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BOOKA. Plessier

Brand Thinking Hors Frontières

2 ans en France. 3 ans en Inde


« Qui suis je? M’aime t’on? M’aime t’on assez? Où vais je? Quand? Comment? Avec Qui? Pour qui? Pourquoi? Pourquoi! »

Les hommes et les marques ont en commun de susciter intérêt & questionnement sans fin. Nombreuses questions concernent les

thèmes de l’identité et la différenciation.Suivez-moi sur ces quelques pages à travers les marchés

Européens et Indiens. Découvrez questions et mes contributions pour y apporter des


Expertise sectorielleParcours

Missions types

Différends culturels

Cibles & Outils Témoignages


USA - MassachusettsAccord d’échange

LilleEDHEC LilleMaster en Management,Spécialisation Marketing

ChantillyFun radio -–stage d’étéParis

Raison Pure –stage d’étéQuatuor Développement –Management de projetIntégrale – salons

Boulogne BillancourtY & R -–assistante chef de pubTBWA -assistante chef de pub puis chef de pub

DublinSéjours en famille d’accueil

LondresAria Design Shop - vendeuse

Copenhague –-Accord d’échange

Allemagne -Séjours en famille d’accueilJeune fille au pair

Mumbai -Grey Worldwide -Commercial (3 mois)Planneur stratégique (27 mois)

Ogilvy & Mather -Planneur stratégique senior (8 mois)

Bangladesh –Etude qualitativepour projet corporate Grey Worlwide

Expérience sectorielle

BeautéNeutrogenaJohnson & Johnson France

adidas men skincare & adidas 3Coty

SpiritueuxPorto Cruz / Label 5Groupe La Martiniquaise




BeautéLakmé -Groupe Hindustan LeverDove -Groupe Hindustan LeverAnne French -Groupe Wyeth

HygièneHuggies -Groupe Kimberley Clark

LeverKotex -Groupe Kimberley Clark



FinanceBharti AXA Life InsuranceJM Financial Mutual Fund

Boissons non alcoliséesAdeS -Groupe Hindustan Lever7upBailley/Appy Fizz/Frooti -Groupe Parle Agro

SpiritueuxHaig -Groupe Diageo

AlimentaireOrangee / Parle G biscuit -Groupe Parle Products

AutomobileAudi Renault Logan


Cibles & Outils

Les Femmes de 25 à 35 ans

Les Adolescents

Les Super riches (HNI)Cibles


Ladder (Outil Y&R)BrandZ (Outil WPP)Brand Acceleration (Outil Grey)Butterfly (Outil O&M)Brand personalityBrand DNABrand funnelCultural mappingInfo collectorBrand pyramidBrand essence wheelMind mappingInsight miningBrand OnionBrand NetConsumer visitConsumer handbookUn jour dans la vie de XStore checkBrainstormingThinking HatsMasterbrand architectureArchétypesPrisme de Kapferer

Missions types / Compétences

Analyse des stratégies marchésRecherche d'insights consommateursBriefing instituts d'étudeMise en place d'études qualitatives et

ethnographiques (choix de méthodologie, écriture de guides de discussion, animation de groupes consommateurs, analyse des résultats et recommandations)

Ecriture de concepts publicitairesEcriture recommandation de positionnement de

marque/gamme/produit et stratégie des moyens pour une mise en place en interne et en externe dans le cadre de lancement/relancement/rajeunissement de marque

Ecriture présentations pour appels d'offre (développement du concept de présentation et du contenu)

Ecriture de briefs créatifs pour campagne de communication multisupport (on line & off line, PLV, marketing direct, packaging)

Vente de concept et stratégieAnimation de réunions chez le client et en interneAnimation de cessions de briefing créatif dans lieux

inéditsDéveloppement et animation de journée de formation

des équipes créatives et commerciales aux outils internes


Coordination du déploiement de campagnes internationales

Gestion financièreEncadrement

Suivi et analyse des tendances consommateurs & marchés

Développement d'une trendsletter hebdomadaire

Participation au plan marketingParticipation à l'écriture de business plan pour

lancement de gammePorte parole agence pour réunions clients sur sujets


Analyse sémiotiqueEtude de stratégie de nomenclature et

recommandation namingRecommandation d'architecture de marqueRecommandation de portefeuille de produitsInnovation produits (formats, formulation, packaging,


