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See Our Ldt^stDesigns And Get#nr Prices

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rlcat heai-tlw.y have seni, wM^li ;s well as t r ice .

insjf app l i -



A Few of tlm Mm: Aflite'Wfe":-C!aoy

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Ne\y Yojrk, 3>ec. 'i-6—|A n«ttoft-Mde i^tr&ip^gn to Md the ujie«ipl»yieja m imerfean cities a'»d fccref&s'laia tieg'mi,

^ * V « before has such a con&fehen" ^ p ftamjpfvistt of 'brothezly loy^ been aevfeed. That Amep;«iE. has tier ow» .!«4dB of starvation, h«r <Jwit, to a l ^ has bfei&n ibKyght io|me ? > he great mavemettt .*:<>, teicqe ih»j lie'great ^Vclceas of gathering |f«neb<,

foo*l ati4 clothittg for^the amist^a Bn-^upeaas^ there has axlaea ;i closap icw'ot our owa .profatett* i t .jap SIMI- .L

$«aiy heea d!seo\'ercd that pi-|ly 2,-'O0,0#t> AmenJca»i| .ore faelat tjhe vu. ;at» <>f winles? aud emptj* lsiraer», hrough onemjplwmeat?' ) i "

v special ••eftwjy in themselves. !\Vhfe-4»i? strides, Iftdt»sa?ia| a^p?-e^Klb», or >fa4fcl«s«ttftw Mm to'lM Ma^*4 the W » « i |>fx»t>$«m-/ . "';*a«f . «m«dt:

;««*, T»» eonim$tu# of ptmmmw aea \tho aa* st«^l«^ tha preW tM

for the City *»F N<?w Tork, htadlfcd hy ^ud'ge 11 B, G-ary, -i&ee making jovory Jtott to get a t the. e^ttges and -ti»

'^rttttllate. -a <6ajnp«iJ-ghTor i**JJelr. A niastetpal fm^loymeat harcuul ivx-swh 6UCMM, to hring- th* eirjtpio^ •>*» a»d 'th« job^ss tdgeth^-y i two httwfircfl womca, wives '• of 'eti:,t>l^y«r3. **avo ^ledgred ^themselv^s to a£d th<! •ot*1««s- *lwi»sr the wliiter, ,

Itt $%itadgi|)hla, •ev&ty city Wf^.U* oriaatf^ed fftr rd,W worfe, aaa Df «en-©01*3 5' «rfott 1» *e!»??: $ua'«sfe£uUy MS' e tt> he5p «M ac td? and 'attt-u. p-fered* ^fto cits? Ms m^«TH ft taft».

Ja CMcagio. th* -prnmam lias 'lew-

gKbdaoi A TI> WBiimir,



••devalipih^.** > It c^ttld i«ot fee n$cext&i«e4 a*;4fjst

whetlhet this ^e i^» t t attl^S;'%as dfe" ilgited increly to spre^vj^piis'^aaptigi

•xhis Sriitish people, •;i,wh^)pr';ifcs 'JMP~\ Ws& w$& to.«ty?age the Si-ffish &&&i

<n a'©^ttsr^J^oxxtion. o**^ «aot.a* &a oacoct jh an Atteptpt'to, tau4 *roS:i^ on the! JSrttfsh w yaife; ' : •"'- .-'.*.•.

i<feiiher gGsodfaoipoti rh' 'n«r I-Kaartl'e'-poo-i i» 'iorefl«d, ^tsavbortottg'h' has $ .populaiSWa of-1 i^g^o pt#l% ; aild during-ithe saoii^er- Mtpnthsr the'%eaa:;

«ide' hcfete&i^'cro^fttt, At t W t W & r>f the ij' a-n However ih«; hotel^a^is ei&ihtk9,tictiv6lf Jd^erfcadi". 43tattliei^oot, y>s«th4i* with Weit £ta'r4«po<>l, has f pcpTilatlon of ^hotit p$vQ00, !

