a%out them, ;noing&Tafsir Jalalayn: And hat %urden is on them if they ere to %elie#e in .od and the Last6ay, and e9pend of hat .od has pro#ided themM, that is to say, hat harmould this cause themM n other ords, there is no harm therein& Jather,harm lies in hat they follo (the interrogati#e is meant as a disa#oal- thela of la +man/, 1if they ere to %elie#e$ con#eys the sense of the #er%alnoun sc& m+dh+ 1alayhim 0m+nuhum, 1hat %urden ould their %elief %eupon themM$)& .od is e#er Aare of them, and ill re5uite them for hatthey ha#e done&Indonesian: Apakah kemudharatannya %agi mereka, kalau mereka %eriman

    kepada Allah dan hari kemudian dan menafkahkan se%ahagianre@eki yang telah di%erikan Allah kepada merekaM 6an adalah Allah*aha *engetahui keadaan mereka&

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    Muhsin Khan: 'urely! Allah rongs not e#en of the eight of an atom (or a smallant), %ut if there is any good (done), He dou%les it, and gi#es fromHim a great reard&Sahih International: ndeed, Allah does not do in8ustice, e#en$ as much as an atomseight- hile if there is a good deed, He multiplies it and gi#esfrom Himself a great reard&Tafsir Jalalayn: 'urely .od shall not rong, anyone, so much as the eight of an atom, theeight of$ the smallest ant, %y diminishing there%y a persons good deeds orincrease there%y his e#il deeds- and if it, the atom, %e a good deed (in takuhasanatan, 1if it %e a good deed, is also read in taku hasanatun, in hichcase the k+na construction$ is syntactically$ complete), from a %elie#er, Heill dou%le it (yud+1ifuh+, also read yuda11ifuh+), from ten times up to morethan se#en hundred times, and gi#e from Himself, in addition to thedou%ling, a great age, that no one can estimate&Indonesian: 'esungguhnya Allah tidak menganiaya seseorang alaupunse%esar @arrah, dan 8ika ada ke%a8ikan se%esar @arrah, niscayaAllah akan melipat gandakannya dan mem%erikan dari sisi7ya

    pahala yang %esar&*+

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    Muhsin Khan: Ho (ill it %e) then, hen We %ring from each nation a itnessand We %ring you (O *uhammad 'AW) as a itness against thesepeopleM

    Sahih International: 'o ho ill it %e$ hen We %ring from e#ery nation a itness ande %ring you, O *uhammad$ against these people$ as a itnessMTafsir Jalalayn: 'o ho shall it %e, the predicament of the dis%elie#ers, hen We %ringforard from e#ery community a itness, to testify against it regarding itsdeeds, and this shall %e its prophet- and We %ring you, O *uhammad (s), asitness against theseM
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    Indonesian: *aka %agaimanakah (halnya orang ka=r nanti), apa%ila ;amimendatangkan seseorang saksi (rasul) dari tiaptiap umat dan ;amimendatangkan kamu (*uhammad) se%agai saksi atas mereka itu(se%agai umatmu)&

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    Muhsin Khan: On that day those ho dis%elie#ed and diso%eyed the *essenger(*uhammad 'AW) ill ish that they ere %uried in the earth, %utthey ill ne#er %e a%le to hide a single fact from Allah&Sahih International: 4hat 6ay, those ho dis%elie#ed and diso%eyed the *essengerill ish they could %e co#ered %y the earth& And they ill notconceal from Allah a single$ statement&Tafsir Jalalayn: Npon that day, the day of %ringing forard- the dis%elie#ers, those hoha#e diso%eyed the *essenger, ill ish that (la, 1if, means an, 1that) theearth might %e le#elled ith them (read passi#e tusa+, or acti#e tasa+,or tassa+), so that like it they might also %ecome dust, and this is$%ecause of the terror of that day, as is stated in another #erse: 4he

    dis%elie#er shall say, 1O ould that ere dust! & E:CR$& And they ill nothide from .od any talk, of hat they did, although at another stage they doactually hide it and say, 1By .od, our Lord, e ne#er associated anythingith