Exemple de Mission

Projet (free lance)Lancement des portables Levi's en Inde (appel d'offre)

Mission Trouver un positionnement pour l'offre produit, au vu du marché de la téléphonie mobile en Inde et restant fidéle à la marque Levi's

Tâches Mener un Brand AuditConstruire le Brand World des 5 principaux acteurs de la téléphonie mobile en Inde, suite à une étude qualitative (écriture du questionnaire et analyse des résultats)Etudier le comportement du consommateurDessiner un mapping de la concurrenceEtablir 3 positionnements possibles Proposer 5 formats de présentation de la recommandationEcrire la recommandation avec guide de lecture pour la personne présentant le jour j

Proposition de positionnements (telle que présentée à la direction de l'agence):

Preamble 1. The Levi’s and Levi’s Mobile brandsVision for Levi’sThe definitive brand for youth 14-25 that sets standardSDirection for Levi’sBeing the most innovative and desirable brand for youth

Essence (in bold what is especially true for Levi’s mobile brand and makes it different from competition)OriginalSexyFree thinkingYouthfulIndividualConfidenceDefinitiveIntegrity+Fashion

Feel (in bold what is especially true for Levi’s mobile brand and makes it different from competition)Provocative energyMagnetic attractionPush limitsFearless physicality

ToneLots of attitude Unpretentious

Preamble 2. The Indian contextIf the needs for buying mobile phones across the world are similar, the motivations differ as well as usages and habits. ( you’ll notice that I explore the differences thru the various positionings).

That is the reason why the European campaign wouldn’t work in India (the 1st urban fashion design on the mobile market, thought being ‘an inventive way of wearing your mobile’). In fact the most successful mobile brands in India not only import the big international films (NSerie Nokia. Entertainment, the next episode. See new. Hear new. Feel new) and but also develop an insightful adaptation of the thought for the Indian market (cf. I @ Sony Ericsson … I @ the thumb with Hrithik Roshan).

3 positioning ideas

Idea 1Levi’s Mobile, Original seduction=>Alternative on the same thought: Levi’s Mobile, Make love

Articulation of the idea= Usages and habits studies stress the usage of mobile phones as a romance enabler (true for metros, mini metros and some small towns) => SMS seen as the most sexy way to flirt via technology (Cosmo survey), and each feature can be turn into a seduction tool.

= Seduction is a legitimate space to occupy for Levi’s, sexy being at its core + perceived in India as the seductress archetype (BrandZ quantitative research).

= Original is at its core and encapsulates the vision of the brand to lead the change and set standards.

= Provocative is at its core and describes the attitude of original seduction.

Idea 2 With Levi’s now Fashion goes Mobile

Articulation of the idea= Indian Youth is hyper active, their days are packed with loads of activities, appointments and dates. They can’t stand still. There is no pause, no stop, no rewind in their world; its only play and fast forward. In fact they need and they want action, movement. Mobility and multi-dimension reality are necessities to their survival.

= Fashion has a very static image. It is seen as being related to clothes and it’s mostly about look and feel, but it is not socreative and crazy frenetic in India. It is more a 2D experience. We should claim fashion as it is a strong unique differentiator (no other mobile phone brand can claim that) and is mentioned by consumers as part of the brand imagery.

= With this new product extension Levi’s open a whole new world of possibilities for fashion. From flat and just feel and look, to engage, interact & entertain…. From image to video, net, music (transfert, exchange, download, record, replay).

Idea 3Levi’s Mobile, talk entertainment=>Alternative on the same thought: Entertain point / Live entertainment

Articulation of the idea= Indian youth does buy mobile phones as much for their design than for their entertainment value. They do much more with mobiles then leaving them just next to them on the cantine table, or on their desk in office. Yes they flaunt but they are amongst the world biggest users of the SMS function, they are particular about the music system, the storage capacity etc.