Slim* Bi t All 0*er>ca*iioibiiglU Hull, »e&-16^ vi» X.ohdoh^ ii*d >&>

London, Diesfc Tfr^&he 6er»»B.ft jfleet t?«at attacked tlwee British ports lh iiio North %& todajt hi» tvWfetstly escaped the jmrsuinsr British fleet and it l* tatpeeted that other coast towns will he houisharded. Newcastle retjorted dering the latfe afternoon that an attack by the <Ser$iattK wan expected at iVnemouth, Northumber­land, .swttejJSS wllei from aEar|iepoot.i« '1'he eivUian* were informed that an attack. wa« sxpocted mnd thty w^re t§hl to g6 to »iswca»fl* Itt cum j>f atr *tt»«fc A« the saw lisht* in rywftm6»tli wji^t Kttisiaitheft to*

jdght. ' "•• Thrae totim* whsr* there wer» it«>

^!lr.«, .Sk\irboro«sh, jSTarttepooi ami \fhiiUy* trere hohiharded* «^he hi*-ttirio ahhey at WhitbyrWa* ruined a«d mhch daifia*« w«*~44tte >» tfeft oUi?r tow«g, - _ -' .» *,

It >vaa i*«»or«ft t»hi«ht that the G&rntftim had: been |>»hi8h«d for their da'rin»; ,*tt rtttucliSai^-itho eoast and that two of tha iJettroyer»*1i«a been sutik. However,"":tJ4» «oald not be «o'nfir«*cd and th*- w*r #tfte©' knew-Btttiii«g oflteWU . K*«i»xtle -«0«icf».. ui.»ted that fo«r+Brlti»h torpedo boats att'ft-cke^ three-, Ownsw TteuaS&lva..



to &M jo-Siiesw MMJR In aosr mRijer'^av Xtt. "Bo»t&»».tHc jSta«« pre* 35«il»Wj--

•neat «>a-y«a« ^tow».a 3a':fi»tf-JciSE in h -&or d^hjmids.- Mayor cir tey !» insd-: » F -a eoawftlit«e t M t is ntot>}>tiM? <»» ¥C«fc 4o secar* *apto^|mes.« atvli t Uev» -dij?tre$»,

lit" S&attfc. a a EaJir^riailohl 0} tStiftS | beea snadfij to c a ; far

Sfy. havsHs reports itjj. pttwmi.hiiin: *?er of tme^^JoycjdU asdySoajj :atahe»s tm$ ftc-en wemtib for i W m'ho.can* ft*t frovid« fsr themselves. ,

im Kfctrolij Hfiawy Ford has oplened ap- fej^r s ^ 1 h<i#pitai -fd the re l lk «g rtie twt<>.' tHatO |*«» 'jnraupdtA l M *8d food f - ik«.jtottwiB.

,JP» <%W«.„»<jK:4lttaa* *^.exefe#l##:y

mitexs. I t is eWtMAted t fe t 41 $60 ay*-«-ffeet*d. "Th« Ktrik© 3Bmd».*t^ low,, a a i the fa«»Hvle«'o* the; *trik.*s |t*-e itjujiiser a 'Chifferieb cwtetmas."' The atate w.«^vtRff 3,fl«r|» '4is»£-3*ae*i nfi'UltA WHlitormB, and -many fcjjssl .opgaadfta--

The miners

st^riding tout for three; fientk. -a t«m rocVii than the ef|»<rator^'w,ll oft!«r»

In Catudep^, R &,' the street cjoiu •mtasioacr haa" heeH fioftM \-itto paeatlohs for ''work/ since '1;

tiona are'a4diner in •th«npr*(Mei. • isssto -Js the ;«-a^a «ea.#i, -the;

he since Pttdertook ;to.iempi4i;'«lS!-j.i.dle ciaa|ens. An ehierscjw apprbprntioa .«4' ««d lios'ibWn raised ;' '

.In .Slit -aailcee th«>' coapty sjmd ettj« re'OeC t'ands- ijair'fe Been- Wont Iwtdo.* •<jwate»'to meet the sjiitaajttoa wist .fail A, eojximitte© & toldinsr jregruktr meet-%%§&• to devise a "raeWvM of '^t | t in« week for the tme'mplo^i.

