
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach

Filozofická fakulta



Zuzana Kolaříková, Helena Petruňová, Renáta Timková

Košice 2021

Odborná publikácia vznikla v rámci projektu SOFOS - Rozvoj vedomostí a zručností zamestnancov a študentov UPJŠ s akcentom na medziodborové kompetencie a integráciu do medzinárodných výskumných centier (Kód ITMS Projektu 26110230088)


Autorky: Mgr. Zuzana Kolaříková, PhD. Centrum jazykovej prípravy, FF UPJŠ v Košiciach

PhDr. Helena Petruňová, CSc. Centrum jazykovej prípravy, FF UPJŠ v Košiciach

Mgr. Renáta Timková, PhD. Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky, FF UPJŠ v Košiciach

Recenzenti: PhDr. Eva Kaščáková, PhD. Ekonomická fakulta, TU v Košiciach

Mgr. Adriana Sabovíková, PhD. Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky, FF UPJŠ v Košiciach

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Dostupné od: 12.11.2021 Umiestnenie:

ISBN 978-80-574-0044-8 (e-publikácia)

OBSAH Úvod .................................................................................. UNIT 1 STUDY................................................................... UNIT 2 LIBRARY................................................................. UNIT 3 WORK.................................................................... UNIT 4 FUNDING - SCHOLARSHIP, GRANT, BURSARY....... UNIT 5 RESEARCH............................................................. UNIT 6 PROJECT PROPOSAL.............................................. UNIT 7 WRITING A SCIENTIFIC PAPER............................... UNIT 8 CONFERENCE........................................................ UNIT 9 PRESENTATIONS...................................................

4 5 15 25 40 49 59 68 81 89

Spracovanie lekcií: Zuzana Kolaříková: (Library, Writing a Scientific Paper, Presentations) Helena Petruňová: (Work, Research, Conference) Renáta Timková: (Study, Funding – Scholarship, Grant, Bursary, Project Proposal)


Publikácia Angličtina v akademickom prostredí – cvičebnica, English for Doctoral Students vznikla ako príloha k publikácii autoriek Kolaříková, Z., Petruňová, H., Timková, R.: Angličtina v akademickom prostredí – slovník (2015), ktorá ponúka vybrané menné, slovesné a predložkové slovné spojenia a vetné štruktúry z oblasti akademickej angličtiny spolu s praktickými príkladmi ich použitia.

Druhé doplnené vydanie obsahuje deväť lekcií, ktoré sa svojím obsahom zameriavajú na aktivity spojené s pôsobením vysokoškolských učiteľov, so štúdiom študentov – nefilológov, najmä študentov doktorandského štúdia. Publikácia môže byť nápomocná pri ich pôsobení na domácej akademickej pôde alebo v zahraničí, počas zahraničných študijných pobytov, medzinárodných konferencií a pod.

Jednotlivé lekcie obsahujú úlohy, v ktorých používateľ nájde množstvo užitočnej slovnej zásoby v podobe slovných spojení, fráz a viet pre praktické využitie. Úlohy sú zamerané na oblasť anglickej gramatiky, slovotvorby, rozširovania slovnej zásoby, zvyšovania komunikatívnych kompetencií v písomnom a verbálnom prejave, zlepšovania zručností odborného prezentovania, akademického písania a pod. Užitočné sú aj YES/NO ACTIVITY, v ktorých používatelia nájdu slová často problematické z hľadiska výslovnosti, správneho použitia v akademickom kontexte, alebo v dôsledku jazykovej interferencie. Cieľom autoriek je podporiť záujem učiacich sa o samostatnú prácu so slovníkmi, učebnicami a inými dostupnými zdrojmi pre jazykové vzdelávanie. Cvičebnica poskytuje priestor pre dopĺňanie a tvorbu vlastnej databázy slovnej zásoby, napr. v podobe poznámok na tzv. TOPIC PAGES. Súčasťou učebnice je kľúč k cvičeniam a odkazy na užitočné online zdroje.

Veríme, že predkladaná publikácia prispeje k aktívnemu osvojovaniu si

akademického anglického jazyka pre využitie v akademickom prostredí. Autorky




Faculty of Business Administration

University Library University Sport Centre Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Arts Faculty of Science Faculty of Economics Faculty of Law Faculty of Public Administration University Counselling Center University Canteen Lifelong Learning Centre and Project Support

Faculty of Applied Science Faculty of Life Science Botanical Garden

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Is it correct in English to say I study on the faculty?

Is it correct to say Institute for sport sciences?

Instead of a faculty offers courses… can we say a faculty provides courses… , a faculty runs courses… ?

Does the word course mean the same in In the course of February and March 2018 I studied…. and In the course of study I was involved in… ?

Is it correct in English to say I absolved my PhD? TASK 3 MATCH THE BEGINNING OF EACH PHRASE WITH THE MOST APPROPRIATE ENDING. 1 exam a leave 2 academic b objectives 3 learning c subjects 4 elective d student 5 attendance e semester 6 full-time f schedule 7 prerequisite g office 8 winter h course 9 dean´s i calendar 10 sabbatical j requirements TASK 4 CHOOSE THE MOST SUITABLE OPTION. I absolved/passed/did my dissertation examination successfully. Some students have to write/retake/fill in an exam because they failed it the first time. The examinator/examinee/examiner cannot submit his/her answer until 30 minutes after the exam has started. Each PhD student is expected to write/take/do an exam at the end of the course. I graduated/completed/studied a three-year study programme in Biology and passed the state exam.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Is it correct in English to say I graduated from the university?

Is it correct to say to study in abroad?

Is it correct in English to say I studied in abroad countries?

Instead of a dissertation must be submitted within the set deadline… can we say a dissertation must be supplied within the set deadline … , a dissertation must be applied within the set deadline … ?

Does the word application mean the same in I have submitted my application for PhD study …. and The design has many applications …


meet, direct faculty instruction, additional hours, is defined,

amount of work, spread over, to achieve the expected learning, academic work outside the class

American University uses the Carnegie Classification definition of a credit hour. A credit hour ......................................... as at least twelve and a half hours of ..................................... (in class or remote sites) with at least twenty-five hours of student work outside of that direct instruction, usually ........................................ fifteen weeks, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. Typically, courses are 3 credits each, meaning that students meet in class and/or online for 2 ½ hours a week and do ...................................... at least five hours a week over a fifteen-week semester or the equivalent ........................................... over a different amount of time. Courses that carry 4 or 5 credit hours require approximately one or two more hours of work each week in classes and require at least 1.67 or 3.33 ...................................... of academic work outside class each week over a fifteen-week semester or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. Courses that ..................................... less than 2 ½ hours a week for three credits must require students in those classes to do additional work outside of class in order ..................................... of a 2 ½ hour a week class. Sources:

TASK 6 DECIDE IF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ABOUT THE STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY ARE TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F). Both thesis and dissertation as scholarly written pieces must address specific research questions.

A PhD dissertation should be much longer than a thesis and must include background and research information.

The most common type of undergraduate degree is a master's degree. A researcher earns the PhD before submitting and defending his/her dissertation.

A thesis is a presentation of learned and existing information. The main aim of the dissertation is to develop a unique concept. A thesis and a dissertation are considered final projects but are not required to graduate from respective programs.


retake examination course ECTS* credit grade lecture seminar dean syllabus sabbatical

rector undergraduate curriculum semester

...semester... = one of the periods into which a year is divided at a college or university


= an outline and summary of topics to be covered in an education or training course


= refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn, which includes the learning standards or learning objectives they are expected to meet; the units and lessons that teachers teach


= to qualify for a degree, you must complete a certain number of credit points (each subject you study has a credit point value). It represents the workload and defined learning outcomes ("what the individual knows, understands and can do") of a given course or program


= getting an extended leave from work to pursue a break to fulfil a goal, build a skill, or do research


= a high-ranking official in a college or university who is responsible for the organization of a department or departments

……………………. = the person in charge of a university or school ……………………. = an oral presentation intended to present information or teach

people about a particular subject, for example by a university or college teacher

……………………. = an occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of people meet to study and discuss something

……………………. = a test of a student's knowledge or skill in a particular subject which results in a qualification if the student is successful

……………………. = a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually resulting in an examination or qualification

……………………. = an examination which you take again because you failed it the first time

……………………. = a number or letter that shows how good someone's work or performance is

……………………. = a student who is studying for their first degree at college or university

*ECTS = European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

TASK 8 FILL IN THE MISSING FORMS. USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. verb noun verb noun to assess .................... to learn .................... to attend .................... to perform .................... to complete .................... to qualify .................... to educate .................... to repeat .................... to examine .................... to require .................... to graduate .................... to submit ....................

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

In the word examine is i pronounced as [ai]?

In the word repeat is there a long vowel sound [i:] in the second syllable?

In the word faculty is a pronounced [a]?

Does the word submit have stress on the first syllable?

Does the word examine have stress on the second syllable?

Does the word examination have stress on the second syllable?





Bachelor of Arts

2 B.A. b Doctor of Philosophy 3 MSc. c Associate Professor 4 PhD. d Master of Philosophy 5 MBA e Doctor of Dental Surgery 6 doc. f Master of Science 7 LL.M g Professor 8 prof. h Master of Laws 9 MPhil. i Master of Business Administration 10 DDS j Doctor of Medicine

TASK 10 CHOOSE THE MOST SUITABLE OPTION. A PhD student is someone who has enrolled in/to/on a doctorate degree program. A PhD program will require students to complete a certain number in/for/of credits. Students are responsible in/for/to completing assignments and passing exams. Most PhD students are studying for/of/on a full-time basis. Admission in/to/of a doctoral programme usually requires completion of a Master's degree in a related field. Our PhD programmes are composed from/of/in courses and a dissertation. PhD students carry in/of/off a significant individual research project.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you write English words correctly?

Can the word centre be also written as center?

Can the word program be also written as programme? Do you write plural forms of English words correctly?

Is it correct to write We have just completed two thesis?


verb (preposition+)noun noun verb active/passive

to study at university university includes ....................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ....................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ....................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ....................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ....................... ..................... ...................... ..................... to take an examination examination takes place ....................... ..................... ...................... ........................ ....................... ...................... ...................... ........................ ....................... ...................... ...................... ........................ ....................... ...................... ...................... ........................ ........................ ...................... ...................... ........................

ANSWER KEY UNIT 1 TASK 1 Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice TASK 2

FACULTIES AND UNIVERSITY UNITS YES NO Faculty of Business Administration x

University Library x

University Sport Centre x

Faculty of Medicine x

Faculty of Arts x Faculty of Science x

Faculty of Economics x

Faculty of Law x

Faculty of Public Administration x

University Counselling Center x

University Canteen x

Lifelong Learning Centre and Project Support x Faculty of Applied Science x

Faculty of Life Science x

Botanical garden x

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly? •Is it correct in English to say I study on the faculty? NO •Is it correct to say Institute for sport sciences? YES •Instead of a faculty offers courses… can we say a faculty provides courses… , a faculty runs courses… ? YES •Does the word course mean the same in In the course of February and March 2018 I studied…. and In the course of study I was involved in… ? YES •Is it correct in English to say I absolved my PhD study? NO USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 3 1f 2i 3b 4h 5j 6d 7c 8e 9g 10a TASK 4 passed, retake, examine, take, completed YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly? •Is it correct in English to say I graduated from the university? YES •Is it correct to say to study in abroad? NO •Is it correct in English to say I studied in abroad countries? NO •Instead of a dissertation must be submitted within the set deadline… can we say a dissertation must be supplied within the set deadline … , a dissertation must be applied within the set deadline … ? NO •Does the word application mean the same in I have submitted my application for PhD study …. and The design has many applications … NO USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 5 American University uses the Carnegie Classification definition of a credit hour. A credit hour is defined as at least twelve and a half hours of direct faculty instruction (in class or remote sites) with at least twenty-five hours of student work outside of that direct instruction, usually spread over fifteen weeks, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time.

Typically, courses are 3 credits each, meaning that students meet in class and/or online for 2 ½ hours a week and do academic work outside class at least five hours a week over a fifteen-week semester or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. Courses that carry 4 or 5 credit hours require approximately one or two more hours of work each week in classes and require at least 1.67 or 3.33 additional hours of academic work outside class each week over a fifteen-week semester or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. Courses that meet less than 2 ½ hours a week for three credits must require students in those classes to do additional work outside of class in order to achieve the expected learning of a 2 ½ hour a week class. TASK 6 True, True, False, False, True, True, False TASK 7 SEMESTER = one of the periods into which a year is divided at a college or university SYLLABUS = an outline and summary of topics to be covered in an education or training course CURRICULUM = refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn, which includes the learning standards or learning objectives they are expected to meet; the units and lessons that teachers teach ECTS CREDIT = to qualify for a degree, you must complete a certain number of credit points (each subject you study has a credit point value). It represents the workload and defined learning outcomes ("what the individual knows, understands and is able to do") of a given course or programme. SABBATICAL = getting an extended leave from work to pursue a break in order to fulfil a goal, build a skill, or do research. DEAN = a high-ranking official in a college or university who is responsible for the organization of a department or departments RECTOR = the person in charge of a university or school LECTURE = an oral presentation intended to present information or teach people about a particular subject, for example by a university or college teacher SEMINAR = an occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of people meet to study and discuss something EXAMINATION = a test of a student's knowledge or skill in a particular subject which results in a qualification if the student is successful COURSE = a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually resulting in an examination or qualification RETAKE = an examination which you take again because you failed it the first time GRADE = a number or letter that shows how good someone's work or performance is UNDERGRADUATE = a student who is studying for their first degree at college or university TASK 8

assess assessment learn learning

attend attendance perform performance

complete completion qualify qualification

educate education repeat repetition

examine examination require requirement

graduate graduation submit submission YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly? •In the word examine is i pronounced as [ai]? NO •In the word repeat is there a long vowel sound [i:] in the second syllable? YES •In the word faculty is a pronounced [a]? NO •Does the word submit have stress on the first syllable? NO •Does the word examine have stress on the second syllable? YES •Does the word examination have stress on the second syllable? NO USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY.

