
2018’s Schedule:The Year of the Perseverance

LAGOINHA FAMILY“Heirs of the Promise” visits families who

have just had a baby.


LAGOINHA INTERNATIONAL Pray for Egypt and learn the news of

Lagoinha Nations Ministry.



60 YEARS OF LAGOINHAOur church will be honored at the House

of Representatives of Belo Horizonte.



3th December 20172




The magazine ACTS TODAY is a

publication Lagoinha Baptist Church


COLLABORATORS:Samuel de Oliveira Costa, Raphael Lacerda, Operation World, Raquel Carsi, Thais Oliveira, Bruno e Renata Arruda, Regianne Rodrigues e Pr. Fernando Borja.

CIRCULATION: 21.000 exemplares

VERSIONS TRANSLATIONTRANSLATORS AND REVIEWERS:Inglês: Pastor Marlon Mata, Valéria Ghezzi, Laisa Cristina Costa, Reginaldo Lopes, Ra-quel Emerick, Ana Clara Fernandes, Anna Luiza Fuzaro, Raquel Carsi, Brenda Feres, Guilherme Guerra, Juan Carvalho, Virgínia Zulato, Wady Alves, Nathália Alcântara, Cassiano Faria, Hugo Borba, Kátia Santana, Samara Soares, Saffir D. Fernandes, Murilo Ribeiro, Gabriel Rocha, Jéssica Mota and André Fialho.Spanish: Lorrane Flores, Mônica Costa, Raquel Carsi, Rafaela Rodrigues, Sofia Vieira, Tatiane Godinho, Alessandra Barros and Rafael Maquieira.French: Pastor Marlon Mata, Nathália Alcântara, Eduardo Leite and Keylla Almeida.Mandarim: Pr. Hermes Caires.

• CONTACT THE NEWSROOM:[email protected]• BUSINESS CONTACT:Ricardo Badke (31) 98878-0012

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(31) 3486-2696


80.468By the grace of the Lord today are:




If you want to baptize or integrate to our Church, please call Lagoinha Consolidação +55 31 98489-2535

*To Receive The Lord’s Supper In Your Home,call Pastor Dilza +55 (31) 98793-1532

Lord’s Supper








Rodrigo de Assis Bento da Silva and Elisângela de Paula, December 9th (Saturday) 7:30pm Church of the Foursquare Gospel.

Gabriel Vilarino de Barros and Priscila Aparecida Veloso Fernandes, December 9th (Saturday) 5 pm Espaço Rancho e Recepção.

Guilherme Henrique Silva Martins and Jéssica Fernandes Martins, December 9th (Saturday) 7:30pm Lagoinha São Geraldo Leandro Eduardo de Oliveira Pires and Vanessa de Pinho Gontijo, December 9th (Saturday) 5:00 pm Tabernacle - Lagoinha.

Pedro Henrique da Penha and Déborah Miranda Ferreira, December 9th (Saturday) 10:00 pm Tabernacle - Lagoinha.

Serafim Júnior Trindade dos Santos and Louise Carolina Sousa, December 9th (Saturday) 6:00 pm Hall CEU - Lagoinha. Igor Maia Vieira and Verônica Rodrigues Ramalho, December 9th (Saturday) 9:00 pm Hall CEU - Lagoinha.

Adriana Lúcia dos Santos Dornas, Ana Carolina Gomes dos Santos, Anderson da Costa Dias, André Medina Lima, Arthur Ramires Maia, Athos Caetano Navarro da Silva, Barbara Alkimim Dias, Bárbara Baracho, Bernardo Guedes Antunes Silva, Bruno de Castro Bueno, Daniella Rodrigues Oliveira de Souza, Danielle Shemariah dos Santos Pereira, Emily Beatriz Barbosa Adirson, Fabiana Aparecida M. Fonseca, Gabriel Leal Furst, Gabriel Pereira de Freitas, Gabriela Froes Hoff Villar, Guilherme Antônio Cipriano, Isabela Pereira Braga Soalheiro, Isabella Rodrigues Oliveira de Souza, Isabelle Cristina Alves de Almeida, Jade Patrícia de Souza Braga, Jéssica Sette Orlandi, Joana Paula Nascimento Calaça Oliveira, João Pedro Pimenta Andrade, Jordana Pereira de Magalhães, Karla da Rocha Pimenta Andrade, Kênia da Silva Pimentel, Lafaiete Fernandes Cacique, Lavínia Vitória de Oliveira Santos, Leandro Valentim Alvares de Gouveia, Letícia Santos Moura, Lívia Jennyfer Pereira Santos Vitor, Luciana Lopes, Luíza Castro Magalhães Ferreira, Magnun Rodrigues Pereira, Marcella Castro Lima do Amaral, Márcia Aparecida da Cruz Martins, Maria Beatriz Inocência da Silva, Maria Eduarda Oliveira Mezêncio, Mariana Santos Vitor da Silva, Mateus Martins de Oliveira, Matheus Santos Vitor Melo, Matilde Alves Bandeira, Otávio Alkmim Dias, Paula Regina Costa da Silva, Paulo Ricardo Neves Santos Oliveira, Phillip Geraldo de Carvalho Souza, Priscila Emília Rosa Correia, Priscila Pâmela Abreu Teixeira, Raika Valéria Alves Jordim, Roberto Domingo Penha Flores, Rui Rafael Rocha França, Samuel Souza Santos, Sibele Cristina Alves, Solange Castro Lima, Tatiane Santos de Paula Andrade, Taynara Priscila Rodrigues Guimarães, Thiago Vinícius Ferreira Silva, Vitor Hugo de Freitas L. Nascimento e Yasmin da Silva César.

Adriana de Andrade Silva Freitas, Alexandre Nascimento Silvério, Ana Lúcia do Lino Maciel, Ana Paula Almeida Rodrigues e Almeida, Ana Paula de Carvalho Macedo, André Gomes Costa, Cátia Pereira Guedes, Daniel Lázaro dos Santos, Davidson Paulo Geraldi, Denise Gomes Faria, Eduarda Isabel Nunes Carvalho, Eduardo Ferreira Rocha, Enedina da Silva Barbosa Ramos, Francisco Pereira Ramos, Glicer Mota Sobreia, Ismael do Carmo Lopes, Ismael Rodrigues de Almeida, Jalila dos Santos, Jaqueline Fernandes da Silva, Jhennifer Lorrany Pereira Lopes, José Vieira Soares, Keila Karla Lourenço da Silva, Lavínia Viana de Souza, Letícia Rodrigues de Souza, Luciana Vieira Sousa Lopes, Luciene Batista Almeida, Luiz Gustavo de Macedo, Malu Victoria Miranda Coelho, Maria Alice Mota, Maria Alves da Silva, Maria Nadine Castro Viana, Marilda de Freitas e Silva, Marília Aparecida Andrade Peconick, Mary Helen Rodrigues Geraldi, Mary Nunes Maciel, Matheus Henrique Rodrigues, Pâmela Caroline Dias Andrade, Raiane Cristina Alves de Almeida, Renato Alves, Rodrigo Ribeiro Diogo, Rosana Mota Vieira Pereira, Sandra Aparecida Cardoso Diniz, Sandra Martins Rodrigues, Sérgio Lucas Silva Carvalho, Tamires Stefânia Sousa Silva, Tânia Almeida Gouveia Moreira, Tatiane Oliveira da Silva, Vagner da Conceição Freitas, Vanda de Jesus Gomes, Vany Aparecida Gomes Rocha, Viviane Gabriela Santos e Wallace Henrique Pimenta Rodrigues.

• Ask for prayer for your child: +55 (31)

98793-6900 - “Call Deborah”.

• To update your data: +55 (31) 3429-9570

• To transfer to our church: +55(31) 3429-

9577 / 98489-2535

• To communicate the birth of a child,

Marriage or death of relative: +55 (31) 3429-

9400 / +55 (31) 98793-2299

• Visit to the sick: +55 (31) 98577-0320.

• Telephone of Peace: +55 (31) 3429-9550.

• Pastoral House: +55 (31) 3429-9400

• Pastors on duty:

+55 (31) 98402-7156 (Man Pastor)

+55 (31) 98402-1676 (Woman Pastor)

Phones to your disposal


In addition to the fixed phone, now you can talk to the Ministry Peace Phone through your cell phone. We have numbers available on Claro, Vivo, Tim and Oi carriers. Make contact and be blessed!