In .-Xmviwrt, Kp., pu*jltd-ft|j}d» ar« *K4»sr «sea-1«. employ ldfe:'6l8i::eW An a.-pgHja io aid "the ttaemptwed of Ciov ingt-oh, Ky„ has come.o&lout iBiro|itfh mmy oases- cjf idleness. J

The-Ame5ttsan-Fadera,t'i|on •«)£ I«hor-the

the- Isovera: roccm-tly recoijniz^d the ^ ^ 1 1 ^ of •sitHibtioh when it asked mrut to hawy its.plaiw for

the ttttffinjJlo. ejd huiidiags, so-.that «oaid get work.

•With ail th$ me,-3«aire th|at helttii taken throaghoat to soiw this -grre t.praMc-a employed, 'ti>. r© -is' a geV ism that the boom *.h ind tesrs, promised by jihe vas m/ifetrlal arid articles

.the r of erai ustrlal eun-

i » »

•will mmi rbli&rtt the #lt$«;-tioj


• • \ ,

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' ) . .

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.1 ,

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W^shtestton, Dee, 5 .-1* fact^that 'the senate at1

of. •Seonsttur 0'<3*««"man, of rejected the nsoni|aati.>ii at J aha ;st. j.vit-n, of B-ochesiier, for tTi


liter district attprpey, for the • west* rn dii iriict of K©«* Vork> Pr-e4<Jeat ^WiiSiin •RiU not withdraw liyjja'i wame, Tb t-ecame known, today and fe vr-ag h« -tieved itaif^nmtbr Trt»aM"i-e Qtreehid Ijetw^ec the -^ecate aaa j-resiieat. '

ap» city

pu MtQ

ire countti? the ijn-opt:

orders abroid,

• 5BB3B' tfA3*, • '*Bte.' Oja? BBsda*'

a ^ W S i ^ f^QSt (-BBE5E-m^ ^

|»6r£.JElenr>V Geo. ^^-Stesidettts-of tftjit vp«g& --were .sh-o#ea' - yesteMay n30*:^*iiea the aeWsj-Was Sashid jiver

i tl i€|"^it< B fromjKtdjiat ©iemea^ .Sifieta^ .t1tatS-i|ri::iJen:aie -4*, Shetman, »^Mtgj-J| • tiffe !"•! vtfe -of 'the "lite- JfoM,, #e4jr|e m.—J»mea Hajcver Scott' at .^teK*-'{^»::^k»«^'%e-'i*P^ Sentry mi-iliioT*-

borough who arrived- tt^ft^-After'-tfe.lft^Wi^iteii^a*'fetit #ho 'was ;tra|ut$4 bomhar^meat -pf.' tlte -iaeiaiiide, • resort | a dtiwc e !t»nv M^-^*s*ai"-is*^i^ -ag-w, by the, German^ «aWi i * . V • 5 ha4::ld*a: at, th«t„tface" aboatS Jt9

"i,eoftid not'beiieii*lt;wW-.a-..real!-o,ei'e^';this sareniopjiL ' ••-.!• attack, t thddght the batti^thips wer* 1 ji«r death of Mti&. ^»erm^i«i |wat praetieijig» Then. l,Ja[* #,«hell ^faa'; eitt^eiy ,un,expeeteC^-ter'pca/^e* oii the if-oof of\A--1ioaae! wh|bh-Jeajtght' Iv j hei'mftat*' had. reeeiyeCa letter fire a«t^-there.w«« *-,ei»tid ;ol apibke. da$s; m^rn^g i-tatuy- tfi^f. she- ;»-*.?

