  • 8/12/2019 Activ Si Pract 03 FINAL NEW


    Reeaua Local a Pactului Global

    din Republica Moldova:



  • 8/12/2019 Activ Si Pract 03 FINAL NEW


    1Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Reeaua Local a Pactului Globaldin Republica Moldova:


    Ultimii ani au fost marcai de creterea contiinei companiilor referitor la rolul lor n dezvoltar-

    ea social a Republicii Moldova. Ca rezultat, tot mai multe companii au aderat la iniiativaPactului Global i la procesul de constituire a Reelei Pactului Global din Moldova. n primul ande activitate Reeaua Local a oferit un cadru valoros pentru comunicarea ntre companiilemembre ale acestuia i pentru organizarea de diverse activiti de instruire n cadrul Reelei.

    Acest Raport i propune s treac n revist asemenea activitile desfurate n cadrul Reelei,precum i s elucideze profilurile companiilor membre ale Reelei n materie de Responsabili-tate Social Corporativ.

    1. Pactul Global n Republica Moldova

    Reeaua Local a Pactului Global a fost lansat n Moldova la 28 noiembrie 2006,

    n cadrul unei festiviti la care au participat reprezentanii oficiali ai instituiilor de

    stat, membrii comunitilor academice i ONG-urilor, mass-media i lideri ai medi-

    ului de faceri local. Reeaua Local a PG este alctuit din 14 ntreprinderi naionale imultinaionale de diferite dimensiuni. Aceste companii au aderat la principiile univer-

    sale privind protecia drepturilor omului, standardelor muncii i mediului nconjurtor

    garantnd respectarea i promovarea responsabilitii sociale n cadrul comunitii


    2. Membrii Reelei Locale

    Reeaua Local a Pactului Global (RLPG) este compus din 14 companii care au aderat iniialla Reea: Moldcell, Bioprotect, Milestii Mici, Union Fenosa, Covoare-Ungheni, Moldova-Agro-

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    2 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    inbank, Tatra-Bis, Rompetrol, Orange Moldova (ex-Voxtel), Acorex-Wine, Efes-Vitanta, Arhi-

    coni-group, SunCommunications, Endava.n 2007, la reea au aderat alte dou companii, majorndu-se astfel numrul membrilorreelei:

    Global Phoning Company companie din Moldova (sectorul comunicaii), specializat

    n furnizarea serviciilor de comunicare, consulting i management.

    Millennium Group companie din Moldova (sectorul investiii i consulting)

    3. Ateliere de lucru i training-uri organizate n cadrul Pactului Global:

    11 iulie 2007 Atelier de lucru pe Raportarea Non-financiar

    Atelierul dat a fost organizat cu scopul de a face cunoscut membrilor Reelei Locale scriereaRaportului Non-financiar. Atelierul a fost desfurat prin utilizarea metodei de simulare a scri-erii unui Raport real, focusat pe activitatea unei Companii participante la lucrrile acestui

    Atelier. Graie acestor activiti participanii:1) au fcut cunotin cu Iniiativa Raportrii Globale i legtura acesteia cu PactulGlobal;

    2) au nvat despre evoluia Raportrii Non-finaciar i trsturile ei; 3) au obinutinformaie cu privire la cele mai importante forme de raportare non-finaciar: Acount-Ability (AA) 1000 certificare i verificare i Comunicarea asupra Progresului n cadrulPG (CAP);

    4) au aplicat n practic cunotinele despre raportarea non-financiar prin utilizaremetodelor de lucru n grup i a manierei practice.

    Scopul major al acestor activiti prevedea obinerea de ctre companiile participante la ate-lier a unor cunotine i aptitudini utile care s i ajute la scrierea raportului non-financiar.

    12 aprilie 2007 Atelier de lucru pe Aspecte de munc privitor Responsabilitatea

    Social Corporativ

    Atelierul dat a avut drept scop prezentarea legturii dintre bunele practici de manage-ment i Standardele Internaionale n domeniul Muncii. De asemenea, participanii au avutposibilitatea s exploreze modalitile prin care mbuntirea n domeniul muncii la nivel

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    3Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    internaional poate duce la atingerea unui capital social i a unei retenii a angajailor maibune. n decursul lucrrilor Atelierului reprezentanii companiilor membre ale Reelei: 1) audiscutat despre valoarea standardelor internaionale n domeniul muncii destinate stabilirii

    ncrederii dintre lucrtori i manageri, n baza dialogului social; 2) au obinut informaii privitorla comportamentul i atitudinea pe care companiile trebuie s le manifeste fa de lucrtoriiinfectai cu HIV/SIDA privind instituirea unor criterii non-descriminatorii i non-restrictive

    n politicile de angajare din domeniul de afaceri; 3) au primit materiale despre standardeleinternaionale n domeniul muncii. Acest Atelier a oferit companiilor posibilitatea de a nvamai multe despre capitalul social i uman, relaia manager-lucrtor i punctele de legtura

    dintre Organizaia Internaional a Muncii i principiile RSC prin intermediul unor studii decaz ilustrative i discuii profunde i relevante.

    31 octombrie 2006 - Training pentru jurnalitii locali privind reflectarea n mass - me-

    dia a subiectelor despre RSC.

    Acest training a fost organizat pentru jurnalitii locali interesai de subiectele ce in de PactulGlobal (PG) i Responsabilitate Social Corporativ (RSC) i implicaia lor asupra comunitiide business din Moldova i societii n ansamblu. Principalul scop al training-ului a fost oferi-

    rea unei viziuni integrale i detaliate privind Programul PG pentru a obine o nelegere buni o reflectare corect a acestor subiecte din partea jurnalitilor. Datorit acestor activitiparticipanii: 1) au nvat despre prioritile Naiunilor Unite orientate spre consolidareacooperrii cu sectorul privat; 2) au obinut informaie integral despre iniiativa PactuluiGlobal lansat de ctre Naiunile Unite; 3) au fost informai despre Programul ONU privindCreterea Durabil a Afacerilor pentru Reducerea Srciei i scopul acestuia de a intra n con-exiune cu sectorul privat; 4) au exersat scrierea non-publicitar a articolelor despre aciunile

    de RSC realizate de comunitatea de afaceri. La acest training jurnalitii au nvat s scriearticole pe teme de RSC ntr-un mod corespunztor i adecvat.

    5. Publicaii i evenimente referitoare la actvitatea RLPG

    Studiu pe Standardele muncii n Republica Moldova (2007)

    Scopul central al studiului a fost de a identifica problemele cu care se confrunt companiilen ce privete relaiile lor cu proprii angajai, relaia dintre angajatori i angajai, metode dereglementare a problemelor care se ntmpl lucrtorilor n cadrul ntreprinderii i lacunele

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    4 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    din legislaia naional privitor la standardele din domeniul muncii. Pentru realizarea acestui

    studiu au fost chestionate 55 de companii din Moldova. Acest studiu descrie starea manage-mentului resurselor umane din perspective macroeconomice, regionale i locale, lund nconsideraie importana contribuiei acestuia la calitatea procesului de luare a deciziilor (deci-sion making). Recomandrile acestui studiu includ propuneri i idei att pentru reprezentaniimediului de afaceri, ct i pentru autoriti n ceea ce privete optimizarea i mbuntirea

    ntregului sistem care rspunde de producia i managementul resurselor umane.


    Percepia RSC n cadrul Reelei Locale a PG

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    5Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn Responsabilitatea Social

    Corporativ (RSC) pentru Compania Dvs.?

    ... grij pentru respectarea drepturilor i stan-dardelor de munc pentru fiecare angajat,tendina de a oferi fiecrui salariat o remuner-are onorabil pentru munca depus; efortul deprotejare i regenerare a mediului ambiant; neadmiterea utilizrii muncii copiilor; angajarean realizarea de aciuni de sprijinire a categori-ilor social - vulnerabile de ceteni i susinereainiiativelor de consolidare a societii civile.

    Cum este perceput RSC n mediul de afaceri din

    Republica Moldova?

    Diferit, dar se atest o atenie sporit fa deacest subiect att din partea patronilor anga-jatori ct i din partea altor categorii: asociaiipatronale, structuri guvernamentale, angajai.

    BIOPROTECTDirector Strele Valeriu

    Persoan de contact Strele Valeriu

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22) 214 110/ 214114

    E-mail [email protected]; [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate

    Importul i comercializarea produselorde uz fitosanitar, semine,

    mijloace de protecie individual,inventar agricol . a.

    Ce practici de RSC i modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizate de Compania Dvs. n

    activitatea de afaceri?

    Nu se admite nclcarea drepturilor angajailorla asociere i revendicarea drepturilor sale carein de standardele de munc sau drepturile uni-versale ale omului. Nu se admite exploatareamuncii copiilor. Nu se admit acte de corupie.

    De ce Compania Dvs. este responsabil social


    Noi facem tot posibilul pentru a avea o atitu-dine responsabil att fa de angajaii com-paniei ct i fa de societate n ansamblu nvirtutea practicilor descrise n punctele ante-rioare.

