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☆A great time to explore Beitou is during the cold winter months. Go and take a soak in one of Beitou’s many hot springs. As the steam raises, your spirits will soar, and your worries will evaporate into the mistThe Family ManWhat we have together, that’s what makes us great.Please don’t stop on my account 因為我的緣故For (someone’s) sake 看在某人的緣故;For God’s sake:看來老天爺的份上He has sparkling eyes and a friendly smile.You’re my role model.你是我的偶像I took the road less traveled 我選擇少人走的路 (即一般人不會這麼做)A fit of常指「有感而嘆;一陣」;例 a fit of anger盛怒;a fit of nostalgia有點懷舊Out of the blue指「無預期地」=unexpectedYou brought this on yourself. 這是你自找的Let it come to you 順起自然A penny for your thoughts.字面:一分錢買你的想法,即「你在想什麼呢?」= I’d like to know what’s on your mind.That’s my two cents. 這僅是我的看法Don’t screw up the best thing in your life just because you’re a little unsure about who you are:別因為一時不確定自己是誰,就毀了畢生最美好的東西You look forward to this party all year. What is it with you today? 你整年都在期待這個宴會的。你今天是怎麼回事?OK, fine. You know what? Then you just do whatever you want to do.好,很好。你知怎麼樣嗎?那你想做什麼就做什麼。I have a really bad feeling about this.我有不祥的預感Help yourself要就自己拿That is the general idea.本句通常用來表示同意,表示事情「大概就是那麼一回事」Whatever you say, honey. 悉聽尊便,親愛的here goes.要開始(說或做某事)了Three out of four people choose this. 四人當中就有三人選擇這個Now you’re getting the hang of if. 你終於抓到竅門了。I think it’s gonna look great on you. 我覺得你穿這件一件很讚We like to cultivate a very casual atmosphere around here.我們喜歡在這裡培養輕鬆的氣氛I think we’re gonna have a banner year.我認為今年是業績亮眼的一年。Banner可指吸引注意XXX is nothing compared to zzz。Xxx是無法與 zzz相提並論I’m in your shoes, I’m thinking exactly the same thing如果我是你,我的想法會和你一樣Here’s the deal:重點是:,指這是我對這件事的結論I won’t let you down.我不會讓你失望。Let (someone) down=disappoint (someone)Have (someone’s) number,指非常了解(某人)或對(某人)瞭若指掌

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Turn (someone’s) head指迷得(某人)昏頭轉向=bewilder / confuse (someone)

Look at the pictures and skim the article.The product will interest you我不是故意的------------by accident做了 xxx事,但沒有成效,可以講 but this made no difference在問題之後,可以回答:如果如此:If so, ….That novel is not worth reading.那部小說不值得一讀。The exhibition is worth a visit.這展覽值得一看。How long will the sale last?=How long will the sale price be in effect?Live and let live = that’s not your business懂了嗎?清楚了嗎?Are you with me?當然可以You bet這包包有藍色的嗎?Does this bag come in blue?謝謝。妳幫了大忙。Thanks. You've been very helpful.妳不舒服嗎?Is anything wrong with you?別傻了。Don't be silly.我正在發胖。I'm putting on weight.喔,我知道了。Ah, I see當然有,先生。你預算多少?Certainly, sir. What price range do you have in mind?物超所值It is worth every penny of it.我要三號餐:I’ll have a combo number 3我最好的白襯衫全毀了!:My best white shirt is ruined!怎麼樣?How's that?它是全新的。it's brand-new.如果你覺得可以的話,我們想明天就搬進來。If it's all right with you, we want to move in tomorrow.我們有非常多的選擇。We have a very wide selection真是方便!How convenient!約翰正透過電話向旅館訂房間John is making reservations for a hotel room over the phone.那麼早你們供應早餐了嗎?Do you provide breakfast that early?馬上就來. Right away請問您們一共有幾位?How many are there in your party, please?請稍等。Hold on a second, please.這是辦理109號班機登機手續的櫃臺嗎?Is this where I check in for flight number 109?差十天有什麼關係?What difference does ten days make?

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事先預防總比事後遺憾來的好。better safe than sorry.

