Page 1: Andheri Nagri Gandu Raja - Dark is the nation and insane the king

Andheri Nagri Gandu Raja – Kavi Dalpatram

(Andheri Nagri Chopat Raja ) Poet is Dalpatram

દલપતરા�મ - અં ધે� રા નગરા

પૂ� રી� એક અં�ધે રી� ને ગં� ડુ� રી�જા,

ટક શે રી ભા�જી ને ટક શે રી ખા�જા� ;બધે� ચી�જ વેચી�ય ત્યાં�� ભા�વે એક ,કદી� સા�રી� બ� રી� ને વેચી વિવેવે ક .

ત્યાં�� જઈ ચીઢ્યા� બ ગં�રુ એક ચીલો#,ગંય# ગં�મમ�� મ�ગંવે� શિશેષ્ય પૂલો#;લો�ધે� સા�ખાડુ� હા�ટથી� આપૂ� આટ#,ગં�રુ પૂ�સા જઈને કહા , “ખા�બ ખા�ટ્યો#.”

ગં�રુજી કહા , “રી�ત રીહા વે�� ને આ�હા�,સાહા� એક ભા�વે ખાપૂ ચી�જ જ્યાં��હા�;હાશે ચી#રીને શે�હાને# ન્ય�ય એક ,નેહા� હા#ય શિશેક્ષા� ગં�ને�ને� વિવેવે ક .

ને એ વેસ્ત�મ�� એક વે�સા# વેસા�જ,ચીલો# સાદ્ય ચીલો� જવે�� ગં�મ બ�જ.”કહા શિશેષ્ય, “ખા�વે� પૂ�વે� ખા�બ આ�હા�,તજી ત હા હા�� ત# ને આવે�શે ક્યાં��હા�.”

ગં�રુએ બહા� બ#ધે દી�ધે# જ ખા�સા#,“નેહા�� ય#ગ્ય આ�હા� રીહ્યે રી�તવે�સા#.”ને મ�ને� કશે� વે�ત ત શિશેષ્ય જય�રી ,ગં�રુજી તજીને ગંય� ગં�મ ત્યાં�રી .

રીહ્યે� શિશેષ્યજી ત# ત્યાંહા�� દિદીને ઝા�ઝા�,બહા� ખા�ઈપૂ�ને થીય� ખા�બ ત�જા;

પૂછી�થી� થીય� ત હાને� હા�લો ક વે�,કહા�� છી�� હાવે હા�� સા�ણો# સાદ્ય ત વે�.

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તસ્કરી ખા�તરી પૂ�ડુવે�, ગંય� વેણિણોકને દ્ધા�રી;તહા�� ભા�ત ત� ટ� પૂડુ�, ચી#રી દીબ�ય� ચી�રી.મ�ત પ્રભા�ત ચી#રીને�, ગંઈ ને<પૂને ફદિરીય�દી;શે�ળી� ઠરી�વે� શેઠને , ડુ#શે�ને� સા�ણો� દી�દી.

“એવે� ઘરી ક વે�� ચીણ્ય�� , ખા�ને થીય�� ત ઠ�રી;રી�ત ખા�તરી ખા#દીત�� , ચી#રી દીબ�ય� ચી�રી.”વેણિણોક કહા , “કદિડુય� તણો# એમ�� વે�� ક અંપૂ�રી;ખારીખારી� એમ�� નેથી�, મ�રી# ખા#ડુ લોગં�રી.”

કદિડુય�ને શે�ળી� ઠરી�, વેણિણોક બચ્ય# ત વે�રી;ચી� ક ગં�રી# કરીને�રીને�, કદિડુય કરી� ઉચ્ચી�રી.ગં�રી# કરીને�રી કહા , “પૂ�ણો� થીય�� વિવેશેષ;એ ત# ચી� ક પૂખા�લો�ને�, મ�રી� ચી� ક ને લોશે”

પૂ� રીપૂત� કહા પૂખાલો�ને , “જા ત�� શે�ળી�એ જાય,આજ પૂછી� આ ગં�મમ�� , એવે� ગં�ને� ને થી�ય.”“મ� લ્લો�� ને�સાય�F મ�રીગં , મ � જાય� ત દિદીશે;

પૂ�ણો� અંધિધેક તથી� પૂડ્યું��, રી�જા છી�� ડુ# રી�સા.”

