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  • 8/12/2019 Ajutorul Umanitar


    Ajutorul umanitarncepnd cu 1960, Comisia European acord asisten umanitar pentru persoaneledin rile tere afectate de conflicte sau catastrofe, att naturale ct i provocate de om.Numrul mare de operaiuni de acest tip, ntreprinse ncepnd cu sfritul anilor '80, a

    fcut ca aceasta s reprezinte un element principal al aciunii externe a Comisiei. Din1992, ajutorul umanitar al UE este gestionat de ctre Direcia General AjutorUmanitar (DG ECHO), care s-a adaptat de-a lungul anilor la caracterul schimbtor ila sporirea numrului problemelor umanitare. n prezent, Uniunea European, maiexact Comisia European i statele membre n mod colectiv, reprezint liderul mondialn materie de ajutor umanitar.


    Articolul 179 din Tratatul CE.

    OBIECTIVECadrul de reglementare al aciunilor umanitare ale CE este Regulamentul (CE) nr.1257/96al Consiliului din 20 iunie 1996. n conformitate cu regulamentul, ajutorul umanitarcomunitar cuprinde aciuni nediscriminatorii de asisten, sociale i de protecie destinateajutorrii populaiilor din rile tere, i n special a celor mai vulnerabile dintre acestea. nspecial, principalele obiective ale aciunilor comunitare de ajutor umanitar sunt:

    s salveze i s apere viei n timpul situaiilor de urgen, al catastrofelor naturale i alsituaiilor care rezult imediat n urma acestora;

    s asigure asistena i ajutorarea necesar persoanelor afectate de crize pe termen l ung

    generate, n special, de conflicte sau rzboaie;s ajute la finanarea transportrii ajutoarelor i s depun eforturi pentru a se asigura cacestea sunt accesibile persoanelor crora le sunt destinate;

    s desfoare lucrri de reabilitare i de construcie pe termen scurt, n special pentruinfrastructur i echipamente, n vederea facilitrii sosirii ajutoarelor;

    s fac fa consecinelor provocate de relocarea populaiei (refugiai, persoanestrmutate i repatriate) ca urmare a catastrofelor naturale i a celor provocate de om;

    s garanteze o pregtire prealabil mpotriva riscurilor catastrofelor naturale sau alecircumstanelor excepionale de proporii asemntoare i s utilizeze un sistemcorespunztor de rspuns rapid i de intervenie;

    s susin aciunile civile de ocrotire a victimelor conflictelor sau ale situaiilor deurgen de proporii asemntoare, n conformitate cu conveniile internaionale n vigoare.


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    Comunitatea a luat parte la aciunile de asisten umanitar de la sfritul anilor '60.Valoarea semnificativ a ajutorului acordat de la sfritul anilor '80 a fcut din acesta unelement esenial al politicii internaionale a Comunitii. UE, Comisia European i statelemembre mpreun, a devenit n prezent liderul mondial n materie de ajutor umanitar,contribuind n 2006 cu peste 2 miliarde EUR (peste 40 % din asistena internaional

    oficial). Din 1992, ajutorul umanitar al CE este gestionat de Direcia General AjutorUmanitar (DG ECHO).

    A. Rolul DG ECHO

    DG ECHO a fost nfiinat n scopul centralizrii aciunilor de ajutor umanitar ale Comisieii, prin urmare, al organizrii mai eficiente a acestora. DG ECHO nu implementeazprograme de asisten propriu-zise; aceasta finaneaz operaiuni prin intermediul a peste200 de parteneri (ONG-uri, Agenii ONU, Organizaii internaionale, precum CruceaRoie/Semiluna Roie).

    Sarcina principal a DG ECHO este s se asigure c bunurile i serviciile umanitare obinute

    prin intermediul acestor parteneri ajung la populaiile vulnerabile din zonele de criz nmod eficientirapid, c acestea sunt livrate n funcie denecesitile realei asigurndo gestionare financiar eficient.