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    Muhsin Khan: O you ho %elie#e! Approach not As'alat (the prayer) hen youare in a drunken state until you kno (the meaning) of hat youutter, nor hen you are in a state of ana%a, (i&e& in a state of se9ual

    impurity and ha#e not yet taken a %ath) e9cept hen tra#elling onthe road (ithout enough ater, or 8ust passing through a mos5ue),till you ash your hole %ody& And if you are ill, or on a 8ourney, orone of you comes after ansering the call of nature, or you ha#e%een in contact ith omen (%y se9ual relations) and you =nd noater, perform 4ayammum ith clean earth and ru% thereith yourfaces and hands (4ayammum)& 4ruly, Allah is "#er Oft>ardoning,Oft3orgi#ing&Sahih International: O you ho ha#e %elie#ed, do not approach prayer hile you are

    into9icated until you kno hat you are saying or in a state of8ana%ah, e9cept those passing through a place of prayer$, until youha#e ashed your hole %ody$& And if you are ill or on a 8ourney orone of you comes from the place of relie#ing himself or you ha#econtacted omen and =nd no ater, then seek clean earth andipe o#er your faces and your hands ith it$& ndeed, Allah is e#er>ardoning and 3orgi#ing&Tafsir Jalalayn: O you ho %elie#e, dra not near to prayer, that is, do not perform prayer,hilst you are ine%riated, %y a drink: this as re#ealed concerning %eingdrunk during the congregational prayer- until you kno hat you are saying,hen you ha#e so%ered up- nor hilst you are de=led, as a result of se9ual$penetration or e8aculation (8unu%an, 1de=led, is in the accusati#e %ecause itis a circumstantial 5uali=er, and may %e used to refer to the singular orplural) unless you are tra#ersing, crossing, a ay, a route, that is, unless$

    you are tra#elling until you ha#e ashed yoursel#es, in hich case youmay perform prayer: a pro#iso is made for the tra#eller %ecause a dierentstipulation applies to him, as ill follo& t is said that the purpose of this

    #erse$ is to prohi%it the approach to places of prayer, that is, mos5ues, thee9ception %eing if one ere merely passing through and not staying& But if

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    you are sick, ith an illness made orse %y contact ith$ ater, or on a8ourney, that is, or$ tra#elling hilst you are ritually$ de=led or impure, orif any of you comes from the pri#y (algh+it), a place designated forrelie#ing nature, that is to say, or if any of you$ ha#e defecated, or you ha#etouched omen (l+mastum, a #ariant reading has lamastum: %oth meanlams, that is, 1touching ith the hand, as stated %y %n 1Nmar- this is also

    the opinion of al'h+=10, and it e9tends to touching ith other parts of theskin- according to %n 1A%%+s, hoe#er, it is referring to$ se9ualintercourse)- and you can =nd no ater, ith hich to purify yoursel#es forprayer, ha#ing made the eort to seek it out and search for it the sick%eing e9empt in this case then resort to, seek, hen the time for theprayer$ has commenced, holesome soil, clean earth, strike it tice, andipe your faces and your hands, ith it, up to the el%os (the #er% masaha,1to ipe, may stand on its on ith a direct o%8ect or take a particle %eforethe direct o%8ect, sc& masaha %i$)& .od is e#er >ardoning, 3orgi#ing&Indonesian: Hai orangorang yang %eriman, 8anganlah kamu shalat, sedang

    kamu dalam keadaan ma%uk, sehingga kamu mengerti apa yangkamu ucapkan, (8angan pula hampiri mes8id) sedang kamu dalamkeadaan 8unu%, terkecuali sekedar %erlalu sa8a, hingga kamumandi& 6an 8ika kamu sakit atau sedang dalam musa=r atau datangdari tempat %uang air atau kamu telah menyentuh perempuan,kemudian kamu tidak mendapat air, maka %ertayamumlah kamudengan tanah yang %aik (suci)- sapulah mukamu dan tanganmu&'esungguhnya Allah *aha >emaaf lagi *aha >engampun&

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    Muhsin Khan: Ha#e you not seen those ho ere gi#en a portion of the %ook(the es), purchasing the rong path, and ish that you should goastray from the Jight >athMSahih International