TASK 9 1j 2a 3f 4b 5i 6c 7h 8g 9d 10e TASK 10 1 A PhD student is someone who has enrolled in a doctorate degree program. 2 A PhD program will require students to complete a certain number of credits. 3 Students are responsible for completing assignments and passing exams. 4 Most PhD students are studying on a full-time basis. 5 Admission to a doctoral programme usually requires completion of a Master's degree in a related field. 6 Our PhD programmes are comprised of courses and a dissertation. 7 PhD students carry out a significant individual research project. YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you write English words correctly? • Can the word centre be also written as center? YES •Can the word program be also written as programme? YES Do you write plural forms of English words correctly? •Is it correct to write We have just completed two thesis? NO USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. BIBLIOGRAPHY/SOURCES Thaine C.: Cambridge Academic English. An integrated skills course for EAP. Student´s book, Intermediate. Cambridge: CUP, 2012.

UNIT 2 LIBRARY TASK 1 STUDY THE FOLLOWING USEFUL PHRASES. to look for (be looking for) a book in particular to look for (be looking for) a book titled “.....” to have a library card to look the book up on the computer to take the book for 7 days to assign a book a call number to write the call number to have the book checked out for three weeks (AmE*) to be charged 20 cents to request a book to place/put a request for the book to get the book out to give the book back to recall a book to renew a library book to recall a book which has been borrowed to receive a reminder/notice/notification/email alert from the library *American English


to borrow, to check, to find, to hand, to submit, to take

A: I want to ............... a book. Could you please tell me the procedure for that? B: ............... the book to the librarian. She´ll ............... it out for you. A: Where does the librarian sit? B: There is a desk on the extreme left of this wing. You´ll ............... her there. A: Do I need to ............... in anything to get the book checked out? B: Yes, you´ll have to ............... a photo identification and proof of residence. A: Alright, thank you.

Dialogue 2 to check, to leave, to look, to return, to sign

A: I´d like to ............... this book. B: When did you ............... it out? A: A couple of weeks ago. B: Alright. Just ............... here and ............... the book with me. A: Sure, is that all? B: Yes. You can ............... for more books if you want to. A: Thank you. I will. TASK 3 MATCH THE BEGINNING OF EACH PHRASE WITH THE MOST APPROPRIATE ENDING. 1 to scan

a the online catalogue

2 to do b a request for the book 3 to log c the book 4 to put in d a reserve on the book 5 to search e a catalogue search 6 to place f into the university library system TASK 4 FILL IN THE MISSING WORDS. to borrow the book ..... the library


to take ..… the book from the library

to return the book ..... the library = to take the book ..…

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Is it correct in English to say to lend a book from the library?

Is it correct to say to loan a book from the library?

Instead of a paper titled can we say a paper entitled, a paper called, a paper named?

Does the word entitled mean the same in an article entitled “The Science of…” and a person entitled to promotion?

Does the word recall mean the same in recall a book and recall a memory?

Is it correct in English to say to prolong a library book?


to the librarian, Jane Miller, at library@... .

Please give completed form

for administering modern collections of...

All enquiries about books should be addressed

to the librarian at the desk or email to library@... .

TASK 6 READ THE DIALOGUES. FILL IN THE MISSING WORDS. A: Good afternoon! B: Hello. Are you looking for a book ….....……. particular? A: No, not really. I need a book about dogs. B: Do you want a fiction or nonfiction book? A: Nonfiction, please. I need a list of breeds. B: Oh, alright. One moment, please. A: Are you looking it ….....……. on the computer? B: Yes. We have a full database of our collection on the computer. A: That´s pretty cool! Did you find anything? B: I did, in fact. Here, I´ll write down the …….....…. number for you. A: Thank you! Sorry, I don´t come to libraries often. This might be hard to find. B: It´s fine. I´ll go get it for you. A: Thanks! So how long may I have the book checked …….....….? B: You can have the book for three weeks. A: How much are .....………. after that? B: Every day you don´t turn it in after three weeks you are …….....…. 10 cents. A: Oh, okay. I´ll try to get it in then! B: Do you have a ….....……. ….....…….? A: I sure do! Here it is. B: Awesome! Will that be the only book for you today? A: Actually, I think I´ll browse for a little bit. B: Alright. Hope you´ll enjoy your visit!

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

If the book is a work of fiction it means that it is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people and facts - YES or NO?

If the book is science-fiction it is about science - YES or NO?

A library patron is someone who gives financial or other support to the library – YES or NO?

Is library member a good substitute for library patron?

TASK 7 THERE ARE THREE MISTAKES IN THE FOLLOWING LIBRARY NOTICES. FIND THEM AND MAKE NECESSARY CORRECTIONS. Courtesy notice: Your items will be due soon; review as soon as possible. Overdue notice: Your items are overdue. Hold notice: Your item is ready for pick out. Recall notice: Your due date has been prolonged and the checked-out item must be returned for another patron. Billing notice: Library fines have been applied to your Library account.

TASK 8 CHOOSE THE MOST SUITABLE OPTION. I´ll be attending a summer programme for students at/in/with the local library. The library has an extensive/expressive/extreme collection of Whitman´s works. Using the online catalogue you can check the books that the library holds/possesses/keeps. I found this poetry book in the drama department/part/section. Interlibrary/intralibrary/innerlibrary loan* is a service whereby a user of one library can borrow books or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library. *abbreviated ILL, and sometimes called interloan, interlending, document delivery, or document supply

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you write English words correctly?

Can the word catalogue be also written as catalog? When writing a scientific paper can you choose from the two spelling options (catalogue, catalog) and use the one you like more?


assistant, borrower, college, patron, specialist,

staff, technician, university

a skilled library and information professional trained to perform the day-to-day functions of a library, and assists librarians in the acquisition, preparation and organization of information; also assists library users in finding information


collection of books, DVDs and other documents and materials on specific issues


librarians, archivists, technologists and other dedicated professionals who serve students and researchers


collections of books, journals, and other documents and materials from many different science and research fields


someone who regularly frequents libraries and borrows books ………………..

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

In the word technician is ch pronounced as [k]?

In the word staff is there a long vowel sound [ɑː]?

In the word archivist is ch pronounced [k]?

Does the word archivist have stress on the second syllable?

Does the word archive have stress on the second syllable?

Does the word archival have stress on the second syllable?

TASK 10 FILL IN THE CORRECT PREPOSITION. I´m looking for a book ………. health education. This month sees the publication of a new book ………. Frank Scott. It is a nice new book ………. Oxford University Press ………. the history of Law practice. You need a comprehensive practice book ......... intermediate students which is available ………. the school library. She is hoping to compile a book ………. poems about love.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you know English prepositions?

Is there a major difference between the phrases a book about philosophy and a book on philosophy?

Is there a major difference between the phrases a book by a well-known author and a book from

a well-known author? Is any of the two phrases more common/idiomatic?

If you say He is at the library., does it specify that he is inside the library sitting and reading there?

TASK 11 CONTACTING A LIBRARY, ARCHIVE OR ANY OTHER INSTITUTION (OR AN ACADEMIC) BY A FORMAL E-MAIL. DECIDE IF THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ABOUT WRITING A FORMAL E-MAIL ARE TRUE (T) OR FALSE (F). The subject line of your e-mail should be brief, e.g. the word “Question”. You will specify your question in the body of the e-mail. *

Use “To whom it may concern” to start your e-mail if you do not know the name of the person you are addressing. **

Never use all capital letters in your e-mail. It is advisable to present your thoughts in separate paragraphs. Using capital letters or boldface is recommended if you want to highlight some important information in your e-mail, e.g. deadlines, due dates.

Ending your e-mail with your initials is always acceptable.*** * Email subject lines should be as specific as possible. This will help you receive a quicker response. One-word subjects like “Hi”, “Question”, etc. are not informative to your audience/recipient. ** Other ways to address the recipients/readers of your e-mail whose names you do not know are e.g. “Dear library staff”, “Dear members of the committee”, “Hello, everyone”. *** Your closing is extremely important. Always sign off with your name at the end of

your message, if you do not know the recipient/reader well, you may include your title and the organisation. To close your email, use phrases like “Thank you”, “Best wishes”, “Best regards”, or very formal “Sincerely”, “Respectfully yours”, etc. TASK 12 TOPIC PAGE ON LIBRARY. ADD MORE WORDS IN THE BLANKS. verb noun

noun verb (+object)

to borrow .................... ....................

a book .................... ....................

book .................... ………………….

is available .................... ....................


.................... .................... ....................

.................... ....................


.................... .................... .................... .................... .................... to use a library library holds (many books) .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... .................... ....................






.................... .................... .................... .................... ....................






ANSWER KEY UNIT 2 TASK 2 Dialogue 1 borrow take...check find hand submit Dialogue 2 return check sign leave look TASK 3 to scan the book to do a catalogue search to log into the university library system to put in a request for the book to search the online catalogue to place a reserve on the book, it is also common to say to put/place the book on reserve, a book is on reserve TASK 4 to borrow the book FROM the library = to take OUT the book from the library to return the book TO the library = to take the book BACK YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Is it correct in English to say to lend a book from the library? NO. In English, it is idiomatic/correct to say to lend a book to somebody, to borrow a book from somebody (e.g. the library).

Is it correct to say to loan a book from the library? YES

Instead of a paper titled can we say a paper entitled, a paper called, a paper named? YES Does the word entitled mean the same in an article entitled “The Science of…” and a person

entitled to promotion? NO. In the first example entitled means having a title/name, in the second example entitled means having a right to certain benefits or privileges, having a right to be promoted.

Does the word recall mean the same in recall a book and recall a memory? NO. In the first example recall means ask to return, in the second example recall means remember.

Is it correct in English to say to prolong a library book? NO, a more suitable and idiomatic phrase to say that you want to borrow a library book for a further period of time is to renew a book.

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 5 The librarian is responsible for administering modern collections of… Please give completed form to the librarian at the desk or email to library@... . All enquiries about books should be addressed to the librarian, Jane Miller, at library@... . TASK 6 Hello. Are you looking for a book IN particular? Are you looking it UP on the computer? I did, in fact. Here, I´ll write down the CALL number for you. Thanks! So how long may I have the book checked OUT? How much are FINES after that?

Every day you don´t turn it in after three weeks you are CHARGED 10 cents. Do you have a LIBRARY CARD? YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

If the book is a work of fiction it means that it is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people and facts – yes or no? YES

If the book is science-fiction it is about science – yes or no? NO, a science-fiction book typically deals with futuristic and imaginative concepts (e.g. extra-terrestrial life, parallel universes, etc.).

A library patron is someone who gives financial or other support to the library – YES or NO? YES and NO, it is contextual and can mean both – a person who patronizes a library or a library user.

Is library member a good substitute for library patron?. YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 7 Courtesy notice: Your items will be due soon; review as soon as possible. RENEW Hold notice: Your item is ready for pick out. UP Recall notice: Your due date has been prolonged and the checked-out item must be returned for another patron. SHORTENED TASK 8 at, extensive, holds, section, interlibrary YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you write English words correctly?

Can the word catalogue be also written as catalog? YES in AmE, the rest of English speaking countries prefer writing catalogue.

When writing a scientific paper can you choose from the two options and use the one you like more? NO, you need to follow the standards of e.g. a journal you submit your paper to and be consistent throughout the whole paper.

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 9 library assistant, library technician specialist library library staff college library, university library library borrower, library patron YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

In the word technician is ch pronounced as [k]? YES In the word staff is there a long vowel sound [ɑː]? YES, but notice a different pronunciation in

American English - [stæf].

In the word archivist is ch pronounced [k]? YES

Does the word archivist take stress on the second syllable? NO, it is stressed on the first syllable Does the word archive have stress on the second syllable? NO, it is stressed on the first syllable

Does the word archival have stress on the second syllable? YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 10 I´m looking for a book ABOUT/ON health education. This month sees the publication of a new book BY Frank Scott. It is a nice new book FROM Oxford University Press ABOUT/ON the history of Law practice. You need a comprehensive practice book FOR intermediate students which is available AT/FROM the school library. She is hoping to compile a book OF poems about love. YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you know English prepositions?

Is there a major difference between the phrases a book about philosophy and a book on

philosophy? NO, the phrases are identical in meaning, both prepositions are correct.

Is there a major difference between the phrases a book by a well-known author and a book from a well-known author? NO, the phrases are identical in meaning. Is any of the two phrases more common/idiomatic? YES, the phrase a book by a well-known author is more common.

If you say He is at the library., does it specify that he is inside the library sitting and reading

there? NO, at the library means inside or outside the library area - it is not specific. In the library means inside the library.

