
A Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm UsingPhase-Based Image Matching for Low-Quality

FingerprintsKoichi Ito†, Ayumi Morita†, Takafumi Aoki†, Tatsuo Higuchi‡, Hiroshi Nakajima$, and Koji Kobayashi$

† Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University,Sendai-shi 980-8579, Japan

E-mail: [email protected]‡ Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku Institute of Technology, Sendai-shi 982-8577, Japan

$ Yamatake Corporation, Isehara-shi 259-1195, Japan

Abstract— A major approach for fingerprint recognition today isto extract minutiae from fingerprint images and to perform finger-print matching based on the number of corresponding minutiaepairings. One of the most difficult problems in fingerprint recog-nition has been that the recognition performance is significantlyinfluenced by fingertip surface condition, which may vary depend-ing on environmental or personal causes. Addressing this prob-lem, this paper presents a fingerprint recognition algorithm usingphase-based image matching. The use of phase components in2D (two-dimensional) discrete Fourier transforms of fingerprintimages makes possible to achieve highly robust fingerprint recog-nition for low-quality fingerprints. Experimental evaluation usinga set of fingerprint images captured from fingertips with difficultconditions (e.g., dry fingertips, rough fingertips, allergic-skin fin-gertips) demonstrates an efficient recognition performance of theproposed algorithm compared with a typical minutiae-based algo-rithm.


Biometric authentication has been receiving extensive attentionover the past decade with increasing demands in automatedpersonal identification. Biometrics is to identify individuals us-ing physiological or behavioral characteristics, such as finger-print, face, iris, retina, palm-print, etc. Among all the biomet-ric techniques, fingerprint recognition [1] is the most popularmethod and is successfully used in many applications.

Typical fingerprint recognition methods employ feature-basedimage matching, where minutiae (i.e., ridge ending and ridgebifurcation) are extracted from the registered fingerprint imageand the input fingerprint image, and the number of correspond-ing minutiae pairings between the two images is used to recog-nize a valid fingerprint image [1]. The feature-based matchingprovides an effective way of identification for majority of peo-ple.

However, it has been known that there are a number of peo-ple whose fingerprints could not be identified by the feature-based methods due to special skin conditions, where featurepoints are hard to be extracted by image processing. The ratioof people who have such difficult fingerprints varies dependingon race, sex, age, job groupings, etc., but it is said that one tofive percentage of total population may fall into this category.

Addressing this problem, this paper proposes an efficientfingerprint recognition algorithm using phase-based image match-ing — an image matching technique using the phase compo-nents in 2D Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFTs) of given im-ages. The technique has been successfully applied to high-accuracy image registration tasks for computer vision appli-cations [2]–[4], where estimation of sub-pixel image transla-tion is a major concern. In this paper, we demonstrate that thistechnique is highly effective also for fingerprint matching (see[5] for earlier discussions on this idea). The use of Fourierphase information of fingerprint images makes possible highlyreliable fingerprint matching for low-quality fingerprints whoseminutiae are difficult to be extracted.


In this section, we introduce the principle of phase-based im-age matching using the Phase-Only Correlation (POC) func-tion (which is sometimes called the “phase-correlation func-tion”) [2]–[4]. Consider two N1×N2 images, f(n1, n2) andg(n1, n2), where we assume that the index ranges are n1 =−M1 · · ·M1 (M1 > 0) and n2 = −M2 · · ·M2 (M2 > 0)for mathematical simplicity, and hence N1 = 2M1 + 1 andN2 = 2M2 + 1. Let F (k1, k2) and G(k1, k2) denote the 2DDFTs of the two images. F (k1, k2) is given by

F (k1, k2) =∑


f(n1, n2)W k1n1N1

W k2n2N2

0-7803-9134-9/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE II-33

(a) (b) (c) (d)































Fig. 1. Example of genuine matching using the original POC function and the BLPOC function: (a) registered fingerprint imagef(n1, n2), (b) input fingerprint image g(n1, n2), (c) original POC function rfg(n1, n2) and (d) BLPOC function rK1K2

fg (n1, n2)with K1 = 34 and K2 = 63.

= AF (k1, k2)ejθF (k1,k2), (1)

where k1 = −M1 · · ·M1, k2 = −M2 · · ·M2, WN1 = e−j 2πN1 ,

WN2 = e−j 2π

N2 , and∑




.AF (k1, k2) is amplitude and θF (k1, k2) is phase. G(k1, k2) isdefined in the same way. The cross-phase spectrum RFG(k1, k2)is given by

RFG(k1, k2) =F (k1, k2)G(k1, k2)|F (k1, k2)G(k1, k2)|

= ejθ(k1,k2), (2)

where G(k1, k2) is the complex conjugate of G(k1, k2) andθ(k1, k2) denotes the phase difference θF (k1, k2)−θG(k1, k2).The POC function rfg(n1, n2) is the 2D Inverse DFT (2D IDFT)of RFG(k1, k2) and is given by

rfg(n1, n2) =1



RFG(k1, k2)W−k1n1N1


, (3)





. When two im-ages are similar, their POC function gives a distinct sharp peak.When two images are not similar, the peak drops significantly.The height of the peak gives a good similarity measure for im-age matching, and the location of the peak shows the transla-tional displacement between the images.

