Page 1: AP214 之簡介 報告人 : 朱哲儒. 簡介 n AP214 之內容大要 n AP214 之 UoF 大要


報告人 : 朱哲儒

Page 2: AP214 之簡介 報告人 : 朱哲儒. 簡介 n AP214 之內容大要 n AP214 之 UoF 大要

簡介 AP214 之內容大要 AP214 之 UoF 大要

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AP214 :

全名 :Core Data for Automotive Mechanical Design process

目的 : 規定出汽車產業在設計流程中所 需要的資料內容與架構 .

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NC programming



Tools and development of method plan

Production planning


Part lists, Bill-of-material

Quality check

Kinematics and robotic simulation

Design of parts and assemblies

AP214 所包括的範圍

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UoF:Unit of Functionality

C: 表面狀況 D:draughting E: 外部參考 FF: 格式特徵 G: 幾何 K:kinematics MD: 量測資料

PR: 性質 P: 表現方式 S: 產品結構 T: 公差

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STEP AP214PDM Subset for STEP/PDMI Project

S7 Specifica-

tion Control

S8 Process


S4 Default Setting

S2 Element


D/PR Draughting/ Presentation

FF1...4 Form Feature

G1...7 Geometry

T1...2 Tolerances

C1 Surface Condi-tions

K1 Kinematics

F1...3 FEA



ment Data









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material propertiesM1/ PR1/ 2






definitionS1 drawing/

presentationP1/2/3/D1 external_



















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System Integration Concept Based on International Standards



Middleware based on standards•Logical data model AP214 •Implementation method Corba

- Abstraction from physical storage location- Transparent access to heterogeneous databases- Event Service



via Events



via Events

STEP-based enterprise data model




... to be evaluated in STEP/PDMI2

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表現出表面性質與材料的表面處理 . 其中包含設計者為達成所需要的特定功能所規定的表面性質 .

表面性質資訊表示法的定義是與 associative_annotation UoF (D2) 有關

surface_condition (C1)

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surface_condition (C1)之 application object

Coating_layer Coating_layer_relationship Contact_ratio Default_roughness Default_setting_association Hardness Roughness Surface_condition Tactile_appearance

Treatment_result Value_with_unit Visual_appearance

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定義了在一個使用於科技圖形的基本元件之表現法 . 此外還定義了對於科技圖形的組織架構與管理資料 .

此一 UoF 是基於 ISO 10303-201, 並建立了對於部份定義資料以 CAD 的格式交換的資訊需求 .其中的基本元件不在乎是以 2-D 的格式定義或是以 3-D 的格式定義 .

對於圖形 sheet, 繪圖觀點 , 符號 , 與尺寸的管理 .

explicit_draughting (D1)

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explicit_draughting (D1)之 application object

Annotation_curve Detailed_element Dimension Dimension_callout Dimension_curve Dimension_sequence_

pair Drawing Drawing_assignment Drawing_sequence

Drawing_sheet Projection_curve View_area_assignme


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定義了基本原件在一相關格式中的表現方法 . 例如基本的幾何 .

基於 ISO 10303-202 , 允許圖形的交換以維持零件在基本與幾何外觀的關係 .

藉由計算大小與距離的值來維持關連性 , 數質的表示法 , 以及計算的原點 .

允許參照與幾何尺寸有關的tolerance information(UoF T1).

associative_annotation (D2)

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associative_annotation (D2)之 application object


Associated_fill_area Associated_leader Associated_projection_curve Detailed_element Dimension_callout Geometric_tolerance_symbo

l Surface_condition_symbol

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提供一個參考機制來定義與AP214 中定義的物件有關之額外文件 .

文件可能包含不在此一部份範圍內的資料 . 並包括了非數位化與數位化的資料 .

external_reference_mechanism (E1)

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external_reference_mechanism (E1)之 application object

Archived_document Digital_document Document_relationship Document_type External_document External_document_assig

nment External_document_versio



External_model Physical_model

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將外形中有興趣的部份作分類 , 並視之為一個特徵 (feature) 以及將相關的參數視為附加的資訊 .

並非是產生外形 , 而是做為外形的識別 .

