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Ceci est une compilation d’ exemples

d’activités à mener en co-animation

technologie / anglais

et de séquences à construire .

Merci aux professeurs-formateurs

qui ont bien voulu les mettre à disposition Amélie BARBIER -Nathalie DOURLOT – Michèle PENELON – Mike BLANDFORD Christophe BRISON – Christophe GILLET – Raphaël MORIN - Alexandre RAMOS

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Première Séquence

Thèmes à développer

I- Sustainable Development:

A- Life Cycle Assessment and


B- Sustainable Development


C- Urbanisation

D- Fair Trade

II- Energy Mix

III- Systems

A- Dyson Hand Dryer

B- Colibri Coffee Machine

IV- Nuclear Power

• Exemple d’étude de dossiers techniques

A- Propriété Industrielle


C- Serrure biométrique

D- Mannered

E- Neutral Passive House Estate in

Hannover- Kronsberg

• Visites de sites

• Technical Dictionary

• Evaluation

• Ressources

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1/ Présentation des objectifs et de la démarche du cours en Co-animation :● 3 types d’activités en anglais (réception , production , interaction)● Types d'activités● Triptyque M.E.I.

2/ présentation technique à l’oral Objectif : chaque élève dit quelques mots avec son vocabulaire● Présenter en 1 minute un objet courant.

Simple Pluri technologiques

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I – Sustainable Development

II- Energy Mix

III- Systems

IV- Nuclear Power

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Une introduction dès le début d'année

● L'impact environnemental : Analyse du cycle de vie

● Comparer des produits de consommation courante

● Le développement durable

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Life cycle assessment is the

process of evaluating the

total effects that a

product has on the

environment over its entire


Extraction of raw material

… end of life (recycle, reuse,

disposal ...)

Draw the life cycle of

different products

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tetrapak vs. glass bottle

what it's made of, life of a package, recycling

packaging chips :

find out which product (corn vs. polystyrene) is the best and justify.

Expanded corn packaging chips are totally compostable, so can be

added to a compost heap, put into composting facilities , or will break down a

lot faster than polystyrene if they go into landfill.

Ecotainer packaging :

Draw the life cycle of different products Bic shavers :

pens + Bic ecolutions, CO2 reduction...)

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BBC environmental debate : Develop or Die - BBC Series

Sustainable Development has become the mantra of the 21st Century. No other concept has had aprofound impact on institutional decision-making; forcing governments to change policies andcompanies to re-think how they do business.First commissioned for the BBC this series is made up of two episodes filmed on location in India, China,Vietnam and Malaysia and the third programme an Outside Broadcast debate from Mumbai (Bombay).This series looks at the challenges now facing Asia; how to develop their economies whilst at the sametime handling the growing pressure - mainly from the developed world - to protect the environment,combat pollution and deal with climate change.

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Episode 1 – Asia’s big hitters

We look at India's growing automotive industry from Bangalore to the Punjab. (home to

the Reva electric car – known in London as the G-Wizz, which has zero emissions).

We look at China's breakneck construction. ( in Rizhao, on the north eastern seaboard,

90 percent of the homes have solar-thermal heaters, due to government legislation)

Episode 2 – Asia’s growing tigers

In Vietnam we look at the country’s burgeoning tourism industry, already coming under

pressure not to develop unsustainably like its neighbour Thailand. Palm oil: business in

Malaysia. The crop creates global controversy. Conservation versus economic

development, using it for food or for fuel.

Episode 3 – Outside Broadcast from Mumbai (Bombay)

The debate features three leading thinkers, interviewed by Zeinab Badawi on the big issues

that the previous two episodes have raised. (eco-imperialism, historical justice and the

responsibilities of the developed world to the developing economies. Can we have a low

carbon future with a burgeoning free market economy? Do countries need to heavily

legislate to create both a green economy and force a low-carbon future? How do we de-link

economic growth and rising carbon usage?

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Urbanisation means the growth of cities. About half the

world’s population live in cities, and most of the population

growth in the future is expected to take place in cities. It is

predicted that by 2015, the world’s six

largest cities will each have more than 20 million inhabitants.

These are some of the effects of urbanisation:

> increased pollution

> increased energy consumption

> land no longer used for food production

> loss of natural habitats

> decline of rural towns and villages as people leave them

to live in cities

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1. What is one consequence of an increasing human population?

More waste will be produced.

Raw materials will be conserved.

Natural gas reserves will increase.

2. Where is toxic waste released from?

Only from factories.

Only from farms.

From factories, farms and households.

3. How can rivers be polluted?

Only if waste is discharged into them.

Only if toxic chemicals are washed off the land.

Directly from waste dischaged into them and when toxic chemicals wash off the


4. One problem with sulfur dioxide from burning fuels is that it:

Causes acid rain.

Causes alkaline rain.

Damages the ozone layer.

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5. How do lichens indicate levels of air pollution?

Only bushy lichens can grow in very polluted air

Lichens cannot grow at all in very polluted air

Most lichen grow best in very polluted air

6. Chlorofluorocarbons, CFCs, are nearly all banned from production and use.

What is the main reason for this?

They damage the ozone layer.

They cause acid rain.

7. They cause global warming. Which of the following statements is true of

commercial fishing?

Over-fishing is reducing stocks in the seas.

Losing one type of fish makes no difference to the rest of the ecosystem.

Extinction means the fish stocks are low but will build up with time.

8. Which of the following is not true of deforestation?

Tree habitats where many species live are lost.

Loss of photosynthesising vegetation contributes to climate change.

Replanting trees can replace the original habitats

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What is Fair trade...

Cocoa farmers

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Energy mix


different sources

how it works

+ and -

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Dyson hand dryer

Colibri hot drink machine

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Dyson airblade Presentation

comparison with paper towels, with warm air hand dryers, how

it works, what people think, how much it saves, carbon

footprint, life cycle, bacteria, saving time, energy and

protecting the environment : advantages / drawbacks

Interview : (preferably without French subtitles) Pick out

arguments to convince in Mr Dyson's speech

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Analysing different press articles about the Tsunami

in Japan and its consequences on the environment.

Looking for basic information

Identifying and studying the journalist's point of


Preparing a TV debate about

nuclear power plants

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A –Propriété Industrielle

Veille concurrentielle : recherche de productions de BAES à l’étrangerFire Alarms and Emergency Lighting

Après la présentation du brevet sur les patins en ligne PROMILES:

Présenter en trinôme, en Anglais, un brevet étranger (pas trop complexe) à la classe

Prix du brevet le plus séduisant / Prix de la meilleure présentation


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C- La serrure biométrique / The fingerprint door lock

Fingerprint Core

Fingerprint Recognition

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1. Les élèves prennent connaissance de la notice technique

(compréhension écrite) → savoir la résumer de manière

simple, sans utiliser trop de lexique technique.

2. Possibilité de visionner un ou plusieurs documents vidéos

(compréhension de l’oral) → comprendre un document

audio/vidéo + s’approprier des structures/du lexique

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2. (suite)

Différentes vidéo peuvent être trouvées sur Internet:

• Vidéo publicité (peu de lexique technique)

• Vidéo de démonstration ( lexique et structures appropriés, plus concret): How does it work ?

• Vidéo ‘Mythbusters’ (programme Télé US où des spécialistes d’effets spéciaux

utilisent leurs compétences et testent la validité de ‘mythes’ : croyances populaires,

rumeurs Internet, etc …) : ici, ils démontrent de manière concrète les limites des

serrures biométriques.

• Reportage critique sur l’utilisation controversée de la biométrie (‘fingerprint recognition’ ici) pour entrer à Disneyworld.

Les élèves peuvent visionner différents documents vidéos puis les résumer à leurs

camarades (Interaction orale)

→ savoir synthétiser, savoir comprendre et répondre aux questions.

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3. Travail en groupes (par 3 ou 4) : travail sur différents projets

Plusieurs scénarios sont possibles :

Jeux de rôle divers (PPC et PPI)

• le père (ou la mère) décide de faire installer une serrure biométrique – débat en

familles, certain(e)s ne sont pas d’accord…

• le commercial/les commerciaux de l’entreprise démarchent auprès de clients potentiels.

