Page 1: 5 天4 晚 海南精品之旅 - Mercy. at. Nanshan Cultural Park. On the way, coach passing by a long distance

5 天 4 晚 海南精品之旅

第 01 天 吉隆坡 (槟城) 三亚 / 大东海旅游度假区 / 海口 (机上用餐/ 午/晚餐) 各团员於指定时间齐集於吉隆坡雪邦国际机场, 搭乘客机飞(经停槟城)往位于中国最南端的热带海滨旅游城市 - 三亚. 抵步后,由导游迎接,驱车前往【大东海旅游度假区】大东海月牙形的海湾,辽阔的海面晶莹如镜,只见白沙融融,阳光、碧水、沙滩、绿树构成了一幅美丽的热带风光。这里四季如春,水暖沙平,冬季水温 18 度 ,是冬泳避寒胜地和度假休闲者进行潜海观光、海水浴、阳光浴的理想之地。尔后,驱车前往海口,晚饭后自由活动,可以自行前往、明珠广场、佳心百货、DC 电脑城、望海国际广场等大型商业购物广场,受省会城市海口独特魅力

早餐:×××××× 午餐:中式风味 晚餐:四大名菜+海南鸡饭

第 02 天 海口 / 博鳌 / 兴隆 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店内享用早餐后,乘游览车前往博鳌,游览【博鳌成立会址景区】:见证了博鳌亚洲论坛的成立和首届年会召开的历史性时刻。景区先后被评为“海南省十佳旅游区”.【船游玉带滩】 ,“玉带滩”被载入吉尼斯世界之最;在山岭、田园的怀拥下有水面生态保护完美的沙美内海;万泉河、龙滚河、九曲江三河相汇;东屿岛、沙坡岛、鸳鸯岛三岛相望;金牛岭、田涌岭、龙潭岭三岭环抱。这里椰林葱郁,潮起潮落,被国内外专家誉为世界河流入海口自然环境保存得最完美的地方之一。续程兴隆, 游览【南药植物园】倘佯在奇花异卉和热带植被之间,感受南国热带植物园景中最纯粹的天然氧吧.

早餐:酒店内享用 午餐:中式风味 晚餐:东南亚风味

第 03 天 兴隆 / 三亚 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店内享用早餐后,乘游览车前往游览【椰田古寨】,海南省新兴的展示苗家文化风情的窗口。椰田古寨景区主要旅游景点:“古老文化”区:苗族文化博物馆,以图片、文字实物、造景的不同方式展示海南苗族迁徙路线。“奇特风情”区:进入古寨后,百年谷仓、晒谷场、吊脚楼、图腾广场进入眼帘,感受到苗家青年男女热情接待的游客们仿佛置身于世外桃源。午后,返回三亚,游览【鹿回头山顶公园】(含景区电瓶车)因一个美丽动人的传说而得名。"鹿回头"也因此名扬于世。现在,鹿回头山顶已建设成一座美丽的山顶公园,并根据美丽的传说在山上雕塑了一座高 12 米、长 9 米,宽 4.9 米的巨石雕像。三亚市也因此被人们称为"鹿城"。这里山岬角与海浪辉映,站在山上可俯瞰浩翰的大海,远眺起伏的山峦,三亚市全景尽收眼底,景色极为壮观。车经美丽之冠及大树公馆主题酒店。晚间车游三亚夜色美景。晚餐后入住酒店。

早餐:酒店内享用 午餐:剁椒鱼头风味 晚餐:鲍鱼风味

第 04 天 三亚 / 兰花世界 / 南山三面观音 (早/午/晚餐) 酒店内享用早餐后,前往游览【兰花世界】是全球最大的热带兰花主题公园。其占地面积接近 400 亩,已开发 125 亩,并且按照国家5A 级旅游景区标准建造,以兰花文化为主题,是一个集自然、古朴、观赏、休闲、生态教育等为一体的生态旅游休闲主题公园。兰花世界内有国内外各种兰花品种 3000 多种,200 多万株,其中有 300 多种世界珍稀的野生兰花品种。三亚兰花世界集中外园林建造思想,先进园林技术运用,通过上千种中外名贵热带兰花品种进行艺术点缀组合,令人感受到“芝兰生于深林”、“绿玉丛中紫玉条”的兰花生态古典意境。 来到【南山佛教文化苑】是一座展示中国佛教传统文化,富有深刻哲理寓意,能够启迪心智、教化人生的园区。其主要建筑有南山寺、南海观音佛像、观音文化苑、天竺圣迹、佛名胜景观苑、十方塔林与归根园、佛教文化交流中心、素斋购物一条街等。【南海海上观音】是在南山寺前的海上金刚洲(观音岛)上,塑造的 108 米高的观音菩萨圣像。像体为正观音的一体化三尊造型,宝相庄严,脚踏一百零八瓣莲花宝座,莲花座下为金刚台,金刚台内是面积达 15000 平方米的圆通宝殿。金刚洲由长 280 米的普济桥与陆岸相连。观音菩萨在佛教里是代表慈悲的,观音圣像正面为手持经箧观音,体现观音的般若德即智慧德性,经箧代表六百卷般若经,表示观音“自度度人,智悲双运”。

早餐:酒店内享用 午餐:南山素宴 晚餐:粤式风味

第 05 天 三亚 (槟城)吉隆坡 (早/机上用餐) 早餐后,整装行程后出发, 送往三亚凤凰国际机场, 挥别海南岛,飞返家园。

必须保证自费项目 :南山佛教文化园(含电瓶车)+ 南海三面观音 +午餐升级素宴 (RM200)

Page 2: 5 天4 晚 海南精品之旅 - Mercy. at. Nanshan Cultural Park. On the way, coach passing by a long distance



SHOPPING :CHARCOAL PRODUCTS,BAO SHU TANG,TEA.LOCAL GOURMET: Hainan famous 4 dishes + chicken rice, South East Asia cuisine,

Chili fish head, Abalone meal and Nanshan vegetarian meal.

