

УДК 81.37 Куликова Л.В., аспирант, преподаватель иностранных языков

Хакасский государственный университет имени Н. Ф. Катанова, г. Абакан


В статье рассмотрена гендерная вариативность констант Mercy / Cruelty, имплицирующих социально-биологические харак-теристики полов. Обращение к гендерному аспекту исследуемых феноменов способствует проникновению в их сложную, много-гранную природу и раскрытию одной из ипостасей внутреннего мира человека.

Ключевые слова: внутренний мир, константа, гендер, милосердие, жестокость.

Человек предстает в двух ипостасях - мужчина и женщина.

Оппозиция «мужской - женский» - фундаментальная для чело-веческой культуры [1, 120]. Данная проблематика рассматрива-ется в рамках гендерного направления, изучающего зафиксиро-ванные в языке стереотипы феминности и маскулинности, осо-бенности речевого поведения мужчин и женщин [2, 124].

Гендер - большой комплекс социальных и психологических процессов, а также культурных установок, порожденных обще-ством и воздействующих на поведение национальной языковой личности [1, 124]. В нем происходит сложнейшее переплетение культурных, психологических и социальных аспектов. Гендер взаимодействует с важными параметрами человека - статусом, возрастом, социальной группой [3].

Внутренний мир человека в его языковой представленности приобретается в процессе социализации [4, 24]. Вхождение лич-ности в общество, ее адаптация в нем, происходит через инсти-туты семьи, школы, религии, политики, средств массовой ин-формации и рынка труда. В них воспроизводят гендерные сте-реотипы [3], закрепляющие различия в поведении мужчины и женщины, а также представления об их должном и недолжном поведении [5, 219]. Социальная ценность пола определяется объективными закономерностями общественного развития, ме-няющие его роль исходя из практических функций в определен-ной социокультурной структуре [6, 134]. Ребенок рождается мужского или женского пола, но в результате воспитания стано-вится маскулинным или фемининным, идентифицируя свое по-ложение с соответствующей гендерной ролью [5, 218]. Форми-рование личности происходит в соответствии с принятыми в данном обществе культурными нормами, а также на основе сло-жившихся в нем представлений об объектах, являющихся экзи-стенциально значимыми для данной культуры.

Mercy / Cruelty входят в число универсальных констант мо-рально-нравственного мира человека, составляют основу линг-вокультурного общества и являются ключевыми для раскрытия гендерного аспекта. Они относятся к ценностно мерным доми-нантам, имплицирующим социально-биологические характери-стики полов.

Анализ эмпирического материала свидетельствует: в ан-глийской языковой картине мира милосердие воплощено в жен-ском начале. Его образом является природная женская красота. Жестокость – одна из явных свойств мужского характера, про-являющаяся в конкретных действиях: причинении женщине физических и моральных страданий.

Женщина приносит в этот мир милосердие и сочувствие: You are a woman, and women in all times have tempered this

rough world with mercy and compassion [7]; In fact, everybody else’s relation with the home is temporary, limited and relative. But a woman, whether she has other jobs or not, always stands up straight in the heart of her home and nourishes our feelings with affection, mercy, and love [8].

Ее миссия заключается в милосердии, доброте, создании на земле мира:

We women have our special mission. Always, even in the most cruel and troubled times, women have had the mission of peacemak-ing, humanism, mercy, and kindness [7].

Глубоко верующие женщины способны разговаривать на языке милосердия:

People who understand we can't move forward trying to match your terrorism with ours. I see our role, as women of faith, as con-stantly inserting a language of salvation and mercy and hope into the

dialogue. Because who better to do it than women who have been, and always will be, the givers and nurturers of life? [7].

Женское милосердие в дескриптивных оценках - жен-ственное:

He had the wit and wisdom to put her affliction quite out of the question, and allude only to her sacrifice in marrying a blind man, hopelessly and helplessly dependent on her sweet offices for the rest of his life, if she, in her womanly mercy, would love him and help him bear his burdens [7].

В телесной человеческой природе человека заложены нор-мы, которыми он должен руководствоваться в сфере морального [9, 144]. Природная красота женщины воплощена в милосердии, раскрывающем ее внутренний духовный мир:

At thirty-nine, Glenda's face was a collision of two centuries. Her girlhood beauty had embodied the nineteenth-century feminine ideals of hope, charity and mercy as portrayed in naive American statuary, but life had blasted her hot and hard and now the nerves of her face seemed too raw to feel hope [7].

