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Advanced Java Programming

Module 1 - Multithreading

Education & Research

We shall now move on to the module on Multithreading.

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Lesson Outcomes

• After completion of the module you will be able to understand about– Creating and managing threads– Priority management– Thread synchronization– Thread groups and daemon threads

After completion of the module you will be able to understand about

Creating and managing threads

Priority management

Thread synchronization

Thread groups and daemon threads

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What are Threads?

• A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program

• Facility to allow multiple activities within a single process• Referred as lightweight process• Each thread has its own program counter , stack and

local variables• Threads share memory , heap area , files

What is a Thread?

A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program. It provides facility to allow multiple activities within a single process. Threads are also referred as lightweightprocesses. Each thread has its own program counter , stack and local variables. Threads share memory , heap area and files.

Advantages of Threads over Processes:

Threads are memory efficient. Many threads can be efficiently contained within a single EXE, while each process will incur the overhead of an entire EXE.

Threads share a common program space, which means that messages can be passed by queuing only the pointer to the message. Since processes do not share a common program space, the kernel must either copy the entire message from process A's program space to process B's program space or must provide some mechanism by which process B can access the message.

Switching between Threads is faster, since a thread has less context to save than a process.

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Why use Threads?

• To perform asynchronous or background processing• Increases the responsiveness of GUI applications• Better utilization of system resources• Simplify program logic when there are multiple

independent entities

A very good example of a multi-threaded application is a game software where the GUI display, updation of scores, sound effects and timer display are happening within the same application simultaneously

Why to use Threads?

To perform asynchronous or background processing

To Increase the responsiveness of GUI applications

For better utilization of system resources

Threads simplify program logic by having multiple independent entities

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Creating the Thread

Two ways:• Extending the Thread class• Implementing the Runnable interface

We can create threads in two ways.

1. By extending the Thread class and

2. By Implementing the Runnable interface.

In Java we cannot extend from more than one class. In some cases a class might be extending from some parent class and also we need to extend from Thread class. In such cases we can do multithreading by implementing Runnable interface.

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The Thread class (1 of 2)

• Extend the Thread class • Override the run() method• Create an object of the sub class and call the

start method to execute the Thread

A thread can be created by creating a new class that extends Thread, and then by creating an instance of that class. The extending class must override the run() method, which is the entry point for the new thread. It must also call start() to begin execution of the new thread.

During its lifetime, a thread spends some time executing and some time in any of several non-executing states. When a thread gets to executing state, it executes the code in the method run().

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The Thread class (2 of 2)

class ExtThread extends Thread{


System.out.println("Child Thread created");}public void run(){

System.out.println("Child Thread running");}

}class ExtThreadMain{

public static void main(String a[]){

System.out.println("Hi I'm main thread");ExtThread obj=new ExtThread ();obj.start();System.out.println("This is the main thread printing");


The above code create a new class that extends Thread, and then create an instance of that class.

The extending class must override the run() method, which is the entry point for the new thread. It must also call the start() to begin the execution of the new thread. Call to start() method begins the execution of the thread by calling the run() method.

The ExtThread() is the constructor of the class which is implicitly called when the instance of the extending class is created.

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The Runnable Interface (1 of 2)

• Useful when the class is already extending another class and needs to implement mutithreading

• Need to implement the run() method

• Create a thread object (the worker) and give it a Runnable object (the job)– public Thread(Runnable target);

• Start the thread by calling the start() method

The easiest way to create a thread is to create a class that implements the Runnable interface. We can construct a thread on any object that implements Runnable.

To implement Runnable, a class need to implement a single method called run().

Inside run(), we define the code that constitutes the new thread. This can call other methods, use other classes, and declare variables, just like the main thread can.

The only difference is that run() establishes the entry point for another concurrent thread of execution within your program. This thread will end when run() returns.

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The Runnable Interface (2 of 2)

class RunnableThread implements Runnable{


System.out.println("Child Thread: ");}public void run(){

System.out.println("Hi I'm a new thread");}


class RunnableThreadMain{

public static void main(String a[]){

System.out.println("Hi I'm main thread");RunnableThread rt=new RunnableThread();Thread t=new Thread(rt);t.start();System.out.println("Hi I'm main thread");


In order to create a thread from Runnable interface, we need to create a class that implements Runnable. when implementing the Runnable interface the instance of the implementing class is to be created and the object of the same has to be passed to the object of the Thread class to specify whose run method has to be executed which then invokes the start() method, which starts the thread by invoking run() method.

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Thread States









yield() or end of time slice


notify(), notifyAll()


Sleep interval expires

I/O request

I/O completion

run() returns or thread interrupted


A thread can be in one of the following states.

Newborn State:

When the new instance of the thread is created by executing the constructor Thread( ), Thread is said to be newborn. In this state no resources are allocated to the thread.

Runnable State:

When a start() method is called on the newborn thread instance, thread makes the transition to Runnable state. In this state the thread is waiting for the scheduler to schedule it on the processor.

Running State:

When thread is being executed by the CPU it will be in the running state.

Non-Runnable State:

A running state can be suspended, i.e temporarily suspended from its activity. This is done by invoking sleep() or wait () method. A suspended thread can then be resumed, allowing it to pick up from where it left off, by calling notify() method or when the sleep interval expires.

A thread can be blocked when waiting for a resource and unblocked once things are done.

Dead State :

A thread comes to a dead state if it is over with the task. At any time, a thread can be terminated, which halts its execution immediately. Once terminated, a thread cannot be resumed.

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Thread scheduling

• There are 2 techniques for thread scheduling– Pre-emptive and time-sliced

• In preemptive scheduling, the thread with a higher priority preempts threads with lower priority and grabs the CPU

• In time-sliced or round robin scheduling, each thread will get some time of the CPU

• Java runtime system’s thread scheduling algorithm is preemptive but it depends on the implementation

• Solaris is preemptive, Macintosh and Windows are time sliced

• In theory, a thread with high priority should get more CPU time, but practically it may depend on the platform

There are 2 techniques for thread scheduling

Pre-emptive and time-sliced

In preemptive scheduling, the thread with a higher priority preempts threads with lower priority and grabs the CPU

In time-sliced or round robin scheduling, each thread will get some time of the CPU

The Java runtime system's thread scheduling algorithm is Fixed Priority preemptive. If at any time a thread with a higher priority than all other runnable threads becomes runnable, the runtime system chooses the new higher priority thread for execution. The new higher priority thread is said to preempt the other threads.

In the case when two Threads with same priority are competing for CPU then is up to the underlying platform to decide on how to handle.

Solaris is preemptive, Macintosh and Windows are time sliced. In the case of Macintosh and Windows the threads of equal priority are time-sliced automatically in round-robin fashion. In case of OS of preemptive types the threads of equal priority must yield control to its peers voluntarily. If not done, then others has to wait.

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Thread Priorities

• Thread priority can be used by the scheduler to decide which thread is to be run

• The priority of a Thread can be set using the method setPriority()– t.setPriority(7);

• The method getPriority() will return the priority of a Thread– t.getPriority()

• The priority can vary from 1 to 10 or Thread.MIN_PRIORITY to Thread.MAX_PRIORITY

• Normally a Thread will have the priority 5 or Thread.NORM_PRIORITY

Java assigns to each thread a priority that determines how that thread should be treated with respect to others. Thread priorities are integers that specify the relative priority of one thread to another. Thread priority can be used by the scheduler to decide which thread is to be run. The priority of a Thread can be set using the method setPriority(). The method getPriority() will return the priority of a Thread. The priority can vary from 1 to 10. Thread.MIN_PRIORITY and Thread.MAX_PRIORITY can also be used for values of 1 and 10. Normally a Thread will have the priority value of 5 also represented as Thread.NORM_PRIORITY

Thread priority is used to decide when to switch from one running thread to the next. This process is switching is called as context switch.

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Ensuring time-slicing (1 of 2)

• The programmer should write code to ensure that time-slicing occurs even when the application is running in a preemptive environment

• The static method sleep of the Thread class will make a thread sleep for specified number of millisecondsThread.sleep(1000);

• A sleeping thread can be interrupted by another thread using the method interrupt()

• When interrupted, sleep method will throw an InterruptedException

The programmer should write code to ensure that time-slicing occurs even when the application is running in a preemptive environment.

The static method sleep() of the Thread class will make a thread sleep for specified number of milliseconds.

A sleeping thread can be interrupted by another thread using the method interrupt()

When interrupted, sleep method will throw an InterruptedException

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Ensuring time-slicing (2 of 2)

• The yield method of the class Thread will give a chance to other threads to run– t.yield();

• The yield() method ensures that the thread behaves like a polite thread and not a selfish thread


It is used to give the other threads of the same priority a chance to execute. If other threads at the same priority are runnable, yield() places the calling thread in the running state into the runnable pool and allows another thread to run. If no other threads are runnable at the same priority, yield() does nothing.

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isAlive() and join() methods

• The state of a thread can be queried using the isAlive() method– Returns true if the thread has been started but not

completed its task– A thread can wait for another thread to finish by using

the join() method

isAlive() method is used to determine if a thread is still alive. The term alive does not imply that the thread is running; it returns true for a thread that has been started but not completed its task.

The method that you will more commonly use to wait for a thread to finish is called join(). This method waits until the thread on which it is called terminates.

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Thread synchronization (1 of 2)

• In a multithreaded environment 2 or more threads may access a shared resource

• There should be some means to ensure that the shared resource is accessed by only one thread at a time. This is termed as synchronization

• Every such shared object has a mutually exclusive lock called monitor

• Only one thread can get the monitor of an object at a time

In a multithreaded environment two or more threads may access a shared resource.

There should be some means to ensure that the shared resource is accessed by only one thread at a time. There used is synchronization

In the case of synchronization every such shared object has a mutually exclusive lock called monitor

Only one thread can get the monitor of an object at a time.

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Thread synchronization (2 of 2)

• Synchronization can be ensured by using the keyword synchronized

• A method or block of code can be made synchronized • Example

public class Account{int bankBalance;public synchronized void creditAccount (int amount) {

bankBalance+= amount;}


Synchronization can be ensured by using the keyword synchronized

A method or block of code can be made synchronized.

Here is an example where a method is synchronized.

When a thread is inside the synchronized method, all other threads that try to call it or any other synchronized method on the same instance have to wait.

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Inter-thread communication (1 of 3)

• Thread must wait for the state of an object to change while executing a synchronized method, it may call wait()– void wait()– void wait (long timeout)

• The thread calling wait will release the lock on that particular object

• The thread will wait till it is notified by another thread owning the lock on the same object– void notify()– void notifyAll()

Threads also provide a secondary benefit: They do away with polling. Polling is usually implemented by a loop that is used to check some condition repeatedly. Once the condition is true, appropriate action will be taken. So, in the case of working with sharable resources the thread needs poll i.e it need to repeatedly check if the monitor lock is available in order to enter a synchronized method, thereby wasting CPU cycles

To avoid polling, java includes an elegant inter-thread communication mechanism via the wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() methods. These methods belong to the Object class and can be called from within synchronized context only.

These methods work as follows:

A Thread is inside a synchronized method. It needs the state associated with its object to be changed. Then it must wait for the state of the object to change. It will wait by calling wait() method inside the synchronized method which will make the thread to give up the monitor and goes to sleep state. The thread will wait till it is notified by another thread owning the lock on the same object.

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Inter-thread communication (2 of 3)

• If there are multiple threads waiting on the same object, the notify() method will notify one among them

• The thread that would be notified cannot be predicted• It is safer to call notifyAll(), since it will notify all waiting

threads• Code for synchronization should be written carefully else

may lead to a dead-lock situation

wait() tells the calling thread to give up the monitor until some other thread enters the same monitor and calls notify().

notify() wakes up the one thread that called wait() on the same object (if there are more than one thread in wait state, then it is not known which thread would wake up.)

notifyAll() wakes up all the threads that called wait() on the same object.

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Inter-thread communication (3 of 3)

• Example

public class Account {public class Account {public class Account {public class Account {

int int int int bankBalancebankBalancebankBalancebankBalance;;;;

public synchronized void public synchronized void public synchronized void public synchronized void debitAccountdebitAccountdebitAccountdebitAccount (int amount) {(int amount) {(int amount) {(int amount) {

while((bankBalancewhile((bankBalancewhile((bankBalancewhile((bankBalance ---- amount)<0) wait();amount)<0) wait();amount)<0) wait();amount)<0) wait();

bankBalancebankBalancebankBalancebankBalance ----= amount;= amount;= amount;= amount;



public synchronized void public synchronized void public synchronized void public synchronized void creditAccountcreditAccountcreditAccountcreditAccount (int amount) {(int amount) {(int amount) {(int amount) {

bankBalancebankBalancebankBalancebankBalance += amount;+= amount;+= amount;+= amount;





In the above code, the bankBalance is a sharable resource between threads that are executing debitAccount() and creditAccount() method. Both the methods have been declared as synchronized so that only one thread can access one of these methods completely at a time. i.e. While a thread is inside a synchronized method, all the other threads that try to call it or any other synchronized method on the same instance have to wait.

debitAccount() method debits amount from bankBalance. The bankBalance should not be let with a negative value. So a check is made to see whether the sufficient amount is available before debiting the amount. If not the debit process should not happen. i.e the activity must be kept in the pending state till the required amount gets credited.

This can be done as follows. The threads that enter the debitAccount() method on seeing the lowbalance has to wait till another thread can enter creditaccount method and updates the balance. Since both the methods are synchorized only one thread can be active at a time on any of the methods of the account object. So the first thread calls wait() and gives up the monitor which will be used by second thread and finishes it work and notifies the first thread by calling notify(). Now the first thread resumes and finish of the task.

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Inter-thread communication[Example]

class Account {int bankBalance;public synchronized void debitAccount (int

amount) {try{

System.out.println("Checking for bal");while((bankBalance - amount)<0){

System.out.println("going to wait"); wait(); }

System.out.println("debiting..");bankBalance -= amount;

}catch(Exception e){} } public synchronized void creditAccount (int

amount) {bankBalance += amount;

System.out.println("bal="+bankBalance+" notify");

notify(); } }class Thread1 extends Thread{

Account ac;Thread1(Account ac){; }public void run(){

ac.debitAccount(300); } }

class Thread2 extends Thread{Account ac;Thread2(Account ac){; }public void run(){

int i=100;while(i<=300){


} } }public class ITCCheck{

public static void main(String[] args){Account ac=new Account();Thread1 t1=new Thread1(ac);t1.start();Thread2 t2=new Thread2(ac);t2.start();

} }

This program illustrates Inter-thread communication. Pause the presentation and analyze the code and result.

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Thread Groups

• Represents a set of threads• Can also contain other thread groups, creating a hierarchy

of thread groups• Provides a single-point control on the threads belonging to

the thread group• Creation time association is for the life time of the thread

– ThreadGroup threadGroup = new ThreadGroup("MyGroup");

• Some of the important methods of ThreadGroup are– activeCount(), destroy(), setMaxPriority(), setDaemon()

Represents a set of threads

Can also contain other thread groups, creating a hierarchy of thread groups

Provides a single-point control on the threads belonging to the thread group

ThreadGroup threadGroup = new ThreadGroup("MyGroup"); creates a new thread group.

Some of the important methods of ThreadGroup are activeCount(), destroy(), setMaxPriority() and setDaemon()

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Daemon Thread

• Daemon Thread is a thread that will run in the background, serving other threads

• So, a program can stop, if all non-daemon threads have finished execution

• A thread can be made a daemon by calling the method setDaemon(true) before calling its start() method

• Can query thread status using the method isDaemon ()

Daemon Thread is a thread that will run in the background, serving other threads.

So, a program can stop, if all non-daemon threads have finished execution.