因此所產生的特徵還可以再組合成為一個新的特徵 .

user_defined_feature (FF1)

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user_defined_feature (FF1)之 application object




General_feature General_feature_

parameter Included_feature Value_with_unit

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提供在一個已經設計好的外形且具有特殊類別的特徵中 , 定義一個有興趣的範圍 , 而此一特徵的定義與類別是已經定義在 AP214 之中 .

此一 UoF 中的特徵參數的改變並不會影響到零件外形的特徵 .

included_feature (FF2)

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included_feature (FF2)之 application object

Angle_specification Angle_taper Bead_end_type Bead_feature Boss_feature Boss_top_condition Catalog_thread Chamfer Chamfer_angle Chamfer_definition Chamfer_offset Circular_boss

Circular_closed_profile Circular_offset_pattern Circular_omit_pattern Circular_path Circular_pattern Closed_profile Closed_profile_usage Complete_circular_path Compound_feature_in_pan

el Compound_feature_in_pan


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Conical_bottom Constant_radius_edge_rou

nd Constant_radius_fillet Default_chamfer Default_draft_angle Default_edge_round Default_fillet


Defined_thread Diameter_taper Directed_taper Edge_round Face_termination Feature_definition Feature_occurrence Fillet Flat_bottom Flat_slot_end_type Flat_with_chamfer_bott

om Flat_with_radius_bottom

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Form_feature_in_panel General_boss General_bottom_condition General_closed_profile General_open_profile General_path General_pattern General_pocket_in_solid General_top_condition Hole_bottom_condition Hole_feature_in_panel Joggle_feature Joggle_termination Linear_bead_end_type Linear_path

Locator_feature Ngon_profile Open_bead_end_type Open_profile Open_slot_end_type Panel_hole_with_barring Partial_circular_path Partial_circular_profile Path Planar_bottom_condition Planar_top_condition Pocket_bottom_condition Pocket_feature_in_solid Process_feature_in_panel

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Process_feature_in_solid Profile Radiused_bead_end_type Radiused_slot_end_type Rectangular_boss Rectangular_closed_pocket_in_so

lid Rectangular_closed_profile Rectangular_offset_pattern Rectangular_omit_pattern Rectangular_open_pocket_in_soli

d Rectangular_pattern Replicate_base_assignment Replicate_feature Rib_feature Round_hole

Rounded_u_profile Slot_end_type Slot_feature Spherical_bottom Square_u_profile Tee_profile Thread_feature Thread_specification Through_bottom_condi

tion Through_hole_conditio

n Transition_feature Value_termination Vee_profile Woodruff_slot_end_typ


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此一 UoF 是要使用在included_feature UoF 所定義的特徵 , 應用在一基礎外形來產生一個調整過的外形 .

要瞭解在此一 UoF 中的特徵參數是關係到在外形上的影響 .

generative_featured_shape (FF3)

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generative_featured_shape (FF3)之 application object



Featured_shape Placed_feature

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此一 UoF 是要將幾何圖形轉換成為2-D wireframe 的模型 . 其中包括了用來表現路徑與循環的幾何組合曲線 .

此 UoF 中所包括的點 , 曲線類型是意指在表面上的點與曲線 . 沒有邊限的曲線在此 UoF 中是明顯的空白 , 除非它們是封閉的 .

表面資料與拓樸資訊是在此一 UoF的範圍之外 .

wireframe_model_2d (G1)

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wireframe_model_2d (G1)之 application object

B_spline_curve Cartesian_point Circle Composite_curve Constructive_geometric_

element Constructive_geometry Constructive_geometry_

association Curve Curve_set_2d Detailed_element


Detailed_model_element Ellipse Geometric_model Geometric_model_relation

ship Geometric_model_version Hyperbola Line Offset_curve Parabola Point

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( 接上面 )

Point_on_curve Polyline Trimmed_curve Wireframe_model_2d

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此一 UoF 是要將幾何圖形轉換成為 3-D wireframe 的模型 . 所有在wireframe_model_2d 的物件都包含在 wireframe_model_3d 的UoF 中 .