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    6 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Care sunt avantajele rezultate din implementarea

    practicilor de RSC n viziunea Companiei Dvs.? Datorit RSC colectivul de angajai ai com-paniei devine mai solidar i mai respon-sabil; crete nivelul imaginii ntreprinderii npercepia partenerilor, care au mai mare n-credere n potenialul creativ i productiv alcompaniei; apare o percepere a stabilitiisocial-economice care permite proiectarea i

    implementarea afacerilor de durat cu evitareariscurilor de perturbaii i explozii sociale.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt Compania Dvs. n

    procesul de realizare a RSC?

    Nu exist obstacole. Este necesar perceperea

    importanei temei i voina de implementare acelor 10 principii ale RSC.

    Ce propuneri are Compania Dvs. referitor

    la promovarea mai eficient i mai intens

    a RSC n mediul de afaceri i n societate

    per ansamblu?

    Popularizarea mai insistent a principiilor RSC

    att n mediul ntreprinderilor i societii civilect i n mediul autoritilor publice de toatenivelurile prin intermediul mijloacelor mass-media, prezentrilor, seminarelor. Descriereaexemplelor reuite de implementare a princi-piilor RSC n cadrul reelei PG n Moldova dar in alte ri. Lrgirea reelei PG n Moldova.

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    7Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn Responsabilitatea Social

    Corporativ (RSC) pentru Compania Dvs.?

    RSC constituie o parte component a strat-egiei de activitate i dezvoltare a companieiMOLDCELL, susinut i promovat de con-ducerea companiei i ncorporat la nivel deprocese operaionale interne i externe. RSCeste inerent deciziilor i operaiunilor pe carele ia/ntreprinde compania pentru a avea unimpact pozitiv asupra mediului nconjurtor,societii, comunitii, tuturor grupurilor im-portante angajai, acionari, clieni, mass-media, organisme internaionale, instituiiguvernamentale Considerm c business-ul trebuie s fie unul responsabil: deopotrivoferim servicii i produse de cea mai naltcalitate, implementm tehnologii avansate,suntem unul dintre cei mai buni angajatori pepiaa i lum parte activ la viaa comunitii,

    implicndu-ne activ i susinnd numeroaseproiecte sociale si culturale ale Moldovei.

    MOLDCELLDirector Yusuf Baykan

    Persoan de contact Rodica Verbeniuc

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22) 206206, (+373 22) 206110/206207

    E-mail [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate Telecomunicaii

    Cum este perceput RSC n mediul de afaceri

    din Republica Moldova?

    Cel mai des, doar companiile multinaionaleposed percepia RSC drept o noiune complet,cu impact interior i exterior. Frecvent, compa-niile locale percep RSC doar drept o aciune defilantropie, presupunnd oferirea suportului fi-nanciar pentru anumite proiecte. Odat cu lan-sarea reelei locale a Pactului Global, credem cva evolua i se va promova conceptul complexde RSC, oferind posibilitate companiilor locale

    s se concentreze i asupra proceselor internede management, modului de operare, vor acor-da atenie transparenei n afaceri, respectriidrepturilor angajailor etc.

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    8 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce practici de RSC i modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizate de Compania Dvs.

    n activitatea de afaceri?

    Moldcell instituionalizeaz i integreaz valo-rile RSC n operaiunile cotidiene ale companiei.Timp de 7 ani, Moldcell a iniiat i susinut maibine de 100 proiecte sociale i culturale, in-vestind cu precdere n copiii Moldovei i nvalorificarea tezaurului cultural al rii.

    Care sunt avantajele rezultate din implementareapracticilor de RSC n viziunea Companiei Dvs.?

    Prin practicile RSC, companiile i maximizeazbeneficiile, mbuntindu-i indicii finan-ciari, optimizeaz procesele interne defuncionare precum managementul i comu-nicarea intern i extern, contribuie la pro-

    movarea unui business sntos, corect i ncondiii de maxim transparen, contracarndfenomenul corupiei, manifestat sub diverseaspecte i nivele, contribuie la mbuntirea imeninerea reputaiei companiei, opereaz nbaza unor standarde internaionale de calitate,are un impact pozitiv asupra economiei rii,ajut la reducerea srciei i susine pturile

    vulnerabile ale societii, promoveaz imag-inea rii drept o ar cu un climat investiionalfavorabil etc.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt Compania Dvs.

    n procesul de realizare a RSC?

    Cele mai stringente obstacole sunt ambiguita-tea cadrului legal; situaia economic instabil;birocraia; lipsa partenerilor calificai; tratareaincorect de ctre mass media a termenilor depublicitate i proiectelor RSC, fapt care ducela cheltuirea unor resurse financiare n pluspentru informarea opiniei publice, iar agenii

    economici nu sunt stimulai n a face publicinformaia legat de RSC.

    Ce propuneri are Compania Dvs. referitor la

    promovarea mai eficient i mai intens a RSC

    n mediul de afaceri i n societate per ansamblu?

    Compania noastr propune urmtoarele msuri:stimularea companiilor RSC prin recunoaterea

    acestui statut al lor, n baza unui mecanism deaudit i control extern; promovarea RSC prinmass media: agende TV, forum TV, interviuri

    n presa scris cu ilustrarea unor exemple desucces; instituirea unui indice/premiu RSC carese va oferi n mod public i va fi recunoscut dectre autoritile locale; organizarea training-urilor n RSC pentru mass media, ncepnd de laorganismele regulatorii i de control, n vedereaintroducerii unor modificri n legislaia desprepublicitate i informare n mas.

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    9Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn Responsabilitatea Social

    Corporativ (RSC) pentru Compania Dvs.?

    Ca i pentru multe ntreprinderi de talie mediedin Moldova, RSC este un concept nou, ca met-odologie de implementare. n linii mari, ns,

    ARHICONI-GRUP deja de muli ani tinde s adoptepractici corecte de operare, care s nu afectezen mod negativ drepturile angajailor, mediulnconjurtor i, nu n ultimul rnd, s nu pro-moveze sau s nu sprijine fenomenul corupiei

    Cum este perceput RSC n mediul de afaceri

    din Republica Moldova?

    Intuitiv, companiile recunosc ideea RSC, ns,dup prerea ARHICONI-GRUP, aceasta nc nueste instituionalizat. Aciunile care se ntre-prind i care au relevan fa de RSC deseoriau un caracter sporadic, nefcnd parte dintr-un sistem clar elaborat i aprobat. De aceea, arfi necesar o instruire a reprezentanilor ntre-prinderilor vizate, pentru ca acestea s aib ladispoziie nite instrumente de gestionare clarecare s le permit aplicarea msurilor de RSC n

    activitatea lor de zi cu zi.

    ARHICONI-GRUPDirector Radu Eremciuc

    Persoan de contact Cristina Ciobanu

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22) 404717/310348

    E-mail [email protected]; [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitateArhitectur, construcii, design, mobil.

    Ce practici de RSC i modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizate de Compania Dvs.

    n activitatea de afaceri?

    n prezent, ARHICONI-GRUP trece printr-unproces de reorganizare, n cadrul cruia se

    atrage o deosebit atenie crerii unor unitide implementare i monitorizare a aspectelorrelevante pentru RSC. Astfel, sectorul de ges-tionare a resurselor umane are drept scop dez-voltarea continu a angajailor i protejareaintereselor lor; sectorul de control al calitiivizeaz, printre altele, monitorizarea mitigriiefectelor activitilor companiei asupra me-diului nconjurtor, precum i inofensivitatea

    serviciilor pentru consumatori (fiind vorbade servicii n domeniul construciilor primor-dial); sectorul de dezvoltare strategic i prac-tici financiare urmrete cu rigoare adoptareaunor politici anti-coruptive, orientate ctretransparena i corectitudinea n afaceri.

    De ce Compania Dvs. este responsabil social

    corporativ?A fi responsabil social corporativ nseamna fi civilizat i a fi contient de consecinele

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    10 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    aciunilor ntreprinse, indiferent de dome-niul de activitate. ARHICONI-GRUP recunoate

    importana efectelor operaiunilor desfurateasupra comunitii n care opereaz, asupramediului, asupra angajailor i partenerilor si.Deoarece aceste efecte, n final, vor avea reper-cusiuni i asupra bunstrii i durabilitii ntre-prinderii. Pe parcursul elaborrii noilor proiectei activiti, ARHICONI-GRUP pune accentulpe eficacitatea i eficiena tuturor lucrrilordesfurate; utilizarea raional a resurselornaturale, crearea condiiilor comode i inofen-sive de lucru pentru personalul angajat, utiliza-rea mecanismelor de verificare i monitorizarepentru asigurarea transparenei activitilor toate aceste msuri fac parte din politicageneral a ARHICONI-GRUP privind stabilireaunei conduite corporative social responsabile.

    Care sunt avantajele rezultate din implementareapracticilor de RSC n viziunea Companiei Dvs.?

