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Welcome, everybody!

18:49 redsugarontop hello :)

18:50 Darsfebruary Y'all ready to Pu*****?

18:50 Elyima Good evening!

18:50 katy_gray65 Hey!

18:50 Metriosity Buenos Dias/Noches

18:50 Mel Hi everyone! :)

18:51 Mel buenas noches!

18:51 Elyima if you are logged in as a guest please change your nickname to your lj username.


18:51 CordiChase hey all

18:51 Elyima Welcome to the episode chat!

18:51 djrach morning all

18:51 savache27 Hey guys!

18:52 wolfie259 quibo?

18:52 sweetbalm i can't believe i made it!

18:52 Metriosity Anyone got the live stream ?

18:52 Elyima If you have the live stream link please post it in the comments

18:53 sweetbalm didn't leave work till 8 friggin o'clock. yayyyyyy grey's thursday is here!!!

18:53 Metriosity Oh and... Buh Bye KH.

18:53 djrach I win, its Friday :)

18:53 wolfie259 Katherine heigl? is she leaving?

18:53 Metriosity *nods* looks that way

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18:53 superbutterfly7 omg really? i am sooo happy. yessss

18:53 strandedinaber Evening all!

18:54 wolfie259 unfortunate for the actress; thank goodness i hate izzie

18:54 mak62184 that's great, she was not missed by me at all this season

18:54 Metriosity Shonda released her from her contract. Adn she never went back to film new

episodes, so it looks like she wont be on screen again

18:54 djrach I miss old Izzie :(

18:54 djrach Cancer ruined her

18:54 mak62184 that's actually a bad write out

18:54 mak62184 i know it is her own fault though

18:54 redsugarontop I thought she was gonna be back on in an episode in April?

18:54 savache27 well, she wanted out didn't she?

18:54 superbutterfly7 she should've just died last season.

18:54 strandedinaber streaming link is posted - can someone double-check it? I wanna make sureI don't make us watch the wrong thing for 10 mins again...

18:54 Metriosity Doesnt look like it was anything to do with the writers, she just didnt go back 


18:54 mak62184 exactly

18:55 savache27 yep they should have let her go out with George

18:55 strandedinaber wait - no- it looks like american idol.

18:55 mak62184 yeah, but she just left

18:55 redsugarontop I agree they should have let her die especially since her being gone kind of 

ruined the character

18:55 mak62184 that's what i'm talking about

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18:55 Elyima thanks for posting that Gem

18:55 djrach That sucks that she's just going to be phased out though

18:55 djrach She deserves a dramatic exit :(

18:55 strandedinaber should American Idol be on? What's on ABC atm?

18:55 mak62184 who cares at this point

18:56 mak62184 grey's episode 9

18:56 mak62184 that's on abc

18:56 savache27 mmm...american idol is on fox here

18:56 mak62184 7

18:56 mak62184 sorry, cat did that

18:57 tlwlover hey everyone. i'm watching from online. is operation smile supposed to be on?

18:57 djrach yay indie chick made it in top 12

18:57 djrach or not

18:57 sweetbalm I wore my dark blue scrubs to work today!!

18:57 annabanna_15_89 HAy all

18:57 Elyima i'm wearing my scrubs now :)

18:57 spashley4evr yay!

18:57 savache27 lol kjrach

18:57 sweetbalm yay!

18:58 savache27 sorry djrach

18:58 sweetbalm i told my mom i wore them in honor of it being thursday... even though no one

knows that but me haha

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18:58 wolfie259 i'm just wearing jammies :'(

18:58 savache27 me too wolfie

18:58 mak62184 me too

18:58 strandedinaber me too wolfie...

18:58 Elyima well get some scrubs!

18:58 sweetbalm i'm wearing jammies now too.... they happen to be dark blue though

18:58 mak62184 tinkerbell pants

18:58 Elyima they are comfy like jammies

18:58 savache27 hmm pajama party

18:58 sweetbalm coincidence

18:58 strandedinaber I have no idea where I'd get srubs :S

18:58 djrach :( work clothes

18:58 sweetbalm haha

18:58 strandedinaber *scrubs

18:58 sweetbalm work clothes = scrubs

18:58 superbutterfly7 online...? idk we have shops around us with them lol

18:58 mak62184 i think you can get them in walmart

18:58 sunsets4mysoul I think i need to buy a pari of "at home" scrubs...

18:58 sunsets4mysoul mine all get dirty at work:(

18:58 superbutterfly7 oh yes. walmart sells them

18:59 Elyima sweetbalm gift = scrubs

18:59 sweetbalm scrubs are so uncomfortable lol

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18:59 sweetbalm hehe yayyy

18:59 sweetbalm GREY'Sscrubs!

18:59 wolfie259 you need to tailor the scrubs

18:59 sweetbalm with the logo and all

18:59 Elyima yessss

18:59 sweetbalm <--is awesome

18:59 sweetbalm i'm awesome

18:59 LexieRobbins[Alexa] Hey Lovelies!! :D

18:59 saffinity (Jade) Hellooo all

18:59 jersey.t. hey room!

18:59 greyfan55 so excited

18:59 savache27 hey lexie, saff, jersey

18:59 sweetbalm "you ready?"

18:59 djrach I don't even know what tonights ep is about

18:59 wolfie259 omg

18:59 Elyima Who is geared up for the new ep tonight?

18:59 djrach how did that happen, its a sad state of affairs

19:00 wolfie259 it looks like there's a lot of callie this ep

19:00 Elyima can i get a woop woop!?!

19:00 annabanna_15_89 yay

19:00 sweetbalm I <3 CT

19:00 strandedinaber Elyima woop woop!

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19:00 saffinity (Jade) I might not make it all the way through.. I need sleep :|

19:00 greyfan55 woop woop

19:00 LexieRobbins[Alexa] yay!

19:00 strandedinaber Looking forward to this one :D

19:00 savache27 lol, woop woop

19:00 sweetbalm I heart CT.

19:00 wolfie259 oh mark 

19:00 sweetbalm hot

19:00 sweetbalm i do love him

19:00 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol wtf 

19:00 sweetbalm callieeee

19:00 greyfan55 callie

19:00 saffinity (Jade) Is the stream late for anyone else?

19:00 saffinity (Jade) Still on idol ?

19:00 redsugarontop It's still on idol for me

19:00 sweetbalm god she's beautiful

19:00 Elyima Callie and the jacket and the necklace and the pretty... :)

19:00 jersey.t. awww lol

19:01 sweetbalm and the lips

19:01 wolfie259 callie hotness

19:01 mak62184 i love them

19:01 sweetbalm haha

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19:01 sweetbalm Callie sigh

19:01 mak62184 so funny

19:01 wolfie259 and the everything

19:01 Elyima "like a grown up" I do love them...

19:01 sweetbalm cutenessssss

19:01 jersey.t. "Like a grown-up." Advice from Callie haha

19:01 sweetbalm i love them so hard

19:01 jeepy91 still gonna say it, all the mark/callie airtime worries me a smidge

19:01 Elyima if you are logged in as a guest please change your nickname to your lj username.


19:01 strandedinaber stream is still on Idol.. people please post if you find another, I am looking

but I hope this one is just delayed

19:01 Darsfebruary Mel, is that really you?!

19:02 nosuchelement i think there's going to be some kissing today B)

19:02 wolfie259 haha, take a stab at it

19:02 Darsfebruary I love seeing new folks in the chat!

19:02 tlwlover here's the link i'm watching strandedlinaber


19:02 LexieRobbins[Alexa] I LaLaLaLaLOVE Calzona!

19:02 saffinity (Jade) kitchen nightmares?

19:02 saffinity (Jade) :|

19:02 savache27 ex-chief thief 

19:02 strandedinaber OK people I recommend you switch to tlwlovers

19:02 wolfie259 look at that smirk 

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19:02 greyfan55 i love cristina

19:02 tlwlover yea streaming is really good today

19:02 strandedinaber GAH the stream doesn't like me. Will edit my stream post. Thankstlwlover!

19:03 Darsfebruary stupid effing Harper Avery talk needs to end

19:03 Kitty 3 of the American Idol eliminations have me very upset. Hopefully there is plenty of 

Calzona to cheer me up.

19:03 sandyb78 hey all :)

19:03 superbutterfly7 @dars agreed

19:03 tlwlover ur welcome :]

19:03 mak62184 going to agree

19:03 mak62184 i did not like that man

19:03 LexieRobbins[Alexa] I agree dars!

19:03 sweetbalm Raise your hand if yo're over Webber

19:03 wolfie259 ahaha ginger!