此一 UoF 中包括了用來表現路徑與循環的幾何組合曲線 . 此 UoF 中所包括的點 , 曲線類型是意指在表面上的點與曲線 . 沒有邊限的曲線在此 UoF 中是明顯的空白 , 除非它們是封閉的 .

表面資料與拓樸資訊是在此一 UoF 的範圍之外 .

wireframe_model_3d (G2)

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wireframe_model_3d (G2)之 application object

B_spline_curve Cartesian_point Circle Composite_curve Constructive_geometric_elemen

t Constructive_geometry Constructive_geometry_associat

ion Curve Curve_set_3d Detailed_element Detailed_geometric_model_ele


Detailed_model_element Ellipse Geometric_model Geometric_model_relationship Geometric_model_version Hybrid_geometric_model_3d Hyperbola Line Offset_curve Parabola Point

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( 接上面 )

Point_on_curve Polyline Trimmed_curve Wireframe_model_3d

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此一 UoF 是將幾何圖形轉換成為surface 模型 .

在此 UoF 中所關心的是邊緣表面 . 需提供相鄰的邊界與表面 . 整理與組合曲線與表面藉由應用拓樸物件來表現例如 : 頂點 , 邊界 , 循環與面 . 此UoF 包括了 G2 與 G8 中的點 , 曲線 , 表面 .

此一 UoF 具有表示在參數空間中的曲線與平面上的點與曲線之額外功能 ..


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connected_surface_model(G3)之 application object

B_spline_curve B_spline_surface Cartesian_point Circle Conical_surface Constructive_geometric_eleme

nt Constructive_geometry Constructive_geometry_associa

tion Curve Curve_on_surface Cylindrical_surface Detailed_element


Detailed_model_element Edge_loop Edge_transition Ellipse Face Face_bound Face_transition Geometric_model Geometric_model_relati

onship Geometric_model_versio


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(接上面 ) Hybrid_geometric_model_3d Hyperbola Line Offset_surface Oriented_edge_curve Parabola Plane Point Point_on_curve Point_on_surface Polyline Shell

Spherical_surface Surface Surface_model Surface_of_linear_ext

rusion Surface_of_revolution Toroidal_surface Vertex_loop Vertex_point

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此一 UoF 提供將幾何圖形轉換成以平面與隱含拓樸的 B-rep 模型 .

此一 UoF 與 G3 和 G5 共享了點線面的基本幾何定義 . 同時也與 G5 共享了封閉殼與面的多種固體 B-rep與拓樸觀念的定義 .

faceted_b_rep_model (G4)

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faceted_b_rep_model (G4)之 application object

Cartesian_point Constructive_geometric_

element Constructive_geometry Constructive_geometry_

association Detailed_element Detailed_geometric_mo

del_element Detailed_model_element

Faceted_b_rep Faceted_b_rep_model Faceted_closed_shell Faceted_face Geometric_model Geometric_model_relationship Geometric_model_version Hybrid_geometric_model_3d Plane Point Poly_loop

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此一 UoF 提供將幾何圖形轉換成為具有完整拓樸架構 B-rep 模型與直接定義出幾何上的面與邊界的能力 .

此 B-rep 模型是由一個或是多個的B-rep 固體所表現 .

曲線與表面的幾何可以是複雜的但是必須是直接的定義 .

b_rep_model (G5)

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b_rep_model (G5)之 application object

B_rep B_rep_model B_spline_curve B_spline_surface Cartesian_point Circle Closed_shell Conical_surface Constructive_geometric_ele

ment Constructive_geometry Constructive_geometry_ass


Curve Curve_on_surface Cylindrical_surface Detailed_element Detailed_geometric_mode

l_element Detailed_model_element Edge_loop Edge_transition Ellipse Face

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( 接上面 ) Face_bound Face_transition Geometric_model Geometric_model_relationshi

p Geometric_model_version Hybrid_geometric_model_3d Hyperbola Line Oriented_edge_curve Parabola Plane Point

Polyline Spherical_surface Surface Surface_of_linear_extrusio

n Surface_of_revolution Toroidal_surface Vertex_loop Vertex_point

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提供將幾何表現成為一個包含固體 , 表面與 wireframe 資料的拓樸聯接幾何模型 .

