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Basic Requirements & Methods of Da’wah in Multi-Racial and

Multi-Religious Society

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At a glance


Concept of multi-racial and multi-religious


Basic Requirements & Methods of Da’wah and


General Directives

Relationship between society and da’wah


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The creation of human beings with different races, tribes, tradition, culture, and nationalities is the sign of Allah swt. (al-Qur’an, al-Rum 30: 19-22)

The Qur’anic concept of ta‘aruf also means to know and depend one to each other by exchanging mutual benefits. Complimentary life through interdependency may take place individually and collectively. The Qur’an addresses the whole of mankind with regard to the status in the sight of their Creator. “Verily, the most honorable of you with Allâh is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa”. (al-Hujraat 49:13)

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Mankind is regarded as a social being that cannot live in seclusion. They could only progress whenever they mutually depend on others.

Allah swt regards mankind as His slaves and Khalifah on the earth. They shoulder the task of taking care their fellow human being to achieve progress and success based on the norms and regulations laid down in the Shari‘ah.

Hence, the concept of tawhid should not be disintegrated from worldly affairs, which will lead into secularism to separate religion from social behavior. (Sohirin Solihin, 2008: 248-251)

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Concept of multi-racial and multi-religious Society


Multi-racial Society: Made up of, involving, or acting on

behalf of various races, or having ancestors of several or

various races. In sociology, the word “multi-racial” is an

adjective of multiracialism (noun) which comprising people

of many races. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the

English Language)

Multi-religious Society: belonging to or following more

than one religion; (of a country, society, etc) having

followers of more than one religion.

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Many countries boast multi-ethnic and diverse

populations, countries such as the United States,

Australia and Malaysia being relatively good

examples of multi-racial and multi-religious


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Multi-racial & religious Society in Islam

Islam promotes decency, decent dress, sobriety, social harmony and honor.

Islam inspired neighborliness, sympathetic understanding and

sentiments which promote values, ideals, unity and co-operation, that

should extend beyond the Muslim brotherhood to those who are

brothers in humanity, especially those who share territorial boundaries

with Muslims. (Muhammad Abdul Rauf, n.d. pp. 56-57)

A plural, multi-religious society relationships between Muslims and

non-Muslims must be governed by moral and ethical considerations.

(Anwar Ibrahim, 1996: 123)

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Justice is one of the enshrined pillars of Islam.

Therefore, justice and equality is the key attribute of a

multi-racial and religious society. It must also be

enforced without discrimination and prejudice.

When justice and equality is upheld, a multiracial

society can stir on from being trapped in a predicament

of social problems and move on to peace, progress and

social harmony.

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However, Public exposure of female bodies, places

of open gambling houses should not be encouraged

to spread in a country whose state religion is Islam.

These practices could have a damaging effect, and

are not in the best interests of any of the racial or

religious groups in the country. (Muhammad Abdul Rauf,

n.d. pp. 56-57)

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Basic requirements and methods of Da’wah

Here we will briefly discuss basic requirements and methods of Da’wah, especially how to interact with other people of different races and religions, in the context of multi-religious and multi-cultural society.

One of the attributes of an excellent Muslim community, is to be comprehensive, to interact and socialize with others of different races and religions.

 Sheikh Faisal Mawlawi, in his book Al-Mafahim Al-

Asasiah li Ad-Da’wah Al-Islamiah, has outlined three ways on how to express Da'wah and to interact with non-Muslims.

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1) The first is to do ta’aruf.

Ta’aruf means to get to know others better. Get to

know other cultures and religions better. Allah swt

says : “O mankind! We have created you from a male

and a female, and made you into nations and tribes,

that you may know one another. Verily, the most

honorable of you with Allâh is that (believer) who has

At-Taqwa. Verily, Allâh is All Knowing, All Aware.” [Al-

Hujurat: 13]

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When we get to know other religions better, it is not to glorify

or honor such religions and sets of beliefs that associate

partners to Allah. The main purpose is getting to know other

religions better, and is to give us an understanding on why the

followers of such and such religion do such and such a thing.

Studying and getting to know other religions, will assists us in

explaining about Islam to others of different faiths, to act

Da'wah to them, to share the similarities between Islam and

their religion, and in a way helps to foster a more harmonious

and graceful society.

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Many great ulama/scholars of the past such as Ibn

Hazam and Al-Biruni seek to understand other religions

before explaining Islam to the followers of those

religions. They learnt their cultures, their native

languages. And even spent some of their time living

with them. Al-Biruni for example, lived in India for more

than 10 years, just to understand their cultures and

faith. Only then he could produce a book on India

(kitaab al Hind), its people, their cultures and beliefs.

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2) The second approach is to interact with others

Allah s.w.t commands us to always do good to others, regardless of

race and religion. Allah says: “Allâh does not forbid you to deal justly

and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of

religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allâh loves

those who deal with justice.” [Al-Mumtahanah:8]

We must accept the fact that the followers of other religions need to

practice their religious beliefs and rituals. As much as we do not

want to be disturbed when we practice Islam, they also do not want

to be disturbed practicing their religions.

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3) The third approach is to help each other

Islam encourages this, and Allah swt says: “Help you

one another in good deeds and At Taqwa (virtue,

righteousness and piety); but do not help one

another in sin and transgression.” [Al-Maidah: 2]

Muslims should help others in all those things that

are good and beneficial

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There is no law or command in Islam that forbids Muslims

from helping others for the sake of humanity, regardless of

race and religion. Muslims are only forbidden to help others in

acts of sins and other religious worships.