    : Ha#e you not seen those ho ere gi#en a portion of the'cripture, purchasing error in e9change for it$ and ishing youould lose the ayMTafsir Jalalayn: Ha#e you not seen those ho ere gi#en a share, a portion, of the Book,namely, the es, purchasing error, ith guidance, and desiring that youshould err from the ayM, that you should stray from the path of truth and%e like them&
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    Sahih International: Among the es are those ho distort ords from their proper$usages and say, KWe hear and diso%eyK and KHear %ut %e not heardKand KJaina,K tisting their tongues and defaming the religion& Andif they had said instead$, KWe hear and o%eyK and KWait for us to

    understand$,K it ould ha#e %een %etter for them and moresuita%le& But Allah has cursed them for their dis%elief, so they%elie#e not, e9cept for a fe&Tafsir Jalalayn: 'ome, group, from among the es distort, alter, the ords, that .odre#ealed in the 4orah pertaining to the descriptions of *uhammad (s), fromtheir conte9ts, those conte9ts$ in hich they ere placed, and they say, tothe >rophet (s), hen he commands them something, 1We ha#e heard, yourords, and e diso%ey, your command- and hear as one ho does not hear(asma1 ghayr musma1in is a circumstantial 5uali=er, functioning as anin#ocation, in other ords, 1And may you not hear!) and, they say to him,1*ind us (r+1in+), a term$ ith hich it had %een for%idden to address him,%eing a curse ord in their language- tisting, distorting, ith their tonguesand slandering, defaming, religion, slam& f they had said, 1We ha#e heardand o%ey, instead of 1And e diso%ey, and, only, 1Hear, and 1Gonsider us,(un@ur ilayn+) instead of r+1in+, it ould ha#e %een %etter for them, thanhat they said, and more upright, more 8ust than that, %ut .od has cursedthem, remo#ing them from His mercy, for their un%elief, so they %elie#e note9cept a fe, among them, such as 1A%d All+h %& 'al+m and his companions&Indonesian:

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    Muhsin Khan: O you ho ha#e %een gi#en the 'cripture (es and Ghristians)!Belie#e in hat We ha#e re#ealed (to *uhammad 'AW) con=rminghat is (already) ith you, %efore We eace faces (%y making themlike the %ack of necks- ithout nose, mouth, eyes, etc&) and turn

    them hindards, or curse them as We cursed the 'a%%ath%reakers& And the Gommandment of Allah is alays e9ecuted&Sahih International: O you ho ere gi#en the 'cripture, %elie#e in hat We ha#e sentdon to *uhammad$, con=rming that hich is ith you, %eforeWe o%literate faces and turn them toard their %acks or cursethem as We cursed the sa%%ath%reakers& And e#er is the decree ofAllah accomplished&Tafsir Jalalayn: O you ho ha#e %een gi#en the 'cripture, %elie#e in hat We ha#ere#ealed, of the ur+n, con=rming hat is ith you, of the 4orah, %efore We

    o%literate faces, erasing the eyes, noses and eye%ros in them, and turnthem inside out, and make them like the napes of the neck, a Iat plate, orcurse them, %y transforming them into apes, as We cursed, as$ Wetransformed, those of the 'a%%ath, among them, and .ods command, Hisdecree, is done: after this as re#ealed, 1A%d All+h %& 'al+m con#erted toslam, and so it as said that this had %een a conditional threat ofpunishment, so that hen some of them con#erted to slam, it the threat$as lifted& t is also said that o%literation and transformation ill take place%efore the rising of the Hour&Indonesian: Hai orangorang yang telah di%eri Al ;ita%, %erimanlah kamu

    kepada apa yang telah ;ami turunkan (Al uran) yangmem%enarkan ;ita% yang ada pada kamu se%elum ;ami mengu%ahmuka(mu), lalu ;ami putarkan ke %elakang atau ;ami kutukimereka se%agaimana ;ami telah mengutuki orangorang (yang%er%uat maksiat) pada hari 'a%tu& 6an ketetapan Allah pasti%erlaku&

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    Muhsin Khan: ?erily, Allah forgi#es not that partners should %e set up ith himin orship, %ut He forgi#es e9cept that (anything else) to hom Hepleases, and hoe#er sets up partners ith Allah in orship, hehas indeed in#ented a tremendous sin&
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    Sahih International: ndeed, Allah does not forgi#e association ith Him, %ut Heforgi#es hat is less than that for hom He ills& And he hoassociates others ith Allah has certainly fa%ricated a tremendoussin&

