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I don’t know that old man.

I don’t know most of the old men.

I don’t have an old boat.

I won’t live on an old boat.

I hope I won’t have to live on an old boat.

I told Sam that I won’t live on an old boat.

I know that the cat won’t live on the boat.

I won’t give Sam an old boat.

I won’t go to the show with Tom.

I won’t go to the show with Jill.

 Jill won’t go to the show with Sam.

I told Sam that I won’t go to the show with him.

B1 Sentence Chains - Unit 1

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B1 Sentence Chains - Unit 2

I found the best house in town.

I found the best mouse in town.

I found out how to get the best mouse in town.

I found out how to get the last mouse in town.

 The cat found out how to get the last mouse.

Now the cat knows how to get the last mouse.

Now the cat goes down the road to get the last mouse.

 The cat went into our house when he found the mouse.

When did our cat go into the house?

Which cat went into our house?

Which cat found the mouse?

Our cat got the mouse.

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 This cat is three years old.

Sam told me that this cat is three years old.

 The three year old cat has been happy in the old house.

 These kids have been happy in the old house.

 These kids have been happy here.

 These kids found a mouse here.

 These kids found a mouse here last year.

 The kids can’t see the mouse here.

I don’t know when the kids will see the mouse.

I told each of the kids to meet me here to see the mouse.

I will be happy to tell each of the kids to meet me here.

Mom told me that she can see the mouse here.

B1 Sentence Chains - Unit 3

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 Tom and Sam are out in the rain.

 Tom said that he will play a game with Sam in the rain.

Mom said that Jill can play that game with Tom and Sam in the rain.

 Jill, Sam, and Tom came in to make a cake at eight o’clock.

 They are happy that they made a cake at eight o’clock that day.

 They ate part of the cake in a day.

 They are happy that they ate part of the cake in a day.

 They said that they will give the rest of the cake to eight kids.

 The said that on the next day they will make a play.

 The eight kids will be in the play with them.

Each of them will have a big part in the play.

It will be eight o’clock when they show the play to Mom.

B1 Sentence Chaiins - Unit 4

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B1 Sentence Chains - Unit 5

Some of the children didn’t know where to go.

Some of the children didn’t know how to get here from Tom’s house.

 The children’ didn’t like what was in there.

 The children loved what was in there.

Eight of the children loved what was in there.

Eight of the children loved to come in there.

Eight of the children must come home now.

Some of the children must come home now.

Some of the children can come to my house.

 The children went from my house to Tom’s house.

 The children ate some of the pancakes.

 The children made some of the pancakes.

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B1 Sentence Chains - Unit 6

Her children didn’t know where to work.

Her children didn’t know the rst word.

Her son didn’t know the rst word.

Her son didn’t know that the rst game was over.

Her son didn’t know that the rst show was over.

Her son didn’t know where the other children were.

Mom turned around, but she didn’t say a word.

Mom turned around when the children spoke to her.

 At rst Mom didn’t see where the other children were working.

 At rst Mom didn’t see that the children were near.

 At rst Mom didn’t know that the children were near the house.

Mom didn’t know that the children came over to work.

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B1 Sentence Chains - Unit 8

Do you know who just jumped into the pool?

Is it true that Sam jumped into the pool?

Does Sam know the new kid who just jumped into the pool?

Does Sam know the new kid who just came into school?

Do you know the new kid who just came into school?

 The new kid got into the blue car.

Do you know the new kid who just got into the blue car?

Is it true that you know the new kid who just got into the blue car?

Is it true that the teacher gave the new kid too much homework?

Did the teacher give you too much homework?

Did the teacher give you homework from the blue book?

Do you know if the new kid did the homework from the blue book?

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 Tom and Sam came to my house last night.

 Tom and Sam like to stay at my house at night.

I don’t know why Tom and Sam like to stay at my house at night.

I don’t know why the time goes by so fast.

I will write to Tom to ask him to stay at my house.

I will write to Sam to ask him to say at my house.

I wrote to Tom and Sam to ask them to stay at my house.

I need a light to write to Tom and Sam at night.

I like to write with a light at night.

I don’t have the time to write to Sam.

Why don’t I have the time to write to Sam?

Why didn’t Sam write to me last night?

B1 Sentence Chains - Unit 10

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B1 Sentence Chains - Unit 11

 All of the children saw us playing ball.

 All of the children will walk to the park to play ball with us.

 Those children are always talking about playing ball with us at the park.

 Tom called me to tell me he also wants to play ball at the park.

 Tom called me to tell me that he also was going to the park to play ball.

 Tom called me to talk about playing ball at the park.

 Tom talks about going to the park to play ball all the time.

 Tom also wants to go to the park to play ball after school.

Sam saw Tom playing ball at the park after school.

 The children always saw Tom playing ball at the park after school.

 Tom also wants to walk to the park to play ball after school.

When I go for a walk in the park, I always see Tom playing ball.

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B1 Sentence Chains - Unit 12

 The boys made a lot of noise when they played with the new toys.

 The boys enjoy making a lot of noise when they play with these toys.

 The girls want to join the boys.

 The boys point out that the girls might spoil the game.

 The girls made so much noise that the boys were amazed.

 The girls point out that they know how to play with these toys.

 The girls won’t spoil the fun.

 They want to enjoy playing with the toys too.

So the boys let the girls join them.

 The boys and girls both made a lot of noise when they played with the toys.

 The children enjoy making a lot of noise.

 They know that the point of playing with toys is to have a lot of fun.