Thus, in a multi-racial and religious society, the various races,

whether Muslims and non-Muslims should have more

interfaith, inter religious and intercultural dialogues so that

the maximum degree of understanding, tolerance, harmony,

happiness and peace could be minted in the society. (Mohd. Yusof

Hussain, 2009: 261)

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Finally,  Da'wah nowadays more easier compared to the time of Prophet (SAW) in which the messenger of Allah has to use different kind of approach to comprehend the Arabs to accept Islam based on their level of understanding. We may offer Da'wah to non-Muslims in contemporary multi-racial and multi-religious societies applying various methods as mentioned earlier.

Da’wah should be target not only to the masses but also the elites,, professionals, bureaucrats, the private sectors, youth, and workers. To have a better understanding of each other, we may also put forward joint effort among Da'wah organizations to convince the different groups of faith through printed, electronic media and internet.

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Basic Requirements of Da‘ie

In order to be an effective Da'wah in multi-religious

society, the Da‘ie himself must fulfill some basic

requirements in all the time and place.

1) A Da‘ie must possess a good akhlaq which is in

accordance to the Qur’an and Sunnah of the

Prophet (saw). The Da‘ie should have an ideal

personality such as balanced, matured and

faultless manner.

2) A Da’ie must possess a good understanding of

Islamic teaching.

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3) A Da‘ie must have correct motivation (niyyah)

and sincerity (Ikhlas) in doing Da’wah to the


4) A Da‘ie get ready to struggle and sacrifice his

time, belonging, even everything for in the way of

Da’wah ila- Allah.

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In addition, a Da‘ie should have the following skills:

1) Knowledge of the land and people of that particular place and time.

2) Knowledge of the contemporary world and social movements.

3) Mastery of many languages, at least one or two foreign language, i.e. English and Arabic. The means of expression or the language is the vehicle of communication.

4) Friendly user of modern technology and equipments.

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General Directives of Da’wah


In order to preaching Da’wah in a multi-racial and multi-religious society, it must be related to some educational tools to portray the beauty of Islam to others.

Generally, there are many ways to spread Da'wah through education, for example, the mosque, school, library, public and work place, dialogue being considered most important tools of Da’wah for all.

Mosque and its facilities, and activities:Library, Halaqa, Tahfiz and Social welfare oriented activities. Distributing Islamic literature, Books,CD and DVD. Translation and circulating of Friday Khutba

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School: is considered primary institution of a nation building. It can substitute an effective Da'wah for all if the following program and actions are undertaken:

Morning AssemblyBulletin BoardsDrama ActivitiesStudy tour and campLecture and Usrah

Work PlaceDa’wah LiteratureDialogue

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Relationship between Society and Da'wah

The Arabic word Da'wah which means “call” or

“invitation” carries out the following meanings:

1. It is used to refer to the call made by Allah swt to

mankind through His prophets

2. call made by man to his creator Allah swt through his


3. call made by man to his fellow-human being to come

unconditionally to the Deen al Fitrah – Islam. These

meanings are found in the many Qur'anic verses.

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Moreover, Da’wah means the call to Allah swt. Allah says: “Say (O Muhammad); this is my way. I call on Allah with sure knowledge, I and whoever follows me. Glory to Allah! And I never associate gods with Allah.” (Yusuf, 12:108)

So what is meant by call to Allah? Definitely it is the call to His Deen, and that is Islam.

Indeed the religion of Allah is Islam which Prophet Muhammad (saw) brought from his Lord. Hence, Islam is the object of Da’wah. (Mohd. Yusuf H., 2009)

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There are some principles towards the relationship between society and

Islamic Da’wah which reflect in the teaching of Qur’an, specially in

Surah al-Nahl (16), verse no. 90:

“Verily, Allâh commands Al-Adl (i.e. justice and worshipping none but Allâh Alone -

Islâmic Monotheism) and Al-Ihsân [i.e. to be patient in performing your duties to

Allâh, totally for Allâh's sake and in accordance with the Sunnah (legal ways) of the

Prophet SAW in a perfect manner], and giving (help) to kith and kin (i.e. all that

Allâh has ordered you to give them e.g., wealth, visiting, looking after them, or any

other kind of help): and forbids Al-Fahshâ' (i.e all evil deeds, e.g. illegal sexual acts,

disobedience of parents, polytheism, to tell lies, to give false witness, to kill a life

without right), and Al-Munkar (i.e. all that is prohibited by Islâmic law), and Al-

Baghy (i.e. all kinds of oppression), He instructs you, that you may receive


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The above mentioned Qur’anic verse, recognizes few important

aspects and principles of social justice for all human being in a

multi-religious society as followed:

1. Al-Adl i.e. justice

Al-Ihsân (i.e. to be best in performing your duties to Allâh)

Giving help to kith and kin (i.e. all that Allâh has ordered you to

give them e.g., wealth, visiting, looking after them, or any other

kind of help)

Forbids Al-Fahshâ' (i.e. all evil deeds)

Al-Munkar (i.e. all that is prohibited by Islâmic law)

Al-Baghy (i.e. all kinds of oppression)

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The difference of color, race and tribes is the sign of Allah’s creation which also recognizes the concept of multi-racial and religious society.

The principles of social justice like Al-Adl i.e.

justice, Al-Ihsân, Giving help to kith and kin,

Forbids Al-Fahshâ’, Al-Munkar, Al-Baghy (i.e.

all kinds of oppression) are the balanced and

meaningful features for all human being in a

multi-religious society as followed:
