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Requirements gathering

Evaluating solutions

Preparing the business case



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Requirements gathering


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• One or two sentence statement that describes:o Problem or opportunity

o General description of the proposed investment

o Where the company is now

o Where the company needs to be


Identifying the Business Need

The ecommerce server's downtime resulted in an estimated loss of revenue of $40,000 last year. The business needs an ecommerce solution that will significantly reduce the loss of revenue due to server downtime.

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問題 5-2Pick thes to help you best decide the business needs of a specific line of businessof a company. (Choose three.)題意:對於公司內獨立的單位或組織,下列哪一個問題可以確認其需求?line of business(LOB),是說一種或是一群高度相關的產品,專門提供給特定的顧客或企業,可以是在一家公司內部的相關部門,也可是一個產業中,相似產品的競爭者形成的集合,像是平價手機 LOB.

選項:A. What is your net income after tax?B. What market are you looking for?C. What is the ratio of your asset-to-liability at this point? D. What reports do you need to do for the company?E. What difficulty do you face in growing your line of business?


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• Revenue growth

• Cost reduction

• Improving customer satisfaction


Common Business Outcomes

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Vertical vs. Horizontal Growth

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Business Outcome:

Increase revenue by offering additional

services online

IT Outcome:

Build a customer portal

IT Outcome:

Add new services to



Revenue Growth Example

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Cost Reduction


Business Outcome:

Analyze trends to identify cost

reduction opportunities

IT Outcome:

Implement a BI solution

IT Outcome:

Create ETL scripts

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Customer Satisfaction/Reputation

• Some root causes or

poor customer

satisfaction include:o The habits of a sales team, for

example misrepresenting a

service or product to make a


o A customer service team that

does not do an effective job

responding to its customers’


o The poor quality of a product

or service

o A customer’s improper use of a



Business Outcome: Improve customer


IT Outcome:

Implement an online chat

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問題 5-3Which of the following description is the executive-level business needs? (Choose three)題意:下列陳述何者是屬於策略層級的企業需求?(選三項)

executive-level,是企業的最高層級,也稱為”C-level”, 像是 CEO(chief

executive officer), COO (chief operations officer), CFO(chief financial officer)和 CIO(chief information officer)等,高階主管形成的層級,這個層級負責企業願景、中長程目標、策略方針的制定,企業內部資源的配置與協調等工作。

選項:A. Decrease labor costs by 20% B. Reduce IT, Sales, and Marketing costs by 5%C. Increase customer retaining rates by 25%D. Change the project plan for the new office spaceE. Reduce the cost of supporting the tower servers used by the Marketing department


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• Prioritize the business outcomeso It is unlikely that a solution will meet 100% of desired outcomes

• Prioritize the project with relationship to other

projectso Projects often compete with each other for resources



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• Executives

• Operational personnel

• Line of business personnel


Working with Stakeholders

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問題 5-22Most of network equipment in headquarters has been using for many years. Top management wants a major upgrade. They think this improvement can maintain growth, increase sales, and improve process time. You need to collect information to propose a solution for a new project plan and budget request. Which steps would you take to start gathering business requirements? (Choose two)

題意:公司總部大部分的網路設備已經用了許多年,高階主管要求做更換,他們認為這樣的設備更新有助於持續擴充、增加銷售、縮短作業時間,你需要來蒐集資訊並提出專案計畫及預算申請,由哪些步驟來開始蒐集公司商業需求?(選 2 項)

選項:A. Identify key stakeholders to interviewB. Create an inventory of present hardware that can be used in the futureC. Develop a workflow document showing how departments interface with the network.D. Determine whether there is a gap in the skills necessary to deploy the new solution

解答: (A)(C)

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• Surveys

• Focus groups

• Job shadowing

• Examining documents and other artifactso Order forms

o Invoices

o Shipping forms

o Picking lists


Other Requirement Gathering Techniques

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• Translate business requirements into technical


• Refine requirements based on feedback from IT.

• Stakeholders must approve all changes to


• IT might propose one or more approaches.


Refining Requirements and Deriving Solutions

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• Security

• Availability

• Performance

• Scalability

• Usability

• Maintainability


Factors to Consider

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• A condition that must exist for the project to be

considered a success.