A thread can be made a daemon by calling the method setDaemon(true) before calling its start() method.

Can query thread status using the method isDaemon ().

The system itself always has a few daemon threads running, one of which is the garbage collector.

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Module 2- Concurrency

In Multithreading module, we have discussed the low level APIs that help us to have Multithreading at application level. In this module we will discuss some of the high-level concurrency features which are introduced with Java 5.

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• Packages added in Java 5 for the support of concurrent programming are

– java.util.concurrent• Contains classes and interfaces useful in concurrent programming

– java.util.concurrent.locks• Contains interfaces and classes providing a framework for locking

and waiting for conditions that is distinct from built-in synchronization and monitors.

– java.util.concurrent.atomic• Contains classes that support lock-free thread-safe programming on

single variables.• There are also new concurrent data structures added in the Java Collections Framework.• Need for high level APIs

– Reduced Programmer effort– Increased performance– Improved maintainability– Increased reliability

Some of the high-level features are

Lock Objects



Callables and Futures

Concurrent Collections

Atomic variables


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Task Scheduling Framework

• As discussed in Module 1 there are two ways to create threads.

– Extending the Thread class• Extend the Thread class • Override the run() method• Create an object of the sub class and call the start method to execute

the Thread

– Implementing the Runnable interface• Useful when the class is already extending another class and needs to

implement mutithreading

• Implement the run() method• Create a thread object (the worker) and give it a Runnable object (the

job)• Start the thread by calling the start() method

• This works fine for smaller applications but in larger applications the thread management and creation has to be separated from the rest of the application.

• This can be done by Executor which facilitates the standardized invocation, scheduling and execution of threads..

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Task Scheduling Framework(Contd..)

• Executor Interface– This interface provides a way of decoupling task submission from the

mechanics of how each task will be run, including details of thread use, scheduling, etc.

– An Executor is normally used instead of explicitly creating threads.– Example:

Executor executor = anExecutor;executor.execute(new RunnableTask1());

– Many Executor implementations impose some sort of limitation on how and when tasks are scheduled.

• ExecutorService Interface– Extends Executor interface– Has features that help manage the lifecycle of both the individual tasks and

the executor itself.

• Executors– It is a factory for creating various kinds of ExecutorService


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Task Scheduling Framework(Contd..)

import java.util.concurrent.*;class RunnableThread implements Runnable{


System.out.println("Child Thread: ");}public void run(){

System.out.println("Hi I'm a new thread");}

}public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {ExecutorService e1=Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();e1.execute(new RunnableThread()); } }

This example shows how to work with Executors.

Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor() method returns the executor which executes the command sometime in the future.

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Callables and Futures

• In the previous versions of Java there was no provision for the callable thread to return values to the calling thread.

• With the addition of Callable<V> interface it is made possible.

• The callable thread class has to implement Callable interface.• The Callable interface is similar to Runnable, in that both are

designed for classes whose instances are potentially executed by another thread. A Runnable thread, however, does not return a result.

• Callable thread has to implement call() method in the same way as we implement the run() method when Runnableinterface is used.

• Call() methods return the required data to the calling thread.

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Callables and Futures

• Calling thread uses the submit method on the ExecutorService instance instead of using execute() method.

• Submit() method submits Callable object for execution and returns a Future object. Calling thread can then call the get() method on the Future object to retrieve the result sent by the callable thread.– If the result is ready, it will be returned– If not the calling thread will be blocked.

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Callables and Futuresclass PriceCalculation implements

Callable<Double> {double price=0;int itemCode;PriceCalculation(int itemCode){

this.itemCode=itemCode;}public Double call(){

switch(itemCode){case 101:

price=1000.0; break;case 102:

price=2000.0; break;}return new Double(price);

} }class DiscountCalculation implements

Callable<Double>{double disPer=0;

int itemCode;DiscountCalculation(int itemCode){


public Double call(){switch(itemCode){

case 101:disPer=10; break;

case 102:disPer=20; break;

}return new Double(disPer);

} }public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {ExecutorService

pool=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);Future<Double> price=pool.submit(new

PriceCalculation(101));Future<Double> discount=pool.submit(new

DiscountCalculation(101));try {

System.out.println("Net amount to be paid is: "+(price.get()-(price.get()*discount.get()/100)));} catch (Exception e){}

} }

The given program explains the usage of Callable and Future Interfaces.

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• Java 5 introduced general purpose classes such as – Semaphore– Mutex– Etc.Which facilitate coordination between the threads.

• These classes are added as a part of java.util.concurrentpackage.

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• In Java a Semaphore is a lock with a counter.• It is typically used to restrict access to fixed size pool of

resources.• The Semaphore object will be created with the count which

is the same as the number of resources in the pool.• Thread which tries to access the resource will call acquire()

method on the Semaphore object.• This will return when the count>0.• If the count is zero then the thread will be blocked till the

release() method is called on the semaphore object by another thread.

• acquire() and release() are thread safe atomic operations.

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Semaphores (Contd...)

• Semaphores are usually implemented as follows.

private Semaphore available;private Resource[] resources;public Resource (int poolSize){

available=new Semaphore(poolSize);/*initialize the Resources*/

}public Resource getResource(){

try{available.aquire();}catch(Exception e){}/*Provide Resource from the pool*/

}public void returnResource(Resource r){

/*Return Resource to the pool*/available.release();}

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Semaphores (Contd...)class Account{

double amt;Account(double amt){

this.amt=amt; }public void withdraw(double amt){

this.amt-=amt; }public void deposit(double amt){

this.amt+=amt; }public double display(){

return amt; }}class ThreadA implements Runnable{

Semaphore sa; Account acc;ThreadA(Semaphore sa,Account acc){; this.acc=acc;}public void run(){

try {sa.acquire(); acc.withdraw(200.0);Thread.sleep(1000);

} catch (InterruptedException ex) {}System.out.println("Amount after withdrawal:

"+acc.display());sa.release(); } }

class ThreadB implements Runnable{Semaphore sa;Account acc;ThreadB(Semaphore sa,Account acc){; this.acc=acc; }public void run(){

try {sa.acquire(); acc.deposit(100.0); Thread.sleep(1000);

} catch (InterruptedException ex) {}System.out.println("Amount after Deposit:


} }

public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) {

// Semaphore working with Single Object pool;Account acc=new Account(10000);Semaphore s1=new Semaphore(1);ExecutorService

e1=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);e1.execute(new ThreadA(s1,acc));e1.execute(new ThreadB(s1,acc));

} }

Here is a simple example to work with Semaphore which is associated with the account object.

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Concurrent Collections

• There are also new concurrent data structures added in the Java Collections Framework.

• The purpose of these classes is to provide high-performance, highly-scalable, thread-safe versions of the basic collection types.

• They are added as a part of java.util.concurrent package.• Some of them are,

– BlockingQueue– ConcurrentMap– ConcurrentNavigableMap– ConcurrentLinkedQueue– Etc.

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Atomic Variables

• Atomic variables have features that minimize synchronization and avoids memory consistency errors.

• Atomic variables are fine-grained and light-weight than locks, and are critical for implementing high-performance concurrent code on multiprocessor systems.

• Atomic variables limit the scope of contention to a single variable.

• With algorithms based on atomic variables instead of locks, threads are more likely to be able to proceed without delay.

• Atomic classes AtomicInteger, AtomicLong, etc. in java.util.concurrency.atomic package help us to work with atomic variables.

• All classes have get and set methods that work like read and write to volatile variables.

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• Package java.util.concurrent.locks contains interfaces and classes providing a framework for locking and waiting for conditions that is distinct from built-in synchronization and monitors.

• Lock Interface– Provides extensive locking operations than synchronized block.– Simple to handle locking and unlocking.

Lock l = ...; l.lock(); try {

// access the resource protected by this lock } finally {


– Has tryLock() method which helps the threads to acquire Locks with out blocking

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Locks (contd..)

• Reentrant Lock– This is the complete implementation of Lock interface.– Holding thread can call lock() multiple times and won’t block.– Lock() acquires the lock if it is not held by another thread and

returns immediately, setting the lock hold count to one. – If the current thread already holds the lock then the hold count is

incremented by one and the method returns immediately. – If the lock is held by another thread then the current thread

becomes disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until the lock has been acquired, at which time the lockhold count is set to one.

• ReadWrite Lock– Has two locks that control the read and write access.– readLock () method returns a lock for reading– writeLock () method returns the lock for writing.

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Locks (contd..)class Account{

double amt;Lock lock=new ReentrantLock();Account(double amt){

this.amt=amt; }public void withdraw(double amt){

this.amt-=amt; }public void deposit(double amt){

this.amt+=amt; }public double dispay(){

return amt; } }class ThreadA implements Runnable{

Account acc;ThreadA(Account acc){

this.acc=acc; }public void run(){

try {acc.lock.lock(); acc.withdraw(200.0);Thread.sleep(1000);System.out.println("After withdrawal:

"+acc.dispay());} catch (Exception ex) { }finally{ acc.lock.unlock();} } }

class ThreadB implements Runnable{Account acc;ThreadB(Account acc){

this.acc=acc;}public void run(){

try {acc.lock.lock();acc.deposit(100.0); Thread.sleep(1000);System.out.println("After deposit:

"+acc.dispay());} catch (Exception ex) { }finally{

acc.lock.unlock();} }

}public class Main {

public static void main(String[] args) {Account acc=new Account(10000);ExecutorService

e1=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);e1.execute(new ThreadA(acc));e1.execute(new ThreadB(acc));


Here is a simple example that work with locks.

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Advanced Java Programming Module 3 - Input Output Streams & Serialization

We shall now move on to the module on Input Output Streams & Serialization.

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Lesson Outcomes

• After completion of the module you will be able to understand about– What are Streams?– What are the types of streams available?– What are the classes available to work with streams?– How the buffered streams are advantageous over the

non-buffered streams?– What is Serialization?

After completion of the module you will be able to understand about

What are Streams?

What are the types of streams available?

What are the classes available to work with streams?

How the buffered streams are advantageous over the non-buffered streams? and

What is Serialization?

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• Streams are channels of communication between programs and source/destination of data

– A stream is either a source of bytes or a destination for bytes.

• Provide a good abstraction between the source and destination

• Abstract away the details of the communication path from I/O operation

• Streams hide the details of what happens to the data inside the actual I/O devices.

• Streams can read/write data from/to blocks of memory, files and network connections

A stream is a path of communication between the source of some information and its destination. The source and the destination can be a file, the computer's memory, or even the Internet. An input stream allows you to read data from a source, and an output stream allows you to write data to a destination.

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Streams(Contd …)

Source ProgramReads

Program Destination




This diagram shows how streams work with the source and destination.

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Input and Output

• The Java Input/Output system is designed to make it device independent

• The classes for performing input and output operations are available in the package

Java I/O System is built on 4 abstract classes. They are,



Reader and


There are several subclasses inherited from these abstract classes each has a concrete purpose. Though we use only those subclasses in the program, the basic functionalities are defined in the top level classes for use by all the stream subclasses which help us to access any device in an uniform way.

The classes for performing input and output operations are available in the package

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Java’s Input-Output System

• The basic I/O system of Java can handle only two types of data– Bytes– Characters

Java Input/Output System

Character oriented System

Byte Oriented System

The basic I/O system of Java can handle only two types of data. They are,

Bytes and


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Byte I/OByte-Oriented System• The following are the two abstract classes provided for

reading and writing bytes

– InputStream - Reading bytes– OutputStream - Writing bytes

• For performing I/O operations, we depend on the sub classes of these two classes

A stream, which receives and sends information as bytes, is called a byte-oriented stream. At the top of the hierarchy are the two abstract classes: InputStream and OutputStream for input and output respectively. These classes define many important methods for handling the streams. The read() and write() methods in the InputStream and OutputStream are used for reading and writing to and from streams respectively. Both these methods are abstract and are implemented by all the classes derived from these InputStream and OutputStreamclasses .

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Methods in InputStream

• int available()• void close()• void mark(int numberofBytes)• boolean markSupported()• int read()• int read(byte buffer[])• int read(byte buffer[], int offset, int numberofBytes)• void reset()• long skip(long numberofBytes)

Methods defined in InputStream are,

available() - this returns the number of bytes of input currently available for reading.

close() - this closes the input source. Further read will generate IOException

mark(int numberofBytes) - This places a mark at the current point in the input stream that will remain valid until numberofBytes are read.

markSupported() – returns true if mark()/reset() is supported.

read() – Returns the integer representation of the next available byte in the input.

read(byte buffer[]) – It will try to read bytes into the buffer till the buffer can hold and returns the number of bytes that are successfully read.

read(byte buffer[], int offset, int numberofBytes) - It will try to read specified numberofBytes into the buffer starting from buffer[offset] and returns the number of bytes that are successfully read.

reset() – It will reset the input pointer to the previously set mark.

skip(long numberofBytes) – ignores the numberofBytes of input and returns the numberofBytes ignored actually.

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Methods in OutputStream

• void close()• void flush()• void write(int b)• void write(byte buffer[])• void write(byte buffer[], int offset, int numberofBytes)

Methods defined in OutputStream are,

close() – This closes the output stream.

flush() – It flushes the output buffers.

write(int b) – this writes a byte to an output stream

write(byte buffer[]) - this writes an array of bytes to the output stream

write(byte buffer[], int offset, int numberofBytes) this writes a specified range of bytes from a byte array to the output stream

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Input Stream hierarchy








Here are the Byte Input Stream Classes derived from the abstract class InputStream.


It is used to create an input stream from an array of bytes. Allows a buffer in memory to be used as an InputStream.


For reading information from a file.


It supports retrieving the stored state of an object. It is associated with deserialization.

Filtered Streams : There are the wrappers around underlying I/O streams that transparently provide some extended level of functionality to the other InputSteam classes.


This is one of the most valuable of all streams. Using a buffer, it prevents a physical read every time when more data is needed. It uses buffered array of bytes that acts as a cache for future reading.


Used to read primitives from a stream in a portable fashion. All the methods that instances of this class understand are defined in a separate interface called DataInput, and implemented by this stream.


Has a one byte push-back buffer with which it is possible to push back the last read byte. The filter stream class.

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Output Stream hierarchy








Here are the Byte Output Stream Classes derived fro m the abstract class OutputStream.

ByteArrayOutputStreamIt is an implementation of an output stream that uses a byte array as the destination. The inverse of ByteArrayInputStream, which creates an input stream from an array of bytes, the ByteArrayOutputStream, directs an output stream into an array of bytes.

FileoutputStreamIt is used for writing information to a file.

ObjectOutputStreamIt supports permanently saving the state of an object. It is associated with serialization.

Filtered Streams : These are wrappers around underlying I/O streams that transparently provide some extended level of functionality to the other OutputStream classes.

BufferedOutputStreamUsing a buffer, it prevents a physical write every time data is sent.

DataOutputStreamIt is used to write primitives to a stream in a portable fashion.

PrintStreamIt is used for producing formatted output.

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Character I/O

Character-Oriented System• Since byte-oriented streams are inconvenient for

Unicode-compliant character- based I/O , Java has the following abstract classes for performing character I/O

– Reader class– Writer class

• Support internationalization of Java I/O• Subclasses of Reader and Writer are used for handling

Unicode characters

Streams, which receive and send information as characters are called character oriented streams. The abstract classes Reader and Writer are the base classes for all the character-oriented streams. Two of the most important methods are, read() and write(), which read and write characters of data, respectively. These methods are overridden by derived stream classes. Java supports internationalization and for that UNICODE character set is used.