    Rapiditatea livrrii ajutoarelor este facilitat de prevederile speciale din Regulamentulfinanciar i normele sale de aplicare, permind astfel Comisiei s ia decizii de urgenprivind finanarea ajutoarelor. Prin aceste decizii se poate aproba acordarea unei sume depn la 3 milioane EUR n 72 de ore i pn la 10 milioane EUR n 10 zile n cadrulactivitilor umanitare prin procedurile bugetare rapide la apariia unei catastrofe umanitare.n plus, partenerii DG ECHO (peste 200) au semnat fie un Acord-cadru de parteneriat (ACP,pentru ONG-uri i Organizaii Internaionale) fie unAcord-cadru financiar i administrativ(ACFA, pentru Ageniile ONU). Aceste acorduri contractualeex anteau facilitat i urgentat

    alocarea resurselor, promovnd n acelai timp responsabilitatea partenerilor DG ECHO.

    DG ECHO acord asisten financiar exclusiv pe baza evalurilor nevoilor umanitare, curespectarea strict a principiilor fundamentale umanitare de umanitate, neutralitate,imparialitate i independen. n acest scop, DG ECHO a dezvoltat propria metodologiebazat pe o abordare dubl: clasificarea analitic a rilor tere n funcie de vulnerabilitateageneral a acestora, adaptat la evaluarea pe teren efectuat de ctre experii DG ECHO,care prezint de asemenea importan n identificarea rapid a partenerilor adecvai i aproiectelor care s satisfac nevoile existente.

    Implementarea aciunilor umanitare este urmat de monitorizarea la faa locului apartenerilor i a proiectelor sale de ctre DG ECHO, pentru a garanta o gestionare financiareficient i c resursele alocate au fost utilizate n scopul prevzut. Unitatea de evaluare aDG ECHO, nfiinat n 1996, a contribuit la consolidarea monitorizrii i la eficientizareaactivitilor umanitare ale CE.

    Asistena DG ECHO vizeaz, de asemenea, mpreun cu alte instrumente de ajutorare, sfaciliteze revenirea populaiei ntr-o situaie de autosuficien oriunde i oricnd este posibili s permit eliminarea progresiv a finanrii umanitare n condiii bune. n acest context,

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    DG ECHO este implicat n mod activ n implementarea unei strategii de corelare ntreajutorul social, reabilitare i dezvoltare (LRRD).

    Dincolo de activitatea principal de finanare a interveniilor umanitare, DG ECHO se ocupi cu aspecte legate de sprijinirea furnizrii i calitatea ajutorului umanitar.DG ECHO:

    menine relaiile sale active cu alte instituii, cu statele membre i cu organizaiileinternaionale, n vederea consolidrii politicii umanitare;

    promoveaz respectarea dreptului umanitar internaional i a principiilor umanitare iaprarea spaiului umanitar;

    a dezvoltat o politic de siguran i securitate pentru personalul DG ECHO implicat nfurnizarea ajutorului umanitar;

    coopereaz cu programele de formare, precum Reeaua de ajutor umanitar (NOHA), iacord asisten tehnic partenerilor si;

    promoveaz contientizarea publicului fa de problemele umanitare din Europa i din

    alte locuri.

    n vederea realizrii diverselor sale sarcini, DG ECHO s-a dezvoltat de-a lungul anilor i, nprezent, aceasta are 200 de funcionari care lucreaz n sediile sale de la Bruxelles, plus 100de experi pe teren i 250 de ageni locali care lucreaz n cele aproximativ 40 de birouri desprijin ale sale din rile tere.

    B. Cadrul politic general: Consensul european privind ajutorul


    De-a lungul ultimelor decenii, amploarea, fora i numrul de catastrofe naturale i al celor

    provocate de om au crescut, devenind tot mai complexe i avnd o durat din ce n ce maimare. De asemenea, numrul de persoane afectate a crescut i populaiile cele mai srace aufost afectate disproporionat. Contextul internaional n care are loc ajutorul umanitar adevenit tot mai problematic, cu participarea actorilor statali sau a altor actori dect statele,cu nclcri foarte grave ale dreptului umanitar internaional i cu periclitarea frecvent asecuritii lucrtorilor umanitari.

    n acest context, cele trei instituii ale UE (Parlamentul European, Consiliul i Comisia) ausemnat n decembrie 2007, dup ase luni de negocieri, un Consens european privindajutorul umanitar. Consensul este un efort colectiv realizat de Uniunea European (inclusivde statele membre ale acesteia) care vizeaz conturarea viitorului ajutorului umanitar al UE,abordnd noile probleme i rspunznd, pentru prima dat, cu o voce unic i mai eficient.