-<43E also noticed that th*^Salift*ord hotel, w&ht te tb* center1 ,pf th* town was struck* A» 't 'walked to 'the. station /sh'fits wer* bwriting.., ayer» head 51116 at She tt*!iah phelif fell into the yard. AjporSer there picked »1» » frajsmeht : .' , «' ':>'. , **A man'tteeompaol# br-nis -Wife'

and'cHildit*», i$m* jfuhhinf into ther station i»ay|n|r' that 'tlm ro^f of their twase'had'been -4»mf%£& b>* *heii*.'**

f A-noQter' «ye~wJt»*ii:' from '0ear* horo^gh «a$tf that teach 4^bri* was scattered abottt.ttt*'..*Kt»are ftear^the ;

rairoad fetation, >y «i^ s1ieit;fire. Eoofa of Ifcruse* %ero-.- imu km®* windows were- tt*^en..*nd'jhole*;bor^i ed eutireiy though' i^tt« hou*e*» The hugo «himney; at ^ 0 • Mcfe' mtku was knocked diewn. •.'','

Several 8heM»--;''.<fred;-;at the w4rele«S'statio»j, wllh'Whkt reittlt i* u»knpww» ' ";. if "

As H*S*hh^|WivVi«iii- .»,• . Wa^tiagto-a, ' ,»ee. ; *S—i?h»' /Cter- I' man ' naval >4id ott:'. Erjtti#h ' coast

The i^utaefti of ^Scarborough -atw* |t««fW «f«it«4-. AvWef^riad.: Attention": Ha'rtiepo«$ took »ftt*»-l».e$fiBw!< The

insc th?» 4ojr-fes" wljMi.:Ii*"W|*i #fce,d

t« navit a^-a*^io»fst«o «iMf*" here,. .32h&j&e*t; feidih^w^jw&M .ol jnuaa^. . . that the .cordon- -of '^rltjuh i>hi$« whleh

d wtifit to HttW. ©««:,«r, -two- traia» ipfl. while* the homfearflmpt/wai' m*

fr-o BrW»h. nhipa'were *oon taijjftr-sail of the Gerutanif. -who hatij lest jhemnelves in th* fogs*. J* Is eiqdent that th^y 4W not depart t©s«pi^jr but. each *hl&/:.took a diitereat course. Thhs waa the *econd attempt to rpacJj' the *bore« of Enslan^. the othe^* at­tempt feeler' on 'J?o*ember % . • J

' Ijandom-O^c. "J.$»-f*52-*-», m ^ F o r th* first -time-in modern history tens-H<h towtjw have *«fered from, the at-n^k-'of'ft Umm .e»«»ijr» : ,

A fittwunt jsquatfroh <r«M w^ on--hft -northews't coast of Enstf'and- d«r-?n« the darkuei* of *-misty ttigh-t* When the f>««- cleared between 1 and % -o'clock this "momins the. Ve«$eji» -of Un squadron ope'ned lira on : tho

*«»jfft*» - of' -Scarborough, "Whitby avd-Hartlepool. A 4istanC» of ahptjt 40 •miles *eparaten |h* first named bort;

that the #ittfailon w«m 4eve |e ip t%. |*- a »«^*te^^**§ro*^i«te*«e-- : -Tihffle who were <0»le Jto get ' . amy.^nee artmft«^Jie!^-|fr!ti*h M e | had :

: fi^w thejhr^e towns tfiat %yere «hrti*l b?en sadderfly penetrated aad «r i -

— - " - ' ' -'•- «a» damage infiioted ©a th* British-coast porta..','

Conhted on na ^Idef XxTonse It-wiui pointed tot that thlsflttight,

'put 10 ft 'gerJguir • test the -t.t;t* K«aa-admiral- Mahan**., »o|ed theory of sea- power* txparftiiap;'to', 'which ,1-gtronij naval fe^pe .otai!3 holtjat bay the a'ttacks of iaVadera, J4 was re--r^led also thest t|ie' no^theait eoa*!t cf.: fen&laad ip the HmmedM*, vicinity of.


*CEB3>A5T» ' * ' i -T-.

jsej Jly, i*$p>6ve4-i» jheal^J,; to-retura tpU^i- home "ih,J|ot".

*y;|f».'^hrl9t«tti».r.' ;.- . • ••.."„. Sh#!Sia«. wa^ ;-'; :-weii fen^w*.'

