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Page 1: Basics of CAD

Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

Basics of CAD


Department of Computer Engineering

Page 2: Basics of CAD

Masinprojekteerimise alused * A. Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

CAD referencies:

1. A.Kalja, T.Tiidemann, E.Tõugu. Masin- projekteerimine. Tallinn, Valgus, 1991, 105 lk.2. A. Saxena, B. Sahay. Computer Aided Engineering Design. Springer, 2005, 394 p.3. Dean L. Taylor. Computer-Aided Design. Addison-Wesley, 1992, 492 p. 4. Eds. J. Gero and F. Sudweeks. Artificial Intelligence in Design ‘96. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, Dordrecht, 782 p.6. Sixth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'14 or DCC14)7. Electronic magazine Computer-Aided Design

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut


1. Definitions

CAD, in broadest sense, is the use of computersfor the design workCAD, in the narrower sense, is any object or process project automated preparation using a computer

CADCAD Computer Aided DesignCAMCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAD/CAMCAD/CAM

CAECAE Computer Aided Engineering

CATCAT C A Testing

CAPCAP C A Planning


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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

Domains of CAD

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut


Data base


Main program

Basic software


Computer graphics

General structure of a CAD system

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

A) Public CAD system

B) One user sytem

C) Local area network of a CAD system

Classification of CAD systems

. . .

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut


Spreadsheets Simulation

Finite ElementMethod







Relationship among CAD applicationsand aspects of computation

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

Page 10: Basics of CAD

Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut


Learn about the unique features of NEi Nastran with this 90-second overview. [Watch video]

NEi Nastran Demo VideoLearn about the unique features

of NEi Nastran with this 90-second overview. [Watch video]

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

2. Methods

2.1 Designing

Technical proposal

Rough plan

Technical project


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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

Page 13: Basics of CAD

Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

How Vasa was built

The work on Vasa was led by a Dutchman, Henrik Hybertsson, an

experienced shipwright. In this period, Dutch ships were not built

from drawings, instead the shipwright was given the overall dimensions and used proportions and rules of thumb based on his

own experience to produce a ship with good sailing qualities.

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

Steps of design



Functional schema

Schema design

Principle schema



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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

Design problem setting


Assessment andproblem



Synthesis Analysis


Design cycle

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

2.2 ModelingWe take a look the concept „modeling“ in broader sence, which also includes the preparation of models

Modeling problems

static dynamic

problemsof continuousprocesses

problemsof discreteprocesses

Problems of statistical processesProblems of statistical processesAccording to the equations:- Models with functional dependencies- Models with ordinary differential equations- Models with partial derrivatives differ. equations

ExampleExample:: shaftneckneck:


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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut


v: A1:neck d=28, l=30 A2:neck d=40 A3:neck d=30, l=40 copy shaft

Possible calculations:- ?A1.mass- ?A3.mass- length:=125 ?A2.L- A2.L:=55 ?A2.mass- A2.L:=55 ? length- A2.L:=55 ?mass- length:=125 ? mass

Descript. of a shaft:

Description of a shaft with 3 necks:

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut




A1 A2 A3

30 ? 40






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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

2.3 Optimization

Let x be the set of projected object parameters.To maximize f (x), varying x-i in the domain S, where f (x) is the objective function, expresses kindness, productivity, ...To minimize g (x), varying x-i in the domain S, where g (x) is the objective function, expresses the cost of mass, consumed capacity or other.

g(x)=-f(x)restrict. inequalities hi(x)>0; i=1,2,…,n

S equalities vj(x)=0; j=1,2,…,m

ExampleExample:: rectangular cross-section of the pipeFind the maximum surface, x1 and x2 are the sides,

Restrictions x1>=c ja x2>=c i.e. none of the side should not be too short

2(x1+ x2)<=c1 i.e.circumference of the pipe should not be too big

,where c ja c1 are constances

Maximize the value of x1*x2, varying vector (x1, x2) in the domain, which has been given byx1-c>=0, x2-c>=0 ja c1-2(x1+x2)>=0

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

SolutionSolution:: Hyperbole, which touch to the area S, due to the symmetry of the solution is x1 = x2, so 2 (x1 + x2) = c1


Finding min. material cost 2 (x1 + x2)restricting surface value x1x2>=(c1/4)2

Minimizing the x1 + x2 value, varying a vector(x1, x2) in the domain, which is given byx1-c>=0, x2-c>=0 ja x1x2-c1


SolutionSolution: : is is here too : x1=x2=c1/4

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut

Examples of the optimizations

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Masinprojekteerimine * A.Kalja * Arvutitehnika instituut