    Acesta reprezint un pilon semnificativ pentru ajutorul umanitar al UE.

    Consensul reconfirm angajamentul UE fa de principiile umanitare, dreptul umanitarinternaional i nevoia de coordonare intensificat la nivelul UE, respectnd n acelai timprolul central de coordonare al Naiunilor Unite. Acesta subliniaz, de asemenea, nevoia demai multe resurse i faptul c ajutorul trebuie furnizat de ctre profesioniti n domeniu. Deasemenea, acesta delimiteaz n mod clar rolul actorilor statali i, n special, al forelor

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    armate ale acestora, la care trebuie s se apeleze doar ca ultim variant pentru ntmpinareanevoilor umanitare critice.

    Consensul a fost urmat n 2008 de un Plan de aciune prezentat de ctre Comisie, careinclude aciuni concrete i msurabile n fiecare dintre zone, plan salutat att de ctreConsiliu, ct i de ctre Parlamentul European. Din partea sa, Consiliul a decis prelungirea i

    adaptarea mandatului Grupului su de lucru privind ajutoarele alimentare, denumit de la 1ianuarie 2009 ca Grupul de lucru pentru ajutoare umanitare i ajutoare alimentare. Aceastdecizie important, care trebuie considerat ca fiind una dintre consecinele imediate aleadoptrii Consensului, va stabili n cele din urm un forum corespunztor pentru dezbaterearegulat privind politica n cadrul Consiliului.

    C. Tratatul de la Lisabona

    n final, dac Tratatul de la Lisabona intr n vigoare, acesta va prevedea o serie de noutin ceea ce privete ajutorul umanitar al UE, inclusiv, pentru prima oar, ajutorul umanitarcao politic de sine stttoaren Tratatul CE. n prezent ajutorul umanitar se bazeaz, prin

    definiie, pe articolul 179 din Tratatul CE (politica de dezvoltare). Dispoziiile Tratatului de la Lisabona ar confirma, n ansamblu, obiectivele actuale,principiile i procedurile de baz (codecizia), i ar introduce politica umanitar a UE ndispoziiile generale ale aciunii externe a UE. n plus, Tratatul prevede crearea unuiCorpvoluntar european de ajutor umanitarcare va reprezenta un cadru pentru contribuiilecomune din partea tinerilor europeni la operaiunile de ajutor umanitar ale Uniunii.

    D. Sursele i destinaia fondurilor DG ECHO

    1. Bugetul

    DG ECHO are dou surse primare de finanare: bugetul general al CE i Fondul Europeande Dezvoltare (FED), pentru a fi folosit pentru asistena umanitar excepional n rileACP (rile din Africa, Caraibe i Pacific). Comisia aplic aceleai principii i liniidirectoare pentru ajutorul finanat de FED i ajutorul dinbugetul general.

    Pentru a putea rspunde n mod rapid la cererile specifice de ajutor rezultate n urmaevenimentelor care nu au putut fi prevzute n momentul stabilirii bugetului, DG ECHOpoate de asemenea apela la o rezerv pentru ajutorul de urgen. Pentru ca aceasta s fiemobilizat, este necesar un acord trilateral ntre Comisie, Consiliu i Parlament. Anul 2007 afost excepional, ntruct nu a avut loc nicio criz sau catastrof major neateptat i, prinurmare, DG ECHO nu a trebuit s recurg la Rezerva pentru ajutor de urgen a Comisiei.

    Asemenea tuturor celorlalte departamente ale Comisiei, DG ECHO rspunde n faaParlamentului i a Consiliului, n special prin rapoartele anuale n care sunt detaliateactivitile acesteia. Administrarea bugetului acesteia este de asemenea supus auditriipermanente din partea Curii de Conturi, care raporteaz Parlamentului i Consiliului. nfiecare an, Parlamentul i Consiliul sunt invitate s i prezinte avizul cu privire ladescrcarea bugetelor anterioare.