DAY 01 KLIA (PENANG) SANYA/ DA DONG HAI SCENIC AREA / HAIKOU ( MOB /L /D )Depart from Kuala Lumpur/Penang, onboard your pleasant flight to Sanya via Penang. Sanya is located in Hainan Island, is China 'ssouthernmost tropical coastal tourist city , formerly known as “ Deer City”, also known as " Oriental Hawaii ", while it has the most beautiful coastalscenery in Hainan Island. Meet by local tour guide and transfer for lunch. Then, we will bring you tour of Da Dong Hai Scenic Area , a crescent-shaped bay, the vast sea glittering like a mirror. Between Luhuitou and Yulin Gang, 10 minutes from the city. The East China Sea is surroundedby mountains, 2.9 km long coastline, the sea side, surrounded by rows of green coconut palms beach, blue sky, blue sea, mountains, greencoconut, white sandy beaches unique beauty won praise at home and abroad tourists. Tour end up at Haikou’s Hotel after dinner, exploringyourself at the prosperous Hai Xiu Road shopping district.

DAY 02 HAIKOU / BO-AO / XINGLONG (B /L /D)After breakfast, proceed to APEX Forum venue – Bo-ao, the water town, emerges at the meeting points of three famous river (Wanquan, Jiuqu,and Longgun), characterized by rivers, lakes, sea, sandy beach, mountains, hot spring, etc. Experience the Boat ride to witness the Jade BeltBeach scenery, where the three rivers of Wanquan, Jiuqu, and Longgun flow into the South China Sea, a narrow long golden jade belt beachseparate the river and the sea, forming the natural combination andlandscape, listed in the Guinness record of the world. Proceed to Xinglong,stop at Xing Long Nan-Drug Botanical Garden where it is belong to Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Research Center.

DAY 03 XINGLONG / LI AND MIAO ETHNIC VILLAGES / LUHUITOU PEAK PARK / SANYA ( B /L /D )After breakfast, tour of Li and Miao Ethnic Villages is a fun and interactive way to get a real taste of the native cultures of Hainan Island Take aguided tour of this place and experience the local culture for a glimpse into the Miao heritage. Tattooed natives dressed in vibrant traditional attiregreet you with a warm hospitality. Watch a live folk performance on bamboo sticks and witness a make-believe wedding ceremony while savoringtea and delicious specialties. Be amazed by elderly weavers and artisans handcrafting jewelry from beetle nuts and natural material. After lunch,return to Sanya, visit to the Luhuitou Peak Park + Buggy Ride to love culture-based, you can come to see the famous Luhuitou sculpture, whichis the origin of Sanya is known as "Lucheng" the great symbolic significance. The main attractions include wind station, Deer Park, slide, PurpleEast, Love Culture Park, Li cabaret Luhuitou sculpture, Peak Gardens, North Pavilion viewing platform and so on. The most famousattractions are Luhuitou sculpture, it is very representative, based on Hainan Li beautiful love story built, 15 m high. Coach passing by The Crownof Beauty and the Giant Tree Theme Hotel. After dinner, enjoy with the beautiful night view of Sanya before check in to hotel.

DAY 04 SANYA / ORCHID WORLD / NAN-SHAN CULTURAL PARK /SANYA (B /L /D)After breakfast, visit Orchid World is the world's largest tropical orchid theme park, to display orchid culture as its theme, is a set of natural,ancient, ornamental, recreational, ecological education as one of the eco-tourism and leisure theme park. There are 3,000 kinds of orchids, morethan 2 million plants, of which there are 300 kinds of wild orchid species rare in the world. Then, we will bring you to pray the Goddess Mercy atNanshan Cultural Park. On the way, coach passing by a long distance beaches with coastline sceneries. The Nanshan Cultural Park highlightsChina's diverse social customs. The key feature of the zone is the three sided statue of Guan Yin Buddha, Buddhist Temples, spectacularlandscape and sea views. The bronze statue of Guan Yin Buddha stands 108 meters tall on a man-made island in the sea just off Nanshan. It'slarger than the statue of liberty. The park consists of sites and sceneries with Buddhist Cultural including “Nanshan Temple”, ”Nanshan Kwan-yin Statue on South Sea”, “Savior Garden” , “Auspicious Garden”, “Longevity Valley” , “Small Moon Bay” and vegetarian shopping street.

DAY 05 SANYA (PENANG) KUALA LUMPUR (B/ MOB)Pack all your baggage, transfer to Sanya Phoenix Int’l Airport for flight departure home.

Compulsory Optional :Nanshan Cultural Park + Buggy +Upgrade normal lunch to Vegetarian Meal (RM200)

SUGGEST OPTIONAL :Song City Eternal Love Show (RMB300).Las Vegas Show at The Crown ( RMB280).Night Cruise of Sanya Bay(Free Flow Beer / Soft Drinks+Karaoke) RMB200.