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King’s India InstituteAnnual Report 2015

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Introduction: from the Director

During 2014, the India Institute has built on its range of research, policy and teaching activities, and has furthered its work across King’s to deepen the College’s engagement with India, while contributing to London and the UK’s understanding of India’s fast-changing realities. This report covers the main activities and achievements of the Institute in our third full year of operations.

Our range of partnerships and collaborations continue to expand. The India Institute launched two new programmes, both supported by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). The Chevening Gurukul programme brought 14 Indian mid-career professionals, selected for their leadership potential, to the India Institute for a 12-week programme. The Chevening Parliamentarians programme enabled us to host nine Indian Members of Parliament, identified as rising leaders within their respective political parties, for a week of intensive briefings, seminars, and site visits. Both were demanding programmes, whose success was built on cooperation with colleagues across King’s, and we are grateful to all involved. We have also continued to deliver FCO training courses for serving UK diplomats and government officials, and both the five-day and one-day courses ran several times during the year.

The Tagore Centre for Global Thought, supported by the Indian Ministry of Culture and assisted by the High Commission of India in London, hosted a number of lectures as well as a film series – more details on its activities are available in the Centre’s separate 2015 Annual Report. We had a visit by a senior team from the Government of India’s Department of Personnel and Training, and our collaboration with them enables 12 officers of the Indian Administrative Services to come to King’s to study for their Master’s degrees. Our partnership with the investment firm Baillie Gifford offers a Prize Fellowship worth £32,000 for study on our Masters of Research degree programme. The annual Fellowship we run with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)

Introduction: from the Director ..................... 3

Faculty ................................... 6

Students ............................... 18

Student Internships & Professional Development ... 19

Tagore Centre for Global Thought ................... 20

Visiting Fellows & Annual Lectures .............. 21

Partnerships & Support ....... 25

Executive Education ............ 28

Events .................................. 30

Associate Faculty ................. 36

Senior Advisory Council ..... 37

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Department of War Studies. Our PhD students have continued to make progress in their research, and some are due to submit their dissertations during 2015. We admitted several new students to our PhD programme, and the size of our PhD cohort now stands at 31 in just its fourth year of intake. The growth of our PhD community and the diversity of research topics, as well as our increasing number of post-doctoral Fellows, have helped create a stimulating and I think quite unique inter-disciplinary research environment for the study of contemporary India.

At King’s, the tenure of our new President and Principal, Ed Byrne, began in September, and the India Institute greatly looks forward to working with him to expand College-wide engagement with India and to deepen the India Institute’s own capacities to contribute to the UK-India relationship. The wider environment remained often a challenging one for the India Institute. The numbers of students coming to the UK from India, which halved during the first two years of the India Institute’s existence, continued to fall – an effect of UK Government policies. Internal administrative changes within King’s introduced some uncertainties, hopefully now resolved so that the India Institute can continue forward with its mission: to develop innovative types of interdisciplinary research and policy ideas across the range of the social sciences, humanities and cultural fields.

We hope you will enjoy reading about our progress during 2014. As always, that progress depends on our faculty, our students, and our supporters and friends. And we are grateful to all of you for your interest and support. We are particularly grateful to the members of our distinguished Senior Advisory Council, who have been ever generous with their counsel, support and friendship. We look to all of you for advice on how we can improve our activities and connect our research and teaching to wider audiences. We particularly welcome your comments on this report and the activities it notes.

Sunil Khilnani

resumes in 2015, when we welcome Dr SY Quraishi, India’s former Chief Election Commissioner, as our third FICCI-India Institute Fellow.

The Institute hosted a number of distinguished Fellows, scholars and speakers during the year, including Professors Arjun Appadurai, Jonardon Ganeri and Uday Singh Mehta, and India’s former Foreign Secretary and Ambassador to Washington, Nirupama Rao. We were particularly delighted to have Professor Niraja Gopal Jayal with us as our ICCR Visiting Professor. Professor Deepa Ollapally and Dr Kenmei Tsubota joined us as Visiting Fellows, and we hosted a number of other post-doctoral Fellows. Our weekly research seminar has continued to flourish, with a wide range of speakers, and is now an essential venue for current research on contemporary India. In conjunction with the Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust, we hosted lectures by Neil MacGregor, Director of the British Museum, and by Shivshankar Menon, India’s former National Security Advisor. Overall, the India Institute organised 61 lectures, seminars and events during 2014 – a sign of the Institute’s engagement with new scholarship and public debate.

The 2014 Indian elections and change of government meant that our Faculty were in demand as commentators and analysts: we figured widely in the media, with nearly 100 newspaper articles and columns published by India Institute faculty, as well as several books and a good number of academic articles. We welcomed a new member of Faculty – Dr Adnan Naseemullah, Lecturer in International Relations and South Asia, jointly appointed with the Department of War Studies, and Dr Sandipto Dasgupta, our Royal Society Newton Fellow began his two-year tenure with us. Our Associate Faculty has also grown, and offers an invaluable expansion of our core in-house expertise.

During 2014 five students graduated from our MA Contemporary India and nine from our MA South Asia & Global Security, run jointly with the

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Professor Sunil Khilnani Sunil Khilnani is Avantha Professor and Director of the King’s India Institute. Formerly Starr Foundation Professor and Founder-Director of South Asia Studies at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington DC, he teaches on MA Contemporary India and supervises PhD students at the India Institute.

During 2014, in addition to his usual directorial duties, he oversaw the Foreign and Commonwealth Office programmes run by the India Institute and delivered several international lectures – in Belgium, Berlin and New Delhi, as well as participating in and chairing sessions at international business and political meetings. He contributed the concluding chapter, ‘India’s Rise: The Search for Wealth and Power in the 21st Century’, to the Oxford Handbook on Indian Foreign Policy, edited by Srinath Raghavan and colleagues, and he was also at work on a major radio series for BBC Radio 4 and the BBC World Service, which is due to begin broadcast in May 2015. Entitled ‘Incarnations: 50 Indian Lives and Afterlives’, the 50-part series will be published as a book of essays by Penguin in 2015.

Dr Louise TillinDr Louise Tillin is Lecturer in Politics and Deputy Director of the King’s India Institute. She is Programme Director of the MA and MRes Contemporary India, and supervises seven PhD students. Her research focuses on comparing sub-national political regimes and on the politics and policy outcomes of regional and federal dynamics in India.