On Fridays, from 11:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., in the Tabernacle.Manoel Macedo, Street, 360 - São Cristóvão / BH.Information: +55 (31) 3429-9450 / 98458-9025 - Pastor Joaquim.E-mail: [email protected]

Landline: (31) 3429-9550 | Claro: (31) 98309-0064 / 98414-8185

Vivo: (31) 97177-3300 / 97123-3300 | Tim: (31) 99481-8023 / 99481-5699

Oi: (31) 98878-0054 / 98878-0056.






3th December 20173



• There is always a pastor ready to advise and pray for you 24 hours a day.Pastor (Man): +55 31 98402-7156 Pastor (Woman): +55 31 98402-1676

SUNDAY Romans 14.17

“For the kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

MONDAY 1 Corinthians 4:20

“For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.”



Revelation 12:10“And a great voice in heaven came to my ears, saying, Now is come the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ: because he who says evil against our brothers before our God day and night is forced down.”



DAY John 18:36

“Jesus said in answer, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom was of this world, my disciples would have made a good fight to keep me out of the hands of the Jews: but my kingdom is not here”



1 Corinthians 6.9“Have you not knowledge that evil-doers will have no part in the kingdom of God? Have no false ideas about this: no one who goes after the desires of the flesh, or gives worship to images, or is un-true when married, or is less than a man, or makes a wrong use of men, ... “



1 Corinthians 6:10 “(...) Or is a thief, or the worse for drink, or makes use of strong language, or takes by force what is not his, will have any part in the kingdom of God.


RDAY 1 Corinthians 15:50

“Now I say this, my brothers, that it is not possible for flesh and blood to have a part in the kingdom of God; and death may not have a part in life.”

� K I N G D O M O F G O D

ȁ Daily Reading


Day / 03 Gl 6; Ez 2; 3; Sl 149

Day / 04 Ef 1; Ez 4; 5; Sl 150

Day/ 05 Ef 2; Ez 6; 7; Is 40

Day / 06 Ef 3; Ez 8; 9; Is 41

Day / 07 Ef 4.1-17; Ez 10; 11; Is 42

Day / 08 Ef 4.17-32; Ez 12; 13; Is 43

Day / 09 Ef 5.1-20; Ez 14; 15; Is 44

In this fortnight, our focus is on financial targets. Let us remain faithful in tithes, be more liberal in offerings and invest in missions. To encourage you to stand for this purpose, I bring here a teaching about true blessing, for this subject confuses the minds of so many people. In chapter 10 of Prover-bs, verse 22, Solomon writes, “The blessing of the Lord enriches, and with it he brings no sorrow.” Some people imagine that wealth is only money, but whoever has money just has money. Wealth is something else, completely different. Wealth is wisdom, it is communion with the Lord. Wealth is the as-surance of the presence of God. “ In another version we read: “The blessing of the Lord God brings prosperity, and no effort can replace it.”

We have the privilege of living like this, blessing and being blessed. In Romans 16:20 we find a glorious blessing, which teaches us that we can and should bless our neighbor by using such words. And it would be glorious if you blessed yourself using these words: “And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. “Ob-viously, I do not mean something decorated, spoken in the wind. No. That should serve as an example. These words demonstrate the power of God, and when we recognize the power of the Most High and believe that we have been given authority by Him in Christ Jesus to speak words that shake the structures of hell, we understand that we have verbal weapons to fight against the attempts of Satan.

There are people who often open their mouths to greet others just for convenience. Inside, they are dying of hatred, of rage, with clenched teeth. By obligation, they say, “Good morning.” The blessing is more than a greeting. I want you, my beloved brothers, to understand that the blessing we proclaim is not just a verbalization, it is not just a sound. When we truly convey the blessing, it truly reaches the person. How often, when faced with situations, the enemy begins to say to you: “Look, He does not care about you, your life, your need, he does not care what happens in your life “. But all this is a great lie, for the Bible reveals to us that: “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.” Therefore, we need to bring to mind what can give us hope (see Lamentations of Jeremiah 3:21), because we know the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.