一個複合的表示法收集了一些幾何相同或不同類型的項目 , 並連接這些項目至一拓樸連接的模型.

此一 UoF 包含了 G5 與 G3 中的application object

compound_model (G6)

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compound_model (G6)之 application object

B_spline_curve B_spline_surface Cartesian_point Circle Compound_model Conical_surface Constructive_geometri

c_element Constructive_geometry Constructive_geometry

_association Curve

Curve_on_surface Cylindrical_surface Detailed_element Detailed_geometric_mo

del_element Detailed_model_element Edge_loop Edge_transition Ellipse Face Face_bound Face_transition

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( 接上面 ) Geometric_model Geometric_model_relationship Geometric_model_version Hybrid_geometric_model_3d Hyperbola Line Offset_surface Oriented_edge_curve Parabola Plane Point Point_on_curve

Point_on_surface Polyline Spherical_surface Surface Surface_of_linear_extrus

ion Surface_of_revolution Topologically_connected

_set Toroidal_surface Vertex_loop Vertex_point

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將幾何圖形使用 CSG 來轉換成為固體模型 .

csg_model (G7)

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csg_model (G7)之 application object

B_rep B_rep_model B_spline_curve B_spline_surface Block Boolean_result Cartesian_point Circle Closed_shell Conical_surface Constructive_geometri


Constructive_geometry Constructive_geometry_associat

ion Csg_model Csg_primitive Curve Curve_on_surface Cylindrical_surface Detailed_element Detailed_geometric_model_elem

ent Detailed_model_element Edge_loop Edge_transition

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( 接上面 ) Ellipse Face Face_bound Face_transition Faceted_b_rep Faceted_b_rep_model Faceted_closed_shell Faceted_face Geometric_model Geometric_model_relatio

nship Geometric_model_version Half_space_solid

Hybrid_geometric_model_3d Hyperbola Line Oriented_edge_curve Parabola Plane Point Poly_loop Polyline Right_angular_wedge Right_circular_cone Right_circular_cylinder

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接上面 Solid_of_linear_extrusion Solid_of_revolution Solid_replica Sphere Spherical_surface Surface Surface_of_linear_extrusio

n Surface_of_revolution Swept_face_solid Toroidal_surface Torus Vertex_loop Vertex_point

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此一 UoF 提供了將幾何表示成為具有幾何邊界的表面模型 .

此一 UoF 提供了基本的幾何架構 , 例如 3-D 的點 , 曲線 , 與平面 .

這 UoF 並沒有包含任何拓樸資訊 . 基本幾何物件也同時與 G3 與和 G5 一

起用來為了拓樸邊界表面的定義與拓樸連接 .

geometrically_bounded_surface_model (G8)

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geometrically_bounded_surface_model (G8)之 application object B_spline_curve B_spline_surface Cartesian_point Circle Composite_curve Conical_surface Constructive_geometric_el

ement Constructive_geometry Constructive_geometry_as

sociation Curve Curve_on_surface Cylindrical_surface

Ellipse Geometric_model Geometric_model_relatio

nship Geometric_model_version Geometric_set_3d Geometrically_bounded_s

urface_model Hyperbola Line Offset_curve Offset_surface Parabola Plane

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( 接上面 ) Point Point_on_curve Point_on_surface Polyline Spherical_surface Surface Surface_of_linear_extrusio

n Surface_of_revolution Toroidal_surface Trimmed_curve Trimmed_surface

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此一 UoF 重現需要在 CAD 系統與運動分析系統 ( 包括 robotic 模擬系統 ) 中溝通的機械產品之運動學觀念 , 如同在不同運動分析系統之間的溝通 .

kinematics (K1)

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kinematics (K1)之 application object Actuator Ground_representation Initial_configuration Interpolated_configurati

on_sequence Kinematic_configuration

_definition Kinematic_configuration

_interpolation Kinematic_joint Kinematic_link Kinematic_link_represen


Kinematic_mechanism Kinematic_pair Kinematic_structure Kinematic_transformation_res

ult Pair_value Path_approximation Simple_pair_range Simulation_information Tool_attachment_point_frame Tool_center_point_frame Transformation_to_reference_


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此一 UoF 規定了物理性零件之測定程序所產生的掃瞄資料的表示法 .

這資料重現法也同時可以用在製造程序 , 例如 :NC 碼的編寫 .

measured_data (MD1)

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measured_data (MD1)之 application object

Point_direction Point_direction_model Point_direction_sequence Point_sequence

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此一 UoF 規定了零件的多樣性質 , 例如材料 , 可回收性 , 質量 , 與一般性質 .

關於可回收性的資訊是需要來描述是否材料或零組件可以被再使用以及如何使用 .

item_property (PR1)

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item_property (PR1)之 application object

Centre_of_mass Data_environment Default_setting_associat

ion Default_thickness General_item_property Item_cost_property Item_property Item_quality_property Mass Material Material_property


Material_side_specification Moments_of_inertia Property Property_change Property_relationship Property_value Recyclability Shape_dependent_property Thickness Value_with_unit

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此一 UoF 規定了點 , 向量 , 曲線與表面幾何的表示法中的屬性 , 例如 :顏色 .

並提供能對於幾何外觀有多重視角的視覺機構 .


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geometric_presentation(P1)之 application object

Appearance_assignment Context_dependent_appea

rance_assignment Curve_appearance Model_image Point_appearance Styled_element Styled_geometric_model Styled_model Styled_model_element


Styled_model_version Surface_appearance Surface_appearance_

element Vector_appearance View View_area

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此一 UoF 規定了註釋的表示法與包括註釋之多重觀點的視圖格式

技術圖件的組織定義並不包括在此一 UoF 中 , 但是是包含在explicit_draughting UoF 中

annotated_presentation (P2)

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annotated_presentation(P2)之 application object

Annotation_curve Annotation_element Annotation_model Annotation_subfigure Annotation_symbol Area_placed_annotation Detailed_element Draughting_callout Fill_area Hatching

Leader Solid_fill_area Text Text_appearance Tiling View_area_relationshi

p View_placed_annotatio

n View_relationship

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此一 UoF 規定了對於 3-D 幾何的更先進的表示法 .

包含了隱藏線與面的定義 , 以創造出能具有光照陰影的模型 .

shaded_presentation (P3)

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shaded_presentation (P3)之 application object

Curve_appearance Hidden_element_handling Light_source Surface_appearance Surface_appearance_element

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重現產品管理資訊 : 素材或零件或是工具項目觀點與版本項目人員 , 日期各階段允許後所產生的資訊

並額外重現描述性資訊 , (對於物件不同語言的描述 , assign alias identifiers)

product_management_data (S1)

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product_management_data (S1)之 application object Alias_identification Application_context Approval Approval_relationship Approval_status Date_and_person_assignment Date_and_person_or_organizat

ion Date_time Date_time_assignment Design_discipline_item_definiti

on Item Item_classification

Item_version Multi_language_string Organization Person Person_in_organization Person_or_organization_assig

nment Security_classification Security_level Specific_classification String_with_language

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將 item 與外形連接或是辨識該外形的觀念 , 包括了必須建立起資料元件的架構

structure: groups, layers, templates for instances of the

same definition data element:

geometric annotation kinematic

element_structure (S2)

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element_structure (S2)之 application object

Accuracy Axis_placement Cartesian_coordinate_space Cartesian_coordinate_space_2

d Cartesian_coordinate_space_3

d Geometric_model_relationship

_with_transformation Group Group_relationship Item_shape

Layer Model_change Shape_aspect Shape_aspect_relationship Shape_description_associatio

n Structuring_method_hierarch

y Template_instance Transformation Transformation_2d Transformation_3d

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表現 items 與所建立之各種 structure 的關係 .

item_definition_structure (S3)

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item_definition_structure(S3)之 application object Assembly_component_relationshi

p Assembly_definition Assembly_substitute_relationship General_item_definition_instance

_relationship General_item_definition_relations

hip General_item_instance_relations

hip Geometrical_relationship Item_definition_instance_relation

ship Item_definition_relationship

Item_instance Item_instance_relation

ship Next_higher_assembly Promissory_usage Quantified_instance Selected_instance Single_instance Value_with_unit

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時效性 : 關於資料的保留時間 .effectivity (S4)