Louise’s book Remapping India: New States and their Political Origins was published in India in 2014 and has continued to receive positive reviews and media attention. In new publications, she has compared federal restructuring in India and Nepal (Modern Asian Studies 2015), and the historical admission of new states into the American Federation with India’s processes of state creation (Political Studies forthcoming). Her latest research focuses on how politics across India’s states shape their emergent welfare regimes, and she has concluded a three-year British Academy International Partnership between the India Institute and the Lokniti network entitled ‘Comparative State Politics and Public Policy in India’. An edited volume Politics of Welfare: Comparisons across Indian States will be published in 2015.

In 2014, she commented frequently on the Indian general elections, appearing on BBC TV and radio, Al Jazeera, Bloomberg TV, and El Globo amongst others, and was a regular columnist for Indian Express.

She led an election workshop at the India Institute in June 2014, and was invited to guest edit a special issue of the journal Contemporary South Asia on the election, to publish in June 2015. She has been on maternity leave for much of the academic year 2014-15.


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Dr Rudra ChaudhuriDr Rudra Chaudhuri is jointly appointed as Senior Lecturer at the India Institute and the Department of War Studies, and is Programme Director of MA South Asia & Global Security. The 2014 cohort included officers from the Indian Administrative Services and the Indian Army, staff from the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the

Department of International Development (DFID), Afghan diplomats, risk analysts, entrepreneurs, and journalists. Winner of a King’s Teaching Excellence Award in 2013, Rudra was again nominated in 2014. Rudra is also the Programme Director of a number of short courses tailored for the FCO and the Chevening Parliamentary Leadership Programme.

Rudra’s research focuses on the diplomatic history of South Asia since 1947 and on processes of political reconciliation in Afghanistan. His interest in history and archival-based research is founded on the belief that there is an urgent need to recover post-1947 Indian international history, in order to better appreciate current policy challenges.

Rudra’s latest book, Forged in Crisis: India and the United States Since 1947, (New York: Oxford University Press; London: Hurst; New Delhi: Harper

Collins) received excellent reviews, including in leading newspapers such as the Financial Times, The Hindu, Business Standard and The Asian Age. He is currently working on a biography of Indian diplomat VK Krishna Menon and a history of the 1965 war in South Asia.

A columnist for The Telegraph, he also contributes to other newspapers including The Asian Age, Indian Express, Business Line, and The Hindu. He is a regular

media commentator, and in 2014 appeared on BBC Newsnight, BBC Radio 4, Channel 4 News, and Radio Monocle.

Dr Sandipto DasguptaDr Sandipto Dasgupta joined the India Institute in 2014 as the Newton International Fellow of the Royal Society and the British Academy, from Harvard University where he was a lecturer in Social Studies.

Sandipto’s scholarly interests lie in the theory and practice of law and politics in India. He received

his PhD in Political Science from Columbia University in 2014. His doctoral dissertation, which he is now revising for publication as a book, reconstructs a distinct theory of constitutionalism for the 20th century through the study of the Indian Constitution. This year, he published an article based on his research and was invited to present his work at seminars and conferences in the UK, United States, and India. He also started research and fieldwork for his next project, focusing on the judicial activism of the Supreme Court of India.

In addition, Sandipto published an article in Foreign Policy on Indian party politics, and appeared on Al Jazeera as an expert commentator on the topic. Sandipto is leading the India Institute’s activities in law, constitutionalism and politics.

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Ian JackIan Jack is one of Britain’s most respected investigative reporters and columnists, and a former editor of the literary magazine, Granta. He began his career in Scotland in the 1960s and moved to London to join The Sunday Times in 1970. From 1977 to 1986 he reported from India and South Asia lived for long stretches in Delhi and Kolkata –

a period that included both Mrs Gandhi’s Emergency and her assassination. He now writes a weekly column for The Guardian and less regularly for The Telegraph in Kolkata.

One of the leading practitioners in his field, Ian teaches the course ‘Reporting India’ on the MA Contemporary India at King’s India Institute, and provides our PhD and Masters students with guidance on investigative techniques, writing skills and long-form narrative writing.

In 2014 Ian wrote an extended essay on Britishness, published in The Guardian just before the referendum on Scottish independence (September 18). He also published a piece in The London Review of Books on the defence writer Chapman Pincher and two pieces in The New York Review of Books – one a review of a biography of the Urdu story writer Saadat Hasan Manto, and another on the political outlook for post-referendum Scotland. He commissioned and edited a special India issue of Granta magazine (published in January 2015), which launched at the Jaipur Literary Festival.

Professor Christophe JaffrelotChristophe Jaffrelot is Professor of Indian Politics and Sociology at the King’s India Institute. He is also Professor at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and teaches South Asian politics and history at Sciences Po in Paris. Internationally recognized as one of the leading scholars on Indian politics, Christophe’s wide-

ranging research encompasses theories of nationalism and democracy, the mobilization of lower castes and untouchables in India, the Hindu nationalist movement, and ethnic conflicts in Pakistan.

Christophe spent the autumn of 2014 at Princeton University as a Princeton Global Scholar. He also co-taught the course ‘Religion and Politics in the Middle East and South Asia’ at Columbia University. In 2014 he was awarded the Prix Brienne (French Ministry of Defence) and the Prix de l’Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques for his book Le syndrome pakistanais, and a Ramnath Goenka Award for Excellence in Journalism, in the Commentary and Interpretative Writing category.

This year he also edited L’Inde contemporaine. De 1990 à aujourd’hui and co-edited a special issue of Modern Asian Studies, entitled Networks of Religious Learning and the Dissemination of Religious Knowledge across Asia, and published a number of journal and other academic articles.

He writes a regular column for The Indian Express on Indian and Pakistani affairs, and contributes commentary and interviews to other Indian newspapers such as Business Standard, DNA and Economic Times, magazines such as Outlook, and websites such as

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Dr Kriti KapilaDr Kriti Kapila is Lecturer in Social Anthropology and Law at the India Institute. Kriti’s research focuses on the work of law and regimes of evidence around cultural difference. This work examines the politics of recognition, looking at overlaps and disjunctures between official, popular and academic understandings

of the category ‘tribe’ in contemporary India.

Kriti teaches the MA course ‘Law, Politics and Social Change’. As Convenor of the PhD Contemporary India Programme, she developed two new team-taught courses in research methodology. She continues to convene the weekly research seminar series ‘India@King’s’, which is now a premier platform for research on contemporary India in the London area. Kriti also convened the third annual MN Srinivas Memorial Lecture hosted by the India Institute in partnership with the Royal Anthropological Institute. The 2014 lecture was delivered by Professor Arjun Appadurai (New York University) and was attended by upwards of 200 people.