19:03 superbutterfly7 dude old-chief is an ass

19:03 greyfan55 ginger, lol

19:03 sweetbalm *raiseshand*

19:03 superbutterfly7 raises hand

19:03 jeepy91 ya gotta figure someone is gonna win won, right?

19:03 savache27 *raises hand*

19:03 mak62184 i love the chief for calling owen a ginger though

19:03 wolfie259 raises hand!

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19:03 sweetbalm wooohoo for the anti-webber chat room

19:03 kerigan_smh Meredith has Arizona hair!

19:03 savache27 he can leave with izzie

19:03 sweetbalm yes

19:04 wolfie259 haha

19:04 superbutterfly7 @savache totally agree

19:04 mak62184 eww yes

19:04 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol at xtina!

19:04 Darsfebruary i saw that heigl went dark in RL - hope she stays that way on the show

19:04 mak62184 that is wrong for meredith

19:04 Darsfebruary will help the blonde confusion

19:04 wolfie259 anyone notice how goofy and perky cristina has beeen recently?

19:04 Elyima I love Cristina's darkness...She's sly..."he's got it in the bag". Love her!

19:04 sweetbalm there was blonde overload last week 

19:04 Kitty Oh Cristina, how I love you.

19:04 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol yes ive deffs noticed!

19:04 sandyb78 i just read heigl offically quit on GG

19:04 mak62184 haha cristina

19:04 camteen can we get a shot of the chief and izzie in the parking lot of no return.

19:04 tlwlover lol

19:04 sweetbalm yesss

19:04 superbutterfly7 camteen hahahaha

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19:04 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol

19:04 sweetbalm i love the PLONR

19:04 savache27 @camteen please!

19:04 saffinity (Jade) Aww, Bailey

19:04 strandedinaber Bailey :D

19:05 strandedinaber Fascist vegan, hehe!

19:05 camteen good idea right?

19:05 mak62184 yes

19:05 savache27 awesome idea!

19:05 LexieRobbins[Alexa] they are so cute!

19:05 tlwlover i can't believe ben is leaving :[

19:05 jeepy91 bailey crushing is pretty adorable

19:05 saffinity (Jade) dawwww

19:05 savache27 you should win the Harper Avery for that idea!

19:05 wolfie259 she's such a nerd... i love her

19:05 superbutterfly7 this 40 watt thing isn't really funny. rather stupid actually.

19:05 sweetbalm lolyess

19:06 Darsfebruary Wow 

19:06 saffinity (Jade) Avery only has 2 expressions..

19:06 sweetbalm i bet his heart is on the other side of his chest

19:06 mak62184 that's weird

19:06 sweetbalm nah that would be too easy

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19:06 wolfie259 that would be pretty cool

19:06 mak62184 i think i've heard of that before though

19:06 sally I kinda love Avery :)

19:06 spashley4evr lol that dude girlfriend totally thinks he is faking

19:06 sunsets4mysoul i don't miss the izzy of late but this news has me missing "old" greys

19:06 superbutterfly7 there's a girl who went to my high school, all of her organs were on the

opposite side of hte body

19:06 savache27 he has pretty eyes

19:06 mak62184 actually, i think i remember something, but can't mention it yet

19:07 mak62184 it's from the sneek peeks

19:07 savache27 @mak lol

19:07 savache27 so you're just going to tease us then?

19:07 savache27 :P

19:07 sunsets4mysoul pneumothorax?

19:07 LexieRobbins[Alexa] at superbutterfly thats crazy!!!!!

19:07 sandyb78 i dont want izzy to leave.

19:07 saffinity (Jade) I hope there's something intense soon.. Or just some Calzone. B/c I'll go

bed soon otherwise. 47 hours is too much to be awake.

19:07 superbutterfly7 i knowww. lol

19:08 savache27 she's not gonna leave, she's already gone

19:08 superbutterfly7 47 hours?!?

19:08 sunsets4mysoul nvm... ;p

19:08 mak62184 that's what i'm talking about

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19:08 mak62184 lol

19:08 LexieRobbins[Alexa] men boobies!

19:08 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol

19:08 saffinity (Jade) super - long few days, yeah

19:08 sandyb78 ahh yes but i was anticipating her return

19:08 sweetbalm yeah ive taken care of kids with organs on the other side of their body, this is

diff though

19:08 mak62184 i don't like this girl

19:08 mak62184 she's mean

19:08 wolfie259 ha breast implants keeping his heart up? thats a new one

19:08 strandedinaber hehehe

19:08 superbutterfly7 @saff, it'd totally just sleep, you can always watch it later!

19:08 sweetbalm where do they come up with this stuff 

19:09 mak62184 what is it with mean guest stars who are female?

19:09 saffinity (Jade) I know.. Buit I love the chatter here!

19:09 mak62184 always a patient's friend or family member

19:09 superbutterfly7 completely understandable

19:09 Elyima awww Saffinity, that's nice

19:09 Kitty Do you think big tumor chick will live or die?

19:09 LexieRobbins[Alexa] live!

19:09 mak62184 die

19:09 mak62184 i like being morbid

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19:10 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lmao @ mark!

19:10 wolfie259 oh, mark....

19:10 jersey.t. foot in mouth, anyone... lmao

19:10 Elyima My girlfriend is dying at the Mark/Teddyness

19:10 greyfan55 oh mark, you have such a way with the ladies!

19:10 LexieRobbins[Alexa] aww lol

19:10 jeepy91 i think there could be potential here, maybe not a popular opinions

19:10 strandedinaber *collapsing laughing*

19:10 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol i love callie

19:10 sweetbalm haha callie is so awesome

19:10 wolfie259 "as you were"

19:10 Darsfebruary as you were!

19:10 savache27 lol

19:10 Elyima Oooh Callie earrings were pretty

19:10 jersey.t. as you wre... hahha

19:10 mak62184 callie is great

19:10 saffinity (Jade) Oh Callie

19:10 wolfie259 awkward......

19:10 strandedinaber jeepy there is so potential

19:11 sweetbalm i wore a grey shirt under my dark blue scrubs to work today!

19:11 sally ehhh. I'm not sure I like them

19:11 LexieRobbins[Alexa] i noticed her earrings too!

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19:11 sally I liked Lexie and Mark better.

19:11 mak62184 i can see her watching

19:11 jersey.t. lol

19:11 wolfie259 ohhh, shot down

19:11 superbutterfly7 yay heelies!

19:11 savache27 AZ!

19:11 Darsfebruary wheeling!!!!!

19:11 Kitty Rollergirl!

19:11 LexieRobbins[Alexa] ahhh! CUTE!

19:11 sweetbalm hahahahaha

19:11 saffinity (Jade) heelies

19:11 strandedinaber oh I LOVE Callie's look there

19:11 mak62184 callie needs to be a matchmaker

19:11 superbutterfly7 hahaha

19:11 sunsets4mysoul cool

19:11 superbutterfly7 "cool."

19:11 savache27 she is so freaking cute

19:11 strandedinaber girl talk!

19:11 sweetbalm lol ******

19:11 Elyima Yesss Teddy/AZ<3!!!!

19:11 jersey.t. "Ah. Cool."

19:11 Kitty Oh God, I'm having Erica flashbacks!

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19:11 mak62184 arizona too

19:11 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol i love her

19:11 strandedinaber lol

19:11 Elyima eat it and forget about it LOL!

19:11 sweetbalm lol

19:11 savache27 *sigh*

19:11 sweetbalm she's awesome

19:11 sweetbalm "this might be the best idea i've ever had"

19:12 savache27 she makes me so happy

19:12 wolfie259 that's strangely dirty for arizona

19:12 jeepy91 heh, ari knows how to get mark away from callie lol

19:12 sandyb78 she makes me

19:12 greyfan55 i love arizona!

19:12 sweetbalm @jeepy EXACTLY

19:12 Elyima I heart Tedzona

19:12 mak62184 but, callie also suggested it, but to mark for different reasons

19:12 Darsfebruary This ep title should be about strategy.

19:12 strandedinaber Lol @Elyima

19:12 strandedinaber good name!

19:12 Darsfebruary or Battleship

19:12 sweetbalm teszone haha

19:12 Elyima but i hate portmanteaus

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19:12 sweetbalm *tedzona

19:12 sweetbalm whoa

19:12 sweetbalm i should watch when i type

19:12 Elyima but tedzona, yeah

19:13 wolfie259 i love bailey/callie

19:13 LexieRobbins[Alexa] i LOVE callie's lipstick!

19:13 sweetbalm me tooooo

19:13 Elyima bailey/callie is the best!