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 11 False, True, True, True, True, False BIBLIOGRAPHY/SOURCES Thaine, C.: Cambridge Academic English. An integrated skills course for EAP. Student´s book, Intermediate. Cambridge: CUP, 2012. Microsoft Word - Flyer - Using Email Etiquette.docx (


application, career, completion, direction, graduate,

interview, job, leave, list, meeting, mission, promotion, responsibility, timetable, tutorials

........................................................ in science ........................................................ of the course ........................................................ for a job ........................................................ of absence from work ........................................................ of the department ........................................................ for teaching the particular subjects ........................................................ in teaching ......................................................... for a research scholarship ......................................................... with my supervisor ......................................................... of my PhD ......................................................... for online classes ......................................................... of work responsibilities and associated tasks ......................................................... for international students ......................................................... with lots of paperwork ......................................................... at work

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Are the underlined phrases in the following sentences correct?

In our country, women are allowed maternity leave and men paternity leave if they´re having a child.

I have been out on sick leave for the past two weeks.

Is the meaning of to leave a message and to leave a mess the same or similar in English?

In English if you say I decided to leave the university at the end of the month. does it mean that you stopped working for it?

TASK 2 CHOOSE THE MOST SUITABLE OPTION. I work/have been working at the Institute for about three months. My typical working day involves/is involving four main activities: general management, reading relevant papers, analysing data or doing math computation by hand, and meeting or interacting with collaborators. Currently, I am working/have been working on a research paper that is due at the end of the month. I also attend/have attended group meetings with other researchers every week – we may discuss/to discuss a research paper or present our own work. I spend/have spent a lot of time doing supervised study in the laboratory every day. My typical work schedule starts/started every day at about 9am with a coffee, then I check my emails, my daily agenda, important deadlines, and build my list of priorities for the day. During the morning, I generally focus on less challenging tasks, but my afternoon is entirely devoted/devoting to the most demanding activity. I don´t mind to work/working different hours each week, but I hate evenings at work. It´s very tiring/tired. I transferred/have transferred to the new department in March last year. At present, I have been engaged/am engaged in a wide range of outreach activities with colleges.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Is the ending in the words completion and mission pronounced the same way?

Are college and colleague pronounced the same way?

Are career and carrier pronounced the same way?

Are graduate (noun) and graduate (verb) pronounced the same way?

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English adjectives correctly?

Is there any difference between the adjectives tiring and tired, disappointing and disappointed, confusing and confused?

Is the following sentence correct? I was disappointed with the results of my experiment.


to award, to involve, to near, to obtain, to organise, to tutor, to work

My appointment at the Faculty ............... teaching and administrative duties. I ............... students in Year 1 (Physiology) and Year 2 (Anatomy). I ............... ............... in supervising undergraduate dissertation projects. I ............... a fund raising activity every year. At the present time, I ............... ............... in the research department. I ............... ............... ............... here since I left the Faculty. I am fortunate enough to ............... a research studentship at Charles University. I ............... ............... a three-year Biometrika Fellowship last year. My project ................ ............... completion.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Is the meaning of at the present time and at present the same in English?

Can you say at the present unless you use a noun?


to achieve, to attend, to conduct, to check, to discuss, to give,

to have, to handle, to manage, to organise

..................... daily (weekly) agenda important deadlines

..................... in-sessional courses group meetings

..................... online tutorials an experiment in three phases

..................... research ideas ongoing projects

..................... daily agenda working day

..................... an introductory session for new students postgraduate seminars/lectures

.................... the necessary qualifications facilities for teaching

..................... preliminary results a series of goals

... to manage ... working on multiple projects simultaneously the time

..................... lectures and tutorials sb´s duties

TASK 5 MATCH THE BEGINNING OF EACH PHRASE WITH THE MOST APPROPRIATE ENDING. 1 to graduate a for use in practical classes 2 to have a gift b for research studentships 3 to hold the degree c of one´s career 4 to participate d in physics 5 to run competitions e from the university 6 to be in charge f in a research activity 7 to be engaged g in the study of physical characteristics of Mars 8 to do research h of PhD 9 to give a lecture i for academic work 10 to set up equipment j on the problem of mass migration 11 to reach the peak k of the project


adjective noun adjective noun

enormous ………………… ………………… postgraduate

vacant ………………… ………………… science, scientist

………………… manual practical, practicable …………………

………………… scholar expert …………………

eligible ………………… significant …………………


to advance ………………… to leave …………………

to estimate ………………… to submit …………………

………………… research, researcher ………………… completion

to tutor ………………… ………………… increase

to attend ………………… to examine …………………


………………… achievement …………………

………………… search, ................. …………………

………………… option optional

to supervise ………………… supervisory

to intend ………………… …………………

………………… interest …………………

………………… advice, adviser …………………

to apply ………………… applicable, applied

………………… overwork …………………

………………… use, usage, user …………………

………………… ………………… frequent

………………… suggestion …………………

………………… ………………… simple

………………… consultation, .................. …………………

to perceive ………………… …………………

to compete ………………… competitive

to practise ………………… …………………

………………… ………………… complete

to specialise ………………… special, specialised

………………… experiment, .................... experimental


academic, lecturer, reader,

student counsellor, scholar, supervisor,

tutee, tutor, visiting professor

………………… works with one student/a small group of students ………………… deals with more personal problems ………………… guides a postgraduate student ………………… teaches at a college or university … reader … teaches at British universities ………………… teaches/does research at university ………………… teaches in another university for a short period ................... is being tutored, esp. in a university ................... studies a subject in great detail, esp. at a university TASK 10 CHOOSE THE MOST SUITABLE OPTION. After I graduated/absolved from Safarik University, I joined ... . I spent/devoted a great deal of time on ... . I did/realised a considerable amount of research into ... . I realised/conducted a series of experiments to check whether ... . I absolved/completed a postgraduate course in History and … . I hope to realise/achieve my main ambition in life – to become a ... . I completed/ended my doctoral work by defending my thesis on ... . My working day usually finishes/concludes at around ... .

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Is the meaning of the verbs to absolve from and to graduate from the same in English?

Can you realise your dream or ambition?


--- at for in of on out with

What are the tasks .............. your department/institute? What position do you hold .............. your department/institute? Is your department well equipped …............ facilities for research work? What kind of research are you carrying ...............? What are you working ............... …............ present? Do many international scientists visit ................ your institute? Are any international researchers working ................ your institute ...........…. present? TASK 12 MAKE COLLOCATIONS. specialty ………………………………………………………..……………… achievements

sabbatical ………………………………….………….…………………….… ceremony

graduation …………………………………...………….……………….…… education

English-medium ……………...………….………….……………………… hours

scholarly …………….………………………….……….……………..……… leave

teaching ……………….......................…………...............………… load

working ………………………………………..………….……………….…… examination

academic …………………......................………............…………… technicians

laboratory ………………………………….…………………….…………… interests

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

The plural noun academics has the following meanings: ´the subjects sb studies in a college´ (AmE) and ´people who teach at a college´ (BrE).

English nouns academia and academy have the same meaning.

The word academic (= a person who teaches at a college) is also used as an adjective (e.g. academic community).


includes, provides, serves

Academic CV - a CV .................. as a comprehensive record of your scholarly progress

and history - a CV .................. a complete profile of your academic achievements,

publications, scholarly and teaching interests - a CV ..................your academic history, your most recent degree,

the institution name, your thesis title and the name of your supervisor, information on secondary fields of specialization, your experience outside of academia, etc.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Are the following statements about writing your Academic CV true?

For the more recent and relevant experience include a couple of bullet points explaining your basic duties and responsibilities.

Begin the texts that follow the bullet points with verbs (e.g. tested ...), rather than writing in the first person (e.g. I tested ...).

Use personal pronoun I as much as possible.

List your relevant experience in reverse chronological order.

TASK 14 THE EXPRESSIONS BELOW REFER TO THE TASKS AND ACTIVITIES OF DOCTORAL STUDENTS. PUT THEM INTO THE CORRECT CATEGORY (A OR B). A RESEARCH EXPERIENCE ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………………………………

B TEACHING EXPERIENCE ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………………………………

- synthesised the latest research on ... - organised tutorial discussions - completed a project - gained familiarity with recent literature - prepared bibliography - held tutorials - planned and facilitated introductory courses - organised special events and chaired sessions - developed course curriculum and materials - researched tools for creating online courses

- graded final examinations - taught biology courses - participated in congress planning - organised laboratory experiments - instructed and assessed students - counselled students experiencing difficulties in the course - completed doctoral research - conducted research ... - worked with XY on an introductory biology textbook - supervised laboratory sessions - prepared and conducted tutorial sessions - managed online discussion forum


career lecture lecturer referee librarian participant

auditorium library counsellor

tutor tutorial tutee trainee

college seminar research colleague scholar

academy academic facility supervision

consultation consultant faculty carrier practical seminary

PERSON/PEOPLE PLACE/INSTITUTION EVENT/PROCESS ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………

………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………

………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… …………………………………


noun verb

to apply for ………………….. …………………..

a job ………………… …………………

department ………………….

runs (international research seminar) ……………………..

..................... …………………..

.................... …………………

..................... .....................

…………………….. …………………….

..................... .................... ..................... ....................... to be involved in an activity ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... experiment failed ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... to be engaged in ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... to organise ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................




..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

..................... participant ..................... .....................

..................... lecturer ..................... ..................... student......... teacher ..................... ..................... experienced teacher ..................... ..................... course........... instructor instructor in history....... ..................... ..................... lecturer in biochemistry ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

ANSWER KEY UNIT 3 TASK 1 (sample answers) graduate in science completion of the course application for a job leave of absence from work mission of the department responsibility for teaching the particular subjects career in teaching interview for a research scholarship meeting with my supervisor direction of my PhD timetable for online classes list of work responsibilities and associated tasks tutorials for international students job with lots of paperwork promotion at work YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Are the underlined phrases in the following sentences correct? In our country, women are allowed maternity leave and men paternity leave if they´re having a child. YES I have been out on sick leave for the past two months. YES

Is the meaning of to leave a message and to leave a mess the same or similar in English? NO

In English if you say I decided to leave the university at the end of the month. does it mean that you stopped working for it´? YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 2 I have been working at the Institute for about three months. My typical working day involves four main activities: general management, reading relevant papers, analysing data or doing math computation by hand, and meeting or interacting with collaborators. Currently, I am working on a research paper that is due at the end of the month. I also attend group meetings with other researchers every week – we may discuss a research paper or present our own work. I spend a lot of time doing supervised study in the laboratory every day. My typical work schedule starts every day at about 9am with a coffee, then I check my emails, my daily agenda, important deadlines, and build my list of priorities for the day. During the morning, I generally focus on less challenging tasks, but my afternoon is entirely devoted to the most demanding activity. I don´t mind working different hours each week, but I hate evenings at work. It´s very tiring. I transferred to the new department in March last year. At present, I am engaged in a wide range of outreach activities with colleges. YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Is the ending in the words completion and mission pronounced the same way? YES

Are college and colleague pronounced the same way? NO

Are career and carrier pronounced the same way? NO

Are graduate (noun) and graduate (verb) pronounced the same way? NO USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English adjectives correctly?

Is there any difference between the adjectives tiring and tired, disappointing and disappointed, confusing and confused? YES

Is the following sentence correct? I was disappointed with the results of the experiment. YES

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 3 My appointment at the Faculty involves teaching and administrative duties. I tutor students in Year 1 (Physiology) and Year 2 (Anatomy). I am involved in supervising undergraduate dissertation projects. I organise a fund raising activity every year. At the present time, I am working in the research department. I have been working here since I left the Faculty. I am fortunate enough to obtain a research studentship at Charles University. I was awarded a three-year Biometrika Fellowship last year. My project is nearing completion. YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Is the meaning of at the present time and at present the same in English? YES

Can you say at the present unless you use a noun? NO

Does the word currently refer to the present time? YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 4 (possible answers) to check daily (weekly) agenda, important deadlines to attend in-sessional courses, group meetings to conduct online tutorials, an experiment in three phases to discuss research ideas, ongoing projects to organise daily agenda, working day to give an introductory session for new students, postgraduate seminars/lectures to have the necessary qualifications, facilities for teaching to achieve preliminary results, a series of goals to manage working on multiple projects simultaneously, the time to handle lectures and tutorials, sb´s duties TASK 5 (possible answers: 1e 2i 3h 4f 5b 6k 7g 8d 9j 10a 11c) to graduate from the university to have a gift for academic work to hold the degree of PhD to participate in a research activity to run competitions for research studentships to be in charge of the project to be engaged in the study of physical characteristics of Mars to do research in physics to give a lecture on the problem of mass migration to set up equipment for use in practical classes to reach the peak of one´s career

TASK 6 adjective noun adjective noun enormous enormity postgraduate postgraduate vacant vacancy scientific science, scientist manual manual practical, practicable practical, practicality scholarly scholar expert expert, expertise eligible eligibility significant significance TASK 7 verb noun verb noun to advance advance, advancement to leave leave to estimate estimate, estimation to submit submission to research research, researcher to complete completion to tutor tutor, tutorial, tutee to increase increase to attend attendance, attendant,

attendee to examine exam, examination,

examiner, examinee TASK 8 (suggested answers) verb noun adjective to achieve achievement, achiever achievable to search search, searcher searching to opt option optional to supervise supervision, supervisor supervisory to intend intent, intention intended, intentional to interest interest interested, interesting to advise advice, adviser advisable, advisory to apply application, applicant applicable, applied to overwork overwork overworked to use use, usage, user, usefulness used, usable, useful, useless to frequent frequency frequent to suggest suggestion suggestive to simplify simplicity, simplification simple to consult consultation, consultant consultative to perceive perception perceptible to compete competition, competitor,

competitiveness competitive

to practise practice, practitioner practising to complete completion complete to specialise specialty, speciality, specialist,

specialisation special, specialised

to experiment experiment, experimentation, experimenter


TASK 9 tutor works with one student/a small group of students student counsellor deals with more personal problems supervisor guides a postgraduate student lecturer teaches at a college or university reader teaches at British universities (with a position below that of professor) academic teaches/does research at university visiting professor teaches in another university for a short period tutee is being tutored, esp. in a university scholar studies a subject in great detail, esp. at a university

TASK 10 After I graduated from Safarik University, I joined ... . I spent a great deal of time on ... . I did a considerable amount of research into ... . I conducted a series of experiments to check whether ... . I completed a postgraduate course in History and … . I hope to realise/achieve my main ambition in life – to become a ... . (both are correct) I completed my doctoral work by defending my thesis on ... . My working day usually finishes at around ... . YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Is the meaning of the verbs to absolve from and to graduate from the same in English? NO

Can you realise your dream or ambition? YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 11 What are the tasks of your department/institute? What position do you hold in your department/institute? Is your department well equipped with facilities for research work? What kind of research are you carrying out? What are you working on at present? Do many international scientists visit your institute? Are any international researchers working at your institute at present? TASK 12 (sample answers) specialty examination sabbatical leave graduation ceremony English-medium education scholarly interests teaching load working hours academic achievements laboratory technicians YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly? The plural noun academics has the following meanings: ´the subjects sb studies in a college´ (AmE) and ´people who teach at a college´ (BrE). YES

English nouns academia and academy have the same meaning. NO

The word academic (= a person who teaches at a college) is also used as an adjective (academic community). YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 13 serves, provides, includes YES/NO ACTIVITY Are the following statements about writing your Academic CV correct?

For the more recent and relevant experience include a couple of bullet points explaining your basic duties and responsibilities. YES Begin the texts that follow the bullet points with verbs (e.g tested), rather than writing in the first person (e.g. I tested). YES

Use personal pronoun I as much as possible. NO

List your relevant experience in reverse chronological order. YES

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 15 person/people place/institution event/process lecturer academy lecture referee auditorium supervision librarian library career participant facility tutorial scholar faculty (BrE) research counsellor college practical tutor seminary consultation tutee seminar carrier colleague faculty (AmE) academic trainee consultant BIBLIOGRAPHY/SOURCES Armer, T.: Cambridge English for Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-521-1540-93 Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary. Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0521691963 Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English. Oxford University Press, 2002. ISBN-13: 978 0 19 4312431 Hewings, M., Thaine, C.: Cambridge Academic English. An integrated skills course for EAP, Advanced. Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-521-16521-1 Hewings, M.: Cambridge, Academic English. An integrated skills course for EAP, Upper Intermediate. Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-521-1652-04 McCarthy, M., O'Dell, F.: Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780521689397 Thaine, C.: Cambridge Academic English. An integrated skills course for EAP, Intermediate. Cambridge University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-521-16519-8

UNIT 4 FUNDING - SCHOLARSHIP, GRANT, BURSARY TASK1 CHECK THE MEANING OF WORDS SCHOLARSHIP, GRANT, AND BURSARY. SCHOLARSHIP = an amount of money given by a school, college, university, or other organization to pay for the studies of a person with great ability but little money BURSARY = a sum of money given to a person by an organization, such as a university, to pay for them to study GRANT = an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose Sources:

TASK 2 THE WORDS GRANT AND BURSARY HAVE ALSO DIFFERENT MEANINGS. FILL IN EITHER GRANT OR BURSARY AND EXPLAIN THE MEANING. It is a work of great ……………………….. . The social dishonesty has nothing to do with lack of ………………………… . We will send the invoice to Ms. Green at the ………………….. , Rectorate Building.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Does the phrase I grant you mean the same as it is true that?

Is it correct to say We took our invitation to the conference for granted meaning that we assumed we'd be invited and did not think about the possibility that we wouldn't be?

TASK 3 ARRANGE THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES IN ORDER. THE FIRST ONE HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. to look for funding possibilities …1… to submit an application ……… to prepare a scholarship (grant, bursary) proposal ……… to fill in the application form ……… to register online to get access to the application form ……... to read a call for proposal ……… to succeed in the selection process ……… to get financial support ……… to plan a project ……… to include attachments to the application form (CV, motivation letter) ……… YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Is it correct in English to say to win a scholarship to Harvard?

Is it correct to say I went to the Royal Medical Institute for a scholarship?

Instead of a scholarship winner can we say a scholarship holder, scholarship beneficiary?

Does the phrase to award a bursary mean the same as to grant a bursary?

Is it correct in English to say ´I submitted a list of absolved visits and scholarships?


check, obtain, include, support, apply, fill, eligible

A: I am a doctoral student and I would like to ……..….. for funding to……….……. some study experience abroad. Could you please tell me what kind of funding can I apply for? B: I think that the most suitable source of funding would be the National Scholarship Programme. It ………………..………….. mobility of university students. A: What is the first thing I have to do? B: First of all you have to ……………… all eligibility criteria for applicants carefully, which means that you have to check if you are a suitable candidate for funding. A: How do I know if I am ……………… to apply?

B: I would recommend reading the details on eligibility found on the website. In most cases, university scholarships are only open to doctoral students who have already been accepted into a doctoral program at the university. A: What is the next step? B: You have to ……………..…… in the online application form and submit it. Do not forget to ………………….…… all supplementary documents, e.g. CV, motivation letter, language certificate, etc. A: Thank you very much for your advice.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

In the word eligible is i (in each position) pronounced as [i]?

In the word source is there a long vowel sound [ɔː]?

In the word criteria is i pronounced [ai]?

Does the word mobility have stress on the first syllable?

Does the word support have stress on the second syllable?

Does the word eligibility have stress on the second syllable?

TASK 5 NUMBER THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES TO MAKE A DIALOGUE BETWEEN A STUDENT AND PROJECT MANAGER. THE FIRST ONE HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. The National Scholarship Programme is the most suitable one. ...... What is the next step? ...... Thank you very much for your advice. ...... What is the first thing I have to do? ...... You have to fill in the online application form and submit it. ...... I would like to apply for funding. ..1.. First, you have to check the eligibility criteria carefully. ......

TASK 6 MATCH THE BEGINNING OF EACH PHRASE WITH THE MOST APPROPRIATE ENDING. 1 to appeal against a financial support 2 to apply for b criteria of eligibility 3 to check c the decision 4 to accept d a copy of your CV 5 to submit e selection results 6 to enclose f an application form

TASK 7 MATCH THE BEGINNING OF EACH NOTICE WITH ITS MOST APPROPRIATE ENDING. 1 The Scholarship Programme a announced by the end of March Application form must be submitted 2 In case students do not confirm the scholarship acceptance

b in the form of living allowance, mobility allowance and special needs allowances

3 The selection results will be 4 Applicants who have not defended their doctoral thesis yet 5 The scholarship provides support for the researcher

c online and include all supplementary documents d will also be considered eligible to apply e the scholarship will be given to the next student on the waiting list

TASK 8 THERE ARE THREE MISTAKES IN THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES. FIND THEM AND MAKE NECESSARY CORRECTIONS. Your application and supported documents must be submitted by March 15, 2021, by 11:00 p.m.

How will your study stay influence your profession life?

The agency will notificate you by the end of April to let you know whether or not you have received a scholarship.

Applicants have to demonstrate a commit to learning and have clear education and career goals.

You are required to attract a letter of recommendation from someone who knows you well.

TASK 9 CHOOSE THE MOST SUITABLE OPTION. I think the scholarship is most perfect/suitable/good for my study purposes. A study time/period/duration abroad may also include a traineeship. Researchers must carry off/out/about their mobility in the EU countries. Students may find/receive/apply a grant as a contribution to their costs for travel. Grants are a type of financial aid that does not have to be returned/repaid/ refund. TASK 10 MATCH EACH OF THE FOLLOWING WORDS WITH ITS DESCRIPTION.

application, report, programme, applicant, holder

a person who, because of academic merit, receives financial aid for their studies


a scheme which provides financial aid for a student to further their education


a document which must be completed by a scholarship applicant


a person who applies for a scholarship programme ……………………….

a final requirement of your scholarship award, it is not a research paper, but rather a personal account of experiences you gained during your scholarship programme


TASK 11 FILL IN THE MISSING PREPOSITION. You might be eligible …....... a grant. He went to the University of London .......... a scholarship. Application materials submitted …..…... the deadline will not be considered. You have to review the scholarship guidelines ………. submitting your application. All applicants will be notified via e-mail ………. the status of their applications.


active/passive to apply for scholarship scholarship is offered ....................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ....................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ....................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ....................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ....................... ..................... ...................... ..................... to submit




....................... ..................... ...................... ........................

....................... ...................... ...................... ........................

....................... ...................... ...................... ........................

....................... ...................... ...................... ........................

........................ ...................... ...................... ........................

ANSWER KEY UNIT 4 TASK 2 It is a work of great scholarship. The social dishonesty has nothing to do with lack of scholarship We will send the invoice to Ms Green at the Bursary, Rectorate Building. (scholarship = serious, detailed study; the qualities, methods, or achievements of a scholar, bursary= the financial office of a college, school, or university) YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly? •Does the phrase ´I grant you´ means the same as ´it is true that´? YES •Is it correct to say ´We took our invitation to the conference for granted´ meaning that ´we assumed we'd be invited and did not think about the possibility that we wouldn't be´? YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 3 to look for funding possibilities to read a call for proposal to plan a scholarship (grant, bursary) project to prepare a scholarship (grant, bursary) proposal to register online to get access to the application form to fill in the application form to include attachments to the application form (CV, motivation letter….) to submit an application to succeed in the selection process to get financial support YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly? •Is it correct in English to say ´to win a scholarship to Harvard´? YES •Is it correct to say ´I went to the Royal Medical Institute for a scholarship´? NO •Instead of a ´scholarship winner´ can we say a ´scholarship holder´, ´scholarship beneficiary´? YES •Does the phrase ´to award a bursary´ mean the same as ´to grant a bursary´? YES •Is it correct in English to say ´I submitted a list of absolved visits and scholarships´? NO USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 4 apply obtain supports check eligible fill include YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly? •In the word eligible is i (in each position) pronounced as [i]? YES •In the word source is there a long vowel sound [ɔː]? YES •In the word criteria is i pronounced [ai]? YES •Does the word mobility have stress on the first syllable? NO •Does the word support have stress on the second syllable? YES •Does the word eligibility have stress on the second syllable? NO USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY.

TASK 5 I would like to apply for funding. The National Scholarship Programme is the most suitable one. What is the first thing I have to do? First you have to check eligibility criteria carefully. What is the next step? You have to fill in the online application form and submit it. Thank you very much for your advice. TASK 6 to appeal against the decision to apply for financial support to check criteria of eligibility to accept selection results to submit an application form to enclose a copy of your CV TASK 7 1c: The Scholarship Programme Application form must be submitted online and include all supplementary documents. 2e: In case students do not confirm the scholarship acceptance, the scholarship will be given to the next student on the waiting list. 3a: The selection results will be announced by the end of March. 4d.: Applicants who have not defended their doctoral thesis yet will also be considered eligible to apply. 5b: The scholarship provides support for the researcher in the form of living allowance, mobility allowance and special needs allowances. TASK 8 Your application and supported supporting documents must be submitted by March 15, 2021, by 11:00 p.m. How will your study stay influence your profession professional life? The agency will notificate notify you by the end of April to let you know whether or not you have received a scholarship. Applicants have to demonstrate a commit commitment to learning and have clear education and career goals. You are required to attract attach a letter of recommendation from someone who knows you well. TASK 9 I think the scholarship is most SUITABLE for my study purposes. A study PERIOD abroad may also include a traineeship. Researchers must carry OUT their mobility in the EU countries. Students may RECEIVE a grant as a contribution to their costs for travel. Grants are a type of financial aid that does not have to be REPAID. TASK 10 scholarship holder scholarship programme scholarship application scholarship applicant scholarship report TASK 11 You might be eligible FOR a grant. He went to the University of London ON a scholarship. Application materials submitted AFTER the deadline will not be considered. You have to review the scholarship guidelines BEFORE submitting your application. All applicants will be notified via e-mail ABOUT the status of their applications.

BIBLIOGRAPHY/SOURCES Thaine C.: Cambridge Academic English. An integrated skills course for EAP. Student´s book, Intermediate. Cambridge: CUP, 2012.


a doctoral research b into the causes of species extinction c with the latest technology d a new research facility e in research on cancer f in grant-funded research g a researcher to join the department h in project work

2 to conduct research 3 to participate 4 to be involved 5 to complete 6 to open 7 to be engaged 8 to seek TASK 2 MAKE COLLOCATIONS.

apparatus, application, article, device, experiment, expert,

grant application, grant proposal, methodology, objectives, procedure, research, research funding, research plan, research proposal,

supervisor, target, technique

to achieve ………………………………………………………………………………………………… to conduct ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. to employ/to use ……………………………………………………………………………………… to submit …………………………………………………………………………….……………………. to consult …………………………………………………………………………………………………. to discuss ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly? English noun research is followed by prepositions on, into (e.g. research on coronavirus disease, research into higher education).