How often do we meet a brother and he is sad, downcast, moodless, and when we open our mouths and say to him, “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you,” he replies, “Amen.” The Word, which is alive, begins to function, to produce its fruits. “The Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine upon you and have mercy on your life. The Lord lift up your face and give you peace “(Numbers 6: 24-26). It is not just a gesture, a religious act. Not even! Because our faith is much more than a religion. We believe that things will happen, because so the Lord Jesus taught us.

May you understand this truth about blessing and be that channel of blessing. Reflect on what your life has been like if you have reached out to people with your contribution, both in sharing the gospel and in giving resources to the missionaries, the local church, those around you.

Good bless you!Pr. Márcio Valadão

The Wealth of Blessing





3th December 20174

Biblical reference: “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” (John 4.23)

Text explanation: Context: worship is part of the human being. Even if a person says he does not believe in anything, he still loves something: either himself, or science, even nothing. The Bible further states that we become like unto what we worship (Ps 115.8). This me-ans that what we worship defines our way of seeing the world, people and creation. And that is exactly why God requires exclusive worship, for when man adores anything other than God, this man takes a shor-t-sighted view of all things from where all the evil set up in the world comes. So, how should worship be?

First: em espírito. Adorar em espírito significa que o local de ado-ração agora é em todo lugar. Qualquer chão que você pisar e começar a adorar se torna santo. Não há lugares mais santos, não há mais res-trições físicas para a adoração. Adorar em espírito significa que o Pai aceita sua adoração onde quer que você esteja: na sua casa, no seu quarto, no banheiro, na escola, no trabalho, na piscina, no parque. O

templo de Deus é você.

Second: in truth. While worshiping in spirit means that worship takes place everywhere, worshiping in truth means that everything we do must be done for the Lord. Whatever we do is a worship of God. From cleaning the house, washing the bathroom to even high-risk sur-gery, everything should be done as a way to please God. Worship is not singing. Singing is a way of praising God. But worship is a Christian li-festyle. To worship is to present our lives as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.

Application: put your daily routine on paper, without needing to go into too much detail. Meditate on every part of your day if you have in fact worshiped God. Try to improve your worship every moment and sign “S.D.G.”(Soleo dei Glorie) in each part that has already been able to do so.

Bruno e Renata ArrudaMore information about the study of small groups, call

Pastor Flavinho+55 (31) 98793-7701



Enter the site: and click, find a small group and type the your address, or call the home of SG’s:

(31) 3429-1350 / 98463-5250 / 99392-4204.

• If you prefer, send an email to: [email protected], with your full address (Street, number, district, city and State) and your willingness to attend a small groups.


Visit our instagram and stay on top of what’s happening in our SG:@gclagoinha



Study: Jesus, the greatest offering!There is no more willingness to offer than God Himself. The Word

tells us that everything comes from the Lord and it is from His hands that we give it back. Therefore, all we have is an offering of God Himself to each one of us. Love and kindness are part of the character of God and are attributes that can not be uprooted, and therefore our God is so ge-nerous. The Bible teaches us that He was able to give up His own Son to die in our place and that is the greatest proof of God’s love. He offered

of his first fruits to redeem mankind. It is up to us to accept this sacrifice and to live in just retribution, contributing each day to the work of God, to all that we are, and even to our tithes and our offerings.

- If you have questions in the lesson, call Felipe Mendes +55

(31) 99943-4240. If you have not received the complete mate-

rial, please request it by e-mail: [email protected]

Dear students, we are already walking towards the end of another semester and next to our graduation, which will have the ceremony on 10/12 (Sunday) at 8:30 in the Capela. Next will be the presentation of all the students, in the Temple, during the worship service. Everyone will come down together as soon as graduation ends.

COSTUME - We guide all the students that come with a black so-cial outfit. Wear t-shirts, low-cut sweaters, and very tight and short dresses / skirts. Invite your family and friends to this moment. All are very welcome.

More information: Ana Cláudia Gonçalves +55 (31)

3429-8000 / 98793-6191.





3th December 20175

To contribute with Lagoinha Nations, mission’s Department of our Church, deposit on the following account:

• Lagoinha Londres • Culto Missionário

Bank of Brazil Agency: 1614-4Checking account: 160.000-0

Learn more about the ministry Lagoinha Nations: +55 (31) 98793-1570 – Pastor Leo Capochim.