19:13 saffinity (Jade) Mmmm, Callie's lips

19:13 jeepy91 bailey wants to talk to callie about her love life, sooo full circle

19:13 strandedinaber hehe, they are so on the matchmaking high tonight

19:13 LexieRobbins[Alexa] love their friendship!!

19:13 Elyima "and he's cooking for you" neck move...loves it!

19:13 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol

19:13 jersey.t. "Where he keeps his bed." Loving the return of pervy-callie

19:13 jersey.t. lol.

19:13 sweetbalm love her mumbling

19:13 saffinity (Jade) Callie's dirty voice..

19:13 saffinity (Jade) Mmmmm

19:13 sweetbalm it's shmexy

19:13 mak62184 funny how bailey is finally talking to callie about this

19:14 sweetbalm not as sexy as her amazing enunciation though

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19:14 wolfie259 haha

19:14 Darsfebruary oh GOD

19:14 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol lol lol

19:14 superbutterfly7 haha surgical talk! haha

19:14 djrach Callie, she knows things.

19:14 sandyb78 ha ha ha

19:14 savache27 lol

19:14 Elyima where do they get her lip gloss? It's like SUPERgloss. I love it.

19:14 greyfan55 oh lord

19:14 Kitty This is good advice if I ever get close to having sex.

19:14 superbutterfly7 omg.

19:14 wolfie259 oh callie...

19:14 LexieRobbins[Alexa] her dang phone! lol cute

19:14 mak62184 this is hilarious

19:14 jersey.t. lmao

19:14 strandedinaber hehehehe

19:14 sweetbalm hahahaa

19:14 palex_4_ever oh callie!!

19:14 sweetbalm that was awesome

19:14 strandedinaber she took the number though!

19:14 jeepy91 oh dear lord lmao

19:14 mak62184 i wonder how callie knew that ;)

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19:14 sweetbalm az's hair looks good

19:14 Elyima it's LONG!

19:14 greyfan55 arizona is so sexy

19:15 Elyima ...and no heart earrings?

19:15 semplygroovy i loved the braid pigtails last week!

19:15 Elyima AZ ending her stresak?

19:15 Elyima *streak?

19:15 jeepy91 where is az's necklace/ 

19:15 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol aww

19:15 saffinity (Jade) My flatmate just walked in and said "That's the blonde you like right? With

the weird name? Yeah, she's a babe!"

19:15 sweetbalm hmmmm wht a mystery

19:15 LexieRobbins[Alexa] NECKLACE!?!?!

19:15 sweetbalm haha

19:15 mak62184 meredith should not style her hair like that

19:15 superbutterfly7 aww teddy... haha

19:15 sweetbalm my friend once called her "phoenix" i was like "ummmm arizona?"

19:15 strandedinaber Teddy's taking AZ's advice...

19:15 Elyima Yesss...Teddy and Mark...YESSSS

19:15 savache27 teddy's ready to eat some candy

19:15 sweetbalm *phoenix

19:15 strandedinaber woohoo

19:16 strandedinaber @savache lol!

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19:16 Kitty I miss dating prospects

19:16 Elyima you so called it gem!

19:16 jersey.t. lol

19:16 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol! @ savache

19:16 sandyb78 aww mark 

19:16 strandedinaber @Elyima I am doing my victory dance right now...

19:16 savache27 wow

19:16 sandyb78 teddy just want sex

19:16 greyfan55 teddy and mark, awkward

19:16 superbutterfly7 they're on two different pages. lol mark wants a relationship, teddy wants

sex. haha

19:16 Elyima @stranded IKNOWIT!

19:16 mak62184 this is really kind of funny

19:16 sweetbalm LOLmark 

19:16 Elyima Ooooh Owen w/ Teddy advice...awkward much?

19:16 jeepy91 ugh owen needs to butt out

19:16 wolfie259 pobrecito

19:16 sweetbalm poor mark 

19:16 LexieRobbins[Alexa] oh snap!

19:16 strandedinaber guhhh Owen go away

19:16 sweetbalm that was a weird place to go to commercial

19:17 strandedinaber you are boring.

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19:17 savache27 shouldn't he be eating Christina's face or something?

19:17 mak62184 i wonder if meredith is going to end up involved

19:17 kicks_316 lol!

19:17 sweetbalm hahaaaa

19:17 Darsfebruary If I were Owen, I'd have done the same...

19:17 saffinity (Jade) Whoever mentioned Mer's hair.. I agree!

19:17 mak62184 she was watching

19:17 palex_4_ever I hope teddy goes back to arizona for more advice!

19:17 Darsfebruary Mark's reputation is...shady

19:17 saffinity (Jade) Dars - Same

19:17 Kitty It feels like this episode has been a half hour long, but it's only been 17 minutes....I

love it when that happens!

19:17 spashley4evr I love the ding after marks statement

19:17 strandedinaber True.... but it's not like Owen's treated Teddy that great himself 

19:17 spashley4evr of the elevator

19:17 savache27 @Kitty I agree

19:17 greyfan55 lol @savache27

19:17 spashley4evr hillarious

19:17 kicks_316 I love the dings at opportune moments.

19:17 Darsfebruary Yes, Owen is on a horse and it is high.

19:17 saffinity (Jade) Stranded More reason to be protective over her

19:18 sunsets4mysoul was it a boat before it was a horse?

19:18 Darsfebruary look down, look up

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19:18 spashley4evr Oqwen is getting on my nerves he needs to figure out what he wants

19:18 strandedinaber true, I guess! I'll wait and see

19:18 sunsets4mysoul :)

19:18 spashley4evr owen*

19:18 Darsfebruary in my hand i have an oyster with two tickets to that thing you love

19:18 mak62184 i like him, but not in relationship stuff 

19:18 Darsfebruary *stopping now*

19:19 bexamillion ;p;

19:19 superbutterfly7 i wonder if arizona and callie will talk about the mark/teddy thing and

realize they advised them totally different directions. lol

19:19 mak62184 he was a good listener to callie in the cut scene from season 5

19:19 sandyb78 i need water

19:19 Kitty I miss the Owen that stapled his leg without anesthesia.

19:19 LexieRobbins[Alexa] Hey yall! Shonda once tweeted that Arizona & Callie will get awedding once gays obtain that right & so I was thinking: did she basically say that they will

definetly be together until that point!? Or am I just TOO hopefull? LMAO

19:19 Elyima Dars, please stay on topic!

19:19 idk___345 ohh god what have i missed

19:19 strandedinaber @superbutterfly I hope so....

19:19 camteen on his own i think owen is nice.

19:19 wolfie259 i love all of the friendships that are popping up

19:20 jersey.t. LexieRobbins - one would hope, but consider: it is shonda. nothing is ever


19:20 mak62184 agreed

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19:20 savache27 @Lexie, who that's optimism!

19:20 Darsfebruary Scold me some more. Ilike it.

19:20 Kitty Calzona!

19:20 savache27 yes

19:20 strandedinaber @wolfie agreed. They make my friend-shipping heart happy, and I still

really wanna see Cristina and Arizona actually get on...

19:20 saffinity (Jade) I love relationships on grey's but I do really like when they show

friendships :)

19:20 LexieRobbins[Alexa] LMAO True!

19:20 strandedinaber lol

19:20 superbutterfly7 hahaha cuteeeee.

19:20 savache27 uh oh

19:20 LexieRobbins[Alexa] & no! LOL

19:20 jersey.t. Not to be negative. My bad :p

19:20 saffinity (Jade) yay

19:20 palex_4_ever ut oh

19:20 jersey.t. lmao

19:20 superbutterfly7 I totally called this!

19:21 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol vute!

19:21 saffinity (Jade) cute

19:21 jeepy91 aww, first solo lunch scene

19:21 savache27 lmao.

19:21 kicks_316 wait what?!

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19:21 sweetbalm simultaneous slurping

19:21 saffinity (Jade) uh-oh

19:21 strandedinaber AZ own up...

19:21 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

19:21 jersey.t. hahahahha

19:21 wolfie259 ha, the smacking

19:21 mak62184 mark...

19:21 strandedinaber hehehe, Alex is still scared of AZ

19:21 saffinity (Jade) hahaha Az

19:21 Elyima I love the cal/az/mark dynamic

19:21 savache27 me too

19:21 mak62184 yes, it is awesome

19:21 strandedinaber oh, he's scared of Mark 

19:21 savache27 he should be scared of Mark and AZ

19:21 LexieRobbins[Alexa] whoah mean meredith!

19:21 Darsfebruary i love the cafeteria.