    ARHICONI-GRUP consider RSC ca o activitatecontinu, un set complex de aciuni i sisteme,care s asigure permanent un mediu social re-sponsabil. Aici nu putem vorbi de nite aciuniindependente, ci de politici integrale de acti-vitate. Avantajele principale vizeaz n mareparte crearea unei culturi corporative, a unuimediu adecvat de dezvoltare pentru personal,care, n final, duce la avantaje economice pen-tru ntreprindere. n ceea ce privete aspectelede transparen n afaceri i reducerea efecteloradverse asupra mediului acestea contribuie lareputaia pozitiv a companiei, reputaie atentmonitorizat de ali parteneri i clieni, n spe-cial depeste hotare.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt Compania Dvs.

    n procesul de realizare a RSC?Punerea n practic a unor idei noi ntotdeau-na implic schimbri i ajustri, iar proceselede reorganizare i transformare aduc cu elei careva discrepane i neclariti de termenscurt. Adoptarea principiilor RSC dureaz catimp i implic adoptarea unor politici la nivelcorporativ, precum i la nivel individual. nsARHICONI-GRUP este convins c acestea sunt

    obligatorii i necesare; fr asigurarea unorpractici pozitive din punct de vedere a RSC, nicio companie nu-i va putea menine o poziieputernic pe pia. De aceea, considerm ceste nevoie n continuare de perseveren ieforturi ntru implementarea continu a prac-ticilor RSC. n special, se simte necesitateade a elabora nite instrumente practice deimplementare a msurilor de RSC, pentru cantreprinderile participante s le poat imple-menta ct mai rapid i eficient (de ex. mostrede manuale pentru gestionarea personalului;regulamente i politici interne de operare; ex-emple de regulamente cu privire la mitigareaefectelor asupra mediului nconjurtor, etc.).

    Ce propuneri are Compania Dvs. referitor la

    promovarea mai eficient i mai intens a RSC nmediul de afaceri i n societate per ansamblu?

    Pentru a facilita aplicarea politicilor relevanteRSC, ntreprinderile au nevoie de nite instru-mente practice de lucru, de exemple relevanteactivitii lor, de schimb de know-how. n Mol-dova, n mod special, experien n domeniupractic nu exist, iar ntreprinderile acioneaz

    n baza propriilor principii sau elaborri, deaceea schimbul de experien cu modelele desucces este mai mult ca necesar

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    12 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    banca asigur o atitudine grijulie i raionalfa de mediul nconjurtor, sntatea i securi-

    tatea populaiei, inclusiv prin stabilirea tipurilorde activiti, pentru exercitarea crora bancanu acord credite sau alte forme de finanare.

    De ce Compania Dvs. este responsabil social


    Datorit specificului activitii financiare, unrol important n activitatea bncii l are ncre-

    derea clienilor, investitorilor i partenerilor. nacest sens, relaiile bncii cu clienii, creditorii,partenerii i reprezentanii autoritilor publicepot fi bazate doar pe principiile respectului increderii reciproce, onestitii, profesionalis-mului, transparenei i responsabilitii.

    Care sunt avantajele rezultate din implementarea

    practicilor de RSC n viziunea Companiei Dvs.?Formarea unei imagini favorabile a bncii.Formarea ncrederii n relaiile ce in de condu-cerea activitii bncii i de activitatea bncii.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt Compania Dvs.

    n procesul de realizare a RSC?

    Legislaia fiscal nefavorabil, n special n

    partea ce se refer la aciunile recunoscute cafacilitate acordat de patron i la donaiile re-cunoscute ca efectuate n scopuri de filantrop-ie. Lipsa cerinelor legale privind transparenaactivitii societilor comerciale i altor per-soane. Nivelul sczut al contiinei civice i ju-ridice a populaiei.

    Nivelul sczut al implicrii autoritilor publicen educaia civic i juridic a populaiei.

    Ce propuneri are Compania Dvs. referitor la

    promovarea mai eficient i mai intens a RSC n

    mediul de afaceri i n societate per ansamblu?

    Stabilirea unor cerine legale, egale pentru toatesocietile comerciale, privind transparenaactivitii lor. Modificarea legislaiei fiscaleaferent aciunilor recunoscute ca facilitateacordat de patron i donaiilor recunoscuteca efectuate n scopuri de filantropie. Ridi-

    carea nivelului de educaie civic i juridic apopulaiei.

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    13Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn Responsabilitatea Social

    Corporativ (RSC) pentru Compania Dvs.?

    Abordarea noastr este s oferim oportuniti

    de dezvoltare pentru fiecare angajat al nostrui s-i oferim toate resursele necesare pentrua fi productiv i satisfcut la locul de munc.Noi promovm o politic de includere a fami-liilor i comunitilor angajailor notri, astfelca s asigurm un echilibru emoional pentruangajai.

    Cum este perceput RSC n mediul de afaceri dinRepublica Moldova?

    Responsabilitatea social este o funcie aproductivitii i profitabilitii ntreprinderilor.Odat ce compania a realizat un anumit nivelde dezvoltare, ea ncepe s aloce mai multeresurse pentru programe i iniiative sociale.Aceast logic a responsabilitii sociale se


    MILLENNIUM GROUPDirector Dorin Recean

    Persoan de contact Dorin Recean

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22) 223419

    E-mail [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate Managementul activelor

    observ la majoritatea companiilor din Repub-lica Moldova. Sectorul privat nelege foartebine importana responsabilitii sociale iprivete aceasta ca un contract social cu ben-eficii mutuale (pentru comunitate i pentru n-treprindere).

    Ce practici de RSC i modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizate de Compania Dvs. n

    activitatea de afaceri?

    Companiile noastre practic urmtoarele:

    finanarea programelor de dezvoltare comu-nitar n localitile de reedin (participm lareparaia colilor, grdinielor, altor obiectivede menire social-cultural); finanarea con-tractelor de studii; organizarea sau finanareadiferitor activiti social-culturale (concerte,prezentri, altele).

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    14 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    De ce Compania Dvs. este responsabil social


    nelegem c acesta este unicul model de dez-voltare durabil. Chiar dac tehnologiile suntfoarte importante n afaceri i productivitateaafacerilor depinde tot mai mult i mai mult detehnologii, omul i inteligena lui devin criticen acest caz. De aceea, responsabilitatea socialnu este pur i simplu o binefacere, ci tot mai

    mult devine parte component a modeluluide afaceri.

    Care sunt avantajele rezultate din implementarea

    practicilor de RSC n viziunea Companiei Dvs.?

    n primul rnd, aceasta crete loialitateaangajailor i a membrilor familiilor lor i chiar acomunitii. De asemenea, RSC este un indica-

    tor bun al succesului ntreprinderii n afacereade baz.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt Compania Dvs.

    n procesul de realizare a RSC?

    Nu exist obstacole n acest sens. Ne dorim sfim mai productivi, pentru a putea contribuimai mult.

    Ce propuneri are Compania Dvs. referitor la

    promovarea mai eficient i mai intens a RSC

    n mediul de afaceri i n societate per ansamblu?

    Cred c mediul de afaceri simte ntotdeau-na responsabilitatea social pe care o are.Problema poate fi n decizia de a contribui.n aceast situaie, cu ct compania este maiproductiv i mai profitabil, cu att mai uori este s decid asupra contribuiei la rezolva-rea problemelor sociale, ecologice, etc. Astfel,politicile publice trebuie s se concentreze asu-

    pra productivitii instituiilor publice i a celorprivate.

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    15Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn Responsabilitatea Social

    Corporativ (RSC) pentru Compania Dvs.?

    Responsabilitatea sociala nseamn pentruSunCommunications respectarea unor stan-

    darde de etica in afaceri, apropierea de co-munitate, contribuia la dezvoltarea acesteiaprin tehnologia si experiena de care dispune,meninerea unui dialog deschis cu toi partene-rii cu care interacioneaz de la clieni, angajai,furnizori, comunitate si pana la acionari si or-ganismele statului.

    Cum este perceput RSC n mediul de afaceri dinRepublica Moldova?

    Experiena reala n domeniu a companiilormoldoveneti este mult mai mic dect suntemtentai s credem. RSC a devenit n ultimul anun buzz word, dar adevrul este c nelesulexpresiei se limiteaz pentru muli din cei carel utilizeaz la caritate. Programele corporatistede CSR trebuie bazate pe criterii clare de eligi-bilitate i de evaluare. Dac programele de CSR

    SUNCOMMUNICATIONSDirector John Maxemchuk

    Persoan de contact Rodica Cotus

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22)737056/737129

    E-mail [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate Telecomunicaii

    se adreseaz comunitii, ns nu rspund ne-voilor acesteia, n-au nici un viitor.

    Ce practici de RSC i modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizate de Compania Dvs. n

    activitatea de afaceri?

    La moment Compania noastr implementeazcteva proiecte sociale. Noi ne axm n modprioritar pe generaia viitoare (SunSchools, Vi-nerea nsorit, instalarea i reparaia locurilorde agrement i de joac pentru copii).

    De ce Compania Dvs. este responsabil social


    Atunci cnd o companie (fie ea o com-panie mare multinaional sau una mic careopereaz doar ntr-o ar sau o regiune) se po-arta precum un cetean responsabil social, eai poate influena reputaia i felul n care esteea vzut de ctre publicul int.

    O cercetare efectuat de APCO arat c treiptrimi dintre respondeni au afirmat c au

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    16 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    achiziionat produse sau servicii ca rspuns latiri pozitive despre responsabilitatea social

    a companiei. Conform datelor din The Cone/ Rope Cause-Related Marketing Trends Re-port, 81% dintre consumatori spun c atuncicnd preul i calitatea sunt identice prefer saleag un produs/serviciu cu care poate asociao cauz nobil.