    Tafsir Jalalayn: .od forgi#es not that anything should %e associated ith Him& But Heforgi#es other than, sa#e, that, of sins, to home#er He ills, forgi#enessfor, %y admitting him into >aradise ithout punishment& And home#er Heills of the %elie#ers He punishes for their sins, and then admits them into>aradise& Whoe#er associates anything ith .od, then he has indeedin#ented a tremendous, a great, sin&Indonesian: 'esungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengampuni dosa syirik, dan 6iamengampuni segala dosa yang selain dari (syirik) itu, %agi siapayang dikehendaki7ya& Barangsiapa yang mempersekutukan Allah,

    maka sungguh ia telah %er%uat dosa yang %esar&*2to top

    Muhsin Khan: Ha#e you not seen those ho claim sanctity for themsel#es& 7ay %ut Allah sancti=es hom He pleases, and they ill not %e dealtith in8ustice e#en e5ual to the e9tent of a 3atila (A scalish threadin the long slit of a datestone)&Sahih International: Ha#e you not seen those ho claim themsel#es to %e pureMJather, Allah puri=es hom He ills, and in8ustice is not done tothem, e#en$ as much as a thread inside a date seed$&Tafsir Jalalayn: Ha#e you not seen those ho praise themsel#es for purityM namely, the

    es, hen they say, 1We are .ods children and His %elo#ed, in otherords, it is not a matter of their purifying themsel#es& 7ay, .od puri=eshom He ill, through faith, and they shall not %e ronged, they shall not%e diminished of their deeds, a single datethread, as much as the peel on adatestone&

    Indonesian: Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan orang yang menganggapdirinya %ersihM& 'e%enarnya Allah mem%ersihkan siapa yangdikehendaki7ya dan mereka tidak aniaya sedikitpun&

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    Muhsin Khan: Look, ho they in#ent a lie against Allah, and enough is that as a

    manifest sin&Sahih International: Look ho they in#ent a%out Allah untruth, and suicient is that asa manifest sin&Tafsir Jalalayn: Gonsider, in ama@ement, ho they in#ent falsehood against .od, in thatay, and that suices for a clear, an e#ident, sin&Indonesian: >erhatikanlah, %etapakah mereka mengadaadakan dustaterhadap AllahM 6an cukuplah per%uatan itu men8adi dosa yangnyata (%agi mereka)&

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    Muhsin Khan: Ha#e you not seen those ho ere gi#en a portion of the

    'criptureM 4hey %elie#e in i%t and 4aghut and say to thedis%elie#ers that they are %etter guided as regards the ay thanthe %elie#ers (*uslims)&Sahih International: Ha#e you not seen those ho ere gi#en a portion of the'cripture, ho %elie#e in superstition and false o%8ects of orshipand say a%out the dis%elie#ers, K4hese are %etter guided than the%elie#ers as to the ayKMTafsir Jalalayn: 4he folloing as re#ealed regarding ;a1% %& alAshraf and other suchscholars from among the es, hen they came to *ecca and sa those

    killed at Badr, and %egan to incite the idolaters to a#enge them their dead$%y aging ar against the >rophet (s): Ha#e you not seen those ho eregi#en a share of the Book, ho they %elie#e in ali%t and al4+gh/t, toidols %elonging to uraysh, and say to the dis%elie#ers, to A%/ 'ufy+n andhis companions, hen they the latter$ said to them: 1Are e, ho are theguardians of the House, ho gi#e drink to the pilgrim, oer hospitality to theguest, set free the capti#e, and do such and such 2 not more rightly guidedthan *uhammad, he ho has contra#ened the religion of his forefathers,se#ered the ties of kinship, and a%andoned the 'anctuaryM, 14hese, in other
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    ords, you, are more rightly guided, upon a more upright ay, than the%elie#ersMIndonesian: Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan orangorang yang di%eri%ahagian dari Al kita%M *ereka percaya kepada 8i%t dan thaghut,

    dan mengatakan kepada orangorang ;a=r (musyrik *ekah),%aha mereka itu le%ih %enar 8alannya dari orangorang yang%eriman&