19:21 mak62184 lexie shut up

19:22 kicks_316 he has no place to run.

19:22 sweetbalm meredith looks weird

19:22 Darsfebruary if you watch the pilot episode, it's an entirely different cafeteria.

19:22 savache27 uh, you guys were right..Mer's hair sucks

19:22 Darsfebruary waaaaay uglier

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19:22 mak62184 lexie is not to talk 

19:22 Elyima Cafeteria makes for good social talk 

19:22 mak62184 she's sleeping with a married man

19:22 jeepy91 yeah, ellen pompeo is looking a little rough this ep

19:22 saffinity (Jade) I said that! :D

19:22 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol

19:22 jersey.t. hahahahhaa

19:22 Elyima Callie's apt is the new cafeteria

19:22 idk___345 LOL christina

19:22 djrach I like Mer's hair

19:22 sweetbalm i'm sorry but where i work, no doctor's hair EVER looks that good

19:22 wolfie259 don't really like mer's hair

19:22 mak62184 it looks like she cut it and straightened it

19:22 sunsets4mysoul i just told my mom meredith looked hung over lol

19:22 savache27 Is her hair darker?

19:22 sweetbalm *talking about lexie's hair

19:23 saffinity (Jade) Mer's hair has changed more than Az's tonight..

19:23 mak62184 not good

19:23 Elyima @sunsets YES!SHEDOES!

19:23 Darsfebruary you kill me, sandra oh.

19:23 savache27 @sunset she totally does!!

19:23 jersey.t. lol

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19:23 sunsets4mysoul ilovechristina:d

19:23 Elyima Bailey on a date mission

19:23 sweetbalm i'm totally not paying attention to what's going on in this episode

19:23 superbutterfly7 omg bailey took callie's advice!!!!

19:23 superbutterfly7 hahahahaha

19:23 savache27 hair cut!

19:23 greyfan55 bailey!!!

19:23 strandedinaber I so knew she was gonna turn on him

19:23 sweetbalm lolll

19:23 Kitty Bailey is epic win.

19:23 Cori lol

19:23 sandyb78 i love bailey

19:23 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol i love bailey

19:23 sweetbalm she so is

19:23 mak62184 yay bailey for listening to callie

19:23 jeepy91 lmao she's going to get a wax, tehe!

19:23 strandedinaber Bailey = awesome

19:23 Cori Oh sorry ladies for being late. XD

19:23 Darsfebruary ya know, i don't think you're supposed to wax day of.

19:23 mak62184 callie knows what she's talking about

19:23 jersey.t. lmao @ bailey

19:23 Elyima Bailey is NERVOUS :)

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19:23 sweetbalm she is the most consistently awesome character eer on this show

19:24 Elyima're not.

19:24 LexieRobbins[Alexa] she's going across the street! lol

19:24 sweetbalm (besides callie)

19:24 saffinity (Jade) Oh Bailey, you make my actual life

19:24 jeepy91 you're right dars, she's gonna be sooorree lol

19:24 jersey.t. eh

19:24 djrach dad is beating him up

19:24 savache27 wow she ruptured her kid

19:24 sweetbalm a hug is going to kill this child

19:24 superbutterfly7 @jeepy reminiscent of addison and poison oak 

19:24 Cori oh no!

19:24 wolfie259 hugs are hurting a kid? that's just sad

19:24 Cori D:

19:24 Elyima Arizona's little "o" mouth thinking face....

19:24 Elyima loves it

19:25 Kitty Hugs from your mom are better than an abusive dad!

19:25 palex_4_ever hugs kill?

19:25 Cori True that.

19:25 sweetbalm message:DO NOT HUG YOUR CHILDREN

19:25 saffinity (Jade) hugs kill

19:25 savache27 killer hugs

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19:25 Cori lol

19:25 sweetbalm drugs not hugs

19:25 Darsfebruary it's all fun and games until someone gets hugged.

19:25 spashley4evr loved the callie and arizona part!

19:25 sandyb78 i love hugs

19:25 Elyima hugs not drugs

19:25 spashley4evr omg!

19:25 sandyb78 good way to go

19:25 savache27 lol Dars!

19:25 mak62184 news: anything can kill

19:25 strandedinaber poor kid :(

19:25 superbutterfly7 @elyima i was going to say teh exact same thing!

19:25 superbutterfly7 lol

19:25 djrach as if its from the hugs

19:25 mak62184 i'm not joking

19:25 jersey.t. neeep. i was in the hospital for ruptured ovarian cysts 3 weeks ago. NOT FUN.

(not the same in the instance of the episode but i am just wincing over here)

19:25 Darsfebruary it's so sad when you accidentally pop a child.

19:25 spashley4evr So drugs= bad and now hugs= the words of arizona hmmph

19:25 superbutterfly7 @dars omg hahahaha

19:26 spashley4evr lol

19:26 sandyb78 ha ha

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19:26 savache27 lmao

19:26 kicks_316 Pop a child. :D

19:26 saffinity (Jade) Hahaha

19:26 Cori xD

19:26 strandedinaber betcha AZ makes it her mission to prove the hug didn't cause it

19:26 jersey.t. lmao but when you put it that way

19:26 strandedinaber I don't see her liking the theory that hugs can hurt...

19:26 Cori yeah it's probably something else?

19:26 spashley4evr very true

19:26 saffinity (Jade) Maybe Callie will prove to her later that hugs are good again

19:26 Cori I love that I can watch this in a classroom. Haha.

19:26 saffinity (Jade) Some very.. Active.. Hugs.

19:27 strandedinaber @saffinity good plan

19:27 superbutterfly7 saff.... hahaha "active hugs"

19:27 spashley4evr saffinity i loved that

19:27 bexamillion agreed

19:27 kicks_316 Well, we'll probably get to see that in fanfics. Not onscreen. :)

19:27 Elyima New Seattle medical studies show how hugs can kill your kids...more @ 11....

19:27 sweetbalm hahaha elyima you're so funny

19:27 superbutterfly7 lmao

19:27 saffinity (Jade) Writers, pens at the ready.. Set.. Go.

19:27 sweetbalm sorry lol

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19:27 sweetbalm i love you

19:27 LexieRobbins[Alexa] nice! @ elyima

19:27 Cori lol

19:27 wolfie259 does this ep have a theme at all?

19:28 jersey.t. lol

19:28 strandedinaber @wolfie competition?

19:28 Darsfebruary "Surgeons aren't complacent"?

19:28 Darsfebruary lame

19:28 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lmao

19:28 strandedinaber really? agreed, that's a lame theme

19:28 savache27 Man, somone has to use the Pop a kid line in a fic and credit Dars, that was


19:28 saffinity (Jade) "Push"ing the boundaries of being medically believable?

19:28 sandyb78 gross

19:28 saffinity (Jade) "Push"-ing

19:28 saffinity (Jade) This chatroom hates me and my speech marks

19:28 Cori Hmm...then just do " jkfdkjfd"

19:28 LexieRobbins[Alexa] callie~

19:29 superbutterfly7 callie's working on a clinical trial or something?

19:29 saffinity (Jade) 'Push'-ing

19:29 savache27 lol

19:29 jersey.t. oh dear god

19:29 jersey.t. lmao

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19:29 kerigan_smh TMI TMI!!!!

19:29 palex_4_ever tmi

19:29 strandedinaber OMG I do not want to hear baout Bailey's surgical field!

19:29 greyfan55 tmi

19:29 Cori lol!

19:29 jeepy91 lmao dear lord

19:29 LexieRobbins[Alexa] ewww! DONT WANNA KNOW!

19:29 sandyb78 5 yr old girl ha ha ha

19:29 superbutterfly7 ... this is WAY too much information

19:29 djrach this is the best conversation ever

19:29 sweetbalm keep your surgicl fields to yourselves, ladies

19:29 savache27 please stop!!!

19:29 saffinity (Jade) what?

19:29 jeepy91 how did these two keep a straight face

19:29 djrach i wonder what size callie picked

19:29 greyfan55 oh bailey, stop

19:29 idk___345 oh god

19:29 strandedinaber stop now. please stop.

19:29 Kitty thank you god that i'm watching this episode by myself 

19:30 LexieRobbins[Alexa] aww!!!!!

19:30 LexieRobbins[Alexa] =[

19:30 Cori Aww....

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19:30 annabanna_15_89 aww

19:30 wolfie259 awww

19:30 saffinity (Jade) bailey! remember the no-personal business

19:30 sweetbalm *tear*

19:30 kicks_316 hahaha oh lord. loving the two!