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Methods in Reader

• void close()

• void mark( int )

• int read()

• int read(char[] c)

• int read(char [] c, int off , int numberofCharacters )

• long skip(long num)

Methods defined in Reader Class are:

close() - this closes the input source.

mark(int numberofCharacters) - This places a mark at the current point in the input stream that will remain valid until numberofCharacters are read.

read() - Returns the integer representation of the next available character in the input.

read(char[] c) - It will try to read Characters into the buffer till the buffer can hold and returns the number of Characters that are successfully read.

read(char [] c, int off , int numberofCharacters) - It will try to read specified numberofCharacters into the buffer starting from c[off] and returns the number of Characters that are successfully read.

skip(long num) - ignores the number of Characters of input and returns the number of Characters ignored actually.

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Methods in Writer

• abstract void close()

• abstract void flush()• void write( int c)• void write(char[] c, int off, int len)• void write(char[] c, int len)• void write(String str)• void write(String str, int off, int len)

Methods defined in Writer class are:

close() - This closes the output stream.

flush() - It flushes the output buffers.

write( int c), write(char[] c, int off, int len), write(char[] c, int len), write(String str) and write(String str, int off, int len) writes to the output stream.

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Buffered Reader






Reader Hierarchy

Here are the Character Input Stream Classes derived from the abstract class Reader

BufferedReader : Read text from a character-input stream and buffer characters so as to provide efficient reading of characters, arrays, and lines. Using a buffer, it prevents a physical read every time when more data is needed.

InputStreamReader: Input stream that reads bytes and decodes them into characters .

FilterReader : Abstract class for reading filtered character streams.

PushbackReader : Input stream that allows characters to be returned to the input stream.

CharArrayReader : Input stream that reads from a character array.

FileReader : Input stream that reads from a file

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PrintWriter FileWriter



Writer Hierarchy

Here are the Character Output Stream Classes derive d from the abstract class Writer

BufferedWriter : Buffered Output character stream

OutputStreamWriter: Output stream that translates characters to bytes

FilterWriter : Abstract class for writing filtered character streams

CharArrayWriter : Output stream that writes to a character array

FileWriter :Output stream that writes to a file

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InputStream – The read() method (1 of 2)

• The read() method reads a byte from the input deviceand returns an integer

• It returns an integer value or -1 if the end of the stream is reached

– The read() method of FileInputStream returns -1 when it reaches end of file condition

• In case of a successful read, the returned integer can be typecasted to a byte to get the data read from the device

InputStream – The read() method

The read() method reads a byte from the input device and returns an integer.

It returns -1 if the end of the stream is reached .

The read() method of FileInputStream returns -1 when it reaches end of file condition

In case of a successful read, the returned integer can be typecasted to a byte to get the data read from the device

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InputStream – The read() method (2 of 2)

• Why is the byte embedded in an int?• Storing the byte into the low end of an integer, makes it

possible for the program to distinguish between -1 integer representing end of data condition and -1 byte, a data stored in the device

• On reading a data of -1 byte successfully from a device, the following integer is returned– 00000000 00000000 00000000 11111111– The integer value of this is 255– This can be typecast to 11111111 which is the real data,

-1 byte• When a read fails, the following integer is returned

– 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111– The integer value is -1 indicating end of data

Why is the byte embedded in an int?

Storing the byte into the low end of an integer, makes it possible for the program to distinguish between -1 integer representing end of data condition and -1 byte, a data stored in the device

On reading a data of -1 byte successfully from a device, the integer value of 255 is returned. When a read fails, the integer value -1 is returned as shown here.

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Device Independent I/O (1 of 2)

• The way in which I/O is performed is not changing with the device

• The following method will write three bytes into any output device

ByteWriter byteWriter = new ByteWriter();

byteWriter.writeBytes(System.out); //Write to the monitor

byteWriter.writeBytes(byteArrayOutputStream); //Write to an array

byteWriter.writeBytes(fileOutputStream); //Write to a file


public void writeBytes(OutputStream outputStream){






catch(IOException exception){

System.out.println(exception); }}

The way in which I/O is performed is not changing with the device. Here is an example. The method shown here can write three bytes to any output stream in the same way.

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Filter Classes

• The Java I/O System uses filter classes to build specialized I/O streams that provide particular capabilities as needed.

• Typically an instance of a lower level class is created and then it is wrapped inside more specialized stream instances by passing it to the wrapper via a constructor argument.

Filter Classes

The Java I/O System uses filter classes to build specialized I/O streams that provide particular capabilities as needed.

Typically an instance of a lower level class is created and then it is wrapped inside more specialized stream instances by passing it to the wrapper via a constructor argument.

Typical extensions that can be achieved through this are buffering, character translation, and raw data translation.

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Non-Buffered IO

• Reading and writing a byte at a time can be expensive in terms of processing time


d D




Access H/D

Gets/writes firstbyte

Access H/D

Gets/writessecond byte

Access H/D

Gets/writes third byte


Reading and writing a byte at a time is an expensive task. It requires lot of things to be done for a single read/write.

This diagram shows how the read and write of bytes are handled.

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Buffered IO

• Buffering helps java to store an entire block of values into a buffer

• It never has to go back to the source and ask for more, unless it runs out


d D


P rogram FileStream

Access H /D

Gets/w rites a set ofbytes as per the buffer

siz e per access

gets/w ritesdata

B uffer Transfe r o f group

o f byte s

Tr an s fer o f o ne

byte at a t im e

With Buffering we can improve the performance of Read and Write process.

Buffering helps java to store an entire block of values into a buffer.

It never has to go back to the source and ask for more, unless it runs out.

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• The following code snippet writes bytes to a file using buffering mechanism

FileOutputStream fileOutputStream=new FileOutputStream(“Data”);BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream=new

BufferedOutputStream(fileOutputStream);byte data1 = 65, data2 = 66, data3 = 67;bufferedOutputStream.write(data1);bufferedOutputStream.write(data2);bufferedOutputStream.write(data3);bufferedOutputStream.close();




Filter Classes

Here is an example for buffering. This code writes data to the file using Buffering mechanism. Here we first wrap a FileStream with a BufferedStream. Buffered classes improve the performance of I/O by providing intermediate data storage buffers. The data must fill the buffer to a certain level before it is sent to the next stage, thus performing fewer time-consuming operations. Note that this can require the "flushing" of data near the end of the transmission when the data did not reach the level required for release.

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DataInputStream and DataOutputStream

• InputStream and OutputStream deal with bytes only• DataInputStream and DataOutputStream are filter

classes that wrap around InputStream and OutputStreamobjects so that primitive types can be read and written

• DataInputStream has the methods

– readInt– readDouble– readBoolean– readXXX

• DataOutputStream has the methods

– writeInt– writeDouble– writeBoolean– writeXXX

The DataInputStream class provides the capability to read arbitrary objects and primitive types from an input stream. The filter provided by this class can be nested with other input filters.

The DataOutputStream class provides an output complement to DataInputStream. It allows arbitrary objects and primitive data types to be written to an output stream. It also keeps track of the number of bytes written to the output stream. It is an output filter and can be combined with any output-filtering streams.

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• Pushback is used on an input stream for reading a byte and then pushing it back to the stream as if it is unread

• The filter class PushbackInputStream provides the following methods for pushing back

– void unread(int bytevalue)– void unread(byte buffer[])– void unread(byte buffer[], int offset, int numBytes)

When reading an input, you often need to peek at the next byte to see if it is the value that you expect. Java provides PushbackInputStream for this purpose. You can read the byte from the stream and push it back to the stream by unreading it.

The first form of unread() method pushes back the low order byte of bytevalue. This will be the next byte returned by call to read() .

The second form of unread() returns the bytes in the buffer.

The third form of unread() pushes back numBytes bytes beginning at offset from buffer.

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• This filter class provides functionality to print all data types.

• It provides two methods, print() and println(), that are overloaded to print any primitive data type or object.

• Objects are printed by first converting them to strings using their toString() method inherited from the Object class.

• PrintStream class has the following constructor– PrintStream(OutputStream outputStream)

• System.out is a PrintStream object

PrintStream filter class provides functionality to print all data types.

It provides two methods, print() and println(), that are overloaded to print any primitive data type or object.

Objects are printed by first converting them to strings using their toString() method inherited from the Object class.

PrintStream class has the following constructorPrintStream(OutputStream outputStream)

System.out is a PrintStream object

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“Bridge” Classes

• Two classes act as bridge between byte streams and characters– InputStreamReader– OutputStreamWriter

• InputStreamReader wraps around an InputStream object and helps to read characters from an InputStream

• OutputStreamWriter wraps around an OutputStreamobject and helps to write characters into an OutputStream

Two classes that act as bridge between byte streams and character streams are



InputStreamReader wraps around an InputStream object and helps to read characters from an InputStream.

OutputStreamWriter wraps around an OutputStream object and helps to write characters into an OutputStream.

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What is Serialization?

• Persistence:– The capability of an object to exist beyond the

execution of the program which created it. – In other words, saving the state of an object in some

permanent storage device, such as file

If the object exists beyond the execution of the program that created it then it is known as persistence. Serialization is the key factor for implementing persistence. Serialization allows to store objects in the files, communicate them across networks and use them in distributed applications.

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Serialization Mechanism

• Serializable objects can be converted into stream of bytes

• This stream of bytes can be written into a file• These bytes can be read back to re-create the object• Only those objects that implements

interface can be serialized

Serialization Mechanism

Where Serializable objects can be converted into stream of bytes

This stream of bytes can be written into a file

These bytes can be read back to re-create the object

Only those objects that implements or Externalizable interface can be serialized

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ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream

• Filter classes that help to write and read Serializableobjects

• ObjectOutputStream wraps around any OutputStream and helps to write a Serializable object into the OutputStream

• ObjectOutputStream(OutputStream outputStream)• The method writeObject(Object object) will write the object

to the underlying OutputStream object• ObjectInputStream wraps around any InputStream and

helps to read a stream of bytes as an Object from the InputStream

• ObjectInputStream(InputStream inputStream)• The method readObject() will read a stream of bytes,

convert them into an Object and return it

ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream Filter classes help us to write and read Serializable objects

ObjectOutputStream wraps around any OutputStream and helps to write a Serializableobject into the OutputStream

The method writeObject(Object object) will write the object to the underlying OutputStreamobject

ObjectInputStream wraps around any InputStream and helps to read a stream of bytes as an Object from the InputStream

The method readObject() will read a stream of bytes, convert them into an Object and return it

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Security: an issue in serialization

• Serialized objects can be sent over network • Can be accidentally or deliberately modified• Also sensitive data can be readSolution• Encrypt the object during serialization using Security API• Ensure that sensitive objects do not implement

Serialializable or Externalizable

Serialized objects can be sent over network. While transmitting it can be accidentally or deliberately modified and also sensitive data can be read.

So the Solution is

Encrypt the object during serialization using Security API.

But the best way is to “Ensure that sensitive objects do not implement Serialializable or Externalizable” interfaces.

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Advanced Java Programming

Module 4 - JDBC

We shall now move on to the module on JDBC.

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Lesson Outcomes

• After completion of the module you will be able to understand – What is JDBC?– What are the advantages of using JDBC?– How to work with a database using JDBC? and– Transaction control in JDBC.

After completion of the module you will be able to understand

What is JDBC?

What are the advantages of using JDBC?

How to work with a database using JDBC? and

Transaction control in JDBC.

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• The JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API helps a Java program to access a database in a standard way

• JDBC is a specification that tells the database vendors how to write a driver program to interface Java programs with their database

The JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API helps a Java program to access a database in a standard way.

JDBC is a specification that tells the database vendors how to write a driver program to interface Java programs with their database.

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JDBC [Contd..]

• A Driver written according to this standard is called the JDBC Driver

• All related classes and interfaces are present in the java.sql package

• All JDBC Drivers implement the interfaces of java.sql

A Driver written according to JDBC standard is called the JDBC Driver

All related classes and interfaces are present in the java.sql package

All JDBC Drivers implement the interfaces of java.sql

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JDBC Drivers

• There are 4 types of drivers --Type1, Type2, Type3,Type4

There are 4 types of drivers --Type1, Type2, Type3,Type4 drivers.

Let us see one by one in detail.

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Type1 Driver (JDBC-ODBC bridge driver)

Calling Java Application


JDBC Driver Manager

JDBC - ODBC Bridge(Type I Driver)

ODBC Driver


Database Library APIs

The JDBC type 1 driver , also known as the JDBC-ODBC bridge is a database driver implementation that uses the ODBC. The driver converts JDBC method calls into ODBC function calls. The bridge is usually used when there is no pure-Java driver available for a particular database.

The driver is implemented by the sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver class and comes with the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition.

The driver is platform-dependent as it makes use of ODBC which in turn depends on native libraries of the operating system. Also, using this driver has got other dependencies such as ODBC must be installed on the computer having the driver and the database which is being connected to must support an ODBC driver. Hence the use of this driver is discouraged if the alternative of a pure-Java driver is available.

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Type2 Driver (Native-API driver )

Calling Java Application


JDBC Driver Manager

Native - API driver(Type II Driver)


Database Library APIs

The JDBC type 2 driver , also known as the Native-API driver is a database driver implementation that uses the client-side libraries of the database. The driver converts JDBC method calls into native calls of the database API.

The type 2 driver is not written entirely in Java as it interfaces with non-Java code that makes the final database calls. The driver is compiled for use with the particular operating system. For platform interoperability, the Type 4 driver, being a full-Java implementation, is preferred over this driver.

However the type 2 driver provides more functionality and performance than the type 1 driver as it does not have the overhead of the additional ODBC function calls

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Type3 Driver (Network-protocol driver )Calling Java Application


JDBC Driver Manager

Network-Protocol driver(Type III Driver)

Different DataBase Vendors

MiddleWare(Application Server)

The JDBC type 3 driver , also known as the network-protocol driver is a database driver implementation which makes use of a middle-tier between the calling program and the database. The middle-tier (application server) converts JDBC calls directly or indirectly into the vendor-specific database protocol.

This differs from the type 4 driver in that the protocol conversion logic resides not at the client but in the middle-tier. However, like type 4 drivers, the type 3 driver is written entirely in Java.

The same driver can be used for multiple databases. It depends on the number of databases the middleware has been configured to support. The type 3 driver is platform-independent as the platform-related differences are taken care by the middleware. Also, making use of the middleware provides additional advantages of security and firewall access.

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Type4 Driver (Native-protocol driver )

Calling Java Application


JDBC Driver Manager

Native - Protocol driver(Type 4 Driver)


direct calls using specificdatabase protocol

The JDBC type 4 driver , also known as the native-protocol driver is a database driver implementation that converts JDBC calls directly into the vendor-specific database protocol.

The type 4 driver is written completely in Java and is hence platform independent. It provides better performance over the type 1 and 2 drivers as it does not have the overhead of conversion of calls into ODBC or database API calls. Unlike the type 1 and 2 drivers, it does not need associated software to work.

As the database protocol is vendor-specific, separate drivers, usually vendor-supplied, need to be used to connect to the database. Performance wise this is the most efficient.

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Database interaction

• The steps involved in a database interaction are:– Loading the specific driver– Making a connection to the database– Sending SQL statements to the database– Processing the results

The steps involved in a database interaction are:

Loading the specific driver

Making a connection to the database

Sending SQL statements to the database

Processing the results

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JDBC - classes and interfaces

• DriverManager class : – Manages all the JDBC Drivers that are loaded in

the memory– Helps in dynamic loading of Drivers

• Data Source : – Offer the user considerably more capability than

the basic Connection objects that the DriverManager provides.

– It supports connection pooling and distributed transactions

The DriverManager class provides methods to obtain a connection to a database through a driver, register and deregister drivers, set up logging, and set login timeouts for database access. When you request a connection it returns an object of the Connection interface. The Connection object is then used to create SQL statements and handle ResultSets.

