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  • 7/31/2019 5 Cuentos en Ingles


    Red cap

    There was a girl called Red Cap once, since their granny gave

    him a red cap. One day, the mom of Cap sent it to her granny's

    house, I/you/he/she was sick, so that I/you/he/she took him in

    a basket bread, chocolate, sugar and sweet. Their mom told

    him: "don't move away from the one on the way to always,

    since in the forest there are wolves."

    Cap went singing for the road that its mom had told him and, suddenly, she met with the wolf and

    she told him: "Cap, Cap, where do you go? ". "TO my granny's house to take him bread, chocolate,

    sugar and sweet". "will we make a career! I will leave you the shortest road and me the longest to

    give you advantage." Cap accepted but she didn't know that the wolf had deceived her. The wolf

    arrived before and he ate up to the granny.

    When this arrived, he/she called to the door: "Who is? ", did he/she say granny's dressed wolf. "I

    am me", he/she said Cap. "It happens, it passes nietecita". "Granny, what bigger eyes you have",the missed girl said. "They are to be better". "Granny, granny, what ears so big you have". "they

    are to hear you better". "AND what nose so big you have". "it is to smell you better". "AND what

    mouth so big you have". "it is to eat up better! ".

    Cap began to run for the whole room and the wolf after her. They passed some hunters over there

    and when listening the screams they came closer with their shotguns. When seeing the wolf they

    shot him and they took out the granny of the belly of the wolf. So Cap after this fright didn't

    disobey its mom again. And red colorn this story has finished.

  • 7/31/2019 5 Cuentos en Ingles


    The Ugly Duck

    In a beautiful spring morning, a beautiful and strong paw brooded its eggs and while he/she made

    it, he/she thought of the strong and beautiful sons that soon will have. Suddenly, they began to

    open up the shells. To each head that appeared, the heart beat him with force. The ducks began tobecome spongy while they tweeted to choir. The mother looked at them they were all so beautiful

    ones, there will only be one, the last one, that was something strange, as fatter and uglier than the

    other ones. Little by little, the ducks went growing and learning how to look for among the grasses

    the fattest worms, and to swim and to dive in the water. Every day they were seen more beautiful.

    That that the last one was born only went every longest day in neck and more fat of body.... The

    mother paw was concerned and sad since everybody that went by the side of the duck looked at it

    with rarity. Little by little the neighborhood began him to call the "ugly duck" and until his same

    siblings they rejected him because they saw it different to them.

    The duck felt very unfortunate and very only and he decided to leave of there. When all went to

    sleep, he hid among some rushes, and it undertook this way a long road until, suddenly, he/she

    saw a mill and a beautiful youth tossing wheat to the hens. He came closer with mistrust and when

    seeing that all remained silent he/she decided to stay there to live. But at the little time all began

    to call him "ugly duck", "fat duck"..., and the rooster even mistreated him. One night he/she

    listened the owners of the mill to say: "That duck is too fat;

    we will have to roast it". The duck silenced of fear and he

    decided that that night he would escape of there. During the

    whole winter it was strolling of a place for another without

    finding where to live, neither with who. When it finally

    arrived the spring, the duck came out of his I cover to go for a

    walk. Suddenly, he/she saw some beautiful white swans, of

    long neck, and the duck decided to come closer to them. The

    swans when seeing it were happy and the duck stayed a little

    astonished, since nobody had never been happy of seeing it.

    All the swans surrounded it and they accepted it from a first

    moment. He didn't know that it was passing him: suddenly,

    he/she looked to the water of the lake and he/she went as

    well as when seeing their shade he/she discovered that it was

    more a beautiful swan. From then on he/she lived happy and

    very loved with their new family.

  • 7/31/2019 5 Cuentos en Ingles


    The Three Pigs

    In the heart of the forest three pigs that were siblings lived. The wolf was always pursuing them to

    eat up them. To escape from the wolf, the pigs decided to be made a house.

    The small one made it of straw, to end up before and to be able to leave to play. The medium one

    built a wooden house. When seeing that their small brother had already finished, hurry was given

    leave to play with him. The adult worked in his brick house. - you will Already see that he makes

    the wolf with your houses - he quarreled to his siblings while these spent it in big.

    The wolf came out behind the small pig and him he ran to his straw house, but the wolf blew and

    it blew and the straw house collapsed. The wolf also pursued the pig for the forest that he ran to

    take refuge in his medium brother's house. But the wolf blew and it blew and the wooden house

    demolished. The two pigs came out whistling of there. Almost without encouragement, with thewolf hit to their checks, they arrived at the biggest brother's house. The three entered inside and

    they closed all the doors and windows well.