TASK 3 FILL IN THE MISSING FORMS. USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. verb noun verb noun to select …………………. to …………………. research to …………………. difference to respond …………………. to …………………. reason, reasoning to …………………. emphasis to plagiarise …………………. to prefer …………………. to …………………. tendency to relate …………………. to imply …………………. to …………………. statement TASK 4 FILL IN THE MISSING FORMS. USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. adjective noun adjective noun scientific …………………. broad …………………. …………………. collaboration …………………. value significant …………………. relevant …………………. TASK 5 FILL IN THE MISSING FORMS. USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. verb noun adjective

to analyse .................................... analytical

to symbolise symbol, symbolism ..................................

to consider .................................... considerable, considerate

to apply application, applicant ...................................

.................... avoidance avoidable

to believe .................................... ....................................

.................... detail detailed

to ignore .................................... ignorant

to support support, supporter ....................................

.................... .................................... calculated, calculating

.................... intent, intention intended, intentional

to invent .................................... inventive

................... exploration, explorer .....................................

to minimise minimum .....................................


My research deals with/has dealt with the issue of ...

To date, no research exists/existed that establishes a connection between ...

I have started/started my research one year ago at ...

I have made/made considerable progress so far and ...

I have completed/completed the first chapter of my thesis in March and ...

I have presented/presented a paper on my research findings up to the present

to a small group of research students last week at ...

My research interests have included/include ...

I have been researching/was researching the effects of the drug since May 2021.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words effect and affect correctly?

As a noun effect means ´the result of a particular influence´, as a noun affect means ´influence´.

As a verb effect is formal and means ´to achieve something, to make something

happen´, as a verb affect means ´to influence something´.

TASK 7 PUT THE BASIC STEPS OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN THE USUAL ORDER. … to find a subject … to think of an idea … to select a thesis supervisor … to conduct a literature search … to formulate a testable hypothesis … to find sources of funds/funding … to collect data … to decide what method/methods you are going to use … to make a detailed plan of your research … to process data … to analyse data


...for our research...

...for dementia...

...on existing research...

...into practice some of the research on...

We want to build ... We want to put ... We have a strategy ... We opened a new research facility...


to arise, to confirm, to consist, to cover, to draw, to divide, to emphasise, to originate, to subdivide

My dissertation ................ in the research grant of our workplace dealing with …

My doctoral dissertation .............… from the needs to study the problems of … The goal of my dissertation is to .............… conclusions from the investigation in this area of study. My scientific methods can .............… into general methods of science, such as analysis and classification, and specific methods, such as questionnaire and interview. My PhD thesis .............… into a number of subsections. This section .............… specific ways, techniques and procedures applied in the study. The conclusion …............. the importance of the research project. The results of my investigation ….............. by a longitudinal study of the problem. The main contribution of my doctoral dissertation ................ in dealing with this issue from the view of …

YES/NO ACTIVITY Are the following points appropriate when writing your Academic CV and describing your research activities?

personal biographical information

verbs that come first in each bullet point describing your research activities

writing in the first person (e.g. I tested ...)

employment that is not related to research or academia

a half-page summary of your research

TASK 10 REWRITE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES AS BULLET POINTS IN YOUR ACADEMIC CV. THE FIRST ONE HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. I have been involved in developing additional tumor markers to be used in

cancer screening.

participated in research on cancer detection

developed additional tumor markers for cancer screening During my project I studied the complex interaction between biological systems

and electromagnetic fields and focused on the development of advanced cancer detection techniques.


.............................................................................................................. In the Institute of Public Health I examined the risk factors of anxiety and

depression in young people by using specialised mathematical models to test potential solutions to a given problem and help identify interventions that prevent people from becoming depressed.


............................................................................................................. The research for my PhD focused on the physical properties testing and

measurement for a wide range of materials, such as chemicals, polymers and plastics, consumer products, pharmaceuticals, raw materials, etc. I conducted physical properties analysis and testing in accredited laboratories.


........................................................................................................... My main research focus was to study tumor cells in lung cancer and to examine

how radiation therapy affects tumor cells migration in lung cancer patients.


.............................................................................................................. TASK 11 USE SOME OF THE VERBS BELOW TO DESCRIBE YOUR RESEARCH EXPERIENCE, RESEARCH ACTIVITIES AND INTERESTS.

achieved, administered, advised, analysed, assessed, arranged, calculated, completed, conducted, controlled, co-ordinated, created,

designed, devised, developed, discovered, distributed, established, evaluated, examined, explained, instructed, investigated, managed, measured, monitored, negotiated, organised, participated, planned, promoted,

recommended, reformed, represented, researched, selected, solved, studied, supervised, synthesised, tested


The mission of the Department of .................... is to pursue ......................

and ..................... . The Department comprises ................... research groups and

around .................... researchers and support staff, including .......................

postgraduate students, and an additional .................... undergraduates.

Research in the Department is very .................... and encompasses all

aspects of .................... and ..................... . The quality of our research is

...................... as demonstrated by a/an ........................ publications output

and the international standing of many of our researchers. They come from a

range of disciplines and work in a collaborative environment on all aspects of

..................... and ...................... . Our research approach is inter-disciplinary

with roots in ........................ and ....................... .

The Department is part of the ....................... . It benefits from an

excellent intellectual and working environment afforded by links with other

departments and ....................... . International collaboration is also crucial for

scientific research.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Does pursue in the previous task mean ´try to do or achieve a plan, activity´?

Can you pursue a career/a goal/a dream?

English noun compass (= V-shaped device for drawing circles) may help you remember the

meaning of to encompass (´to form a circle about, encircle´ = to include).




verb active/passive

to carry out to deliver to undertake to be involved in ......................... .........................

research research research research ......................... .........................

research research ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................

is carried out aims to describe ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................

to carry out to perform to achieve ………………….

analysis analysis analysis ......................

analysis ........................ ........................ .........................



........................ ……………………..

.................... ...................... ………………...…… ........................ adverb ………………...…… ........................ to research to research to research ........................

extensively fully properly …………………..

........................ ........................ ........................ .........................

........................ ……………….……. ………………..……. …………………..….







......................... ......................... .........................

......................... …………………...... .........................

adjective noun noun noun collaborative recent

research research

research research

area findings

..................... ..................... ........................ ........................

ANSWER KEY UNIT 5 TASK 1 (sample answers: 1c 2b 3f 4e 5a 6d 7h 8g) to equip a laboratory with the latest technology to conduct research into the causes of species extinction to participate in grant-funded research to be involved in research on cancer to complete doctoral research to open a new research facility to be engaged in project work to seek a researcher to join the department TASK 2 (possible answers) to achieve objectives, a target to conduct an experiment, research to employ/to use a device, apparatus, methodology, a technique to submit a grant application/a grant proposal, an article, an application, a research plan/a research proposal to consult an expert, a supervisor to discuss research funding/research proposal/research plan YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

English noun research is followed by prepositions on, into (e.g. research on coronavirus disease, research into higher education) YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 3 verb noun verb noun to select selection to research research to differ difference to respond response to reason reason, reasoning to emphasise emphasis to plagiarise plagiarism to prefer preference to tend tendency to relate relation, relative to imply implication to state statement TASK 4 adjective noun adjective noun scientific science, scientist broad breadth collaborative collaboration valuable value significant significance relevant relevance TASK 5 verb noun adjective

to analyse analysis, analyst analytical

to symbolise symbol, symbolism symbolic

to consider consideration considerable, considerate

to apply application, applicant applicable, applied

to avoid avoidance avoidable

to believe belief, believer believable

to detail detail detailed

to ignore ignorance, ignoramus ignorant

to support support, supporter supportive

to calculate calculation, calculator calculated, calculating

to intend intent, intention intended, intentional

to invent invention, inventor inventive

to explore exploration, explorer exploratory

to minimise minimum minimal, minimum

TASK 6 My research deals with the issue of... To date, no research exists that establishes a connection between... I started my research one year ago at... I have made considerable progress so far and... I completed the first chapter of my thesis in March and... I presented a paper on my research findings up to the present to a small group of research students last week at... My research interests include... I have been researching the effects of the drug since May.2021. YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words effect and affect correctly?

As a noun effect means ´the result of a particular influence´ YES, and a noun affect means ´influence´. NO (As a noun affect means ´an emotion which may influence behaviour and is only used in psychology´)

As a verb effect is formal and means ´to achieve something, to make something happen´, YES and verb affect means ´to influence something´. YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 7 (possible answers) to think of an idea to select a thesis supervisor to find a subject to formulate a testable hypothesis to conduct a literature search to make a detailed plan of your research to decide what method/methods you are going to use to collect data to process data to analyse data to find sources of funds/funding TASK 8 (suggested combinations) We want to build on existing research ... We want to put into practice some of the research on... We have a strategy for our research... We opened a new research facility for dementia... TASK 9 My dissertation originates in the research grant of our workplace dealing with... My doctoral dissertation arises from the needs to study the problems of... The goal of my dissertation is to draw conclusions from the investigation in this area of study... My scientific methods can be divided into general methods of science, such as analysis and classification, and specific methods, such as questionnaire and interview. My PhD thesis is subdivided into a number of subsections. This section covers specific ways, techniques and procedures applied in the study. The conclusion emphasises the importance of the research project.

The results of my investigation are confirmed by a longitudinal study of the problem. The main contribution of my doctoral dissertation consists in dealing with this issue from the view of... YES/NO ACTIVITY Are the following points appropriate when writing your Academic CV and describing your research activities?

personal biographical information NO

verbs that come first in each bullet point describing your research activities YES

writing in the first person (e.g. I tested ...) NO employment that is not related to research or academia NO

a half-page summary of your research NO USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 10 (suggested answers) participated in research on cancer detection

developed additional tumor markers for cancer screening investigated interaction between biological systems and electromagnetic fields

developed advanced cancer detection technique examined/investigated the risk factors of anxiety and depression in young people

used/tested specialised mathematical models to test potential solutions tested and measured a wide range of materials, such as chemicals, polymers and

plastics, consumer products, pharmaceuticals, raw materials, etc.

analysed physical properties/conducted physical properties analysis investigated tumor cells in lung cancer

examined the relationship between radiation therapy and tumor cells migration YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Does pursue in the previous task mean ´try to do or achieve a plan, activity´? YES

Can you pursue a career/a goal/a dream? YES

English noun compass (= V-shaped device for drawing circles) may help you remember the meaning of to encompass (=form a circle about, encircle) (=to include). YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. BIBLIOGRAPHY/SOURCES Armer,T.: Cambridge English for Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. ISBN:978-0-521-1540-93 Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary. Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0521691963 McCarthy, M., O'Dell, F.: Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780521689397


TASK 1 STUDY THE FOLLOWING USEFUL PHRASES. to identify a scientific problem to give an outline of the project objectives to consult the length, format and layout to request an experienced academic to proofread your proposal to describe the intended methods to develop a timetable to gather empirical data to provide an outline of the theoretical sources to discuss advantages of a particular research approach to explore research questions to interpret the findings to introduce the background information to point out the research problem to answer research questions to achieve the project objectives to share the project findings to assure quality control

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly?

Is it correct in English to say the project is undertaken in conjunction with the XY project?

Do the words ´aim´ and ´objective´ mean the same? e.g. The aims of this research project are…..; The objectives of this research project are…..

Is it correct in English to say The Department significantly contributes to the cooperation with...

In the word determine is i pronounced as [ai] ?


a project activities b empirical data

3 to gather c a problem 4 to describe d a project application 5 to proofread e sources 6 to develop f methodology 7 to solve 8 to monitor 9 to disseminate 10 to determine 11 to implement

g a timeline h activities i project objectives j project results k project proposal


project summary final project report partnership agreement

Gantt chart sustainability plan project resources

project risk project leader project impact

project objectives project manager project stakeholder

project management dissemination plan

...project summary...

= the purpose is to provide a short description of your project for a wider audience to allow the reader to decide if they would like to find out more about what you are hoping to achieve (your aims)

.…………………… = give details of what you plan to carry out in your project

…………………….. = the application of skills, tools, techniques, and knowledge to project activities to complete the project objectives

…………………….. = a professional who is tasked with planning, executing, and closing a project. He/she is in charge of a project team.

…………………….. = a person who inspires and motivates the project team. He takes the time to get to know the team, keeps the project team in the loop, and acts as a mentor.

…………………….. = explains how the project plans to share outcomes and learning with stakeholders and the community

…………………….. = a list of any project outputs/outcomes that may have the potential to live on after the project ends

……………………… = anyone who has a vested interest in your project or will be affected (either positively or negatively) by its outcomes

……………………… = illustrates a project schedule. It illustrates the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. It is commonly used in project management, and it is one of the most popular and useful ways of showing activities (tasks or events) displayed against time

……………………… = any uncertain event that can have an impact on the success of a project. By recognizing potential problems, the project manager can attempt to avoid a problem through proper actions

……………………… = a legally binding document that aims to establish the cooperation principles and procedures as well as mutual obligations among the project partners

……………………… = the way how your project affects the matters with which it comes in contact. By giving a project impact appraisal you define effects, both positive and negative, which the project is expected to produce

……………………… = they are required to carry out the project tasks. They can be people, equipment, facilities, funding, or anything else capable of definition (usually other than labor) required for the completion of project activity.

………………………. = summarizes the work of the team and its results.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

In the word technique is ch pronounced as [k]?

Is there a long vowel sound [i:] in the word peer?