The additional features of DataSource objects make it a preferred means of getting a Connection to any source of data. The source can be anything from a relational database to a spreadsheet or a file in tabular form.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• Three types of standard DataSource objects :– The basic DataSource that produces standard

Connection objects just like those that the DriverManager produces

– A PooledDataSource that supports connection pooling. Pooled connections are returned to a pool for reuse by another transaction.

– A DistributedDataSource that supports distributed transactions accessing two or more DBMS servers.

There are three types of standard DataSource objects :

The basic DataSource that produces standard Connection objects just like those that the DriverManager produces.

A Pooled DataSource that supports connection pooling. Pooled connections are returned to a pool for reuse by another transaction..

A Distributed DataSource that supports distributed transactions accessing two or more DBMS servers.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• Methods in DriverManager class -– getConnection() : to establish a connection to a

database. • Connection getConnection(String url, Properties

info)• Connection getConnection(String url)• Connection getConnection(String url, String

userID, String password)– registerDriver(java.sql.Driver)

The methods present in ‘java.sql.DriverManager’ clas s are:

public static synchronized Connection getConnection (String url, Properties info) throws SQLException

This method and other getConnection() methods attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL and attempts to select an appropriate driver from the set of registered JDBC drivers. ‘info’ is a reference to a Properties container object of tag and value pairs, typically having username and password.

public static synchronized void registerDriver(java .sql.Driver driver) throws SQLException

This method is invoked by Drivers to register themselves with DriverManager. This is generally used when you have a custom driver to connect to the database.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• Connection interface - defines methods for interacting with the database via the established connection.– A connection object represents a connection with a

database.– A connection session includes the SQL statements

that are executed and the results that are returned over that connection.

– A single application can have one or more connections with a single database, or it can have many connections with many different databases.

Connection interface - defines methods for interacting with the database via the established connection.

A connection object represents a connection with a database.

A connection session includes the SQL statements that are executed and the results that are returned over that connection.

A single application can have one or more connections with a single database, or it can have many connections with many different databases.

To execute a SQL statement you need to create an object of the Statement by invoking the appropriate method of the Connection interface. You should then use the method of the Statement interface to execute the SQL query. The method may return a ‘ ResultSet’ object, integer value telling number of lines modified or updated by the statement, etc.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• The different methods of Connection interface are:– close() - closes the database connection– createStatement() - creates an SQL Statement

object– prepareStatement() - creates an SQL

PreparedStatement object. (PreparedStatementobjects are precompiled SQL statements)

– prepareCall() - creates an SQL CallableStatementobject using an SQL string. (CallableStatementobjects are SQL stored procedure call statements )

The different methods of Connection interface are:

close() - closes the database connection

createStatement() - creates an SQL Statement object

prepareStatement() - creates an SQL PreparedStatement object. (PreparedStatement objects are precompiled SQL statements)

prepareCall() - creates an SQL CallableStatement object using an SQL string. (CallableStatement objects are SQL stored procedure call statements)

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• A statement object is used to send SQL statements to a database.

• Three kinds :Statement – Execute simple SQL without parametersPreparedStatement

– Used for pre-compiled SQL statements with or without parameters


– Execute a call to a database stored procedure or function

SQL is the language used to interact with the database. To retrieve or insert, update and delete data into a database you need to execute SQL statements. Java provides three interfaces, i.e. the Statement interface, the PreparedStatement interface and the CallableStatement interface to achieve this.

Statement•Execute simple SQL without parameters

PreparedStatement•Used for pre-compiled SQL statements with or without parameters


•Execute a call to a database stored procedure or function

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• Statement interface - defines methods that are used to interact with database via the execution of SQL statements.

• The different methods are:– executeQuery(String sql) - executes an SQL statement

(SELECT) that queries a database and returns a ResultSetobject.

– executeUpdate(String sql) - executes an SQL statement (INSERT,UPDATE,or DELETE) that updates the database and returns an int, the row count associated with the SQL statement

– execute(String sql) - executes an SQL statement that is written as String object

– getResultSet() - used to retrieve the ResultSet object

Statement interface - defines methods that are used to interact with database via the execution of SQL statements.

The different methods are:

executeQuery(String sql) - executes an SQL statement (SELECT) that queries a database and returns a ResultSet object.

executeUpdate(String sql) - executes an SQL statement (INSERT,UPDATE,orDELETE) that updates the database and returns an int, the row count associated with the SQL statement

execute(String sql) - executes an SQL statement that is written as String object

getResultSet() - used to retrieve the ResultSet object

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

Example:Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:odbc:emp”, “”, “”);

/* create statement */Statement statement = connection.createStatement();/* get all records from the Employee table */ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("select * from Employee");/* update the age in empcode 1 and check no of records affected by change */String sql = “update Employee set empage = 25 where e mpcode = 1”;int recordsAffected = stmt.executeUpdate(sql);if(recordsAffected == 0)

System.out.println(“Update failed”);/* delete employee record with empcode = 2 */String sql = “delete from employee where empcode = 2” ;int recordsAffected = statement.executeUpdate(sql);/* we have to commit the transaction once we delete the record, otherwise the record is

just marked for deletion but not physically deleted. we achieve this by using the commit() method of the Connection interface */


An example of the usage of the Statement interface and its methods is shown here using the ‘Employee’ table and emp’ DSN. The ‘Employee’ table consists of three fields namely ‘empcode’, ‘empname’ and ‘empage’. Pause the presentation and analyze the code.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• ResultSet Interface - maintains a pointer to a row within the tabular results. The next() method is used to successively step through the rows of the tabular results.

• The different methods are:– getBoolean(int) - Get the value of a column in the

current row as a Java boolean. – getByte(int) - Get the value of a column in the

current row as a Java byte. – getDouble(int) - Get the value of a column in the

current row as a Java double.– getInt(int) - Get the value of a column in the current

row as a Java int.

Database query results are retrieved as a ResultSet object.

The ResultSet maintains the position of the current row, starting with the first row of data returned.

When a database query is executed, the results of the query are returned as a table of data organized in rows and columns. The ‘ResultSet’ interface gives access to this tabular format of data. Every method which you use to access the database would throw an SQL Exception so, you have to include the code in a try and catch block or declare that the method throws SQLException.

The different methods are:

next() - method is used to successively step through the rows of the tabular results

getBoolean(int) - Get the value of a column in the current row as a Java boolean.

getByte(int) - Get the value of a column in the current row as a Java byte.

getDouble(int) - Get the value of a column in the current row as a Java double.

getInt(int) - Get the value of a column in the current row as a Java int.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

The following example illustrates the use of the ResultSet interface and its methods.

Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:odbc:emp”, “”, “”);Statement statement = connection.createStatement();ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("select * from Employee");/* Employee table has three columns first is a code (number), second is name

(String) andthird is age (number)*/while({

int code = rs.getInt(1);String name= rs.getString(2);int age = rs.getInt(3);System.out.println(“Code : ”+ code + “Name: ” + name + “ Age : ” + age);


The given example illustrates the use of the ResultSet interface and its methods. Pause the presentation and analyze the code.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• Types of ResultSet Objects– ScrollableResultSet

It supports the ability to move a result set’s cursor in either direction and there are methods for getting the cursor position and moving the cursor to a particular row.

– Updatable ResultSetsThis allows to make the updates to the values in the ResultSet itself, and these changes are reflected in the database.

Types of ResultSet Objects


It supports the ability to move a result set’s cursor in either direction and there are methods for getting the cursor position and moving the cursor to a particular row.

Updatable ResultSets

This allows to make the updates to the values in the ResultSet itself, and these changes are reflected in the database.

To create a Scrollable Resultset, we need to call the createStatement method with two arguments passed, the first specify the type of the ResultSet object.

The second argument must be one of the two ResultSet constants for specifying whether a result set is read-only or updateable.

To create an UpdatableResultSet object,we need to call the createStatement method with the ResultSet constant CONCUR_UPDATABLE as the second argument.The Statement object created produces an updatable ResultSet object when it executes a query.

Once you have an UpdatableResultSet object, you can insert a new row, delete an existing row, or modify one or more column values in the Result set and these changes will be reflected in the database.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• Cursor control methods– next()– previous()– first()– last()– beforeFirst()– afterLast()– absolute(int rowNumber)– relative(int rowNumber)

In addition to the method, which is used to move the cursor forward, one row at a time, scrollable ResultSets support the method previous() which moves the cursor back one row.

The effect of the first(), last(), beforeFirst() and afterLast() are clear from the method names itself.

The method absolute(int number) moves the cursor to the row number indicated in the argument.

The method relative(int rowNumber) lets you specify how many rows to move from the current row and in which direction to move. A positive number moves the cursor forward the given number of rows, a negative number moves the cursor backward the given number of rows.

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Using Statement and ResultSetimport java.sql.*;class JDBCTest{

public static void main(String args[]) {try{Class. forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); Connection connection =

DriverManager. getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@DB IPaddress:port_no:host

string",“uid",“password"); Statement statement = connection.createStatement();ResultSet resultSet = statement. executeQuery ("select * from Student"); while(resultSet. next ()){

System.out.println(resultSet.getInt("ClassNo"));} }catch(Exception exception) {

System.out.println(exception); } }}

Here is a simple program that consolidates how to work with Statement and ResultSetinterfaces. Pause the presentation and analyze the code.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• PreparedStatement interface -- helps us to work with precompiled SQL statements

• Precompiled SQL statements are faster than normal statements

• So, if a SQL statement is to be repeated, it is better to use PreparedStatement

• Some values of the statement can be represented by a ?character which can be replaced later using setXXXmethod

PreparedStatement interface -- helps us to work with precompiled SQL statements

Precompiled SQL statements are faster than normal statements

So, if a SQL statement is to be repeated, it is better to use PreparedStatement

Some values of the statement can be represented by a ? character which can be replaced later using setXXX method.

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Using PreparedStatementimport java.sql.*;class PreparedStatementTest{

public static void main(String args[]) throws Except ion{try{Class. forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");Connection connection = DriverManager. getConnection (“url", “UID",

“password"); PreparedStatement preparedStatement =

connection. prepareStatement ("select * from Emp where ename=?");

preparedStatement. setString (1,str);ResultSet resultSet = preparedStatement. executeQuery ();while({

System.out.println(resultSet. getString ("ename"));} }catch(Exception exception){

System.out.println(exception); }} }

Here is a simple program that consolidates how to work with PreparedStatement and ResultSet interfaces. Pause the presentation and analyze the code.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• CallableStatement interface -- helps us to call stored procedures and functionsCallableStatement callableStatement =

connection.prepareCall (“execute proc ?”);callableStatement.setInt (1,50);callableStatement.execute ();

CallableStatement interface -- helps us to call stored procedures and functions.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• The out parameters are to be registeredcallableStatement.registerOutParameter (int

parameterIndex, int SQLType);• To get the value stored in the out parameter--

callableStatement.getXXX (int parameterIndex);

Before executing the procedures we have to register the out parameters of the procedure using registerOutParameter() method. After execution the result stored in out parameters can be retrieved using getXXX() methods.

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Using CallableStatement

• Example - Calling a stored procedure named GetSalary. The procedure queries on the Employee table and returns the salary of an employee. It has one input parameter that takes the EmpCode and an out parameter that returns the salary

CallableStatement callableStatement = connection. prepareCall ("begin GetSalary(?,?); end;");

callableStatement. setInt (1,29418);// OUT parameters must be registered.callableStatement. registerOutParameter (2,Types.DOUBLE );callableStatement. execute ();System.out.println("Salary : " + callableStatement. getDouble (2));

Here is a piece of code that lets you know how to work with CallableStatement interface. Pause the presentation and analyze the code.

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JDBC - classes and interfaces [Contd..]

• ResultSetMetaData Interface - holds information on the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet.

• The following code creates a ResultSet obect and ResultSetMetaData object.ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TABLE2"); ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();

• The different methods are:– getColumnName(int column)

– getColumnType(int column)

ResultSetMetaData Interface - holds information on the types and properties of the columns in a ResultSet.

The statements

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TABLE2");

ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();

creates a ResultSet object and ResultSetMetaData object.

Then we can apply different methods on ResultSetMetaData object to get the required information. For example,

getColumnName(int column) returns the designated column's name.

getColumnType(int column) returns the designated column's SQL type

getColumnLabel(int column) returns the designated column's suggested title for usein printouts and displays.

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Transaction Management using JDBC

• Transactions– The capability to group SQL statements for execution

as a single entity is provided through SQL’s transaction mechanism.

– A transaction consists of one or more statements that are executed, completed and either committed or rolled back as a group.

– The commit means that the change is made permanently in the database, and the term rollback means that no change is made in the database.

The capability to group SQL statements for execution as a single entity is provided through SQL’s transaction mechanism.

A transaction consists of one or more statements that are executed, completed and either committed or rolled back as a group.

The commit means that the change is made permanently in the database, and the term rollback means that no change is made in the database

When the method commit or rollback is called, the current transaction ends, and another one begins.

A new JDBC connection is in auto-commit mode by default, meaning that when a statement is completed, the method commit is called on that statement automatically.

The commit occurs when the statement completes or the next execute occurs, whichever comes first.

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Transaction Management using JDBC [Contd..]

• By default, auto commit mode of the connection reference is set to true

• A transaction can be done as follows using methods of the Connection interface


connection.connection.connection.connection.setAutoCommitsetAutoCommitsetAutoCommitsetAutoCommit(false(false(false(false); //by default it is true); //by default it is true); //by default it is true); //by default it is true



connection.connection.connection.connection.commitcommitcommitcommit(); (); (); ();


catch(Exceptioncatch(Exceptioncatch(Exceptioncatch(Exception exception){exception){exception){exception){



If auto-commit mode has been disabled, a transaction will not terminate until either the commit method or the rollback method is called explicitly, so the transaction will include all the statements that have executed since the last invocation of the commit or rollback method.

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Transaction Management using JDBC [Contd..]

• Transaction Isolation LevelsThis allows to manage simple conflicts arising from events such as a failure to complete a linked series of SQL commands.

• The current level of isolation can be queried using the method :public int getTransactionIsolation()

• The control over the isolation level of a connection is provided by this method:setTransactionIsolation(


Consider the case of a multiuser application, where one transaction has initiated a transfer between two accounts but has not yet committed it, when a second transaction attempts to access one of the account in question.

If the first transaction is rolled back, the value the second transaction reads will be invalid.

JDBC defines levels of transaction isolation that provides different levels of conflict management. The lowest level specifies that transaction are not supported at all, and the highest specifies that while one transaction is operating on a database, no other transactions may make any changes to the data that transaction reads.

setTransactionIsolation (int level) of Connection interface sets the specified isolation level. Level can take one of the five values,





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Transaction Savepoints

• During a transaction, a named savepoint may be inserted between operations to act as a marker, so that the transaction may be rolled back to that marker, leaving all of the operations before the marker in effect.

• Transaction savepoints are JDBC enhancements that offer finer control over transaction commit and rollback.


Statement stmt = con.createStatement();


Savepoint savepoint1 = con.setSavepoint(“SavePoint1”);




During a transaction, a named savepoint may be inserted between operations to act as a marker, so that the transaction may be rolled back to that marker, leaving all of the operations before the marker in effect.

The above code shows a Savepoint being set after the first update,and the transaction being rolled back to that Savepoint,removing two subsequent updates.

When a SQL statements make changes to a database, the commit method makes those changes permanent, and it releases any locks the transaction holds.

The rollback method, on the other hand, simply discards those changes.

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Advanced Java Programming Module 5 - Java Remote Method Invocation

We shall now move on to the module on RMI – Remote Method Invocation.

