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Un hombre que se llama Mr. Karswell es malvado y está obsesionado con la alquimia y con aterrorizar a los demás.

Escribió un libro sobre alquimia que fue muy criticado en una revista y el crítico, John Harrington murió poco después tras

partirse el cuello al caer de un árbol al que se subió porque huía de alguien que le perseguía. Tiempo después Mr.

Karswell manda su libro a un club para que lo lean pero, tras mandarlo a que lo vea un experto en alquimia llamado Mr.

Dunning, rechazan leerlo porque ha dicho que es malo. El presidente del club se da cuenta de que Mr. Dunning está en

peligro porque Mr. Karswell intentará matarlo después de eso. De hecho, unos amigos del presidente del club y su mujer

les cuentan que Mr. Karswell es su vecino y asustó muchísimo a sus hijos en una fiesta de navidad porque les puso una

película de terror horrible y no pudieron dormir durante semanas.

Un día cuando Mr. Dunning está volviendo a casa del trabajo que tiene en el museo, ve en el autobús un anuncio en el

que pone el nombre del crítico que murió, John Harrington. Le pregunta al conductor por el anuncio pero cuando va a

verlo ya no está. Luego cuando va a casa hay un hombre repartiendo folletos, le da uno a Mr. Dunning y ve que en él

pone el nombre de Harrington otra vez. Al día siguiente, en el trabajo escucha que susurran su nombre tras de él, pero se

gira y no ve a nadie, pero un hombre grande ha visto que al girarse a Dunning se le caen unos papeles y se los devuelve.

Mr. Dunning pregunta a la bibliotecaria si sabe quién es ese hombre y ella le dice que es Karswell y que quiere reunirse

con él, y Mr. Dunning le pide a la bibliotecaria que le diga que no puede reunirse al hombre porque prefiere evitarlo.

Cuando vuelve a su casa se encuentra al médico que le dice que ha tenido que mandar al hospital a dos de sus criados

porque le compraron pescado envenenado a un hombre que luego desapareció. Esa noche cuando Dunning está en su

casa se apagan las luces y oye que la puerta de su estudio se abre pero ve que no hay nadie en casa, luego toca en la

oscuridad un hocico peludo y sale corriendo. Se lo cuenta al médico y él le dice que pase la noche con él y su mujer. Les

cuenta toda la historia y deciden hablar de ello a Harry el hermano de John Harrington. Este le cuenta que Karswell le dio

a John su hermano un papel con runas, y que tres meses después murió. Buscan en casa de Dunning un papel similar y

lo encuentran y juntos hacen un plan para devolverle a Karswell un papel con el que, morirá. Estas runas llaman a una

criatura con apariencia de perro que hace el ambiente muy caliente y que 3 meses después hace que el poseedor del

papel muera de una manera u otra. Le tienden una trampa: mientras va en un tren hacia Dover para coger un barco a

Francia se meten en su vagón (Dunning disfrazado con barba que se deja crecer y gafas), y cuando se le cae la cartera a

Karswell al levantarse para mirar por la ventana, Dunning le pone dentro el papel y se la devuelve. Luego él y Harry se

van y Karswell se va a Francia. El revisor del tren le pregunta si iba con un amigo que llevaba un perro y Karswell dice

que no. Como en realidad Dunning se siente mal por enviar a la muerte a ese hombre, le manda un telegrama

avisándole, pero nunca llega a leerlo y muere dos días más tarde pues le cae una piedra de una iglesia en la cabeza.

A man called Mr. Karswell is evil and is obsessed with alchemy and terrorize others. He wrote a book about alchemy that

was criticized in a magazine and critic, John Harrington died shortly after break his neck after falling from a tree he

climbed because someone was fleeing from pursuing him. Later Mr. Karswell sends her book club to read it but after that

send him to see an expert in alchemy called Mr. Dunning, refuse to read it because he said it's bad. Club president

realizes that Mr. Dunning is in danger because Mr. Karswell try to kill him after that. In fact, some friends club president

and his wife tell them that Mr. Karswell is their neighbor and a lot scared their children in a Christmas party because they

put a horrible horror movie and could not sleep for weeks.

One day when Mr. Dunning is returning home from work that is in the museum, go on the bus ad in putting the name of

the critic who died, John Harrington. Asks the driver for the ad but when you will see it is no longer. Then when he goes

home there is a man handing out leaflets, given one to Mr. Dunning and sees that he puts the Harrington again. The next

day at work listening to whisper his name after him, but turns around and does not see anyone, but a big man has seen

turning over to Dunning will fall some papers and returns. Mr. Dunning ask the librarian if you know who this man is and

she tells him she is Karswell and wants to meet him, and Mr. Dunning asks the librarian says it can not meet the man

because he prefers to avoid. When he returns home is the doctor who says he has had to send to the hospital to two of

his servants because they bought fish poisoned a man who then disappeared. That night when Dunning is at home the

lights go out and hear the door of his study opens but sees no one at home, then tap in the dark a hairy snout and runs

off. It tells the doctor and he tells her to spend the night with him and his wife. He tells the whole story and decide to talk

about it to Harry's brother John Harrington. This tells him that Karswell gave John his brother a paper with runes, and died

three months later. Dunning home looking at a similar role and find it and together make a plan to return to Karswell a role

with which he will die. These runes call a dog-like creature makes very hot environment that makes 3 months after the

paper holder dies in one way or another. You tend a trap: while going on a train to Dover to catch a boat to France, get

into his car (Dunning disguised with a beard is grown and glasses), and when you drop the portfolio Karswell getting up to

look out the Dunning window puts you in the role and returns. Then he and Harry go and Karswell goes to France. The

train conductor asks if he was with a friend who had a dog and Karswell says no. As Dunning actually feel bad for sending

death that man, he sends a telegram advising him, but never gets to read it and died two days later because you drop a

stone from a church in the head.

Casting the Runes Summary

The secretary of an alchemy society tells his wife that the paper submitted by a man named Mr. Karswell has been

denied. He does not hink the man will be happy about it. His wife finds out that Karswell is a vicious man, who shows the

village children a frightening slideshow. He has written a book about witchcraft and may have had a hand in the murder of

a reviewer who criticized it by the name of John Harrington. The secretary is afraid Karswell will figure out a man named

Dunning has read his paper and rejected it. Dunning sees a mysterious advertisement on a train with the name John

Harrington, but the advertising disappears when he looks into it. When Dunning gets home, he finds his housekeeper and

maid are sick and he must stay home alone. That...


Mr. Edward Dunning is a researcher for the British Museum. At the beginning of the story he has recently reviewed The

Truth of Alchemy by a Mr. Karswell, an alchemist and occultist. Afterwards he begins seeing the name John Harrington

displayed wherever he goes. He learns that Harrington also reviewed Karswell's work and died in a freak accident not

long after. He soon learns that he has been cursed by Karswell and must find a way to reverse it.