In case:假使In case she comes back, let me know immediately.;免得Take the raincoat in case it rains.這行李箱都快撐開了:This suitcase is falling apart

倒裝:Only by understanding sadness can one understand happiness.

F: Let’s go have lunch at twelve.M: I have a ten o’clock meeting. It may take a while.

☆It is renowned for its wealth of unusual volcanic features and topography. Being so accessible and close to Taipei City, the park attracts a very large number of visitors every year.

☆Being so accessible and close to Taipei City, the park attracts a very large number of visitors every year

☆Admittedly, it may be true that … in some conditions. However, this alone does not constitute a sufficient support to claim by saying that …

☆Let alone 更別說;更別提A句(否定直述句),let alone + B句I don’t have enough money to pay for myself, let alone pay for you too!

☆It just depends on xx whether or no….端視 xx 願不願意I’d like to go to the movie with you tonight. It just depends on whether or not I can finish my work on time.

☆Regardless of不論…Regardless of who is going to the concert, it should be a good time.

☆Xxx是 xxx的驕傲It can be said that Beitou Stone is Beitou’s pride throughout the entire world

她很喜歡講法語,而且的確講得不錯She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well.

☆Different people hold different view due to their different backgrounds and experiences.

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☆XXX is especially helpful in helping people to learn to relax.☆沒有人是全能的:Nobody is almighty☆、我們絕對不能忽略知識的價值  On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. ☆書讀愈多,我們愈有學問 The more books we read, the more learned we become☆沒有比接受教育更重要的事Nothing is more important than to receive education☆我們應該不遺餘力的美化我們的環境 We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. ☆可預防,可解決的:Preventable, solvable☆做運動與健康息息相關 Taking exercise is closely related to health.☆What a + Adj + N + S + V!= How + Adj + a + N +S+ V!(多麼...!) 例句:What an important thing it is to keep our promise!   How important a thing it is to keep our promise!    遵守諾言是多麼重要的事!☆抽煙對我們的健康有很大的影響 Smoking has a great influence on our health.☆After all, humans are social creatures and television is the best activator for communication.☆Admittedly, it may be true that …in some conditions. However, this alone does not constitute a sufficient support to claim that…☆Not only was the building sturdy and fireproof but they were cheap to put up too!☆How could it be possible that young people have nothing to teach?☆空氣污染的出現,加速了繡的形成。The presence of air pollutants, particularly the oxides of sulfur,

greatly increases the rate at which rust forms.

☆The planet Neptune is about 30 times as far from the Sun as Earth is.~~表Neptune 距太陽的距離是地球距太陽距離的三十倍☆接觸不同種族及文化的人 get contact with people of different races and cultures☆We cannot deny that television indeed plays an important role in our life nowadays.☆it seems to me we apply the term “invention” only to big important items like the car or the telephone, and after all we can hardly imagine surviving without them. We don’t stop to think there are literally hundreds of inventions that make our living a little easier and a little more convenient.☆before Stilwell bags were pasted together by hand, and they didn’t have flat bottoms so they couldn’t stand on their own and you couldn’t fold them very well either.☆What’s more?☆Using something with pictures and videos in teaching helps students concentrate on studying more easily and

memorize more quickly.

☆you have really done something。做了一件很了不起的事☆You know that you need quiet in order to concentrate and thus use your study time effectively. ☆increase work efficiency 增加工作效率☆It occurs too rapidly for the human eye to catch what is happening.☆We should see the technology as a kind of investment which will bring more money than previous

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investment in return.☆The everyday discussion of the plot and characters becomes our routine and we get much fun form it. Sometimes, we also quote the words for use in our daily life. How interesting it is! Furthermore, Not only can we learn the American custom and slang, we can also strengthen our English speaking and listening abilities.☆I do make some improvement with my spoken English.☆Prehistoric people discovered, by trial and error, which plants were poisonous and which had some medicinal value.☆Technology has been playing an increasingly important role in our day to day life. Many people have asserted that technology can help

students nowadays learn more information and learn it more quickly

☆贊成及反對論點的用詞:Advocate, insist, maintain, support contradict, deny, oppose, dispute, negative, controvert☆I believe that the dangers are greater than the benefits. ☆The advantages of buying a car carry more weight than the disadvantages of it.☆這將使大家和睦融洽 This will bring us all into harmony.☆by any chance