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Lesson Outcomes

• After completion of the module you can able to understand

– The need for RMI

– How to Access Remote Objects and


After completion of the module you can able to understand

The need for RMI

How to Access Remote Objects and


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Remote Method Invocation

• RMI feature allows us to invoke a method on an object which resides in another JVM.

• Examples of Use

• Database access

• Computations

• Any custom protocol

• Not for standard protocols (HTTP, FTP, etc.)

When the processing is distributed across the multiple networked computers then it is called as “distributed application”.

In Java RMI feature allows us to invoke a method on an object which resides in another JVM.

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Java Virtual Machine

Remote Objects

Java Virtual Machine

Client/local Object



The RMI (Java Remote Method Invocation) is a mechanism that enables an object on one JVM to invoke methods on an object in another JVM.

A ‘distributed application’ is an application whose processing is distributed across multiple networked computers. Distributed architecture is based on the three-tier application development, where the front end, namely the user interface is on one network and the business rules and the database on a different network.

The models for developing distributed applications that exist in the industry today are DCOM, RMI and CORBA.

All these three methods of developing distributed applications allow objects on one host to invoke methods of objects on other computers or even computers on a different network. DCOM and CORBA are standards of developing distributed applications and so can be developed in any language, whereas RMI is specific to developing distributed applications in Java.

The distributed object model used by Java allows objects in one JVM to invoke methods of objects in a separate JVM and this is known as Remote Method Invocation (RMI). These separate JVMs may execute as a different process in the same computer or on remote computers.

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RMI Layers

Client Object Server Object 'S'

Object 'S' Stub Object 'S' Skeleton

Remote Reference Layer

Transport Layer

Remote Reference Layer

Transport Layer


Java Virtual Machine Java Virtual Machine

RMI Layers

Remote Reference Layer

A client invoking a method on a remote server object actually uses a stub or proxy as a conduit to the remote object. A client-held reference to a remote object is a reference to a local stub, which is an implementation of the remote interfaces of the object and which forwards invocation requests to it via the remote reference layer. Stubs are generated using the rmic compiler.The remote reference layer in the RMI system separates out the specific remote reference behavior from the client stub. Any call initiated by the stub is done directly through the reference layer, enabling appropriate reference semantics to be carried out. For example, if a remote reference had the behavior of connection retry, it would attempt to establish the retry connection on behalf of the stub. When the connection initiation succeeded, the reference layer would forward the marshaling of arguments and send the RMI call to the underlying transport for that reference type. The remote reference layer transmits data to the transport layer via the abstraction of a stream-oriented connection. The transport takes care of the implementation details of connections. Although connections present a streams-based interface, a connectionless transport can be implemented beneath the abstraction.

Transport Layer

The transport layer is responsible for connection setup, connection management, and keeping track of and dispatching to remote objects (the targets of remote calls) residing in the transport's address space. In order to dispatch to a remote object, the transport forwards the remote call up to the remote reference layer. The remote reference layer handles any server-side behavior that needs to occur before handing off the request to the server-side skeleton. The skeleton for a remote object makes an up call to the remote object implementation which carries out the actual method call.

The return value of a call is sent back through the skeleton, remote reference layer, and transport on the server side, and then up through the transport, remote reference layer, and stub on the client side.

In general, the transport layer of the RMI system is responsible for:

Setting up connections to remote address spaces.

Managing connections.

Monitoring connection "liveness."

Listening for incoming calls.

Maintaining a table of remote objects that reside in the address space.

Setting up a connection for an incoming call.

Locating the dispatcher for the target of the remote call and passing the connection to this dispatcher.

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General RMI architecture

• The server must first bind its name to the registry• The client lookup the server name in the registry to

establish remote references.• The Stub serializes the parameters to skeleton , the

skeleton invokes the remote method and serializes the result back to the stub.

General RMI architecture

The server must first bind its name to the registry

The client lookup the server name in the registry to establish remote references.

The Stub serializes the parameters to skeleton , the skeleton invokes the remote method and serializes the result back to the stub.

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General RMI architecture [Contd..]

RMI Server


RMI Registry


RMI Client


Lookupreturn call

Remote Machine

Local Machine

Here is the RMI Architecture.

Let us discuss about RMI Registry.

The registry is a simple server that enables an application to look up objects that are being exported for remote method invocation.

The registry simply keeps track of the addresses of remote objects that are being exported by their applications

All objects are assigned unique names that are used to identify them.

A server registers one of its objects with a registry by calling a bind() or rebind() method on a registry instance, passing it a String that uniquely identifies the object and a reference to an instance of the object that is being exported.

Since all objects must have a unique name, a bind() call to a registry that contains a name String that is already registered will result in an exception being thrown.

Alternatively, rebind() replaces an old object with a given name with a new object.

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Stub and skeleton

• A client invokes a remote method, the call is first forwarded to stub .

• The stub is responsible for sending the remote call over to the server-side skeleton

• The stub opening a socket to the remote server, marshaling the object parameters and forwarding the data stream to the skeleton.

• A skeleton contains a method that receives the remote calls, unmarshals the parameters, and invokes the actual remote object implementation.









Is the client side proxy for the remote object.

It is the application’s interface to the remote object

Responsible for initiating a call

Marshaling arguments to a marshal stream (marshal stream is used to transport parameters, exceptions and errors needed for method dispatch and returning the results)

It pretends to be remote object

It informs the remote reference layer that the call should be invoked.

Upon return:

Unmarshaling the return value or exception from a marshal stream.

Informing the remote reference layer that the call is complete.


lives on server

receives requests from stub

talks to true remote object

delivers response to stub

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Steps to develop a RMI system

• Define the remote interface• Develop the remote object (Server object) by

implementing the remote interface.• Develop the client program.• Compile the Java source files.• Generate the client stubs and server skeletons.• Start the RMI registry.• Start the remote server objects.• Run the client

To develop a RMI system do the following steps.

1. Define the remote interface

2. Develop the remote object (Server object) by implementing the remote interface.

3. Develop the client program.

4. Compile the Java source files.

5. Generate the client stubs and server skeletons.

6. Start the RMI registry.

7. Start the remote server objects.

8. Run the client

Let us see one by one in detail.

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Step1: Defining remote interface

• To create a RMI application, the first step is defining of a remote interface between the client and server objects.

/* /* /* /* */*/*/*/

import import import import java.rmijava.rmijava.rmijava.rmi.*;.*;.*;.*;

public interface public interface public interface public interface InterfaceRMIInterfaceRMIInterfaceRMIInterfaceRMI extends Remote{extends Remote{extends Remote{extends Remote{

int int int int cube(intcube(intcube(intcube(int x) throws x) throws x) throws x) throws RemoteExceptionRemoteExceptionRemoteExceptionRemoteException;;;;


Step1: Defining remote interface

To create a RMI application, the first step is defining of a remote interface between the client and server objects.

The Remote interface must have the following properties:

The interface must be public.

The interface must extend the interface java.rmi.Remote.

Every methods declared in the interface must throw java.rmi.RemoteException. Other exceptions may also be thrown.

Here in the example InterfaceRMI is the remote interface which contains the remote method “cube” declared.

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Step2: Develop the server object

• The server is a simple unicast remote server. • Create server by extending java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject


import import import import java.rmijava.rmijava.rmijava.rmi.*;.*;.*;.*;

import import import import java.rmi.serverjava.rmi.serverjava.rmi.serverjava.rmi.server.*;.*;.*;.*;

public class public class public class public class ServerRMIServerRMIServerRMIServerRMI extends extends extends extends UnicastRemoteObjectUnicastRemoteObjectUnicastRemoteObjectUnicastRemoteObject implements implements implements implements InterfaceRMIInterfaceRMIInterfaceRMIInterfaceRMI {{{{

public public public public ServerRMIServerRMIServerRMIServerRMI() throws () throws () throws () throws RemoteExceptionRemoteExceptionRemoteExceptionRemoteException {{{{




Step2: Develop the server object

The server is a simple unicast remote server.

Create server by extending java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject

UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject(new ServerRMi,port) ;

this can be used in case the server already extends some other class and we want that class to be the server class.

The java.rmi.server Package

This package implements several interfaces and classes that support both client and server aspects of RMI like a class implementation of Remote interface, client stub, server skeletonand so on.

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Step2 contd…

• The server class needs to implement the remote methods

public int public int public int public int cube(intcube(intcube(intcube(int x) throws x) throws x) throws x) throws RemoteExceptionRemoteExceptionRemoteExceptionRemoteException{{{{

return x*x*x;return x*x*x;return x*x*x;return x*x*x;


The server class needs to implement the remote methods defined in the remote interface. InterfaceRMI has the remote method cube. So ServerRMI class must provide implementation for the remote method cube.

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Step2 contd…

• The server must bind its name to the registry, the client will look up the server name.

• Use java.rmi.Naming class to bind the server name to registry . In this example the name by which it is registered is “MyServer”.............

public static void main (String a[]){public static void main (String a[]){public static void main (String a[]){public static void main (String a[]){

try {try {try {try {

ServerRMIServerRMIServerRMIServerRMI remoteServerremoteServerremoteServerremoteServer = new = new = new = new ServerRMIServerRMIServerRMIServerRMI();();();();

Naming.rebind("MyServerNaming.rebind("MyServerNaming.rebind("MyServerNaming.rebind("MyServer", ", ", ", remoteServerremoteServerremoteServerremoteServer ););););

System.out.println("SystemSystem.out.println("SystemSystem.out.println("SystemSystem.out.println("System is ready");is ready");is ready");is ready");

}}}}catch(Exceptioncatch(Exceptioncatch(Exceptioncatch(Exception e){e){e){e){





The server must bind its name to the registry.

Use java.rmi.Naming class to bind the server name to registry . In this example the name by which it is registered is “MyServer”.

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Step2 contd…/*/*/*/**/*/*/*/

import import import import java.rmijava.rmijava.rmijava.rmi.*;.*;.*;.*;

import import import import java.rmi.serverjava.rmi.serverjava.rmi.serverjava.rmi.server.*;.*;.*;.*;

public class public class public class public class ServerRMIServerRMIServerRMIServerRMI extends extends extends extends UnicastRemoteObjectUnicastRemoteObjectUnicastRemoteObjectUnicastRemoteObject implements implements implements implements InterfaceRMIInterfaceRMIInterfaceRMIInterfaceRMI {{{{

public public public public ServerRMIServerRMIServerRMIServerRMI() throws () throws () throws () throws RemoteExceptionRemoteExceptionRemoteExceptionRemoteException {{{{



public public public public intintintint cube(intcube(intcube(intcube(int x) throws x) throws x) throws x) throws RemoteExceptionRemoteExceptionRemoteExceptionRemoteException{{{{

return x*x*x;return x*x*x;return x*x*x;return x*x*x;


public static void main (String a[]){public static void main (String a[]){public static void main (String a[]){public static void main (String a[]){

try {try {try {try {

ServerRMIServerRMIServerRMIServerRMI remoteServerremoteServerremoteServerremoteServer = new = new = new = new ServerRMIServerRMIServerRMIServerRMI();();();();

Naming.rebind("MyServerNaming.rebind("MyServerNaming.rebind("MyServerNaming.rebind("MyServer", ", ", ", remoteServerremoteServerremoteServerremoteServer ););););

System.out.println("SystemSystem.out.println("SystemSystem.out.println("SystemSystem.out.println("System is ready");is ready");is ready");is ready");

}}}}catch(Exceptioncatch(Exceptioncatch(Exceptioncatch(Exception e){e){e){e){





Here is the complete listing of server code.

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Step 3: Develop the client program

• In order for the client object to invoke methods on the server, it must first look up the name of server object in the registry.

• Use the java.rmi.Naming class to lookup the server name.

• The server name is specified as URL in the from( rmi://host:port/name )

• Default RMI port is 1099.

Step 3: Develop the client program

In order for the client object to invoke methods on the server, it must first look up the name of server object in the registry.

Use the java.rmi.Naming class to lookup the server name.

The server name is specified as URL in the from( rmi://host:port/name )

Default RMI port is 1099.

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Step 3 contd…

• The name specified in the URL must exactly match the name with which the server object has bound to the registry. In this example, the name is "MyServer"

• The remote method invocation is programmed using the remote interface reference_name.function_name

The name specified in the URL must exactly match the name with which the server object has bound to the registry. In this example, the name is "MyServer"

The remote method invocation is programmed using the remote interface reference_name.function_name

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Step 3 contd…/*/*/*/**/*/*/*/

import import import import java.rmijava.rmijava.rmijava.rmi.*;.*;.*;.*;

public class public class public class public class ClientRMIClientRMIClientRMIClientRMI {{{{

public static void public static void public static void public static void main(Stringmain(Stringmain(Stringmain(String a[]) {a[]) {a[]) {a[]) {


InterfaceRMIInterfaceRMIInterfaceRMIInterfaceRMI objobjobjobj=(=(=(=(InterfaceRMIInterfaceRMIInterfaceRMIInterfaceRMI))))


int no=obj.cube(4);int no=obj.cube(4);int no=obj.cube(4);int no=obj.cube(4);

System.out.println("TheSystem.out.println("TheSystem.out.println("TheSystem.out.println("The value is : " + no);value is : " + no);value is : " + no);value is : " + no);

} } } }

catch(Exceptioncatch(Exceptioncatch(Exceptioncatch(Exception e){e){e){e){





Here is the client code. Pause the presentation and analyze the code.

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Step 4: compiling all the source files

• Compile all the 3 source codes using javac *.java.

Step 4: Compile all the source files.

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Step 5: generating stubs and skeleton

• Now the stub and skeleton need to be generated using rmic (rmi compiler)>rmic ServerRMI

Step 5: generating stubs and skeleton

Generate the stub and skeleton using rmi compiler - rmic

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Step 6: starting the RMI registry

• The rmiregistry must be started using start rmiregistry• This step needs to be done before the server program

starts as the server object has to be registered

Step 6: starting the RMI registry

The command start rmiregistry starts the RMI registry. See the output of the command.

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Step 7: start the server program

• Once the Registry is started, the server can be started and will be able to store itself in the Registry

• Start the server program• >java ServerRMI

Step 7: start the server program

Once the Registry is started, the server can be started and will be able to store itself in the Registry

Start the server by executing the server program.

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Step 8: start the client program

• The client program can now access the server program. Start the client program.>java ClientRMI

• For the client it seems as if the function call is on the same machine

Step 8: start the client program by running the client program.

The client program can now access the server program.

You can see the result in the client window.

For the client it seems as if the function call is on the same machine

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Advance Java Programming Module 6 - Java Beans

We shall now move on to the module on Java Beans.

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Lesson Outcomes

• Reflection API

• Introducing Java Beans

• Simple Java Bean

• Why Java Bean

• Java Beans in User Interface

• Naming conventions

After completion of the module you will be able to understand about

•Reflection APIs

•What are Java Beans

•Why Java Beans are used

•How to write Java Beans

•Java Beans role in user interface

•and the Naming Convention followed in Java Beans.

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The Reflection API

• Reflection is the ability of software to analyze itself• The java.lang.reflect package provides reflection

capability to a Java program• The getClass() method of the class Object returns a

Class object• The getContructors(), getFields() and getMethods() are

used to analyze theclass object

Reflection is an important capability, needed when using components called Java Beans. It allows you to analyze a software component and describe its capabilities dynamically, at run time rather than at compile time.

For example, by using reflection, you can determine what methods, constructors, and fields a class supports.

The java.lang.reflect package provides reflection capability to a Java program.

For each class the Java Run Time Environment (JRE) maintains an immutable Class object. This object contains all the details such as constructors, methods, and fields in the class, super class of the class if it is there and the interfaces if implemented by the class.

The getClass() method of the class’s object; for example we are having a class named X and its object x1. Then x1.getClass() method returns a Class object of X, which contains all the details of X.