• Measured using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

• Key success factors are defined in the following

areas:o Value and criticality of data and processes

o Business and financial goals

o Service level for proposed product or service

o Compliance


Key Success Factors

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問題 5-4Which items are critical factors to evaluate a high-availability solution? (Choose two)


Critical factors,關鍵性因素。可用性 availability 是很重要的指標,比如說,系統保證有 99.9%的可用性,也就是說一年中,七天 24 小時,99%工作時間系統都活著,可以被使用,用來衡量系統所提供服務的等級, 99%和 99.9%等級上還是有所差別。

選項:A. Downtime costB. Various protocols of routing C. Training cost of end-userD. Requirements of system service level


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問題 5-21In a manufacturing industry , which items below would be examples of company-wide KPIs?(Choose two.)

題意:在製造業,以下何者是屬於公司整體面的 KPI?(選 2 項)

選項:A. Percent of machinery uptimeB. Utilization of web serverC. Average daily production per employeeD. Transactions completed from a single IP addressE. Remaining amount of disk storage available on the server

解答: (A)(C)

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Initiative to Create Change in an Organization

Deadlines/ Compliance

Operating Expense

Capital Expenditures

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Capital Expenditure Operating ExpenseNew SAN hardware Annual maintenance costs

for ERP softwareManufacturing system upgrade

IT help desk labor costs

ERP software purchase Monthly costs to access cloud-based CRM solutionManufacturing labor costs


Capital Expenditure vs. Operating Expense

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問題 5-15Because top management requests cost down and increase product margin, the company decided to upgrade the manufacturing system. Which of the following measurements would be best for the success factors of the project? (Choose two)


選項:A. Project initial capital costB. Project total budgetC. Increased system availabilityD. Reduction in manufacturing cost per unitE. Changes in manufacturing IT operations cost


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Scenario Success Factors ConstraintsA brokerage firm is proposing to change to a new HR service provider. The proposed service provider is located in another country and would access data on the brokerage firm’s server.

--Both parties have what data was needed.

--Employees experience seamless transition and ongoing support.

--There are compliance issues with data security and processes.

--Capital and operating budget are available.

--The transition must be complete by the end of the year.

IT department is proposing a $500K solution to avoid frequent downtime on the CRM and ERP servers.

--Server uptime is at least 99%.

--Revenue is increased due to the increase in order processing.

--The capital expenditure exceeds the budget for the project.

--IT’s existing hardware limitations severely limit what can be installed at this time.


Success Factors vs. Constraints

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問題 5-14The company is planning to implement a remote order entry system by giving sales representatives tablet devices. There are 100 sales representatives in the company. It will be a 10% increasing in selling time for the sales representative to operating the new system in the first year. Each tablet costs $500 and $350 wireless fee per year. Assuming that half of the sales will make an average $2,000 sale more for the extra time saved, what is the revenue impact of the tablet rollout?

題意:某公司正在計畫執行一個無線的訂單管理系統,預計將配給每個業務人員平板電腦,公司共有 100 名業務人員,在新計畫實行的第一年,估計在銷售速度上會有 10%增加,每個平板電腦花費$500 ,每年的上網費用要$350,假設一半的業務人員可以因為這省下的時間而平均多增加$2,000 的銷售,這個新計劃所帶來的營收影響是多少?

選項:A. $15,000B. $50,000C. $52,000D. $100,000


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• Lack of stakeholder support or involvement

• Stakeholders not properly identified

• Failure to define clear objectives

• Needs of stakeholders are not adequately understood

• Scope creep

• Project manager not capable of managing the project

• Poor communication

• Faulty cost and time estimates

• Users do not attend training sessions to learn how to use

the new system


Common Reasons Projects Fail

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Evaluating solutions


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• What is the overall business value of this project compared to competing projects identified in the company ?

• What is the definition of success (the vision or expected outcome) ?

• Is the vision achievable ? • What is the budget for this project and when must it be

completed ?• What is the impact if the budget is exceeded or the project

is delivered late ?• What are the critical success factors ?• What are the requirements ?• How important is each requirement relative to the other

requirements so they can be appropriately evaluated ?


Defining Project Expectations

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• A paragraph or two that describe what the

stakeholders expect the project to deliver.

• Should reflect the need and outcomes.


Vision Statement

Deliver a company-wide CRM solution that can be accessed by every sales employee and each partner’s productivity unit. The solution should be accessible from computer or smartphone to ensure that all sales information in the company can be shared by everyone involved in the sales process by August, 20xx.

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• Provide additional detail



•The solution must be touchscreen enabled.•The solution must be able to run on older technology.•The solution must be less expensive than the current CRM solution.•The solution must be accessible anywhere in the world where our salespeople are located.