After successfully leading the bid in 2013, this year Kriti created and directed the first King’s Chevening Gurukul Leadership Programme. The 12-week programme funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office was launched by the India Institute in September 2014. The participants were 14 specially selected early to mid-career professionals from India, all of whom successfully graduated from the programme in December 2014. Also in 2014, Kriti recorded a podcast for International Women’s Day on social change in India in the wake of the 2012 rape incident in New Delhi, and lectured at the National Institute of Biogenomic Medicine in Kolkata. She was also commissioned by The Times to write an article on the multiple deaths in sterilisation camps in central India, and was interviewed on the topic by The Wall Street Journal.

Dr Sunil Mitra KumarDr Sunil Mitra Kumar is Lecturer in Economics at the India Institute. His research interests focus on the processes and problems of economic development, the use of household surveys in addressing these questions, and the notions of causation that are usually inherent in these. He is currently researching the role

of randomised controlled trials in assessing policies for public systems in developing countries.

Together with Paul Segal of the International Development Institute at King’s, Sunil is developing an undergraduate curriculum for Introductory Microeconomics relevant to emerging economies, and incorporating insights from behavioural economics. As part of a UKIERI-supported partnership between King’s, the Institute for Social and Economic Change, and Azim Premji University focused on private schools in India, Sunil is also developing teaching content on quantitative approaches to comparing private and government schools: this will be offered as a taught module in 2015. In collaboration with colleagues at the University of East Anglia, Sunil has developed a very successful short course on impact evaluation for mid-career professionals, which he taught this year for the fourth year running.

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Dr Adnan NaseemullahDr Adnan Naseemullah was appointed in September 2014 as Lecturer in International Relations and South Asia, jointly at the India Institute and the Department of War Studies. His research interests include the political economy of industrial development, state formation and political order, all in relation to the South Asian region.

Before joining King’s, Adnan was Scharf Fellow in Political Economy at Johns Hopkins University and has previously taught in the Government Department at the London School of Economics. He received his MA and PhD in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley and BA in Political Science and Economics at Swarthmore College.

He is currently co-teaching the core course on the MA South Asia & Global Security, and will be teaching India’s Political Economy in the spring of 2015. In 2014, he published articles on explaining political order and disorder in Pakistan’s tribal areas and on the politics of developmental state institutions in Pakistan and Turkey, both in Studies in Comparative International Development. He also published an article on types of indirect rule arrangements in colonial and post-colonial South Asia in Governance, and a piece for The Washington Post on the Pakistani Taliban.

Professor Harsh V Pant Harsh V Pant holds a joint appointment with the Department of Defence Studies and the India Institute as Professor of International Relations. He teaches on the core modules of the MA Contemporary India, offers a module on Indian foreign and security policy, and is the convenor of the ‘Introduction to South Asia’

course, offered by India Institute as part of the BA International Relations programme in the War Studies Department from 2015.

He is an Adjunct Fellow (non-resident) with the Wadhwani Chair in US-India Policy Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington DC, a Visiting Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, and held a Leverhulme Fellowship in 2013-14. He is presently leading a trilateral project entitled ‘Afghanistan beyond 2014’ involving King’s, Johns Hopkins University and Jadavpur University, funded by the UK-India Education Research Initiative (UKIERI), and is the principal investigator of a US Army War College-funded project on the future trajectory of Indian nuclear posture, and a project on the US ‘pivot’ towards the Asia-Pacific. His recent books include two co-edited volumes, India’s Foreign Policy: A Reader and India’s National Security: A Reader, and an authored book, India’s Afghan Muddle. He is a columnist and commentator for a number of media outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The Japan Times, The National (UAE),

The Diplomat, The New Indian Express, Deccan Herald, Daily News and Analysis and The Tribune.

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Dr Jahnavi Phalkey Dr Jahnavi Phalkey is Lecturer in History of Science and Technology and Convenor of Post Graduate Teaching at the India Institute. This year saw the completion of two major projects. A co-edited volume, Key Concepts in Modern Indian Studies published by Oxford University Press and New York University Press is in press; and the inaugural issue of the

British Journal for History of Science – Themes will carry papers from research collaboration on twentieth century China and India, which Jahnavi has led over the last four years.

Jahnavi became a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK in May 2014. She was also elected President of the Science and Empires Commission (2013-17) of the International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, UNESCO, and was awarded a grant-in-aid by the American Institute of Physics towards the completion of her first documentary film.

She continues to develop the Institute’s Indian collaborations: she co-organised, with Jon Wilson (History) and Neeladri Bhattacharya (Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi) a workshop on ‘State Power in Modern India’ (December 2014). Jahnavi is also mentoring two

postdoctoral candidates on the Max Weber Foundation-funded project ‘Poverty and Education in India’. She is at work as External Curator on a major exhibition on the history of modern Indian Science, to open at the Science Museum in London in 2017.

Dr Srinath RaghavanDr Srinath Raghavan is a Senior Research Fellow at the King’s India Institute and the Centre for Policy Research in Delhi. Based between London and New Delhi, he jointly convenes with Dr Rudra Chaudhuri the core teaching for the MA South Asia & Global Security, which is run by the India Institute and the Department of War Studies. Before joining

academia, he spent six years as an infantry officer in the Indian army.

Srinath’s research interests are in the contemporary history of India, international politics of South Asia, Indian military history, and India’s foreign and defence policies since 1947. He is the author of War and Peace in Modern India: A Strategic History of the Nehru Years (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), and 1971: A Global History of the Creation of Bangladesh (Harvard, 2013), which received outstanding reviews during the year. The editor of Imperialists, Nationalists, Democrats: Collected Essays of Sarvepalli Gopal (Permanent Black, 2013), he is also one of the authors of Non-Alignment 2.0: A Foreign and Strategic Policy for India in the Twenty First Century (Penguin, 2013).

He is a regular commentator in leading Indian newspapers and magazines including The Hindu, The Economic Times and Economic & Political Weekly, and frequently appears on Indian television. He has recently completed his two-year tenure as a member of the National Security Advisory Board constituted by the Prime Minister of India.

Srinath’s major study on India and the Second World War will be published in 2015 (Allen Lane, UK; Basic Books, USA). He has also co-edited the Oxford Handbook on Indian Foreign Policy which will be published in July 2015. He is now writing a book on American involvement in South Asia from 1939 to the present, while also researching a history of India in the long 1970s. In December 2014, he was appointed Official Historian of the Kargil War by the Government of India.