મ� લ્લો��જીને મ�રીવે�, કરી� એવે# વિનેરીધે�રી;શે�ળી� પૂ�સા લોઈ ગંય�, મ� લ્લો�� ને ત વે�રી.ફળી જાડુ�� શે�ળી� તણુંJ� , મ� લ્લો�� પૂ�તળી અં�ગં;

એવે� હાક�કત ચી�કરી , જઈ કહા� ભા�પૂ પ્રસા�ગં.

ભા�પૂ કહા , “શે�� હારીઘડુ� આવે� પૂ�છી# ક#ઈ;

શે#ધે� ચીઢા�વે# શે�ળી�એ, જાડુ� નેરીને જાઈ.”

જાત�� જાત�� એ જડ્યું#, જાગં� જાડુ અં�ગં;

બહા� દિદીને ખા�ઈને બન્ય#, રી�ત મ�ત રી� ગં

શિશેષ્ય મ� દીત મ�ગં� ગંય# ગં�રુ પૂ�સા પૂસ્ત�ય;ગં�રુએ આવે� ઉગં�દિરીય#, અંદીભા�ત કરી� ઉપૂ�ય.જાગં� શે�ળી� પૂ�સા જઈ કહા , “ભા�પૂ સા�ણો ક�ને,આ અંવેસારી શે�ળી�એ ચીઢા , વેગં મળી વિવેમ�ને.”

ચીલો# બ#લ્યો#, “હા�� ચીઢા�� ” ને ગં�રુ કહા , “હા�� આપૂ;”અંધિધેપૂવિત કહા , “ચીઢા�એ અંમ#, પૂ� રીણો મળી પ્રત�પૂ.”

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ગં�રુ ચીલો�ને ગં�મથી�, પૂહા#�ચી�ડ્યું� ગં�ઉ પૂ�� ચી;

રી�જા શે�ળી� પૂરી રીહ્યે#, અં�ગં વે ઠ� આ�ચી.

- દીલોપૂતરી�મ Posted by MVJ SAMAJ Labels: Dalpatram, Poetry


let me share a story that perfectly fits on the current "halat, wakiat, saklat" of Pakistan. it was told by my father when i was a lil and bookworm kinda

moral of the story is what you have to find yourself. here you go.


I have fond memories of an amusing ballad "Andheri Nagari Chaupat Raja", which roughly translates "Dark is the nation and insane the king". The hilarious and sardonic poem begins with the graduation ceremony at a gurukul with a disciple seeking the advice of his guru about going to the dark nation to seek his fortune. The teacher advises against the venture despite great economic potential, by saying "Andheri nagri Chaupat raja; takeh ser bhaji, takeh ser khaja". There is one fixed price for spinach and dates and everything and thus the denizens lack intelligent discriminating abilities and these irrational and unjust policies pervade all aspects including commerce, law and ethics, making it an undesirable abode or ally irrespective of monetary or strategic benefits. The young and unwise new graduate goes anyway.

In this strange land, one night four brothers plan a burglary and try to breach the wall of the house of an affluent family. The bungling incompetent thieves bring the wall down, but in the process are killed by the falling bricks. The mother of the thieves is angry and grieved and files a lawsuit in the court to seek compensation for her loss. In arguing her case before the Qadi (judge), she claims that her sons were merely following their profession and the inappropriately constructed wall caused their demise, for which the homeowner was liable. The judge following the strange and uniform national code of justice, asks the homeowner why he should not be sentenced to death for the loss of the thieves’ lives. The frightened and frazzled homeowner uses the defense that those who constructed the wall are the guilty party and thus exonerates himself. The bricklayer is then summoned to the court and he says it is not his fault as he did his job well and the

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cement must have been of poor quality. The wrath of the judge and his warped justice then descends on the cement mixer who is accused of pouring too much water during mixing. The cement maker admits that it happened, but attributes it to his required mandatory greeting of the passing Mullah, a legally justifiable diversion that diluted the cement. The Qadi calls the Mullah in. The honest man has no excuse and the judge pronounces death by hanging for the convicted Mullah. The national legally prescribed fixed size noose is brought to the courtyard to string up the guilty offender. Whatever the fault of the Mullah, he is a decent god-fearing man who has refrained from indulging in sin, including gluttony. His neck is thin and his visage lean and his head and cranial capacity on the small side. The noose keeps slipping off his head and neck. The irritated judge who has other commitments, then pontificates that the deaths must be punished and since the circumference of the noose is unalterable by the national religious code, the only way for justice to be done, is to hang the first person whom the noose fits.