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• Time to revenue (TTR)

• Feature support

• Security and compliance

• Availability

• Scalability

• Elasticity

• Performance

• Mobility

• Capital cost

• Operating cost

• Time to deployment


Evaluation Criteria

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問題 5-6The goal of the company this year is to increase sales by 40%. It is already early April now. The marketing department proposes a new promotion which can raise the sales to meet the goal within six months. In order to enable this new promotion, IT needs to provide a new solution. There are two available solutions as the following description.Solution 1:

Requires four months to complete.Provides 60% of reduction of operational costExtends the current system structureUser training cost less by 20%

Solution 2:Requires two months to completeProvides 40% of reduction of operational costIs a new cloud serviceCapital cost is 30% higher than the solution 1

Which one would you choose and why?

選項:A. Solution 1, because it is cheaperB. Solution 2, because it is a cloud serviceC. Solution 2, because of the time concernD. Solution 1, because IT staff are familiar with the legacy system

解答: (C)

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• In general, a company will need to decide two


o How the solution should be acquired or developed

o How the solution should be deployed


Identifying Possible Approaches

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• Reuse/repurpose

• Consolidate

• Build

• Buy

• Subscribe

• Outsource


Acquisition Methods

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• Evaluate applications already deployed to

determine if one can met the requirements

• Can allow IT to meet the requirements with minimal


• Sometimes legacy applications are difficult to




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• Standardizing can help reduce support costs

• Consolidating can:o Reduce hardware

o Centralize IT

o Allow IT to operate more efficiently

o Reduce costs


Rationalization, Standardization,

and Consolidation

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Build vs. BuyBuild COTS


• More skills

• More time

• Higher costs

• Better customizability

• Fewer skills

• Less time

• Lower cost

• Less customizability

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問題 5-1The company has decided to purchase a third-party developed sales application. IT manager and the users are working together for the detailed business-side project plan. What would be the most important objective of this plan?


專案目標 Project objective. 清楚的定義專案目標是專案的成功要素之一,專案的目標應該是企業產出 business outcome,而不是 IT 產出 IT outcome,常見的企業產出像是:營收成長 revenue growth降低成本 cost reduction增加顧客滿意度/企業聲譽 improving customer satisfaction/reputation

Expected outcome achieved. 衡量期望的專案目標有沒有被達成,是決定專案成功的最重要因素。

選項:A. IT data warehouse is arranged effectively.B. Expected objectives are defined specifically for the vendor.C. Project funding is well budgeted by different stages. D. Evaluate the IT resources and skills to assist the vendor.


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• Project requires expertise not available with the staff

• Specialized skills needed only for a short time

• Can reduce the load on an overburdened IT




• Pay-as-you-go

• Little or no capital expenditure

• Faster TTV than custom solutions


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• Traditional IT

• Virtualization

• Cloud


Delivery Methods

• Traditional IT • Virtualization

High Availability with Virtualization

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Possible Approaches

Internal IT Skills Required

Cost Data Privacy & Security

Ability to Access Remotely

Ability to Scale on Demand

Ability to Customize

Traditional IT More Higher Higher Higher Lower HigherReuse/ Repurpose

Less Lower N/A N/A N/A N/A

Make (vs. Buy) More Higher Higher Neutral Neutral HigherBuy (vs. Make) Less Lower Neutral Neutral Neutral LowerVirtualization More Lower Higher Higher Higher N/AConsolidation N/A Lower N/A N/A N/A N/AOutsource Less Lower Lower N/A Higher N/ACloud (multitenant)

Less Lower Lower Higher Higher Lower

Off-Premises (dedicated)

Less Higher Neutral Higher Neutral Higher


IT Approach Summary

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• Common KPI calculations:o TCO

o Pay-back period







Analyzing and Prioritizing Solutions

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• Cumulative cost of acquiring, operating, and

maintaining a solution over its lifecycle

• Direct and indirect costs, including:o Software

o Hardware

o Staff to deploy/support software/hardware

o Training

o Maintenance

o Enhancements to support the unique needs of the organization

o Scalability to support the growing organization

o Replacement/decommissioning


Calculating TCO

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Solution A Solution BTotal Cost Total Cost

