Page 1: 5 lessons from Content Marketing World: Day 2

5 lessons from

Content Marketing World Cleveland


It’s the biggest event on the content marketing calendar. A time when the best in the business gather to share stories, offer insights and bask in the all-round industry excellence in attendance.

So, just for you, we’ve pulled together

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Tell great storiesThe internet is a crowded place. We’re already beyond the point of content shock. How do you stand out? By using emotion and telling great stories.

“You may be called marketers and I may be called an actor. But the truth is, we’re all striving towards the same goal: to engage our audiences. To educate them, entertain them, surprise them and keep them coming back.

“There has never been a better time for folks like us. Audiences have spoken. They want stories. If they like it, they will talk about it. Binge on it. Carry it on the bus. Engage in it with a passion and an intimacy a blockbuster movie could only dream of.”

Keynote speaker, actor Kevin Spacey

“You don’t just need reach; you need resonance. It’s not just how you win the click; it’s how you win the heart.”

Jay Acunzo, Director of Platform and Community, NextView Ventures

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Find your audienceIt’s not enough to have great content if no one knows that it exists.

“I have a friend. She wrote a great blog post. It went nowhere. She put it on Techcrunch. It went viral. You’ve got to have ignition. Great content is the table stakes. That’s how you get in the game. You have to have an ignition strategy. You have to have a network.”

Mark Schaefer, author of Return on Influence

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Get real-timeNow that nearly everyone has smartphones, real-time relevancy is already here.

“Branding is in real time. Especially in social media – it’s not just authenticity and transparency, it’s immediacy.”

Keynote speaker Scott Stratten, author of Unmarketing

“We all have the same number of hours in the day. Relevancy creates time. If you are hyper-relevant, time shows up. If someone says they didn’t have time to read your white paper, what they mean is you’re not relevant enough ... The best way to create that sense of urgency is mobile because it gives you that relevancy because it’s real-time.”

Jay Baer, author of Youtility

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Believe in videoVideo is fast becoming the platform of choice because of its mobility and ability to convey emotion.

“If your brand is not ready to communicate with power in moving pictures, you’re dead in the water.”

Jay Baer, author of Youtility

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Quality over quantityStop pumping out content and stop trying to be your customers’ friend. Instead, focus on creating high-value experiences.

“We’re really good at producing lots of content. It can either spew out the back of a company like a Dr Seuss book or it can be the strategic, distinguishing value of the company going forward.”

Keynote speaker Robert Rose, Chief Strategist at the Content Marketing Institute

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