Arfeitf h'ya$ this .section. She wa^.oac .^:" She i-nloft charit-a.'iie- ift»a*«ar,.-wh' '»«)? UvM itt- th:-r-; itiiaire,. he^ kittd-a jsif-of; heart saving; 4ua*dred$ of «af f^reys fpom^ ^ixyit^oa'and ^ a t ,

-litrs, ^Shermaft. * « ^ tt^m&#; ?4 -ak*] asttiji hail' ^eijaC'tlhe g&^&*p&x&





MYERS trtCErics i d Oockso' •/ * ^ *




* sECAaaLMJEafa*. M


b ??* *iik sd -aad -mest those \"sao knew hc-r

popular among ,he§t. • "-V /


A1 theak l>t-o.. i-S,-«frh© -dhrM&th* 'a*e bei:K#.'-ma§sa*£ret; try .tpurksl -'at Aft&ff, A-sia- attROr, smjjs-.have -peeja !pilt«»sed a6^ set u(n I'hfo, W«me-a j ^Iris-rhiye'-been'' yk:l-at«,l. - »y '- ishe-,'-• y|i|rJ0*'' \ '•••<• , . . ' • ' '

A/ali i» a towxt of qpfiW people 'on i^e^olj-^f-Ad-ra-ms^' -M st of tts a v h^wt^N Ai'fr--'Sr«Mt' '.-• '•

''tl Saln**'""

a$fe» eoewuesrhere, aach ns joeng .fiassror Sir Edward Goer's-ith-oul4 be sh«jt wih?s» *ost!r- own te« o»«rs recstve bette-r treatment wl^" in a shart time. Ki^Jit&»aa aA:

' m;i#st «er%' a s an -a^ofeiay for mfife ; ita utterance, but ''We ar» SghUi

alfett skates andE not fefastle la ;txahhwh.o ha#p«n«*o he d e m i e s shase* -ply 'hec&use ibpifr* aro #Jbi<jet» a •»^^es5ootfs^rx;^«i ^?e^r* *«nir^M«.

Cr«««r w T ^ - l ^ S X £ l * - L 7 « ; i « N » « r f VMfrh <x ,th« Bed"

l«ge'to ^id Armors |-» -SSCUVJJJS the cost b^'itvfh^'&ad. i-nsii-eas^ the »«t •H" &:i3Mf:. 3(. -theja* work, was. earripd t&t« |*Mlade|tjpFitta. y^ae]Pdaf» ,w*toft experts ft lecture |«ets. "ijhe tare. W fr'M*. trce% •e«-kt* «Etioa qf -er-opfcv\. hre^dln|t isf''s«ta& and -other.animals* pi{le,i'f:ii>r^«cfcK{?

aitd-maa^ kladred s^^jesctawere Sts-

to ,Contht^«4 os* fWfr. •'"*' ^Tjiftha-ff,

miles *eparate» ,th» first namea t>ort t ^ L « « » ** MArwIirf *rom th© tost mentioned. This «ttetch | yw«tr HtJOS IS m W 3 DltJQtltP 'if coast i*. something like 'M> mtau i '•; *V\ *j ^ '• • ; , - _ . • : *



ite the requ* !?t


Stat ?s

Tke in getting th a 0

Pritt^h'flotillas awj en«a«ing jhese | | Invader* of British waters -and, the •ortresss of Wmt Hartlepool, 0.8 the mouth of .the- riyer Tee6, fjlred ijipon the <?erman *hips. !

The officiat reports 4o not set forth the n»mber of the attacking t-jree, nor do th«*y say, whether the.iKSt-roast t o w b were fired upon *imul» taneousiy. The unoflicial report* reaching 1-^adon by telephone pjrob-ablV Were leata^serated* - J . • Weesa-steis fn>m.B«rtl.epool say the local ssw? 'works and the Jutibor ydrite w«ri'j?et afire by'the, shells of the -Gwm^n ^hi.p*. The-esUmal^ of the <&smiMes sgt 'Hartlepool, jWn*? •people kiu|ed, probasbly is *tte?s tfx>rk and probably is esasgerated,:

feiiell? into' Whitby and w w k e d jjetfi ?v»l honaek K-eeordins; ,to «t mee^aj;& from -This ©lacSi and one plviHah. re^« | ident nf l^hftW died of a womjd i?us-tatned daring the Wmbardme?it The sound «fythe Geiman. guns^VaSf heard at towns, as far. talami as ^0| m sles, aocorcilnsr to- spams rfeporfcs.

Peopie f?c»in S?arborotiffh. .droxsed from the^r'slee-p My the ' CSenaai shells, hurried in droves•• to \ tljce. rail-noad station autd .hoarded .the tlrss ifcriMw tor Swil,- where they Oireumted alarmist stories -ss to wh&t.was h- P penlng: oit the coast,;

The mmvs of this wa^ ftousi'Ced- by the British, admit alty shortiy before M,30 o'clock this:4n»r» n.1ng and It, threw X-ondon |«to 's!NfSnu:^,t. state- <*f -esscltew^ni has rpi^vaJifd since the ou{i»r©a>l the wir< „v -,.__

British ilotiliaa ha,ve 'beew engagred •witai the etieany'. a t .several joints', hOW^vci-, aJtft a t st&an the ;sJthaftO?i wg^ de|$?ib§a hy-the'ao:tni| '#^ri.ras

I Hci?amdf a^udy la thsbfeadingof differ^nfe&eds

the test; and i^s l>een- fjrov^a

Kowis the time tof put i

of corioM inm MEM* DLW&$ m& 9 s^fc^vanlsgf-of our Ibwprices, •* ' . . . ' - v , ' .-. ' • • > j - : 1 ,

Com# in ana w^ \pll be where we can saw joti mone^.

r<»s ,\ ip'h^ t£yea i&jv* Froi.1 W. H.

best .rfsiili"?* th* feed- yon are

Berlin, Beef 16,—'It ia semi* iy a»itoanced' here that the d< for -rpp-risala against aliens ta.' ^ -tasmy- in answer to the flffSch it is reported is Kytiitss ,' Germm&s lift other eosntrleiji lOiii be eoantenanced. The Oak-ssoyernmeitt will hot deflate from istpgttfht c-jurfee of ioiEeraatfefiijtl t tesy-j according to the "Korddew Att^emeltte J2e-it«h&** wliieh semi»otfieially:

'*t^e fesl .JEjatur iSy aax$ou* a s t%i Sh+o of "jhpr couctrymea who « priaoneirs 4m. *he eaemsrVs - - -*"~



:of 'regard" -for 'fo*e$gtt'<iotin4sr|ei^ fe«$ |l3e«3'.ase> their c av ciAse© au^ ^lf-v respect QemaiBid Il-lThi4 tivafea5*os,«f

. ^u - „ , - j ^ - - ^ - i . 'iTth^ German people d>^man,% Jhat. ft

thtfrr. or sons of hostile s?^afe^me»» **WP Intivw only tc i %e& {fiat s ieh

t'hoib^ ^oatimeats regsrair t*) Germrna pr*i?onp'*s are rot e\er*Tvh«^*^ Eaan*-


.1 toBedrfirctipfts J- jodstmar heel. l f m «^r«»d. and wo *& Qf^'d, that tlty edMe and other W w W crea- I £*» s o » « «f «»or oWk eoiatr#me»

frr.m aTj excessive zaeil T?dS iwrt aa>-;

prpcjate them. Baft ahatjlm&sft KOt *?e-

agreement vri£i the fu»6^ums"t!g.t pria cjpTcs of thoop jf>nr!-fi#Ic!=3 't&rlrvi" ti:tms. After all, the atfeat fetrrtr for thu German rat'-ooi |s t&cst to fee ?ahaai ed Of itself, .but to teta:.n i&jSel^risJ pect." - • • 1 A


I^ondon, Dec, 14 •—B; mail tnlK& I York, Dec 16.—Belief, ia e^m> • fieri: that Gen* Chr|stia|i DeWet, ' leader of the rebellions Boters. b^erifsecretly*" ^hd executedi

e mm eg gs

n yoifr WtnteTj Supply IBRAN ., and M I D -

tried by- feoaxt martini

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