    Din 1992 pn la aceast dat, DG ECHO a prevzut peste 7 milioane EUR pentru ajutorulumanitar n peste 85 de ri la nivel mondial. Bugetul DG ECHO a fost modest la nceput,

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    Mai mult, DG ECHO coopereaz n mod activ cu principalii ageni din domeniul cooperriipentru dezvoltare, pentru o mai bun integrare a reducerii riscului de catastrofe n activitilede dezvoltare i pentru a asigura o legtur mai puternic cu eforturile legate de adaptarea laschimbrile climatice n rile cu un grad ridicat de risc.

    c.Finanare tematic

    Angajamentul UE de a lucra strns cu instituiile internaionale pentru mbuntireacapacitii de reacie umanitar la nivel mondial este demonstrat prin intermediulprogramului tematic de finanare. n 2007 s-a alocat o sum total de 27,5 milioane EURpentru sprijinirea consolidrii capacitilor instituionale ale ageniilor ONU i a MicriiCrucii Roii/Semilunii Roii.


    Prin avizele i rezoluiile sale, PE i-a exprimat ntotdeauna preocuparea cu privire laajutorul umanitar, exercitnd astfel o presiune considerabil pentru promovarea unei

    mbuntiri constante i a unei dezvoltri a unei serii de instrumente. n mod specific, ideeade nfiinare a DG ECHO a venit de la PE.

    Ca instituie de adoptare a bugetului UE, PE a insistat n mod regulat asupra unei creteri acreditelor pentru ajutorul umanitar, nu doar n general, ci i pentru regiunile sau rilespecifice, inclusiv asupra sporirii activitilor de pregtire pentru aprarea mpotrivacatastrofelor i a utilizrii fondurilor de urgen n cazul crizelor legate de preul alimentelor.PE a trimis frecvent delegaii pentru studierea pe teren a situaiei populaiei localepentru apermite propuneri specifice pentru mbuntirea ajutorului.

    Merit precizat faptul c PE adopt n mod regulat rezoluii privind situaiile din diferitelocuri cu probleme din toat lumea. De-a lungul ultimilor ani, PE s-a preocupat de crizele

    umanitare din Regiunea Marilor Lacuri, Sudan, Somalia, teritoriile din Palestina,Birmania/Myanmar, Etiopia i Eritreea, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Nepal, precum i dinRepublica Popular Democrat Coreean, printre altele.

    Pentru consolidarea poziiei sale n problemele de ajutor umanitar, PE a creat n 2006 postulraportorului permanent pentru ajutor umanitar, al crui mandat prevede conservareaintereselor bugetului pentru ajutor umanitar, monitorizarea implementrii programelorumanitare ale Comunitii i pstrarea relaiilor strnse cu comunitatea umanitar.

    Poziiile ferme adoptate de ctre PE n cadrul negocierilor din Consensul european privindajutorul umanitar au fost eseniale pentru dezvoltarea unor rezultate concrete, asemeneaangajamentului Consiliului de creare a unui forum corespunztor pentru discuii politice

    privind ajutorul umanitar.

    Humanitarian aid

    Since 1960, the European Commission grants humanitarian assistance to people affected

    by conflicts or disasters, both natural and man-made, in third countries. The large number

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    of such operations undertaken since the late 1980s has made it a key element of the

    Communitys external action. Since 1992, EC humanitarian aid is managed by theDirectorate-General for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), which has adjusted itself over the

    years to the growing and changing nature of humanitarian challenges. Today the European

    Union i.e. the European Commission and the Member States, collectively is the

    worlds leading humanitarian donor.


    Article 179 of the Treaty establishing the European Community (EC).