Initial Cost/Yr 1 $75 $75 $55 $55Yr 2 $10 $85 $ 8 $63Yr 3 $10 $95 $ 8 $71Yr 4 $10 $105 $ 8 $79Yr 5 $10 $115 $ 55 $134Yr 6 $75 $190 $ 8 $142Yr 7 $10 $200 $ 8 $150Yr 8 $10 $210 $8 $158Yr 9 $10 $220 $55 $213Yr 10 $10 $230 $ 8 $221


TCO Example

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問題 5-18The company decided to purchase a new server for the old sales system. There are no changes of existing software or functionality. Which of the following should be included in the TCO? (Choose three)

題意:公司決定要購買一台新的伺服器,讓既有的銷售系統使用,現有的軟體或是功能不需要做任何改變,請問下列哪些項目應該要列在 TCO 裡面?(選擇三項)。

Total Cost of Ownership, TCO,總體擁有成本,是一種財務上計算的方式,用來幫助購買者和擁有者,決定產品或系統的直接和間接成本,屬於管理會計的概念,可以包含多種經營企業的成本項目,像是運送成本(ship cost)和機會成本,尤其是在選擇不同解決方案的時候,可以用來估算每個解決方案(alternative solution)的總體擁有成本,用來提供決策者資訊。

選項:A. Hardware expenditureB. Payment conditionsC. Energy consumptionD. End-user training feeE. Software licenses feeF. Maintenance cost


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Return on Investment (ROI)


ROI (%) = ((benefits - costs) / costs)

Example: Costs = $22,000 totalProjected Benefits = $35,000ROI = ($35,000 - $22,000) / $22,000 = .59 = 59%

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Payback Period


payback period = costs / benefits per period

Example: Costs = $12,000 totalBenefits = $5,000 for each yearPayback period = 12,000 / 5,000 = 2.4 years

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Net Present Value (NPV)


NPV = R x (1 - (1 + i)-n) ÷ i - Initial investment

Example: NPV = $100,000 x (1 - (1 + .02)-5) / .02 - $300,000NPV = $100,000 x (1 - .90573) / .02 - $300,000NPV = $100,000 x .09427 / .02 - $300,000NPV = $471,350 - $300,000NPV = $171,350

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• Return rate at which the NPV of a project evaluates

to 0

• Some analysts calculate IRR by:1. Guessing a return rate

2. Calculating NPV

3. Choosing other return rates

4. Calculate NPV

5. And so on…..until NPV approaches 0 and becomes negative


Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

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• The time from project initiation until the time it

begins to generate revenue

• Shorter TTR often means sacrificing features


Time to Revenue (TTR)

Example: If a CRM solution implementation project begins in Jan 2014, and the training and deployment of the new CRM tool ends in October 2014, the TTR would be 10 months.

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• Time from project initiation until the point in time a

solution begins to deliver value

• Exact definition of TTV depends on how the

company defines value


Time to Value (TTV)

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Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5Operating Expense

(300,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000) (100,000)

Depreciation (from Capital)

(120,000) (120,000) (120,000) (120,000) (120,000)

Annual Cost

(420,000) (220,000) (220,000) (220,000) (220,000)

Annual Revenue

300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000

Annual Value

(120,000) 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000

Cumulative Value

(120,000) (40,000) 40,000 120,000 200,000


TTV Example

TTV Payback period

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問題 5-13IT department proposes two options for upgrading the exiting billing servers. Plan A is to replace the existing servers with five physical servers. Each server and its software license cost $10,000. A consultant for data migration needs to be hired. It costs $1,700. Maintenance and energy cost $3,600 per year. Plan B is virtual host server. The hardware and software license will cost $45,600. Another initial capital expenditure including virtualization software and IT staff training cost total $10,000. Maintenance and energy cost $2,400 per year . The revenues of these two options are the same. It accumulated as the following estimated spreadsheet.

Physical Cost Virtual Cost

Initial Cost 51500 55500

Recurring Cost 3600 2400

Month Physical TCO Virtual TCO Cumulative Revenue

12 55100 57900 54000

13 55400 58100 58500

14 55700 58300 63000

15 56000 58500 67500

16 56300 58700 72000

17 56600 58900 76500

18 56900 59100 81000

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方案 A 更新方案是購買五台新的伺服器,每台伺服器和它的軟體授權各需花費$10,000,在資料的移轉需要聘用一位專家花費$1,700,以及每年的維護費用及電費要$3,600。