Семантика внутреннего мира человека простирается в сферу сакрального (святости) [4, 45]. Анализ языковой фактологии демонстрирует: для мужчины божье милосердие составляет важнейшую духовную ценность, поэтому он:

- просит его у Бога: Feller falls down at the feet of the Lord. He cries and begs for

mercy. Its true that I didn't lead a good life, but I wasn't all evil. I cared for my mama and gave to the poor. I gave money to your church [7]; One night he ran out of the tent with a terrible fright. Another time, when standing with a sentry, he fired his piece and gave the alarm to the whole army. Then he'd fall upon his knees and beg for mercy, and cover his eyes with his hands, as if to shut out some frightful thing he couldn't bear to look upon [7];

- надеется на божье милосердие: She turned towards him, and sunk on her knees, and with tears

and entreaties besought him, " as he hoped for that mercy from Heaven, which he would so soon need, that he would have mercy on her. " [7];

- умоляет о нем: For an instant Pascalet held him thus; then, gradually relaxing

his grasp before life should escape, he held him by the throat with one hand, while, suspending his knife over him with the other, he threatened him with instant death if he moved or spoke. Joseph clasped his hands and silently pleaded for mercy [7];

- пронзительно кричит, требуя милосердия: We'll capture Major Sheffield, truss him up like a Christmas

goose so he can't cover his ears, and force him to endure the full range of your vocabulary! He'll be screaming for mercy inside half an hour. Despite the memories that had overtaken him, Duncan clasped his friend's slightly stooped shoulder and laughed " Suppose I recited the whole of Dante's Divine Comedy, he said. " In Italian, of course, " Alex agreed [7];

- полагается на милосердие Бога: It was then on this ground, that David relied on the mercy of

God; not because he thought it a blind undistinguishing affection; but because he was conscious himself of a heart penetrated with grief and remorse, and a spirit broken down under a sense of guilt; and he believed that a spirit thus truly humble and contrite, would not fail of mercy and acceptance [7];

- верит в него: It is pleasing to add that in 1833, during a season of religious in-

terest in Gilmanton and vicinity, his mind became very seriously affected with a view of his situation as a sinner; and after a state of



anxietv of some weeks' continuance, during which he laid aside worldly business, and gave his whole attention to the subject, he ventured to hope in the forgiving mercy of God, and found a peace of mind which he ever after retained [7].

Даже храбрым мужчинам свойственна вера в божье мило-сердие:

I was with the men of Colonel Buford, on the waters of the San-tee River, where out of four hundred, only fifty-three escaped the sword of Tarleton. I saw an hundred hands of brave men raised to implore mercy. They were stricken off by the sabres of the horsemen, who soon trampled upon their bodies [7].

Для мужчины милосердие Бога – спасение: There are few people better prepared to talk about trouble, few

people who have survived the fieryordeal that Merrill Womach has weathered. He has survived without a hint of bitterness. He doesn't dwell on the pain, the stares of others, or what might have been. Instead he talks about the mercy of God, a mercy he feels allowed him to survive the accident and continue to spread hope and joy to people through his songs and his testimony. When one suggests that he must have been born with lots of moxie to begin with, Merrill won't deny that he has a streak of perseverance [7].

Он любит проявлять милосердие: We were as brothers, or rather as father and son, for though I

am gray, he was twenty years my senior. He was a lion in battle, and an eagle in pursuit. He was born to command. He read men as I read a child's book. They have said he was cruel. It is not true! He loved to exercise mercy [7].

Мужская сила кроется в чувстве исполнения морального долга. Голос долга призывает к действию, и человек чувствует себя обязанным последовать на этот зов [9, 150]. Рассмотрим знаковую ситуацию с позиции англоговорящего субъекта:

Two days later, The Times, comparing Castro to a variety show performer, seemed to advocate a more physical response: the Euro-pean power shave naturally looked to Uncle Sam, who is a kind of unwilling director of the whole South American vaudeville pro-gramme, to insist on an improvement. Uncle Sam, however, is long-suffering and full of mercy toward the southern performers whom he shelters beneath his Monroe doctrine wing [10]. В данном фрагмен-те дискурса эксплицируется внутренний мир человека, напол-ненный высшими добродетелями – терпимостью и милосердием (Uncle Sam is long-suffering and full of mercy toward the southern performers). В своем выборе он руководствуется требованием исполнения нравственного долга – помочь людям, оказавшимся в трудном положении (the southern performers whom he shelters).

Мужская культура учит акцентировать внимание на дей-ствии [1, 124]. Мужчина не всегда милосерден, он может про-явить жестокость, твердость в случаях, если речь идет о:

- его безопасности: Man is cruelly wasteful of life when his own safety is endangered

and he is sheltered by impunity, and little mercy is to be expected from him when he feels the sting of the reptile and is conscious of the power to destroy [7];

- помощи кому-либо из близких: He argues, however, that he acted out of mercy, because his wife

was suffering from a terminal illness and no longer wanted to live in pain [7].