    The regulatory framework of EC humanitarian operations is Council Regulation (EC) No1257/96 of 20 June 1996. According to the regulation, the Communitys humanitarian aid shallcomprise of assistance, relief and protection operations, conducted on a non-discriminatory basis

    to help people in third countries, and especially the most vulnerable among them. In particular,the principal objectives of EC humanitarian aid operations shall be:

    to save and preserve life during emergencies, natural disasters and their immediate aftermath;

    to provide the necessary assistance and relief to people affected by long-lasting crises arising,in particular, from outbreaks of fighting or wars;

    to help finance the transport of aid and efforts to ensure that it is accessible to those for whomit is intended for;

    to carry out short-term rehabilitation and reconstruction work, especially on infrastructure andequipment, with a view to facilitating the arrival of relief;

    to cope with the consequences of population movements (refugees, displaced people andreturnees) caused by natural and man-made disasters;

    to ensure preparedness for risks of natural disasters or comparable exceptional circumstancesand use a suitable rapid early warning and intervention system;

    to support civil operations to protect the victims of fighting or comparable emergencies, inaccordance with current international agreements.


    The Community has been involved in humanitarian aid operations since the end of the 1960s.The significant amount of aid supplied since the late 1980s has made it a key element of theCommunitys international policy. The EU the European Commission and the Member States,collectivelyhas now become the worlds largest provider of humanitarian aid, contributing in

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    2006 with over EUR 2 billion (more than 40 % of official international assistance). Since 1992,EC humanitarian aid is managed by the Directorate-General for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO).

    A. Role of ECHO

    ECHO was established with the aim of centralising the Commissions humanitarian aidoperations and thereby organising them more effectively. ECHO does not implement assistanceprogrammes itself; it funds operations through more than 200 partners (NGOs, UN agencies,international organisationssuch as the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement).

    ECHOs main task is to ensure that humanitarian goods and services get through these partnersto vulnerable populations in crisis zones effectivelyand rapidly, that they are deliveredaccording to real needs,and to ensure sound financial management.

    The rapidity of aid delivery is facilitated by special provisions in the Financial Regulation and itsimplementing rules, thus allowing the Commission to take emergency decisions on financing

    relief. These decisions can inject up to EUR 3 million within 72 hours and up to EUR 10 millionwithin 10 days into humanitarian operations through fast-track budgeting procedures at the onsetof a humanitarian disaster. In addition, ECHOs partners (over 200 of them) have signed either aframework partnership agreement (FPA) (for NGOs and international organisations) or afinancial and administrative framework agreement (FAFA) (for UN agencies). These exantecontractual arrangements have facilitated and expedited the allocation of resources,promoting at the same time ECHOs partners accountability.

    ECHO allocates financial assistance exclusively on the basis of humanitarian needs assessments,in full respect of the basic humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and

    independence. For this purpose ECHO has developed its own methodology based on a doubleapproach: analytical ranking of third countries according the their overall vulnerability, matchedwith the evaluation in the field by ECHOs experts, who are also instrumental in the rapididentification of suitable partners and projects to meet the needs.

    The implementation of humanitarian operations is then followed up by ECHOs on-the-spotmonitoring of its partners and projects in order to ensure a sound financial management and thatthe allocated resources have been used for their intended purpose. ECHOs evaluation unit, setup in 1996, has helped to strengthen the monitoring and effectiveness of the EC humanitarianoperations.

    ECHOs assistance also aims at facilitating, together with other aid instruments, the return ofpopulations to self-sufficiency wherever and whenever possible, and to permit the phasing out ofhumanitarian funding in good conditions. In that perspective, ECHO is actively engaged inimplementing a linkage strategy between relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD).

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    Beyond its core task of funding humanitarian interventions, ECHO deals with related issuesaimed at supporting the delivery and quality of humanitarian aid. ECHO:

    pursues its active relationship with other institutions, Member States and internationalorganisations to enhance humanitarian policy;

    promotes the respect for international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles and thedefence of the humanitarian space;

    has developed a security and safety policy for ECHOs staff involved in the delivery ofhumanitarian aid;

    cooperates with training programmes, such as the network on humanitarian assistance(NOHA), and gives its partners technical assistance;

    raises public awareness about humanitarian issues in Europe and elsewhere.

    To fulfil its various tasks, ECHO has grown over the years and it currently has 200 officialsworking at its Brussels headquarters, plus 100 field experts and 250 local staff working in itsapproximately 40 support offices in third countries.