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    Muhsin Khan: 4hey are those hom Allah has cursed, and he hom Allahcurses, you ill not =nd for him (any) helper,Sahih International: 4hose are the ones hom Allah has cursed- and he hom Allahcurses ne#er ill you =nd for him a helper&Tafsir Jalalayn: 4hose are the ones hom .od has cursed- and he hom .od has cursed,

    you ill ne#er =nd for him any helper, anyone to protect him from Hischastisement&Indonesian: *ereka itulah orang yang dikutuki Allah& Barangsiapa yangdikutuki Allah, niscaya kamu sekalikali tidak akan memperolehpenolong %aginya&

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    Muhsin Khan: Or ha#e they a share in the dominionM 4hen in that case theyould not gi#e mankind e#en a 7a5ira (speck on the %ack of adatestone)&Sahih International

    : Or ha#e they a share of dominionM 4hen if that ere so$, theyould not gi#e the people e#en as much as$ the speck on a dateseed&Tafsir Jalalayn: Or ha#e they a share in the ;ingdomM, that is to say, they ha#e no share init hate#er, and e#en if they did, then they ould not gi#e the people asingle datespot, that is, not e#en$ something as orthless as the tiny spoton the %ack of a datepit, %ecause of the e9tent of their niggardliness&
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    Indonesian: Ataukah ada %agi mereka %ahagian dari kera8aan (kekuasaan)M;endatipun ada, mereka tidak akan mem%erikan sedikitpun(ke%a8ikan) kepada manusia&

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    Muhsin Khan: Or do they en#y men (*uhammad 'AW and his folloers) forhat Allah has gi#en them of His BountyM 4hen We had alreadygi#en the family of %rahim (A%raham) the Book and AlHikmah (As'unnah 6i#ine nspiration to those >rophets not ritten in theform of a %ook), and conferred upon them a great kingdom&Sahih International: Or do they en#y people for hat Allah has gi#en them of His%ountyM But e had already gi#en the family of A%raham the'cripture and isdom and conferred upon them a great kingdom&Tafsir Jalalayn: Or, nay, are they 8ealous of people, namely, of the >rophet (s), for the%ounty that .od has %estoed upon them, in the ay of prophethood anda%undance of omenM n other ords, they ish that he %e depri#ed of suchthings, saying, 1f he ere truly a prophet, he ould not %e concerned ith

    omen& 3or We ga#e the House of A%raham, his forefather, the likes of*oses, 6a#id and 'olomon, the Book and isdom, and prophethood, and Wega#e them a mighty kingdom: 6a#id had ninetyTnine omen, and 'olomonhad a thousand, free omen and sla#egirls&Indonesian: ataukah mereka dengki kepada manusia (*uhammad) lantarankarunia yang Allah telah %erikan kepadanyaM 'esungguhnya ;amitelah mem%erikan ;ita% dan Hikmah kepada keluarga %rahim, dan;ami telah mem%erikan kepadanya kera8aan yang %esar&

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    Muhsin Khan: Of them ere (some) ho %elie#ed in him (*uhammad 'AW), andof them ere (some) ho a#erted their faces from him (*uhammad'AW)- and enough is Hell for %urning (them)&
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    Sahih International: And some among them %elie#ed in it, and some among them erea#erse to it& And suicient is Hell as a %la@e&Tafsir Jalalayn: And there are some of them ho %elie#e in him, in *uhammad (s), and

    some of them ho %ar from him, ho$ re8ect him$ and do not %elie#e& Hellsuices for a %la@e, as a chastisement for those ho do not %elie#e&Indonesian: *aka di antara mereka (orangorang yang dengki itu), ada orangorang yang %eriman kepadanya, dan di antara mereka ada orangorang yang menghalangi (manusia) dari %eriman kepadanya& 6ancukuplah (%agi mereka) ahannam yang menyalanyala apinya&

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    Muhsin Khan: 'urely! 4hose ho dis%elie#ed in Our Ayat (proofs, e#idences,#erses, lessons, signs, re#elations, etc&) We shall %urn them in 3ire&As often as their skins are roasted through, We shall change themfor other skins that they may taste the punishment& 4ruly, Allah is"#er *ost >oerful, AllWise&Sahih International