Egypt is the largest Arab country, being a republic. Its wealth comes from agriculture. Economic growth has come from a percentage of trade and industry being placed under private ownership or control, but many Egyptians live in poverty. The country lives a political disorder. People have been waiting for justice, economic growth and less corruption.For over a thousand years, Egypt was a Christian-majority country, the church remained spiritually strong and full of life, but persecution of Christians has increased in the last 25 years, mainly by Islamic extre-mists. Many die or are tortured in prison.

Egypt has fought the Islamic insurgency since 2013. On November 24, one of the most lethal attacks of its kind occurred in the recent his-tory of the country that left Egypt in shock. The bombing and shooting

left more than 300 dead and 100 wounded. It is not yet known who is behind this attack, but our mission, as Christians, is to intercede for pe-ace in the nation. • Pray for a just constitution, good laws and wise rulers who treat all Egyptians fairly; • Pray that Christians will stand firm in their faith and lead a godly life before their oppressors; • Pray for the families of the victims of the terrorist attack; so that the Holy Spirit may bring consolation to the hearts and recovery to the wounded..

Operation World

The environment of the streets of London there has been more of the same. It is that the cult of youth of the Lagoinha London, on Fridays, has ex-trapolated the four walls of the church and arrived on the tracks of the En-glish capital. Titled “Echo Movement”, as the senior pastor of the Lagoinha London, João Osmar Cruz, it is a movement that seeks the presence and knowledge about God, worship and evangelism. “At the last meeting, the testimony of a young man of transformation and the love of Jesus impac-ted many lives. This is a cry for revival of a youth who understood the role of sharing this love to the four corners of the city and the nation,” he said.

With the aim of also impact the nations, the Lagoinha Nations has done cults missionaries in our churches in the capital and big Belo Hori-zonte. The aim is to show the importance of engaging in missionary work. The ministry, in partnership with the charisma Theological Seminary, also send students to the International School Starting this month. If you want to contribute

Specifically, for this project, please call +55(31) 993557-9381 (Pr. Her-mes). Let’s pray thanking God for the movement that he has done in the nations! Read more on

Thais Oliveira


EGYPTPopulation: 84.5 million.

Capital: Cairo (11 million).

Christians: 10.8 million.

Evangelical Christians: 3.3 million.

Biggest religion: Islam.

Growing religion: Islam.


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with the gospel





3th December 20176


2018’s Schedule: The Year of the

PerseveranceGET YOURS AT


For the honor and glory of our Lord Jesus, our church has great news: The 2018’s schedule, available on Seara Bookstore. Elaborated by Lagoinha Communication, its purpose is to get together the main informations about the church, it is a publi-cation which contains necessary informations, as the schedule with all church’s events for the next year, all ministries’ names and the small groups’ lessons about the topic “Perseverance”. The schedule also contains a devocional from pastor Marcio Valadão during the working days, with the objective of helping you to meditated God’s Word. Furthermore, you can fill your 2018’s goals (spirituals, familiar, financials, ministerials, physi-cal, intellectual, find all Lagoinha’s addresses with the phone number of their respective pastors, all the worship services of the church with their dates and where they take place, map with the location and the ministries’ phone numbers near the church, beyond the bank accounts and church’s social network.

The 2018 schedule was illustrated with palm trees images, chosen as the symbol of the church’s theme for 2017: the “Year of Perseverance”, and basing in Psalms 92.12,13, that says: “The righteous small flourish like the palm tree: He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of Jehovah, they shall flourish in the courts of God.” About per-severance, pastor Macio Valadão wrote na amazing text in the beginning of the schedule. “God made a beautiful comparison

between the palm tree and His servant! This tree stands out for having unshakable roots, finds water in the ground’s depth, it is capable of surviving in the desert, as enduring violent stor-ms and does not dye easily. Its existence is source of life, food for everyone around, and spreads seeds all over. For the Lord’s Grace you can be a ‘palm tree christian’, spreading the gospel good news of our Lord Jesus, being strong, but with simple tes-timony, watered with love, because the essence is Christ. Not easily shaken and generating fruits for all eternity.

Our 2018 schedule is really amazing! Use it as a gift to your small group, ministry friends and family in the end of the year. Sow in the life a beloved of yours, for it is na excellent tool for evangelizing. Buy it at Seara Bookstore, located in Fountain Square (Manoel Macedo Street, 360- São Cristóvão), from Mon-day to Saturday, 10 a.m.. to 9:40 p.m. and at Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 8:40 p.m.

