Download pdf - anti-BHO CCLXIV

  • 8/13/2019 anti-BHO CCLXIV


    What had been envisioned yesterday as a terse update focused on BHO has burgeoned, but the

    issues encompassed herein both reinforce prior conclusions and prod anti-BHO strategizing.

    Again, these data will be grouped butas per Guzzardis suggestionan effort will be made to

    shuffle the information so that the priority action-items glisten, updated following assessment

    of input acquired as recently as last night [@ a meeting of activists in Bucks County]; specifically,

    the need to primaryMike Fitzpatrick persistsand breaks regarding possible candidate[s]

    detected @ that event will be pursued aggressively, for reasons that will not be buriedherein.

    To recall, we need awartime-consiglieri [ref. The Godfather] while dealing with

    the likes of BHO, as detailed duringTuesday House Judiciary Committee Hearing

    entitled, The Presidents Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws;

    his Failures are myriad, amplified by how ajournalist-ripped obama regarding

    free-speech.Bachmann said BHO 'Has Rewritten The Constitution For Himself,'

    and anExpert even Testified that BHOs having been Ignoring Laws Could Lead

    to overthrow of Government;recallingMichelles radical/racist background and

    howBHOs approval has fallen to psychological threshold,instability reigns.

    One reader advised reprising last months idea by truckers to paralyze D.C. [emulated byfrench-truck-drivers who block-roads-as a tax-protest], but this would risk creating a backlash and

    would not preclude businessbeing conducted elsewhere; another advised [recalling all of the

    black-on-white crimeparticularly targeting Jewsdubbed the knockout game] protesting the

    reverse-racism that the Martin/Zimmerman trial had triggered [knockout-attack-in-mayfair;

    rabbi roughed-up Don Lemon in 'Knockout Game' Demo;hasidic man victim of latest possible

    knockout assault in williamsburg;andDefiant 76-year-old woman died in shootout with gang of

    three who tried to rob her of bingo money], but it first would be necessary to formulate what

    would be envisioned to be accomplished [for the Lower-Merion/Philly police are not complicit,

    and nothing seems planned in NYC which concerned-citizens elsewhere may choose to attend].

    Meanwhile, the civil-war within the GOP rages-on [tough-guy-mitch-mcconnell-gonna-punch-all-those-tea-party-bullies-pow-right-in-the-noseandConservative

    Sen. Candidate Chris McDaniel: GOP 'Needs to Find Its Conscience'], as BHO and

    his minions apply prosecutorial discretion to an unprecedented degree.

    Yesterday, for example,obamas-Kenyan-born uncle-evaded deportation after a

    dui-arrestfor, aftera new immigration hearing,hereceived an Immigration OK.

    Looming are the results of two Congressional negotiations; the emerging-budget-deal-would-

    blow-through-sequester-savings, and heritage-action warns that CONGRESS is RUSHING A $1T

    FARM BILL;how Mike votes thereupon will again reflect whether he is a consistent Conservative

    vs. a big-spending party-loyalist. Noting that Boehner Hired an Adviser Who Helped McCain

    Push Amnestyand whoSupports a Path to Citizenshipand thatCantor Relentlessly Pushes for

    Amnesty for Illegal Alien Youth via his 'KIDS' Act, it is not surprising that the Speaker plans

    another violation of the Hastert Rule by holding immigration votes after election filing deadline.

    Therefore, someone should step-forward to primaryMike, for he cant be trusted regarding

    how he would vote in these hot-button areas; and those who would attempt to ignore this task

    because Mikes a nice guy who give us accesswould have to confront the fact that Mike would

    not be anticipated to alleviate any antipathy towards how Pat Poprick runs the BucksCo-GOP.,d.cWc,d.cWc,d.cWc,d.cWc
  • 8/13/2019 anti-BHO CCLXIV