    : ndeed, those ho dis%elie#e in Our #erses We ill dri#e theminto a 3ire& "#ery time their skins are roasted through We illreplace them ith other skins so they may taste the punishment&ndeed, Allah is e#er "9alted in *ight and Wise&Tafsir Jalalayn: 'urely those ho dis%elie#e in Our signs We shall e9pose them, We shalladmit them, to a 3ire, herein they shall %urn- as often as their skins areconsumed, %urnt, We shall replace them ith other skins, restoring them totheir initial un%urnt state, that they may taste the chastisement, that theymay suer its se#erity& 'urely .od is e#er *ighty, nothing %eing %eyond Hispoer, Wise, in His creation&

    Indonesian: 'esungguhnya orangorang yang ka=r kepada ayatayat ;ami,kelak akan ;ami masukkan mereka ke dalam neraka& 'etiap kalikulit mereka hangus, ;ami ganti kulit mereka dengan kulit yanglain, supaya mereka merasakan a@a%& 'esungguhnya Allah *aha>erkasa lagi *aha Bi8aksana&

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    Muhsin Khan: But those ho %elie#e (in the Oneness of Allah slamic*onotheism) and do deeds of righteousness, We shall admit themto .ardens under hich ri#ers Io (>aradise), a%iding thereinfore#er& 4herein they shall ha#e A@a8un *utahharatun puri=edmates or i#es (ha#ing no menses, stools, urine, etc&)$ and We shalladmit them to shades ide and e#er deepening (>aradise)&Sahih International: But those ho %elie#e and do righteous deeds We ill admit

    them to gardens %eneath hich ri#ers Io, herein they a%idefore#er& 3or them therein are puri=ed spouses, and We ill admitthem to deepening shade&Tafsir Jalalayn: And those that %elie#e, and perform righteous deeds, We shall admit themto .ardens underneath hich ri#ers Io, herein they a%ide: they shallha#e therein spouses puri=ed, of menstruation and e#ery impurity, and Weshall admit them to plenteous shade, that is e#erlasting shade$, ne#erreplaced %y any sun, and this is the shade of >aradise&Indonesian: 6an orangorang yang %eriman dan menger8akan amalanamalanyang shaleh, kelak akan ;ami masukkan mereka ke dalam surgayang di dalamnya mengalir sungaisungai- kekal mereka didalamnya- mereka di dalamnya mempunyai isteriisteri yang suci,dan ;ami masukkan mereka ke tempat yang teduh lagi nyaman&

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    Muhsin Khan: ?erily! Allah commands that you should render %ack the trusts tothose, to hom they are due- and that hen you 8udge %eteenmen, you 8udge ith 8ustice& ?erily, ho e9cellent is the teachinghich He (Allah) gi#es you! 4ruly, Allah is "#er AllHearer, All'eer&Sahih International
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    : ndeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to hom they aredue and hen you 8udge %eteen people to 8udge ith 8ustice&"9cellent is that hich Allah instructs you& ndeed, Allah is e#erHearing and 'eeing&Tafsir Jalalayn

    : ?erily, .od commands you to restore trusts, that is, the rights entrusted toyou %y others$, %ack to their oners: this as re#ealed hen 1Al0, may .od%e pleased ith him, took the key of the ;a1%a from its keeper, 1Nthm+n %&4alha alHa8a%0, %y force, upon the arri#al of the >rophet (s) in *ecca in the

    year of the Gon5uest, after he 1Nthm+n$ had tried to pre#ent him 1Al0 fromtaking it$ saying, 1f had knon that he as the *essenger of .od, ouldnot ha#e pre#ented him& 4he *essenger of .od (s) then ordered him 1Al0$ togi#e it %ack to him 1Nthm+n$ saying to him, 1Here you are, it is yours$ noand alays& He 1Nthm+n$ as ama@ed %y this, hereupon 1Al0 recited tohim this #erse, and he accepted slam& Npon his death, he 1Nthm+n$ ga#e itthe key$ to his %rother, 'hay%a, and thus it remained in the keep of$ hisdescendants& Although the #erse as re#ealed regarding a speci=c occasion,

    it holds true in general on account of the plural person to hich it isaddressed$& And hen you 8udge %eteen people, He commands, that you8udge ith 8ustice& "9cellent is (ni1imm+, the m0m of ni1ima has %eenassimilated ith the inde=nite particle m+, hich is the o%8ect descri%ed, inother ords, na1ima shayan, 1an e9cellent thing is$) the admonition .odgi#es you, to restore a trust and to 8udge ith 8ustice& .od is e#er Hearer, ofhat is said, 'eer, of hat is done&Indonesian: 'esungguhnya Allah menyuruh kamu menyampaikan amanatkepada yang %erhak menerimanya, dan (menyuruh kamu) apa%ilamenetapkan hukum di antara manusia supaya kamu menetapkan

    dengan adil& 'esungguhnya Allah mem%eri penga8aran yang se%aik%aiknya kepadamu& 'esungguhnya Allah adalah *aha *endengarlagi *aha *elihat&