19:30 strandedinaber crying Bailey? :S

19:30 savache27 poor bailey

19:30 Cori -huggles Bailey-

19:30 superbutterfly7 sara looks gorgeous. just saying.

19:30 strandedinaber poor Bailey!

19:30 jeepy91 aww, I love these two together

19:30 sweetbalm give her a hug, cal

19:30 LexieRobbins[Alexa] they are tooo cute!!

19:30 wolfie259 wow, her lipstick is amazing

19:30 savache27 don't kill her!!!

19:30 sweetbalm but dont kill her with it

19:30 sandyb78 awwww

19:30 Cori Aww!

19:30 sweetbalm hahahaha

19:30 Elyima Awww Callie hugs.....

19:30 wolfie259 hugggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!

19:30 sweetbalm awwwwwww

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19:30 idk___345 awwwwwwwwwwww

19:30 saffinity (Jade) sweet - NO, DON'T KILL BAILEY

19:30 palex_4_ever see hugs dont kill

19:30 sweetbalm i want a callie hug!

19:30 mak62184 ithat was really cute

19:30 jeepy91 i LOOOOOOVVEE they're writing for those two

19:30 savache27 death by a callie hug....nice way to go

19:30 Elyima hugs only kill KIDS fangirls...

19:30 strandedinaber very cute

19:30 saffinity (Jade) Hey, Callie, I have a date too.. I'm nervois

19:31 sweetbalm death my callie hug? what a way to go.

19:31 sweetbalm *by

19:31 wolfie259 i really have the feeling that arizona is a mommy

19:31 saffinity (Jade) Ely - That's.. Alright then?

19:31 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol cute

19:31 mak62184 that was just creepy

19:31 jersey.t. lmao @ saff 

19:31 wolfie259 she knows so much

19:31 superbutterfly7 cristina really likes switzerland lol

19:31 Elyima Cristina is fake Switzerland

19:31 Cori lol

19:31 Kitty It's neutral there and they make very nice watches.

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19:31 kicks_316 Death by Callie hug: you'll probably be confused if you're actual heaven or

metaphorical heaven

19:31 superbutterfly7 @kitty YES

19:31 Elyima I need a Yang swatch watch

19:31 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol marks gonna shank him!

19:31 sunsets4mysoul chocolate too

19:32 palex_4_ever mark is so smug

19:32 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol

19:32 Elyima snap :)

19:32 sweetbalm i wonder what callie's been doing

19:32 Cori :o

19:32 sweetbalm in that lab

19:32 sweetbalm or whatever

19:32 Elyima "or whatever" lol

19:32 savache27 trying to make jello

19:32 superbutterfly7 @sweet ik. like... what about cartiliage?

19:32 jeepy91 clinical trial for our ortho rockstar perhaps?

19:32 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol!

19:32 wolfie259 uh oh, ex chief is gonna go psycho

19:33 sweetbalm yeah i wasn't really listening cuz i was too busy staring at her pretty face

19:33 Cori uh oh

19:33 palex_4_ever woot go owen

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19:33 Cori right

19:33 mak62184 eww, chief is mean

19:33 Cori favouritism...

19:33 mak62184 go away

19:33 saffinity (Jade) Richard keeps appearing to want special treatment..

19:33 Kitty Dear Chief, shut up. Love, Kitty

19:33 savache27 @Kitty, lol!

19:33 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol @kitty

19:33 superbutterfly7 @saff ik. like dear chief go die. k thanks

19:33 strandedinaber yeah, Chief, cause your vision was so good

19:33 Kitty Oops Derek is chief, I mean Dear Webber

19:33 greyfan55 chief=sore loser

19:33 sweetbalm is it just me or do they keep going to commercial at weird anti-climactic times?

19:33 savache27 someone should hug the ex-chief 

19:33 Elyima what's the concensus on this ep so far?

19:33 Elyima ilikeit!

19:33 spashley4evr Let Freedom RinG!

19:33 sandyb78 his vision must have gotten better with sobriety

19:34 mak62184 i like it too

19:34 sandyb78 lol

19:34 strandedinaber @Elyima loving it! Lots of good AZ and Callie

19:34 sweetbalm lots of pretty sara = me happy

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19:34 saffinity (Jade) Ely - Plenty of wtf moments

19:34 sweetbalm i'm pretty superficial

19:34 superbutterfly7 @sandy or maybe it was that surgery derek did on his optic nerve

19:34 mak62184 but they are funny

19:34 strandedinaber too much tmi, but Bailey was sweet. and Teddy and Mark are good

19:34 sunsets4mysoul i think we're on a string of good eps:D

19:34 laurenxx3 a lot of callie. yayness!

19:34 Elyima yes, lots of good bailey too

19:34 savache27 great episode so far

19:34 sweetbalm this is one of the best seaons ever

19:34 spashley4evr plenty of sara in this ep= happiness

19:34 Elyima bailey/callie makes me happy

19:34 mak62184 maybe the tmi moments mean something

19:34 strandedinaber @sunset dunno, I've only watched the C/A parts of the last two *g*

19:34 LexieRobbins[Alexa] i just spazzed on the kids for running around during my greys hour


19:34 Cori i'm sad I missed the first 15 minutes...what happened?

19:34 sweetbalm sara was pretty

19:34 sweetbalm not much else

19:35 wolfie259 we're gonna have some good fics this next week.

19:35 Kitty Bailey talking about the surgical field just reminded me of when she was talking to

Callie about the motherland

19:35 spashley4evr me to elyima

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19:35 Kitty THAT was funny

19:35 sandyb78 sara is always

19:35 spashley4evr omg kitty me too!

19:35 savache27 @Lexie, you're supposed to lock them in the basement on Grey's day

19:35 saffinity (Jade) This ep so far: Nice Callie lipstick, hugs-death, Bailey's field, Teddark 

mismatch, Yang watches.. Not bad.

19:35 laurenxx3 my satellite is being all screwey... damn storm =/ picture keeps spazzing out.

19:35 spashley4evr i was like....hmm

19:35 sweetbalm wait, clarification

19:35 sweetbalm hugs = death, except for callie hugs

19:35 LexieRobbins[Alexa] @savache i tried! they kept getting out! too smart lol

19:35 saffinity (Jade) sweet - excuse my errors

19:35 sweetbalm you are excused

19:35 camteen @lexie give them a little hug to knowck them out for an hour.

19:35 saffinity (Jade) :)

19:36 Elyima So...who are your fav friend pairings? Cal with??? AZ with ???

19:36 LexieRobbins[Alexa] @camteen lmao haha nice!

19:36 saffinity (Jade) If Bailey drops dead during her date though.. I'm just sayin'

19:36 superbutterfly7 cal with bailey, az with teddy. haha

19:36 strandedinaber AZ and Teddy, Callie and Mark 

19:36 Cori Cal and Bailey fosho.

19:36 mak62184 callie with anyone

19:36 mak62184 she is a good person

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19:36 laurenxx3 i like the callie/mark friendship and the az/teddy one as well

19:36 strandedinaber wait, I meant to say CAallie and Bailey

19:36 laurenxx3 but callie with bailey is amazing too

19:36 strandedinaber but I like the idea of double dates with c/a and t/m. hmmm. stuck.

19:36 LexieRobbins[Alexa] @ elyima---callie with bailey and zona with teddy

19:36 wolfie259 @saff callie does have some pretty strong looking arms...

19:37 kicks_316 Oh man, that's a *******e. Toss up between Callie and Mark and Callie with


19:37 savache27 Teddy could always date bailey

19:37 savache27 :P

19:37 Elyima fic authors should be noting this stuff....good opinions guys!!!

19:37 sally callie and mark, arizona with...maybe...Ilike her with derek 

19:37 Cori :P

19:37 saffinity (Jade) wofie - You're giving me too many ideas this close to bedtime..

19:37 superbutterfly7 @savache hahaha riiiight

19:37 strandedinaber @savache LOL

19:37 saffinity (Jade) Strong arms.. Mmm

19:37 sweetbalm i love az with derek too, they need more!