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effectivity (S4)之 application object

Effectivity Effectivity_relationship Event_reference Retention_period Value_with_unit

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重現 activity, project, contract 相關資訊 . Change 也包括在此 UoF 中 .

work_management (S5)

Work requests


Work orders

Changes of models or properties



result in

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work_management (S5)之 application object

Activity Activity_element Activity_method Activity_relationship Alternate_item_relations

hip Change Contract Element_delivery Item_version_relationship

Organization_in_contract Organization_relationshi

p Project Project_relationship Simultaneous_activity Value_with_unit Work_order Work_request

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將項目分類至特定的分類 ..classification (S6)

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classification (S6)之 application object

Classification_attribute Classification_system General_classification General_classification_hierarch

y Item_classification Specific_classification

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此一 UoF 是用來描述各式各樣的汽車產品 . 例如 :汽車有 :商務車 , 卡車 , 轎車 , 跑車… .

specification_control (S7)

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specification_control (S7)之 application object Class_category_association Class_condition_association Class_function_association Class_inclusion_association Class_specification_associa

tion Collected_item_association Collection_definition Configuration Dated_configuration Descriptive_specification Design_constraint

Design_constraint_association Design_constraint_relationship Design_constraint_version Final_item_solution Function_component_associati

on Instance_placement Item_solution Item_solution_relationship Lot_configuration Physical_instance

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( 接上面 ) Physical_instance_usage Process_operation Product_class Product_class_hierarchy Product_component Product_component_relation

ship Product_function Product_function_relationship Product_specification Technical_solution Replaced_definition_relations

hip Replaced_usage_relationship

Serial_configuration Solution_certification Solution_instance_associat

ion Specification Specification_category Specification_expression Specification_inclusion Specified_higher_usage Supplier_solution

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此一 UoF 是在重現程序關係的資訊 .包括了程序計劃 , 程序計劃的版本追蹤 , 程序操作與程序性質 .

process_plan (S8)

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process_plan (S8)之 application object Exclusive_process_operation General_process_property Make_from_relationship Mated_item_association Mated_item_relationship Mating_definition Process_cost_property Process_operation Process_operation_input_or_

output Process_operation_relations

hip Process_operation_resource


Process_plan Process_plan_operation_

assignment Process_plan_relationshi

p Process_plan_version Process_property Process_quality_property Process_state Same_time_machining_r


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( 接上面 )



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此一 UoF 是規定幾何尺寸的表現法與公差極限的幾何尺寸表現法 .

關於公差資訊表現法的定義是與associative_annotation(D2)一起的 .

dimension_tolerance (T1)

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dimension_tolerance (T1)之 application object

Angular_location_dimension Angular_size_dimension Curved_distance_dimension Default_setting_association Derived_geometry Dimension_tolerance General_tolerance_table General_tolerances Geometric_dimension Limits_and_fits

Linear_distance_dimension Location_dimension Plus_minus_tolerance Plus_minus_toleranced_datum Significant_number_of_digits Size_dimension Tolerance_table_cell Upper_lower_limit Upper_lower_toleranced_datu

m Value_limit Value_range

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此一 UoF 規定了幾何公差以一基準參考的表現法 , 例如平行或垂直 . 以及沒有基準參考的幾何公差 , 例如 : 直度或是平坦 .

所定義的公差資訊表示法也與associative_annotation UoF(D2) 有關 .

geometric_tolerance (T2)

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geometric_tolerance(T2)之 application object Angularity_tolerance Circular_runout_tolerance Circularity_tolerance Compound_datum Concentricity_tolerance Cylindricity_tolerance Datum Datum_feature Datum_target Datum_target_set Derived_geometry Flatness_tolerance

Geometric_tolerance Geometric_tolerance_preced

ence Linear_profile_tolerance Material_condition Parallelism_tolerance Perpendicularity_tolerance Placed_target Position_tolerance Projection Reference_plane Straightness_tolerance

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( 接上面 ) Surface_profile_tolerance Symmetry_tolerance Target_area Target_circle Target_line Target_point Target_rectangle Tolerance_zone Tolerance_zone_definitio

n Total_runout_tolerance