    The wolf began to give turns to the house, looking for some place for the one that to enter. With a

    long stairway it climbed until the roof, to be strained by the chimney. But the biggest pig put to

    the fire a pot with water. The gluttonous wolf descended for the interior of the chimney, but he

    fell on the water boiling and it was scalded. It escaped of there giving some terrible howls that

    were heard in the whole forest. It is counted that he/she never wanted never to eat pig.

  • 7/31/2019 5 Cuentos en Ingles


    The Princess and the Pea

    A prince that wanted to marry, makes once but he had to really be with a princess. So he/she gave

    the turn to the world to find one that was it; but although everywhere few princesses that were it

    not found it was really impossible to know, because there was always something in them that itdidn't finish convincing him. So he/she returned very forlorn, for their great desire of marrying an

    authentic princess.

    One night a horrible tempest exploded, with rays and thunders and rain to pitchers; it was one

    night, truly, awful. Suddenly they hit to the door of the castle, and the old king went to open up.

    Out there was a princess. But, my God, what aspect it presented with the rain and the bad time!

    The water dripped him of the hair and of the clothes, he/she ran him for the tip of the shoes and it

    left him for the heel and, however, he/she said that he/she was an authentic princess.

    "Good, that will already see it", the old queen thought. And without saying word, he/she went tothe bedroom, it separated all the clothes of the bed and it put a pea in the bottom. Then he/she

    caught twenty mattresses and it put them on the pea, and it also placed twenty comforters on the


    The one that said to be princess would sleep there that night.

    The following morning they asked him how's it going he/she had slept.

    - Oh, terribly bad! - the princess said -. Hardly if I have hit eye in the whole night. Know God what

    there would be in the bed! I have slept on something so hard that I have the whole body full with

    contusions. It has been horrible!

    They could see this way that he/she was really a

    princess, because through twenty mattresses and of

    twenty comforters he/she had noticed the pea. An

    authentic princess could only have had such a delicate


    The prince took it for wife, because now it could be

    sure that he married an authentic princess, and the

    pea entered to be part of the jewels of the crown,

    where he/she still can it turns, unless somebody has

    eaten it to him.

    As you will see, this yes that was an authentic story!

  • 7/31/2019 5 Cuentos en Ingles



    There was a forest once where many animals lived and where all were very friends. One morning a

    small rabbit called Drum went to wake up the owl go to see a small fawn that had just been born.

    They met all the animals of the forest and they went to know Bambi that called this way you the

    new fawn. All were made very friends of him and they were him teaching all that there was in the

    forest: the flowers, the rivers and the names of the different animals, because Bambi stops

    everything it was ignored.

    Every day they joined in a clearing of the forest to play. One morning, the mom of Bambi took it to

    see her father that was the boss of the flock of all the deer and the one in charge of watching over

    and of taking care of them. When they were both going for a walk, they heard barks of a dog.

    "Run, Bambi runs! - did the father say - do you put on safe". "why, dad? ", did Bambi ask. They are

    the men and every time that you/they come to the forest they try to hunt us, they cut trees, for

    that reason when you hear them you should escape and to look for refuge.

    The days passed and their father was him teaching all that should know then the day that he was

    very bigger, Bambi it would be the one in charge of taking care to the flock. Later, Bambi knew to a

    small cervatilla that was very very pretty called Farina and of the one that fell in love at once. One

    day that you/they were playing both the barks of a dog and Bambi they heard he/she thought:

    "They are the men! ", and he/she tried to escape, but when he/she realized the dog it was so close

    that he didn't have left more remedy than to face him to defend Farina. When this was safe,

    he/she tried to run but he/she met with a cliff that had to jump, and when jumping, the hunters

    shot him and Bambi was wounded.

    Soon he/she went their dad and all their friends and they helped him to pass the river, because

    only once they crossed it they would be safe of the men, when they achieved it they cured him the

    wounds and it became well very soon.

    Past the time, our main character had grown a lot. He/she was already an adult. He/she went to

    see their friends and they found difficult to recognize it since it had changed enough and he/she

    had some beautiful horns. The owl was already old and Drum had married a doe and they had

    three bunnies. Bambi married Farina and they had a

    small fawn to which went to know all the animals of the

    forest, the same as it happened when he was born. All

    very happy ones and Bambi lived it was now the one in

    charge of taking care of all them, the same as before

    he/she made it their dad that was already very bigger to

    make it