Page 1: Advice of Sh Aboo Uthman Muhammad Al Anjaree to Abdullaah Ibn Sameer

Al-Binaa Publishing | Durham NC

An advice of Shaykh Aboo Uthman Muhammad al-Anjaree حفظه هللا to Abdullaah

ibn Sameer as-Salafee al-Qaahiree Asalaamu alaikum, I ask Allaah, Oh Abdullah, that He preserves you and provides you sincerity and correctness. Oh Abdullaah ibn Sameer, our Prophet صلى هللا عليه وسلم said:

من خرج في طلب العلم ؛ فهو في سبيل هللا حتى يرجع "Whoever goes out seeking knowledge then he is in the

Path of Allaah until he returns" Narrated by at-Tirmidhi and Shaykh al-Albani said it was hasan.

Page 2: Advice of Sh Aboo Uthman Muhammad Al Anjaree to Abdullaah Ibn Sameer

Al-Binaa Publishing | Durham NC

And on the authority of Qays bin Katheer who said: "A man set out from Madeenah to reach Aboo ad-Dardaa while he was in Damascus. So he (Aboo ad-Dardaa) said: "What brings you here my brother?" He (the man) said: a narration has reached me that you narrated from the Messenger of Allaah. He (Aboo ad-Dardaa) said: "You didn't come for (any other) need?!" He said: No. He (Aboo ad-Dardaa) said: "You did not set out for business/ trade?!" He said: No. He (Aboo ad-Dardaa) said: "You only came in search for this Hadeeth?!" So he (Aboo ad-Dardaa) said: Certainly I heard the Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم say:

Page 3: Advice of Sh Aboo Uthman Muhammad Al Anjaree to Abdullaah Ibn Sameer

Al-Binaa Publishing | Durham NC

فيه علما ، سلك هللا به طريقا إلى الجنة ، وإن المالئكة لتضع من سلك طريقا يبتغي

أجنحتها رضاء لطالب العلم ، وإن العالم ليستغفر له من في السموات ومن في

األرض ، حتى الحيتان في الماء ، وفضل العالم على العابد كفضل القمر على سائر

يورثوا دينارا وال درهما ، إنما الكواكب ، إن العلماء ورثة األنبياء ، إن األنبياء لم

ورثوا العلم ؛ فمن أخذ به أخذ بحظ وافر

"He who follows a path in quest of knowledge, Allah will make the path of Jannah easy to him. The angels lower their wings over the seeker of knowledge, being pleased with what he does. The inhabitants of the heavens and the earth and even the fish in the depth of the oceans seek forgiveness for him. The superiority of the scholar over the worshipper is like that of the full moon to the rest of the stars. The scholars are inheritors of the Prophets. They do not inherit dinar or dirham but they only inherit knowledge; and he who acquires it, has in fact acquired an abundant portion." And so always remember oh Abdullah that the knowledge which the Prophet صلى هللا عليه وسلم and his companions رضي

were upon, caused them to inherit fear and هللا عنهم جميعاawe. Allaah the Most High said:

ون لألذقان قل آمنوا به أو ال تؤمنوا إن ال ذين أوتوا العلم من قبله إذا يتلى عليهم يخر

دا ون لألذقان يبكون * ويقولون سبحان ربنا إن كان وعد ربنا لمفعوال * سج ويخر

701-701: اإلسراء( ]ويزيدهم خشوعا

Page 4: Advice of Sh Aboo Uthman Muhammad Al Anjaree to Abdullaah Ibn Sameer

Al-Binaa Publishing | Durham NC

“Say, “Believe in it or do not believe. Indeed, those who were given knowledge before it – when it is recited to

them, they fall upon their faces in prostration, And they say, “Exalted is our Lord! Indeed, the promise of our

Lord has been fulfilled.” And they fall upon their faces weeping, and the Quran increases them in fear and awe”

(17:107-109) And I say to your noble father Sameer and your mother and your brothers حفظهم هللا جميعا may Allaah reward them for their patience and encouragement, for this encouragement places in the heart eagerness and the urge to compete. Allaah says:

62: المطففين( ]وفي ذلك فليتنافس المتنافسون

“So for this let the competitors compete.” (83:26) Therefore, Oh Abdullah, along with your seeking knowledge of that which the Prophet and his companions were upon, (I advise you) to be a person who possesses the upper hand1 and not to ask the people (for) anything and memorize from me very well the meaning of the

which has been translated as the upper hand has been explained as the one who is اليد العليا 1able to give and not the one who ask from the people as in the hadeeth: اليد العليا خير من اليد السفلى

“The upper hand is better than the lower hand” (ie; the hand which gives is better than the hand that takes)

Page 5: Advice of Sh Aboo Uthman Muhammad Al Anjaree to Abdullaah Ibn Sameer

Al-Binaa Publishing | Durham NC

(following) narration. On the authority of Aboo Ahwas Salaam who said: "I heard Sufyaan ath-thawri saying: 'I advise you to perform the deeds of heroes and obtain wealth from the lawful and spend on the family' And on the authority of Jaabir al-Khaywaanee who said: "I was with Abdullah ibn Amr and a qahraman2 from Syria came for a visit to him and two remained from Ramadan. Abdullah said: 'Have you left with your family that which will suffice them?' He (the man) said: 'I left with them nafaqa3. So Abdullah said: 'I adjure you (by Allaah) when you have returned leave for them that which will suffice them for I heard the Messenger of Allaah صلى هللا عليه وسلم saying:

لمرء إثما أن يضيع من يعولكفى با

"It is sufficient sin for a person to neglect those he


2 In Lisan al-Arab القهرمان قهرم is one who has guardianship and control over those under his hand (care) 3 The money a husband spends on his wife and family

Page 6: Advice of Sh Aboo Uthman Muhammad Al Anjaree to Abdullaah Ibn Sameer

Al-Binaa Publishing | Durham NC

Yes! Oh Abdullah, the Sunnee, the Salafee does not neglect the rights (of his family/others) and the obligations and/while he is a carrier of the banner of knowledge and the Sunnah. The Prophet صلى هللا عليه وسلم said:

خيركم ، خيركم ألهله ، وأنا خيركم ألهلي

"The best of you are those who are best to their families and I am the best of you to my family" And the Prophet

:said (also) صلى هللا وسلم

كلكم راع ، وكلكم مسئول عن رعيته

"All of you are guardians and all of you are responsible for those under his care"

Your brother Muhammad Uthman al-Anjaree Translator’s note: This advice is a great reminder for the salafees to prioritize and give great importance to themselves and their families before others and busying themselves with that which will bring them benefit. Translator: Abu Anas Atif Hasan