= So today the Levi’s phone is much more than a talking point, not only people will talk about it but they will also engage with it (play with your camera, ask you to send by Bluetooth your cool ringtone, will click a picture of your phone because it is so funky, will wish to listen to your music on speaker etc…). As usual the Levi’s user will entertain the crowd, not as the joker but as the so fashionable guy with a sexy phone. He is used to this kind of attention and always crave for more. In fact people follow his life, his move, his choices, like a soap opera, they like watching his life, not that he is so different/wirde but it is all about the attitude and style in which he does things

My reco would be Original Seduction, as it’s the positioning that is the most differentiating and the closest to Levi’s brand.

Créations développées sur la base de l’idée 2

Voie 1

Content design Website


Créations développées sur la base de l’idée 2

Voie 2




Content design In store display

Différends culturels

Aujourd'hui les marques sont sortis de leur territoire natal et familier pour conquérir le monde. En douceur ou de façon fracassante, elles vont à la rencontre de nouveaux consommateurs. Ceux-ci, éduqués aux marques et fins connaisseurs, exigent que les marques s'adressent à eux en toute connaissance de cause qu'elles comprennent leurs besoins et y répondent.

La nécessité de s'adapter est de plus en plus forte, modifiant le rôle et le fonctionnement des agences de communication et autres partenaires. Quelques exemples vécus en France et en Inde.

Cas 1. Développement d'une marque en Europe

Mission typeDéploiement d'une même campagne de communication

dans x pays d'Europe (exemple: campagne corporateMichelin, lancement du parfum adidas 3)

Niveau de complexité Moyen. Peu de différences au niveau régional, relative

uniformité des besoins consommateurs.

Tâches1. Via des études consommateurs et connaissance des

cultures européennes, identifier les nuances locales (exemple Michelin : différences de conditions climatiques ou du type de conduite en Europe du Nord vis à vis Europe du Sud).

2. Adapter la copie stratégique, modifier au besoin les voix off du film.

3. Coordination avec les agences locales (alignement à la stratégie développée en central, respect de la charte, choix des media).

Cas 2. Développement d'une marque internationale en Inde

Mission typeAdapter une stratégie mondiale ou une stratégie asiatique à

l'Inde (pays Asiatique par sa géographie mais non Asiatique de culture (exemple : Dove)

Niveau de complexitéElevé. En Inde autant de régions que de langues, de cuisine,

de valeurs et de goûts.

Tâches1. Tâches préalables pour un non-Indien : a) Comprendre la complexité du consommateur et les fortes

différences régionales; assimilation des valeurs et culturec) Développer une culture publicitaire locale, apprentissage des

grands concepts en hindi, découverte du who's who de la publicité et des process

2. Oublier sa perception française ou européenne des marques internationales pour comprendre la perception des Indiens de cesmêmes marques (exemple : perception très haut de gamme de L'Oréal Paris en Inde)

3. Apporter références extérieures sans imposer une occidentalisation aveugle

4. Convaincre l'équipe régionale (même réseau d'agences mais différentes localisations géographiques, exemple : débriefing O&M Mumbai - O&M Hong Kong sur Dove), de la nécessité d'une stratégie locale basée sur un insight local

6. Vendre l'Inde et ses choix stratégiques lors de réunions marketing monde (exemple : Dove shampoings)

Compétences communes aux deux cas

Comprendre le consommateur en profondeur

Suivi des tendances locales et mondiales dans le secteur concerné

Percevoir et intégrer les évolutions culturelles et sociétales

Gérer la relation clients

Suivi financier et nécessité de rentabilité

Coordination et rigueur

Créativité hors frontière, sans barrière

Ecoute et sensibilisation de l'interlocuteur (agence ou client)


"I remember meeting Aurelie for the first time. Sometime in 2006 I think. I was introduced to her as an account executive, and there I was wondering ‘what’s this French girl doing in India?’ I spoke to Aurelie but unlike what I quietly expected, she spoke sense!

Of course, her French accent was obvious, but she made her thoughts come through clearly. Unlike many account people I haveknown across the years, I was actually speaking to someone who actually had a point of view! For a person not from India, and completely foreign to everything around her, she knew what she was talking about. And I couldn’t help myself admiring her for the effort she must have put in to keep aside her French experience and look at things from an Indian perspective. Or go through the trouble to understand, even superficially, the complications of India. It’s not the easiest thing to do, or even start to attempt.

