
Special Advertising Section March 12, 2014 13EDUCATION & ENrIChmENT GUIDE

Spring 2014 guide

Special Advertising Section

&Enrichment Education

Special Advertising Section March 12, 2014 1514 March 12, 2014 Special Advertising SectionEDUCATION & ENrIChmENT GUIDE EDUCATION & ENrIChmENT GUIDE


June 19th ‐ July 18th, or July 21st ‐ August 13th 8:15am ‐ 4:00pm 


Holy Family Ministries Center  •  3415 W. Arthington  •  Homan Square 

For informa�on or to register contact: Lamar Locke�, Program Manager  

llocke� or call 773‐265‐0550 

Summer learning

the fun way!

Summer Reading Program

Sliding Scale Tui�on $0‐65/week  Degreed Teachers  Breakfast and Lunch provided  Before and A�er Care available  IL Ac�on for Children Subsidy ACCEPTED  Affordable and Individualized Fee Op�ons 

Art Classes

Indoor Soccer

Math Games

Video Animation Studio


Weekly Field Trips

Swimming Lessons

Past classes include: 

Enrichment programming for kids ages 6‐12. 


Local School Council Elections 20144

Running for your LSC is simple.

Make a Difference – Run for Your Local School Council!

For more information about Local School Council Elections, visit your local school or the

Office of Local School Council Relations • 125 S. Clark Street, 5th Floor - 773-553-1400

Share your plans and ideas for improving your school with other parents and community members.

Vote on Election Day! (Report Card Pick-up)

• Monday, April 7, 2014 (Elementary Schools)

• Tuesday, April 8, 2014 (High Schools) From 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in all schools

Return completed forms by New Extended Deadline:3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014 at your school or at the Office of Local School Council Relations

Fill out candidate forms.Available at your school, CPS Network Offices or via the web:





Local School Council Elections 20144

Running for your LSC is simple.

Make a Difference – Run for Your Local School Council!

For more information about Local School Council Elections, visit your local school or the

Office of Local School Council Relations • 125 S. Clark Street, 5th Floor - 773-553-1400

Share your plans and ideas for improving your school with other parents and community members.

Vote on Election Day! (Report Card Pick-up)

• Monday, April 7, 2014 (Elementary Schools)

• Tuesday, April 8, 2014 (High Schools) From 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in all schools

Return completed forms by New Extended Deadline:3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014 at your school or at the Office of Local School Council Relations

Fill out candidate forms.Available at your school, CPS Network Offices or via the web:





Local School Council Elections 20144

Running for your LSC is simple.

Make a Difference – Run for Your Local School Council!

For more information about Local School Council Elections, visit your local school or the

Office of Local School Council Relations • 125 S. Clark Street, 5th Floor - 773-553-1400

Share your plans and ideas for improving your school with other parents and community members.

Vote on Election Day! (Report Card Pick-up)

• Monday, April 7, 2014 (Elementary Schools)

• Tuesday, April 8, 2014 (High Schools) From 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in all schools

Return completed forms by New Extended Deadline:3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014 at your school or at the Office of Local School Council Relations

Fill out candidate forms.Available at your school, CPS Network Offices or via the web:





Local School Council Elections 20144

Running for your LSC is simple.

Make a Difference – Run for Your Local School Council!

For more information about Local School Council Elections, visit your local school or the

Office of Local School Council Relations • 125 S. Clark Street, 5th Floor - 773-553-1400

Share your plans and ideas for improving your school with other parents and community members.

Vote on Election Day! (Report Card Pick-up)

• Monday, April 7, 2014 (Elementary Schools)

• Tuesday, April 8, 2014 (High Schools) From 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in all schools

Return completed forms by New Extended Deadline:3:00 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014 at your school or at the Office of Local School Council Relations

Fill out candidate forms.Available at your school, CPS Network Offices or via the web:





Holy Family School is a private Kindergarten through 8th grade school, operated by Holy Family

Ministries, a faith-based nonprofit organization. We are located on the safe and attractive Homan Square campus just four blocks south of the Eisenhower Expressway. Our school enrolls students on a first-come first-served basis, without regard to religion, race, gender, academic ability or ethnicity. Tuition (including book fee) is comprised of ten monthly payments of $225-350 per month, depending on family income. (Every student receives at least $5000 in aid.) Class size is 18-25 students, allowing for individual attention and calm environment. Our ambitious academic program is designed to help children develop their skills and a solid work ethic while also teaching essential character strengths. We are proud of our outcomes!