• un commercial explique à ses techniciens comment installer cette serrure et comment

elle fonctionne.

Réaliser un film vidéo qui explique comment la serrure biométrique

fonctionne et comment elle s’installe sur une porte (PPC + utilisation des TICE)

Monter un diaporama pour expliciter ce qu’est une serrure

biométrique, comment elle fonctionne et les limites de l’outil ( production écrite

+ utilisation des TICE)

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Séance visant à faire prendre conscience aux

élèves de l’importance de l’isolation du

bâtiment avant même de penser au chauffage.

D - Mannered

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On peut écouter les réponses spontanées des élèves d’abord…

On peut ensuite leur proposer un document papier où ils

doivent choisir l’élément qui correspond à l’image projetée, et

l’intégrer dans une réponse orale

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A To close windows when ventilation is not


B To cover internal walls with a thermal insulator

C To grow grass on the roof

D To have no doors and windows

E To inject foam into wall cavities

F To install double glazed windows

G To lay glass wool in the attic

H To place a non-conductor on the floor

I To protect hot water pipes with a thermal sleeve

J To use hermetic rubber joints on windows

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Matching exercice: Propositions de dessins

You can insulate a building

by injecting foam into wall cavities

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This is a very good idea. This practice is adopted in the Faeroe Islands

… By growing grass on the roof

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E- Neutral Passive House Estate in Hannover- Kronsberg

Architecture and building, energy and environment

● 6 à 7 séances de travail

● Travail en groupes

● 1 séance de présentation des exposés et diaporamas.

Voir également le diaporama ‘Passive House’ de Mike Blandford et Christophe Brison

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The term passive house (Passivhaus in German) refers to the

rigorous, voluntary, Passivhaus standard for energy efficiency

in buildings. It results in ultra-low energy buildings that

require little energy for space heating or cooling. A similar

standard, MINERGIE-P, is used in Switzerland. The standard

is not confined only to residential properties; several office

buildings, schools, kindergartens and a supermarket have also

been constructed to the standard. Passive design is not the

attachment or supplement of architectural design, but an

integrated design process with the architectural

design. Although it is mostly applied to new buildings, it has

also been used for refurbishments.

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1/ What is a passive house ?

2/ Where is Hannover ?

3/ Group work : 2 to 5 students

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Reasons to get ventilation

1/ different zones, control, in/ out, supply / exhaust

locating things, east / west / north / south

2/ central ventilation system,(VMC double flux) p.30

(‘Take Action’ chez Nathan) + internet

3/ network p.27 ( ‘Take Action’ chez Nathan)

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Consumption of energy : heating, hot water, lighting

4/ solar panels > heating

5/ solar panels > hot water supply

6/ energy plant > heating

7/ energy plant > hot water supply

8/ lighting

9/ household appliances

10/ outdoor thermograph pictures & insulation

11/ Standards : comparison between different European


12/ Dos, don'ts and regular maintenance (daily, weekly,

monthly, yearly)

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site industriel : barrage hydroélectrique, société innovante

(isolant, transport ...)

site de recherche : INES (Chambéry), ...

ville ; organisation, bâtiments

Compte rendu

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Activité filée sur l'année : rédaction d'un lexique

français-anglais illustré à l'usage des techniciens.

Fiches papier ou site internet

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A l’heure actuelle, les modalités du

baccalauréat 2013 ne sont pas publiées au J.O.

Cependant les propositions de l’Inspection Générale pour ce

co-enseignement technologie-LV1 vont dans le sens d’une

évaluation à l'oral :

présentation d’un projet avec une partie en anglais

+ 10' entretien avec le jury.

Pour faire suite à la 1ère journée de formation de juin, une 2ème journée nous permettra de réfléchir à l’évaluation

de ce co-enseignement

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Programmes : B.O. N°3 du 17 mars 2011

Guide d'équipement :

Guide d'accompagnement (projet) :

Supports techniques : Enseignement transversal et spécialités

Connexion : adresse académique ([email protected])

Code : Numen

Activation d'une activité: 10STI2DLyon

Site collaboratif STI