In the word summarize is i pronounced as [ai]?

Does the word analysis have stress on the first syllable?

Does the word comprehensive have stress on the second syllable?

Does the word preliminary have stress on the second syllable?


project timeline project budget project management project risks project sustainability project partners project objectives, outputs and outcomes project methodology project summary project background and theory


Do not forget to give a detailed and precise description …...... study or research proposal as well as information …...... any previous study or research projects of particular relevance. Give a short and precise overview ......... the current state ......... research. State clearly how your own research will contribute ......... the existing research. You have to stay ready to revise the proposal according ......... new insights and newly arising questions. List those academic works which you mentioned ......... your research outline. Your application should be based .......... a strong hypothesis. Describe the experimental design and procedures ......... detail and give a rationale ......... their use. Many applications benefit .......... statistical analysis. The publications you cite should include those most relevant ........ your proposed research. The project lacks alternative methodological approaches .......... case the primary approach does not work .......... .


a reading

2 external b proposal 3 reasonable c data 4 scientific d stakeholder 5 preliminary e agreement 6 progress f approach 7 comprehensive g property 8 proper h objectives 9 personal i layout 10 major j analysis 11 intellectual k report 12 interinstitutional l expenses

TASK 7 THINK OF YOUR RESEARCH PROPOSAL. FILL IN BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND WRITE A SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT. Project name: ............................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................... Project summary: ....................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........Expected date of beginning: ....................................................................................... Expected date of completion: .................................................................................... Implementation period (in months): .........................................................................


active/passive to write a project project is assessed ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... to submit a project project describes ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................... .....................

ANSWER KEY UNIT 6 YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words correctly? •Is it correct in English to say the project is undertaken in conjunction with the XY project? YES •Do the words ´aim´ and ´objective´ mean the same? e.g. The aims of this research project are…..; The objectives of this research project are….. YES •Is it correct in English to say The Department significantly contributes to the cooperation with... NO • In the word determine is i pronounced as [ai] ?/? YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 2

to list sources

to peer-review project proposal

to gather data

to describe methodology

to proofread project application to develop timeline

to solve problem

to monitor activities

to disseminate project results

to determine project objectives

to implement project activities

TASK 3 project summary = the purpose is to provide a short description of your project for a wider

audience to allow the reader to decide if they would like to find out more about what you are hoping to achieve (your aims)

project objectives = give details of what you plan to carry out in your project

project management

= the application of skills, tools, techniques and knowledge to project activities in order to complete the project objectives

project manager = a professional who is tasked with planning, executing and closing a project. He/she is in charge of a project team.

project leader = a person who inspires and motivates the project team. He takes the time to get to know the team, keep the project team in the loop and acts as a mentor.

dissemination plan = explains how the project plans to share outcomes and learning with stakeholders and the community

sustainability plan = a list of any project outputs/outcomes that may have potential to live on after the project ends

project stakeholder = anyone who has a vested interest in your project or will be effected (either positively or negatively) by its outcomes

Gantt chart

= illustrates a project schedule. It illustrates the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. It is commonly used in project management, and it is one of the most popular and useful ways of showing activities (tasks or events) displayed against time

project risk

= any uncertain event that can have an impact on the success of a project. By recognizing potential problems, the project manager can attempt to avoid a problem through proper actions

partnership agreement

= a legally binding document which aims to establish the cooperation principles and procedures as well as mutual obligations among the project partners

project impact

= the way how your project affects the matters which it comes in contact with. By giving a project impact appraisal you define effects, both positive and negative, which the project is expected to produce

project resources

= they are required to carry out the project tasks. They can be people, equipment, facilities, funding, or anything else capable of definition (usually other than labour) required for the completion of a project activity.

final project report = it summarizes the work of the team and its results.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly? •In the word technique is ch pronounced as [k]? YES •Is there a long vowel sound [i:] in the word peer? YES •In the word summarize is i pronounced as [ai]? YES •Does the word analysis have stress on the first syllable? NO •Does the word comprehensive have stress on the second syllable? NO •Does the word preliminary have stress on the second syllable? YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 4 project summary project background and theory project objectives, outputs and outcomes project methodology project timeline project partners project management project risks project sustainability project budget TASK 5

Do not forget to give a detailed and precise description OF study or research proposal as well as information ON any previous study or research projects of particular relevance

Give a short and precise overview ABOUT the current state OF research

State clearly how your own research will contribute TO the existing research.

You have to stay ready to revise the proposal according TO new insights and newly arising questions.

List those academic works which you mentioned IN your research outline. Your application should be based ON a strong hypothesis.

Describe the experimental design and procedures IN detail and give a rationale FOR their use.

Many applications benefit FROM statistical analysis.

The publications you cite should include those most relevant TO your proposed research.

The project lacks alternative methodological approaches IN case the primary approach does not work OUT. TASK 6 detailed analysis external stakeholder reasonable expenses scientific approach preliminary reading progress report comprehensive proposal proper layout personal data major objectives

intellectual property interinstitutional agreement BIBLIOGRAPHY/SOURCES Thaine C.: Cambridge Academic English. An integrated skills course for EAP. Student´s book, Intermediate. Cambridge: CUP, 2012. partnerov.html?page_id=1962



The purpose of this study was to examine…


The information obtained in this study will be useful for researchers interested in constructing self-cloning systems in other microalgae.


This paper discusses the early years of … ….. In recent years, and particularly in the context of the … anniversary in 2020, a wealth of material has been published on the events of …


Our study of … has evidenced that… ….. The aim of this study was to explore and measure… ….. Our results demonstrate that… ….. The results so far are indeed very promising, considering the scope of the planned study.


Two FLAX PDCT genes were identified using homology-based approach. ….. In the present study, associations between …, …, and … were examined. …..

Mixed effect linear regression was used to estimate average monthly change in prevalence with monthly variation modelled as a random effect.



YES/NO ACTIVITY Are the following sentences correct?

Many informations have been provided.

More evidences are needed to validate this conclusion.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Is the ending in the words examine and determine pronounced the same way?

Is the word prevalence stressed on the first syllable?

The word evidence is both a noun and a verb. Is it pronounced the same way?

The word estimate is both a noun and a verb. Is it pronounced the same way?

TASK 2 READ THE FOLLOWING SCIENTIFIC PAPER ABSTRACT. IDENTIFY ITS FOUR MAJOR PARTS. MARK WHERE THE PARTS BEGIN AND END. Studies suggest that older adults at risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease may show olfactory processing deficits before other signs of dementia appear. We studied 60 healthy non-demented individuals, half of whom were positive for the genetic risk factor the Apolipoprotein E ɛ4 allele, in three different age groups. Event-related potentials to visual and olfactory identification tasks were recorded and analyzed* for latency and amplitude differences, and plotted via topographical maps. Varying patterns of brain activation were observed over the post-stimulus epoch for ɛ4- versus ɛ4+ individuals on topographical maps. Individuals with the ɛ4 allele demonstrated different ERP peak latencies during identification of olfactory but not visual stimuli. High correct ApoE classification rates were obtained utilizing the olfactory ERP. Olfactory ERPs demonstrate functional decline in individuals at risk for Alzheimer’s disease at much earlier ages than previously observed, suggesting the potential for pre-clinical detection of AD at very early stages.

*note the differences between British and American spelling Sources:


verb noun verb noun to activate ………………………… to observe ………………………… to analyse ………………………… to process ………………………… to classify ………………………… to record ………………………… to demonstrate ………………………… to stimulate ………………………… to detect ………………………… to suggest ………………………… to identify ………………………… to utilise ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… …………………………

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Is the ending in the words analyse and utilise pronounced the same way?

Is the word analysis stressed on the third syllable?

The word record is both a noun and a verb. Is it pronounced the same way?

Is the beginning of the word identify pronounced as [aɪ]?

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you know parts of speech?

Is observant a noun?

Are both analyst and analyser agent nouns related to analyse?

Are the words identificator and activator agent nouns related to identify and activate respectively?


in addition, in conclusion, in fact, moreover, nevertheless, thus

Regarding MI, our results showed that patients have more worries about body sensations than controls. This is consistent with previous research [6],[9],[10] and with cognitive models of panic suggesting that the misinterpretation of body signals is a risk factor for panic attacks [8]. ………………………., recent prediction coding models of anxiety [23] propose that ‘interoceptive prediction schemas’ (beliefs and predictions about bodily sensations) produce inaccurate predictions about body signals. ………………………., panic treatments based on the modification of biased threatening beliefs about body symptoms are the most effective ones [24]. ………………………., the modification of beliefs about the threatening value of bodily sensations might be a fundamental mechanism underlying the effectiveness of cognitive interventions. ………………………., the present findings suggest differential contributions of IS and MI to panic attacks. This distinction aligns well with reports showing that both dimensions are not associated [3]. The absence of such correlations in our data corroborates such results (Additional file 1: 3.4). Sources:

TASK 5 STUDY THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES WHICH EXEMPLIFY HOW YOU CAN QUOTE FROM OTHER PAPERS. As noted by Smith (2007), “There are four major…that were observed”. Smith (2007) concludes: “There are four major…that were observed”. As Smith (2007) states, “There are four major…that were observed”. As Smith states in his 2007 paper, “There are four major…that were observed”. In his paper, Smith (2007) writes: “There are four major…that were observed”.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you know the meanings of English words?

In the text above, does the word sensation refer to something very exciting and interesting?

Does misinterpretation mean wrong understanding?

In the text above, does underlying mean emphasizing?

If two things/aspects align with each other, does it mean that they are similar and agree with each other?

Does corroborate mean disapprove?

TASK 6 IDENTIFY ERRORS IN THE FOLLOWING EXTRACTS FROM SCIENTIFIC PAPERS. THEY ALL COME FROM INTRODUCTION SECTIONS AND ILLUSTRATE REFERENCING TO SOURCES. Lindner and Harris suggested that the self-regulated learner is “organized, autonomous, self-motivated, self-monitoring, self-instructing, in short, behaves in ways designed to maximize the efficiency and productivity of the learning process” (p. 2). According to Peters (p. 56, 1983) evidence from first language acquisition indicates that lexical phrases are learnt first as unanalysed lexical chunks. Hillocks similarly reviews dozens of research findings. He writes: The available research suggests that teaching by written comment on compositions is generally ineffective. Sources:


c./ca (circa)


and other people/things

2 cf (confer) b among other things 3 e.g. (exempli gratia) c namely (naming someone/something

you have just referred to) 4 et al. (at alii, et alia) d in the same place (referring to a

reference) 5 etc. (et cetera) e for example, for instance 6 i.e. (id est) f as opposed to 7 ibid. (ibidem) g that is, in other words, it means 8 inter alia (inter alia) h approximately, about 9 viz. (videlicet) i and so on 10 v./vs. (versus) j compare

TASK 8 FILL IN THE MISSING ABBREVIATIONS. REFER TO TASK 7. Watermelons have no well-marked indicators of fruit ripening but melons typically become aromatic and yellow, and abscise from the plant upon ripening (Isenberg 1……………, 1987; Nonnecke, 1989). It is not uncommon to find traces of mineral-replaced/mineral-preserved wood within the corrosion products of bronze or iron artefacts dating to the European Bronze Age and Iron Age (2……………. Cartwright, 2012). Thus plants that bear spines might help treat injuries caused by arrows or spears, or even office staples; plants with leaves that look like body organs are suitable for treating ailments associated with those parts, 3…………… . The shapes of the stelar oxygen profiles were consistent with a higher oxygen demand in the outer region (4…………… pericycle, phloem, protoxylem and early metaxylem cylinder) than in the inner core (late metaxylem cylinder and medulla), but the deficits were relatively small ( 3 kPa) and consistent with minimal wall thickening in the endodermis and narrowness of stele. Apomixis is an alternative route of plant reproduction that produces individuals genetically identical to the mother plant through seeds. Apomixis is desirable in agriculture, because it guarantees the perpetuation of superior genotypes (5…………… heterotic hybrid seeds) by self-seeding without loss of hybrid vigour. The maintenance of this pattern between studies suggests that while there may be some variation in results due to quantitative 6…………… qualitative data analysis, other factors must come into play as well. One such factor is environmental variation. Sources:

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

The words indicator, iron, injury, identical all start with i. Do you pronounce it as [aɪ] in all these words?

Are the words abscise, ripen and hybrid stressed on the first syllable?

The words cylinder, hybrid, oxygen, genotype all contain y. Is it pronounced as [ɪ] in all these words?

Is there [s] at the beginning of cylinder?

Is g in genotype, oxygen pronounced as [dž]?

Do you pronounce i as [aɪ] in environmental?

Do you pronounce u as [ju] in medulla? Is the word stressed on the first syllable?

Do you pronounce c as [s] in deficit? Is the word stressed on the first syllable?

TASK 9 STUDY THE FOLLOWING USEFUL PHRASES. MATCH THOSE THAT HAVE THE SAME/SIMILAR FUNCTION. IDENTIFY THEIR FUNCTIONS AND COMPLETE THE TABLE AS INDICATED. PHRASES It is well known that X is … Initial studies of X considered it to be … The term “X” has come to be used to refer to … There is a vast amount of literature on … Table 1 compares the data on X. This paper is organised as follows: This paper seeks to address how to … Much is known about … In order to understand X … We have described … These tests revealed that … It is generally accepted that X is … Further analyses showed that … To verify whether … This paper has given an account of … This paper takes a new look at … X is described as … The generally accepted use of the term X refers to … From the chart we can see that … A growing body of literature has studied … Researchers have always considered X as …

FUNCTION PHRASES Establishing why the topic (X) is important

... It is well known that X is ...........