    Care sunt avantajele rezultate din implementarea

    practicilor de RSC n viziunea Companiei Dvs.?Compania noastr urmrete urmtoareleavantaje: mbuntirea reputaiei companiei;consolidarea imaginii unei mrci; identificareasituaiilor de risc i managementul conflictului;recrutarea personalului, precum i motivareai fidelizarea acestuia; relaiile cu investitorii iaccesul la capital; nvarea i inovarea; com-

    petitivitatea i poziionarea pe piaa; eficienaoperaional.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt Compania Dvs.

    n procesul de realizare a RSC?

    Mass-media din Moldova este rezervatatunci cnd trebuie s scrie despre activiticaritabile, punnd sub semnul ntrebrii acest

    gest. nc mai domin percepia c surselemedia vinde tirea negativ mult mai bine,iar caritatea nu este un subiect prea intere-sant. nc mai exist cazuri n care jurnalistulscrie despre un program social, menioneazorganizaia non-guvernamental partener,

    dar nu menioneaz compania care susine n-treg programul. Poate ei cred c corporaiile au

    destui bani pentru a-i cumpra propria pub-licitate. Noi credem c aceste probleme suntlegate de percepie i se vor rezolva printr-undialog permanent cu presa i ctigarea ncre-derii acesteia.

    Ce propuneri are Compania Dvs. referitor la

    promovarea mai eficient i mai intens a RSC n

    mediul de afaceri i n societate per ansamblu?Ca strategie de management etic, RSC vizeaztoate cele patru dimensiuni ale impactului uneiafaceri: piaa, adic acionarii i partenerii deafaceri ai companiei, consumatorii, furnizorii,distribuitorii, clienii, creditorii; locul de munc,adic angajaii i sindicatele; comunitilelocale i mediul. Este important, ca atare, cafirmele s cunoasc i s in seama de impact-ul activitii lor asupra tuturor celor patru zone.De aici importana comunicrii i transparenein RSC. Pe de o parte, companiile trebuie sgseasc modaliti prin care s interacionezecu grupurile afectate, de la acionari i angajai,pn la consumatori i comuniti locale. Pede alt parte, firmele trebuie s i creeze in-strumente prin care s ofere acestor grupuriinformaii privitoare la impactul social i demediu al aciunilor i strategiilor lor.

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    17Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn RSC pentru Compania Dvs.?

    Pentru compania noastr atribuirea RSCnseamn n primul rnd respectarea CoduluiMuncii n aa fel nct i angajatului s-i fie cre-ate toate condiiile de munc.

    Cum este perceputa RSC in mediul de afaceri din RM?

    Este adevrat c companiile nu atrag atenieacestui fenomen, aa zis. RSC este ceva nplus pentru care trebuie s ai mijloace finan-ciare suplimentare. De obicei , companiile nuau acest buget. n viitor , odat cu dezvoltareaeconomiei, companiile vor fi stabile din punct

    de vedere financiar i credem c, acestui capi-tol i se va acorda o mai mare important.


    Director Emilian Dzugas

    Persoan de contact Tatiana Lazar

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22) 271692/272914

    E-mail [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate Turism i organizareade evenimente (event marketing)

    Ce practici de RSC si modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizeze de Compania Dvs. in

    activitatea de afaceri?

    Printre practicile de RSC se numr achita-rea cheltuielilor sociale i asigurarea medicalpentru angajaii companiei noastre; oferireacondiiilor necesare pentru creterea profe-sional (instruiri i delegaii de serviciu; oferi-rea unor condiii excelente de munc; oferireaunei motivaii financiare n funcie de rezul-tatele obinute la locul de munc.

    De ce Compania Dvs. este responsabil social

    corporativ?Suntemsiguri c cheltuielile suplimentare leg-ate de suportul social sunt pentru companie oreal investiie, deci investim n personalul caremuncete pentru noi.

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    18 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Care sunt avantajele rezultate din implementarea

    practicilor de RSC in viziunea companiei Dvs.?

    Avantajele pentru angajai includ: posibili-tatea de avansare profesional, activarea ncondiii de munc perfecte, asigurarea sociali medical. Avantaje pentru companie -angajai motivai drept garanie sigur pentrudezvoltarea durabil a companiei.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt compania Dvs.

    n procesul de realizare a RSC?

    Nu putem spune c ne ciocnim de mari ob-stacole. Nivelul de implementare depinde deposibilitile noastre, deci mai exact de situaiafinanciar a companiei. Deoarece companianoastr e mic, posibilitile noastre compara-tiv cu alte companii sunt mai limitate.

    Ce propuneri are Compania Dvs. referitor la

    promovarea mai eficient i mai intens a RSC n

    mediul de afaceri i n societate per ansamblu?

    Pentru a schimba atitudinea companiilorfa de RSC sunt necesare anumite modificrin legislaia n vigoare (Codul muncii, fiscali-tate) i promovarea avantajelor RSC n rndulangajailor. Muli nu tiu sau nu vd care ar fiavantajele i continu s munceasc n condiii

    nefavorabile de munc.

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    19Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn Responsabilitatea Social

    Corporativ (RSC) pentru Compania Dvs.?

    UNION FENOSA este o ntreprindere cu tradiiei merite recunoscute pentru promovarea uneigestiuni i activiti socialmente responsabile.n Spania i n toate rile unde ntreprindereanoastr i desfoar activitatea, se acordo atenie deosebit activitii armonizate cuinteresele i ateptrile tuturor prilor inte-resate, i gestiunii bazate pe valorile corpora-

    tive i orientate spre dezvoltarea durabil aafacerilor, spre creterea bunstrii angajailori societii n care activm. Activitatea com-paniei n Moldova este aliniat la acelai modelde gestiune socialmente responsabil. Pentruntreprinderile UNION FENOSA responsabili-tatea social corporativ nseamn aplicarea ngestiune a bunelor practici, a bunei guvernri,

    crearea pentru angajai a condiiilor favora-bile pentru munc i cretere profesional,

    UNION FENOSAN MOLDOVADirector Carlos Gonzlez Smano

    Persoan de contact Silvia Radu

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22) 431655/431675

    E-mail [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate Sectorul energetic

    precum i contribuia la dezvoltarea durabila societii, prin prestarea unui serviciu decalitate, i prin orientarea eforturilor spre pro-

    movarea politicilor de protecie a mediuluiambiant i susinere social. RSC este pentrunoi un stil de gestiune integrat n cultura com-paniei la toate nivelele de angajai. Companianoastr se ghideaz n activitatea sa de un Codde conduit pentru angajai.

    Cum este perceput RSC n mediul de afaceri din

    Republica Moldova?Dei RSC nu este nc o tradiie n mediul deafaceri din Moldova, n ultimul timp tot maimulte companii ncep s implementeze prac-tici de RSC n activitatea lor, realiznd ca fra manifesta responsabilitate fa de societate,de clieni, de angajai, o companie nu se poatedezvolta suficient, la fel ca i societatea n care


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    21Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn Responsabilitatea Social

    Corporativ (RSC) pentru Compania Dvs.?

    Dup prerea noastr ResponsabilitateaSocial Corporativ cuprinde un spectru largde eforturi i activiti clare orientate printr-oasisten fezabil ntru crearea unor condiii so-cial-economice favorabile pentru toi cetenii,coninnd, de asemenea, responsabilitateacolectiv pentru impactul ulterior al deciziilorluate n prezent, care se reflect n funcie de

    problemele politice, economice, culturale iecologice existente.

    Cum este perceput RSC n mediul de afaceri din

    Republica Moldova?

    RSC este vzut ca o iniiativ binevenit ceurmeaz s fie dezvoltat i consolidat cueforturi comune.

    Director Yaakov Tichman

    Persoan de contact Oleg Calin

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22) 403207/473965

    E-mail [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate FMCG

    Ce practici de RSC i modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizate de Compania Dvs. n

    activitatea de afaceri?

    Responsabilitatea social intern reprezint oprioritate absolut pentru Compania noastr.Nu orice Companie poate s se mndreasc cuun numr de proiecte sociale similar cu cel re-alizate de ctre noi. Noi am organizat propriulnostru Centru de traumatologie i Camer pen-tru tratamente, sal de for i recent am re-

    echipat cantina (la care mncarea este oferitgratis). De asemenea, noi facem totul pentru amenine un nivel adecvat al salariului, condiiide munc i dezvoltare profesional pentruangajai (Efes Vitanta susine financiar stu-diile superioare pentru angajaii si). Totodat,noi suntem o parte component a societii nu putem s ignorm necesitile acesteia.

    Uneori ne ciocnim cu cazuri de nemulumiredin partea angajailor, care consider c banii


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    22 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    cheltuii pentru proiecte sociale ar fi trebuit sfie folosii pentru acordarea primelor. n afar

    de aceasta, obiectivul Companie noastre esteobinerea unor condiii mai bune de dezvoltarenu numai pentru angajaii notri, dar i pentrutoi cetenii.

    Ce practici de RSC i modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizate de Compania Dvs.

    n activitatea de afaceri?

