Page 1: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

Bilateral Mesh DenoisingBilateral Mesh Denoising

Shachar FleishmanIddo Drori

Daniel Cohen-Or

Tel Aviv University

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• Input (scanned) model– Additive noise

+ =

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• Input (scanned) model– Additive noise

• Noise free model– Preserve features

+ = filter

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Image denoisingImage denoising

• Wavelet denoising [Donoho ’95]• Anisotropic diffusion [Perona & Malik ’90]• Bilateral filter [Smith & Brady ’97],

[Tomasi & Manduchi ’98]

• [Black et al. ’98]– Anisotropic diffusion– Robust statistics

• [Elad ’01], [Durand & Dorsey ’02] relate– Anisotropic diffusion – Robust statistics – Bilateral filter

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Original and noisy ( 2=900) images

Images courtesy of Michael Elad

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TV filtering: 50 iterations 10 iterations

( MSE=146.3339( )=131.5013MSE)

Images courtesy of Michael Elad

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Wavelet Denoising (soft) Using DB5 Using DB3

(MSE=144.7436( )=150.7006MSE)

Images courtesy of Michael Elad

Page 8: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

Filtering via the Bilateral2 iterations with 1111 Sub-gradient based 55

(MSE=89.2516( )=93.4024MSE)

Images courtesy of Michael Elad

Page 9: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

Mesh denoising, smoothing and fairing Mesh denoising, smoothing and fairing

• Adapt image denoising algorithms to meshes– Wiener filter [Peng et al. ’01]– Isotropic diffusion [Desbrun et al. ’99] – Anisotropic diffusion of height fields

[Desbrun et al. ’00]– Anisotropic diffusion on meshes

[Clarenz et al. ’00, Xu & Bajaj ’03]– Bilateral filter [Choudhury & Tumblin ’03]

[Jones et al. ’03]

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Bilateral mesh denoisingBilateral mesh denoising

• Fast

• Simple

• Intuitive parameter selection

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Bilateral filteringBilateral filtering

• Gaussian filter


22' ( )u p

p N u

I u e I p

* =

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• Bilateral filter


2 2


2 2

2 2

2 2

( )


c s

c s

I u I pu p

p N u

I u I pu p

p N u

e e I p

I u

e e

Denoise Feature preserving


Bilateral filteringBilateral filtering

* =

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Bilateral filtering of meshesBilateral filtering of meshes

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Bilateral filtering of meshesBilateral filtering of meshes

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Bilateral filtering of meshesBilateral filtering of meshes

• Height above surface is equivalent to the gray level values in images

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Bilateral filtering of meshesBilateral filtering of meshes

• Height above surface is equivalent to the gray level values in images

• Apply the bilateral filter to heights

Page 17: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

Bilateral filtering of meshesBilateral filtering of meshes

• Height above surface is equivalent to the gray level values in images

• Apply the bilateral filter to heights

• Move the vertex to its new height

Page 18: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

Bilateral filtering of meshesBilateral filtering of meshes

• Height above surface is equivalent to the gray level values in images

• Apply the bilateral filter to heights

• Move the vertex to its new height

• In practice:– Sharp features

Page 19: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

Bilateral filtering of meshesBilateral filtering of meshes

• Height above surface is equivalent to the gray level values in images

• Apply the bilateral filter to heights

• Move the vertex to its new height

• In practice:– Sharp features– The noise-free

surface is unknown

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• A plane that passes through the point is the estimator to the smooth surface

• Plane L=(p,n)

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• A plane that passes through the point is the estimator to the smooth surface

• Plane L=(p,n)





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Computing the planeComputing the plane

• The approximating plane should be:– A good approximation to the surface– Preserve features

• Average of the normal to faces in the 1-ring neighborhood

Page 23: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

DenoisePoint(Vertex v, Normal n){qi} = neighborhood(v)K=|{qi}|sum=0normalizer=0for i := 1 to K

t = ||v-qi||h = <n,v-qi>Wc=exp(-t2/(2σc


2))Sum +=(wc*ws)hNormalizer += wc*ws

EndReturn v+n*(sum/normalizer)


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DenoisePoint(Vertex v, Normal n){qi} = neighborhood(v)K=|{qi}|sum=0normalizer=0for i := 1 to K

t = ||v-qi||h = <n,v-qi>Wc=exp(-t2/(2σc


2))Sum +=(wc*ws)hNormalizer += wc*ws

EndReturn v+n*(sum/normalizer)

iterate over neighborhood


Page 25: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

DenoisePoint(Vertex v, Normal n){qi} = neighborhood(v)K=|{qi}|sum=0normalizer=0for i := 1 to K

t = ||v-qi||h = <n,v-qi>Wc=exp(-t2/(2σc


2))Sum +=(wc*ws)hNormalizer += wc*ws

EndReturn v+n*(sum/normalizer)

closeness v


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DenoisePoint(Vertex v, Normal n){qi} = neighborhood(v)K=|{qi}|sum=0normalizer=0for i := 1 to K

t = ||v-qi||h = <n,v-qi>Wc=exp(-t2/(2σc


2))Sum +=(wc*ws)hNormalizer += wc*ws

EndReturn v+n*(sum/normalizer)

height – similarityv


Page 27: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

DenoisePoint(Vertex v, Normal n){qi} = neighborhood(v)K=|{qi}|sum=0normalizer=0for i := 1 to K

t = ||v-qi||h = <n,v-qi>Wc=exp(-t2/(2σc


2))Sum +=(wc*ws)hNormalizer += wc*ws

EndReturn v+n*(sum/normalizer)



Page 28: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

DenoisePoint(Vertex v, Normal n){qi} = neighborhood(v)K=|{qi}|sum=0normalizer=0for i := 1 to K

t = ||v-qi||h = <n,v-qi>Wc=exp(-t2/(2σc


2))Sum +=(wc*ws)hNormalizer += wc*ws

EndReturn v+n*(sum/normalizer)

Move the vertex in the normal direction


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• The two parameters to the weight function: σc, σs

– Interactively select a point p and the neighborhood radius ρ

– σc =1/2 ρ

– σs = stdv(Nbhd(p, ρ))

• Number of Iterations

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• Sharp features are treated as outliers

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• Sharp features are treated as outliers

• The bilateral filter does not recover smoothed signal

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Source Anisotropic denoising of height fields - Desburn ’00

Bilateral mesh denoising

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SourceAnisotropic Geometric

Diffusion in Surface Processing - Clarenz ‘00

Bilateral mesh denoising

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Two iterations

Five iterations

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Page 36: Bilateral Mesh Denoising Shachar Fleishman Iddo Drori Daniel Cohen-Or Tel Aviv University

Future WorkFuture Work

• Adapt the algorithm to point sets

• Robust estimator of normals

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• Models and images courtesy of Jean-Yves Bouguet, Mathieu Desbrun, Alexander Belyaev, Christian Rossl from Max Planck Insitut fur Informatik, Udo Diewald and Michael Elad

• Israel Science Foundation funded by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

• Israeli Ministry of Science• A grant from the German Israel Foundation


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Non-iterative, Feature Preserving Mesh smoothing

Bilateral mesh denoising


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Source Non-iterative, Feature Preserving Mesh smoothing

Bilateral mesh denoising

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Non-iterative, Feature Preserving Mesh smoothing

Bilateral mesh denoising

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Comparison - predictorsComparison - predictors

Non-iterative, Feature Preserving Mesh smoothing

Bilateral mesh denoising

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New resultsNew results

Bilateral mesh denoising

Extended Bilateral mesh denoising