19:37 wolfie259 tan arms

19:37 sweetbalm mcdream team

19:37 sandyb78 i love that bailey is having friendships on the show instead of being kinda just a


19:37 laurenxx3 az and derek make a good team

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19:37 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol @savach i officially love u lmao

19:37 superbutterfly7 well we don't see derek much besides in his role as chief watching over


19:37 kicks_316 Arizona with Teddy, since it's the only time we've seen Arizona making friends

with someone. I wish we'd see some Arizona-Cristina

19:38 savache27 well, Teddy's ready for candy, and Bailey's cleaned her surgical field....they're


19:38 Cori lol

19:38 saffinity (Jade) super - yeah Derek is just Rich's babysitter now :/ 

19:38 sally I love Callie and Bailey's relationship but I can't forget how she treated her during

Gizzie and the chief resident thing :(

19:38 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lmfaooo

19:38 sandyb78 ha ha

19:38 strandedinaber @kicks agree! I wanna see those two being friends. Or Callie breaking up

arguments at the appartment

19:38 superbutterfly7 @saff i totally hate it

19:38 sunsets4mysoul i just came back to the chat and got very confused at why we were pairing

callie and arizona with OTHERpeople lol

19:38 Elyima I definitley think they are gearing Teddy and Bailey up for some sexy time by the

season finale

19:38 mak62184 agreed

19:38 savache27 @Lexie, thanks!

19:38 saffinity (Jade) Ely - Together?!

19:38 sweetbalm i hope so, they deserve it!

19:38 Elyima @sunsets i asked about friendships

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19:39 Elyima @Sweetbalm just close your eyes till Callie comes back 

19:40 sweetbalm i might fall asleep if i do that haha

19:40 sandyb78 these ppl are annoying me for some reason

19:40 greyfan55 @kicks...i agree, it"ll probably be awkward, for me

19:40 laurenxx3 i'm already bored with the hunt/webber story line...

19:40 Kitty I really hope she lives

19:40 sweetbalm and is it just me or is this patient's name audrey (i.e. my cat)?

19:40 savache27 @lauren, me too

19:40 Elyima awww i like the red flannel shirt actor guy

19:40 wolfie259 you know in the peanuts cartoons, when the adults talked? that's what i'm

hearing right now

19:40 Cori me too

19:40 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol @elyima

19:40 Cori Q_Q

19:40 LexieRobbins[Alexa] cute

19:40 superbutterfly7 wolfie agreed me too

19:40 greyfan55 lol @wolfie

19:41 laurenxx3 lol

19:41 mak62184 finally webber isn't being stupid

19:41 savache27 me too wolfie

19:41 sweetbalm maybe i'm just bitter because they're taking away sara screen time

19:41 sunsets4mysoul my mom just told me "we'd never have that conversation" you can just off 


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19:41 wolfie259 yay!

19:41 strandedinaber hurrah at webber! good man

19:41 sweetbalm ok next scene

19:41 mak62184 maybe that's why the storyline is bad

19:41 saffinity (Jade) Finally, Webber, but he still only ever speaks like that when he thinks he's

saying something *profound*

19:41 savache27 uh oh, owen and the cheif will be dating before we know it

19:41 kicks_316 More bromance.

19:41 LexieRobbins[Alexa] @elyima & dars! the bar earrings are back!

19:41 sweetbalm this was a weird storyling

19:41 Elyima don'thughimanymore!!!

19:41 sweetbalm the hugging thing

19:41 Kitty Oh Arizona, I love you

19:41 sunsets4mysoul OMG - arizona and patients!!!!

19:41 djrach lame

19:42 Elyima Arizona is so good with parents

19:42 Cori :3

19:42 Elyima she glows

19:42 sweetbalm i feel like this is totally deeper

19:42 mak62184 she looks stressed

19:42 kerigan_smh totally

19:42 sweetbalm that really affected her

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19:42 djrach I don't get this?

19:42 strandedinaber sweetbalm that shot meant something...

19:42 sweetbalm hmmm

19:42 Cori :o

19:42 strandedinaber agreed!

19:42 savache27 ha! I totally called the jello!

19:42 kicks_316 Oh man.

19:42 sunsets4mysoul she looks beyond invested

19:42 palex_4_ever she ttly wans kids

19:42 Elyima OMG Bailey and her nervousness....SOGOOD

19:42 sunsets4mysoul (arizona)

19:42 superbutterfly7 bailey is freaking out.

19:42 saffinity (Jade) .. What is up with Ari?

19:42 sunsets4mysoul no no women bring them too...i'm told

19:42 jeepy91 that really freaked ari out it seems, arguing parents?

19:42 LexieRobbins[Alexa] Arizona looked SO sad!

19:42 superbutterfly7 dude. callie and bailey? too much information! lol wow

19:42 LexieRobbins[Alexa] -[

19:42 jeepy91 i can't believe they're having this conversation

19:43 sweetbalm lol

19:43 djrach Callie...... she knows things.

19:43 idk___345 oh god greys anatomy is trying to turn callie straight

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19:43 greyfan55 oh bailey

19:43 Cori lol

19:43 Elyima "don't make me ask you twice" LOLbailey

19:43 jeepy91 how does that look, callie getting condoms

19:43 jeepy91 oh boy

19:43 saffinity (Jade) That's RIGHT, Callie - Don't trust men

19:43 sweetbalm there has to be something bewing with arizona

19:43 sandyb78 i love that akward stuff ha ha

19:43 LexieRobbins[Alexa] NOOOOO! She better LIVE!!!

19:43 laurenxx3 uh oh, is az gonna catch her with condoms? LOL

19:43 sweetbalm *brewing

19:43 Cori ooh

19:43 Elyima How much you wanna bet Callie taking rubbers starts rumors

19:43 superbutterfly7 @lauren that would be like... mildly hilarious

19:43 saffinity (Jade) Ely - I kinda hope so

19:44 saffinity (Jade) I want Az to kick off 

19:44 Kitty @Elyima Oh NO....

19:44 savache27 Elyma I thought the same thing

19:44 sweetbalm dude there's a LOT of callie in this episode

19:44 sweetbalm i love her

19:44 sweetbalm i love it

19:44 Elyima Callie says YOU want a baby...SHE wants a baby....

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19:44 laurenxx3 @sweet yay!

19:44 strandedinaber Callie is soooo on the ball this ep

19:44 Elyima hmmm...just my opinion

19:44 wolfie259 her eyes are so sparkley

19:44 sweetbalm she's helping everyone

19:44 sweetbalm aww

19:44 sunsets4mysoul callie's working overtime with her friends

19:44 djrach Callie is rocking this ep so hardcore

19:44 Cori totally

19:44 sweetbalm but wait back to this arizona thing

19:44 sweetbalm WHAT is going on

19:44 wolfie259 callie's like superstar right now

19:44 palex_4_ever daylight

19:44 Elyima @djrach...she IS

19:44 saffinity (Jade) Yeah, go to your gf.. Work some extra time there

19:44 sweetbalm that was the lamest patient storyline EVER

19:44 sweetbalm it has to be leading to smething

19:44 jeepy91 callie is everyone's rock this ep

19:44 wolfie259 webber couldn't handle her

19:44 superbutterfly7 @sweet idk. i mean good question

19:44 LexieRobbins[Alexa] boring...

19:44 strandedinaber callie needs to work overtime with AZ. I want to see them talk about

whatever's going on

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19:45 sunsets4mysoul yupyup

19:45 sweetbalm az is having a moment

19:45 sweetbalm i'm scared

19:45 kicks_316 Oh, hell yeah. Let's the the two of them working overtime.

19:45 sweetbalm /exciting

19:45 superbutterfly7 @stranded yes

19:45 sweetbalm *excited

19:45 laurenxx3 ::yawn::

19:45 Cori oh boy..

19:45 mak62184 i agree that something odd seems to be going on with arizona

19:45 laurenxx3 back to callie/az please!

19:45 strandedinaber LOL, how many times have they used the "no-one's ever tried that before"

line in Grey's?

19:45 Kitty That sounds like in season 5 when they took all the organs out of the girl with thetumor

19:45 savache27 so many commercials

19:45 Cori oh

19:45 Cori oh yeah*

19:45 strandedinaber yes guys, we KNOW that you're hardcore and new and exciting. find a new


19:45 Cori did she live>

19:46 savache27 didn't they use it last week?

19:46 strandedinaber Cori commercial, dunno yet

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19:46 greyfan55 ugh, i hate commercials. can we have some callie/arizona time?

19:46 sweetbalm What do people think is going on with Arizona?Why was she so affected by

that REALLY LAME storyline?

19:46 sweetbalm i need answers people!!!

19:46 saffinity (Jade) I stopped focusing on my drink because the chat distracted me.. And I spilt

it all over me

19:46 Cori Hmm.

19:46 saffinity (Jade) Ah man

19:46 Cori I meant the season 5 chick.

19:46 superbutterfly7 @sweet you gots to calm down!! lol

19:46 spashley4evr Dars needs to be in the writing telling you

19:46 savache27 @sweetbalm, breathe!