May you, your friends and family enjoy this material made with such love. Our wish is that the schedule may be a blessing instrument to all.

More information about our church, access the website www. or get in touch with us +55 (31) 3429-9450.

Priscilla Vieira





3th December 20177

The Bible shows us the path of prosperity. Do you want to know this path? In Leviticus 19 we find 22 principles that point out to a prosperous life. And based on these principles, we need not only to examine them, study them, but, above all, put them into practice in our daily lives, in a sense of pros-pering not only spiritually, but also as human beings. When you read this passage you can understand that the prosperi-ty goes beyond having things. It goes through all the princi-ples laid down in Leviticus 19. These principles established and formalized in truth, justice, love and holiness. So John prayed: “Beloved, above all, I hope for your prosperity and health, as well as is prosperous your soul”. (3 John, verse 2). This is the path of prosperity:

1. Respect to parents;2. Give your backs to idols;3. Do not profane what is holy;4. Do not be stingy;5. Do not steal;6. Do not lie;7. Do not be false;8. Never withhold the wages of the employee, purposely;9. Has affection and care for those who are limited in

their physical condition;10. Seek the justice for all;11. Do not be gossiper;12. Do not keep bitterness in the heart;13. Never make of the revenge a project of life;14. Do not have ambiguity of behavior;

15. Do not take pleasure without compromise, which brings tragic consequences;

16. Never resort to spiritual experiences which are an abomination for the Lord;

17. Do not create in your descendants the culture of “Bra-zilian way”;

18. Do not forget that rest is an essential part of life;19. Always treat the stranger with consideration among

the people;20. Be gentle with the elderly;21. Do not want anything with the darkness;22. Be meticulous in weighing, measuring and dividing.

You may be thinking: “What does that have to do with pros-perity?” But I will answer: everything. Many people think that being successful is to have money and it is not true. These prin-ciples do not only lead us to have a life directed by God, but also enables us to live a better life with us, with our neighbor and with our world; that is prosperity. It is the will of the Lord. You may have had so many difficulties in your lives? It seems that the prosperity does not come, does not flow, and does not reach you. Who knows these principles are being neglected? At this moment, the Lord wants to fill your life and make it overflow from the grace of the Father. As John, this is also my prayer: “Be-loved, above all, I hope for your prosperity and health, as well as is prosperous your soul”.

Pr. Márcio Valadão



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Discuss this topic with Pastor Eduardo Queiroz:

+55(31) 99612-9099.


Check which bank you can deposit your tithes and your offerings

* You can also use the automatic debit machines to deliver your tithes and their offerings






3th December 20178




Meet our new pastors:

Special and unforgettable. Thus was marked the night of Wednesday (29) in Betim Lagoinha, when the regional pastor Rodinei Medeiros con-secrated 75 new brothers to the pastoral ministry. The consecration ce-remony was attended by the pastor Márcio Valadão, the intercessor and pastor Ezenete Rodrigues and also of the pastors who are part of the lea-dership of the other Lagoinha Sectional. After the moment of praise and worship, Pastor Ezenete cried out to the church, declaring the power of the Lord in behalf of our city and interceded for the deviants. Then Pastor Már-cio brought a brief message, and prayed for the lives of the new pastors. “My gratitude to God is not only because you have heard to the call, but also for saying ‘yes’ to the Lord’s call, “he said. Soon after, the shepherds received a beautiful Bible and together they declared the inherent power of the Word of God. The consecration was consolidated in a beautiful mo-

ment of anointing after the pouring of oils on each pastor’s head.Also at the ceremony, leaders of other regional pastors, released a

blessing word in the life of the newly ordained. Pastor Naira Paula shared the experience she experienced at the time. “It was a memorable night in our regional history. I felt an anointing of deliverance and disposition flowing in the church from the moment of praise. Both the new conse-crated men and the rest of the present pastoral body were renewed by a strong anointing. Pastor Márcio inspires us with his serenity and passion for the call. May the Lord use it with great grace these men and women of God. “ To end the ceremony dozens of surrendered lives said yes to the Lord, to the glory of God.