方案 B 方案是一個主機虛擬化的方式,硬體及他的軟體授權花費是$45,600,另有初期資本支出包含虛擬化軟體和 IT 同仁的教育訓練花費是$10,000,每年的維護費用及電費要$2,400,兩種方案所帶來公司的利潤是相同的,請參考上述的試算表累積。

(1) Which option will reach TTV earlier?題意:那個方案會較早達成獲利?依照試算表,營利的累積是每月$4,500 ,兩個方案約在第 13 個月時皆可達到獲利,比較起來,方案 A 會較早達成獲利。

選項:A. Plan AB. Plan B


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(2) As above, which option has higher operational expenses?題意:同上,那個方案有較高的經常門支出?方案 A 每年的維護費用及電費要$3,600,方案 B 每年的維護費用及電費要$2,400,所以答案是前者。

選項:A. Plan AB. Plan B


(3) Continuously , which option has a better ROI over five years?題意:繼續,那個方案在五年後有比較好的投資報酬率?五年後,方案 A TCO 是$69,500,方案 B 僅 TCO 是$67,500,後者較省錢,所以答案是後者。

選項:A. Plan AB. Plan B


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• When prioritizing possible solutions, criteria to

consider include: o Cost

o Risk

o Timing

o Short-term versus long-term value

o Link to vision and mission

o Brand or reputation



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1. Compile a list of vendors.

2. Develop a spreadsheet of factors that are important to

the business.

3. Research the vendors and complete the spreadsheet.

4. Send out a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for

Information (RFI) that includes the organization’s

specific requirements.

5. Analyze the RFP/RFI responses.

6. Invite the top few vendors onsite for them to present

how they would best solve the business problem.

7. Select a vendor partner.


Supplier/Vendor Evaluation

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Vendor Contact Names

Solution Offering

Pros Cons Integration References Notes


Sample Spreadsheet Columns

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• Information about the company

• Information about the product or service the

company will provide

• Information about cost

• Information about support and maintenance

• Information about schedule

• Information related to security and compliance

• Information about availability and disaster recovery

• Information about training


Information Requested in the RFP

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• Some information that you should expect to find in

an SLA includes:o Guaranteed percentage uptime

o Mean time between failures (MTBF)

o Problem response time

o Problem resolution time

o Escalation path

o Support hours and contact methods


Evaluating Vendor SLAs

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IT Contribution Example A

The business plan calls for 15% reduction in IT operating expenses. How can IT contribute to that objective?

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IT Contribution Example B

The business plan calls for 20% annual revenue growth. How can IT contribute to that objective?

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IT Contribution Example C

The CEO is concerned about negative feedback about the company’s website. How can IT contribute to resolve the problem?

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問題 5-7The IT team is planning three sub-projects for the order entry system. These sub-projects will reduce the process time and lower order entry cost. Sub-project A: Servers and network upgradeSub-project B: Database version upgradeSub-project C: Application refine Each of three costs of $1,000,000. However, the CEO does not want to implement them in the same year. You are assigned to select the most benefit on the business to implement first. Which measurements will you use to compare the sub-projects and make a professional suggestion? (Choose two.)題意:IT 團隊正在規劃訂單進件系統的三個子專案,這些案子都會減少作業流程時間及降低訂單進件成本。子專案 A: 伺服器及網路升級子專案 B: 資料庫版本更新子專案 C: 應用程式修改


選項:A. The Time To Value assessment measurement B. The Cost Breakdown Analysis of each solutionC. Employee satisfaction indicatorD. Customer satisfaction indicator E. The increase in efficiency of orders entry processing

解答: (A)(E)

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問題 5-10Your company wants to track inventory management among different warehouses. The information needs to be secure, works in real time, tracks items both in and out of warehouses, and traces the employee responsible for the movement of materials. This solution needs to be done within two month. Which of the following solution are the best to meet the conditions?


選項:A. Use terminal server to transfer scanned barcode information in batched. Available in Six weeks.B. Use RFID sensors to track movement of inventory and upload information via the Internet. Available in eight weeks.C. Use an SSL-enabled app on the employee’s mobile phone to scan and transfer information to a database at headquarters. Available in eight weeks.D. Use an on-site network computer’s barcode scanner to gather information and transfer information back to headquarters via VPN. Available in twelve weeks.