For the last three years, our all-school average has exceeded the national average in both English/language arts and math. In 2013, 100% of our graduating 8th graders entered a college prep, private, charter, selective enrollment, or suburban high school of choice. Since 2005, 83% of our alumni have gone on to college.

After-school and summer opportunities are plentiful and life-enhancing. Teachers and college students provide homework help for an hour each day followed by rotating activities such as robotics, computer lab, chess, journalism, spoken word, choir, and math games. Our middle school students compete in four sports, including boys’ and girls’ basketball leagues.

Adventures In Learning, our 8-week, full-day summer camp includes academic enrichment, the arts, fitness, and STEM activities. This program attracts youth from the entire community, including those attending neighborhood public schools. Subsidies accepted.

Holy Family also offers Little Learners Academy, a full-day, Preschool For All, program that challenges young minds and makes learning an exciting process of discovery.

Please contact us with any questions you may have at 773-265-0550.

Holy Family ScHool

John MeyerBachelor’s Degree in Radio (CMAT)

Nicholas McKnightSecondary Education Class of 2013 773.995.2513 now.

“The College of Education has a rich history of graduating leaders in the classroom. I selected this program to be a part of the distinctive legacy.”

Accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Copyright © 2011 - 2014. All Rights Reserved by Chicago State University

Special Advertising Section March 12, 2014 1716 March 12, 2014 Special Advertising SectionEDUCATION & ENrIChmENT GUIDE EDUCATION & ENrIChmENT GUIDE

NO LoansNO DebtNO CostFor Eligible Applicants

CALL TODAY!312-563-9028

Success is Right Around The Corner!RF Scanning - Forklift Operations - OSHA Safety - UPS/FedEx Shipping

After nine years in a dead-end, part-time, fast food job, Willie enrolled in GWTP's Training Program in Transportation, Warehousing and Logistics.

Just over three months later, with her newly developed skills, she landed a good local job in the industrthe industry.

Call today... Your success story is just around the corner!

Next Class Starts Soon!Greater West Town Shipping & Receiving Training Program | 500 N. Sacramento Blvd. | Chicago, IL 60612

Transportation, Warehousing, and Logistics

For more information: 773-722-2222 or

Your Partner


9AM 9AM -- 11AM 11AM Admissions & ApplicationsAdmissions & Applications

Bring prior year report card & test scores Bring prior year report card & test scores

11AM 11AM -- 1PM 1PM Open House & ToursOpen House & Tours

1PM ~ Collage Concert1PM ~ Collage Concert Showcasing the best of Fine Arts Week!Showcasing the best of Fine Arts Week!



35 years ~ 35 years ~ 100% Acceptance100% Acceptance to fourto four--year colleges and universitiesyear colleges and universities

FAST TRACK REGISTRATION AVAILABLE FOR 2014-2015. Inquire about Scholarships,

Financial Aid, Travel Abroad Program, Transportation and more!




Last One for 2014-2015...

It’s Not Too Late to


WTA West Town Academy

Alternative High School

Write a New FutureRequirements:• Between 17 and 21 years old• Out of school• 4 high school credits• 7th grade level Reading and Math

534 N. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago, IL 60612 | [email protected] |

Erase � e Past

Return to School and Earn Your Diploma

at the West Town Academy

Apply Today!312-563-9044

Space is Limited

534 N. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago, IL 60612 | [email protected] | www.westtownacademy.org534 N. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago, IL 60612 | [email protected] | www.westtownacademy.org534 N. Sacramento Blvd., Chicago, IL 60612 | [email protected] |

Special Advertising Section March 12, 2014 1918 March 12, 2014 Special Advertising SectionEDUCATION & ENrIChmENT GUIDE EDUCATION & ENrIChmENT GUIDE

Dr Bill’s Learning CenterTutoring for Grades 2 through 10

* Materials cost offset plus Program offering per Treatment Plan with consented Rehabilitation Evaluation if required. Rate comparison to similar

professional program offerings in local area.

ChiCaGo:4909 West Division St.

Chicago, iL 60651


oak Park:18 West Lake Streetoak Park, iL 60302


Extended hours:Saturdays 9 am - 4 pm • Weekdays 2 - 8 pm

aT TWo LoCaTionS

• Experienced, Trained Rehabilitation Facilitators• Individualized Intensive Specialized Tutoring• Culturally Relevant Resources:

African-American and Latino/Latina American Diaspora• Multifaceted Service for Diverse Learning Styles• Computer Assisted Instruction• Organization Skill Streaming• Test Taking Anxiety Rehabilitation

Lowest HourLy rates

Limited Enrollment, Call Now!