    Compania noastr a desfurat numero-ase activiti n materie de ResponsabilitateSocial Corporativ precum: participarea laorganizarea i realizarea a unor evenimente so-ciale semnificative (srbtorirea Zilei Oraului,Ziua Internaional a Proteciei Copilului, Rockfestival); participarea la proiecte de restaurarei renovare a monumentelor arhitecturale i

    culturale (Mnstirea Curci); acordarea uneiasistene filantropice pentru grupuri de per-soane social vulnerabile (orfelinate, organizaiipentru persoane cu dizabiliti); sponsoriza-rea unor numeroase evenimente sportive ia Comitetului Olimpic Naional; dezvoltareaactiv a politicii sociale interne n favoarea pro-priilor angajai.

    Care sunt avantajele rezultate din implementarea

    practicilor de RSC n viziunea Companiei Dvs.?

    Este evident faptul c o singur companienu este n stare s realizeze schimbri radicalepentru ar, de aceea noi sperm c efortu-rile comune din cadrul Reelei Locale a PG vorsoluiona aceast problem. Noi suntem ct sepoate de competeni n ce privete standardelede practicare (gestionare) a afacerilor, n timp

    ce parteneriatul n realizarea proiectelor socia-le, n primul rnd orientate pentru ncurajareageneraiei tinere, este mai binevenit.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt Compania Dvs.

    n procesul de realizare a RSC?

    Cteva dificulti se refer la validarea legalspecific asistenei filantropice.

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    23Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn RSC pentru Compania DVS.?

    Responsabilitatea social corporativ reprezintasumarea de ctre ntreprinderi a respectriistandardelor sociale dar i a responsabilitii

    n faa angajailor ct i n faa investitorilor,consumatorilor, comunitilor locale etc. RSCeste angajamentul companiei de a participa lao dezvoltare economic durabil, la susinereasocietii n ansamblu i la mbuntireacalitii vieii.

    Cum este perceput in mediul de afaceri RSC

    din Moldova?Cu prere de ru RSC n Moldova este privitdeseori ca o obligaiune dar nu ca un voluntar-iat. n acest sens ar fi oportuna adoptarea uneilegi cu privire la RSC care ar impune ageniieconomici care genereaz venit s practiceaciuni de RSC.

    Director Bruno Duthoit

    Persoan de contact Victoria Mustea

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22) 575010/575026

    E-mail [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate Telecomunicaii

    Ce practici de RSC si modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizate de Compania DVS.

    n activitatea de afaceri?

    n activitatea companiei sunt practicate mai

    multe activiti de RSC ce in de domeniilesusinerii tineretului, copiilor cu handicap, dez-voltarea regional. Unele proiecte sunt real-izate n comun cu alte companii.

    De ce compania DVS. este responsabila

    social corporativ?

    Transformrile sociale i economice accelerate

    la nivel global impun corporaiile s schimbemodelul de gndire, astfel nct afacerile suntconstruite nu doar exclusiv n baza nevoilor iateptrilor consumatorilor dar i rspunderiiprin performane care s reflecte valorile, in-teresele i ateptrile societii. Astfel, unul dinobiectivele companie este de a participa activla dezvoltarea economic durabil a rii.


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    24 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    5.Care sunt avantajele rezultate din

    implementarea practicilor de RSC?

    Avantajele sunt contribuia la dezvoltarea so-ciala si economic; mbuntirea imaginii rii;facilitarea dialogului cu autoritile publicecentrale i locale.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt Compania DVS. n

    procesul de realizare a RSC?

    Lipsa unor asociaii obteti care ar asigura obun gestionare i organizare, transparen ngestionarea fondurilor pentru RSC.

    Ce propuneri are compania DVS. referitor la

    promovarea mai eficient i mai intens a RSC

    n mediul de afaceri si n societate?

    Adoptarea unei legi care ar stipula procen-tul fix de alocare a sumelor din venit pentruRSC, n dependen de suma venitului, elabo-rarea unor proiecte comune mpreun cu altecompanii i cu structurile statale, promovareaintens a importanei RSC n mass-media.

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    25Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn Responsabilitatea Social

    Corporativ (RSC) pentru Compania Dvs.?

    Reprezint unul din principiile de baz alecompaniei, ce se manifest n responsabili-

    tatea noastr fa de angajai i membrii lorde familie, n comunitile locale, n zonele deactivitate, aciuni de binefacere implementatecu suportul programelor educaionale, ale co-piilor cu dizabiliti etc.

    Cum este perceput RSC n mediul de afaceri

    din Republica Moldova?

    Este la un stadiu incipient prin promovareaei de ctre un numr mic de companii localei strine. Sunt puine companii despre careputem spune c se preocup de RSC.

    Director Ion Sturza

    Persoan de contact Elena Moroan

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22) 233959/233950

    E-mail [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate Distribuie en-gros i retail

    de produse petroliere: motorin, benzin, LPG.

    Ce practici de RSC i modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizate de Compania Dvs.

    n activitatea de afaceri?

    Susinem Fundaia Junior Achievement

    Moldova prin programele sale de educaieeconomic i antreprenorial pentru a dez-volta un model economic de gndire. Com-pania noastr, de asemenea, sprijin Asociaiapentru Politic Extern, o echip format dintineri profesioniti, care realizeaz cercetri

    n domeniul politicii externe, integrrii euro-pene, securitii i conflictului transnistrean;

    public i distribuie digest-uri sptmnale alematerialelor analitice cu privire la integrareaeuropean i procesul de reglementare a con-flictului transnistrean. Pe lng aceasta, con-tribuim la sponsorizarea Asociaiei Dorinadin or. Clrai, care i desfoar activitatean vederea proteciei copiilor cu handicapfizic i a prevenirii instituionalizrii acestora iintegrrii lor n societate.


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    26 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    De ce Compania Dvs. este responsabil social


    Este credo al acionarilor companiei i estespecific pentru o companie care se vedemodern.

    Care sunt avantajele rezultate din implementarea

    practicilor de RSC n viziunea Companiei Dvs.?

    Graie RSC ntreprinderea a realizat un im-pact asupra zeci de mii de copii n procesuleducaional . De asemenea, a fost posibil sconvingem comunitile cu privire la inteniilenoastre pozitive fa de acestea.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt Compania Dvs.

    n procesul de realizare a RSC?

    Lipsa de tradiii n domeniul dat.

    Ce propuneri are Compania Dvs. referitor la

    promovarea mai eficient i mai intens a RSC n

    mediul de afaceri i n societate per ansamblu?

    Va fi nevoie de o mai mare insisten n prom-ovarea RSC, att la nivel general, ct i cu fiec-

    are agent economic n parte.

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    27Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Ce nseamn Responsabilitatea Social

    Corporativ (RSC) pentru Compania Dvs.?

    RSC pentru compania noastr nseamn: condi-

    ii adecvate de munc a angajailor i respec-tarea drepturilor la odihn i perfecionare;remunerarea adecvat i stimularea pentru re-zultatele eficiente, respectarea cerinelor tehni-ce privind protecia mediului ambiant;

    Ce practici de RSC i modele de implementare

    a acestora sunt utilizate de Compania Dvs. n

    activitatea de afaceri?susinerea btrnilor, caselorde copii, a copi-ilor cu handicap; angajarea n cmpul munciia tinerilor specialiti; sponsorizarea proiectelorsociale; susinerea ntre companiile membreale U Acvila Grup.


    UNGHENI SADirector Rotaru Andrei

    Persoan de contact Cebanenco Elena

    Telefon/Fax (+373 236) 29300/ 23168

    E-mail [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate Industria uoar

    De ce Compania Dvs. este responsabil social


    Altfel nu poate fi.

    Care sunt avantajele rezultate din implementarea

    practicilor de RSC n viziunea Companiei Dvs.?

    colectiv bine consolidat; specialiti calificai.

    Cu ce obstacole se confrunt Compania Dvs.

    n procesul de realizare a RSC?

    Principalul obstacol este corupia.

    Ce propuneri are Compania Dvs. referitor la

    promovarea mai eficient i mai intens a RSC n

    mediul de afaceri i n societate per ansamblu?

    Implementarea tehnologiilor ecologic compa-

    tibile; susinerea micului business.

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    28 Reeaua Local a Pactului Global din Republica Moldova: Activiti i Practici

    Cum este perceput RSC n mediul de afaceri din

    Republica Moldova?

    RSC pentru compania noastr are drept scop

    asigurarea unor condiii de lucru i de via de-cente pentru angajaii ntreprinderii, creterealor profesional, n acelai timp oferind sprijincopiilor i altor categorii de persoane nevo-iae.

    S CVC MILETIIMICIDirector Mihail Maciuc

    Persoan de contact Rodica Jalb

    Telefon/Fax (+373 22) 382777

    E-mail [email protected]


    Domeniu de activitate Sectorul vinicol

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    29Local Global Compact Network in Moldova: Activities & Practices

    Local Global Compact

    Network in Moldova:ACTIVITIES &PRACTICES

    Recent years have been marked by a growing awareness among businesses of their social role

    in the development of Moldovan society. This awareness eventually resulted in a group of Mol-

    dovan companies joining a Global Compact Initiative and establishing the Local Global Com-pact Network in Moldova. In the first year of activity the Local Network provided a valuable

    venue for communication between the members, also providing training for the Networks

    members. The following report summarizes the activities undertaken within the Network and

    provides CSR-profiles of the Networks members.