Regianne Rodrigues

On December 20, we will celebrate the 60th anniversary of our beloved church. Faced with this precious brand, the Baptist Church of Lagoinha will receive a recognition of our city, where it was born and grows every day. This Saturday (9), at 8:00 p.m., in the House of Representatives of Belo Hori-zonte, we will start celebrations for the special date. On the occasion, Pastor Márcio Valadão will receive a tribute paid to Lagoinha for his contribution to involve so many lives in the Work of God. “I invite you to participate in this unique moment. It will be an opportunity to recognize the significance of our church to the gospel community. I am pleased to be the spokesman for this celebration. Glory to God! “, shares Pastor Fernando Borja. The celebration will be held at the Amynthas de Barros Plenary, at Andradas 3.100, Avenue - Santa Efigênia.

Wanderson Rogério dos Santos Pinto, Jacqueline Martins Valles Santos, Bruno Rodrigues Barroso Laurilene dos Santos Silva , Eduardo Camilo Ferreira, Ana Carolina da Silva Ferreira, Daiana Cláudia Vieira Duarte, Daniel Alves Feitosa, Fernanda Graziele Oliveira B. Feitosa, Denis Santos Ferreira, Mary Aparecida da Silva, José Carlos de Lima, Selma da Felicidade de Lima, Maria Margarida de Almeida Silva, Carlos José Araújo, Maria de Jesus Mateus Araújo, Rodrigo Castilho da Silva Lanna, Pedro Cláudio Costa, Leandro Pinto da Costa, Júnior de Oliveira Cunha, Gisbele Guilherme da Conceição Fernandes, Danúbia Farias Pereira Ferreira, Kléber Rocha de Faria, Daniel Antônio da Silva, Claudenice Barbosa Silva, André Rogério Gomes Ferreira, Romiltom Eduardo, Claudete Martins Eduardo, Laurilene Gomes da Costa Ferreira, Leandro Rodrigo Barberá, Marcos Tadeu Santos Simões, Michel André dos Santos Simões, Jadir de Jesus Correia, Sebastiana Dias dos Santos, Thiago Barbara Machado, Denis Diniz dos Santos, Rafael Gonçalves Pinheiro, Rafael Nascimento Barros, Jefferson Magno Ferreira, Edilene Ferreira Pinto, Euler Rangel Fonseca, Paula Hastenreiter Fonseca, Sérgio Lemos Moreira, Eliana Clemente de Jesus Lemos, Alan Rodrigues Estrela, Walesca Aparecida Nolasco Estrela, Reginaldo Magela Mendonça, Daniela de Almeida Teixeira Mendonça, Fábio Luiz Silva Gonçalves, Nelma Aparecida de Paula, Daniel Gomes Luiz, Marla Ferreira de Souza, Marcos Antônio Crispim, Rosângela Macedo Lima Crispim, Alessandro Gomes da Silva, Alessandra Aparecida Michette Silva, Teresa Christina Rezende Caetano, Edileuza Corrêa da Silva, Wesley Silva Xavier, Andréia Banza Agripino, Paulo Adão Agripino, Aline Amorim de Oliveira, Eugênia Alexandrina Pereira, Cléber José Jorge de Mello Silva, Cláudia Regina Cordeiro Silva, Thiago Matos Teixeira, Greici Pontes Ribeiro Brito, Natanael Silva de Brito, Daysimar Eustáquio Cunha Ribeiro, Hernandes Tenório de Souza, Marcos Rodrigues, Irene Leite de Castro, Fernando Rodrigues, Sara Cunha de Souza de Teixeira e Ana Valentin Amaral Ferreira.


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3th December 20179

Culto Elas com ministério Desperta DéboraNesta quarta (6), às 15 horas, na Capela, com o tema: “Cui-dando da Promessa”. Palestrante: Sandro Boffa. Informa-ções: (31) 98793-2906 – Pra. Patrícia Sabino / 98822-9677 – Simone.

Assessoria JurídicaToda quinta-feira, no Espaço Elas.

CursosInscrições abertas para os cursos Mulher Única e Curadas para Curar. Garanta sua vaga!

Feira de Produtos Artesanais e Oficinas de ArtesanatoNeste sábado (9), das 10 às 17 horas, no Espaço Elas. Infor-mações: (31) 98406-3180 – Pra. Sônia Capochim.