Жестокость – характерная черта женщины: "Do you mean to tell me that it takes a whole year to make a

wedding dress? " And then the cruelty that lies in every woman made her shake her head and say, " No - that isn't why nice folks wait a whole year. They wait to give each other plenty of time to change their minds" [7]; "Bianca studied this great, strange man who had become her husband, who would sire whatever children she would have, and the intimacy of both these reflections did not detract from his strangeness. ≤…≥ She could say in all honor and all truth that nothing had happened between her and Kit -- nothing, save only a kiss. So her thoughts ran. But Bianca was not lacking in that strange quirk of utterly feminine cruelty which is so much a part of every woman [7].

Она - среди женских пороков: The analysis of woman's mind is typical. " Inclination to lies,

falsehood, foolishness, greediness, hastiness, uncleanliness, and cruelty are inborn faults of the woman "; or " Water never remains in an unbaked vessel, flour in a sieve, nor news in the mind of women ";

or " The mind of a woman is less stable than the ear of an elephant or the flash of lightning" [7].

Женская жестокость: - женственная: They wandered over a wild field; one that included Anna, with

her beauty, her mild truth, her womanly softness, and her womanly cruelty; Captain Poke and his peculiar opinions; the amiable family of quadrupeds and their wounded sensibilities; the excellences of the social-stake system; and, in short, most of that which I had seen and heard during the last four-and-twenty hours [7];

- капризная: Wall, it run along for weeks and weeks, he with his hopes a risin'

up sometimes like his yeast and then bein' pounded down ag'in like his bread, under the hard knuckles of a woman's capricious cruelty. For I must say that she did, for sech a soft littte creeter, have cold and cruel ways to Abram [7].

Она вызывает гнев и отвращение: I trust that in making up your mind upon this point, you will re-

member what I have done for you. You will find my expenses on your account in a book which I will give you. The cool cruelty of the wom-an, at this supreme moment of her life, angered and disgusted me. I bit my lips to keep back the hot words that pressed for utterance [7].

Причинное знание человека имеет различные источники его формирования: обыденное сознание, конкретно-чувственный образ, конкретно-практическую деятельность индивида во всех сферах его бытия [11, 420]. Причина женской непривлекатель-ности кроется в ее жестокости. Она отталкивает от себя людей своим внешним видом:

THE sex in these books, in short, is not normal. Except for the insane and the emotionally ill, men and women do not derive pleas-ure from hurting or frustrating their partners. Women do not gener-ally rip off their own clothing at the first sight of a man, ugly or not. Women are not attracted by cruelty; they are repelled. And very few rational women take drooling as a true compliment [7].

Морально-нравственные нормы не наследуются индивидом при рождении, они усваиваются им в процесс его жизнедеятель-ности [4, 42]. Женщина приобретает жестокость в ходе своего становления и развития в рамках определенного общества:

She was despondent and had applied twelve leeches to her breasts to drain from her the milk of generosity. That she might ac-quire a cruelty of heart. Now she may not be deceived again [7].

Природа противостоит жестокости и упрекает за нее жен-щину:

Meantime Ellen lay upon her couch, tossed with many conflicting emotions. Her better nature reproached her for her injustice and cruelty toward her innocent cousin, and almost persuaded her to cease her persecutions, and even to strive to imitate her winning virtues …[7].

Жестокость выступает в качестве фундаментальной черты мужского характера:

Added to the dread of separation, most painful to the majority of the slaves, we all had a decided horror of the thought of falling into the hands of Master Andrew. He was distinguished for cruelty and intemperance. Slaves generally dread to fall into the hands of drunk-en owners. Master Andrew was almost a confirmed sot, and had already, by his reckless mismanagement and profligate dissipation, wasted a large portion of old master's property [7]; One of the monks who had passed his whole time in singing psalms, when he died was covered with white flowers by invisible hands, and the fragrance of flowers for many years afterward arose from his tomb. Yet, like many enthusiasts, Gregory was capable of acts of excessive cruelty, and his convent was ruled with unsparing severity [7].

Мужчина – воплощение жестокости: It is difficult to form an idea of his character which can reconcile

in any manner the contradictory opinions that exist concerning him. While he is represented abroad as a mere monster of cruelty, his conduct in the government of the country appears by no means defi-cient in the qualities of statesmanship [7]; Rude as was our social organization, he was, nevertheless, too rude to live in it. He tended always to destroy the horde by his unsocial acts. He was really a reversion to an earlier type, and his place was with the Tree People rather than with us who were in the process of becoming men. He was a monster of cruelty, which is saying a great deal in that day. He beat his wives - not that he ever had more than one wife at a time, but



that he was married many times. It was impossible for any woman to live with him, and yet they did live with him, out of compulsion [7].