The chubby newly graduated disciple feasting on the cheap dates was idling time watching the wheels of justice and his stout neck fitted the noose. He was to be hanged in the public square next morning as an example to the citizens and to emphasize that justice not only should be done, but it must also publicly seen to be done. The desperate disciple sent an urgent SOS to his guru via a messenger. The guru promptly arrived early morning at the public square and created a ruckus by insisting that he be hanged instead of the disciple. The intrigued Qadi was taken aback at this strange self-destroying demand and even the Mullah suspected some theological mystery. They kept asking the guru for the reason and he refused. The irritated judge then threatened him that if he refused he would be beheaded instead of being hanged. The guru pleaded that he must be hanged. Under further intimidation and duress, the guru confessed that on this day of the new moon, anyone who was hanged would go straight to heaven and was guaranteed double his share of beautiful virgins. The Qadi, then insisted since he was the judge, he would decide who would be hanged. He decided he would hang himself. In the meantime the news had reached the king. He repaired to the scene and used his primate privilege to be hanged. The relieved guru and disciple promptly crossed the borders of the strange realm, vowing never to return again.

- ps. do pay the visit to the source. it talk in detail about how it fit on Pakistan. Last edited by zobia; Dec 9th, 2007 at 11:44 AM.


"There are two rules for ultimate success in life: #1. Never tell everything you know." ;)

"Dark is the nation and insane the king-Andheri Nagari Chaupat Raja

Page 5: Andheri Nagri Gandu Raja - Dark is the nation and insane the king

Andheri Nagari Chaupat RajaSS Misri

"Andheri Nagari Chaupat Raja", means "Dark is the nation and insane the king". A boy once seeks the advice of his guru about going to a certain country to seek his living. The guru tells him not to go there by saying one line about that country "Andheri nagri Chaupat raja; takeh ser bhaji, takeh ser khaja". He tells the boy that there is one fixed price for spinach and dates and everything. The citizens lack intelligence and it is an undesirable place to live. The young and unwise boy goes anyway.

In this strange land, one night four brothers plan a theft and try to breach the wall of the house of a rich family. The thieves bring the wall down, and in the process are killed by the falling bricks. The mother of the thieves is angry and files a lawsuit in the court. In arguing her case before the judge, she claims that her sons were merely following their profession and the wrongly constructed wall caused their death, for which the homeowner is liable. The judge following the strange code of justice asks the homeowner why he should not be sentenced to death for the loss of the thieves' lives. The frightened homeowner uses the defense that those who constructed the wall are the guilty party and thus frees him. The bricklayer is then summoned to the court and he says it is not his fault as he did his job well and the cement must have been of poor quality. The wrath of the judge and his distorted justice then descends on the cement mixer. He is accused of pouring too much water during mixing. The cement maker admits that it happened, but attributes it to his talks and greeting of the passing Mullah. While greeting the mullah he forgot the mixing ratio of the cement and thus diluted weak cement. The judge calls the Mullah in. The honest man has no excuse and the judge pronounces death by hanging for the convicted Mullah. The country’s legally fixed size noose is brought to string up the guilty offender. Whatever the fault of the Mullah, he is a god-fearing man who has not done any sin. He is quite thin and lean. His neck is thin and his head on the small side. The noose kept slipping off his head and neck. The irritated judge then gives a decision that since the circumference of the noose is unalterable by the national religious code, the only way for justice to be done, is to hang the first person whom the noose fits.

The fat newly arrived boy who is feasting on the cheap dates is watching the show. His stout neck fits the noose. He is to be hanged in the public square next morning. The desperate disciple boy sent an

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urgent message to his guru. The guru quickly arrives early morning at the public square and creates uproar by insisting that he be hanged instead of the disciple boy. The judge was taken aback at this strange demand, and, even the Mullah suspected some mystery. They kept asking the guru for the reason and he refused. The judge then threatened him that if he refused he would be beheaded. The guru pleaded that he must be hanged. The guru confessed that on this day of the new moon, anyone who is hanged goes straight to heaven and is guaranteed double his share of beautiful virgins. The judge (Qadi), then insisted since he is the judge, he has to decide who should be hanged. The judge decides ‘ he’ (judge) be hanged  himself. In the meantime the news reaches the king. He repairs the scene and uses his monkey to be hanged. The relieved guru and disciple promptly cross the borders of the strange kingdom, vowing never to return again.