The methods getContructors(), getFields() and getMethods() are used to analyze the Class object.

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Class Objects

• A Class object can be retrieved in several ways.• If an instance of the class is available, Object.getClass is

invoked.• The following line of code gets the Class object for an

object named mystery: Class c = mystery.getClass(); • If we need to retrieve the Class object for the superclass

that another Class object reflects, invoke the getSuperclass method.

• If the name of the class is known at compile time, its Class object can be retrieved by appending .class to its name.

• If the class name is unknown at compile time, but available at runtime, you can use the forName method

A Class Object can be retrieved in several ways.

1. As discussed recently, if the instance of a class is available then object.getClass() returns the Class object. For Example: we are having an object named mystery then mystery.getClass() returns the Class object. This way helps you to analyze an object with out knowing the class name.

2. If we want to know the details of a superclass and the name of the superclass is not known and no object is instantiated for it, then we can access the details of superclass through the subclass object. Let X be the superclass and Y be the subclass. Let y1 be the object of Y. Class c=y1.getClass() will return the Class object of Y. Then Class s=c.getSuperclass() will return the Class object for the super class through which we get the details of superclass.

3. If the name of the class is known at the compile time, then its Class object can be retrieved by the syntax, Class c=ClassName.class; For Example Let the Class name be X. Then the class object for X can be retrieved by Class c=X.class; here c is the Class object for X.

4. If the name of the class is not known at compile time and known only at run time then forName method of Class can be used to get the Class object. For example if the String str contains the fully qualified class name then Class c = Class.forName(str) will give you the Class object.

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Class Constructors(1/2)

• The information about a class's constructors could be retrieved by invoking the getConstructors method, which returns an array of Constructor objects

The information about a class's constructors can be retrieved by invoking the getConstructors() method on the Class object, which returns an array of Constructor objects. Constructor Class has set of methods with which you determine the modifiers, parameter types etc of the constructor.

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Class Constructors ( 2/2)

import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.awt.*; class SampleConstructor{ public static void main(String[] args)

{ Rectangle r = new Rectangle(); showConstructors(r); }static void showConstructors(Object o){ Class c = o.getClass();

Constructor[] theConstructors = c.getConstructors(); for (int i = 0; i < theConstructors.length; i++)

{ System.out.print("( "); Class[] parameterTypes =

theConstructors[i].getParameterTypes();for (int k = 0; k < parameterTypes.length; k ++){ String parameterString =

parameterTypes[k].getName(); System.out.print(parameterString + " "); }

System.out.println(")"); } }


Output:( )( java.awt.Rectangle )( int int int int )( int int )( java.awt.Point

java.awt.Dimension )( java.awt.Point )( java.awt.Dimension )

Here is a sample program.

The above program prints the parameter types of each constructor in the Rectangle class.

The program performs the following steps:

1. It retrieves an array of Constructor objects from the Class object by calling getConstructors() method.

2. For every element in the Constructor array, it creates an array of Class objects by invoking getParameterTypes() method. The Class objects in the array represent the parameters of the constructor.

The program calls getName() method to fetch the class name of every parameter in the Class array created in the preceding step.

When you try the program you can see the output as shown here.

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Identifying Class Fields (1/2)

• A class's fields can be identified by invoking the getFields method on a Class object.

• The getFields method returns an array of Field objects containing one object per accessible public field.

• A public field is accessible if it is a member of either: – this class – a superclass of this class – an interface implemented by this class – an interface extended from an interface implemented

by this class

A class's fields can be identified by invoking the getFields() method on a Class object.

The getFields() method returns an array of Field objects containing one object per accessible public field.

A public field is accessible if it is a member of either:

this class

a superclass of this class

an interface implemented by this class

an interface extended from an interface implemented by this class

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Identifying Class Fields (2/2)

import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.awt.*; class SampleField

{ public static void main(String[] args) { GridBagConstraints g = new

GridBagConstraints(); printFieldNames(g); }

static void printFieldNames(Object o) { Class c = o.getClass();

Field[] publicFields = c.getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < publicFields.length; i++)

{ String fieldName = publicFields[i].getName();Class typeClass = publicFields[i].getType();

String fieldType = typeClass.getName(); System.out.println("Name: " + fieldName + ", Type: " + fieldType);

} } }

Output:Name: RELATIVE, Type: intName: REMAINDER, Type: int

Name: NONE, Type: intName: BOTH, Type: intName: HORIZONTAL, Type:

intName: VERTICAL, Type: int

Name: CENTER, Type: intName: NORTH, Type: intName: NORTHEAST, Type: intName: EAST, Type: intName: SOUTHEAST, Type: intName: SOUTH, Type: int


The above program prints the names and types of fields belonging to the GridBagConstraints class.

Note that the program first retrieves the Field objects of the class by calling getFields() method, and then invokes the getName and getType methods on each of these Field objects to find its details.

When you try the program you can see the output as shown here.

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What is a Java Bean?

• Component– An artifact that is one of the individual parts of which makes a

composite entity– Usually a component is a part that can be separated from or

attached to a system or module in a system

• A Java bean is a reusable software component– Java Beans is the de-facto component model in Java world– Java Bean is NOT AN Enterprise Java Bean (EJB)

• EJB is covered in Introduction to J2EE

• Various Frameworks and Tools can use Java Bean components to build something bigger– Example 1: An address component holds address of a person in

a program– Example 2: A text box is a reusable component of a screen

Java Beans:

A Java Bean is a reusable software component that can be visually manipulated in builder tools. The JavaBeans API makes it possible to write component software in the Java programming language.

A Java Bean bears a strong resemblance to a well-written Java application. But since it is a component, a Bean's scope is usually smaller than that of an entire application, making it easier to develop.

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What is a Java Bean? (Continued…)

• Java Beans API provides a framework for defining software components that are – Reusable: Component which is capable of being used again and

again– Embeddable: Component which is expected to function without

human intervention. – Modular: A solution made of several discrete pieces, so that any

piece can be replaced without rebuilding the whole solution

• Allows creation of reusable components

– Library of reusable components can be built– Third Party library of components can be used to build an

application• Frameworks and Builder tools which use Java Beans components

use Java Reflection API to handle components

Java Beans API provides a framework for defining software components that are reusable, Embeddable and modular.

The main purposes of Java Beans are closely related to the main advantages of Java technology: The advantages includes

•Platform independence

•Mobility in a networked environment.

•Expose accessor methods (e.g. getValue() and setValue()) to allow retrieval and changing of attribute values by external sources;

•Allow for easy mixing and matching via GUI development tools;

•Generate or respond to appropriate events;

•Save their state using the Java Serialization mechanism.

•Compact and Easy

•Leverages the Strengths of the Java Platform

•Flexible Build-Time Component Editors

Frameworks and Builder tools which use Java Beans components use Java Reflection API to handle components

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Simple Java Bean

• Employee Class– Has all data members

private– Does not have a

constructor– A pair of public

Get/Set methods for all or most member variables

– Names of Get/Set methods should match the variable names

• Results in an Employee Bean

• Has properties– employeeNumber– employeeName

class Employee {

private int employeeNumber;

private String employeeName;


public void setEmployeeNumber

(int employeeNumber) {




public int getEmployeeNumber() {

return employeeNumber;


public void setEmployeeName

(String employeeName) {




public String getEmployeeName() {

return employeeName;




Here is an example for Java Bean. The Employee class which

Has all data members private

Does not have a constructor

Having pair of public Get/Set methods for all or most member variables

Results in an Employee Bean. This bean has two properties employeeNumber and employeeName.

Note the convention in writing the getter and setter methods of a property. The getter method will start with get followed by the name of the property with the initial letter in caps. Same holds with setter method.

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Why Java Beans?

• Many real life situations require components to work with various frameworks and libraries

• Data is in text files, XML files or other textual forms have to be mapped programmatically in many applications– Names in text form can be mapped to variable names of a class– Reflection API in Java is used to achieve this

– Example:

• This is one of the reasons why Java Beans is used extensively inboth UI frameworks and Server side code

• Use of Java beans is more in Server side code than the GUI code






Many real life situations require components to work with various frameworks and libraries

Data is in text files, XML files or other textual forms have to be mapped programmatically in many applications i.e.

Names in text form can be mapped to variable names of a class

Reflection API in Java is used to achieve this

This is one of the reasons why Java Beans is used extensively in both UI frameworks and Server side code

Use of Java beans is more in Server side code than the GUI code

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• Properties are Discrete attributes of a Bean that are referenced by name– Example: “EmployeeNumber” is a property of


• Value of a property can be read programmatically by using a name


Properties are attributes of a Bean that are referenced by name. These properties are usually read and written by calling methods on the Bean specifically created for that purpose.

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Where do we use Java Beans?

• Data handling and data intensive applications for mapping textual data to variables

• Server side applications which use component based design

• Web technologies and related frameworks like JSP, Struts etc– JSP Tag beans (covered in Introduction to J2EE

course)– Struts is a framework for presentation layer of Java

based web applications

• GUI applications based on Java Beans components– Rarely used because of limited scope of Java in GUI


Where do we use Java Beans?

Data handling and data intensive applications for mapping textual data to variables uses Java Beans.

Server side applications which use component based design uses Java Beans.

Web technologies and related frameworks like JSP, Struts etc uses Java Beans. For example:

JSP uses Java Beans so that the business logic can be moved to Java Beans and the JSP page can handle only the presentation logic and use these Java Beans by writing appropriate tags.

GUI applications based on Java Beans components uses Java Beans.

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Java Beans in User Interface

• BDK (Bean Development Kit) was a specification from Sun for creating and using reusable UI based Java Beans

• Difference in UI Java Beans compared to Simple Java Beans– Methods to draw on screen are provided– Methods to persist data and settings

• Persistence: storing data of an object in a non-volatile manner and retrieving it when required

– Event Handling methods to respond to user action on UI components

– Customization of component’s features which are visible graphically

– Application Builder or similar GUI frameworks can understand and use these components to build GUI Screens

BDK (Bean Development Kit) was a specification from Sun for creating and using reusable UI based Java Beans

UI Java Beans differs from Simple Java Beans in the

Methods to draw on screen

Methods to persist data and settings

Event Handling methods to respond to user action on UI components

Customization of component’s features which are visible graphically

Application Builder or similar GUI frameworks can understand and use these components to build GUI Screens

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Java Beans in User Interface (Continued…)

• Application Builder tool and other GUI Frameworks for using Java Beans– Use Reflection API and display all the properties and events

offered by a Java Bean in a toolbar in the development environment

– Developer can manipulate properties and write event handler code in development environment

– Properties can also be manipulated programmatically

Application Builder tool and other GUI Frameworks for using Java Beans use Reflection API and display all the properties and events offered by a Java Bean in a toolbar in the development environment. Developer can manipulate properties and write event handler code in development environment. Properties can also be manipulated programmatically.

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Application Builder Tool Java Bean components

(Classified in tabs)

Properties Window – Displays properties of selected bean

List of events supported

Here is a sample Application Builder Tool.

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Sample Java Beans used in User Interface

Button Bean

Slider Bean

Here are some of Java Beans used in User Interface.

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Naming Conventions

• Bean– Class name: Any user defined name– Should not have a constructor

• Properties– What makes up a property? – Example:

• A private data member called ‘employeeNumber’• A public get method by name ‘getEmployeeNumber’• A public set method by name ‘setEmployeeNumber’• Together these three form a property of a bean called

‘EmployeeNumber’• Note: Method names and variables names are case


The source code of a Java Bean is subject to certain naming conventions.

These naming conventions make it easier for beans to be reused, replaced and connected.

The naming conventions are:

Let us start with Bean class. The name of Bean class can be any user defined name.

To make up a property we are in need of three things.

1. Private data member.

2. Public getter and setter methods.

As discussed The getter method will start with get followed by the name of the property with the initial letter in caps. Same holds with setter method.

Here is an example for the property.

Others Conventions are,

• Every java bean class should implement interface

• It should have non parametric constructor

• Its properties should be accessed using get and set methods

• It should contain the required event handling methods

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Bean Serialization (1/2)

• A bean has the property of persistence when its properties, fields, and state information are saved to and retrieved from storage.

• The beans support serialization by implementing either the – interface, or the– interface

• These interfaces offer the choices of automatic serialization and customized serialization.

• If any class in a class's inheritance hierarchy implements Serializable or Externalizable, then that class is serializable

• Examples of serializable classes include Component, String, Date, Vector, and Hashtable

Bean Serialization

A bean has the property of persistence when its properties, fields, and state information are saved to and retrieved from storage.

The beans support serialization by implementing either the interface, or the interface

These interfaces offer the choices of automatic serialization and customized serialization.

If any class in a class's inheritance hierarchy implements Serializable or Externalizable, then that class is serializable

Examples of serializable classes include Component, String, Date, Vector, and Hashtable

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Bean Serialization (2/2)

• The Serializable interface provides automatic serialization by using the Java Object Serialization tools.

• Serializable declares no methods; it acts as a marker, telling the Object Serialization tools that your bean class is serializable

• To exclude fields from serialization in a Serializable object from serialization, mark the fields with the transient modifier.

transient int status; Default serialization will not serialize transient and static fields.

The Serializable interface provides automatic serialization by using the Java Object Serialization tools.

Serializable declares no methods; it acts as a marker, telling the Object Serialization tools that your bean class is serializable

To exclude fields from serialization in a Serializable object from serialization, mark the fields with the transient modifier.

Default serialization will not serialize transient and static fields.

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Advanced Java ProgrammingModule 7 - Java Naming & Directory Interface

We shall now move on to the module on Java Naming and Directory Interface - JNDI

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Lesson Outcomes

• After Completion of the module you will be able to understand about JNDI.

After Completion of the module you will be able to understand about JNDI.

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• Directory and Naming Services is used to organize information hierarchically to map human understanding of names and directory objects

• JNDI is an extension of Java• JNDI provides Java application with a unified interface to

multiple naming and directory services in the enterprise

Directory and Naming Services is used to organize information hierarchically to map human understanding of names and directory objects

In a distributed environment where the enterprise applications largely depends upon the services provided by other applications, locating such services is a difficult issue. JNDI provides common interface to many existing naming services like DNS, CORBA, NIS etc.

The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is an application programming interface (API) for accessing different kinds of naming and directory services. JNDI is not specific to a particular naming or directory service, it can be used to access many different kinds of systems including file systems; distributed objects systems like CORBA, Java RMI, and EJB; and directory services like LDAP, Novell NetWare, and NIS+.

As part of the Java Enterprise API set, JNDI enables seamless connectivity to heterogeneous enterprise naming and directory services. Developers can now build powerful and portable directory-enabled applications using this industry standard.

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Naming Service

• Associates names with Objects • Allows to lookup an Object by its name• Binding : association of name with the object • Context : a set of name-to-object bindings• E.g.:

– Phone book associates people’s name with phone number and addresses

– DNS maps human friendly URLs with IP addresses

A naming service allows you to look up an object given its name. The process ofassociating an object with its name forms binding. The set of bindings forms the Context.

COS, DNS,LDAP, NIS etc. are some of the Naming Service Providers

COS (Common Object Services) Naming: The naming service for CORBA applications; allows applications to store and access references to CORBA objects.

DNS (Domain Name System): The Internet's naming service; maps people-friendly names (such as into computer-friendly IP (Internet Protocol) addresses in dotted-quad notation ( Interestingly, DNS is a distributed naming service, meaning that the service and its underlying database spread across many hosts on the Internet.

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol): Developed by the University of Michigan; as its name implies, it is a lightweight version of DAP (Directory Access Protocol), which in turn is part of X.500, a standard for network directory services. Currently, over 40 companies endorse LDAP.

NIS (Network Information System) and NIS+: Network naming services developed by Sun Microsystems. Both allow users to access files and applications on any host with a single ID and password.

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Directory Service (1 of 2)

• Extended naming service• Not only allows name to be associated with objects as in

Naming service but also allows objects to have attributes associated with them

• Directory Service = Naming Service + attributes of objects• E.g. Yellow Pages Directory system :

– Associates Customer name with the actual telephone number/mobile number

– Also provides extra information like address, occupation of customer as attributes

• Directory object represents an object in the computing environment

A directory service can be viewed as a type of naming service augmented with the capability to perform more sophisticated searches for objects.

Directory service searching can be based on attributes of that object with search filter criteria and search controls. Directory services also allow for the modification of object attributes.

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Directory Services (2 of 2)

• A set of connected objects forms a directory • Directory service provides operation for creating, adding,

removing, and modifying the attributes associated with objects in a directory

• Arrange the namespaces created in the Naming Services in a hierarchy

• Like the DOS file system; where the hierarchy starts from the root directory then the subdirectories and then the files.

• It also has attributes like the date, size of the file which gives us additional information.

Directory services typically have a hierarchical structure in which a directory object has a context in some directory structure.

Thus each context will contain zero or more sub contexts and zero or more named directory objects.

The directory object itself is manifested in a directory service as a collection of attributes describing this object.

Directory services are used in many distributed enterprise applications in which a set of distributed objects or information useful to other distributed objects may be registered, unregistered, and queried based on a set of descriptive attributes.

A directory service search for a particular user may first involve formulating a query given for a particular last name and geographical location such as city, state, and country.

The search result from this query may yield one or more directory objects matching this criteria, each with a collection of attributes.

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JNDI Architecture (1 of 2)

• Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is an API that provides directory and naming functionality to Java applications

• The JNDI architecture consists of an API and a service provider interface (SPI)

• JNDI API allows Java applications to access a variety of naming and directory services

• The SPI enables a variety of naming and directory services to be plugged in transparently, thereby allowing the Java application using the JNDI API to access their services

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) is an API that provides directory and naming functionality to Java applications

The JNDI architecture consists of an API and a service provider interface (SPI)

JNDI API allows Java applications to access a variety of naming and directory services

The SPI enables a variety of naming and directory services to be plugged in transparently, thereby allowing the Java application using the JNDI API to access their services.

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JNDI Architecture (2 of 2)


Here is the JNDI Architecture.

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Service Providers

• Service providers offers Naming and directory services for various platforms

• Service provider’s software maps the JNDI API to actual calls to the naming or directory server

• Important Service providers that comes along with JDK– Light Weight Directory Protocol (LDAP) – CORBA Common Object Services naming (COS

naming) – RMI registry – Domain Name Service (DNS)

• JNDI client may invoke the JNDI API calls on these service provider’s software to access the underline resources in unified manner

Service providers offers Naming and directory services for various platforms

Service provider’s software maps the JNDI API to actual calls to the naming or directory server

Important Service providers that comes along with JDK are

Light Weight Directory Protocol (LDAP)

CORBA Common Object Services naming (COS naming)

RMI registry

Domain Name Service (DNS)

JNDI client may invoke the JNDI API calls on these service provider’s software to access the underline resources in unified manner

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JNDI Packages

• javax.naming :contains classes and interfaces for accessing naming services

• extends the core javax.namingpackage to provide access to directories

• javax.naming.spi : provide support for service provider interface

• javax.naming.event : contains classes and interfaces for supporting event notification in naming and directory services

• javax.naming.ldap: contains classes and interfaces for supporting LDAP v3 extensions and controls

JNDI Packages

javax.naming :contains classes and interfaces for accessing naming

services : extends the core javax.naming package to provide

access to directories

javax.naming.spi : provide support for service provider interface

javax.naming.event : contains classes and interfaces for supporting event

notification in naming and directory services

javax.naming.ldap : contains classes and interfaces for supporting LDAP

v3 extensions and controls

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javax.naming Package

• Some important APIs – Context.bind(String name, Object obj) : Binds the object obj with

name– Context.lookup(String name) : Retrieves the named object from

the list of bindings– Context.listBindings(String name): Returns NamingEnumaration

of the names bound in the named context – Context.unbind(String name) : Unbinds the named object

javax.naming package contains the classes and interfaces for accessing naming services.

One such interface is Context. This interface represents a naming context, which consists of a set of name-to-object bindings. It contains methods for examining and updating these bindings.

Context.bind(String name, Object obj) : Binds the object obj with name

Context.lookup(String name) : Retrieves the named object from the list of bindings

Context.listBindings(String name): Returns NamingEnumaration of the names bound in the named context

Context.unbind(String name) : Unbinds the named object

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• Some important APIs – BasicAttribute.BasicAttribute(String id) : Constructs a new

instance of an unordered attribute – BasicAttribute.add(Object attrVal) : Adds a new value to this

attribute – BasicAttribute.get() : Retrieves one of this attributes' value– BasicAttribute.getAll() : Retrieves enumeration of this attributes'

value– DirContext.bind(String name, Object obj, Attributes attrs) : Binds

a name to an object, along with associated attributes – name, Attributes matchingAttributes ) :

Searches in a single context for objects that contain a specified set of attributes. Package extends the javax.naming package to provide functionality for accessing directory services. It contains BasicAttribute class which implements Attribute interface.

BasicAttribute(String id) : Constructs a new instance of an unordered attribute

BasicAttribute.add(Object attrVal) : Adds a new value to this attribute

BasicAttribute.get() : Retrieves one of this attributes' value

BasicAttribute.getAll() : Retrieves enumeration of this attributes' value Package contains DirContext interface which is the directory service interface, containing methods for examining and updating attributes associated with objects, and for searching the directory.

DirContext.bind(String name, Object obj, Attributes attrs) : Binds a name to an object, along with associated attributes name, Attributes matchingAttributes ) : Searches in a single context for objects that contain a specified set of attributes.

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anytime, anywhere! Package Package extends the javax.naming package to provide functionality for accessing directory services. It contains BasicAttribute class which implements Attribute interface.

BasicAttribute(String id) : Constructs a new instance of an unordered attribute

BasicAttribute.add(Object attrVal) : Adds a new value to this attribute

BasicAttribute.get() : Retrieves one of this attributes' value

BasicAttribute.getAll() : Retrieves enumeration of this attributes' value Package contains DirContext interface which is the directory service interface, containing methods for examining and updating attributes associated with objects, and for searching the directory.

DirContext.bind(String name, Object obj, Attributes attrs) : Binds a name to an object, along with associated attributes name, Attributes matchingAttributes ) : Searches in a single context for objects that contain a specified set of attributes.

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JNDI Naming & Lookup Example

import java.rmi.*;

import java.rmi.server.*;

public class ServerRMI extends UnicastRemoteObject implements InterfaceRMI


public ServerRMI() throws RemoteException {



public int cube(int x) throws RemoteException {

return x*x*x;


public static void main(String a[]) {


ServerRMI rs = new ServerRMI();

//binding the server object with the RMIRegistry


System.out.println("System is ready");

}catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}



In the above example we are creating the object of ServerRMI. This object is bound to the RMI registry (running on the local machine) by invoking Naming.rebind() method.

Here the service provider for RMI registry is Sun.

List of all binding in the registry can be obtained by invoking a call for list().

Naming.list(“//localhost/”) : Returns all the available bindings in the registry

To search a particular object with its name, invoke lookup()

Naming.lookup(”//localhost/MyServer”) : Searches the RMI registry for object named as MyServer

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Module 8: Generics

Advanced Java Programming

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Why Generics?

• Many algorithms work in a similar way irrespective of the data types on which they are applied on– All Stacks work in a similar way irrespective of they type of

object they hold• Generics help to write algorithms independent of a data type.• Generic programming in earlier versions of Java uses “Object”

as the basic element of a data structure.• For example Generic Stack has methods which works with

ObjectsClass Stack{

..public Object push(Object item) {..}public Object pop(){..}..}

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Older Approach

• Example: Generic Stack. [JDK1.4]

import java.util.*;

public class StackExample{public static void main(String[] args){

int i1=1;int i2=2;int i3=3;

//Stack creationStack s1=new Stack();

//Adding elements to the stacks1.push(new Integer(i1));

s1.push(new Integer(i2));s1.push(new Integer(i3));

//Removing elements from the stack;

Integer x;

x= (Integer)s1.pop();

x= (Integer)s1.pop();x= (Integer)s1.pop();}


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Older Approach (contd..)

• The constraints over this approach are,– Any object whatever it [String, Integer etc.] may be

can be pushed on to the stack.– If a Stack is supposed to hold only strings, we can’t

restrict the Stack to hold only the Strings.– Object that is popped out from the stack has to be

type casted back to the required type before use.– This type cast is unsafe too. Because the compiler

won’t check whether the typecast is to the same type as stored in the stack. So the cast may fail at run-time.

• Solution:– Generics [Java 5]

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New Approach [Generics]

• The new approach expects Stack to be of the form.

• Where E is the Type Parameter.• The elements pushed onto and popped from the stack are

type E.• If we declare Stack<String> s=new stack<String>() then

s.push(“Hello”); will be allowed and s.push(new Integer(0)) will be rejected at compile-time.

• Furthermore s.pop() is known to compiler as String, So no type cast is necessary.

Class Stack <E>{

..public E push(E item) {..}public E pop(){..}..}

Note: If you declare a Stack<E>, the Stack works with instances of E and allow you to store one of the following types:

1. An instance of E

2. An instance of a sublcass of E, if E is a class

3. An instance of class implementing E, if E is an interface.

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New Approach [Generics] (contd..)• Example: Generic Stack. [Java 5]

• In this approach once the compiler knows the element type of the stack, the compiler can check whether the correct type is used consistently and can insert the correct casts on the values taken out from the stack.

import java.util.*;

public class StackExample{public static void main(String[] args){

int i1=1;int i2=2;int i3=3;

//Stack creationStack<Integer> s1=new Stack<Integer>();//Adding elements to the stacks1.push(new Integer(i1));s1.push(new Integer(i2));s1.push(new Integer(i3));

//Removing elements from the stack;

Integer x;

x= s1.pop();x= s1.pop();x= s1.pop();}


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Multiple Type Parameters

• There can be more than one type parameter for a class or interface.

• Example:

class Hashtable<K,V>{..public V put(K key, V value) { ..}..


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Raw Type

• All the collection types in J2SE 5.0 has been made Generic.

• Still a Generic type can be used without type parameters. Such a type is called Raw type.

• Example: Stack Generic Type used as Raw TypeStack s=new Stack();s.push(new Integer(0));

Integer x=(Integer)s.pop();In such case the compiler will give the following warning.

Note: D:\NetBeansDemos\GenericsDemo\GenericDemo\src\genericdemo\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.

Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

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Bounded Types

• A generic can restrict the type of object that can be used as the parameter– A generic List class that performs arithmetic operations on the

elements may want to restrict the parameters to Integer, Float, Double etc

– Number is the super class of all the numeric wrapper classes

public class List<T extends Number>{

//Code goes here


• Only Number or its sub classes can be used as a parameter to List

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import java.util.*;public class Main {

public static void printList(List<Object> list){

for(Object element:list){System.out.println(element);

}}public static void main(String[] args) {

List<String> ls=new ArrayList<String>();


List<Integer> li=new ArrayList<Integer>();

li.add(new Integer(100));li.add(new Integer(200));li.add(new Integer(300));

printList(ls); //Compilation ErrorprintList(li); //Compilation Error

}Problem: This code won’t compile because printList method expects an instance of List<Object> but we are trying to pass List<Integer> and List<String> instances; though String and Integer are subclasses of Object.

• Consider the following example

This code won’t compile because printList method expects an instance of List<Object> but we are trying to pass List<Integer> and List<String> instances though String and Integer are subclasses of Object.

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WildCards (Contd..)

• Solution: Use Wildcards.

import java.util.*;public class Main {

public static void printList (List<?> list ){

for(Object element:list){System.out.println(element);

}}public static void main(String[] args) {

List<String> ls=new ArrayList<String>();


List<Integer> li=new ArrayList<Integer>();

li.add(new Integer(100));li.add(new Integer(200));li.add(new Integer(300));

printList(ls); printList(li);


NOTE: Wildcards can not be used

when declaring or creating a generic data type. If a list has to be created that accepts any type of Object, then the following has to be usedList<Object> lo=new …

Now the PrintList() method can accept List of any type.

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Bounded Wildcards

import java.util.*;

public class Main {public static void

sumOfElements(List<?> li){double sum=0;for(Object element:li){

Number num=(Number)element;

sum+=num.doubleValue();}System.out.println("Sum of

elements of the List is: "+sum);}

public static void main(String[] args) {

List<Double> i1=new ArrayList<Double>();

i1.add(new Double(100));i1.add(new Double(200));i1.add(new Double(300));sumOfElements(i1);

} }

• Consider the following example

Analyze the given example. This program will find the sum of elements in the list.


sumOfElements method accepts list of any type. But as per the requirement it can accept only the list of type Numberic(Number and its sub types).

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Bounded Wildcards (contd..)

• Problem:– sumOfElements method can accept list of any type:

List<String>, List<Object>, List<Integer> etc.– But as per the requirement it can accept only the list

of Numeric types (Number and its sub types).• Solution:

– Use Bounded Wildcards.– Types

• Upper Bounds (Keyword: extends)• Lower Bounds (Keyword: super)

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Bounded Wildcards (contd..)

• Upper Bounds– Example:

– Use of “<? extends Number> ” sets sumOfElements method to accept Lists of type List<Number> or a List of instances of a Number subclass, such as List<Integer>, List<Float>, List<Double> etc and not others.

import java.util.*;

public class Main {public static void

sumOfElements(List<? extends Number> li){

double sum=0;for(Number element:li){

sum+=element.doubleValue();}System.out.println("Sum of

elements of the List is: "+sum); }

public static void main(String[] args) {

List<Double> i1=new ArrayList<Double>();

i1.add(new Double(100));i1.add(new Double(200));i1.add(new Double(300));sumOfElements(i1);

} }

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Bounded Wildcards (contd..)

• Lower Bounds

– Keyword: super.– Example:

• sumOfElements(List<? super Integer> li){..}– Use of “<? super Integer> ” sets sumOfElements

method to accept List of type List< Integer > or a List of instances of Integer superclass, such as List<Number> and List<Object> and not others.

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Generic Methods

• Method declarations can also be made generic.• Based on the types of the arguments passed to the

generic method, the compiler handles each method call appropriately.

• The type parameter section is delimited by angle brackets and appears before the method's return type.

public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T greatest(Ta,T b){


return a;}else{

return b; } }

public static void main(String[] args) {int max=greatest(19999,2000);System.out.println(max);double max1=greatest(-0.0111,



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Generic Sub Class

• A Generic Class can be extended to create another Generic classpublic class LinkedList<T> extends List<T>{

//Code goes here


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Generic Interface

• Generic interfaces can be created and used as follows

interface List<T>{

public void put(T element, int position);

public T get(int position);


class LinkedList<T> implements List<T>{

//Implementation goes here


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• Generics in Java are implemented using a technique called erasure.

• Generic type information is present only at compile time, after which it is erased by the compiler.

• Advantage:– interoperability between generic code and legacy code that uses

non-parameterized types (Raw types).• Disadvantage:

– parameter type information is not available at run time, and that automatically generated casts may fail when interoperating with ill-behaved legacy code.