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    Muhsin Khan: O you ho %elie#e! O%ey Allah and o%ey the *essenger(*uhammad 'AW), and those of you (*uslims) ho are inauthority& (And) if you dier in anything amongst yoursel#es, referit to Allah and His *essenger ('AW), if you %elie#e in Allah and inthe Last 6ay& 4hat is %etter and more suita%le for =naldetermination&
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    Sahih International: O you ho ha#e %elie#ed, o%ey Allah and o%ey the *essenger andthose in authority among you& And if you disagree o#er anything,refer it to Allah and the *essenger, if you should %elie#e in Allahand the Last 6ay& 4hat is the %est ay$ and %est in result&

    Tafsir Jalalayn: O you ho %elie#e, o%ey .od, and o%ey the *essenger and those inauthority among you, that is, rulers, hen they command you to o%ey .odand His *essenger& f you should 5uarrel, disagree, a%out anything, refer itto .od, that is, to His Book, and the *essenger, hile he li#es, andthereafter refer$ to his 'unna: in other ords e9amine these disputes$ ithreference to these to sources$, if you %elie#e in .od and the Last 6ay-that, reference to the to sources$, is %etter, for you than 5uarrelling oradhering to$ personal opinions, and more e9cellent in interpretation, in theend&Indonesian: Hai orangorang yang %eriman, taatilah Allah dan taatilah Jasul(7ya), dan ulil amri di antara kamu& ;emudian 8ika kamu %erlainanpendapat tentang sesuatu, maka kem%alikanlah ia kepada Allah (Aluran) dan Jasul (sunnahnya), 8ika kamu %enar%enar %erimankepada Allah dan hari kemudian&

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    : 4he folloing #erse as re#ealed hen a e and a hypocrite fell into adispute& 4he hypocrite called on ;a1% %& alAshraf, to ar%itrate %eteenthem, hile the e called on the >rophet (s)& When they came to him, the>rophet ruled in fa#our of the e& But the hypocrite as not satis=ed, andso they ent %efore 1Nmar& 4he e told him hat had happened,hereupon he 1Nmar$ turned to the hypocrite and asked him, 1s this trueM,

    and hen he replied, 1

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    Muhsin Khan: Ho then, hen a catastrophe %efalls them %ecause of hat theirhands ha#e sent forth, they come to you searing %y Allah, KWemeant no more than goodill and conciliation!KSahih International: 'o ho ill it %e$ hen disaster strikes them %ecause of hattheir hands ha#e put forth and then they come to you searing %yAllah , KWe intended nothing %ut good conduct andaccommodation&KTafsir Jalalayn: Ho ould it %e, hat$ ould they do, hen an aUiction, a punishment,%efalls them for hat their on hands ha#e sent %efore them, of un%eliefand acts of diso%edience, that is to say, ould they then %e a%le to turn aayand escape itM 7o! 4hey then come to you (thumma 8+/ka, a supplement to

    yasudd/n, 1they turn aay of the pre#ious #erse$), searing %y .od that, inturning to other than you for ar%itration, 1We sought only #irtue, settlement,and harmony, reconciliation %eteen the disputing parties %y any$appro9imate 8udgement ithout regard for the painful truth&Indonesian

    : *aka %agaimanakah halnya apa%ila mereka (orangorangmuna=k) ditimpa sesuatu musi%ah dise%a%kan per%uatan tanganmereka sendiri, kemudian mereka datang kepadamu sam%il%ersumpah: K6emi Allah, kami sekalikali tidak menghendaki selainpenyelesaian yang %aik dan perdamaian yang sempurnaK&

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    Muhsin Khan: 4hey (hypocrites) are those of hom