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October 2014 marked the fourth intake of PhD students to the India Institute. We now have a total of 31 PhD candidates, in fields that encompass India’s foreign policy, global media, international relations, political science and political economy, public policy, migration and history. During 2014, 6 MA and MRes students graduated from our taught postgraduate programmes, and 7 MA and MRes students joined us and are due to graduate in 2015.

The annual Graduate Forum, organised and led by our PhD students, has established itself as a lively arena for the presentation of research in progress. This 2014 Graduate Forum on the theme ‘Re-thinking ‘Contemporary’ India’ was attended by young researchers from the UK, India, the USA and Canada.

I chose the MRes in Contemporary India degree because it’s a one-of-a-kind programme that combines exceptional academic expertise on India with a vibrant and intellectually rich academic setting in the heart of London. My research will focus on understanding the interplay between technology policy and global technology control regimes, and their influence on

India’s semiconductor industry and economic/cyber security.Ramesh Balakrishnan, MRes Contemporary India, 2014 cohort

I elected to pursue a PhD after working in the think tank industry for about seven years. The King’s India Institute was an obvious choice because of the mixture of contemporary policy-oriented research on India and academic rigour provided by a high-calibre faculty. Here I have had the opportunity to engage with academics and students working

on a multitude of topics and issues facing South Asia, which has already benefited my PhD research project. Rosheen Kabraji, PhD Contemporary India Research, 2014 cohort

Students Student Internships & Professional Development

The India Institute is committed to guiding our students in their employment and professional career needs, and we run active professional development and internship programmes. We offer support to all students who wish to take an internship in the period between completing their studies in September and graduating the following January. Our graduating cohort of students from the MA Contemporary India (2013-2014) have been placed in a range of internships with organisations in the UK and India including New Delhi Television Limited, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, CGNet based in Bhopal, and the ABC Trust.

To further build the employability of our graduates, we run a Professional Development and Careers Network, led by Dr Sunil Mitra Kumar. Students are able to interact with invited visitors from a range of fields to discuss potential careers. During 2014, students heard presentations from distinguished speakers such as Dalip Pathak, Former Managing Director of the investment firm Warburg Pincus, and from staff at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The India Institute also collaborated with the Brazil Institute and the International Development Institute on a scenario-based professional development workshop. The one-day exercise presented the dilemmas faced by high-level decision-makers by simulating a government situation at which the 2014 budget is discussed.

I interned with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation from September to December 2014, where I worked on two projects: one looking at sustainable solutions to the housing needs of the Roma and Traveller communities in the UK, and another on the impact of Universal Credit on the social housing sector. The internship allowed me to engage deeply with the policy process in the UK, and I found a number of parallels between the UK and India on issues such as social housing, poverty, and migration. This played a huge role in consolidating a lot of what I had learnt during my Masters.Kunal Joshi, MA Contemporary India, 2013 cohort

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Tagore Centre for Global Thought

Officially inaugurated in 2013 by the Indian Minister of Culture, the India Institute’s Tagore Centre for Global Thought has had an active year of events, seminars and film screenings. Through its programmes and its PhD scholarships, the first of which were awarded in 2014, the Centre continues to expand and fulfil its mission of fostering original research on India’s intellectual traditions and their relationship to global debates, and to connect renowned scholars with the wider community, creating a forum for debating India’s intellectual riches.

Over the past twelve months, the Tagore Centre has welcomed distinguished scholars and speakers from across the world. Speakers at the Centre in 2014 included Professor Tansen Sen, Dr Prasenjit Saha, Professor Uday Mehta, Ambassador Nirupama Rao, Professor Chandak Sengoopta, Professor Jonardon Ganeri, Dr Molly Emma Aitken, Dr Allison Busch, and Dr Katherine Butler Schofield. The Centre also hosted a successful film series, ‘Avant-Garde Tagore: Thinking Through Cinema’.

In 2014 the Tagore Centre welcomed its first PhD students, Ankita Banerjee and Prerna Bhardwaj. It also hosted Anushka Singh from the Department of Political Science, University of Delhi as part of its Visiting PhD Scholars programme from April to June 2014.

A separate Annual Report 2015 for the Tagore Centre’s activities is available and can be found on the Tagore Centre section of the India Institute webpage.

Visiting Fellows & Annual Lectures

Every year, the India Institute is host to a number of visiting Fellows and Scholars, and during 2014 we were delighted to have with us a number of distinguished Visiting Fellows as well as younger scholars.

Professor Arjun AppaduraiProfessor MN Srinivas Annual Memorial Lecture, March 2014

Professor Arjun Appadurai of New York University visited the India Institute in March 2014 to deliver the third MN Srinivas Memorial Lecture. The lecture was entitled ‘The Ecology of Failure: Reflections on Democracy, Participation and Development’, and it examined how and why development projects in the post-war period

often failed to achieve their desired aims. The MN Srinivas Lecture was created in 2012 in honour of the pioneering anthropologist who was best known for his work on social change, democracy and caste mobility in India. Each year, the India Institute in association with the Royal Anthropological Institute invites a scholar who has made the world think differently about social change and stability in India.

Ms Anushka SinghUniversity of Delhi, April – June 2014

Ms Anushka Singh of the University of Delhi came to the India Institute as our first PhD Visiting Scholar supported by the Tagore Centre for Global Thought. Commenting on her fellowship tenure at the India Institute, Anushka said: “My research is on the concept of sedition within liberal democracies, where England features prominently as an

illustration of liberal democracy. I could get in touch with people working around the field I’m interested in, and I had meetings and interviews with journalists, activists and a Member of Parliament.”

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Ambassador Nirupama RaoDr S Gopal Annual Memorial Lecture, May 2014

The third Dr S Gopal Memorial Lecture was given at the Tagore Centre for Global Thought by Ambassador Nirupama Rao, India’s former Foreign Secretary, former Indian Ambassador to China and the United States of America, and High Commissioner to Sri Lanka. The lecture, entitled ‘The Politics of History: India and China,

1949-62’, considered this critical period in relations between the two countries, which culminated in the Sino-Indian War in 1962. The Dr S Gopal Annual Lecture was established in 2012 to honour Dr Sarvepalli Gopal, one of modern India’s foremost historians and intellectuals, and to encourage the type of public engagement that we associate with Dr Gopal’s career.

Dr Adam AuerbachAmerican University, May – June 2014

Dr Adam Auerbach is Assistant Professor at American University in Washington DC. In 2014 he was Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow at the India Institute, under a trilateral research project on India’s political economy in partnership with the University of California (Berkeley) and the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research in Mumbai,

funded by the UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI). Adam’s research focuses on informal governance, clientelism, and public goods provision in India. At King’s, Adam carried out archival research for a project on distributive politics and development in the tribal areas of central India. He also delivered a research seminar on patterns of party networks and resource distribution in India’s urban slums, and spoke at a workshop on the Indian general election.