Мужская жестокость сочетается с храбростью и свирепо-стью:

The governour smiled, threw his arm round her neck, and drew her closely to him, as she continued - Nor can I see what you and others find in him to admire so extravagantly, for really it does ap-pear extravagant to me. His courage is cruelty and ferocity [7].

Мужчина хвастается своей жестокостью: When the enemy really came, no man dared to speak of their ap-

proach, and Amycl was easily conquered. Lysidas boasted of salutary cruelty; and in the same breath told me the Helots loved their mas-ters [7]; The man referred to passed among the sailors under the name of Bloody Dick, for the atrocities of which he used to boast, and for his known cruelty whenever he had an opportunity of exercis-ing it. As this scoundrel passed by the wounded men who were lying on the deck, he gave one of them, who was even then almost dead, a violent kick on the head, accompanied by the most digusting blas-phemies, swearing that he had better go to hell at once, and be damned [7].

Он получает от нее удовольствие: To the renegade, however, this conduct of Oshasqua was far

from being agreeable; for so much did he delight in cruelty, and so bitterly did he hate all his race - particularly now, after having been foiled by them so lately - that he would a thousand times rather have heard the dying groans of the child, and seen her in the last agonies of death, than in the warrior's arms [7].

Обращение к причинному модусу – «путь к познанию при-чинного начала в человеке – проблемы психологически сложной и многогранной» [12, 34]. Обратимся к следующему фрагменту дискурса:

Just here a word about Indian boys would not be amiss. An Indi-an boy is a live, wild, and untamed being. He is full of mischief and cruelty to those he hates, and passably kind to those he likes. I never saw in their character anything that could be called love. They have no idea of such a tender tie [7]. В данном микротексте рефлекси-руется сложная, двойственная природа мужчины: с одной сто-роны, его переполняет чувство жестокости (He is full of mischief and cruelty), с другой стороны, он способен на проявление доб-роты (passably kind to those). Причина такого неоднозначного поведения эксплицирует его взаимодействие с людьми: жесто-кость для тех, кого он ненавидит (cruelty to those he hates); лю-бовь тем, кто ему нравится (passably kind to those he likes).

Поляризация полов - проявление «естественных» качеств женщины и мужчины [1, 120]: она полна гуманности, доброты; он - жестокости:

Would that his wife reigned here in Judea, instead of him. Her smiles, and they are many, are of the heart. Were her counsels fol-

lowed, there were no uncertain prospect of days of peace in Judea. She is full of humanity, as he of cruelty. Toward our people she has ever shown herself prompt to do them favors, and atone, as she might, for the slights and affronts of her husband and other lordly Romans [7].

Объектом мужской жестокости становится женщина: It must be confessed that much cruelty is practiced upon women

and dumb beasts. There are men, brutalized by liquor, who inflict torture upon their wives and horses every day of their lives [7].

Своей жестокостью мужчина разбивает женщине сердце: I loved Lilias Hunt. Standing this moonlight night - just such a

night as that one was, twenty years ago - standing in memory by that death-bed, I tell you I loved her as I never loved another - as man seldom loves woman. And yet my cruelty broke her heart. God for-give me! I can never forgive myself [7]; Friends with Kids features more sadness, confusion, and irredeemably bad behavior than most romantic comedies. This makes it both more recognizable (people say cruel things without immediately - or ever - apologizing, just like in real life!) and harder to watch (the husband-on-wife cruelty is particularly tough to take) [10].

Женское сердце страдает от мужской жестокости: She shed no tears, she uttered no complaints, nor did her tormen-

tor hear a single sigh escape from her bosom; yet, without question, her poor heart suffered quite as much from his cruelty and injustice, as if her lips had betrayed all the extravagant manifestations known to the sorrows of the civilized [7].

Жестокость мужа становится причиной развода: Vera now worked for the department of social services, specializ-

ing in child welfare. She had divorced her husband Nevin for mental and emotional cruelty, and spoke calmly about this, and about her refusal to let Nevin see their child, Hadley [7]; Comparing the hus-bands with their fathers, they grew impatient and nagging when their husbands couldn't provide the luxuries their fathers had given them. One very obvious example of this was the case of a woman who got a divorce on the vague ground of " cruelty, " but who admitted to the interviewer that her main dissatisfaction with her young husband was that he couldn't provide her with a maid and summers at a lake re-sort [7].

Анализ языковой фактологии подтверждает: Mercy / Cruelty локализованы как в мужчине, так и в женщине, и являются неотъемлемыми составляющими их сложной, двойственной природы. Предназначение женщины – распространить любовь и милосердие, воплощенное в ее красоте. В сознании мужчины высшей ценностью и добродетелью является милосердие Бога, экзистенциально важное для него. Женщина приобретает жесто-кость в процессе социализации, за что природа осуждает ее. Жестокость воплощена в мужчине, причиняющем физические и моральные страдания женщине.


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