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Newsletter terbit setiap bulan


Media Ananda Islamic School

Terbit melalui www.

Edisi Pebruari 2014

From Head of School. Guru- guru di Ananda Islamic

School di bulan ini sedang menghadapi masa penilaian kinerja. Dengan

jadwal yang sudah ditentukan, guru di obervasi oleh kepala sekolah

yang ditunjuk untuk kemudian hasilnya didiskusikan bersama guru

yang bersangkutan. Di Ananda Islamic School semua orang adalah

pembelajar, guru dan orang tua siswa pun diposisikan sebagai

pembelajar sepanjang hayat. Diharapkan dengan proses ini semua guru

yang mengajar merasa dihargai kompetensinya di kelas sebagai guru


Jadi jika anda orang tua siswa bertemu dengan guru anak anda silahkan

sapa dengan kalimat seperti ini; ‘Assalamualaikum Miss/Mister

bagaimana observasinya? Semoga lancar ya..”

[email protected]

Aksi Cepat Tanggap AIS dalam peduli banjir Jakarta

Pada tanggal 4 Pebruari,

2014. Ananda Islamic

School menyerahkan

hasil donasi untuk

Korban Banjir yang

diwakilkan kepada Tim

Aksi Cepat Tanggap

(ACT) di daerah

Kedoya, Jakarta Barat.

Uang donasi yang

diserahkan sebesar

Rp7.500.00,00 beserta

bantuan berbentuk


Alhamdulillah. Congratulation to Ananda Islamic School student council representatives!

Student council or Student body is a curricular or extracurricular activity for students within elementary and secondary schools around the world. Present in most public and private K-12 school system. Student councils often serve to engage students in learning about democracy and leadership, as originally espoused by John Dewey in Democracy and Education (1917).


Januari Hanna memberikan kejutan kepada

mama dan papa. Hanna mendapatkan

sebuah penghargaan / Certificate of

Achievement dengan categori

" Collaborative Worker"

Terimakasih untuk Ananda Islamic School

dan juga ms. Fistri dan ms. linda yang selalu

setia menjaga dan mendidik anak anak

dengan sabar, baik hati, penyayang...

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Telah lahir dengan selamat Putri kedua dari

Miss Maya (Kindergarten teacher) pada

tanggal 07

Mohon doanya supaya bisa menjadi anak yang

shalihah dan berperan dalam masayarakat.

Nursery and

Kindergarten teachers

always tried to teach

creatively with the

principle „Hearts on,

Minds on, and Hands

on‟. These all the photos

from our activity outside

the school yard, circle

time and in the JESSLYN

Dental clinic

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Learning English is seriously fun!

Pict. 1-3: Primary 2 students

learned irregular past verbs

using a dice. In groups, they took

turn to throw the dice, and

then made a sentence with the

verb on the up side.

Pict. 4-9: They practiced their

knowledge about past tense by

finding as many past verbs as

possible from story books.


can Prevent Flood

On January 30, 2014, the

students from Primary 2 A

(Ms Della's class) and 2 B

(Mr Najib's) performed in

school assembly. The theme

for the performance is

about preventing flood, a

disaster that was happening

at the moment in Jakarta.

Mistakes were found here

and there, but that's not

the point. The thing is they

learned what trigger the

disaster and understand

that they shouldn't do so.

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Rapat Persiapan

Ujian Dan Kelulusan

Bersama Wali Murid

kelas VI

seiring dengan semakin dekat

waktu pelaksanaan Ujian

Sekolah Berstandar Daerah

(USBD), maka pada tanggal

29 Januari, pihak tim sukses

AIS bertemu dengan para

orang tua siswa kelas 6.