    1. UN Global Compact in Moldova

    The Local Global Compact Network was launched in Moldova on November 28, 2006,

    with the participation of offi cial representatives of state institutions, the academic

    community and NGOs, mass-media and business leaders. At its launch the GC Net-

    work included 14 national and multinational enterprises of varying sizes. These com-

    panies signed up to the universal principals of protection of human rights, labour

    and environment standards guaranteeing social responsibility within the Moldovan


    2. Members of the local network

    Initially the Local GC Network (LGCN) was composed of 14 member companies: Moldcell,Bioprotect, Milestii Mici, Union Fenosa, Covoare-Ungheni, Moldova-Agroinbank, Tatra-Bis,Rompetrol, Orange Moldova (ex-Voxtel), Acorex-Wine, Efes-Vitanta, Arhiconi-group, Sun-

    Communications, Endava.


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    30 Local Global Compact Network in Moldova: Activities & Practices

    In 2007 two more companies joined the LGCN:

    Global Phoning Company Moldovan Company (communication sector), engaged

    in providing communication, consulting and management services.

    Millennium Group Moldovan Company (investment and consulting sector)

    3. Local Global Compact workshops and trainings:

    October 31, 2006 - Training for Local Journalists on covering CSR issues.

    The training focused on local journalists interested in Global Compact (GC) and CorporateSocial Responsibility (CSR) and their implications for the Moldovan business community andsociety at large. The main aim of the training was to provide a full and detailed overview ofthe GC Initiative in order to ensure a better understanding and a more accurate commentaryon these issues by journalists. As a consequence of the training the participants:

    1) learned about UN priorities to strengthen cooperation with the private sector;

    2) received full information about the Global Compact initiative launched by the UN;

    3) were given detailed information on the UN Programme on Growing Sustainable

    Business for Poverty Reductionand its intention to link up with the private sector;

    4) were trained in writing journalistic non-commercial articles about CSR activities

    undertaken by businesses.

    April 12, 2007 Workshop on Labour aspects of CSR

    The workshop aim was to demonstrate to participating companies the link between goodmanagement practices and International Labour Standards. Also, participants were able toexplore the ways improvement of labour standards can lead an enterprise to improve socialcapital and enjoy better relations with its employees. During the workshop the companies:1) discussed the value of international labour standards for building trust between workersand managers on the basis of social dialogue; 2) were informed on the correct treatment ofissues related to HIV/AIDS infected workers regarding in terms of non-discriminatory and


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    31Local Global Compact Network in Moldova: Activities & Practices

    non-restrictive criteria contained in the corporate hiring policy; 3) received materials regard-ing international labour standards.

    This workshop offered companies the opportunity to learn more about social and humancapital, manager-worker relationship and points of connection between labour standardsand CSR principles by means of illustrative case studies and deep, relevant discussions.

    July 11, 2007 Workshop on Non-financial reporting

    The workshop was organized on behalf of the LGCNs members in order to introduce them toNon-financial reportingwriting.

    The workshop was conducted in a simulation format which entailed putting the participantsinto a situation where they had to immediately put together a COP Report focused on thecompany presented during the workshop. Thanks to this activity the participants:

    1) learned about the Global Reporting Initiative and its connection with the GlobalCompact;

    2) were informed on non-financial reporting evolution and its characteristics;

    3) learned about the most important non-financial forms of reporting: AcountAbility (AA) 1000 certification and verification and GC Communication on Prog-

    ress (COP);

    4) put their acquired knowledge of non-financial reporting into immediate, practicaluse through group activities.

    The major aim of these activities consisted of providing companies with the useful skills andknowledge to support them in dealing with non-financial reporting.

    5. Publications related to LGCNs activity

    Study on Labour Standards in Moldova (2007)

    The main aim of the study was to identify the problems that companies face regarding theirrelationship with their own employees, relations between employers and employees, meth-

    ods of resolving employer-employee problems within companies and the limitations of na-

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    32 Local Global Compact Network in Moldova: Activities & Practices

    tional legislation in terms of labour standards. For this study 55 Moldovan companies werequestioned. This research explores the management of human resources from the macroeco-

    nomic, regional and local perspectives taking into account the importance of its contributionto the quality of the decision making process within companies. The recommendations ofthis study include proposals and ideas both for business and authorities regarding the opti-mization and improving the whole system of human resources management and training.

    6. CSR-profiles of the companies

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    33Local Global Compact Network in Moldova: Activities & Practices

    What does CSR mean for your company?

    Respect for employees human rights and la-bour standards, ensuring decent salaries forthe work performed; efforts to protect the en-

    vironment; the exclusion of child labour; en-gagement in actions supporting the sociallyvulnerable categories of the population andsustaining the initiatives of civil society con-solidation.

    How is CSR perceived by the Moldovan business


    Opinions differ but today more and more at-tention is paid to this issue by the stakehold-ers: employers associations, governmentalstructures and employees.

    BIOPROTECTCEO Strelets Valeriu

    Contact person Strelets Valeriu

    Telephone/Fax (+373 22) 214 110/ 214114

    E-mail [email protected]; [email protected]


    IndustryImportation and commercialization

    of phytosanitary products, seeds,means of individual protection,

    agricultural inventory etc.

    What kind of CSR practices and models of their

    implementation does your Company use in its

    business activity?

    Our Company does not permit the violation

    of employees rights and fights for the protec-tion of labour standards and universal humanrights principles. It does not accept the exploi-tation of child labour. It does not tolerate anycorrupt dealings.

    In what way is your Company socially


    We work hard to maintain a responsible atti-tude both towards companys employees andthe society as a whole based on the practicesalready mentioned.

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    Local Global Compact Network in Moldova: Activities & Practices

    Which advantages could the implementation

    of CSR practices bring to your company?

    Thanks to the implementation of CSR prac-tices our employees are more socially respon-sible; the companys image is improving in theeyes of partners as they gain more confidencein its creative and productive potential; a per-ception of socio-economic stability is emerg-ing, thus allowing for the implementation of asustainable business which excludes the risksof social disturbance.

    What obstacles does your Company face

    in the process of CSR realization?

    There are no major obstacles. The most im-portant factor is to perceive the significant roleof this issue and to demonstrate the desire toimplement CSRs 10 principles.

    What suggestions does your Company have

    regarding more efficient and active promotion

    of CSR in business environment and in thesociety as a whole?

    The popularization of CSR principles withinthe business community, civil society and pub-lic authorities could be done through mass-me-dia, public presentations and seminars. Also,this requires the presentation of best practices

    referring to the implementation of CSR prin-ciples within the Moldovan Local GC Networkand in other countries. In addition promotingCSR can be realized by enlarging the Networkof the GC in Moldova.

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    Local Global Compact Network in Moldova: Activities & Practices

    What does CSR mean for your company?

    CSR represents an essential part of the activ-ity and development strategy of MOLDCELL. Itis supported and promoted by the companys

    management and incorporated at the level ofinternal and external operational processes.CSR is inherent to the decisions and opera-tions undertaken by the company in order toachieve a positive impact upon the environ-ment, society, community and all importantgroups employees, shareholders, clients,mass media, international and governmental

    institutions. We consider that business has tobe responsible: in equal measure, we providebest quality services and products, implementadvanced technologies. We are one of the em-ployers of choice on the market and take anactive part in community life through our in-volvement in and support for numerous socialand cultural projects in Moldova.

    MOLDCELLCEO Yusuf Baykan

    Contact person Rodica Verbeniuc

    Telephone/Fax (+373 22) 206206,(+373 22) 206110/206207

    E-mail [email protected]


    Industry Telecommunications

    How is CSR perceived by the Moldovan business


    In general, only multinational companieshave an ample understanding of CSR. Quite

    often, local companies tend to perceive CSRas a form of charity that implies providing fi-nancial support for certain projects. Alongwith the launch of the local Global Compactnetwork, we believe that the complex conceptof CSR will evolve and be promoted which willenable local companies to concentrate upontheir internal management processes, opera-

    tion methods, and draw attention to businesstransparency, respect for employee rights, etc.

    What kind of CSR practices and implementation

    models does your Company use in its business


    Moldcell institutionalizes and integrates alarge variety of CSR values into the companys

    daily operations. During the last 7 years, Mold-

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    cell has initiated and supported over 100 socialand cultural projects, predominantly investing

    in Moldovan children and bringing value to thecountrys diverse cultural offerings.

    Which advantages could the implementation

    of CSR practices bring to your company?

    Through CSR practices, the company maxi-mizes its advantages by improving financialperformance. It optimizes internal operational

    and management processes, internal and ex-ternal communication; contributes to the pro-motion of a healthy and correct business envi-ronment with maximum transparency, resistsand exposes all forms of corruption, contrib-utes to the improvement and maintenance ofthe companys reputation, operates based oninternational quality standards, has a positive

    impact upon the countrys economy, helps toreduce poverty and supports vulnerable layersof society, promotes the image of the countryas one with a favourable investment climateetc.

    What obstacles does your Company face

    in the process of CSR realization?

    The most stringent difficulties are: the ambi-guity of the legal framework; the unstable eco-nomic situation; bureaucracy; lack of skilledpartners; incorrect approach of the mass me-dia to CSR projects which results in spendingextra funds informing public opinion, whereascompanies have not direct need to make infor-mation related to CSR public.

    What suggestions does your Company have

    regarding a more efficient and active promotion

    of CSR in business environment and in the

    society as a whole?