19:46 LexieRobbins[Alexa] hmm so ive noticedthat this ep is all aboutfriends, elationships,& a

whole lot of callie! but heyimsooooo notcomplaining

19:46 katy_gray65 This is either going to be hinting at ari realising she wants kids, or the exact

opposite IMO

out of all the couples callie and arizona have probably been seen talking the least to each other.

19:46 superbutterfly7 @sweet idk, maybe she's been having problems with callie/ i mean we

don't see them together at all!

19:46 mak62184 are you talking about the kid?

19:46 mak62184 like his parents obsessing?

19:47 sweetbalm i just feel like arizona was really touched by whatever just happened

19:47 Elyima yeah "pu*****" seems to be about pushing your FRIENDS

19:47 sweetbalm dont know if it was the hugging or the parents or the kid or what

19:47 sunsets4mysoul wonder if her brother had any kids?

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19:47 saffinity (Jade) I think this ep has MAJOR hintage toward recent C/A spoilers.. Maybe it's

 just me

19:47 sweetbalm yes

19:47 sweetbalm no i agree saff 

19:47 superbutterfly7 i think it would be a really weird twist for arizona's character to not want

kids... idk she seems like she would want kids

19:47 kerigan_smh i agree Jade

19:47 mak62184 i was debating now if it goes back to the episode where she seemed to imply

something about parents

19:47 jeepy91 i can't put my finger on what was bugging AZ so much. The parents weren't

THAT out of control

19:47 savache27 @saff I agree

19:47 sandyb78 but ohhh C/A HELD HANDS this epi...HOW FREAKIN EXCITING!! lmao

19:47 sweetbalm but when she said she doesnt like newborns in her life outside of work.....

19:48 strandedinaber @mak maybe! I thought that was JCap transferring but maybe not...

19:48 LexieRobbins[Alexa] i sooo missed that!!!!!!!!!!!!

19:48 strandedinaber but if AZ has a hidden kid and Callie doesn't know about it, that is NOT


19:48 mak62184 exactly

19:48 palex_4_ever whats with all the baby obsession?? didn't shonda say they 'don't do babies

on grey's'

19:48 saffinity (Jade) stranded - but cute!

19:48 mak62184 but it is drama

19:48 jeepy91 maybe she has a kid she gave up for adoption?

19:48 mak62184 well, maybe arizona had a child who died \ 

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19:48 Kitty @sweetbalm I think she meant girls that have just started trying the sapphic salad,

not newborn babies

19:48 jeepy91 that could be a very interesting thread

19:48 laurenxx3 eh, i

19:48 superbutterfly7 @kitty hahahaha so true.

19:48 LexieRobbins[Alexa] oh dang!

19:49 LexieRobbins[Alexa] llol

19:49 laurenxx3 i'm not big on the whole az has a kid... just doesn't jive

19:49 saffinity (Jade) private practice :)

19:49 sweetbalm @kitty well i know she meant that, but who knows what other meaning that


19:49 kerigan_smh i certainly hope she never had kids

19:49 sweetbalm i dont think az has a kid

19:49 savache27 i doubt she had kids

19:49 strandedinaber @lauren me neither normally, but I'm intrigued by that shot and her

reaction - it def meant something. Think it's more maybe she doesn't want kids though.

19:49 sweetbalm but there is SOMETHING going on

19:49 LexieRobbins[Alexa] arizona wouldnt hide that plain and simple

19:49 superbutterfly7 the only reason i could see arizona already having a kid is that her brother

and his wife had them and she had to take care of them or something

19:49 sweetbalm i dont htink we'll know till next ep though

19:50 Cori hmm

19:50 djrach In australia when they show the shorts for up next, the ads stop...... why wont they


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19:51 wolfie259 lovin the cristina cackle

19:51 saffinity (Jade) oh xtina < 3

19:51 kicks_316 Why must the next ep be on the 25th.

19:51 savache27 uh oh, mer doesn't want to be on owens team

19:52 jeepy91 cristina has lightened up, it's kinda nice

19:52 LexieRobbins[Alexa] OH SNAP!!!!!!

19:52 superbutterfly7 @kicks ikkk 

19:52 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol

19:52 laurenxx3 public health hazard. heh heh

19:52 Cori :O

19:52 Cori wow!

19:52 sweetbalm callie wasnt' there so i was only half listening

19:52 sweetbalm haha

19:52 savache27 the 25th?

19:52 wolfie259 nuh uh girfrien'

19:52 djrach ya mer

19:52 sandyb78 yay mer!!

19:52 Cori Yay mere!

19:52 strandedinaber hehehe Mer well done!

19:52 saffinity (Jade) Mer - observant!

19:52 bexamillion and delivered with a sugar sweet smile

19:52 LexieRobbins[Alexa] Mere is sooo grown up!!!

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19:52 mak62184 knew she was going to say something

19:52 saffinity (Jade) Fair play, Mer. *hugs*

19:52 wolfie259 yay!

19:52 mak62184 it just seemed like it

19:52 LexieRobbins[Alexa] aww!! lol

19:52 strandedinaber I love how they're making it so that Mer and AZ have seen what's been

going on all along

19:52 kicks_316 savache, yup the 25th.

19:52 jeepy91 everyone survived? when does THAT happen?

19:52 LexieRobbins[Alexa] aww!!!!

19:52 Elyima it's jello!

19:53 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol

19:53 Elyima look how proud AZ is

19:53 Elyima look how happy Callie is!

19:53 Cori :O

19:53 savache27 lol, at AZ's look when she said basement

19:53 sweetbalm awww callie!!!!

19:53 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lmao awwww!!! we're amazing!

19:53 Cori aww

19:53 Elyima this is fantastic!

19:53 sweetbalm awwwwwwww

19:53 savache27 uh oh...

19:53 superbutterfly7 oh ****

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19:53 laurenxx3 ahh

19:53 greyfan55 no kids

19:53 palex_4_ever oh ****

19:53 kerigan_smh niooooooooooooooo

19:53 idk___345 D:

19:53 saffinity (Jade) stop stop stop

19:53 jeepy91 i knew it

19:54 savache27 wow, they're gonna end it here/??????????????

19:54 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol lol lol

19:54 mak62184 knew it

19:54 strandedinaber nooooooooo

19:54 sandyb78 i love it ha ha

19:54 superbutterfly7 this is soood depressing.

19:54 saffinity (Jade) I called it :(

19:54 LexieRobbins[Alexa] hot mess! omg omg omg!

19:54 sweetbalm nooooooooooo

19:54 laurenxx3 :::cries:::

19:54 sweetbalm i might actually cry

19:54 Cori ...oh shiz

19:54 Elyima yeah AZ no kids...ew

19:54 jeepy91 damn damn damn

19:54 savache27 wow, that's sad

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19:54 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol lollol

19:54 Cori lol

19:54 mak62184 wow

19:54 sweetbalm :(:(:(

19:54 Cori chickens?

19:54 LexieRobbins[Alexa] im laughing sooooo hard!

19:54 Kitty Arizona gets points for using the phrase "hot mess".

19:54 mak62184 random thought

19:54 strandedinaber okay, I take it back 

19:54 sweetbalm i loved/hated that scene

19:54 strandedinaber no drama

19:54 sweetbalm all at once

19:54 djrach oh crap

19:54 kicks_316 What? What happened? Streaming died!

19:54 savache27 I don't want kids either, but that could be a deal breaker for Cal

19:54 mak62184 about the chickens

19:54 LexieRobbins[Alexa] chickens!

19:54 strandedinaber no no drama please shonda!

19:54 jeepy91 well how many of us actually called that?

19:54 idk___345 oh...callie :(

19:54 superbutterfly7 the chickens thing was so hilarious

19:54 saffinity (Jade) I never want Callie to make that face again :(

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19:54 spashley4evr omg!1

19:54 greyfan55 callie with the sad face make me sad :(

19:54 sweetbalm i loled that callie actualy said "we're the stable couple now"

19:54 mak62184 i feel bad for callie a little now

19:55 spashley4evr i knew it i knew i knew it

19:55 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lmao this ep is HILARIOUS

19:55 Cori :O

19:55 kerigan_smh I hope AZ changes her mind for Callie

19:55 palex_4_ever im soooo sad

19:55 spashley4evr Hopefully...

19:55 superbutterfly7 .... i still can't believe arizona doesn't want kids.

19:55 sweetbalm i'm going to cry myself to sleep tonight

19:55 saffinity (Jade) kerigan - Not FOR Callie..

19:55 saffinity (Jade) But because OF Callie

19:55 Cori Woah....