Mais informações: Espaço Elas, Rua Beberibe, 133,

São Cristóvão – (31) 3429-1300.

Estância Paraíso Moriá: 13 a 15 de dezembro e 17 a 19 de dezembro.Renovo: 5 a 11 de dezembro. Acampamento do Espírito Santo: 8 a 10 de dezembro.Inscrições:

Horebe Seminário de Cura e Avivamento Dia 8/12, feriado, das 10 às 18 horas (abertura do local e inscrições a partir das 9h30), na Capela. Logo após, acontecerá mais um culto Manifeste-se, às 20 horas. Faça sua inscrição no site: ou nos cultos Fé, Quarta-up, Juventude e nos cultos aos domingos, no Templo, das 10, 18 e 20h30. Mais informações: (31) 98793-2150 / e-mail: [email protected]

Viaje com o Ministério Missão Interior de Minas Entre os dias 8 e 10 de dezembro, na menor cidade de Minas Gerais, Serra da Saudade, com uma população de 812 habitantes, localizada a 270 km de BH. Informações: Contato: (31) 99854-2347 – Pr. Antônio.

Igreja Batista da lagoinha

Vigília dos Jovens Adultos Neste sábado (9), às 23 horas, no Tabernáculo. Informações: (31) 99176-3380 – Áurea. Participe também do culto dos Jovens Adultos, aos sábados, às 19 horas, no Tabernáculo. Mais informações: (31) 99959-7138 – (31) Márcio Luís.






3th December 201710


HEIRS OF THE PROMISEOur church visits families that have just had a baby

Among the different ministries of our church, there is the Parent’s School, which belongs to Lagoinha Family and aims to instruct, contribute and support parents on caring and educa-ting their children, from pregnancy to adolescence. Based on Biblical principles, several courses are offered for parents and children. In order to help families more and more, the Parents’ School now counts on the ministry “Heirs of the Promise”, whi-ch consists of visiting families with newborn children to share a word of love, bless, pray for the baby that has just arrived and for the parents and to be present on such a special moment.

Pastor Joaquim Souza, leader of the Parents’ School Minis-try, with his wife Carla Aguilar, comments on how important this visit to the family is: “When you visit a family that has just had a baby, they feel embraced and loved. It is an opportunity

for parents to receive a prayer and to feel supported and bles-sed at this time of the child’s arrival. As it’s written on the bibli-cal text of Psalms 127.3, “Children are a heritage of the Lord, a reward that He gives”, we understand that the arrival of a baby is a gift to the family and the Lagoinha Baptist Church wants to celebrate this moment with the parents. We want to know your family”, he says.

So, Mom and Dad, if you are members of our church, have just had a baby and want a visit from our pastors and workers, get in touch and make an appointment.

Call the Lagoinha Family Ministry and schedule a visit to your

home: Pâmela +55(31) 3429-9400 / Pastor Joaquim Souza +55 31

99755-7117 (WhatsApp).


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3th December 201711





3th December 201712

It is time to take stock of everything we have done, to evaluate our performanceagainst the goals proposed at the beginning and a good time to celebrate the union with thefamily of faith. Nothing better than starting 2018 on our knees in prayer, consecrating our life

to the Lord, thanking for all our deliverances and giving our next 365 days to God.

On December 31, at 8 pm, worship in all the Lagoinha neighborhoods and cities.Get Involved!

Why do so many women experience situations that cause

them distress, dissatisfaction, embarrassment and even

constraints, when they often do not have to go through

all this? In search of answers to this questioning, Cristina S.

Vargas came across a prominent woman in the Scriptures,

who had the wisdom to protect herself properly, through

the observance of certain values. Protect yourself,

woman! discusses principles that the author considers

"protection fences" that will help women to

avoid such situations in their lives.

Get the book now at Seara Bookstore!

Did you know?All Seara Bookstore resources are reversed to Lagoinha

Nations. So, when you purchase a product at Seara, you

contribute to the Department of Missions from Lagoinha

Baptist Church.


Seara Bookstore is located at “Praça da Fonte” (Manoel Macedo Street, 360 - São Cristóvão). It’s open Monday to Friday, from 10 AM to 9:40 PM, and on Sundays, from 9 AM to 8:40 PM. Contact: +55 (31) 3421-4152.