Professor Niraja Gopal JayalJawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), September – December 2014

Niraja Gopal Jayal is Professor at the Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, JNU, New Delhi and is one of India’s most respected political scientists. She was appointed Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) Visiting Professor in Contemporary India at the India Institute in 2014. While here, she taught Masters and PhD

students, gave a well-attended talk entitled ‘Contending Representative Claims in Indian Democracy’, and led a day-long workshop on her recent book Citizenship and its Discontents: An Indian History. Professor Jayal commented: “It has been wonderful to participate in the energetic intellectual life of the India Institute, to engage with its faculty and students, and to have the opportunity to meet a range of colleagues from fields as diverse as political philosophy, law and education policy. I return home intellectually rejuvenated.”

Dr Surbhi DayalUniversity of Rajasthan, September – December 2014

Dr Surbhi Dayal is a Senior Lecturer at Government Arts College, University of Rajasthan, India. She is an ethnographer and her research interests involve study of sex-workers, dance bar girls and denotified tribes. Her PhD at Jawaharlal Nehru University was a multi-sited ethnography on the community of traditional entertainers,

the Kanjar. Surbhi is engaged in developing an education model for children of sex-workers in association with two NGOs, and also serves as a consultant at Indira Gandhi Open University, India. During her term at the India Institute on a Commonwealth Academic Fellowship, she worked on creativity in primary education and explored the primary education system of the UK.

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Dr Deepa M OllapallyGeorge Washington University, October 2014 – August 2015

Dr Deepa M Ollapally is Research Professor of International Affairs and Director of the Rising Powers Initiative at the Sigur Center for Asian Studies, George Washington University. She is a leading expert on domestic sources of India’s strategic policy, the role of identity in South Asian regional security, and the

comparative policy discourse of aspiring powers. Her wide-ranging publications include Worldviews of Aspiring Powers: Domestic Foreign Policy Debates in China, India, Iran, Japan and Russia (co-editor and author) in 2012, and articles on India’s national identity contestation and on India-China relations in 2014. At the India Institute she is completing a manuscript for an edited volume, Nuclear Debates in Asia: The Role of Geopolitics and Domestic Processes, based on research work sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation. She is also working on a project assessing economic interdependence and strategic rivalry in India’s foreign policy towards China.

Dr Kenmei TsubotaJapan External Trade Organization, October 2014 – October 2015

Dr Kenmei Tsubota is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO). He has held this position since 2010, and is an expert on spatial economics, urban economics and development economics. He is currently leading a project looking into economic

division in colonial India, whilst also conducting other projects on the interdisciplinary study of human trafficking and geographical simulation analysis on physical and institutional infrastructure improvements in Asian countries. He intends to develop this work further at the India Institute.

Partnerships & Support

It is part of the India Institute’s mission to build partnerships and collaborations with government, business and individuals in India, the UK and elsewhere. We have already established a number of such relationships, all of which have contributed to academic research, teaching, policy interventions, and wider public debate concerning India and its global context.

The Avantha GroupOne of India’s leading global business organisations, The Avantha Group has a strong record of supporting work on social issues. In November 2011, Avantha made a generous gift to the India Institute to establish the Avantha Chair accompanying the Institute’s Directorship. Professor Sunil Khilnani was appointed as the first holder of this prestigious new position. This gift has provided essential support in the Institute’s aim to establish itself as a globally recognised leader in research and policy analysis on India.

Baillie Gifford Prize FellowshipSince September 2013 the India Institute has partnered with the Edinburgh-based investment firm Baillie Gifford & Co to offer an annual Fellowship for a student on the MRes Contemporary India programme. The Fellowship is open both to graduate candidates and professionals seeking a one-year academic sabbatical, and covers tuition fees and a stipend for living costs. The 2014 Baillie Gifford Prize was awarded to Ramesh Balakrishnan.

Charles Wallace Visiting FellowshipFrom the academic year 2014-5, the Charles Wallace India Trust will sponsor a biennial three-month Visiting Fellowship at the India Institute, based around the arts, humanities or history. The Visiting Fellow will engage with students and staff at the India Institute, and participate in a variety of public interactions. He/she will also produce a piece of high quality research during the Fellowship.

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Department of Personnel and Training, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of IndiaThe India Institute has established a scheme with the Government of India’s Department of Personnel and Training which enables up to 12 nominated Indian Administrative Service officers to study for their Masters degrees at King’s College London. Currently two programmes are eligible: the India Institute – Department of War Studies joint MA South Asia & Global Security, and the MA Public Policy & Management. From 2015, the India Institute’s MA Contemporary India will also be available under this scheme.

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI)FICCI sponsors an annual Visiting Fellowship at King’s India Institute of up to three months by a person of eminence and recognized achievement in India in the field of business, public policy, government or the media. The FICCI-India Institute Fellow gives lectures, mentors students, interacts with policy and business networks in the UK, and works on a policy research paper published at the end of his/her tenure. After a one-year break in 2014, in 2015 King’s India Institute will welcome Dr SY Quraishi, the former Chief Election Commissioner of India as our FICCI-India Institute Fellow.

Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)ICCR was established by the Government of India in 1950 to foster mutual understanding between India and other countries. Furthering this aim, each year ICCR sponsors a Visiting Professor at King’s College London, who helps to develop research and teaching at King’s and at his/her own home institution. The Visiting Professor in 2014, Professor Niraja Gopal Jayal of Jawaharlal Nehru University, was based at the India Institute from September to December.

Indian & European Advanced Research Network (IEARN)IEARN is an informal network of research institutions which fosters cooperation between European and Indian scholars through common interests. The India Institute has strong links with IEARN though Sunil Khilnani, who was one of its founders and is Chairman of the Steering Committee. During 2014, a workshop was held jointly with the Victoria and Albert Museum, whose Director Martin Roth is also a member of IEARN’s Steering Committee.

Mazumdar Studentship Dr Dipak Mazumdar and Professor Pauline Mazumdar have generously founded the Mazumdar Studentship for Indian Studies in the Social Sciences, which provides support to a student from India for three years of his or her PhD studies at the India Institute. The first Mazumdar Studentship was awarded to Aasim Khan.