• Example:Integer ival=new Integer(10);List<String> ls=new ArrayList<String>();List lr=ls;lr.add(ival);String listData=ls.get(0); //Run Time Error

This code fails because at run-time

String listData=ls.get(0);


String listData=(String)ls.get(0);

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Some Generic Restrictions

• A type parameter cannot be instantiated

T t1 = new T(); //Error, this will not work

T [] t2 = new T[5]; //Error, this will not work

• A generic class cannot extend Throwable– We cannot have generic exception classes

• We can’t use a Generic of Primitive type.– List<int>=new .. //not allowed.

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Advanced Java Programming Module 9 - Annotations

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• Overview• Introduction to Annotations• Annotation Basics• Built-in Annotations

– @override– @deprecated– @SuppressWarnings

• Meta Annotations• Accessing Annotation at Runtime• Annotation Inheritance• Advantages of Annotations• References

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• Annotations, a new feature in J2SE 5.0 brings a much-needed metadata facility to the core java language.

• Annotations are modifiers, can be added to the code and applied to package declarations, type declarations, constructors, methods, fields, parameters, and variables.

• Annotations do not directly affect program semantics, but they do affect the way programs are treated by tools and libraries, which can in turn affect the semantics of the running program.

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Introduction to Annotations

• The Java designers took the notion of a javadoc tag and generalized it.

• An Annotation is a special kind of modifiers(such as public, static or final). By convention, annotations precede other modifiers.

• An annotation is an attribute of a program element.• Annotations can be read from source files, class files, or

reflectively at run time• Annotations take the form of an "at" sign (@), followed by

the annotation name.• Examples:

@Author( "Jack Doe" )

@Author( value="Jack Doe" )


•Annotations complement javadoc tags. Ingeneral, ifthe markup is intended to affect or produce a documentation, it should probably be a javadoc tag;otherwise, it should be an annotation.

The Javadoc TM tool parses the declarations and documentation comments in a set of Java source files and produces a corresponding set of HTML pages describing (by default) the public and protected classes, nested classes (but not anonymous inner classes), interfaces, constructors, methods, and fields. You can use it to generate the API (Application Programming Interface) documentation or the implementation documentation for a set of source files.

•Syntactically, the annotation is placed in front of the program element's declaration, similar to static or final or protected.

•An annotation is an attribute of a program element. An Annotation could virtually be placed ahead of any program element, including declarations (package, class, method, and field) and statements(Single Block).

Annotations take the form of an "at" sign (@), followed by the annotation name.

Examples:@Author( "Jack Doe" )

@Author( value="Jack Doe" )


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Introduction to Annotations

• Annotations go in their own files, just like classes.• Annotation interfaces may not extend anything. They

automatically extend java.lang.annotation.Annotation.Their methods take no arguments.

– A field with the same name is automatically declared.

• An annotation instance consists of– the "@" sign

– the annotation name– a parenthesized list of name-value pairs.

• If only one value named value,– The name may be omited.

• If no values,– No parentheses needed.

@InfosysAnnotation(id = 77480, Name = “Rahul", Designation =

“Manager", date = “27/3/2007"

)public static void employeeJoining (int id) { ... }

Annotations go in their own files, just like classes.

Annotation interfaces may not extend anything. They automatically extend java.lang.annotation.Annotation.

Their methods take no arguments.

A field with the same name is automatically


An annotation instance consists of

the "@" sign

the annotation name

a parenthesized list of name-value pairs.

If only one value named value,

The name may be omited.

If no values,

No parentheses needed.

The InfosysAnnotation takes four values, they are Id,Name, Designation and date of join.

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Annotation Basics

• Annotatable Program elements:– package– class, including

• interface• enum

– method– field– only at compile time

• local variable• Formal parameter

Annotatable Program elements are


•class, including




•only at compile time

•local variable

•Formal parameter

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Legal Annotation Elements

• primitive types

• Strings

• enum types

• Classes (not general Objects)

• arrays of the above• combinations of the above

The Legal Annotation Elements are

primitive types


enum types

Classes (not general Objects)

arrays of the above

combinations of the above

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Annotation Basics



(with no member )

Single-valued Annotations(With single


Multi-valuedAnnotations(With moreThan one Member)

Annotations fall into three basic categories:

Example:-•@MarkerAnnotation()•@SingleValueAnnotation("my data")•@MultiValuedAnnotation(var1="data value 1", •var2="data value 2", var3="data value 3").

Annotations fall into three basic categories:

Marker annotations have no variables. The annotation simply appears, identified by name, with no additional data supplied. For example, @MarkerAnnotation is a marker annotation. It includes no data, just the annotation name.

Single-value annotations are similar to markers, but provide a single piece of data. Because only a single bit of data is supplied, you can use a shortcut syntax (assuming the annotation type is defined to accept this syntax): @SingleValueAnnotation("my data").

This should look a lot like a normal Java method call, aside from the @ sign.

Full annotations have multiple data members. As a result, you must use a fuller syntax (and the annotation doesn't look quite so much like a normal Java method anymore): @FullAnnotation(var1="data value 1", var2="data value 2", var3="data value 3").

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Built in Annotations

• The pre defined Annotation types are– @Deprecated– @override– @SupressWarnings– @Target

– @Retention

– @Inherited

The pre defined Annotation types are







The last three are called as meta annotations. Since, These annotations helps to annotate the existing annotations.

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Built in Annotation -Deprecated

• Deprecated is a marker annotation. • As you might expect, you use Deprecated to annotate a method that

shouldn't be used anymore. • The following Main class has a method named depreca tedMethod()

that is flagged with the @Deprecated annotation

public class Main {@Deprecated public static void deprecatedMethod() {System.out.println("Don't call me");} }

You compile a class with annotations the same way as you do for one without annotations:> javac produces Main.class

Read the Slides:-

The change from the @deprecated comment to the @Deprecated annotation doesn't introduce anything really new to the system. It only slightly changes the way of doing the same thing.

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Built in Annotation -Deprecated

• If you use the deprecated method, it produces a compilation-time warning public class User {public static void main(String args[]) { Main.deprecatedMethod(); } } Compile the class:


and you'll see the following warning about using a deprecated method:Note: uses or overrides a deprecated API.Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

Adding the -Xlint to the compilation line shows spec ifically what is wrong:

�javac -Xlint:deprecation warning: [deprecation] deprecatedMethod() in Main has been deprecated Main.deprecatedMethod();

� ^ 1 warning

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Built in Annotation

• Override : Override should be used only on methods(not on classes, package declarations, or other constructs). It indicates that the annotated method is overriding a method in a superclass.public class Overrode {@Overridepublic int hashCode() {return 0;


@Overridepublic boolean equals(Object o) {return true; } }

The above code should be pretty easy to follow. The @Override annotation annotates two methods -- equals() and hashCode() -- to indicate that they override versions of the methods from the parent Object class(java.lang.Object). This might seem trivial at first, but it's actually a nice feature. You literally cannot compile this class without overriding these methods. The annotation also ensures that when you mess with equals(), you also have at least some indication that you should make sure that hashCode() still matches up.

This annotation type really shines when you're up too late coding and mistype something, as in next code.

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SuppressWarnings Annotation

• The final of the three new annotations in J2SE 5.0, @SuppressWarnings .

• It tells the compiler not to warn you about something that it would normally warn you about.

• The javac compiler defines seven options to suppress: all, deprecation, unchecked, fallthrough, path, serial, and finally.

• let's look at the suppression of the fallthrough option

• Let's start with the following class. Notice that the class is missing a break statement for each case of the switch statement:

The final of the three new annotations in J2SE 5.0, @SuppressWarnings .

It tells the compiler not to warn you about something that it would normally warn you about.

Warnings belong to a category, so you have to tell the annotation what types of warnings to suppress

The javac compiler defines seven options to suppress: all, deprecation, unchecked, fallthrough, path, serial, and finally. (The language specification defines only two such types: deprecation and unchecked.)

let's look at the suppression of the fallthrough option

Let's start with the following class. Notice that the class is missing a break statement for each case of the switch statement:

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SuppressWarnings Annotation

public class Fall {

public static void main(String args[]) {

int i = args.length;switch (i) {case 0: System.out.println("0");case 1: System.out.println("1");case 2: System.out.println("2");case 3: System.out.println("3");default: System.out.println("Default");

}} }

Compile the class with javac. You'll see that it simply creates the .class file, and displays no warnings:


If you want the compiler to warn you about switch statements that fall through (that is, one or more break statements are missing), you compile with the -Xlint:fallthrough option:

javac -Xlint:fallthrough

This produces the following warnings:

• warning: [fallthrough] possible fall-through into case case 1: System.out.println("1");

• warning: [fallthrough] possible fall-through into case case 2: System.out.println("2");

• warning: [fallthrough] possible fall-through into case case 3: System.out.println("3");

• warning: [fallthrough] possible fall-through into case default : System.out.println("Default");

4 warnings

But what if you want to ignore the fact that the sw itch statement is missing a break statement for eac h case? That's where the @SuppressWarnings annotation comes into play.

If you add the following line before the main() met hod declaration:

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SuppressWarnings Annotations

public class Fall {@SuppressWarnings("fallthrough")public static void main(String args[]) {int i = args.length;switch (i) {case 0: System.out.println("0");case 1: System.out.println("1");case 2: System.out.println("2");case 3: System.out.println("3");default: System.out.println("Default");




Compiling the class with the -Xlint:fallthrough opti on:

javac -Xlint:fallthrough

will just generate the .class file and display no w arnings.

@SuppressWarnings annotations can also be used to su ppress other warnings such as those that would be displayed if you used a collection wi thout specifying the data type of the collection elements.

Don't use the @SuppressWarnings annotation simply to avoid the compilation-time warning. Use it where an unchecked warning is unavoidable, s uch as when using a library that isn't built with generics in mind

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Meta Annotations

• @Documented

• @Inherited

• @Target

• @Retention

The set of predefined annotation types you learned about in Part 1 have a predetermined purpose. However, as you move into writing your own annotation types, the purpose of your annotation types isn't always self-evident. In addition to basic documentation, you'll probably write types that are specific to a certain member type, or perhaps a certain set of member types. This requires you to supply some sort of metadata on your annotation type, so that the compiler can enforce the annotation's intended functionality.

You can use four predefined annotation types -- referred to as meta-annotations -- to annotate your annotations

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• @Documented– javadoc should be generated when this annotation is

applied to an element– Is the use of the annotation part of the public API

@Inherited– Does the annotated get applied to subclasses or to

the base type?– only works on classes

• not overriden methods• not interfaces


Indicates that annotations with a type are to be documented by javadoc and similar tools by default. This type should be used to annotate the declarations of types whose annotations affect the use of annotated elements by their clients. If a type declaration is annotated with Documented, its annotations become part of the public API of the annotated elements.


Indicates that an annotation type is automatically inherited. If an Inherited meta-annotation is present on an annotation type declaration, and the user queries the annotation type on a class declaration, and the class declaration has no annotation for this type, then the class's superclass will automatically be queried for the annotation type. This process will be repeated until an annotation for this type is found, or the top of the class hierarchy (Object) is reached. If no superclass has an annotation for this type, then the query will indicate that the class in question has no such annotation.

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• @Target– Where the annotation can be used

• What kind of source elements• Defaults in all

public @interface Target {

ElementType[] value();


Indicates the kinds of program element to which an annotation type is applicable. If a Target meta-annotation is not present on an annotation type declaration, the declared type may be used on any program element. If such a meta-annotation is present, the compiler will enforce the specified usage restriction. For example, this meta-annotation indicates that the declared type is itself a meta-annotation type. It can only be used on annotation type declarations:


public @interface MetaAnnotationType { ... }

This meta-annotation indicates that the declared type is intended solely for use as a member type in complex annotation type declarations. It cannot be used to annotate anything directly:


public @interface MemberType { ... }

It is a compile-time error for a single ElementType constant to appear more than once in a Target annotation. For example, the following meta-annotation is illegal:

@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD})

public @interface Bogus { ... }

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• Indicates how long annotations with the annotated type are to be retained. If no Retention annotation is present on an annotation type declaration,

• The retention policy defaults to RetentionPolicy.CLASS. • Annotations meta-annotated with Retention(RUNTIME)

can be accessed via reflection mechanisms

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Meta Annotations -Retention Policies

• Annotations can have one of three retention policies: • Source-file retention

– Annotations with source-file retention are read by the compiler during the compilation process, but are not rendered in the generated .class files.

• Class-file retention – This is the default retention policy. Annotations with class-file

retention are read by the compiler and also retained in the generated .class files.

• Runtime retention – Annotations with runtime retention are read by the compiler,

retained in the generated .class files, and also made available at runtime.

• Local variable annotations are not retained in class files (or at runtime) regardless of the retention policy set on the annotation type

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Class Annotation Example

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;import java.lang.annotation.Retention;import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

@Retention(value=RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)@Illustrate( {

Illustrate.Feature.annotation,Illustrate.Feature.enumeration } )

public @interface Illustrate {enum Feature {

annotation, enumeration, forLoop,generics, autoboxing, varargs;

@Override public String toString() {return "the " + name() + " feature";

}};Feature[] value() default {Feature.annotation};


Things to Note in Example

Annotations may be annotated.

These are known as meta annotations.

An annotation may be annotated with itself.

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import java.lang.annotation.Target;import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;


public class Suggester {// @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) // not yet supported

public static void main( String[] args ) {try {

java.util.Scanner userInput =new java.util.Scanner( );

System.out.print( "In what class are you interested? " );Class theClass = Class.forName( );Illustrate ill =

(Illustrate)theClass.getAnnotation( Illustrate.class);

If suppressWarningAnnotation is uncommented, then the compiler will suppressthe warning. Our intention is to check the warning, so comment the line supresswarnings.

Annotation Access Example

Annotations meta-annotated with Retention(RUNTIME) can be accessed via reflection mechanisms.

The following example shows a program that pokes at classes to see "if they illustrate anything."

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if ( ill != null ) {System.out.println( "Look at this class if you'd " +

" like to see examples of" );for ( Illustrate.Feature f : ill.value() ) {

System.out.println( "\t" + f );}

}else {

System.out.println("That class will teach you nothing." );

}}catch( ClassNotFoundException cnfe ) {

System.err.println( "I could not find a class named \"" +cnfe.getMessage() + "\"." );

System.err.println( "Are you sure about that name?" );}

} }

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Compilation and Execution

• javac *.javaNote: uses unchecked or unsafe operations.Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

• java SuggesterIn what class are you interested? SuggesterLook at this class if you'd like to see examples of

the enumeration featurethe forLoop feature

• java SuggesterIn what class are you interested? IllustrateLook at this class if you'd like to see examples of

the annotation featurethe enumeration feature

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Annotation Inheritance

• By default annotations are not inherited. • For Example

@MyAnnotation class Super {

@Oneway public void foo() {}}

class Sub extends Super { public void foo() {} }

Then Sub does not have the MyAnnotation annotation, and is not an @Oneway method, despite the fact that it overrides which is.

It is important to understand the rules relating to inheritance of annotations, as these have a bearing on join point matching based on the presence or absence of annotations

If an annotation type has the meta-annotation @Inherited then an annotation of that type on a classwill cause the annotation to be inherited by sub-classes. So, in the example above, if the MyAnnotation type had the @Inherited attribute, then Sub would have the MyAnnotation annotation.

@Inherited annotations are not inherited when used to annotate anything other than a type. A type that implements one or more interfaces never inherits any annotations from the interfaces it implements.

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• EJB, Web Services etc– Replace or supplement descriptors with annotation– Code generate boring classes/interface

• Annotated EJB implementation to generate Home, Remote etc

• Annotated web Services implementation to generate servlets binding and JAX-RPC interfaces etc.

• Your use case for generating code form annotated classes/interfaces– JavaBeans, logger utilities, debugging classes , etc

• Recognizing special methods, classes, etc at runtime– Test methods, plug-in points, UI elements, etc

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