Outlining the past-present history of the study of the topic (X)


Stating the aim of your paper and its contribution


Explaining the key terminology ....................................................... Giving the structure of paper ....................................................... Giving general panorama of past-to- present literature


Describing purpose of methods used


Stating what you found ....................................................... Concluding and summarising content


Referring to tables and figures, and to their implications


Sources: Wallwork, A.: English for Writing Research Papers. Springer, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4419-7921-6 TASK 10 TOPIC PAGE ON WRITING A SCIENTIFIC PAPER. ADD MORE WORDS IN THE BLANKS. verb



verb active/passive

to write ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

a paper ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

article ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

was/has been submitted ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

to edit ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

a journal ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

citation ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

mentions ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

TASK 13 KEEP A RECORD OF OTHER USEFUL PHRASES YOU COME ACROSS WHICH HAVE THE FOLLOWING FUNCTIONS IN A SCIENTIFIC PAPER. Establishing why the topic (X) is important: X is attracting increasing interest due to … ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... Outlining the past-present history of the study of the topic (X): Recent advances in X have provided the possibility of studying … ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... .......................................................................................................... .......................... Stating the aim of your paper and its contribution: X is presented in order to … ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... Explaining the key terminology: X can be defined as a way to … .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... Giving the structure of paper: The next chapter investigates the question of … ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... Giving general panorama of past-to-present literature: What we know about X is largely based on … .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. .......

Describing purpose of methods used: To do this, first we … .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... ............................................................................................................................... ..... ............................................................................................................................. ....... Stating what you found: The results presented here indicate that … ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... Concluding and summarising content: Our work has led us to the conclusion that … .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... Referring to tables and figures, and to their implications: The diagram provides a schematic view of… ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... Other ....................................................................................................................... ... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. ....... .................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................. .......

ANSWER KEY UNIT 7 TASK 1 I, C, I, I, R, I, R, C, M, I, M YES/NO ACTIVITY Are the following sentences correct?

Many informations have been provided. NO. In English, information is uncountable, therefore, it is correct to say Much information has been provided. You may also say Many facts have been provided.

More evidences are needed to validate this conclusion. YES. In general, the word evidence is uncountable, however, in academic English the plural evidences is sometimes used.

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly? Is the ending in the words examine and determine pronounced the same way? YES

Is the word prevalence stressed on the first syllable? YES

The word evidence is both a noun and a verb. Is it pronounced the same way? YES

The word estimate is both a noun and a verb. Is it pronounced the same way? NO, the verb is pronounced as [ˈestɪmeɪt] and the noun is pronounced as [ˈestɪmət].

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 2 1. background information about the topic: “Studies ... appear.” 2. methods used: “We studied … topographical maps.” 3. results: “Varying patterns … utilizing the olfactory ERP.” 4. conclusion: “Olfactory ERP … early stages.” TASK 3 (suggested answers) activation, activist, activator observation, observer analysis, analyst process, processing classification record, recording demonstration stimulus, stimulation detection, detector suggestion identification utilisation/utilization YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Is the ending in the words analyse and utilise pronounced the same way? YES

Is the word analysis stressed on the third syllable? NO, it is stressed on the second syllable – [əˈnæləsɪs].

The word record is both a noun and a verb. Is it pronounced the same way? NO, the noun is stressed on the first syllable - [ˈrekɔː(r)d], whereas the verb is stressed on the second syllable – [reˈkɔː(r)d].

Is the beginning of the word identify pronounced as [aɪ]? YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you know parts of speech?

Is observant a noun? NO, The word observant is an adjective meaning “good/quick at noticing things”, the noun form related to observe is observer.

Are both analyst and analyser agent nouns related to analyse? YES, see the link below.

Are the words identificator and activator agent nouns related to identify and activate respectively? NO/YES. The word identificator is non-existent in English. The respective agent noun is identifier. Note the difference between activist (someone who advocates and practises

activism) and activator (someone/something that activates, also in Chemistry and Biochemistry – a catalyst). USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 4 In addition, Moreover, Thus, In conclusion, YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you know the meanings of English words?

In the text above, does the word sensation refer to something very exciting and interesting? NO. In the mentioned text sensation means perception of stimuli through senses.

Does misinterpretation mean wrong understanding? YES In the text above, does underlying mean emphasizing? YES

If two things/aspects align with each other, does it mean that they are similar and agree with each other? YES

Does corroborate mean disapprove? NO. Corroborate is the opposite of disapprove, it means confirm, validate, support.

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 6 References to literature and citation are not written properly. (suggested answers/corrections) Lindner and Harris (1992) suggested that … According to Peters (1983, p. 56), … He writes: “The available research suggests that teaching by written comment on compositions is generally ineffective” (2014, p. 14). TASK 7 1h (c./ca=approximately, about) 2j (cf=compare) 3e (e.g.=for example, for instance) 4a (et al.=and other people/things) 5i (etc.=and so on) 6g (i.e.=that is, in other words, it means) 7d (ibid.=in the same place/referring to a reference) 8b (inter alia=among other things) 9c (viz.=namely/naming someone or something you have just referred to) 10f (v./vs.=as opposed to) TASK 8 1 et al., 2 e.g., 3 etc., 4 viz., 5 i.e., 6 vs. YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

The words indicator, iron, injury, identical all start with i. Do you pronounce it as [aɪ] in all these words? NO, only in iron, identical. In injury, indicator, it is pronounced as [ɪ].

Are the words abscise, ripen and hybrid stressed on the first syllable? NO, abscise is stressed on the second syllable.

The words cylinder, hybrid, oxygen, genotype all contain y. Is it pronounced as [ɪ] in all these words? NO, only in cylinder, oxygen. In hybrid, genotype it is pronounced as [aɪ].

Is there [s] at the beginning of cylinder? YES Is g in genotype, oxygen pronounced as [dž]? YES

Do you pronounce i as [aɪ] in environmental? YES

Do you pronounce u as [ju] in medulla? Is the word stressed on the first syllable? NO, NO.

Medulla is pronounced as [meˈdʌlə] (Br.E.), [məˈdələ] (Am.E.).

Do you pronounce c as [s] in deficit? Is the word stressed on the first syllable? YES, YES USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 9 FUNCTION PHRASES Establishing why the topic (X) is important It is well known that X is ...

It is generally accepted that X is ...

Outlining the past-present history of the study of the topic (X)

Initial studies of X considered it to be ... Researchers have always considered X as ...

Stating the aim of your paper and its contribution This paper seeks to address how to ... This paper takes a new look at ...

Explaining the key terminology The term „X“ has come to be used to refer to ... The generally accepted use of the terms X refers to ...

Giving the structure of paper This paper is organised as follows. A new methodology is outlined in the third section.

Giving general panorama of past-to-present literature

There is a vast amount of literature on ... Much is known about ...

Describing purpose of methods used To verify whether ... In order to understand X ...

Stating what you found These tests revealed that ... Further analyses showed that ...

Concluding and summarising content We have described ... This paper has given account of ...

Referring to tables and figures, and to their implications

Table 1 compares the data on X. From the chart we can see that ...

BIBLIOGRAPHY/SOURCES Armer, T.: Cambridge English for Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780-521-1540-93. Wallwork, A.: English for Writing Research Papers. Springer, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-4419-7921-6.

UNIT 8 CONFERENCE TASK 1 PUT THE EXPRESSIONS IN THE CORRECT CATEGORY. OPENING OF THE CONFERENCE .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

CLOSURE OF THE CONFERENCE .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................

- I declare the conference closed. - That´s all for today. - I am authorized by the president to ... - Thank you all for your contributions and your attention. - I declare the conference open. - This year's conference is judged to have been a resounding success in terms of overall numbers, the quality of the speakers and the workshops, organisation and ... - The issue we have to discuss today is ... - It is a great pleasure and honour for me to welcome you to Slovakia at this conference ... - I am afraid, our time is up. - The first item on our agenda is the main paper with the title ... - The conference is sponsored by ... - I´d like to close by thanking the audience for ... - Today the conference will debate ... - Issues of major significance were discussed separately at the conference by ... - Welcome to the conference ... - The proceedings of the conference will be published before the end of the year ...


a an online conference website

2 to take an active part b presentation materials 3 to miss c an online/a virtual conference 4 to attend d simultaneous sessions 5 to write an academic bio e a poster session 6 to invite sb to join f via chat sessions 7 to give a paper g for the conference 8 to answer all questions h in a video conference 9 to communicate i through real-time video chats 10 to provide j a fully virtual conference 11 to share k a conference session 12 to build l the floor 13 to plan m content archive 14 to give n at a conference

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you need to include the following to your Academic Bio for conferences, journals, department websites?

full name, current position and institution

basic duties and responsibilities

broad educational background and teaching experience

research interests in brief

specific research projects

future directions of your research

non-academic information or hobbies TASK 3 MAKE COLLOCATIONS.

attendees, book, debate, hashtag, lecture, presentation, proceedings, participants, session, speaker, submission, template, theme, venue, withdrawal

conference .............................................................................................................

abstract ..................................................................................................................

guest ......................................................................................................................

poster ....................................................................................................................

YES/NO ACTIVITY Academic Bios for conferences and journals are

written in the third person

typically one or two pages TASK 4 FILL IN THE MISSING FORMS. USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. noun verb noun verb …………………. to accept …………………. to admit conclusion …………………. presentation …………………. …………………. to cancel …………………. to participate …………………. to attend question …………………. speech …………………. …………………. to interrupt TASK 5 FILL IN THE MISSING FORMS. USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. verb

noun - person


noun - person

to attend ………………… address …………………

to participate … participant … physics ... physicist …

to lecture ………………… conference …………………

to present ………………… library …………………

to speak ………………… specialization …………………

to chair ………………… advice …………………

to consult ………………… expertness, expertise


to instruct ………………… absence …………………

to apply ………………… science …………………

to oppose ………………… discussion …………………

to arrive late ………………… nonparticipation …………………


the afternoon the auspices of the conference a debate the floor

July 8 to 10 the Slovak government delegates 45 minutes

The conference runs from ........................................... .

The conference is hosted by ............................................. .

The conference is held under ............................................ the Ministry of


A copy of the agenda will be circulated to ……………………....…........... a month

before ………................................ .

The lectures should not exceed .......................................... .

The meetings of the sections are held in ........................................... .

Martin Brick, former director of the Institute, will chair ...................................... ,

taking questions from ........................................ .

YES/NO ACTIVITY Are the following statements true? When preparing a conference presentation:

make your talk well in advance and run through it multiple times

use roughly one slide per minute of talk

use a lot of texts in your slides

have the salient bullet points in your slides

YES/NO ACTIVITY Are the following statements true? When giving a scientific talk at a conference:

keep eye contact with the audience

be aware (that) people don´t want to hear excitement in scientific talks

be prepared to skip a few slides to get to the end

make the audience feel the importance for you




verb active/passive

to attend a conference conference is organised by ..................... a lecture ..................... is held in ..................... ..................... ..................... takes place in ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... to make ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... conference takes place ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... to give ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... people noun noun key-note speaker conference proceedings ..................... ..................... ..................... fee ..................... lecturer ..................... venue/site ..................... ………………… ..................... procedure passive/active participant …………………. ..................... ..................... ………………….. ………………….. ....................... ..................... ………………….. …………………… .......................

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Are the endings in the words presentation, participation, introduction, contribution, question, conclusion, supervision, division, discussion, session, submission, occasion

pronounced the same way?

Are pleasure and pressure pronounced the same way?

Are present (noun) and present (verb) pronounced the same way?

ANSWER KEY UNIT 8 TASK 2 (possible answers: 1c 2h 3d 4k 5g 6j 7n 8f 9i 10m 11b 12a 13e 14l) to organise an online/a virtual conference to take an active part in a video conference to miss simultaneous sessions to attend a conference session to write an academic bio for the conference to invite sb to join a fully virtual conference to give a paper at a conference to answer all questions via chat sessions to communicate through real-time video chats to provide content archive to share presentation materials to build an online conference website to plan a poster session to give the floor YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you need to include the following to your Academic Bio for conferences, journals, department websites?

full name, current position and institution YES

basic duties and responsibilities NO broad educational background and teaching experience NO

research interests in brief YES

specific research projects YES

future directions of your research YES non-academic information or hobbies YES TASK 3 (possible answers) conference attendees, debate, hashtag, proceedings, participants, session,

speaker, theme, venue abstract book, submission, withdrawal guest lecture, speaker poster presentation, session, template YES/NO ACTIVITY Academic Bios for conferences and journals are written in the third person YES

typically one or two pages NO (35-58 words - short bio, 100-150 words - mid-length bio, 150-400 words - longer bio) TASK 4 noun verb noun verb acceptance to accept admission to admit

conclusion to conclude presentation to present cancellation to cancel participation to participate attendance to attend question to question speech to speak interruption to interrupt TASK 5 verb noun - person noun noun - person to attend attendee, attendant address addressee to participate participant physics physicist to lecture lecturer conference conferee to present presenter library librarian to speak speaker specialization specialist to chair chair advice adviser to consult consultant expertness expert to instruct instructor absence absentee to apply applicant science scientist to oppose opponent discussion discussant to arrive late latecomer nonparticipation nonparticipant TASK 6 The conference runs from July 8 to 10. The conference is hosted by the Slovak government. The conference is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education. A copy of the agenda will be circulated to delegates a month before the conference. The lectures should not exceed 45 minutes. The meetings of the sections are held in the afternoon. Martin Brick, former director of the Institute, will chair a debate, taking questions from the floor. YES/NO ACTIVITY Are the following statements true? When preparing a conference presentation:

make your talk well in advance and run through it multiple times YES

use roughly one slide per minute of talk YES use a lot of texts in your slides NO

have the salient bullet points in your slides YES YES/NO ACTIVITY Are the following statements true? When giving a scientific talk at a conference: keep eye contact with the audience YES

be aware (that) people don´t want to hear excitement in scientific talks NO

be prepared to skip a few slides to get to the end YES

make the audience feel the importance for you YES YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Are the endings in the words presentation, participation, introduction, contribution, question, conclusion, supervision, division, discussion, session, submission, occasion pronounced the same way? NO

Are pleasure and pressure pronounced the same way? NO

Are present (noun) and present (verb) pronounced the same way? NO USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY.