Dalam pertemuan tersebut

dibahas tentang

perkembangan siswa di awal

semester 2, kesesuain

tatakala diknas, pemantapan

materi serta try out dari pihak

AIS dan upaya peningkatan

tradisi belajar siswa terutama

di lingkungan rumah dan


Gambar disamping

menunjukkan keikutsertaan

Siswa/i SDS Ananda Islamic

School Dalam Olimpiade Sains

Nasional Tingkat Kecamatan

Kalideres Tahun 2014

These meeting was

attended by (from


Mr. Toni, Adzra‟s Mom,

Salsa‟s Mom, Galen‟s Mom,

Helmi‟s Mom,Ihsan‟s

Mom, Adri‟s Mom.

Jullian‟s Father, Fio‟s

Father. Ms.Apri,

Ms.Mustha, Ms. Puspa. Mr.

Rahman, Mr. Sufi.The one

who stand up was Ms.


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A small team from Dinas

Pendidikan Jakarta Barat has

come to see the AIS secondary

teachers and facilities.

Many things are discussed and

commented on. They satisfied to

our facilities and what we have

done to our students

Congratulations for all teachers

and staff. The Secondary

department is getting ready to

move to the next process to meet

all Dinas requirements for AIS in

serving students better.

Secondary Science



actifity for 7th grade students

about scaritification of the


Students observed about

scarity the soil by earth



Students showed to primary

students their biology project

about ecosystem. Each group

showed their own type of

ecosystem. There were sea

ecosystem, street ecosystem

and pond ecosystem.

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The members of Amazing Book Club (ABC), one of the extracurricular activities in Primary, are in action.

Pict. 1-4: As the slogan of ABC, “We love books!”, they showed their love to books by giving “good clothes”

for them. Yup, they learned how to cover books neatly, and they love it!

Pict. 5-10: To record what books they‟ve read, they made “Book Caterpillar”. After they read a book, they

will write the title and their comments about it. The one who gets the longest caterpillar will be the winner.







9 10

8 7


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Bertempat di Sekolah Dian Kasih Citra 3 Miss Tiara dan Miss Linda menghadiri seminar APE yang

dihadiri juga oleh 70 guru yang berasal dari TK di seputaran Jakarta Barat kecamatan Kalideres.

Seminar ini membahas tentang alat permainan edukatif. Menurut pembicara yaitu Ibu Esther

Maghdalena, beliau mengatakan bahwa APE itu segala sesuatu yang dapat dijadikan bahan mainan

sebagai sumber pembelajaran yang didalamnya terdapat unsur pendidikan dan tidak berbahaya. APE

dapat dibuat dari bahan yang dapat didaur ulang seperti kaleng, dus susu, kardus dan lain

sebagainya bahkan dedaunan pun juga bisa digunakan untuk dijadikan APE. Kardus besar misalnya

dapat dijadikan sebagai televisi yang bisa saja dijadikan alat bermain peran (role play) atau kain perca

yang bisa dijadikan boneka tangan.Dengan demikian Ananda Islamic School sudah mulai bisa

mengumpulkan kardus kemasan yang kira-kira bisa berguna untuk dijadikan alat permainan edukatif

di kelas.

By the theme “Menciptakan

Generasi Bangsa Yang Cerdas Dan

Berakhlaq Mulia , Serta Menjadikan

Lembaga Pendidikan Yang

Berkarakter” which held by PT Tiga

Serangkai , all the staffs and the

teachers of AIS got a motivation

about teaching based Islamic

norms and values.

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Above: Ms. Winda and Mr. Najib was asked

to explained and told the work team result in

arrange the differentiation between KTSP 2006

and Kurikulum 2013

Right up corner : The Supervisor of Gugus XI,

Mr. Tri was explained the content and the

must of implementation of Kurikulum 2013 in

every school

Right beside: The AIS team has worked to

make a analysis about the differention

between KTSP 2006 with Kurikulum 2013

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Ms. Indah Padmarani as the

representative of P.T. mentari Books

Indonesia was explained about

Cambridge English Language

Assessment Young Learners

(External Assessment)

Mr. Agus was opened the seminar.

Mr. Ed was explained about

Introduction to child psychology,

from birth to childhood and

multiple intelligences