Ministry of Culture, Government of IndiaKing’s India Institute signed an agreement with the Ministry of Culture, Government of India in the 150th birth anniversary year of the poet and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. This partnership established the Tagore Centre for Global Thought at the Institute, dedicated to exploring India’s intellectual traditions through a wide range of research and public-facing activities.

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Executive Education

The India Institute hosts a number of programmes of executive education, which are developed with partners in order to meet their specific educational needs.

Training for UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office staffKing’s delivers training courses for Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other UK government staff whose work is related to South Asia. The programme is directed by Dr Rudra Chaudhuri, and managed by Rosheen Kabraji. It is taught by Faculty staff of the King’s India Institute and the Department of War Studies, with contributions from external experts and practitioners. The training courses range in length from 1 to 5 days, and a total of two 1-day courses and two 5-day courses were delivered in 2014. The curriculum examines the key political and strategic issues around South Asia and Afghanistan. 180 FCO diplomats and analysts from across the UK government have graduated from this course since 2012, including the present Political Director of the FCO, the former Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Foreign Secretary, British Deputy High Commissioners to India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, and the present High Commissioner to Sri Lanka.I was very impressed by the range of speakers, from former political advisers to academics to legal practitioners. I think this made each lecture interesting and contextualised the issues. Course participant

Chevening Gurukul Leadership programme In September 2014 the India Institute welcomed our first cohort of Chevening Gurukul Fellows. The King’s Chevening Gurukul Leadership Programme, developed by the India Institute and directed by Dr Kriti Kapila, is aimed at early to mid-career professionals with demonstrable leadership potential, and is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office’s flagship fellowship scheme for India. This year’s cohort included civil servants, economists, civil society activists, social and investment

entrepreneurs and healthcare professionals from across India. The programme ran over 12 weeks, with seminars, lectures and site visits, including a visit to Edinburgh during the Scottish referendum, a trip to Geneva, and visits to Tata Steel, BAE Systems and the BBC newsroom. A highlight was the inaugural King’s Chevening Gurukul Distinguished Lecture, given by Shami Chakrabarti CBE, Director of Liberty. The visit to BAE offered a unique opportunity to witness manufacturing of high end defence aerospace components. It gave a glimpse of the fiercely tech-savvy precision and finest feats of UK aerospace engineering. A truly unforgettable experience! Dr Shefali Juneja, Director, Ministry of Civil Aviation (International Cooperation)

Chevening Parliamentary Leadership ProgrammeIn November 2014 we also welcomed nine of India’s rising parliamentarians for the Chevening Parliamentary Leadership Programme. The programme is funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and was developed by King’s India Institute together with the Professional & Executive Development team. Directed by Dr Rudra Chaudhuri, it is designed to give Indian MPs the opportunity to engage in discussions regarding key international issues impacting the world, Europe and the UK today. During their stay the participants met UK opinion formers and decision makers within academia, government, politics, industry and civil society, visiting the House of Commons, the House of Lords, 10 Downing Street, the Royal College of Defence Studies, and the British Library. They also spent time with Faculty staff at the India Institute and other departments across King’s, and attended a lively interactive session with students from across the country.The course was excellent! Perfect content, perfect duration, perfect chance to bond with experts here. And also a great opportunity to bond amongst ourselves – this will help us to address some common issues in future. Vandana Chavan MP

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The India Institute runs an extensive and lively programme of events, and hosted a total of 61 in 2014. These included lectures, workshops, panel discussions, film showings and artistic performances, and encompassed a wide array of different topics. The Institute’s events draw in diverse audiences, and we make our events available to a wider audience through video and audio recordings, which are available in the Events Archive on the India Institute webpage.

January22 January 2014, Dr Shailaja Fennell, University of Cambridge, ‘Private-Public Partnerships and the Implications for Educating Youth from Poor Communities’29 January 2014, Dr Karuna Mantena, Yale University, ‘Affect & Escalation: The Sources of Violence in Gandhi’s Theory of Politics’

February 5 February 2014, Dr Santanu Das, King’s College London, ‘The Indian Sepoy in the First World War: Image, Music, Words’12 February 2014, Dr Liz Chatterjee, University of Oxford, ‘Power-Steering: The State and the Troubled Transition in Indian Electricity’

14 February 2014, Prof C Raj Kumar, Jindal Global University, Sonepat, ‘Excellence in Higher Education In India: Institution Building in Nation Building’14 February 2014, Dr Anna Morcom, Royal Holloway, ‘The Illicit Worlds of Indian Dance’ (in collaboration with the Department of Music, King’s College London)26 February 2014, Dr Ranjani Mazumdar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, ‘The Railways, Mobility and Colour in 1960s Bombay Cinema’28 February 2014, Mr Prasenjit Saha, Independent Scholar, ‘The Formative Years of Tagore: Social, Cultural and Literary Influences during the Early 19th Century’

March 5 March 2014, Dr Bhrigupati Singh, King’s College London, ‘Caste & Conflict in Contemporary Central India: Thoughts on the Political Theology of the Neighbour’6 March 2014, Prof Mahesh Rangarajan, Nehru Memorial Museum & Library, New Delhi, ‘Nature without Borders: Ecology, Space and Society in Contemporary India’6 March 2014, Dr Louise Tillin, King’s College London, ‘Indian Elections 2014: Trends, prospects – And a Few Predictions’ (panel including Christophe Jaffrelot, James Manor, Sunil Khilnani)10 March 2014, Dr Tansen Sen, City University of New York, ‘The End of Pan-Asianism? India, China and the Asian Relations Conference since 1947’10 March 2014, Film Screening, Tagore Centre For Global Thought, ‘Chitrangada: Eroticism and Body Politics’ (Discussant Debanjali Biswas)

12 March 2014, Dr Ravi Sundaram, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, ‘Information, Transparency and the Urban Turn in India’17 March 2014, Film Screening, Tagore Centre for Global Thought, ‘Kabuliwala: Tagore and the Ambivalence of Otherness’ (Discussant Prof Daya Thussu)19 March 2014, Prof Bina Agarwal, University of Manchester, ‘When Women Govern Forests: From a History of Absence to the Impact of Presence’20 March 2014, Prof Gary Bass, Princeton University, ‘The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger and a Forgotten Genocide’24 March 2014, Neil MacGregor, Director, British Museum ‘Through Art and Artefacts’This was a Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust Annual Lecture 25 March 2014, Film Screening, Tagore Centre for Global Thought, ‘Ghare Baire: Tagore and the Subversion of the Political’ (Discussants Dr Kriti Kapila and Dr Bhrigupati Singh)