BIBLIOGRAPHY/SOURCES Armer, T.: Cambridge English for Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-521-1540-93 Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary. Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN-13:978-0521691963 Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English. Oxford University Press, 2002. ISBN- 13: 978 0 19 4312431 McCarthy, M., O'Dell, F.: Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2008. ISBN: 9780521689397



STUDY THE FOLLOWING USEFUL PHRASES. There are four main points to my discussion. … My main task today is to highlight … It seems to me that … I´m going to start with ... . Then, I´ll focus on … As you can see in the table … In this talk, I am going to discuss … To the right we see the legend. … In my view … There are five aspects to consider. … The blue segment represents … If you just look at … This graph shows … The aim of my talk today is to explain … Take a closer look at … I would say that …

YES/NO ACTIVITY Are these sentences correct?

We will discuss about this issue in our next session.

Please, explain me this.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Is g in legend and segment pronounced the same way?

Focus is both a noun and a verb. Is it pronounced the same way?

Is the word focus stressed on the first syllable?

This is the phonetic transcription of the word focus: [fəʊkəs]. Can you pronounce it?




a Introduce the topic/purpose of the presentation ……..

b Thank the audience for coming ……..

c Summarise the main points ……..

d Introduce yourself ……..

e Outline the structure of the presentation ……..

f Greet the audience …1…

g Open a discussion ……..

h Discuss the points as outlined ……..

i Thank the audience for listening ……..

j Reach a conclusion ……..

k Let the audience know the presentation has finished ……..

l Give instructions for asking questions ……..

YES/NO ACTIVITY Are these sentences correct?

The audience was clapping for 10 minutes after his presentation.

The audience were clapping for 10 minutes after his presentation.




department/name and surname)

introduce, coming, workers, name of the university, ladies and gentlemen,

conducted, brief, name of the department, everybody, carried out, general,

name and surname, dear colleagues

Good afternoon ……………. . Thank you very much for …………… to my presentation. Let me …………… myself. I am …………… and I am a PhD candidate at …………… University. Today I would like to give you a …………… overview of the research study I´ve been involved in. The study has been …………… by a team of research …………… at the Department of …………… at our institution.




My presentation is divided among/in/into four parts. The topic I want to describe/discuss/talk about today is … Now, let´s focus at/on/to … Just to finish what I was saying before/earlier/sooner… You mentioned/said/told before that … Just out of curiosity/interest/question, how much … ? Could you examine/expand/explore on what you mean when you say … One reason for/of/to that is … I´d like to conclude/recap/sum by reviewing the main point of the presentation. Thank you for your attention/presence/turnout.

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words and phrases correctly?

Is examinate a verb related to examination?

Does recap mean recapitulate?

Can recap be used as a noun, too?

Is it correct in English to say I would like to tell to you the latest news?

If you ask something out of interest does it mean that you really need to know the answer?

Are the phrases out of interest and out of curiosity similar in meaning?

Are the phrases out of interest and out of the question similar in meaning? TASK 5 MATCH THE BEGINNING OF EACH PHRASE WITH THE MOST APPROPRIATE ENDING. 1 Actually, a with that because … 2 One thing b I´m currently a PhD candidate 3 Just a moment, c thought about why…?

4 If you now look at this slide, d being such an attentive audience.

5 Have you ever e that you can´t really prove …

6 My name is… and f I got that wrong. It is …

7 My research focuses g on investigating how …

8 So the point is h where was I?

9 I agree i what you can see is …

10 I would like to thank you for j I should have said before is …





stating the purpose of

the presentation







referring to visual data .................................................................................






describing graphs .................................................................................






expressing your ideas .................................................................................






presenting an outline

of the presentation







YES/NO ACTIVITY Are you familiar with false friends? Some words are often misunderstood. They are written and pronounced in a similar way in both English and Slovak, but they do not mean the same. They are called false friends. Do you know any of them?

Does actually mean happening now?

In English, if you say My actual job is demanding. are you talking about your current, present job that you´re doing at the present time?

Is the word respectively in the sentence Our Czech colleagues addressed this project, respectively this part with a suggestion and we asked them to make a more concrete proposal. used correctly?

YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Is the word purpose stressed on the first syllable?

Is the word idea stressed on the first syllable?

TASK 7 FILL IN THE MISSING FORMS. USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. verb noun noun-person adjective phrase/

collocation to contribute ………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. to perform ………………. ……………………. ……………………. ……………………. to present ………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….

to speak ………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….

to talk ………………. ……………………. ……………………. …………………….



about, all, at,

brings, completes, covers, leads,

let´s, on, over,

start, summarise

I would like to …………… by …

Let me move …………… to …

This …………… to a point …

So, we´ve looked ……………, so now …………… turn our attention to …

That´s …………… I want to say ……………

So, that …………… this point.

That …………… my overview of …

Let me just go …………… the key points again.

Let me …………… what we´ve looked at.

That …………… me to the end of my talk today.



There was a rise of prices in 2013. ……………

There was a drop of levels of job satisfaction. ……………

Prices rose in 30 per cent. ……………

The mortality rate fluctuated from 1975 and 1980. ……………

House prices went high and down during the period. ……………





I think you mentioned … . Could you

just elaborate on that?


You want a speaker to explain


2 When you were discussing … you said

… . What exactly did you mean?

b You need to clear up a


3 Well, then, let me put it another way. c You ask a speaker for more detail.

4 One thing I´m still not clear about. Did you say … or am I mistaken?

d You rephrase a question.

5 Going back for a moment to what you were saying about …

e You refer to an earlier point.





Hm, that´s an interesting



You don´t understand a question.

2 I didn´t get that. Could you

repeat your question in other


b You want to correct a factual error.

3 I suppose it´s possible that …

c You give yourself time to think.

4 Sorry, no. I meant to say … d You rephrase something that you

did not say clearly.

5 Let me just explain that again. e You speculate when you do not





verb active/passive

to deliver ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

a presentation ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

the graph ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

depicts ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

to discuss ..................... ..................... ..................... ......................

an issue ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

the presentation ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

is divided into ..................... ..................... ..................... .....................

ANSWER KEY UNIT 9 YES/NO ACTIVITY Are these sentences correct?

We will discuss about this issue in our next session NO. In English it is uncommon to say discuss about. No preposition is needed. We will discuss this issue in our next session.

Please, explain me this. NO. In English you need to say Please, explain this to me. Similarly, you say Please, explain to me why this is necessary.

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Is g in legend and segment pronounced the same way? NO. In legend is is pronounced as [dž], in segment it is pronounced as [g].

Focus is both a noun and a verb. Is it pronounced the same way? YES Is the word focus stressed on the first syllable? YES This is the phonetic transcription of the word focus: [fəʊkəs]. Can you pronounce it?

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 2 a4, b2, c8, d3, e5, f1, g12, h7, i11, j9, k10, l6 YES/NO ACTIVITY Are these sentences correct?

The audience was clapping for 10 minutes after his presentation. YES

The audience were clapping for 10 minutes after his presentation. YES Audience is a collective noun and can be used with singular or plural verbs, depending on whether you are referring to audience as individuals who make up an audience or as a unit of people respectively. USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 3 (suggested answers) ladies and gentlemen/everybody/dear colleagues, coming, introduce, name and surname; name of the university; general/brief, conducted/carried out, workers, name of the department TASK 4 into; talk; on; before/earlier; mentioned/said; interest/curiosity; expand; for; conclude; attention YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you use English words and phrases correctly? Is examinate a verb related to examination? NO, the correct verb form is examine.

Does recap mean recapitulate? YES

Can recap be used as a noun, too? YES

Is it correct in English to say I would like to tell to you the latest news? NO, see the link below.

If you ask something out of interest does it mean that you really need to know the answer? NO, if you ask something out of interest you ask for information you're interested in, but have no intention of using for any other purpose.

Are the phrases out of interest and out of curiosity similar in meaning? YES

Are the phrases out of interest and out of the question similar in meaning? NO, see the links below.

USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 5 1f Actually, I got that wrong. It is …

2j One thing I should have said before is … 3h Just a moment, where was I? 4i If you now look at this slide, what you can see is … 5c Have you ever thought about why … ? 6b My name is… and I´m currently a PhD candidate at … 7g My research focuses on investigating how … 8e So the point is that you can´t really prove … 9a I agree with that because … 10d I would like to thank you for being such an attentive audience. TASK 6 Stating the purpose of the presentation: My main task today is to highlight …/ In this talk, I am going to discuss …/ The aim of my talk today is to explain … Referring to visual data: As you can see in the table …/ If you just look at …/ Take a closer look at … Describing graphs: To the right we see the legend./ The blue segment represents …/ This graph shows … Expressing your ideas: It seems to me that …/ In my view …/ I would say that … Presenting an outline of the presentation: There are four main points to my discussion …/ I´m going to start with … . Then, I´ll focus on …/ There are five aspects to consider. YES/NO ACTIVITY Are you familiar with false friends? Do you know any of them?

Does actually mean happening now? NO, it means in fact, really.

In English, if you say My actual job is demanding. are you talking about your current, present job that you´re doing at the present time? NO, you are talking about your real job/occupation, see the link below.

Is the word respectively in the sentence Our Czech colleagues addressed this project, respectively this part with a suggestion and we asked them to make a more concrete proposal. used correctly? NO, it could be substituted with e.g. or more precisely. See the link below to find out about the meaning and use of respectively.

Is it okay if I say ' my actual job ' when I mean “my current job'? Are actual and current synonyms? - Quora USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. YES/NO ACTIVITY Do you pronounce English words correctly?

Is the word purpose stressed on the first syllable? YES Is the word idea stressed on the first syllable? NO, it is stressed on the second syllable - [aɪˈdɪə]

(BrE), [aɪˈdiːə] (AmE) USE A DICTIONARY IF NECESSARY. TASK 7 (suggested answers) contribution, contributor, contributory, to contribute to, make a contribution to sth., etc. performance, performer, performative, to perform well in, to give a performance, etc. presentation, presenter, presentational, to deliver a presentation about, etc. speech, speaker, spoken, to introduce a key-note speaker, to give a speech, to make a speech etc. talk, talker, talkative, to give a talk about, etc. TASK 8 I would like to START by … Let me move ON to …

This LEADS to a point … So, we´ve looked AT, so now LET´S turn our attention to … That´s ALL I want to say ABOUT So, that COVERS this point. That COMPLETES my overview of … Let me just go OVER the key points again. Let me SUMMARISE what we´ve looked at. That BRINGS me to the end of my talk today. TASK 9 There are so many positive responses as negative ones. AS There was a rise of prices in 2013. IN There was a drop of levels of job satisfaction. IN Prices rose in 30 per cent. BY The mortality rate fluctuated from 1975 and 1980. TO House prices went high and down during the period. UP TASK 10 1c (I think you mentioned … . Could you just elaborate on that? = You ask a speaker for more detail.) 2a (When you were discussing … you said … . What exactly did you mean? = You want a speaker to explain things.) 3d (Well, then, let me put it another way. = You rephrase a question.) 4b (One thing I´m still not clear about. Did you say … or am I mistaken? = You need to clear up a misunderstanding.) 5e (Going back for a moment to what you were saying about … = You refer to an earlier point.) TASK 11 1c (Hm, that´s an interesting question. = You give yourself time to think.) 2a (I didn´t get that. Could you repeat your question in other words? = You don´t understand a question.) 3e (I suppose it´s possible that … = You speculate when you do not know.) 4b (Sorry, no. I meant to say … = You want to correct a factual error.) 5d (Let me just explain that again. = You rephrase something that you did not say clearly.) BIBLIOGRAPHY/SOURCES Armer, T.: Cambridge English for Scientists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. ISBN: 9780-521-1540-93. Burton, G.: Presenting. Deliver presentations with confidence. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 2013. Powell, M.: Dynamic Presentations. Cambridge: CUP, 2010. Williams, E.J.: Presentations in English. London: Macmillan Education, 2008.

Angličtina v akademickom prostredí (cvičebnica) English for Doctoral Students Vysokoškolská učebnica

Autorky: Mgr. Zuzana Kolaříková, PhD. PhDr. Helena Petruňová, CSc. doc. Mgr. Renáta Timková, PhD.

Vydavateľ: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach Vydavateľstvo ŠafárikPress

Rok vydania: 2021 Počet strán: 100 Rozsah: 4,63 AH Vydanie: 2. doplnené a rozšírené

ISBN 978-80-574-0044-8 (e-publikácia)