    B. General policy framework: the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid

    Over recent decades, the magnitude, strength and number of natural and man-made disastershave increased and become more complex and protracted in time. The number of people affectedhas also increased and the poorest people have been affected disproportionately. Theinternational context in which humanitarian aid takes place has become increasingly challenging,

    with new State and non-State actors on the scene, blatant violations of the internationalhumanitarian law, and the security of humanitarian workers often put at risk.

    In this context, the three EU institutions (the European Parliament, Council and Commission)signed in December 2007 a European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid, after six-months ofnegotiations. The consensus is a collective effort by the European Union (including its MemberStates) to shape the future of the EUs humanitarian aid, tackling the new challenges andresponding, for the first time, with a single, more effective voice. It represents a significantlandmark for EU humanitarian aid.

    The consensus reconfirms the EU commitment to humanitarian principles, internationalhumanitarian law and the need for enhanced coordination at EU level, while respecting thecentral coordinating role of the United Nations. It also emphasises the need for more resourcesand that the aid should be delivered by dedicated professionals. It also clearly delimits the role ofState actors and, in particular, their armed forces, which should be used only as a last resort inmeeting critical humanitarian needs.

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    The consensus was followed in 2008 by an action plan presented by the Commission, includingconcrete and measurable actions in each of the areas, which was welcomed by both the Counciland the European Parliament. From its side, the Council decided to extend and adapt the mandateof its Working Parting on Food Aid, to be referred as from 1 January 2009 as the Working Partyon Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid. This important decision, which should be seen as one of the

    immediate consequences of the adoption of the consensus, will at last establish an appropriateforum for regular policy debate in the Council.

    C. Treaty of Lisbon

    Should the Lisbon Treaty finally enter into force, it would entail a number of novelties for EUhumanitarian aid, including humanitarian aid as a policy in its own right in the EC Treaty.Currently humanitarian aid is based, by default, on Article 179 of the EC Treaty (developmentpolicy).

    The provisions of the Treaty of Lisbon would confirm, on the whole, current objectives, basicprinciples and procedures (co-decision), and would insert EU humanitarian policy under theoverall provisions of EU external action. In addition, the Treaty provides for the creation ofa European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corpsa framework for joint contributions fromyoung Europeans to the humanitarian aid operations of the Union.

    D. Sources and destination of ECHO funds

    1. The budget

    ECHO has two primary sources of funds: the general budget of the European Union and the

    European Development Fund (EDF), to be used for exceptional humanitarian assistance to ACPcountries (countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific). The Commission applies the sameprinciples and guidelines for aid financed from the EDF and aid from the general budget.

    In order to be able to respond rapidly to specific aid requirements resulting from events whichcould not have been foreseen when the budget was established, ECHO may also call on anEmergency Aid Reserve. For this to be mobilised, there needs to be trilateral agreement betweenthe Commission, the Council and the Parliament. The year 2007 was exceptional in that no majorunexpected crises or disasters occurred and, subsequently, ECHO did not have to draw on theCommissions Emergency Aid Reserve.

    ECHO, like all other Commission departments, is accountable to the Parliament and the Council,notably through annual reports detailing its activities. Its budget management is also subject toongoing auditing by the Court of Auditors, which reports to Parliament and the Council. Everyyear, Parliament and the Council are invited to give their opinion on the discharge of pastbudgets.

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    Since 1992 to date, ECHO has provided over EUR 7 billion of humanitarian aid in more than 85countries worldwide. ECHOs budget was modest at the outset, but it rose rapidly to reach alevel similar to the assistance provided bilaterally by the EU Member States. Between 2000 and2005, ECHOs average annual budget was EUR 543 million (including the Emergency AidReserve). For the period 200713, this budget will gradually increase to an annual budget of

    EUR 875 million in 2013, though a large part of this increase is due to the transfer of thehumanitarian food aid budget line to ECHO as of 1 January 2007 (previously managed byEuropeAid together with food security operations). ECHOs allocations in 2007 amounted toalmost EUR 769 million.