19:55 strandedinaber :(

19:55 greyfan55 arizona would make such a great mother though

19:55 jeepy91 oh ****, ya know, they're showing the parallel here

19:55 laurenxx3 my heart is literally pounding right now...

19:55 jeepy91 **** **** ****

19:55 superbutterfly7 @grey agreed!!

19:55 jeepy91 now I'm getting nervous about M/C

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19:55 djrach are they gonna be back on?

19:55 saffinity (Jade) Aw, Mark 

19:55 Kitty I was all for that Calzona scene until Arizona busted Callie's happy future bubble

19:55 kerigan_smh agreed Saff 

19:55 djrach how much go to

19:55 saffinity (Jade) :)

19:55 mak62184 now i feel like i must continue the fanfic i'm writing

19:55 wolfie259 hahah

19:55 LexieRobbins[Alexa] think about it guys! the no kids thing isnt gopod but like Callie said:

they are a strong sane couple & so they will figure it out. DON'T STRESS YALL! LMAO

19:55 wolfie259 omg

19:55 sweetbalm dude i work in peds and plenty of people who work in peds have kids!i am so

NOT buying this, esp not from AZ.

19:55 Cori hahaha

19:55 kicks_316 AND little sloan coming back.

19:55 sunsets4mysoul i forgot about the date...

19:55 savache27 yeah, when she was being all happy I could see it coming

19:56 superbutterfly7 @lexie too late

19:56 strandedinaber Bailey stop it...

19:56 greyfan55 this is going to be awkward

19:56 idk___345 omgogmogmogmg

19:56 LexieRobbins[Alexa] @superbutterfly lol i love u for that! lol

19:56 jeepy91 and to think, chandra directed all this

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19:56 saffinity (Jade) sweet - I get it. The worry, the tiny coffins.. Etc. But yeah, they might get

over it. Or they'll work past it. Either way it might be ok 

19:56 savache27 I dunno why, but I've always kinda thought AZ might not want kids

19:56 idk___345 okay, i dont like you arizona atm >:|

19:56 sandyb78 ha ha ha

19:56 superbutterfly7 lol its true everyone is flippin out. i think it'll eventually wrok out

19:56 kerigan_smh It could be the greatest storyline ever (AZ changes for Callie) or the worst

19:56 Elyima I think it will too @super

19:57 sweetbalm i just dont like to see my callie sad!

19:57 jeepy91 might have been from that little one off comment JCap made months


19:57 sweetbalm she's too pretty to be sad

19:57 superbutterfly7 @elyima i mean ... shonda loves them together she won't just screw up the

relationship forever

19:57 LexieRobbins[Alexa] it WILL work out YALL! DZANG! Just be happy they had anotherscene together!

19:57 Kitty Oh Bailey, that's so cute!

19:57 wolfie259 oh hot damn

19:57 Cori ah

19:57 wolfie259 that's adorkable

19:57 kicks_316 Compromise remember? They'll probably do a test run with a puppy orsomething.

19:57 camteen @kerrigan most likely the worst.

19:57 savache27 it'll probably be okay eventually, but for some ppl the no kids thing is a deal


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19:57 Elyima there has to be's greys

19:57 sandyb78 i am not freakin out i love it ha ha

19:57 sally Callie shouldn't have to give up on kids though if she wants them :(

19:57 greyfan55 a million calzona fans just lost their minds!

19:57 laurenxx3 @sally, i agree

19:58 palex_4_ever and got their hearts broken

19:58 strandedinaber I'm trying not to freak out. I wanted drama. but it makes me sad to see it


19:58 saffinity (Jade) Aw, Bailey, you lovely woman :)

19:58 Kitty Whooo!

19:58 mak62184 i guess i just didn't like seeing callie sad

19:58 sweetbalm i wanna wath that scene again but i know it'll just make me sad

19:58 sandyb78 yay

19:58 LexieRobbins[Alexa] awwww!!! yayayayay

19:58 wolfie259 omg

19:58 Cori oooh

19:58 djrach Ari will come around

19:58 sweetbalm same here @mak 

19:58 idk___345 yuck 

19:58 jeepy91 go bailey!

19:58 wolfie259 bailey's first on screen passionate kiss

19:58 sweetbalm az seemed so set in her ways though

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19:58 sweetbalm she doesnt really change her mind about much

19:58 superbutterfly7 @sweet ik. she seemed like... she'd never want them. like everrr

19:58 LexieRobbins[Alexa] LMAOOOOO I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19:58 sweetbalm yeah

19:58 jeepy91 i can't believe they had never had the kid talk before

19:58 saffinity (Jade) sweet - she changed about newborns beore, might happen again

19:58 Cori lol

19:58 mak62184 and maybe she'll have to remember her speech to callie's father

19:59 savache27 we love you too, Lexie!

19:59 strandedinaber I just hope we see them talk about it...

19:59 sweetbalm indeed, one can hope

19:59 LexieRobbins[Alexa] heehee. =]

19:59 mak62184 about her father changing for her

19:59 sweetbalm she needs to BEND

19:59 Cori :O

19:59 strandedinaber oh Lexie :(

19:59 Kitty My sister says Lexie is the new Meredith

19:59 kicks_316 Jeepy, I'm not surprised they didn't have the talk. They didn't even talk about

their birthdays.

19:59 Elyima sister moment!

19:59 superbutterfly7 @kicks but az hates birthdays

19:59 LexieRobbins[Alexa] awww love this

19:59 sweetbalm the fact that they are even TALKING about kids and their future just shows

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how serious they are, so at least that's a good thing

19:59 superbutterfly7 poor lexie... i mean she really did love mark 

19:59 sandyb78 aww sister moment

19:59 strandedinaber hug her!!

19:59 Cori aww

20:00 LexieRobbins[Alexa] aww no!

20:00 laurenxx3 awe, i miss mark and lexie together

20:00 strandedinaber hug your sister woman!

20:00 sweetbalm hug her but dont kill herrrr

20:00 Cori hug time?

20:00 kerigan_smh awww that is brilliantly acted

20:00 jeepy91 aww, mer, hug her!

20:00 idk___345 hug her

20:00 kicks_316 sweetbalm, I agree it's a step forward for them.

20:00 Cori lol!

20:00 sunsets4mysoul her heart is spilling out

20:00 savache27 ugh, she could have hugged her

20:00 LexieRobbins[Alexa] oh snap!

20:00 LexieRobbins[Alexa] lol

20:00 Kitty You go Bailey!

20:00 superbutterfly7 grey's has a hugging problem.

20:00 saffinity (Jade) S**t, I feel Lexie right now

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20:00 sweetbalm wooooo baileyyyyy

20:00 bexamillion what is with people not giving hugs when the girl is crying?

20:00 Cori mhmm

20:00 savache27 thank god they faded out there

20:00 LexieRobbins[Alexa] bailey!!!

20:00 idk___345 meredith you emotionally stunted idiot

20:00 Kitty two weeks?!

20:00 sweetbalm yay bailey, boo sad for callie and lexie

20:00 Kitty No freaking way!

20:00 camteen who hugged katherine heigl at GA today?

20:00 Cori Bailey's getiting some

20:00 strandedinaber wait what 2 weeks? AGAIN?

20:00 savache27 @camteen, LOL

20:01 djrach Is there an ep next week?

20:01 sweetbalm no c/aaaaa

20:01 Cori damn it can't see it..

20:01 mak62184 that looks interesting

20:01 superbutterfly7 its a repeat

20:01 LexieRobbins[Alexa] holy crao next ep is gonna effing ROCK!

20:01 kerigan_smh Is next week going to be AZ central epi?

20:01 laurenxx3 yeah, next week is some flashforward 2 hour special

20:01 mak62184 no idea

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20:02 laurenxx3 gonna go write and angty fic (with a happy ending) now

20:02 Cori night ladies~ hasta luego~

20:02 mak62184 i'll finish my fanfic in the next two weeks, so you'll have something to read

20:02 LexieRobbins[Alexa] Bye you guys!!! Have a great nite! Love ya ALL!!! Have some

Jameson & chocolate & relax! LMAO THAT WAS IN HONOR OF DARS!'

20:02 savache27 Night Lexie

20:02 strandedinaber night all! :)

20:02 Elyima Good night fangirls!

20:02 LexieRobbins[Alexa] nite hun!

20:03 Elyima Thanks for joining us!

20:03 kicks_316 Funny, I'm actually pretty relaxed about the new development.

20:03 LexieRobbins[Alexa] nite elyima!

20:03 kicks_316 Good night guys!

20:03 Elyima Please move it to the comments