I also remember, perhaps after a month or two later when I ran into her again, I actually asked her what she was doing in account servicing. She had the mind of a planner, and it was more than obvious. And as a creative person, I knew she’d be an asset to my thinking. In fact, I made it a point to tell Naresh Gupta - the national head of planning that he ought to take her into his department, and I suppose there were many people telling him the same thing for him to ignore. Soon enough, Aurelie became part of the planning team in Mumbai, and from whatever little time I spent with her, there really wasn’t a doubt that she had a bright and imaginative mind that absorbed more and more of India with every day...

...Personally speaking, she would be among the better planners Ihave worked with. Her ability to analyze problems, to see beyondcultural differences, and to search for relevant insights was one of her true strengths. She was definitely sharp, sensitive, on top of trends and market directions, and gracefully connected her French background to her growing Indian sensibilities. Especially in pitches mounted on global brands, and on the few French brands like Renault that entered India.

However, her finest strength was in her ability to ideate and generate concepts. She always had a couple of concepts to round off her briefs. Her presentations had a focus, and she’d invariably narrow her direction down to a proposition that extended into a couple of concepts. They may not have been the final ideas that we went with, but they definitely were thought starters and they helped amplify her thinking.

I am sure after she left Grey, her experience at Ogilvy would have further strengthened her thinking. As an agency that possibly interprets India the best among all Indian agencies, Ogilvy would have given her an even closer understanding of the Indian mosaic. I am sure she would have gained immensely.

It certainly was a pleasure working with her, and I look forward to staying in touch with her. It’s not very often that one gets to meet someone so innately talented, and yet has the special virtue of making sure that her simplicity strikes you stronger and stays with you longer. My best wishes will be with her always.“

Prathap Suthan, National Creative Director Cheil Worldwide, ex National Creative Director Grey Worldwide

" When i was first introduced to Aurelie at Ogilvy i was extremely thrilled. Having to work with a French person on a beauty brand..... could not ask for more. Aurelie brought with her tremendous insights that helped the brand work gain maximum acceleration during her tenure.

She is extremely focused and will not leave her desk till she gets it right and till the flow of logic in all her work is sorted out. She has a great sense of observation and this marvellous ability to use these observations to add value to the brand and to add value to the insight on TG.

She is an avid learner and is like a sponge that will absorb anything instantly. Was really really impressed by this quality of hers. Adapt and adopt, has been Aurelies style. In her short time in India she has perhaps made more friends here than most Indians and that goes a long way intalking about her cordial and friendly nature.

Extremely foresighted, Aurelie has taught me a lot, about writing presentations, packaging them, selling to the client andlots and lots of other things about life generally! Very very approachable Aurelie always had a solution to every problem we faced. Her calm and composed demeanoursets her apart from the rest. By miles.

I was indeed very lucky to get a chance to work with such a dynamic personality and her absence will be felt forever!”

Avni Vasani, Group Account Manager, Ogilvy & Mather, Mumbai

“Now who can beat the french when it comes to being charming! And Aureile does complete justice to that. An incredibly intelligent, remarkably beautiful and wonderful human being, she is fantastic to work and dance with ;). With her at the planning board, you can bet that a great proposition is on its way, that has the potential of some really kickass work and who knows, a metal or two! A superlative colleague and a great friend- ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 'cool' Ms. Aurelie Plessier.” Atin Roy, Copy Supervisor, Grey Worldwide, Mumbai

“It was an amazing experience to work under Aurelie. Learning and earning is a default testimonial dedicated to a teacher / leader but I won't miss this opportunity to write the most important lesson I gained in this whole experience: Understand Client's Business and create a strategy which suits their business model. Thanks Aurelie for every motivation !!” Pinank Shah, ex Trainee – Strategic Planning, Grey Worldwide

BonusTrendsletter créée

pour Grey Worldwide

Objectif : stimuler l’imagination des créatifs et commerciaux

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