    Our company proposes the following mea-sures: stimulation of socially responsible com-

    panies by recognizing their respective statusbased on an external audit and controllingmechanism; promotion of CSR through massmedia; TV agendas and forums, interviews inthe press with the description of successfulexamples; establishment of a CSR index/awardthat will be offered publicly and will be recog-nized by local authorities; organization of CSR

    trainings for mass media, starting from regula-tory and controlling organs, introducing cer-tain modifications in the legislation related topublicity and mass information.

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    What does CSR mean for your company?

    As with many other medium-sized companiesCSR is a new concept for us. However, in broad-er terms for many years, our Company has beenaiming to adopt proper practices of operationwhich do not affect negatively on employeesrights, the environment, and last but not leastdo not support any corruption practices.

    How is CSR perceived by the Moldovan business


    Intuitively, the companies acknowledge theidea of CSR, but from our companys point ofview CSR is not institutionalized yet. The ac-tions initiated regarding CSR sometimes have asporadic character and do not belong to a wellelaborated and approved system. Therefore,the respective companies must be trained andhave an understanding about the right toolsof administration that will allow them to carryCSR principles into daily practice.


    CEO Radu Eremciuc

    Contact person Cristina Ciobanu

    Telephone/Fax (+373 22) 404717/310348

    E-mail [email protected]; [email protected]


    Industry Architecture, constructions, design, furneture.

    What kind of CSR practices and models of their

    implementation does your Company use in its

    business activity?

    At the moment our Company has started itsreorganization giving a major priority to the

    creation of units charged with implementa-tion and monitoring activities related to CSR.Therefore, the HR Department aims to ensurecontinuous development of employees andprotection of their interests. Our quality controldepartment monitors the mitigation of effectscaused by the company to the environment,and minimises the negative impact of services

    carried out for customers (especially construc-tion services). The department for strategic de-velopment and financial practices rigorouslyfollows the adoption of anticorruption policiesoriented towards transparency in business op-erations.

    In what ways is your Company socially responsible?

    For a company to be socially responsiblemeans to be civilized and conscious of out-

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    comes determined by your companys opera-tions irrespective of the sphere of activity. Our

    Company recognizes the consequences its op-erations can produce in the community, envi-ronment, employees and partners. Therefore,Arhiconi-Group emphasizes effectiveness andefficiency of its operations, the rational use ofnatural resources, setting up comfortable andnon-offensive labour conditions, and the utili-sation of mechanisms for the verification and

    monitoring of transparency of our operations.All these measures are included into the gen-eral policy of the Company regarding the es-tablishment of corporate socially responsiblebehaviour.

    Which advantages could the implementation

    of CSR practices bring to your company?

    Our Company considers that CSR is a continu-ous activity, a set of complex actions and sys-tems which can permanently ensure a sociallyresponsible environment. These actions mustnot be individual in nature but an integratedpolicy of activity. Major advantages are thecreation of a corporate culture, an adequatelydeveloped environment for employees that in

    the end will bring economic advantages for theenterprise. In terms of increased transparencyin business affairs and reducing adverse effectson the environment, the initiative could con-tribute to the positive image of the company.

    What obstacles does your Company face

    in the process of CSR realization?

    Generally, putting into practice new ideas al-ways involves changes and adjustments, a pro-cess of reorganization and transformation aswell as bringing some discrepancies and con-fusion in the short term. The adoption of CSRprinciples takes time and envisages the imple-mentation of policies at the corporate level,and at the individual level as well. However,

    our company is convinced that these actionsare both compulsory and necessary otherwiseno company will be able to keep a strong po-sition on the market. Therefore, our companythinks that it is necessary to maintain our ef-forts to continuously implement CSR practices.It is especially necessary to elaborate practicaltools for implementing CSR in order to ensure

    their fast and efficient use by companies (forexample: guidebook for personal administra-tion, rules and policies of internal operations,templates of regulations referring to the miti-gation of effects over the environment, etc.)

    What suggestions does your Company have

    regarding more efficient and active promotion

    of CSR in business environment and in the societyas a whole?

    To facilitate the implementation of relevantCSR policies the companies need some practi-cal tools, relevant examples of activities, know-how exchange. In Moldova, for example, thereis almost no practical experience in this field,and the enterprises follow their own principles

    and strategies. Therefore an exchange of expe-rience with models of success is necessary.

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    What does CSR mean for your company?

    It means unconditional respect for the legalrequirements and standards of business ethicsthat are common for all elements of business

    affairs relationships; contributions to the wel-fare and economic growth of the communitywithin which our bank operates; safeguardinghealth and security, insuring labour stability,building and maintaining a positive image ofthe bank amongst own shareholders, businesspartners, customers and workers, and to main-tain trust in relation to all our banking opera-

    tions. How is CSR perceived by the Moldovan business


    Unfortunately CSR is known only by compa-nies that have majority shareholders or busi-ness partners from abroad. At the same time,the majority of these companies perceive CSR

    as actions of charity and sponsorship.


    AGROINDBANKCEO Natalia Vrabie

    Contact person Eugeniu Josan; Tamara Cavalgiu

    Telephone/Fax (+373 22) 22 80 58

    E-mail [email protected]


    Industry Banking sector

    What kind of CSR practices and models of their

    implementation does your Company use in its

    business activity?

    Our bank is supporting social responsibility to

    the community through advanced and efficientdelivery of our services. Also, we maintain rela-tions with local and national authorities andforeign partners by means of full and dynamiccollaboration and a transparency that doesnot compromise the independence and eco-nomic interests of the bank. The bank activelyparticipates in the examination of legislative

    and normative drafts in order to improve thefinancial sector and other sectors significantfor economic and social prosperity of our soci-ety. Moreover, the bank is encouraging educa-tional, cultural and social initiatives oriented topromote personal development and improvelife standards, realizing actions of philanthropyand sponsorship of different dimensions. Also,

    the bank is fighting against corruption and il-

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    legal actions in connection with banking op-erations. The bank pays careful attention to

    the environment and populations security viaestablishment of types of activities for whichcredits or other forms of financial support areoffered.

    Why is your Company socially responsible?

    Due to the specific character of financial ac-tivities we focus attention on clients, investors

    and partners confidence. That is why the bankbuilds its relations on the basis of reciprocalrespect and trust, honesty, professionalism,transparency and responsibility.

    Which advantages could the implementation

    of CSR practices bring to your company?

    The major advantages consist of a better im-

    age of the bank, building trust towards thebanking operations governance and other ac-tivities of our bank.

    What obstacles does your Company face

    in the process of CSR realization?

    One of the obstacles is unfavourable fiscallegislation which is related to actions of spon-

    sorship considered by the national legislationas facilitation, and donations which are viewed

    as initiatives of philanthropy. The next obstacleis a lack of legal requirements concerning thetransparency of activity of companies and per-sons. The third obstacle is the low level of civicand juridical conscience of the population. An-other barrier is the low level of involvement ofpublic authorities in the civic and juridical edu-cation of the population.

    What suggestions does your Company haveregarding more efficient and active promotion

    of CSR in business community and in the

    society as a whole?

    We suggest the need to set up legal require-ments common for all companies regardingthe transparency of their activity. Also, we

    propose to make modifications to the fiscallegislation regarding the actions qualified asfacilitation offered by the employer and thedonations considered to have philanthropicgoals. Finally, we emphasize the necessity toincrease the level of civic and juridical educa-tion of the population.

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    Which advantages could the implementation

    of CSR practices bring to your company?

    Firstly, CSR increases the level of loyaltythrough employees and members of theirfamily, and even the community. Also, CSR is agood indicator of business success.

    What obstacles does your Company face

    in the process of CSR realization?

    There are no obstacles. But we would like to

    offer a more productive contribution to CSRdevelopment.

    What suggestions does your Company have

    regarding more efficient and ctive promotion

    of CSR in business community and in the societyas a whole?

    We think that the business community has agood understanding of social responsibility.The main problem is caused by the capacity tocontribute. In this case, the more profitable andproductive a company is, the easier it will be totake a decision on contributing to the solutionof social and ecologic problems etc. Therefore,public policies must be concentrated on theproductivity of public and private institutions.

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    What does CSR mean for your company?

    For our company CSR means the respecting ofethic standards within business, closeness tocommunity, maintaining open dialogue with

    customers, employees, suppliers, the commu-nity, shareholders and state representatives.

    How is CSR perceived by the Moldovan business


    Practical experience of Moldovan companiesin this field is much more limited than we tendto think. During the last year CSR became a

    buzz word, but the truth is that this expres-sion is used by the majority in connection withcharity. For this reason, the corporative pro-grams of CSR must be based on clear criteria ofeligibility and evaluation. If the CSR programsare oriented to the community, but do not meettheir need, then they will have no future.


    Contact person Rodica Cotus

    Telephone/Fax (+373 22)737056/737129

    E-mail [email protected]


    Industry Telecommunications

    What kind of CSR practices and models of their

    implementation does your Company use in its

    business activity?

    At the moment, we are initiating some social

    projects. We mostly put emphasis on the nextgeneration (Sun Schools, Sunny Friday instal-lations and repair of areas for childrens recre-ation and amusement)

    Why is your Company socially responsible?