We modify the definition of POC function to have a BLPOC(Band-Limited Phase-Only Correlation) function dedicated tofingerprint matching tasks. The idea to improve the matchingperformance is to eliminate meaningless high frequency com-ponents in the calculation of cross-phase spectrum RFG(k1, k2)depending on the inherent frequency components of fingerprintimages [5]. Assume that the ranges of the inherent frequencyband are given by k1 = −K1 · · ·K1 and k2 = −K2 · · ·K2,where 0≤K1≤M1 and 0≤K2≤M2. Thus, the effective sizeof frequency spectrum is given by L1 = 2K1 + 1 and L2 =

2K2 + 1. The BLPOC function is given by

rK1K2fg (n1, n2) =



′RFG(k1, k2)



, (4)

where n1 = −K1 · · ·K1, n2 = −K2 · · ·K2, and∑′





. Note that the maximum value ofthe correlation peak of the BLPOC function is always normal-ized to 1 and does not depend on L1 and L2.

Figure 1 shows an example of genuine matching using theoriginal POC function rfg and the BLPOC function rK1K2

fg .The BLPOC function provides the higher correlation peak andbetter discrimination capability than that of the original POCfunction.


In this section, we propose the fingerprint recognition algo-rithm using the POC function. Figure 2 shows the flow dia-gram of the proposed fingerprint recognition algorithm. Theproposed algorithm consists of the four steps: (i) core detec-tion, (ii) rotation and displacement alignment, (iii) common re-gion extraction and (iv) fingerprint matching.(i) Core detection

This step is to detect the core of the registered fingerprintimage f(n1, n2) and the input fingerprint image g(n1, n2) inorder to align the displacement between the two images. Thecore is defined as a singular point in a fingerprint image thatexhibits the maximum ridge line curvature. The Poincare indexmethod [6] is used to detect the core in our system.(ii) Displacement and rotation alignment

We need to normalize the displacement and the rotation be-tween the registered fingerprint f(n1, n2) and the input finger-print g(n1, n2) in order to perform the high-accuracy finger-print matching.


f (n1,n2) g (n1,n2)

Core detection Core detection

Do both images

have their cores?

Displacement alignment

using the cores

Rotation alignment

Fingerprint matching

Common region extraction

Rotation alignment

Displacement alignment

using the POC function

Matching score







Fig. 2. Flow diagram of the proposed algorithm.

In the case when both fingerprint images have their cores,we first align the translational displacement between finger-print images using the position of the cores. Next, we normal-ize the rotation by using a straightforward approach as follows.We first generate a set of rotated images fθ(n1, n2) of the regis-tered fingerprint f(n1, n2) over the angular range −40◦ ≤ θ ≤40◦ with an angle spacing 1◦, where bi-cubic interpolation isemployed for image rotation. The rotation angle Θ of the in-put image relative to the registered image can be determinedby evaluating the similarity between the rotated replicas of theregistered image fθ(n1, n2) (−40◦ ≤ θ ≤ 40◦) and the inputimage g(n1, n2) using the BLPOC function.

When either f(n1, n2) or g(n1, n2) does not have its core,we first normalize the rotation by the above straightforward ap-proach. Next, we align the translational displacement betweenthe rotation-normalized image fΘ(n1, n2) and the input imageg(n1, n2). The displacement can be obtained as the peak loca-tion of the POC function between fΘ(n1, n2) and g(n1, n2).

Thus, we have normalized versions of the registered im-age and the input image, which are denoted by f ′(n1, n2) andg′(n1, n2).(iii) Common region extraction

Next step is to extract the overlapped region (intersection)of the two images f ′(n1, n2) and g′(n1, n2). This processimproves the accuracy of fingerprint matching, since the non-overlapped areas of the two images become the uncorrelatednoise components in the BLPOC function. In order to detectthe effective fingerprint areas in the registered image f ′(n1, n2)and the input image g ′(n1, n2), we examine the n1-axis projec-tion and the n2-axis projection of pixel values. Only the com-mon effective image areas, f ′′(n1, n2) and g′′(n1, n2), withthe same size are extracted for the succeeding image matchingstep.