Call Mark at 708-434-0336

help your Child get Better GradesGet organized & Stay organized

Become Self Confident

Spring is here. The year started happy enough. Then you got your child’s latest report card. Now it is

confirmed, your student is in serious need of help to save this school year. The bad news from school turns a happy New Year sour. It can be bad in different ways for different grades, but bad news whenever for your child is still bad. For example, this may be the second half of third grade – and if it stays bad then she or he could repeat the year. What can a parent do? It’s now when you really start worrying! You look for help because you know good education means a good life for your child.

However, the search is not easy especially if you need professional help and not just a homework helper. Too often parents of students with special education needs, or bad school attitude, or heavy family issues can’t find affordable tutors to help their struggling second to tenth graders. Universities or Social Service Associations are worth seeking out but have a long waiting list. You need an alternative opportunity for special services that is here, in your neighborhood

The sad news of failing grades or low self-esteem this is just as bad for your sixth grade student who can possibly suffer from by repeating this benchmark school year and can jeopardize his or her chances for a select high school acceptance.

The bad news of a bad report card doesn’t stop for your ninth grade high school student because as most teachers and parents know-the first year since the tone for the rest of high school! Now every assignment and test counts because your child’s future is on the line. These days, prospects for college scholarships and good paying jobs are bad and worst. Time doesn’t stop even if the lies of many government leaders try to paint a rosy picture of the country’s future. You know the truth that by 10th grade the issues that lead to academic failure, dropout, and a lifetime of learning disability have gone too far for yours and our children. You have to get help now! You have thought or tried school interventions, doctors, hospitals, boot camps, afterschool programs, bribes or even threats but they didn’t or won’t help?

You need the best that professionals can offer without paying a hardship-causing price for it. The latest research shows that specialized, intensive, motivating, and culturally relevant tutoring can turn around failures best identified after 1st grade. We have it at now at Dr. Bill’s Learning Centers. We are specialized for special students with learning disability-LD, ADD, anxiety and poor motivation.

Dr. Bill’s Learning Centers offer a family focused, holistic, specialized tutoring program with an interdisciplinary

team dedicated to bettering improving the educational outcomes for children like yours. Unlike most other tutoring centers, we help bridging the ‘academic achievements gap’ with creative holistic rehabilitative services. We offer individualized, one on one supplemental special instruction by trained tutors and much more. Our unique integrated services include art therapy, which helps build alternative learning venues, creative skills and stress management. Dr. Bill’s learning Centers’ nutrition counseling helps educate families to connect a healthy and balanced diet to better brain development. Our mentoring service complements the academic assistance to uplift and empower our students. All our efforts focus on mastering fundamental skills that will strengthen your child’s self-confidence, organization and cognitive skills for life. We have put it all together so that the right tutor can ‘get it right’ for your child!

We look forward to answering your questions, serving your special students, or just giving you an encouraging word to put the Happy back into your year. Your children deserve as do all of our children- a happy and productive future. Don’t give up! If you don’t call us, then please call someone now for help, before it’s too late! Best wishes this season from Dr. Bill and staff.

Dr. Bill’s Learning Center18 West Lake St.Oak Park, IL 60302708-434-0336

4909 West Division St.Chicago, IL 60651773-626-5551

How can tHiS year be a better one For your cHild?

For more information or for a school tour, call

773-265-0550, walk in,

or write to

[email protected]


3415 W. Arthington CALL TODAY!



LOW TUITION, $235-$355/mo. X 10 mo. (sibling discount)



6:30 AM– 5:30 PM YEAR–ROUND

ALUMNI ATTEND: Walter Payton, St. Ignatius, Culver, Fenwick, Gordon Tech, Chicago Hope, St. Joseph, DeLaSalle, Holy Trinity, Noble Charters


Holy Family School Located on the historic Homan Square campus in Chicago,

we are a safe place where children excel academically, grow spiritually, and expand their life experiences.





Special Advertising Section March 12, 2014 2120 March 12, 2014 Special Advertising SectionEDUCATION & ENrIChmENT GUIDE EDUCATION & ENrIChmENT GUIDE

Hands-on exploration.

Real world discovery.

Hands-on exploration.

Real world discovery.

Hands-on exploration.

Real world discovery.

The mission of Polaris Charter Academy is to educate

students to be self-motivated, creative, critical thinkers,

with the ultimate goal of shaping life-long learners and

citizens with a strong sense of personal and civic


Application deadline is Friday, March 21st, 2014. Lottery will be held on Tuesday, March 25th, 2014.