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27 March 2014, Prof Arjun Appadurai, New York University, ‘The Ecology of Failure: Reflections on Democracy, Participation and Development’This was the third M N Srinivas Memorial Lecture

April 28 April 2014, Dr Manjari Chatterjee Miller, Boston University and Harvard Kennedy School, ‘Wronged by Empire: Colonial Memories & Victimhood in India’s and China’s Foreign Policy Today’

May6 May 2014, Film Screening, Tagore Centre for Global Thought, ‘Charulata Dir: On the Threshold of the Personal and the Political’ (Discussant Kunal Joshi)12 May 2014, ‘Knowledge-intensive Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs in the UK and Internationalisation to Emerging Economies: Drivers, Strategies and Prospects’ (The event was organised by the Department of Management and King’s India Institute at King’s College London, and The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII))

12 May 2014, Prof Pranab Bardhan, UC Berkeley, ‘Analysis of the Left Defeat in West Bengal: Results of a Large-Scale Village Society’13 May 2014, Dr Sripad Motiram, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, ‘Indian Inequalities in the Age of Economic Reforms: Trends and Debates’13 May 2014, Ambassador Nirupama Rao, Brown University, ‘The Politics of History: India and China, 1949-62’This was the third S Gopal Annual Memorial Lecture 15 May 2014, Prof Simon Denyer, The Washington Post, ‘Harnessing the Power of India’s Unruly Democracy’15 May 2014, Ambassador Nirupama Rao, Brown University, ‘Geo-Civilisations: India and China in Tagore’s Century’16 May 2014, Film Screening, Tagore Centre for Global Thought, ‘Tasher Desh: Who Owns Tagore?’ (Discussant Debanjali Biswas)

19 May 2014, Dr Adam Auerbach, University of Wisconsin-Madison, ‘Clients and Communities: The Political Economy of Party & Network Organisation & Development in India’s Urban Slums’22 May 2014, Dr Ananya Jahanara Kabir, King’s College London, ‘Chutney, Soca, Saga: African and Indian Transoceanic Rhythm Encounters’ (in collaboration with Dept of English)27 May 2014, Film Screening, Tagore Centre for Global Thought, ‘Jiban Smriti: The Elusive Poet’ (Discussant Sangeeta Datta)

June6 June 2014, Dr Humeira Iqtidar, King’s College London, ‘Tolerance & Secularisation in South Asia’ (panel discussion including Sudipta Kaviraj, Tanika Sarkar and Jonathan Spencer)11 June 2014, Dr Louise Tillin, King’s College London ‘Indian Elections 2014: Outcomes and Implications’ (panel discussion including Sudipta Kaviraj, James Manor, Suhas Palshikar and Christophe Jaffrelot)

12 June 2014, King’s India Institute Graduate Forum: ‘Rethinking Contemporary India’ (Convenors Debanjali Biswas, Karthik Nachiappan, Sarayu Natarajan)25 June 2014, Baroness Shirley Williams, Lord Karan Bilimoria, Lord Dholakia, Sir Mark Tully and Ajay Mehta, panel discussion: ‘Shouldn’t India be taking care of its own poor?’

July11 Jul 2014, Ambassador Shyam Saran, ‘Indian Foreign Policy under Prime Minister Narendra Modi: An Early Assessment’18 July 2014 Performance: ‘We All Live in Bhopal’

September 11 September 2014, Dr Joshua T White, Stimson Centre, ‘State and Caliphate: The Future of Islamist Advocacy in Pakistan’ (in collaboration with the Department of War Studies)

October 1 October 2014, Dr Sandipto Dasgupta, King’s College London, ‘Words Are Magic Things: The

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Imagination and the Text of the Indian Constitution’6 October 2014, Dr Chandak Sengoopta, Birkbeck College, University College London, ‘India’s Best Known Filmmaker and the Least Understood’8 October 2014, Prof Anna-Maria Misra, Oxford University, ‘The Indian Machiavelli: the Arthasastra, Pragmatism, and Politics in 20th Century India’13 October 2014, Dr Christine Fair, Georgetown University, ‘Fighting to the End: the Pakistani Army’s Way of War’15 October 2014, Dr Amrita Dhillon, King’s College London, ‘The Natural Resources Curse Revisited: Theory and Evidence from India’17 October 2014, Dr Rahul Mukherji, National University of Singapore, ‘The Roots of Citizen Concern and Welfare in India: The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Andhra Pradesh’22 October 2014, Prof Tim Dyson, London School of Economics, ‘The Demographic Basis of Democratisation’23 October 2014, Molly Emma Aitken (City University of New

York), Allison Busch (Columbia University), Katherine Butler Schofield (King’s College London), ‘Modernity’s Challenge to India’s Aesthetic Traditions: Rajput Painting, Hindi Poetry and Hindustani Music’ (Tagore Centre for Global Thought Lecture in collaboration with the Department of Music)29 October 2014, Prashant Jha, Hindustan Times, ‘Battles of the New Republic: A Contemporary History of Nepal’

November 5 November 2014, Dr Jayaraj Sundaresan, London School of Economics, ‘Urban Planning in Vernacular Governance: Land Use Planning and Violations in Bangalore, India’10 November 2014, Arnab Goswami, Times Now, ‘Changes in Indian Journalism in Recent Years and Their Impact on the Society’10 November 2014, Prof Uday Singh Mehta, City University of New York, ‘Putting Courage at the Centre: Gandhi on Civility and Society’ (Tagore Centre for Global Thought Lecture)

12 November 2014, Dr Anush Kapadia, City University, London, ‘India’s Fiscal-Monetary Machine: Construction and Overheating, c.1966-1991’19 November 2014, Prof Niraja Gopal Jayal, Jawaharlal Nehru University, ‘Contending Representative Claims in Indian Democracy’21 November 2014, Prof Anatol Lieven, Georgetown University, Qatar and King’s College London, ‘Pakistan Today’ (in collaboration with the Department of War Studies)24 November 2014, Shami Chakrabarti, Director, Liberty, ‘On Liberty’This was King’s Chevening Distinguished Lecture 2014 25 November 2014, Shivshankar Menon, ‘Jawaharlal Nehru and World Order’ (in collaboration with Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust)This was a Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Trust Lecture26 November 2014, Niraja Gopal Jayal (Jawaharlal Nehru University), Mukulika Banerjee (London School of Economics), Eleanor Newbiggin (School of Oriental and African Studies), Sandipto Dasgupta, Sunil Khilnani, Jahnavi Phalkey, Adnan