    2. Allocation of funds

    a. Country/region interventions

    In terms of geographical distribution of humanitarian interventions, the relative share of the

    funding to ACP countries has continuously increased, apart from 2005, when two big crises inAsia received most of the funding: the Indian Ocean tsunami and the earthquake in Kashmir. In2007 ACP countries received EUR 422.7 million (i.e. 55 % of the total final ECHO budget),followed by Asia (EUR 110 million or 14 % of the budget), the Middle East and North Africa(EUR 99 million or 12.8 % of the budget), Latin America (EUR 32 million or 4 % of the budget)and, finally, eastern Europe and the new independent States (NIS) including Chechnya(EUR 25.8 million or 3.3 % of the budget).

    The largest single funding allocations in 2007 were devoted to Sudan, the Palestinian territoriesand the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

    ECHOs aid strategy remains continuously focused onforgotten crises: situations where majorhumanitarian needs receive little attention on the part of the donors reflected by the low levelof aid received compared to the needsand the media. The forgotten crises identified in 2007were: Sahrawi refugees, Chechnya, Jammu and Kashmir (India), Nepal, Burma/Myanmar andColombia. Apart from Colombia, all these crises were already identified as forgotten crises in2006. The amount of funds allocated to forgotten crises has been decreasing over the recentyears: EUR 89 million in 2005 (18.7 % of the budget), EUR 65 million in 2006 (14 % of thebudget) and EUR 60.7 million in 2007 (13 % of the budget).

    b. Disaster preparedness

    Natural disasters are mostly impossible to avert. However, their negative impact can often besubstantially reduced or prevented. In line with its mandate, ECHO promotes disasterpreparedness through coordination, advocacy and Dipecho, its specific programme on disasterpreparedness, which has been operational since 1998. Dipecho finances community-basedprojects aimed at enhancing the prevention and response capacities of vulnerable communities,emphasising training, capacity building, awareness raising, the establishment or improvement of

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    local early warning systems and contingency planning. Dipecho now covers six disaster-proneregions (Central America, South America, the Caribbean, central Asia, south Asia and south-eastAsia). Since its creation, Dipecho has financed more than 400 projects worldwide, worth overEUR 119 million. In 2007 an amount of EUR 19.5 million was allocated to the Dipechoprogramme (2.5 % of the total budget).

    Furthermore, ECHO actively cooperates with the main development cooperation actors, aimingto better integrate disaster risk reduction into development activities and ensure a strongerlinkage with efforts relating to climate change adaptation in high-level risk countries.

    c. Thematic funding

    The EU commitment to working closely with international institutions in improving globalhumanitarian response capacity is demonstrated through ECHOs thematic funding programme.In 2007, a total of EUR 27.5 million was allocated to supporting the reinforcement of

    institutional capacities of UN agencies and the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement.ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT

    Through its opinions and resolutions, the European Parliament (EP) has always expressed itsconcern with regard to humanitarian aid, thus bringing considerable pressure to bear for aconstant improvement to, and development of, a range of instruments. In particular, the idea ofcreating ECHO originated in the EP.

    As the institution for adopting the EU budget, the EP has insisted regularly on an increase in theappropriations for humanitarian aid, not only in general but also for specific regions or countries,

    including the increase of disaster preparedness activities and the use of emergency funds to dealwith the food price crisis. The EP has also frequently sent delegations to study the situation oflocal populations on the ground, to enable it to make specific proposals to improve aid.

    It is worth noting that the EP regularly adopts resolutions on the situations in various troubledspots around the globe. Over the past few years the EP has concerned itself with thehumanitarian crises in the Great Lakes Region, Sudan, Somalia, the Palestinian territories,Burma/Myanmar, Ethiopia and Eritrea, Niger, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Nepal and the Democratic thePeoples Republic of Korea, among others.

    In order to enhance its position on humanitarian aid issues, the EP created in 2006 the post ofStanding Rapporteur for Humanitarian Aid, whose mandate includes preserving humanitarian aidbudget interests, monitoring the implementation of Communitys humanitarian programmes andkeeping close contacts with the humanitarian community.

    The firm positions taken by the EP during the negotiations of the European Consensus onHumanitarian Aid were instrumental in order to achieve some tangible results, such as the

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    commitment by the Council to create an appropriate forum for humanitarian aid policydiscussions.