Accepting applications for grades K-8 for the 2014-2015 school year

• FREE public charter school• Long school day: 7:50AM - 4PM

• Small class size: 25• Student/teacher ratio: 12.5 to 1 • Music, art, drama & technology

Please e-mail [email protected] or call (773) 534-0820

for an application.

We are located at 620 N. Sawyer West Humboldt Park

(1 block west of Kedzie, between Ohio & Huron)

Polaris Charter Academy is an innovative FREE elementary charter school serving the West Humboldt

Park neighborhood of Chicago. Through the lens of Expeditionary Learning, our students leverage their knowledge from the classroom, from experts, and through fieldwork to make a meaningful impact on their school, their community, Chicago and beyond.

We are currently accepting applications for the 2014/2015 school year for students in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.

Applications are available in the school’s main office or on our website at

The application deadline is Friday, March 21st, 2014.

The Polaris Charter Academy lottery is scheduled for Tuesday, March 25th at 9:00am. The public is welcome to attend the lottery!

Polaris Charter Academy is committed to its students and parents, ensuring our families have the resources and experiences necessary to be successful throughout their lives.

SchooL ProgrAmS IncLude:

Extended school day from 7:50am to 4:00pm

Student/teacher ratio 12 to 1

Experienced teachers (average 7 years)

Daily breakfast from 7:20am to 7:50am

Afterschool program from 4:00pm to 6:00pm

Trimester calendar, beginning mid-August

Intersession opportunities for school break

Healthy breakfast, lunch and snack provided by Gourmet Gorilla

Weekly drama, music, art and technology instruction

PolariS cHarter academy

 Gentlemen for Others



FOR YOUNG MEN Attention  parents  of  current  4th  graders,  applications  for  our  free,  five-­‐week  Summer  Session  are  available  now.  Act  quickly!  Space  is  limited.  Completion  of  the  Summer  Session  is  the  first  step  to  

earn  admission  to  Chicago  Jesuit  Academy  for  the  2014-­‐2015  school  year.  


  Summer  Classes  Begin  June  16th,  2014  Find  out  more  at  our  OPEN  HOUSES  

Saturday,  March  8th  from  9  AM  –  12  PM  Thursday,  April  10th  from  5  PM  –  7  PM    

� Small  class  sizes  � 11-­‐month  school  year  � Safe,  loving  environment  � College-­‐prep  curriculum  � Sports,  art  and  music  programming  � Newly  Renovated  Building  

 To receive more information or apply, please contact us at (773) 638-6103 or [email protected] or visit our website at


We  believe  all  of  our  students  can  learn,  and  we  expect  all  of  our  students  to  learn.  During  their  four  years  of  study  with  us,  our  first  graduating  classes  have  made  -­‐-­‐  on  average  -­‐-­‐  seven  years  of  academic  grade-­‐level  progress.  Every  CJA  graduate  has  earned  admission  to  at  least  one  college  prep  high  school.  Our  alumni  attend  Christ  the  King  Jesuit  College  Prep,  Culver  Academy  (IN),  Episcopal  High  School  (VA),  Fenwick  High  School,  Fountain  Valley  (CO),  LaLumiere  (IN),  Loyola  Academy,  Noble  Street  Charter  Schools,  St.  Ignatius  College  Prep  and  other  fine  college  prep  high  schools.  Our  commitment  to  our  students  extends  well  beyond  middle  school  to  include  college-­‐persistence  programming  for  our  alumni  during  high  school  and  the  transition  to  college.    



We believe all of our students can learn, and we expect all of our students to learn. During their four years of study with us, our first graduating classes have made -- on average -- seven years of academic grade-level progress. Every CJA graduate has earned admission to at least one college prep high school. Our alumni attend Christ the King Jesuit College Prep, Culver Academy (IN), Episcopal High School (VA), Fenwick High School, Fountain Valley (CO), LaLumiere (IN), Loyola Academy, Noble Street Charter Schools, St. Ignatius College Prep and other fine college prep high schools. Our commitment to our students extends well beyond middle school to include college-persistence programming for our alumni during high school and the transition to college.


70 8 . 383 . 3 456 | 6701 W. North Av e . , oA k PA r k | W W W.m A ster-sh-y

Tr aining ThaT EndurEs

“I love Master Yu’s because of how kind the instructors are, how much fun you have, and that martial arts is a never-ending journey!

Sign-Up Now for SPRING Classes!

Be a part of our faMIlY: Give your Child the skills to rise

above any obstacle.

Vivian p. - age 9