
2002 hydroxylamine derivatives

hydroxylamine derivatives (benzene compounds)Q 0110

07 - 076Zirconium Cation Coordination in the Borohydride-Mediated Syn-thesis of β-Hydroxy-N-alkoxylamines. — A powerful reagent preformedfrom NaBH4 and ZrCl4 is used for the reduction of oximino ethers (I) to theoxime ethers (II) and (III). — (WILLIAMS, DAVID R.; BENBOW, JOHN W.;SATTLEBERG, THOMAS R.; IHLE, DAVID C.; Tetrahedron Lett. 42 (2001)49, 8597-8601; Dep. Chem., Indiana Univ., Bloomington, IN 47405, USA; EN)