    When a company has a socially responsiblebehaviour (both a multinational company

    and a small one) it can influence its reputationand public attitude towards it. The researchperformed by APCO shows that three of fourrespondents that are using products and ser-vices of a company are responsive to its posi-tive social responsibility. According to the dataoffered by The Cone / Rope Cause-Related Mar-keting Trends Report, 81 % of customers chose

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    the company which pursues noble causeswhen the price and quality of its products are

    similar to those of other companies. Which advantages could the implementation of

    CSR practices bring to your company?

    Our company aims at the following advantag-es: the improvement of the companys reputa-tion; strengthening of the companys brand;identification of risky situations and conflict

    management; personnel hiring, as well as per-sonnel motivation and retention; building ofrelations with investors and access to capital;learning and innovation; competitiveness andgood positioning on the market; operationalefficiency.

    What obstacles does your Company face in the

    process of CSR realization?

    Moldovan mass-media is stand-offish to chari-table actions realized by companies, doubtingthe good will of the companies. It is still oftenthought that bad news is much easier to sell,while charity is not such an interesting subject.There are still cases when journalists report onsocial programs writing about partner NGOs,

    while omitting all mention of the companywhich supports this project. Maybe they thinkthat corporations have enough money to en-sure publicity. We think that this problem isexplained by perception and will be solvedthrough permanent and trust-winning dia-logue with mass-media.

    What suggestions does your Company have

    regarding more efficient and active promotion of

    CSR in business community and in the society asa whole?

    As a strategy of ethical management CSR aimsat four dimensions of business impact: market,namely shareholders and partners of the com-pany, consumers, suppliers, customers andcreditors; labour place, namely employees andtrade-unions; local communities and environ-ment. It is very important for firms to know andto take care of the impact of their operationstaking into consideration all four dimensions.That is why communication and transparencyconcerning CSR are so significant. From onepoint of view, the companies must find a con-venient way to interact with affected groups,from shareholders and employees to consum-ers and local communities. From another pointof view, firms must create suitable tools to givethem useful information about social and en-vironmental impact caused by companies op-erations and strategies.

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    What does CSR mean for your company?

    For our company it firstly means respecting theLabour Code so that the employee can benefitfrom all necessary conditions of labour.

    How is CSR perceived by the Moldovan business


    It is true that companies do not pay attentionto CSR. It is considered something additionalthat requires supplementary financial sources.Usually, company budgets do not provide forsuch costs. In the future, together with eco-nomic development companies will become

    more financially stable and therefore CSR willbecome more significant for them.

    What kind of CSR practices and models of their

    implementation does your Company use in its

    business activity?

    These practices include: the payment for allsocial expenses and medical insurance; provid-

    ing possibilities for professional development


    CEO Emilian Dzugas

    Contact person Tatiana Lazar

    Telephone/Fax (+373 22) 271692/272914

    E-mail [email protected]


    Industry Tourism and event marketing

    (trainings and different delegations to work);providing excellent labour conditions; provid-ing financial motivation according to the re-sults achieved at working place.

    Why does your Company possess corporate social

    responsibility?We are sure that additional costs related to so-cial support are a real investment in our com-pany, therefore we are investing in our person-nel which work for us.

    Which advantages could the implementation of

    CSR practices bring to your company?The advantages for employees include the

    possibility for professional advance, perfect la-

    bour conditions, social and medical insurance.

    The company aims to achieve motivated em-

    ployees guaranteeing a sustainable develop-

    ment for the companys business.

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    What obstacles does your Company face

    in the process of CSR realization?

    We can not say that we are facing big obsta-cles. The level of CSR implementation dependson the financial capacity of the company. Incomparison with other companies, we are asmall enterprise that is why our possibilities aremore limited.

    What suggestions does your Company have

    regarding more efficient and active promotion

    of CSR in business community and in thesociety as a whole?

    To change companies attitude towards CSR itis necessary to introduce modifications to thecurrent legislation (Labour code, fiscal proce-dures etc.), also, to promote CSRs advantagesamongst employees. Today many employeesare not familiar with CSR and continue to workin unsuitable labour conditions.

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    What does CSR mean for your company?

    Union Fenosa is a company with traditionsand acknowledged merits for promoting social

    responsible administration and activities. InSpain and other countries where our companyis operating the emphasis is put on activitiesinvolving the interest and expectations of allstakeholders, using corporate values orientedto sustainable business development and pro-moting employees and the communitys wel-fare. The company in Moldova pursues similar

    socially responsible management. For UnionFenosa CSR means putting into action bestpractices, good governance, suitable condi-tions for labour and professional growing, aswell as contribution to durable society develop-ment through delivering high quality servicesand through our policies of environment pro-tection and social support. CSR is for us a style

    of management integrated in the companys


    Contact person Silvia Radu

    Telephone/Fax (+373 22) 431655/431675

    E-mail [email protected]


    Industry Energetic sector

    culture at all levels of employees. In this sense,our company is guiding its activity on the basisof the Code of conduct for employees.

    How is CSR perceived by the Moldovan businesscommunity?

    Although CSR is not yet a tradition within thebusiness community in Moldova, during recentyears more and more companies have startedto implement CSR practices into their activi-ties. These companies realized that without

    responsibility towards society, customers andemployees a company is not able to developsufficiently, the same is true for the communitywithin which the company s operating.

    What kind of CSR practices and models of their

    implementation does your Company use in its

    business activity?

    Union Fenosa carries out its industrial andcommercial activities from a perspective ori-

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    ented to the concept of sustainable enterprise,which besides economic interests envisagesthe realization of responsible practices in rela-tion to different groups of interest. The com-panys CSR policies, (copying the wider UnionFenosas CSR model, is based on corporate val-ues and is directed to three important dimen-sions: care for people; promotion of new ideasand environment protection (Project Day ofSolidarity, Picture of Christmas etc.).

    Why is your Company socially responsible?Because we are aware of the necessity to builda dialogue with all interested groups com-posed of employees, customers, administra-tions, civil society, in order to contribute to thesustainable development of society withoutwhich the dynamic evolution of our companysbusiness is impossible.

    Which advantages could the implementation

    of CSR practices bring to your company?

    Looking outside our company, we must stressthe advantage of increasing the quality of ser-vices to our customers, as well as regional de-velopment in the southern and central regionsof the country. Inside the company, accordingto a survey carried out amongst Union Fenosasemployees regarding the labour climate, wesee the advantage of increasing employee sat-isfaction, their feeling of stability and securitywithin the enterprise for which they are work-ing.

    What obstacles does your Company face

    in the process of CSR realization?

    One of the obstacles is the huge differencesin the development between the capital andcentral and southern regions where we are op-erating. In general, obstacles that we face aresimilar to those ofthe society we belong to.

    What suggestions does your Company have

    regarding more efficient and active promotion

    of CSR in business community and in the societyas a whole?

    We suggest that focusing international andlocal social projects towards rural regions de-velopment is possible to create better condi-tions for population in these regions and to de-crease the migration trends there. Much moreattention and concrete aid must be focused onchildren and youth from these regions. Also,we propose a closer collaboration betweenprivate companies, international organizationsand governmental structures in order to con-tribute to the community development at alllevels. A concrete project could be the consoli-dations of efforts to develop infrastructures inregions, which is closely linked with economicgrowth, business development and implicitlyincreasing life standards.

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    What does CSR mean for your company?

    For us Corporate Social Responsibility encom-passes a wide spectrum of concrete efforts andactivities, directed towards feasible assistancetowards creating favourable socio-economicconditions for all citizens, along with a com-mon responsibility for the future impact ofour present-day decisions reflected in terms ofpolitical, economic, cultural andecological is-sues.

    How is CSR perceived by the Moldovan business

    community?CSR is viewed as a welcome initiative to be de-veloped and consolidated by common effort.

    CEO Yaakov Tichman

    Contact person Oleg Calin

    Telephone/Fax (+373 22) 403207/473965

    E-mail [email protected]


    Industry FMCG

    What kind of CSR practices and models of their

    implementation does your Company use in its

    business activity?

    The unconditional first priority for our com-pany is internal social responsibility. Not everycompany can be proud of such a number ofsocial programs as ours. We have our own trau-matology centre and treatment room, a gymand recently re-equipped canteen (where freemeals are provided). Also, we do our best tokeep an adequate level of salaries, conditions

    of work and professional development of em-ployees (Efes Vitanta sponsors higher educa-tion for its employees). At the same time, weare a component part of the society and cantignore its necessities. Sometimes we face dis-content of our employees, who consider thatmoney spent for social actions should be usedfor bonuses. Yet, we have wider objective in

    mind - better development conditions for allcitizens, not just for our own employees.



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    In what ways is your Company socially


    The company develops numerous CSR activi-ties, such as: participation in the organizationand realization of socially significant events(celebration of the City Day, World Day of Chil-drens Protection, Rock festival); participationin the projects for restoration and renovationof architectural and cultural memorials (CiurciMonastery); offering philanthropic assistance

    to socio-vulnerable groups of people (orphan-ages, organizations for disabled persons);sponsoring numerous sport events and Na-tional Olympic Committee; developing activelyinternal social policy for own employees.

    Which advantages could the implementation

    of CSR practices bring to your company?

    Evidently a single company is unable to makeradical changes for the country. That is why wehope that common efforts within the frame-work of Global Compact will resolve more so-cial problems. We are fairly competent in termsof the st