Naseemullah, and Jon Wilson (King’s College London), panel discussion: ‘Citizenship & Its Discontents. An Indian History’ (in collaboration with the Department of History)26 November 2014, Dr Hugo Gorringe, University of Edinburgh, ‘More Than Just ‘Identity Politics’? Re-assessing the Use of Symbolic Means in Tamil Dalit Assertion and Caste Politics’

December 1 December 2014, Prof Jonardon Ganeri, New York University, ‘Between Reverence and Reserve: The Cosmopolitan Philosophy of K C Bhattacharya (1875–1949)’ (Tagore Centre for Global Thought Lecture)3 December 2014, Ed Simpson, School of Oriental and African Studies, ‘Earthquake Politics: Making and Forgetting in Gujarat’4 December 2014, Dr Arthur Dudney, University of Oxford, ‘Who Pays for Scholarship? Patronage and Indo-Persian Intellectuals in 18th century Delhi’

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Associate Faculty

Academic staff with research interests and expertise relating to India and South Asia are spread across King’s. While based in their home departments, they are also members of the India Institute’s Associate Faculty, and extend subject coverage over a broad range. Associate Faculty are able to jointly supervise PhD research with faculty members of the India Institute. They also participate regularly in our events, develop collaborative projects, and offer joint teaching and courses on our programmes.

Professor Raman Bedi Institute of DentistryDr Santanu Das Department of EnglishDr Amrita Dhillon Department of Political EconomyDr Alex Faulkner Department of Political EconomyDr Charlotte Goodburn Lau China Institute Dr Anup Grewal Department of Comparative LiteratureDr Humeira Iqtidar Department of Political EconomyProfessor Satvinder Juss The Dickinson Poon School of LawProfessor Ananya Jahanara Kabir Department of EnglishDr Prabha Kotiswaran The Dickinson Poon School of LawProfessor Anatol Lieven Department of War Studies

Professor Javed Majeed Department of Comparative Literature Dr Susan Murray International Development InstituteProfessor Martin J Prince Department of Psychiatry Dr Sarika Pruthi Department of Management Professor Arnie Purushotham Department of OncologyDr Ruvani Ranasinha Department of English Dr Will Rasmussen Department of Philosophy Dr Katherine Schofield Department of MusicProfessor Richard Sullivan King’s Centre for Global HealthDr Jon Wilson Department of History

Senior Advisory Council

Sir Michael ArthurFormer UK High Commissioner to India, and Ambassador to GermanySir Michael Arthur is a British diplomat and has been the UK’s Ambassador to Germany since 2007. He was the UK’s Head of Mission in New Delhi between 2003 and 2007, and has held a number of senior positions at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Ms Shobhana BhartiaCEO, Hindustan Times GroupMrs Bhartia is the Chairperson and Editorial Director of the Hindustan Times Group, where she has worked since 1986. In February 2006 she was also nominated Member of India’s Upper House in Parliament, the Rajya Sabha.

Ms Katherine BooThe New Yorker MagazineMs Boo is a staff writer for The New Yorker, and a winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. A stage adaption of her book, Behind the Beautiful Forevers, opened at the National Theatre in 2014.

Ms Nandita DasFilm Actress and DirectorMs Das has acted in over 30 feature films including Fire, Earth, Bawandar, and Four Women. Her 2008 directorial debut Firaaq won more than 10 international awards. She also works on a range of social issues, including women’s rights and children’s access to media.

Ms Jane HamlynDirector, Frith Street GalleryMs Hamlyn founded the Frith Street Gallery in 1989 and has since been its Director. She has also served as Chair of the Paul Hamlyn Foundation since 2004, and is an Arts graduate of the City and Guilds School of Art in London.

Ms Leila JanahCEO, SamaSourceMs Janah is Founder and CEO of SamaSource, a non-profit organisation providing dignified, computer-based work to disadvantaged groups. She has held Visiting Fellowships at Stanford and Australian National University, and co-founded Incentives for Global Health.

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Sir Anish KapoorSculptorSir Anish Kapoor is a sculptor whose works are displayed all over the world, exploring matter and non-matter and evoking duality and void in form and space. He is the first living artist invited to have a solo exhibition at the Royal Academy in London.

Professor Rahul MehrotraArchitect and Professor of Urban Design and Planning, Harvard UniversityRahul Mehrotra is a practicing architect and Professor of Urban Design and Planning at Harvard University, where he sits on the Steering Committee of the South Asia Initiative. His firm RMA Architects has designed and executed many high-profile projects in Mumbai.

Mr Vikram MehtaExecutive Chairman, Brookings IndiaMr Mehta is Executive Chairman of Brookings India, and was for 12 years Chairman of Shell Companies in India. He is a

member of the National Council of the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), and sits on the boards of several industry and educational organisations.

Mr David MilibandPresident and CEO, International Rescue Committee and Former Foreign SecretaryMr Miliband is the President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee. Previously, he was Labour MP for South Shields from 2001 to 2013, and held a number of ministerial posts. These included Environment Secretary, and from 2007 to 2010, Foreign Secretary.

Professor George PerkovichVice President of Research, Carnegie Endowment for International PeaceDr Perkovich is Vice President for Studies and Director of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. His research is on nuclear strategy and non-proliferation, and he has advised on foreign policy at the highest levels of US government.

Mr Manish SabharwalChairman, TeamLease ServicesManish Sabharwal is Co-founder and Chairman of TeamLease Services (India), India’s largest HR services company. Since its inception in 2002, TeamLease has placed more than half a million people in temporary and permanent jobs across India.

Mr Aveek SarkarCEO and Publisher, Anand Bazaar PatrikaMr Sarkar is CEO of the publishing and media corporation Anand Bazaar Group. He is also Chairman of Media Content Communications Services India Pvt Ltd, and a board member of the Press Trust of India, the country’s top news agency.

Professor Amartya SenEconomistProfessor Sen was awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his work in welfare economics and social choice, and is best known for his work on the causes of famine. He has taught Economics at Harvard, Oxford, the LSE and the University of Delhi.

Mr Martin SorrellCEO, WPPSir Martin Sorrell founded WPP in 1985, and has since been its CEO. He serves on many boards, including the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum, the UK’s Business Advisory Group, the London Business School, and Indian School of Business.

Mr Gautam ThaparCEO, Avantha GroupMr Thapar is Chairman and CEO of the Avantha Group. He also serves on the boards of several professional, educational and cultural organisations. In 2011, his company endowed the Avantha Chair at King’s India Institute, which Professor Sunil Khilnani now holds.

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Front cover photo courtesy of Dayanita Singh
