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Antička Pula

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Pula - Pola

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• Prvi zapisi o Puli govore da je ovdje postojalo gradinsko naselje Histra prije više od 3.000 g.

• Naselje su smjestili na vrhu brda, koje je bilo okruženo poljima, na obali zaštićenog zaljeva.

• Istru su Rimljani osvojili 177.g. pr.Kr. pokorivši Histre.

• Kao "kolonija cezarijana" grad je utemeljen između 46. i 45. pr. Kr.

• Službeno je ime grada bilo Colonia Pietas Iulia Pola.

• Antička Pula je bila opskrbljena svim bitnim tekovinama rimske civilizacije, imala je vodovodni i kanalizacijski sustav, forum, kapitolij s hramovima (na forumu), dva kazališta, veliko gradsko groblje (spominje ga Dante u "Božanskoj komediji"), kuće bogato opremljene mozaicima i mramorom.

• Antička Pula dosegla je broj od 30.000 stanovnika.

• First records of Pula say that there was village inhabited by Histrians some 3,000 years ago

• The settlement was on the the hill, surrounded by fields, near the shores of protected bay.

• Istria was conquered by the Romans 177.g. BC when Histrians were defeated.

• As a “imperial collony" the city was founded between year 46 and 45 B.C. The official name

of the town was Colonia Pietas Iulia Pola.

• Ancient Pula had all major achievements of Roman civilization - water supply and sewerage system, a forum, temples Capitolium (the forum), two theaters, a large cemetery (mentioned

by Dante in his "Divine Comedy"), the houses were rich with mosaics and marble.

• Ancient Pula population was approximately 30,000 inhabitants.


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Slavoluk Sergijevaca je vrhunsko

arhitektonsko ostvarenje kasno helenističkoga

rimskog graditeljstva (građen 29.-27.g. pr.Kr.).

Triumphal Arch is a superb architectural

achievement of late Hellenistic-Roman

architecture (built in year 29.-27 BC).

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Dala ga je sagraditi Salvia Postuma Sergi

u slavu svoje obitelji i kao simbol pobjede

cara Oktavijana – Augusta u borbi za vlast.

Building was arranged by Lady Salvia

Postuma Sergi in the glory of her family as

a symbol of victory of the Emperor

Octavian - Augustus in the struggle for



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Središte rimskih gradova činili su forumi na kojima su dominirali hramovi i bazilike, a bili su najvažniji gradski društveni prostor, mjesto okupljanja građana.

The center of Roman cities formed the forums dominated by temples and basilicas, and were the most important urban social space, meeting place of citizens.

Pula Forum

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Hram u Puli je posvećen božanskom caru Augustu.

Temple of Pula was

dedicated to the divine

emperor Augustus.


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Grad je bio opasan zidinama s desetak vrata.The city was surrounded by walls with ten gates.


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Dvojna vrata - Twin Gates


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Ostaci rimskog kazališta.The remains of

a Roman theatre.


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Park ispred Arheološkog muzeja. The park in front of Archeological MuseumDragoCarlo

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Amfiteatar je sagrađen sredinom I. st. pr. Kr..

The amphitheatre was builtin the first century B.C.


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Hodnici ispod amfiteatra - Arene.Corridors under the amphitheatre - the Arena.


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Stara presa za grožđe. Old wine press


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Amfore izvađene iz mora.Amphorae recovered from the sea.


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Rekonstrukcija rimske palače. Reconstruction of a Roman palace.

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Stara presa za masline. Old olive oil millDragoCarlo

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Kamene posude za preradu maslina. Stone vessels for processing olives.DragoCarlo

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Rimski tanjuri. Roman ceramic plates DragoCarlo

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Prizor iz rimske kuhinje.Scene from Roman kitchen.


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Arena je mogla primiti do 25.000 gledatelja.Arena could accommodate up to

25,000 spectators.


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U usporedbi s dvijestotinjak drugih arena toga doba pulska arena je izuzetna po očuvanosti i tehničkim rješenjima.

Compared to approx. 200 other Roman amphiteatres in the world, Arena of Pula is remarkable for its good condition and technical solutions.


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Gladijatorske borbe su bile najvažnije društveno zbivanje u starom Rimu.Gladiator fights were the most important social events in ancient Rome


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Arena se i u današnje vrijeme još uvijek koristi za kulturne priredbe, filmske festivale, kazališne predstave i koncerte...

Na narednom slajdu ima nekoliko linkova na snimke koncerata održanih u Areni

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Arena is still nowadays used for cultural events, film festivals, theater performances and concerts...

Here are some links to videos from concerts in Arena.

Il Divo - Hallelujah (Alelujah)

Il Divo - Adagio

Gibonni & Oliver Dragojevic - Cesarica

Đorđe Balašević - Pula, Arena

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Post scriptum

Observing the magnificent buildings of the past

except that I admire the ability of these builders I

can not dispel the sense of unease. We are heirs to

a civilization which is also built on the foundation of

slavery, war, injustice and immorality. Is the world

better today?

We can not change the world but we certainly can

change yourself!