解答: (C)

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Preparing the business case


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• Some of the areas of impact include:o Compliance

o Risk

o Security

o Existing investments

o Transformational aspects


Assessing the Impact of a Solution

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問題 5-24Tim is the project manager of the new billing system. He sent you a project proposal two weeks ago. You are the business analyst. You have been reviewing the proposal and you think it meets most of the user requirements of the original project request. Also, the proposal is within the planned budget. Tim asked your help to get signoff from all stakeholders. What would you do next steps? (Choose two)

題意:Tim 是新帳務系統的專案經理,兩週之前,他寄了一份專案規劃書給,你是營運管理分析師,一直在研讀這份規劃書,認為這份規劃已經滿足原始專案需求書中大部分使用者的需求,而且,花費沒有超過預算,Tim 要求協助來取得所有其他重要單位的同意並簽署,接下來該如何進行?(選兩個答案)

選項:A. Finish your gap analysis report (差異分析報告)B. Notify all related stakeholders when the project will kick-off C. Discuss with stakeholders to make gaps smaller or add more budgetD. Start the solution without stakeholder’ s approval when it meets 90% of the requirements

解答: (A)(C)

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• The act of following:o Rules

o Regulations

o Laws

o Internal policy

• Noncompliance may result in:o Fines

o Loss of the ability to conduct business in a particular region

o Damage to corporate reputation



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• The potential for loss or an undesired outcome

• Two types of risk:o Risk of the project failing

o Risk associated with change

• Examples of risk include:o The risk of a new technology not being able to meet the organization’s

intended objectives

o The risk that a key team member will be unavailable during critical times

during a project

o The lack of key stakeholder support of the project

o The risk that scope creep might adversely impact the project’s

completion date.



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問題 5-20Which of the following description would be the best practice to convince stakeholders about an IT solution? (Choose two)

題意:下列哪一項敘述會是最好的實務方法,可以來說服企業利益關係人某個 IT 的解決方案?(選兩項)

選項:A. Notice the IT manager to start the workB. Promise the stakeholders all their requirementsC. Propose a gap analysis between the functional requirements and the IT solutionD. Reduce the gap between the product and functionality by the product roadmap timeline


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• Sometimes tied very closely with compliance

• Must be understood from organization and

customer perspective

• When using a third-party service provider, security is

covered as part of the contractual agreement or



Security Implications

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• Examine:o Skillsets

o Learning technologies

o Infrastructure

• Weaknesses will point to key risks


Existing Investments

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• The cost of migrating legacy systems to newer

platforms and technologies.

• Business reluctance to adopt the use of new

systems because of the comfort level with existing


• Stakeholder misconception that “It has always

worked for us and will continue to do so.”

• The IT team’s willingness to adopt new strategies

and technologies.


Tradeoffs between Legacy and Innovation

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• Cultural issues

• Staff and location issues

• Operating expense issues


Transformational Aspects

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• Business case must demonstrate costs and potential

financial benefits:o TCO

o Payback period



• Cost estimates should be accurate

• Assumptions about how estimates were derived

should be included



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問題 5-19The president of the company wants to review your project recommendation. You have 10 minutes to present it. What should be included in your executive summary to get project approval ?

題意:總經理要聽你推薦的專案,你有 10 分鐘的時間可以報告,請問在摘要中,應該要包含那些項目,能使得專案獲得通過?Executive summary,概要、摘要,approval 通過。

選項:A. Project driver, financial metrics, alternatives considered and test plansB. Project driver, financial metrics, alternative considered and benefits/returnC. Project plan, financial metrics, test plans and benefits/returnD. Project plan, user acceptance criteria, financial metrics and benefits/return


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• Executiveso Need concise treatment that covers:

• What is being asked

• What will it cost

• How will it affect them


Understanding the Audience

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問題 5-16Your company approves to build a new call center solution. The call center staff has defined what functionality is needed in the new solution. Because of budget and time limitation, the final solution does not meet all of the original expectation.Which steps should you take to communicate with users for the new solution? (Choose two.)


選項:A. Describe absent functionality in the new solution to end user.B. Compare current functionality against the new application to identify gaps.C. Compare the completed call center application against the original specs. D. Apply the solution directly and then let users find out what is different.

解答: (A)(C)

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1. Verify whether there is already a company

standard. If so, use it.

2. Research previous successful projects to see what

was done in the past.

3. Research best practices for presenting information.

4. Create your own template.


How to Present Findings and Recommendations

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• Storyboard – a set of images that represent the key

elements of the story you want to tell

• Storyboarding often begins with brainstormingo Decide on the sections of the proposal

o Identify themes that support the proposal

o List key selling points

o Choose the visual elements, such as graphics, color schemes, and

information layout