(iv) Fingerprint matching

We calculate the BLPOC function rK1K2f ′′g′′ (n1, n2) between

the two extracted images f ′′(n1, n2) and g′′(n1, n2), and eval-uate the matching score. The BLPOC function may give mul-tiple correlation peaks due to elastic fingerprint deformation.Thus, we define the matching score between the two imagesas the sum of the highest two peaks of the BLPOC functionrK1K2f ′′g′′ (n1, n2).


This section describes a set of experiments for evaluating fin-gerprint matching performance of the proposed algorithm.

In our experiment, the database consists of impressions ob-tained from 30 subjects using a pressure sensitive sensor (BLP-100, BMF Corporation), which can capture fingerprint imagesof 256 × 384 pixels. In the captured images, 20 of subjectshave good-quality fingerprints and the remaining 10 subjectshave low-quality fingerprints due to dry fingertips (6 subjects),rough fingertips (2 subjects) and allergic-skin fingertips (2 sub-jects). Figure 3 shows some examples of fingerprint images.Thus, the test set considered here is specially designed to evalu-ate the performance of fingerprint matching under difficult con-dition. We capture 11 impressions of the right index finger forevery subject, each of which is taken at different timing. Thetotal number of fingerprint images used in this experiment is330 (30 subjects × 11 images).

We compare three different matching algorithms: (A) a typ-ical minutiae-based algorithm (which is commercially avail-able), (B) a simple POC-based algorithm [5], and (C) the pro-posed algorithm. The performance of the biometrics-basedidentification system is evaluated by the Receiver OperatingCharacteristic (ROC) curve, which illustrates the False Non-Matching Rate (FNMR) against the False Matching Rate (FMR)at different thresholds on the matching score. We first evaluatethe FNMR for all possible combinations of genuine attempts;the number of attempts is 11C2 × 30 = 1650. Next, we eval-uate the FMR for 30C2 = 435 impostor attempts, where weselect a single image (the first image) for each fingerprint andmake all the possible combinations of impostor attempts. Fig-ure 4 shows the ROC curve for the three algorithms (A)–(C).The proposed algorithm (C) exhibits significantly higher per-formance, since its ROC curve is located at lower FMR/FNMRregion than those of the minutiae-based algorithm (A) and thePOC-based algorithm (B).

The Equal Error Rate (EER) and the ZeroFMR are used tosummarize the accuracy of a verification system. The EER isdefined as the error rate where the FNMR and the FMR areequal. The ZeroFMR is defined as the lowest FNMR whereFMR=0%. Table I summarizes EER and ZeroFMR for match-ing attempts using all the fingerprints and for attempts usingonly low-quality fingerprints. In the case of using all the finger-prints, the EER of the proposed algorithm (C) is 1.90%, whilethe EER of the POC-based algorithm (B) is 3.03% and that of


(a) (b)

(c) (d)









Fig. 3. Examples of fingerprint images in the database: (a)good-quality fingerprint, (b) dry fingertip, (c) rough fingertipand (d) allergic-skin fingertip.

the minutiae-based algorithm (A) is 4.81%. In the case of us-ing only low-quality fingerprints, the EER of the proposed al-gorithm (C) is 0.00%, while the EER of POC-based algorithm(B) is 0.54% and that of the minutiae-based algorithm (A) is10.31%. As is observed in the above experiments, the pro-posed algorithm is particularly useful for verifying low-qualityfingerprints.


This paper proposed an efficient fingerprint recognition algo-rithm using the phase-based image matching. The proposedtechnique is particularly effective for verifying low-quality fin-gerprint images that could not be identified correctly by con-ventional techniques. We developed commercial fingerprintverification units for access control applications [7]. We expectthat the proposed technique is implemented in existing finger-print verification units in the near future.








0 2 4 6 8 10

FNMR (False Non-Matching Rate) [%]


R (









: (A) Minutiae-Based Algorithm

: (B) POC-Based Algorithm

: (C) Proposed Algorithm


EER = 4.81%

EER = 3.03%

Fig. 4. ROC curves and EER.

TABLE I. ZeroFMR and EER for matching attempts usingall the fingerprints and for matching attempts using only low-quality fingerprints.

All Fingerprints Low-Quality Fingerprints(30 subjects × 11 images) (10 subjects × 11 images)ZeroFMR EER ZeroFMR EER

(A) 8.12% 4.81% 13.64% 10.31%(B) 7.09% 3.03% 0.54% 0.54%(C) 2.42% 1.90% 0.00% 0.00%

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[6] M. Kawagoe and A. Tojo, “Fingerprint pattern classifica-tion,” Pattern Recognition, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 295–303,1984.

[7] Products using phase-based image matching. [Online].Available:

