Page 1: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

2XL2XL2XL NewsletterNewsletterNewsletter CylchlythyrCylchlythyrCylchlythyr

ChristmasChristmasChristmas NadoligNadoligNadolig


Sporting Excellence

Rhagoriaeth Chwaraeon

Clubs & Activities Clybiau a


School Productions

Cynhyrchiadau Yr Ysgol

Page 2: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Greetings from the School School Announcements School Term Dates School Calendar Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Eco-Schools Department News Year Group News


Page 3: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

As always, it gives me great pleasure to read this compilation of the wonderful achievements of our pupils. This Christmas 2012 edition of the newsletter is again filled with the innumerable activities of-fered both in school and in the wider community. Students clearly benefit from getting involved with clubs, activities, trips and visits of their choice by developing new skills and friendships; it is heartening to see that so many Stanwell boys and girls are taking advantage of the opportunities provided. High-lights of this term include our first ever ‘Sports Awards Ceremony’ , the national premiere of ‘Miss Sai-gon’ and notification that Stanwell has been placed in Band 1 in the Welsh Government’s Secondary School grouping system released this week. This term has been a long, busy and successful one and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff, pupils, parents, governors and friends in the lo-cal community for their hard work and commitment which makes Stanwell such a productive and crea-tive learning environment. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all, Mr D Jones, Headteacher. Unwaith eto, mae’n anrhydedd i ddarllen casgliad arbennig o gampau ein disgyblion. Mae cylchlythyr Nadolig 2012 yn llawn newyddion o ‘r gweithgareddau di-ri a gynigir yn yr ysgol ac yn y gymuned. Mae’n amlwg bod myfyrwyr yn elwa o gymryd rhan mewn clybiau, gweithgareddau, tripiau ac ymweli-adau wrth ddatblygu sgiliau a pherthnasau newydd; mae’n codi’r galon i weld bod cymaint o fechgyn a merched Stanwell yn cymryd mantais o’r cyfleoedd ar gael. Mae uchafbwyntiau’r tymor hwn yn cynn-wys ein’Noson Wobrwyo Chwaraeon’ gyntaf erioed, perfformiad cyntaf cenedlaethol ‘Miss Saigon’ a’r newyddion bod Stanwell yn awr ym Mand 1 yn ôl y system fandio genedlaethol ar gyfer ysgolion. Mae’r tymor hwn wedi bod yn un hir, prysur a llwyddiannus a hoffwn i gymryd y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i’n staff, disgyblion, rhieni, llywodraethwyr a ffrindiau yn y gymuned leol am eu gwaith caled a’u hymrwymiad sy’n gwneud Stanwell yn fan ddysgu greadigol a phrysur.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd,

Y Pennaeth, Mr D Jones. Y Pennaeth, Mr D Jones.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd,

Greetings from the School

School Announcements

Parents and friends of the school are cordially invited to the PTA quiz night. This popular annual event will take place on Friday 25th January 2013. Entry is priced at £7 per team member and teams are limited to a maximum of 6 members. The entry fee includes a buffet supper; soft drinks, wine, beer and cider are available to purchase during the evening. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible!

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School Term Dates 2012‐2015 

Additional INSET days are to be taken at the school discretion and will be communicated to parents via printed material.

Inset Day all years 

Inset Day all years 

Page 5: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Stanwell SchoolCalendar of Events 2012‐2013

Date  Event7th January 2013 Inset Day20th January 2013 Years 12 & 13 Welsh Department Visit to Cardiff University

22nd January 2013 Year 11 Parents' Evening

29th January 2013 Year 9 TEAMX Parents' Evening

2nd February 2013 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Walk

4th & 5th February 2013 Years 9 & 10 Geography Department Trip to London, Olympic Sustainability

5th February 2013 Year 9 WORKL Parents' Evening

5th February 2013 Years 9 & 10 Geography Department Trip to London, Olympic Sustainability

11th February 2013 Half Term

11th February 2013 Years 9, 10 & 11 Art Department Trip to Barcelona

11th February 2013 Years 10, 11, 12 & 13 Skiing Trip to Austria

19th February 2013 Year 11 Options Evening

23rd February 2013 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Walk

26th February 2013 Year 8 TEAMX Parents' Evening

26th February 2013 Economics Department Trip to London

27th February 2013 Year 8 RE Department Trip to London

28th February 2013 Sixth Form Drama Department Theatre Trip

1st March 2013 Years 11 & 12 Geography Department Trip to Barcelona

1st March 2013 Year 12 Geography Department Trip to Cardiff Bay (Date to be confirmed)

1st March 2013 Years 8 & 9 German Exchange to Germany (Date to be confirmed)

5th March 2013 Year 8 WORKL Parents' Evening

7th March 2013 Year 8 French / Welsh Department Trip to Euro Disney, Paris

7th March 2013 Year 12 History Department Trip to London

12th March 2013 Year 12 Parents' Evening

14th March 2013 Year 12 History Department Trip to London

19th March 2013 Year 8 Options Evening

21st March 2013 Year 10 History Department Trip to Berlin

22nd March 2013 Years 8 & 9 Skiing Trip to Austria

22nd March 2013 Year 12 Sailing Trip to France

22nd March 2013 Last Day of Term

22nd March 2013 Sixth Form RE Department Trip to Rome

25th March 2013 Easter Holidays

25th March 2013 Years 8 & 9 Skiing Trip to Austria

25th March 2013 Year 12 Sailing Trip to France

1st April 2013 Year 8 Geography Department Trip to Bristol Zoo (Date to be confirmed)

3rd April 2013 German Exchange

8th April 2013 First day of Summer Term

11th April 2013 Duke of Edinburgh Silver Practice Walk

16th April 2013 Year 10 Parents' Evening

25th April 2013 Duke of Edinburgh Silver Assessed Walk

7th May 2013 Year 7 TEAMX Parents' Evening

14th May 2013 Year 7 WORKL Parents' Evening

27th May 2013 Half Term

14th June 2013 Year 7 History Department Trip to Cardiff Castle ‐ Jousting

18th & 19th June 2013 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Walk

25th June 2013 Award Ceremony (provisional)

25th & 26th June 2013 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Assessed Walk

27th June 2013 Year 9 History Department Trip to France

1st July 2013 Year 7 French Department Trip to France (2 days in July. Dates to be confirmed)

1st July 2013 Year 7 Art Department Trip to Cardiff (Date to be confirmed)

2nd July 2013 New Year 7 Parents' Evening

4th & 5th July 2013 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Practice Walk

15th & 16th July 2013 Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Assessed Walk

17th July 2013 Last day of Term for Pupils

18th July 2013 Inset Day

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Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

This year has seen record numbers of pupils taking up the opportunity to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Over 250 pupils have enrolled for the Bronze and Silver levels of the Award and 30 pupils have enrolled on the Open Gold Award Scheme. The Bronze and Silver participants have weekly training on the Thursday evening 3-4pm and the Open Gold candidates will start weekly training after their exams in January on Wednesday evenings. The Bronze and Silver (Year 10 and Year 11 respectively) have already completed their First Aid train-ing and received certification. The weekly training goes towards the expedi-tion section of the Award. There are another 3 sections to the Award, the volunteering, physical and skills section. It is the responsi-bility of the pupils to organise their activities for these areas and upload the information onto their personal eDofE account. At Gold level, the participants have to complete a fur-ther section—a residential section. The Duke of Edinburgh website is very helpful with lots of ideas for each of the sections and can answer lots of the usual questions that young people may have about their D of E Award. The expedition dates are set in the school cal-endar and are as follows: Sat 2nd February Bronze practice (half the group) Cowbridge Sat 23rd February Bronze practice (half the group) Cowbridge Thurs – Sat 11th – Sat 13th April 2013 Silver Practice – Hay on Wye Thurs – Sat 25th -27th April 2013 Silver assessed Tues – Wed 18th – 19th June Bronze practice (Ogmore by Sea), (half the

group) Tue-Wed 25th – 26th June Bronze assessed (Gower) (half the group) Thus – Fri 4th – 5th July 2013 Bronze practice (Ogmore by Sea), (half the group) Mon – Tue 15th – 16th July 2013 Bronze assessed (Gower) (half the group).

Due to the large numbers of participants at Bronze level and the demand for loaning expe-dition equipment, the group has been split. Each participant will have to take part in one day walk, one overnight practice camp and the one assessed camp and not all of the above dates.

I am looking forward to the pupils completing the other sections of their Award prior to the expeditions in the better weather. A big thank you must go to all the staff who help to deliver the weekly training and the parents for the con-tinued support (and organisation of their equip-ment!)

“record numbers of pupils taking up the opportunity of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.”

Miss H Jenkins

Page 7: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

2. The introduction of water bottles and the removal of plastic cups. The Eco-Stanwell committee would like to thank the whole school community for their support in address-ing this issue. The levels of waste generated by the school have been reduced significantly as well as the volume of water lost unnecessarily. Pupils are reminded that school water bottles are on sale in the school shop for £1.20, with all profit going to the charity Water Aid. 3. Fairtrade event - on 11th December 2012 volunteers from the committee took part in a Fairtrade bake-off. The aim was to cook pan-cakes made from Fairtrade ingredients and to sell them during break time. Money raised was donated to the charity supported by the school as well as raising awareness of the Fairtrade


The Eco Stanwell committee is continuing to grow. Listed below are the names of the active and dedicated members who are working so hard in trying to improve the environment of Stanwell School. During this term a number of environ-mental projects have taken place:

1. Eco week with the theme of 3Rs (reduce reuse and recycle), was much earlier than normal. This was to fall in line with a Vale recycling competition during the first week of October. Both the school and the local community were encouraged to support a scheme where small, hand-held electrical appliances were handed in and weighed with the help of Track 2000. The school who collected the most will be presented with a financial prize; results will be out soon! Thank you to all who supported the event; the pupils had a great time.

“thank the whole school community for their support”

Mrs J Laity

Seren Vickers (13) Amy Palin (13) Joe Keenan (13) Leonor Worssam (12) Bethany Parkhouse (12) Jessica Davies (12) Carys White (12) Isobel Martin (12) Isobel Sinnott-Newland(12) Lee Bailey (12) Lex Hermogeno (12) Emily Thomas (11) Zed Strong (11) Emily Moulton (11) Jessica Boland (10) Lucy Bond (10) Christina Bugert (10) Tasha Smith (10) Ellie Webster (10) Abbie Isaacs (10)

Esther Buckton (9) Ffion Phillips (9) Robert Bain (9) George Lush (8) Harry Newman (8) Clodagh McKechnie (8) Gwilym Hum-phreys (8) Holly Strong (8) Iman Haq (8) Mohammed Hus-sain (8) Robert Brown (8) Zain Yousef (8) James Morgan (8) Olivia Griffin (8) Phalisha Valji (8) Anna Bosley (8) Isabelle Martin-Evans (8)

Conservation area

Year 7 pupils making bird, bat and bug boxes for the conservation area.

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4. Christmas Card Recycling Competition The school has once again entered the Vale competition to collect as many Christmas cards as possible to be awarded a financial prize. There have been changes in the organi-sation of this competition with all schools competing against each other, rather than having separate primary and secondary cate-gories. This has made it very difficult for the secondary schools as most primary schools support this event in a big way! We are hop-ing more people will support the school this year and help us beat last year’s total! 5. Young Reporters for the Environment This is a new project this year; an interna-tional competition where pupils of secondary age are encouraged to act as reporters on a local environmental issue of interest to them. The deadline for this piece of reporting is March 15th 2013 and pupils of various ages throughout the school are taking part. Woking in small groups or individually, pu-pils investigate a local issue that falls into one of the following categories: Biodiversity; coastline; cities; climate change, water, waste, energy and agriculture and nature. The report can be presented as a written, photographic or video piece. The photograph below shows the local co-ordinator for this competition talking with the Eco group about the project and highlighting that over 28 countries take part each year.

6. Eco/Charity Fundraising Event 2013 After a successful first attempt at raising funds for Marie Curie in January 2012, both committees wish to repeat the exercise in January 2013. The scheme involves the school and local communi-ties donating unwanted clothing, shoes, books and linen to the Bags2School project. This allows the items donated to be weighed and exchanged for cash. The more we collect the more money we raise! The committees are keen to beat last year’s total of £200 so please support the school and keep all unwanted items until January 2013. More information to follow so watch this space!

Thank you from all members of Eco-Stanwell for your continued support with everything environmental!

Eco-Schools Mrs J Laity

“thank the whole school community for their support”

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‘The children made some fantastic animation work of which they should be very proud!’

Ms R Lewis

Department News

Art Work of

the Week

Pupils are be-ing given the opportunity to have their work exhibited on the display screens located around the school to show-case the best work produced in the Art De-partment. Try your best, you could be next!

Years 11,12 & 13 pupils outside the National

Gallery on their recent

Art Department Visits to London From Friday 19th until Saturday 20th October, pupils from Years 8, 9 & 10 took part in a two day visit to London. This was a fantastic opportunity for those involved to see first hand work by artists in the National Gallery. Our eve-ning was spent in the Hard Rock Café

and then on to the Lyric Theatre for a great performance of ‘Thriller Live’. On Saturday, we travelled to the Tate Modern viewing international contem-porary art including the beautiful sculp-ture of Henry Moore. We then trans-ferred by boat on the Thames to Tate Britain to view the wonderful collection of British Art from 1900 to present day. At the end of November, 43 Art stu-dents from Years 11, 12 and 13 took part in a one day visit to London. We saw the beautiful Impressionist and Post-Impressionist collection at the Courtauld Institute, located in the im-pressive surroundings of Somerset House. Highlights included ‘A Bar at the Folies-Bergeres’ by Edouard Manet. The afternoon was spent study-ing the magnificent works on show at the National Gallery. Students use these educational visits to create detailed studies of artists’ work to help with the development of ideas in their course-work and examinations.

It has been another very busy and productive term in the Art Department. Penarth Heights Project Year 8 Art pupils from Stanwell worked with Ffotogallery’s Education Team on an excit-ing project linking Art, History and Technol-ogy. They researched the past, imagining what it was like to live on the estate when it was first built. Artist Ewan Jones Morris ran workshops at school, where the students imagined the future of the site through ani-mation. On the 24th October, our pupils at-tended the launch of the interactive website at Fotogallery in Penarth. The children made some fantastic animation work of which they should be very proud! Please feel free to use the link to access the pupils' work: Other community-based work has involved Key Stage 3 pupils in the creation of a mural on boards for the Penarth Pavilion Project. This large scale work is being created in the weekly Key Stage 3 Art Club and is due for completion in the New Year.

Use of iPads to record images in the Courtauld Institute. The use of new technology is very much encouraged in the

Art Department.

Page 10: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Business Studies

BBC interviews Stanwell pupils!

The BBC came to Stanwell to interview pupils about their excellent performance in the Young Enterprise scheme last year. Ka-tie Alstead, Luke Morley, Jack Powell, Kathryn Tann and Rebecca Thompson, from Year 11 were interviewed by Brian Meechan for the Politics Show broadcast on a Sunday morning.

The pupils fielded questions relating to the influence the scheme has had upon them, how Young Enterprise has affected their future career choices and what they have gained from taking part in the scheme. The footage was also used in reports on Wales Today and news bulletins (

Open Day

Young Enterprise is a scheme that is open to all Year 10 and Year 12 pupils. This year, the students were involved in a range of enterprise activities on the school’s Open Day.

Pupils had stalls in the Business Centre and the New Sports Hall selling a variety of products such as key-rings and magnetic bookmarks as well as many fun games and raffle prizes.

The sales made will provide the pupils with the investment that they need to start up and run their businesses for the academic year and to run the Young Enterprise Scheme.

BBC interviews Stanwell pupils

Mrs J Macnamara

Page 11: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School


We are delighted to be the first school in Wales to perform this wonderful show!

cently performed their devised theatre pieces. There was some excellent work and this element constitutes 30% of their overall Drama GCSE grade. Congratulations on some impressive and innovative work. The next instalment of course-work will be at the end of March, when pupils will perform extracts from Dennis Potter’s ‘Blue Remembered Hills’. Our AS and A2 level students have started their practical work and we wish them well in creating original performance pieces, inspired by a vari-ety of contemporary theatre practitioners. It has been impressive to see A2 candidates taking their own initiative to visit Sherman Cymru to watch work by the Frantic Assembly, Head-long and Volcano theatre companies. We have been pleased that these productions have inspired and influenced decisions that students have made with regards to taking risks and embracing a contemporary physi-cal theatre approach to their work. Drama AS and A2 level students will also be visiting the Wales Millennium Centre to watch ‘One Man, Two Guvnors’ and The Bristol Old Vic to see the Handspring Puppet Theatre com-pany’s adaptation of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. In extra-curricular news, special con-gratulations must go to pupils who took lead roles in the Orbit Theatre Company’s recent pro-duction of ‘Bugsy Malone’ at The New Theatre– Katy Gibbs and Henry Waddon (Bugsy) Year 8, Rebecca Thompson (Tallulah) Year 11 and Luke Waddon (Dandy Dan) Year 12. There was great competition to secure these roles and we are very proud of their achievements within the department. Congratulations also to Sian Smith of Year 10, who performed with National Dance Company of Wales at St David’s Hall.

At the time of writing, the Drama department is extremely busy preparing for the national premiere of ‘Miss Saigon’. We are delighted to be the first ever school in Wales to perform this wonderful show and are working hard to present a production of which the whole school can be proud. The show has a run of 4 nights; Monday 17th—Thursday 20th De-cember. More details and pictures will be available on the school website. Key Stage 3 pupils are showing keen interest in studying ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and ‘Bugsy Malone’ and Year 9 pupils have been looking at the issue-based play ‘Too Much Punch for Judy’ by Mark Wheeler. They have been particularly creative when working on their set-design ideas and have risen to the challenge of producing stylised physical theatre elements within their per-formances. Key Stage 4 pupils are also producing pleas-ing work. Year 10 students are currently pre-paring for their devised piece based upon the tragedy of Derek Bentley and I would like to congratulate Year 11 students who have re-

Miss L Maddy

Page 12: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

It has been a very exciting start to the new academic year in DT. KS3 Year 7 pupils have been working on a wide range of projects from bottle openers to pil-lows. Pupils are enjoying the projects, work-ing in a practical environment and producing some excellent work. The bag project in Year 8 continues to be a success. Pupils have produced a range of bags including boot bags, hand bags, tote bags and drawstring bags, and are enjoying using the new facilities. The new Graphics project which is based on the redesign of a beach-front cafe is inspiring some excellent work. The food projects and designer in-spired electronic light projects continue to generate a great deal of interest and enthusi-asm. GCSE Year 9 students have made a fantastic start to the GCSE courses and are building upon their KS3 skills. Pupils are looking forward to their next project where they will be mak-ing products in a range of media. Year 10&11

Pictured is a range of excellent work from Year 10 and 11 stu-dents.

Design Technology Mr N Gifford

Following a excellent moderation last term, Year 11 are settling into their CAT projects. Students are currently completing their design section of their folders in preparation for the manufacturing stage which will begin early next term. Year 12&13 Year 12 have made a fantastic start on the new AS specification. Their first project has involved analysing the work of successful designers. Year 13 have started work on their major pro-jects with Paul Keeling designing a sensory room for a disabled cli-ent.

Open Evening Once again, Open Day was a great success for the department with both staff and pupils enjoying the afternoon. Visitors were given demonstra-tions and were able to view projects. Clothes Show Visit 2012

The Textiles students enjoyed a visit to the Clothes Show live in Birmingham NEC. The trip allowed students to view a whole range of current fashions and see the work of both young and established designers and the visit has once again served as a source of inspira-tion to many.

“yn ysbrydoli gwaith ardderchog”

Page 13: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

INNOVATIONS AWARD This term, students from theYear 13 Product Design visited the WJEC Innovations Award. This national award is an annual event run by the WJEC and displays 40 exemplar projects.

This year, Tom Gillanders had his inspira-tional design for a desk light made from con-crete on display.

Miss Saigon

This year, Mr Pepper has overseen the de-partment’s involvement with the set con-struction and has been assisted by the Year 12 and AS Year 11 Product Design students.

Design Technology

‘Students have been refining their culinary skills’

Mr N Gifford

The set team has undertaken the manufacture of a range of items from M14 rifles and American product signs to Communist flags!


Year 9 students Basil Crack, Rowan Jones, Luke Pringle, Ella Buehner Gattis, Alfie Chambers and Natalie Richardson have been participating in Go4set and once again they have been linked with ARUP Engineers in Cardiff. They have been set the task of producing a proposal for an outdoor activities centre to be situated in Cardiff Bay.

Children in Need

Pupils from all year groups helped with the making of Pudsey and Blush badges which were sold to raise money for Children in Need. Many thanks to all the students who helped out.

After School Clubs

Students have been enjoying participating in the Food Technology after school club. Stu-dents have been refining their culinary skills through a range of cooking tasks. All stu-dents are invited to participate but they must sign up the day before to allow for prepara-tion. Pupils from all year groups are encouraged to attend after school club for any extra support to complete projects and to increase their manufacturing skills. The department runs homework clubs for KS4 groups and after school clubs for KS3 so there really is an ac-tivity for everyone!

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Economics and Politics

‘extending their understanding of the democratic processes in the UK’

Economics Visit to London

February will see the Economics and Business departments visiting London. This will be an invaluable opportunity for pupils to gain an understanding of the current economic climate, and the impact on business. The trip takes place over two days and includes a visit to the Bank of England, the London Metal Exchange, Deutsche Bank and Chelsea Football Club. In the evening the pupils will be entertained with dinner in Covent Garden and a visit to the London Dungeons. At the time of going to press there were still a couple of places available. Any pupils interested should see their Business or Economics teacher.

Economics in the News This month saw the Chan-cellor George Osbourne making his Autumn state-ment. Congratulations to the Year 13 students who pre-

sented their rival party manifesto in what turned out to be a hot debate on how to tackle the current economic problems.

Mr J Crook and Mr G Penny

Government and Politics Government and Politics students have been extending their understanding of the democratic processes in the UK and the USA. Year 13 students will be sitting their A2 module (Politics of the USA) in January and they have taken a keen interest in US voting behaviour, political parties and pressure groups. Several members of the class have given superb presenta-tions, all focusing on key issues, exam-ples include the possible 2016 Republi-can Presidential candidates and an analy-sis of the 2012 election. They have also recently completed a de-bate which investigated the role of Po-litical Action Committees and finance in US elections. Best of luck for the exami-nations! Year 12 students have been examining whether the UK needs a written constitution and if the Prime Minister enjoys too much influence. They have also studied factors which influence voting behaviour in the UK. These factors include primacy issues such as class, ethnicity and age as well as factors which include the role of the media, the influence of the Party Leader and events such as the war in Iraq. Students have also analysed the current position of the Electoral System in the UK. They have recently prepared for lively debates regarding a possible re-form of the current electoral system of FPTP to the Alternative Voting System.

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English Annual Rotary Club ‘Youthspeaks’ Com-petition A team of 3 Year 12 girls took part in the Annual Rotary Club Youthspeaks Competi-tion at the Seashore Grill in Sully on the eve-ning of Tuesday 27th November. The main speaker was Sofia Prusak who talked about the financial pressures on young people in the current recession and how the increase in university fees is putting some students off going on to Higher Education. She spoke with real enthusiasm, in spite of having only returned at 2am that same morning from competing in Ice Skating championships in Sheffield! The chairperson was Emma Sharpe and the vote of thanks was given by Riah Knowles-Brock. The team came sec-ond, but the judges said it was a very close call and the team acquitted themselves very well. They also really enjoyed the excellent buffet provided by the Rotary Club and were awarded certificates and gift vouchers as run-ners up. English Homework Club A new English Club for Year 7 and 8 has started this year! It’s been a successful first term with new members joining each week. Pupils have enjoyed taking a leading role in helping to set up and organise the club. They have discussions on favourite books, take part in activities and games and enjoy using their imaginations in the creative writing ses-sions. There are also opportunities for pupils to get help and support with English home-work and revision. Penarth Book Festival Competition A number of Stanwell pupils were very suc-cessful in the Penarth book festival Schools’ Writing Competition. One overall winner and four Highly Commended awards were avail-able for each year group in 7 and 8.

For Stanwell, Maxine Pwele won the Year 7 prize with Sophie Chapman and Emily Skinner being awarded ‘Highly Com-mended’; Tristan Goodway–Sims won the

Year 8 prize with Orla Emberson, Owen Lloyd and Seren Marsh being awarded ‘ Highly Commended’. All these pupils attended a prize-giving ceremony in October and the winners’ stories were printed in the Penarth Times. Pictured below are some of the win-ners. The winning entries can also be found at:

Letters to Japan Mrs Sheldon's Year 7 Literacy class has been busy writing Christmas cards to Futsu Junior High School in Kyushu, Southern Japan. As Christmas is not commonly celebrated in Ja-pan, Stanwell pupils explained the traditions of Christmas and added information about their own school life in Wales. We have asked the Japanese pupils to respond with letters about their traditions and daily life and hope to hear back from them in the New Year. The Tempest On Friday September 14th, a representative from Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru (The Na-tional Theatre of Wales) visited school and held a bilingual drama workshop with a group of Y7 and Y8 pupils based on the works of Shakespeare in preparation for the pupils’ visit to a Welsh language production of ‘The Tem-pest’, ‘Y Storm’, in Carmarthen. The produc-tion was held in a specially erected tent in the Carmarthen Show Ground. The production was unique as it had a circus theme and featured a variety of circus skills.

‘The production was unique as it had a circus theme’

Mrs M Williams

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“Geography expands your horizons”

The Geography department has enjoyed an excellent start to this academic year, with an array of educational visits to expand the pupils’ horizons. For Open Day the department focused their efforts on the theme of Rainforest Sensations. Materials used included taste challenges, interactive quizzes and shake and sniff games. The displays attracted a lot of visitors and there were many questions about the subject, including the content of the GCSE and A level courses. In September, geographers from Years 9– 12 participated in in a series of Restless Earth workshops organised and run by the British Cartographic Society. Volunteers from the organisation, Geography ambassadors from the Royal Geographical Society and post-graduate students from Glamorgan University assisted the AS and GCSE level pupils in learning about effective response and recovery plans for major earthquake events. Pupils were asked to use a variety of maps, some in Japanese, as well as resources from the internet to produce an effective recovery map that would have helped to organise the response teams involved after the Japan earthquake in March 2011.

As part of their GCSE Geography Studies, Year 11 visited Tenby in September to complete an investigation into

the impact of tourism on a coastal area. Students conducted land use and environmental surveys, pedestrian and traffic counts, as well as looking at land values within the coastal resort. On their return to Stanwell, the pupils used the results to complete a controlled field study assignment worth 10% of their final GCSE. A special mention must go to Cengizhan Ziyaeddin for his excellent interview with the local community Police Officer. In October, Year 8 pupils visited the Cadbury World factory at Bournville. While at the factory pupils were given a talk on the ‘Geography of Chocolate’, relating to the location and manufacturing of products in

the developing and developed world.

The 100 pupils were then taken on a tour of the factory where they were able to sample the many delights that Cadbury World had to offer!

Mrs H Jarman

I Pads and maps used to help design an effective re-

covery plan.

Page 17: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School


“Geography is everywhere and everything”

After the success of the Geography Iceland visit 2010, as a department we felt compelled to return to the land of fire and ice! During October half term, 48 pupils from Years 10 and 11 and 5 teaching staff visited Western and Southern Iceland.

During the visit, the pupils focused on certain topics relating to specific areas of study. Themes included: geothermal renewable energy, tectonic activity such as plate boundaries, earthquakes and volcanoes, coastal formation and glaciation.

In addition to learning about the outstanding physical landscapes, the pupils also visited the

North Atlantic ridge at Þingvellir, hiked on the tongue of the Solheimajokull glacier, saw the Strokur Geysir, walked behind the Seljalandsfoss waterfall and, to top it all off, swam in the geothermal Blue Lagoon – one of Iceland’s most popular attractions.

Our final field investigation for this term took place in November where the Year 12 AS Geography students went to the Field Studies Centre at Nettlecombe Court near Taunton. During their stay they completed two fieldwork investigations as required for their WJEC syllabus. The physical investigation explored the effectiveness of flooding on the River Tone in Taunton (thankfully a week before

Taunton actually flooded!)

The human investigation looked at the rurality of the village of

Porlock. The 32 students and 3 staff had a fun and informative time completing a range of geographical techniques.

Mrs H Jarman

Thank you to Harry Roberts for being a good sport and measuring the wind flow over the river!

Page 18: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

History It has been another busy and eventful term in the History Department. Highlights have in-cluded the October Open Evening, where pu-pils and parents alike had the opportunity to take part in several activities, including arch-ery, code-breaking, jousting puppets and a crime-scene investigation on famous histori-cal murders. A good time was had by all. History Club has once again been a roaring success with an enthusiastic group of pupils from Years 7 and 8 all eager to learn about History outside the classroom environment. The students have been meeting regularly on a Wednesday after school and have been busy creating model castles for a future display. They have also begun creating models of pyramids. In addition to this, they have had an opportunity to show off their creative skills in helping to prepare props for the Open Eve-ning. A big thank you to Emily Walters (Year 10) who has helped run History Club this year.

(Members of History Club making their model castles)

History pupils have studied a lot of interesting key issues this term. In Year 7, pupils have been learning about the Battle of Hastings and

William the Conqueror in 1066.

Yn frwdfrydig i ddysgu am Hanes tu fas i’r ystafell ddosbarth

Mr G Morgan

They have recently progressed on to looking at William the Conqueror’s problems and how he dealt with them. Year 8 pupils have enjoyed studying all about the Tudors and Stuarts. Top-ics have included Henry VIII and his six wives, The Spanish Armada and the causes of the Eng-lish Civil War. In addition to learning in the classroom, 86 Year 8 pupils also visited London in November. They thor-oughly enjoyed their visit to the Tower of London and were fascinated to see the place where Anne Boleyn and Kathe-rine Howard were executed. They also had a great time exploring the cultural side to Lon-don; especially visiting Covent Garden and seeing ‘The Lion King’ in the West End.

At Key Stage 4, Year 9 have been studying the cultural changes that the USA faced in the 1920s, including changes to sport, the cinema and the role of women. All classes have made an excellent start to the GCSE course. Well done!

Year 10 have continued the superb progress they made in Year 9 and have been studying Life in Nazi Germany during the 1930s. Top-ics have included Nazi influence on Educa-tion, the Hitler Youth movement and the role of women.

Year 11 are currently examining racial issues in the USA, 1929—2000. Topics have in-cluded; WWII, the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the influence of individuals like Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X. They should also be proud of the very impressive exam results they achieved in the summer.

Page 19: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Information Technology

iPad Club

iPad Club has had a very successful start to the school year. The club, which runs on Mondays from 3-3.45 is popular with Year 7 boys, although we would welcome some girls attending too! We have used Puppet Pals to create puppet shows exploring the school to show during Open Day. Also, the pupils have created their own iPad art using ‘Brushes’ and made some noise trying to record their own Christmas tunes in ‘Beatmaker’. We are all looking forward to next term’s discoveries

and new apps! Come along and try out the iPads for yourself. New members are always welcome. We are in the iPad room, Mondays @ 3pm.

Programming Club

Year 10 pupils Jack Bosley and Rhodri Guer-rier have been running a programming club on Mondays since September which has been well attended by Year 8, 9 and 10 pupils who have thoroughly enjoyed learning to program in sev-eral languages such as Python and, more recently, Java.

Pupil News

Pupils in Year 9 have been working on a website on drug awareness for teenagers as part of their Essential Skills Wales portfolio. Particular good work has come from, Selena Earney, Ben Tho-mas, Esther Buckton, Jonathan Wright, Tris-tan Goodway-Sims, Izaak Lee and Elizabeth McCulloch.

Option pupils in Year 11 are in the process of finishing their Unit 3 graphic work. It was pleas-ing to see several good examples from Kathleen Ahearne, Robert Turton, Wei Haw Ong, Jonathon Morgan and Benjamin Brewer.

AS computing students have been working hard on their theatre booking systems and have pro-duced some excellent systems. Year 11 pupils Andreas Asprou and Balaji Krishna have pro-duced professional systems already. Year 13 stu-dents have made some excellent products for their Multimedia and graphics coursework; Ben Ware and Allister Hill have both produced out-standing multimedia and graphics work respec-tively.

“thoroughly enjoyed learning to program “

Mr P Davies

Page 20: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Maths A big well done to all those Year 11 pupils who started off the 2012-13 year with intensive revi-sion for their GCSE examination in November. We had a positive response and good attendance in Homework Club on a Thursday from Septem-ber to November in the lead up to the exam and hope to see the same for all the Summer examina-tions too. Key Stage 3 Maths Homework Club has also con-tinued this year with games, numeracy activities, help with homework and revision tips. We have had several regulars, including Saumik Dhar, Joseph Hobbs, Seren James and Katie Streets. Once again, the Open Day was a huge success, with many current and prospective pupils and par-ents visiting the department. Many pupils com-pleted the Maths Mindbenders Treasure Hunt around six of the Mathematics classrooms and received certificates and a prize. The Year 6 ‘Simon Says’ Competition was this year won by Amber Smowton (Albert Primary) and Ryan Allen (Fairfield Primary) both remembering a sequence of 16 colour combinations. Each re-ceived a certificate and a scientific calculator as their prize. This year, we took two teams of Key Stage 4 pupils to the Under 17s Mathematics Pop Quiz at the University of Glamorgan. The girls’ team included Kathleen Ahearne, Katie Black,

Suzie Collins, Katie Macleod and Rebecca te Water Naude and the boys’ team included Rho-dri Jones, Jay Kapuria, Balaji Krishna, Leo Tucker and Thomas Turton. A special well

done goes to the boys’ team, who achieved joint first but were unfortunately beaten in the tie-breaker. The Senior Team Further Mathematics pupils from Years 12 and 13 took part in the Senior UKMT Maths Challenge. From Year 13, Frankie Law achieved the Best in School and the Gold certificate, whilst James Chaffey, Joe Ingram and James Porteus achieved the Silver certificate. From Year 12, Sheng Bei achieved the Best in Year and Gold certificate, whilst Kieran Britten and Ieuan Jones achieved Silver certificates and Emma Berry and Craig McKellar achieved Bronze cer-tificates. Well done to everyone who took part. Kieran Britten, Sheng Bei , James Chaffey and James Porteus were also selected to represent the

school in the Regional Final of the Senior Team Challenge at Cardiff University where they achieved 6th place out of 24 teams. Competitions The ‘Maths Puzzles’ continue to be a great success, with puzzles for both Key Stage 3 and 4.They are available in the Numeracy section on the school ‘moodle’ site with entry via the pupil email system. The winners so far this year have included Felicity Allen, Joseph Coole, Georgia Ferda, George Jones, Sally Jones and Izaak Lee. Finally, a big thank you to those Year 12 and 13 pupils who com-plete their community service with the Maths de-partment. Whether it’s helping in Key Stage 3 or Key Stage 4 Homework Clubs or assisting within Maths lessons, their time and efforts are greatly ap-preciated.

‘Maths Puzzles’ available in the Numeracy section on the school ‘moodle’ site.

Miss E Murphy

Page 21: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Media & Film

The Media & Film department has had a su-

perb year in terms of teaching and learning.

A high point came in the summer where once

again our students performed magnificently

in both GCSE and A Levels—well done to

all! We are fully expecting 2013 to be even

more successful!

The new Year 9 cohort has made a confident

start to the GCSE course, displaying skills as

media analysts in recent textual deconstruc-

tions. Pupils who have worked particularly

well this term include: Thomas Tunley, Re-

bekah Stavrakis, Sophie Wooding, Chloe

Thomas, Ewan Willis and Ellen O’Rourke.

Year 10 started the year creating photo sto-

ries—those of you of a certain age will re-

member these vividly! Excellent work was

produced by all, but in particular Lauren

Faulkner, Jenny Arthur, Shanice Dono-

van, Molly Holloway and Will Macleod

showed great creativity.

Year 10 have also been working hard on an

advertising scheme of work for their winter

exam and are about to start a piece of course-

work creating their own product and adver-

tising pitch.

Year 11 pupils have been busy completing

pieces of coursework on Science Fiction and

Teen Movies for their final folders and excel-

lent work has been produced by Kayley

Birch-Hurst, Joe Prosser, Zed Strong,

Sinead McCausland and Kirsty Lam. Year

12 pupils are starting their coursework mod-

ule soon and are already planning their films!

Pupils who have already produced excellent

work include Francesca Evans, Tamsin Hack-

ett, Daniel Skentelbery and Bethan Miller.

Year 13 Media and Film Studies pupils have

been working hard this term on their course-

work module, which is worth 50% of their total

A2 grade. They have been producing research

investigations on topics of their own choosing.

Particularly strong pieces of work have been

produced by Samantha Buck, Leah Dalby,

Victoria Isaac, Mikaela Wood, Elis Jones,

Phoebe Page and Sol Whiteside.

We have been lucky enough to welcome back

past Media students who are now studying the

Media in one shape or form at University. Ja-

mie Pritchard, Sam Rees-Williams and Sam

Green have been working with our Year 11 and

13 pupils. Many thanks to them!

The Media & Film department has once again

supported Stanwell’s senior production. This

year, pupils from Years 7-13 will be tackling

the modern re-imagining of Puccini’s ‘Madame

Butterfly’: ‘Miss Saigon’. We have created the

poster and programme and other visual material

displayed about the school.

“pupils have been working hard this term”

Mr I O’Rourke

Page 22: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

MFL One of the highlights of the term was the ever–popular Europa Café on Open Day. There was a fabulous selection of cakes, kindly baked by our wonderful students. The ‘Decorate a cup cake’ competition took place again and all the entries were great and very creative with first prize going to: Anna Bosley and Megan Jones (Y8). There were also special prizes for Niamh Sweeney and Ruby Bollington (Y8) who baked the amazing hedgehog cake pictured. We also had a languages quiz which was won by Esther Buckton (Y9). A big thank you to our helpers on the day: our German assistant, Faye Brunner and stu-dents Victoria Isaac and Amy Palin (Y13). Many thanks to all staff, pupils and ,of course, parents for helping us out by either baking or visiting the café. This term has seen Year 7 French classes tak-ing part in a “Spelling Bee” Competition. Pupils have 50 French words to learn and they compete to spell the highest number in a minute. This term the students have been learning the French alphabet and have been introduced to the words. A dedicated group has been attending the Spelling Bee Club af-ter school to further improve their training: Nimrod Abramovich, Guillaume Bigsby, James Gilbert, Hanah Green, Rhys Med-dins, Lydia Milward, Shannon Smith and Katie Streets. We will shortly be having competitions to discover who are the class champions. In the Spring Term, a school competition will be held and the winners will be going forward to the regional competition to test their knowl-edge against other local schools. Merci to Madame Symonds and Madame Lock for their enthusiasm! “ highlight of the term was the ever–popular Europa Café on Open Day”

Mrs T Davis

The German Department decided to celebrate Christmas with a trip to….. Birmingham! You may be surprised but the Birmingham- Frank-furt Christmas Market has enjoyed great suc-cess in recent years. With over 180 stalls and over 2 million visitors a year it is the largest authentic German Christmas market outside of Germany or Austria. Thirty four pupils from Years 10-13 travelled up on Saturday December the 8th to spend a day sampling German specialities like Brat-wurst (sausages) and Lebkuchen (gingerbread) while searching for that perfect gift and gener-ally soaking up the atmosphere. Planning for next year’s German exchange has begun. In April we will be travelling to Staufen. Year 9 are looking forward to meeting up with their pen friends again after spending a most enjoyable ten days together in July. The Year 8 pupils are being matched up and will soon be finding out the names of their partners.

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MFL Paris trip 2013

On the international front, Mrs Symonds will be taking a group of 55 Year 8 pupils to Paris in March next year. This is a joint venture with the Welsh department to sample the St. David’s Day celebrations which take place in Disneyland Paris. Pupils will also be enjoy-ing a boat trip down the Seine, a visit to the Eifel Tower and to the cathedral of Notre Dame. In November, a group of 20 pupils from Year 12 and Year 13, accompanied by our French assistant Madame Wu, attended the annual international film festival in Cardiff where they attended a screening of the film “Le Havre”. It tells the story of an African boy who arrives by cargo ship in the port city of Le Havre and an ageing shoe shiner who takes pity on the child and welcomes him into his home. The film was actually Finland's official submission to the Best For-eign Language Film category of the 84th Academy Awards 2012. The pupils thor-oughly enjoyed the film and would thor-oughly recommend it! Lots of pupils in French and German have been working hard this term and we have awarded a large number of merit points and certificates. These pupils have then been en-tered into the monthly raffle draws and there have been lots of lucky winners. In French: Y7 Michael Halligan Y8 Jack Lee Y9 Llewelyn Peake Y10 Amanda Dave Y12 Ellie Hervé Y13 Martha Shepherd

German Y8 Tatum Nurse Y9 Lloyd Hanson Y10 Samir Mahdi Y12 Gwen David Y13 Joe Keenan

It just remains for us to wish you all Fröhliche Weihnachten and Joyeux Noël!

Mrs T Davis

Year 13 students on a visit

“enjoying a boat trip down the Seine”

Page 24: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School


At the time of writing, the music depart-ment is incredibly busy in preparation of the music for this year’s senior production which is ‘Miss Saigon’. Auditions began in earnest in September – and casting the show was a tremendously difficult process as the quality of the performing was so im-pressive! The production, following in a long tradition of highly successful Stanwell shows, is again a really exciting project as we present the Welsh Schools premiere of the show. Last year, the outstanding pro-duction of the Schools’ UK premiere of ‘Phantom of the Opera’ left us with a deter-mination to again present a professional performance this year – and we have every confidence that our audiences will not be disappointed! All four nights, December 17th – 20th December inclusive, have sold out very quickly, and as a cross curricular school project led by the Music, Drama, DCT and Media departments, the final week of this school term will involve hun-dreds of pupils working towards this chal-lenge - as always, well supported by Stan-well staff and senior management. While offering the audience a thoroughly enter-taining stage spectacle, the show presents a new set of challenges for the performers. The entire cast is taken from pupils of Stanwell School with the exception of a guest appearance by Alice Connor, age 5 whose parents both teach in school!

Musically, the show, having been written for adults, obviously presents real challenges in terms of both the vocal and instru-mental demands.

The cast will be accompanied by a 30 strong pupil orchestra drawn from pupils from Year 7 to 13, and will be led again this year by Cath-erine Porteus (Year 13). As ‘Miss Saigon’ is sung throughout, incredibly hard work has been required in the rehearsals as students rise to the challenge of creating versatile charac-ters. We hope you enjoy the show! Welsh National Opera The start of this term also involved some of our singers and dancers in an exciting project or-ganised by the WNO. A fantastic opportunity for young singers to take part in an exciting choir project was offered, inviting young sing-ers to sing between the movements of Rimsky Korsakov’s ‘Scheherazade’, performed by Welsh National Opera’s Orchestra. Three

brand new choral pieces had been written especially for the occasion and were sung with the accompa-niment of the WNO Orchestra.

Rehearsals took place at the Welsh Millennium Centre in Cardiff throughout September 2012, with choir coaching by the excellent WNO workshop leaders. The project culminated in a large scale concert event at St David’s Hall on Tuesday 9th Octo-ber.

Mrs J Richards

“highly successful Stanwell shows”

Page 25: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School


ROCK ACADEMY WALES visited school on the 30th November to talk to GCSE music students about the possibilities of running weekly workshops in Stanwell School. This is a fantastic opportunity for all singers and per-formers interested in learning how to perform as a group – and the 10-week course culmi-nates in a gig to showcase what has been achieved! There has been pleasing interest in

the project – but three more pupils are needed to make the numbers viable. Any interested guitarists (particularly bass guitarists!) should see Mrs Richards as soon as possible!

A Cut Above Stanwell’s barbershop group, ‘A Cut Above’ (four sixth formers - Zac Ghazi Tor-bati, Joe Ingram, Joe Keenan and Luke Waddon) entered the Music in the Vale sing-ing competition in November. The group came a close second – and were a great hit with the audience. Well done, boys!

Mrs J Richards

ROCK ACADEMY WALES Interested in developing your musical talents in a slightly different way? See Mrs Richards to sign up!

Singing at the WMC The Cardiff Music Service development team invited a selection of Stanwell sing-ers who have – and are – performing in our productions to sing at the WMC as part of a music learning project which was being organised in preparation for the forthcoming professional production of ‘Phantom of the Opera’. They performed on the Glanfa Stage and were well sup-ported by the technical crew from the WMC and an accompanying band.

The singers were: Joe Ingram, Joe Keenan, Zac Ghazi Torbati, Taite Drew, Fiona Bell, Beth Cowley, Erin Summerhayes, Ebony-Rio Rees and Verity Tucker. Mrs Richards received a number of calls and emails on the day of the performance, with listeners commenting on the ‘absolutely beautiful singing’, the totally impressive performances’, ‘the stunning quality of the singing’ and from the organ-isers who commented that ‘...everyone was blown away by your students today – they did you proud, and the junior school pupils that were there were totally inspired’. Thanks everyone – you did us proud!

“great hit with the audience.”

Page 26: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Physical Education


Year 7

The Year 7 after school club has proved popu-lar again with 30 girls attending and playing in local fixtures. The Year 7A team has had some very close matches, losing by one goal on a number of occasions. Special mention to Lily Sellick who was ‘girl of the game’ in three matches. A promising start to the sea-son.

Year 8

The Year 8 team has continued to train hard and perform well in games. The team is work-ing and a special mention must go to Lauren Stephens and Emily Skinner who are the captains and help organise girls prior to matches.

Year 9

The captains for the Year 9 team this season are Jordan Thomas and Annabelle Birch-Hurst. In their first match against Cowbridge they won 6-3 and, with plenty more matches planned for the new year, we are sure they will continue to do well. Congratulations also to Annabelle who has been selected for the U14 county netball squad and the Cardiff and Vale hub.

Year 10

Milly Williams has taken on the role of cap-tain this year and has led the team to two out of three victories. The girls have been training hard for an upcoming tournament.

Congratulations to Elizabeth Birch-Hurst who has been selected for the U16 county netball team and Cardiff and the Vale hub.

Year 11

The Year 11 team has played particularly well this term, winning a number of matches and winning their section of the Year 11 county tournament. They now pro-gress to the county finals in March—well done girls, a fantastic achievement. A num-ber of pupils are playing well and working hard; a special mention goes to Laura Gale, Imogen Sibert and Leah Wenger.

Cross country

The cross country season has started off well with many pupils representing the school in the Cardiff and Vale league races. Some excellent performances have come from Taiya Jones (Year 7) and Rhys Jones (Year 8). Both these pupils have been con-sistently in the top 5 in all races. In the Welsh Schools’ race held in Brecon, Taiya came 27th and Rhys put an impressive run in to finish 13th. Ieuan Jones(Year 12) fin-ished 21st in the senior race, improving greatly since last year.

A number of pupil have been selected to represent the county in January and we wish them luck.

“camp rhagorol”

Mr I Summerfield

Page 27: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Physical Education

Gymnastics & Trampolining

On Friday 23rd November, 14 of our pupils in Years 7-9 represented the school in the Welsh Schools' Novice Gymnastics Competition at Whitchurch High School. Our Year 7 Girls’ Team narrowly missed out on 3rd place by 0.4 of a mark and our Year 8 & 9 Boys’ Team con-sisting of Ieuan Murray, Shaun Donovan, James Price and Will Marsh achieved 2nd Place making it through to the final which was held on Monday 3rd December at the Welsh In-stitute of Sport. The boys performed extremely well on the day finishing in second place. A fan-tastic achievement, well done.

Mr I Summerfield

On Sunday 25th November, 29 of our pu-pils across all of the year groups repre-sented the school in the Welsh Schools' Trampoline Competition at The Welsh In-stitute of Sport. Our pupils only narrowly missed out on the ‘Overall Winners’ on the day, but they certainly dominated the com-petition in many of the categories. Ieuan Murray achieved 1st place in the U13 Boys’ Beginners Competition. George Lush achieved 1st place in the U13 Boys’ Novice Competition and has now made it through to the Central Zonal Schools Trampolining Championships in Aber-tillery on January 20th.

“wedi goruchafu y gystadleuaeth mewn llawer o’r categorau”

Page 28: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Physical Education Mr I Summerfield

Kelli Poole achieved 1st place in the U13 Girls’ Beginners Competition and along with her teammates, Holly Keith, Seren Mirza-Davies and Mollie Hogg achieved 1st place in the U13 Girls’ Beginners Team Competition.

Annabelle Birch-Hirst achieved 1st place in the U15 Girls’ Beginners Competition and Daisy Williams achieved 3rd place in the same category. Together with their other three team mates Francine Couzens, Alice Bright and Amy McAndrew, they also achieved 1st place in the U15 Girls’ Beginners Team Competition. Alice achieved 4th place individually and Fran-cine 5th.

Elin Matthews, Chloe Poole, Seren Lewis and Bethan Hearne achieved 3rd place in the U15 Girls’ Novice Team Competition and finally, Bethan Wood-ley, Darcy Richardson and Renee Eshel achieved 1st place in the U13 Girls’ Nov-ice Team Competition and, along with George Lush, will now go on to the Cen-tral Zonal Schools Trampolining Champi-onships on January 20th. What a fantastic collection of individual

and team performances! Many congratula-tions to all of the pupils involved. We look forward to the next round of competitions after Christmas.

“Casgliad ardderchog o berfformiadau tim ac unigol”

Page 29: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Physical Education

YEAR 7 RUGBY It has been a very good start for the year group having played five matches and won two. The side enjoy playing fifteen man rugby as they have scored some excellent tries with good handling and support. Cai Lloyd, Ben Hayes, Will Hall and Ben Hanson have been ever present in the backs with Dan Hicks, George Crowley, Owain Jones and Ellis Smith con-tributing to the forwards. If the team wish to continue to develop then they must put the work in on the training field to get the best out of the talent available to the year group. YEAR 8 RUGBY Having completed the Vale league fixtures, the Year 8 team have only lost to a very strong Cowbridge side. Having competed for the first half and put Cowbridge under pressure the second half slipped away losing 31 – 0. Geraint Williams, Jack Vowles, Thain Baker and Morgan Jones have been the driv-ing force in the forwards. They have delivered quality ball for the backs who are well led by the captain Rhys Jones. Henry Waddon Henry Carter, Dan Anderton and Max Paley have all made telling contributions dur-ing the term. GIRLS’ BASKETBALL Year 7 girls have had a fantastic start to the season this year obtaining numerous wins against St Cyres. Their commitment and enthu-siasm for participating and improving their skills has been outstanding and all the girls have worked extremely hard. Year 9, 10 and 11 girls have also had a good start with a number of successful wins against Cwm Rhymni and St Cyres. They are now looking forward to com-peting against different school in January. Year 9 girls have also been entered into the Welsh Schools’ Basketball competition and are ea-gerly awaiting their fixtures.

Special mention goes to Rebecca Egerstrom, who has made a superb contri-bution to all games this year along with Rosie Peterson, Hannah Ross and Connie Shah. Well done to all the team! FOOTBALL The Stanwell football teams have made a strong start to the year. Years 7, 9, 10 and 11 are all through to the quarter finals of the Cardiff & Vale Cup. Year 8 were beaten by Llanishen high, the same team that knocked them out last year and went onto the final. CROSS COUNTRY The Cross Country team has been training hard in all weather conditions, competing in events in Cardiff and Brecon. After a strong recruitment drive within Year 7, the club now has more athletes than ever before. The following have been selected to represent Cardiff & the Vale in January:- Year 7 –Callum Eva, James Dawson, Will Hall. Year 8 – Antonio Peacock, Rhys Jones. Year 9 – Alex Langrish, Ben McCulloch, Matthew Dawson, Spencer Robinson, Will Marsh. Year 10 – David Flanigan.

Year 12—Alex Huntley, Ieuan Jones, El-liot Richards

Mr I Summerfield

“wedi sgorio ceisiadau rhagorol”

Page 30: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School


Open Evening

Visitors to the Psychology Department were given the chance to try out a number of mem-ory tests and a range of visual illusions that proved very popular.

Careers in Psychology Day

A number of students in Year 12 and Year 13 attended a ‘Careers in Psychology’ Day hosted by the British Psychological Society at Cardiff University. The students enjoyed the opportunity to learn about a variety of differ-ent careers within Psychology and were also given valuable information about studying the subject at University.

A Level Psychology

The number of people choosing to take AS Psychology is very high this year and the stu-dents have embraced learning a new subject. AS students have been studying the four main approaches in Psychology and considering how these can be used to explain different as-pects of behaviour in preparation for their first module in January.

After some excellent AS examination results, Year 13 students are also preparing for an exam in January. The students have been ap-plying the research methods knowledge they gained last year to designing and carrying out their own research studies into a range of top-

ics. Three groups of students have also volun-teered to design their own studies to enter a competition to be hosted at Stanwell in March. The topics investigated have been chosen by the students and include one investigation into the effects of playing violent video games and an-other into links between personality types and Facebook profiles. We are delighted that so many students have chosen to apply to study Psychology at University. The students are Re-becca Bonutto, Elinor Cheason, Lisa Gour-ley, Jessica Hayward, Samuel James, Jessica Leighton-Price, Madeline Lynch, Jemma Pitt, Alexandra Phillips and Ella Wheatcroft.

Health and Social Care

The Health and Social Care AS course has be-gun well and students are currently completing two coursework modules. As part of the ‘Promoting Good Health’ unit students were privileged to welcome two visitors from Public Health Wales to explain the work that they do. Students are now designing their own health promotion campaigns to deliver and are looking forward to putting into practice what they have learnt.

Many students have taken the course with a view to entering a career in nursing or mid-wifery and many attended a talk delivered by Mrs Jacqueline Rattray this term. The talk pro-vided students with very useful information on what to expect from the course and their chosen career.

“so many students have chosen to apply to study Psychology at University”

Miss K Hall

Page 31: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Religious Education

RE Club Over the last couple of weeks, members of the RE club have been working very hard pre-paring Christmas decorations ready to decorate our Christmas tree at St Augustine's Annual Christmas Tree Festival. The winning theme, picked from our Open Day suggestion box, is 'Christmas in the Heavens'. This is in memory of Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot Jim Lovell and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders who became the first hu-mans to orbit the Moon on Christmas Eve 1968. They were also the first astronauts to spend Christmas in space. Much like the shepherds and wise men during the first Christmas, people around the world had their attention turned toward the heavens 35 years ago, when the Apollo 8 crew deliv-ered its famous Christmas Eve broadcast from lunar orbit. To mark the occasion, they sent Christmas greetings and live images back to their home planet and read from the Book of Genesis. Borman closed the message with the words "good night, good luck, a Merry Christ-mas, and God bless all of you -- all of you on the good Earth." It is estimated that as many as one billion peo-ple watched the historic broadcast or listened on the radio. Apollo 8 launched from Earth on December 21st 1968 and entered lunar orbit on Christmas Eve. The Apollo 8 crewmembers ended their history-making journey when they splashed down in the Pacific Ocean on Decem-ber 27th. The following pictures show the pupils creat-ing their decorations and the finished tree at the festival.

Pictured are Ruby Bollington,Lex Hermogeno, Lauryn Perkins and Phalisha Valji making sure Miss Norman gets things right!

GSUS Live GSUS is a resource that is available for secon-dary schools in Wales and which will visit Stan-well during the period 4th-8th February 2013. A mobile classroom with a fully functioning multi-media computer suite, GSUS Live is designed to provide an interactive experience in which pupils from Years 7-10 explore the themes of forgive-ness, fear and rejection.

“a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you -- all of you on the good Earth."

Mrs J Skilton

The Stanwell tree on dis-play at St Augustine’s Church.

Page 32: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School


“enthusiastic members of Year 7 pupils attending Science Club”

Mr P Johnson

The Science department has enjoyed a very active first term of the academic year. Science club There have been large and enthusiastic numbers of Year 7 pupils attending Science Club with Miss Worrall and Mr West after school on a Wednesday. During Science Club, the staff have provided many activities such as ‘crystal growing’ and ‘paper plane construction’, all of which have fired the enthusiasm and creativity of the Year 7 pupils involved. Open Day A number of the members of the Science club also helped out during the Open Day which was another resounding success this year with many interested visitors passing through each section of the department and stopping to witness such demonstrations as ‘How not to put out a chip pan fire!’, ‘Purple Clouds’ and ‘Competition

Reactions’. The Chemistry staff were ably assisted by a number of pupils including Robbie Bain, Cameron Edwards, Jake Finch, Henry Kynaston, Daniel Marsh, Arron Speake and Rebecca Thompson. The pupils impressed visitors with their enthusiasm and knowledge, many thanks to all who took part.

Chemistry The Chemistry department began the academic year on a high note after excellent results from last year’s Year 13 students; congratulations to all involved. The high standards of work have continued for A level and GCSE pupils during a very busy term, with pupils preparing for external exams in January and also the new format of Controlled Assessment tasks. The after-school A level tutorials have been well attended and GCSE Homework club has proved popular as both staff and pupils endeavour to prepare for the external exams. As part of their Welsh Baccalaureate qualification, a number of Year 12 students have been helping younger pupils in their studies by regularly attending lessons and assisting members of staff in various ways. Myles Harding, Lloyd Phillips, Harry Roberts and Sam Sellick have all given of their time on a regular basis and have deserved special praise. Biology In the Biology department, ‘Jeans for Genes’ day was held in October and was organised by Mrs Thomas with help from Lloyd Allen (Year 13). The event raised a very impressive £1700. Mrs Dean took a team of 80 Year 12 students to a ‘Decoding DNA’ conference earlier this month which consisted of a series of very informative lectures. Physics The Physics department had a particularly good start to the term with more students than ever continuing their studies from AS into A2. During the autumn the new Free Fall record set by Felix Baumgartner allowed for many aspects of the GCSE and A level syllabus to be approached from a current affairs angle.

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Welsh Once again the Welsh department have started the new academic year in a very busy manner! In September, pupils from Year 7, 8 and 13 went to see a Welsh production of the Tempest called ‘Y Storm’ performed by The National Theatre of Wales. The production was held in a circus tent in the show grounds of Carmarthen. They also enjoyed participating in a Shakespeare workshop held by a member of The National Theatre of Wales at Stanwell before seeing the performance.

Open day was very successful. Our Welsh card making sessions were well received by numerous visitors who were happy to create Welsh Christmas cards, birthday cards and cards for other occasions. Visitors also had the opportunity to play Welsh Scrabble and see the resources used in class, as well as take part in our Welsh celebrities quiz.

“‘Y STORM’ gan Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru

Mrs C Flaherty

In November we took a trip to Glan-llyn Urdd Centre in North Wales with a group of 29 Year 9 pupils. They had the chance to take part in a variety of outward bound activities in a Welsh environment on the banks of Lake Tegid near Bala. An excellent time was had by all and the pupils behaved exceptionally well. Pupils were able to take part in climbing activities, a rope adventure course and lake-based activities as well as meet new friend from a variety of different schools. From November 19th to November 21st three students from Years 12 and 13. Georgina Attwood, Eloise Procter and Riah Knowles–Brock attended a three day course at the Urdd centre in Bala, North Wales. On the way there they stopped in Cilmeri to visit the place where Prince Llewellyn was killed and recited the poem ‘Cilmeri’ written by the poet Gerallt Lloyd Owen. The itinerary was packed full of workshops, lectures and trips. The students had the opportunity to meet and to work with famous poets and authors from the Welsh literary world, whose work is on the sixth form syllabus for AS/A Level Welsh. They also attended lectures given by lecturers from Bangor and Swansea Universities. They were immersed in a Welsh speaking environment and relished socialising in Welsh.

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“Cafodd pob un amser rhagorol”

Mrs C Flaherty

Year 12 visited ‘Yr Ysgwrn’, the home of the famous poet Ellis Humphrey Evans, whose life is depicted in the Oscar nominated Welsh language film ‘Hedd Wyn’. They had the opportunity to talk with a relative of Ellis Evans who gave an insight into the life of the poet. Year 13 went on a literary journey and visited Garth Celyn Abergwyngregyn where they saw a performance given by Maureen Rhys and John Ogwen of ‘Siwan’ the famous play written by Saunders Lewis. A fantastic time was had by all.

On December 5th Cris Dafis, a lecturer from The University of Glamorgan visited the school to give a presentation in the lec-ture theatre on Welsh Grammar to pupils from Year 11, 12 and 13 and also to talk to them about the many opportunities that learning Welsh can give in the world of work. The pupil involved were Mark Monaghan, Megan Wookey, Megan Wiltshire, Emily Thomas, Yasmine Cole, Jessica Chick, Tilly Miller, Eloise Proc-ter, Lauren Gimber, Georgina Attwood, Anja Pepper, Emma Sharpe and Riah Knowles-Brock. Mr Davis commented on the high standard of Welsh shown by our pupils.

Pictured below is Cris Davis giving a lecture to Year 11, 12 and 13 pupils.

Stanwell and Howells pupils at Cilmeri

Garth Celyn Abergwyngregyn

Of course, we are looking forward to our trip to Disneyland Paris with the French Department to the St David’s Day festival for Year 8 in March. Pu-pils will be able to enjoy Disneyland to the sounds of Welsh choirs and a Welsh crafts market.

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In September we were contacted by Ian Harvey of Keep Wales Tidy ask-ing if we would participate in the ‘Tidy Wales Week’. Always ready for chal-lenge, all of the classes were keen to get involved! The Year 9 & 10 groups met up with Keep Wales Tidy at the Old Pens rugby club on the 25th September and collected seven bags of litter and a couple of footballs. Na-than Hicks, Sam Jones, Emily Roberts, Luke Spear and David Warner worked with Miss Spear and Ian Harvey whilst the Year 10 group of Lewis Carde, Thomas

Jones, Austin Squire-Wood, James Pemberton and Harvey Valvo worked with Mr Deighton-Jones. On the 27th Septem-

ber a group of Year 11 pupils joined Keep Wales Tidy on Archer Road and undertook a litter pick along the old railway line and the cliff tops. Taking part were Hywel Ainsworth, Jaq Allen, Georgia Murray, Kyle Strenstrom, Sian Union, Allan Ver-meulen, Hannah Williams and Vicky Williams. Despite the wet and windy con-ditions all of the pupils enjoyed the experi-ence and made a valuable contribution to their community.

The main focus of the Year 11 group this term has been on completing the three team-working units which provides

them with their second GCSE. Their challenge at the start of the term was to come up and with an Enterprise project to raise money for a charity of their choice. The Working Skills group led by Katie Way decided to set up a homemade cookie stall in the 6th form cafe on the school open day on the 9th October. Before the big day they organised a tasting session with some helpful advice from Mrs Chellingworth. Assisted by Jade Harry, Kyle Jones, Georgia Murray, Emily Parker, Hannah Williams, Hannah Mattey and supervised by Mrs Toye, they raised £82 for Brain Tumour UK. The Stars group led by Vicky Williams & Kyle Strenstrom with some excellent work by Hywel Ainsworth organised a dance studio in H3 with a raffle, popcorn and sweet stall. The other mem-bers of the group; Allan Vermeulen, Sian Union and Laura Tucker supervised by Mrs Dyer helped raise £35 for the The Children’s Society. A third group of David Ring, Vishal Patel, Wei

Haw Ong and Josh Croth-ers organised a car wash and raised £ 35 for Children in Need. The fourth group ‘Stocks’ decided to also raise money for Children in Need, this proved very popular! They designed a set of stocks

which was constructed by the DT dept (a big thank you to Mr Pepper & Mr Gifford) and raised £30 by placing themselves in the stocks. The group, led by Jaq Allen with volunteers Caylum Petherick and James Spear, stood in the stocks while the other members Harrison Stock and Ben Rodd also washed cars. In total, the Year 11 Workskills class raised £182 for charity— an ex-cellent achievement and well done to everyone.

“making a valuable contribution to their community”

Mr. R Deighton-Jones

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Year 7

It has been wonderful to see Year 7 pupils make such a positive contribution to school life in their first term at Stanwell. Individuals and teams have met with great success in a wide variety of different sports and activities. The highlight of the term must surely be the fantastic effort made to raise money for Children in Need. The whole of the dining hall was filled with games, stores and activities. Over two thousand pounds was raised!

7T Well done to Felicity Allen who got through to the South Wales sailing squad. Felicity has also obtained a merit in her grade 4 trumpet exam. Silva Brindle competed in a 1500m cross country run in Bridgend athletics event. Taiya Jones competed in a cross country competition in Brecon and came 27th in Wales. She also competed in the Challenge Cup for gymnastics in Swansea and obtained 1st place and also gained 1st place in the South Wales region for the combined events of vault, bars, beam and floor. Owain Jones was selected for the Sully A football team. Daniel Sheppard walks 15 miles

per month to support the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC). Hannah Stephens is involved with the Lifeguard organisation and swam the distance of the channel ten times in Cogan Leisure Centre in order to raise money for this deserving cause. Finally, Lily Tanner is looking forward to taking her grade 3 singing exam at the end of December.


Ceylin As swam a mile in under one and a half hours. Ethan Barry scored his first try in rugby this season. Anna Bunford-Davies came 2nd in show jumping out of 32 contestants. Jonathan Drake achieved red belt in karate. Gracie Frankling was chosen as the ‘girl of the game’ in netball. Patrick Grafton reached grade 5 in trumpet and grade 2 in bass guitar. Katie Jackson did a dance show in St David’s Hall to raise money for Children in Need. Christina Luo passed her swimming lifeguard bronze certificate. Grace Mallory performed in Her Majesty’s Theatre in London, to raise money for Children in Need. Daniel Marsh won the ‘guess how many sweets in a jar’ and raised money for Children in Need. Anayah McNamara was chosen to compete in the trampoline competition and is a background dancer in a theatre. Elin Phillips received a certificate and a merit in her ballet. Victor Rogan got his grade 1, 2 & 3 on the piano. Holly Thomas was in the New Theatre production of ‘Bugsy Malone’ and performed a gym composition for the school. Callum White has started to play the piano.

“ yndrech arbennig i godi arian i blant mewn angen”

Miss R Sterlini and Mr M Baldwin

Year Group News

Page 37: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Year 7 7A

George Cowley captained the school rugby team to victory this November. George also scored 2 tries in the last match. Isaac Grant also plays for the school rugby team. Hannah Ross plays in both the basketball and netball team. Grace Beacall competed in the girls` gymnastics team and came 4th overall, only 0.3 marks off 3rd place! Alice Elworthy has started playing the piano and doing her grade 1 in the spring. Alice Young performed at St Davids with her dance group, Dance Angels. Jack Ruelle passed his grade 4 on the cornet. Maddy Carver completed her silver 3 lifeguarding assessment. She has her licence to do CPR and also, through the Welsh National Opera, She has auditioned twice and has got a part as The Young Vixen in an opera called ‘The Cunning Little Vixen’. Imogen Hopkins has received a certificate for horse riding and is currently on level 4 in swimming. All the class received a lot of house points and postcards from various subjects! Well done 7A! A fantastic form!


George Bailey attends badminton club and recently passed his grade 3 piano examination. Niamh Bannister has a part in the WNO production of ‘The Cunning Little Vixen’. She also passed grade 3 viola exam with distinction. Samuel Barden has achieved grade 2 in piano. Molly Chambers regularly attends Stanwell netball and trampolining club. James Dawson enjoys school rugby, cross country and football. He also plays football for Sully

and the Vale U11s. Georgia Ferda performed well in her recent musical theatre exam (LAMDA). Luke Haynes is now Leading Junior Cadet in Penarth Sea Cadets and he is in the school rugby team. Joseph Jenkins plays for Sully football team. Owain Lane won a trophy from Penarth Anglers for landing a 11lb whiting. Emily Maher is a regular competitor at trampoling club. Darcey McCann danced in the Paget Rooms with the Jane Clark dancers. Emily McConnon has a part in the WNO production of ‘The Cunning Little Vixen’ and won gold in the Cardiff Olympic gym club. Mila Monaghan has been selected for the Intermediate Sailing Squad of Great Britain (Optimist class). Katy Nicoll came first in three events at the Penarth Gym club. Dylan Penry-Williams plays grade 4 cornet. He also attends rugby, football, table tennis and badminton clubs in school. In addition he can be seen playing for Sully football team. Kate Powell is a member of Maindy Cycling Club. Jake Thomas also plays for Sully football team. Nathan Waite represents Dinas Powys Cricket Club and football club. Wataru Yamada plays in the school football club and plays for Sully football club.


Matthew Barber plays football for Sully‘A’ and rugby for Penarth. Alex ander Brown plays football for Dinas and Cardiff, as well as playing rugby for Old Pens. Alex has also achieved grade 2 guitar this year. Kate Buckland takes part in the school netball and cross-country teams. Mason Enticott has won a certificate in French for achieving 100 stars. Celsea Ferry is a member of the sea cadets. Jake Finch plays rugby for Old Pens.

“pwyntiau tŷ a thystysgrifau”

Miss R Sterlini and Mr M Baldwin

Page 38: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Year 7 William Hall sails for GB and the Welsh squad in the Olympist boat category. He also plays tennis for Windsor. Will takes part in the school rugby, football, cross country and badminton clubs. Elinor Hawkins does horse riding, swimming and gymnastics outside of school. She takes part in the school Art and badminton clubs. John Mark Jones swims for Penarth and also does kayaking and canoeing for the CIWW (white water Cardiff). He also plays lacrosse for Cardiff lacrosse club and takes part in the school badminton and table tennis clubs. Megan Marsden plays netball for the school. She is also a member of the sea cadets and is a red belt in karate. Rhys Meddins plays tennis for Dinas, is a member of sea scouts, has achieved grade 3 trumpet this year and plays badminton in the school. Jack Moloney plays football for Sully ‘B’, he plays tennis for Windsor, golf for Glamorgan and plays badminton at school. Isobella Morse is a member of the Jeff Guppy Musical Theatre and Drama school. Sarah Pascoe has achieved grade 3 piano this year, she kayaks for CIWW and plays hockey for Barry. She also plays netball for the school. Jordan Sheppard took part in a summer tennis club and achieved level 3. Joya Sims achieved her first aid badge in guides this week and won an anti-racism competition. Tiegan Sissons recently won a dance award for her show performance. Libero Tassinari has achieved grade 3 cello, he is a member of WNO singing club and recently sung at Buckingham Palace. He also is a member of a water polo club and does cross country for the school. Kyleigh Taylor has achieved her red belt for karate and is a member of the sea cadets.


Recently, 7W made a fantastic contribution towards Stanwell’s fundraising event for Children in Need. A significant number of individuals gave up their time to design, make and sell their products in order to raise money for charity. As a result of all their hard work, the pupils of 7W were able to raise £77 in just one hour!

There have also been a number of other achievements during this term. Sophie Brewster passed her Step 1 and Grade 1 piano exams. In September 2012, Thomas Atkinson, Lucas Murray and Rhys Woolmer were selected for Newport Football Academy. Thomas has also taken part in the Welsh Combined Indoor Events Championship at UWIC and, as a result, is now ranked second in Britain in his age group for the sixty metre hurdles. During his time at the Newport Football Academy, Lucas has been awarded ‘Man of the Match’ in three games. Daniel Hicks has been selected for the school rugby team and the team has won every match that he has played in. Morgen Jay has achieved all of the possible swimming badges and certificates for the lessons she has been completing, and she has also performed a routine in the Sherman Theatre with Dance Angels. April Corbett and Charlotte White have both competed in the Penarth and the Vale Gym Competition. Harrison Williams has taken part in three karate competitions and achieved two bronze medals. He trains as three or four times a week in order to prepare for these competitions. Annyah Lapton has gained a badge for completing a unit of work with Sea Cadets.

“cydroddiad ffantastig tuag at achlysuron codi arian yn Stanwell”

Miss R Sterlini and Mr M Baldwin

Page 39: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Year 7


Joseph Williams plays for the Year 7 school rugby team and swims for the Cardiff swim squad. Sadie Lewis participated in the Orbit Theatre Company’s performance of ‘Bugsy Malone’ at the Cardiff New Theatre. She also performed in the Royal Albert Hall London as part of the Performing Arts Academy Wales Company. In addition, Sadie was in the St David’s Hall as part of Children in Need Concert. Joshua Cook came in the top ten of the British Junior setwork competition for gymnastics, he has recently attended a training camp at the National Sports Centre of Great Britain. JoeDriscoll has played rugby for the Year 7 school team and for Old Penarthians. Jacob Rosser has received over a hundred stars in French this term. Rowan Deininger-Smith has recently qualified for the Welsh Grand Prix Chess tournament to be held in St Mellons. Kelli Poole came first in the schools trampoline competition in Cardiff. Fiona Brunker represented the school in a gymnastics competition. She will be taking part in Cinderella being performed by PODS. Samuel Wright has achieved grade 3 in Trumpet. Antony Jomon has achieved grade 2 in Violin. All the form participated in the Year 7 Children in Need fundraising—well done to everyone! 7R

7R pupils have had a very active and productive term! Several members of the form worked hard organising activities for Children in Need including Holly Keith, Lily Sellick and Connie Shah, who industriously made and sold miniature crisp

packet key-rings, and Kieran Murphy, Callum Russell and Kobi Wallbank who organised a ‘guess-the-number-of-sweets’ competition. Well done to all who were involved! Many in the form are involved in sporting activities inside school: Sara Buckland, Holly Keith, Lily Sellick and Connie Shah have all enjoyed playing for Stanwell’s netball team; Eleanor-Rose Griffiths, Josephine Harris, and Connie Shah play for the basketball team; Chloe Lam has been playing for the badminton squad; and Elliot Davies plays for the football team. There is also an impressive amount of participation in clubs and activities outside of school: Toby Dyer plays for the U12 Cardiff City football team; Benjamin Hayes plays for division 1 of the same club; Matthew Hocking is involved with the All Penarthian rugby club and Sully B football team; Matthew Frost and Callum Russell play for the U12 Penarth rugby team. Several pupils have had successes in their sports: Katy Cutts has moved up to grade 3 in horseriding; Jospehine Harris has been moved up a squad in Cardiff Swimming Club, as has Kieran Murphy in his swimming club. Holly Keith was part of the winning squad in a recent trampoline competition and Georgia Davies won gold in a U16 Judo competition, defeating a boy four years her senior to gain the title! There have also been several achievements in the arts: Katy Cutts passed her grade 1 violin exam with distinction; Matthew Frost passed Grade 4 Cornet with merit; and Benjamin Hayes achieved a merit in his grade 2 drum exam. Last but not least, seasoned actress Katie Streets has appeared in several adverts for both Bluestone and the Cardiff Festival, some of which were aired on TV. Finally, thanks goes to form captains Mollie Hogg and George Jones for helping out the form in various ways. Well done 7R for all your hard work!

“dros cant o sêr yn FFrangeg”

Miss R Sterlini and Mr M Baldwin

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Year 7


Kate Beeslee will be attempting her black belt in karate this December. Joseph Brookes has passed a general training course with the Sea Cadets. Helena Dale performed in the “Mardi Gras” at Her Majesty’s Theatre. Benjamin Hanson has represented the school in rugby. Stanley Murphy Johns has run for the school cross country team in every race so far. Bronwen Pearce will soon be doing her grade 3 ballet exam. George Price has been selected for the Vale of Glamorgan U12 golf team. Hannah Salmon will soon be taking her grade 1 flute exam. Bethan Woodley has made it through to the regional finals in trampolining. 7L

A huge well done to 7L who worked extremely hard to raise money for Children in Need this November. They worked together very well and many showed excellent leadership and communication skills. It seems 7L pupils have also been very busy outside of school, with many sporting, musical and community achievements. Renee Eshel and Darcy Richardson competed in a trampolining

competition recently, while Bethany Cameron did trampolining in her pyjamas to raise additional money for Children in Need! Charlie Thomas is an accomplished figure skater and recently won a competition; Renee Eshel and Ffion Jackson have both competed in gymnastics competitions this term and Gabriella Merrick came 3rd in a horseriding competition over the summer holidays. Cai Lloyd plays rugby for the Vale of Glamorgan team and they won the DC Thomas cup in the Millennium Stadium last year, Dylan McKee has achieved his Advanced Knots badge in rock climbing and Jamie Henderson is a member of the Sully football team. Katie Boden and her dance group recently performed in St David’s Hall to raise money for Children in Need and Rebeca Pires-Jenkins walked up Pen-Y-Fan and raised £400 for Marie Curie. We also have some talented musicians and actors in 7L, with Alice Short being the only Year 7 member of the orchestra for ‘Miss Saigon’ and passing her grade 5 tenor horn exam and Rebeca Pires-Jenkins performing with her brass band in St David’s Hall and passing her grade 1 exams on the trumpet and piano. Eve Lumsden has passed her singing grade 1 exam with a distinction and along with Freya Hall, Andrew Lewis, Gabriella Merrick and Anna Webster, took part in the Shakespeare Schools Festival recently. Anna Webster is also looking forward to performing in ‘Cats’ in March and taking her Lamda exam and Eve Lumsden performed in ‘Les Miserables’ in the Millennium Centre during the Summer holidays. Last but not least, Joe Elias was one of 12 winners of a race equality competition recently.

“ arweiniad a sgiliau cyfarthrebu arbennig “

Miss R Sterlini and Mr M Baldwin

Page 41: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Year 8This has been a busy and exciting term for Year 8. All pupils have embarked enthusiastically on the ‘Real Game’. This is an effective and fun way of giving pupils a glimpse of what it is like living and working as an adult. Mr Pritchard from Careers Wales has also been helping to prepare our pupils for their option choices later on this year. In addition to Real Game activities, assemblies have taken place and recognition has been given to World events, historical memorials, activities and the precepts of the week. Assemblies have included Olympic Values, Remembrance, Jeans for Genes Day, Eco-School Week & Anti-Slavery day. PC Mudie has also delivered a number of informative sessions on drug awareness to individual forms. Also, pupils have had the opportunity to take part in canoeing club, where they have had expert instruction at Cardiff International White Water Centre in Cardiff Bay. Many exciting trips have also taken place this term. Pupils enjoyed sampling the delights at Cadbury World and also found the History trip to London in November incredibly interesting.

Year 8 canoeists

This year our School Council Representatives are Rebecca Davies and Joshua Starling. Each form has elected representatives for the Year 8 Council. They are as follows: 8T- Lowena Diment and Hugh Leach 8E- Cameron Jones and Victoria Lewis 8A- Isabelle Martin-Evans and Sam Thomas 8M- Haaris Khan and Samanta Carmella-Vickery 8X- Ben Evans and Lauryn Perkins 8W- Maddie Lloyd and Macauley Winton 8O- James Alsop and Jessica Twamley 8R- Josh Starling and Tamasin Stephens-Collins 8K- Sophie Page and Rhys Wookey 8L– Rebecca Davies and Owen Day

‘amser prysur a chyffrous i Flwyddyn 8’

Mrs K Chellingworth and Mr R MacPherson

Page 42: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Year 8 8T A number of pupils in 8T have made great strides in their musical studies. Congratulations to Stuart Bird and Lowena Diment who have passed their grade 1 in Drums and Piano respectively. Harrison Ashby has also commenced his grade 4 guitar lessons, while Chelsea Williams has started singing lessons. Elspeth Robertson had a royal experience as she danced in Her Majesty’s Theatre in October. Our budding thespian Emily Alford recently performed in ‘Cunning Little Vixen’. Congratulations to Niamh Sweeney who did superbly to get to the British Quarter Finals in School Tennis. Chloe Adney was promoted to OC in Sea Cadets and took part in the Remembrance Day march through Penarth. 8E 8E has had a very sporty start to the year. Ieuan Murray and Alex Owens both competed for Cardiff in swimming and Ieuan also won a silver medal participating in a gymnastics competition. Idrees Maskreen won a cricket

award for 'most improved player' and Ian

Margrain has gained promotion in Aikido. 8A A number of pupils in 8A have been involved in various school activities this term. Shannon Richards has recently gained a black belt in karate in Penarth and Alexandra Slack has recently won gold in the UK Open Karate Tournament. Noah Bushby and Jade Eastwood have been improving their musical talents, with Noah gaining his grade 5 cornet qualification and Jade gaining her grade 3 in piano. Also, Noah, along with Dafydd Morgans has recently played football for the school in a cup match against Llanishen. Well done to all for contributing to our class activities! 8M Emma Squire has represented Wales (U-12s) in the Welsh Karate League. Recently, she has participated in a tournament in Weston-super-Mare (U-14s) for kata. In a category with 21 strong competitors, Emma achieved a tremendous 2nd place. We look forward to hearing of her future success as she competes in the Karate League Finals in March. Andrew Salter has won Best Young Handler and Best in Show with his dog Dylan at a recent charity dog show in Bristol. Well done Andrew and Dylan! He has also completed his grade 3 singing exam recently and is awaiting the news of whether he has passed. It’s been an excellent term for Khalif Jama, who is the reigning Welsh U-11 kickboxing champion; he is currently training for an upcoming fight and we wish him the best of luck. Winning a tremendous 4 out of 4 fights with Rhoose Boxing Club, Eamon Aeyad is currently trialling for the British Boxing Championship, which will take place next year.

‘definitely one to watch out for in the future!’

Mrs K Chellingworth and Mr R Macpherson.

Page 43: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Year 8 Eve Barker is clearly a budding musician and plays both the violin and the piano; last Monday, she sat her grade 3 violin exam and is eagerly waiting to hear the result. Good luck Eve! Maxine Pwele took part in a royal occasion by singing at Buckingham Palace in the Summer Holidays for Prince Charles with the Welsh National Opera Singing Club. Maxine is clearly a girl of many talents as she has also won two writing competitions, taking first prize at the first Penarth Book Festival for her short story. We congratulate her on her many achievements, well done Maxine. We also have a tennis champion in our form as Liberty Smith has won a fantastic 9 trophies in the October/November Tournament week with the Dinas Powys Lawn Tennis Club and has also won an award for being the Most Committed Junior Player and playing for the Club Ladies’ Team. Wimbledon here we come! 8X Members of 8X have enjoyed this year with all taking advantage of activities available at Stanwell. Some of the trips have proved very popular with students talking enthusiastically about visits to Cadbury World and Boulogne. In school, students have taken advantage of many sporting activities. Daniel Anderton is a keen sportsman playing both rugby and football for the school and Penarth clubs. Katherine Peach and Lia-Maree Dyer have both enjoyed participating in canoeing at Cardiff White Water Centre. Both Lia-Maree and Cerys Johns have taken an active role in football club. Bronwyn Morgan and Katherine Peach have continued to pursue their enjoyment in music, attending girls’ choir on a regular basis. Outside of school, students from 8X have also been

‘Wimbledon here we come!’

enjoying national recognition for a range of activities. George Lush participated in and won the U13 Welsh t rampoline championships. Lauryn Perkins has been an enthusiastic dancer and has danced on the stage at Disneyland Paris during the summer.

Mohammed Hussain has been playing cricket for Wales U13. Katherine Peach has enjoyed playing basket ball playing as part of a club and representing the school. Darwin Alford is learning to speak Chinese. 8W This term the pupils of form 8W have been busy both in and out of school. Many of the pupils have achieved music grades in a variety disciplines, Anna Pringle with the piano and Evie Spencer with the clarinet. Congratulations to Ellie Murray for entering the ‘British Dance Championship’. Well done to Joshua Meek for being selected for the part of the ugly duckling in ‘Honk’.

Mrs K Chellingworth and Mr R MacPherson

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Year 8 8O Congratulations to our budding actor, James Morgan, who appeared in ‘Dr Who’ and the ‘Noddy’ TV series. Rhys Jones has been very successful with his cross country running. He was the best placed Vale runner in the South Wales Regional Schools Cross Country Championships. Jack Vowles and Morgan Ashton have been selected to play for the school rugby team. Andrew Flanigan continues to be successful with his swimming, improving upon his national swimming times. 8R There were many sporting achievements within 8R this term for both school and outside teams. Well done to Cameron Jenkins, Joe Munn and Joe Stephens-Collins on their recent win with Sully football club against Llantwit A. On a different sporting pitch, David Spinola recently scored an incredible try from 40 yards, for which he received an award for his contributions to rugby. The girls of 8R have also been flying the flag of sporting achievements. Tamasin Stephens-Collins won 1st prise with her beam routine at a recent gym competition. A royal congratulation is awarded to Juliette Cavaye who was fortunate to have the opportunity to perform a dance routine in Her Majesty’s Theatre in London, which was a great honour and an experience to be remembered. Well done Juliette. 8K It has been a busy term for 8K. Kieron Gimber and Gwyn Donlan have thoroughly enjoyed their canoeing course and have both gained a certificate for their achievements. Megan Jenkins took part in the ice skating show at Planet Ice on the 10th and 11th of

‘...Many sporting achievements...’

December. We have a wealth of musical and sporting talent in the form. Sophie Chapman will be doing her grade 1 piano exam just before Christmas while Madeline Lloyd will be doing grade 8 on the flute, Gwyn Donlan has completed his grade 1 exam on the guitar and Samuel Hancock has succeeded in his grade 5 piano examination. Antonio Peacock has started his 3rd year of athletics. Samuel Salisbury enjoys playing for his football team every week.

8L Elysia Hickery has achieved a grade 4 in the clarinet; Aimee Lintern has been attending Art club, cookery club and trampolining. Emily Skinner is a member of Canton & Vale netball team and has also achieved a grade 3 in the Piano and grade 4 for the Flute. Joshua Cheeseman and Tom Fitzgerald have been attending table tennis club. Jack Lee has played rugby for the Vale of Glamorgan. Kabir Knupp has been helping out with the Penarth Pavilion Project.

Mrs K Chellingworth and Mr R MacPherson

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Year 9

It has been an interesting and challenging start to Year 9. Pupils have begun studying their GCSE courses and are approaching their studies with great enthusiasm and maturity. We are sure this positive attitude will remain throughout the 3 years. Pupils have been gathering evidence of their successes inside and outside school for their Progress Files. In addition, they have began to write Personal Statements and throughout the year will be adding further information to both. This year our School Council representatives are Ebony Rio Rees and Joseph Valek and they have been participating in School Council meet-ings discussing and promoting issues raised by Year 9 pupils. 9T There have been many notable achievements in 9T so far this year. Seren Marsh has represented the school in a national tennis tournament. She has also been highly commended in a writing competition and has completed her grade 4 in Piano. Charlotte Hardy is a very busy member of the Healthy Schools committee, Year Council and Music Council at Stanwell. She has been chosen to perform in the senior musical of ‘Miss Saigon’ this year and is about to complete her grade 6 in Flute. Bethan Evans is also a member of the Healthy Schools committee and has been chosen to perform in ‘Miss Saigon’. Beth is cur-rently taking her grade 5 in ballet and modern dance. Harri Pain is sponsored by Henri Lloyd to represent Wales and Britain in the National Junior Sailing squad. He is training with Penarth Rugby Club and has achieved a grade 5 in piano and grade 2 in guitar this year. Matthew Daw-son competed in the Welsh cross country race. Sali Harmes sang at the turning on of the Christ-

mas lights in Cardiff Bay this year. Sali has been chosen to perform in ‘Miss Saigon’ and has been chosen to audition for the BBC Glee Club. Luke Pringle has passed grade 3 in guitar. Ella Buehner Gattis has achieved a distinction in grade 5 theory music exam. Benjamin Stewart started training and play-ing for Cardiff Football academy. He has also been scouted for the Mike Fowler Foot-ball Academy and the Vale of Glamorgan. Kate Hayward performed at the New Thea-tre as a dancer in the production of ‘Bugsy Malone’. Dafydd Jones has passed grade 6 in guitar and is looking forward to his grade 7 this year. Joanna Hourihan has joined the Stanwell swimming team this year.

9E 9E is a very sporty form with lots of activi-ties being completed this term. Clare Halli-gan was awarded the Junior Female Athlete of the Year in the Sports Award Ceremony held at Stanwell in September. Chloe Poole has won the Welsh Individual Challenge Cup for gymnastics. James Adney plays football for Sully ‘A’ Football team and recently gained entry to the Mike Fowler Football Academy. William Turner plays rugby for Dinas Powys. Dominic Goddard is a kick boxer for WTKA. Alex Drake and Robert Morgan play rugby for the Vale and Penarth. Ben Mccullagh represented South Wales in cross country. In other areas; Sophia Holmes has achieved grade 3 in singing and Abigail Mock achieved a grade 5. She also achieved grade 2 in drums. Ella Robertson attained grade 5 in piano. Alice Durham attained grade 6 in flute and grade 4 in piano. She is also a handy cake and cushion maker and managed to raise £330 selling her products for Chil-

Ms L Bekker & Mr G Penny

“hard working and mature attitude”

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Year 9

dren in Need. Elizabeth McCulloch has been awarded a merit for grade 5 in ballet and has recently had a poem published in a book when she won a competition related to the website Young Writ-ers. Emily Glaze performed a ballet piece at the Millennium Centre. 9A Harry Williams has started day release for Cardiff City U14s. He has recently played against West Bromwich, Aston Villa and Swansea. Bethan Hearne achieved her grade 4 on the trumpet and grade 2 on the piano. She also took part in a recent trampolining competi-tion where she was part of the team that fin-ished third. Coire Clarkson and Grace Loweth are taking part in the school produc-tion of ‘Miss Saigon’. Spencer Robinson plays for Penarth RFC and so far has been part of a team that are undefeated for six matches. Jack Revell-Griffiths has been promoted from Cadet to Ordinary Cadet in Sea Cadets. He also attends Track Rats at Leckwith stadium for Cardiff Amateur Athletic Club. Daniel Ed-wards is part of the Penarth Shooting Team. Ellen O’Rourke took part in an Urdd event.

9M It has been a busy term for the pupils in 9M. Ffion McGowan has achieved a distinction in grade 4 ballet at the Lemon Ballet school. Bethan Davies plays netball for Canton. Bry-ony Aird is awaiting her results for her grade 4 in piano—we wish her luck. Robbie Bain is a keen member of our school Eco council & Healthy Eating group. He has also recently be-come qualified in scuba diving and can now dive up to 50m. He also competes for the U15

Track Cycling Welsh Squad. Owen Lloyd has undertaken a trial for Cardiff Blues Rugby. Caitlin Denton is a member of the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy. Olivia Barrett and Ebony Rio Rees attend the Mark Jermin Drama School and they will both be performing in the show ‘Honk’ in January 2013. Ryan Lane is a keen mem-ber of Sully B Football team and also at-tends Army cadets.

Morgan Rees recently gained entry to the Mike Fowler Football Academy. Jonathan Ignacio attends Track Rats at Leckwith stadium for Cardiff Amateur Athletic Club. He also runs cross country for the U15 Gwent Cross Country League. Morgan Humphreys plays cricket for the Vale and attends Wales Cricket Development every Monday after school.

9X Caitlin Ellis is currently working towards grade 5 in piano and has a role in the Stan-well production ‘Miss Saigon’. Rebecca Johnson and Seren Lewis play for the school’s basketball team. Seren also took part in a recent trampolining and gymnas-tics competition where she represented the school. Rhiannon Pearce has passed grade 1 piano and is now working towards grade 2. Gregor McBeth is hoping to pass his grade 4 in saxophone—good luck Gregor! Orla Emberson achieved a dis-tinction in grade 5 piano. William Marsh came second in Wales while representing Stanwell in a gymnastics competition.

“represent Wales and Britain”

Ms L Bekker & Mr G Penny

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Year 9

9W Francine Cousins has recently earned a player of the match award for her netball team. Cameron McJennett-House recently came second in the 1500 metres event for the Barry Harriers. Jordan Thomas has enjoyed being captain of the school netball team. Ben Johnson came third in a recent karate championship, with Adam Yusef coming sec-ond in the same competition. 9O Congratulations to Jasper Aeschlimann who has passed his grade 5 guitar. Faye Bramhill has been playing netball for Canton girls. Mor-gan Crimp has enjoyed playing cricket for the Vale. Lloyd Hanson recently won 2 bronze medals swimming the 200m butterfly race at the Arena League Competition and also won 2 gold medals at a competition in Newport. Liza Kiss has achieved red belt in karate. Joseph Odgers has been playing football for the Wen-voe Colts. Grace Pope has certainly been busy – she has achieved swimming level 9, clarinet level 2 and horse-riding level 4. George Prickett has been awarded batsman of the year for Penarth Cricket Club U13s. Joe Valek will be enjoying a DJ spot at the Clwb Ifor Bach before Christmas.

9R Noah Austin-King is a keen member of a box-ing club in Cardiff. Annabelle Birch-Hurst has enjoyed participating in the school netball team, she also took part in a trampolining com-petition. Lucie Dyer participated in ‘Miss Sai-gon.’ Lewis Campbell also participated in ‘Miss Saigon’ and he won the Best Original Song award at ‘Open Mic UK’. Charles De Grey has been playing football for Cogan A. Morgan Hayman has enjoyed playing football

for both the school and Dinas Powys. Dan Jennings participated in ‘Miss Saigon’. Alex Langrish has been busy—he takes part in cross country and also plays football for Sully A team. Logan Nicol participated in ‘Miss Sai-gon’ and plays football for Penarth. Hannah Phillips is working towards her grade 1 guitar and Nicole Putland is working towards her grade 2. Matt Rogers is working towards his grade 5 guitar, and he also plays football and rugby for Penarth Town. Erin Summerhayes enjoyed performing in ‘Miss Saigon’ and also contributed to a performance at the Millennium Centre. Ben Walsh is enjoying playing football for Sully A. 9K Rebecca Humpage has participated in the county netball trials. Finn Hunt plays football for the Cardiff Academy under 14s. Ray Vandyck has achieved his grade 7 clari-net. Jessica Hawkins, Chloe Lloyd-Carter and Tom Tunley are all chorus members in ‘Miss Saigon’. 9L Alice Bright has represented Stanwell in a recent trampolining competition. Alfie Chambers has participated in an Engineering course where the task entailed the entrants designing a leisure centre. Tom Collins has represented Stanwell in cross country while Shaun Donovan represented the school in a gymnastics competition in Whitchurch. William Gale has been very busy – he attended rugby trials for the Cardiff Blues, he is also a member of the Vale cricket team and plays football for both the school and Vale teams. Amy Walsh came first in both the butterfly race and the individual medley in a competition involving the Penarth Swimming Club.

Ms L Bekker & Mr G Penny

“hard-working and mature attitude”

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Year 10 This Autumn term has been busy and challeng-ing for Year 10 pupils. Many departments have begun controlled as-sessments which will contribute to pupils over-all GCSE grade. Pupils have had to adapt to the rigours and challenges that this has pre-sented. It is essential that pupils appreciate that work completed in Year 10 will be examined in the Summer of 2014 or even before. A number of pupils have been attending les-sons at Cardiff and Vale College and Military Preparation College. This gives pupils an op-portunity to experience areas of interest which could be developed into a career in the future. Our assemblies and PSE lessons have been both interesting and informative. Pupils have had assemblies on topics such as counselling, Jeans for Genes, Work Experience, Higher Education and also began writing their CVs in PSE lessons. Pupils have started to consider their work ex-perience placements which will take place later in this academic year. This year, our School Council Representatives are - Samir Mahdi and Jessica Vining. Each form has elected representatives for the Year 10 Council. They are as follows : 10 T - Rhys Knight and Verity Tucker 10E - Thomas Keenan and Hayley Stroud 10A - Thomas Hann and Georgia Atkinson 10M - Oliver Shore and Morgan Bird 10X - Callum Keating and Natasha Smith 10W - Joseph Fettah and Katie Moger 10O - Soliman Khan and Amy Gifford 10R - Oliver Turner and Evgenia Brusnit-skaya 10K - Samir Mahdi and Gabriella Harding 10L - Max Scott and Jessica Vining. 10T Lucy Sharpe has danced in Her Majesty’s Theatre in the West End with Performing Arts Academy Wales. Verity Tucker has been

playing Yvette in the School’s production of ‘Miss Saigon’. Shanice Donovan has been extremely busy playing in the girls’ football and basketball teams. Louis De Claire, Rhys Knight, Sam Nilsen and Peter Tuthill have played for the school football team. Ryan Barnes continues to play for the school rugby team. Callum George has been playing for the Sully football team. 10E Thomas Keenan has achieved grade 7 on the drums, well done! Phoebe Christie, Niamh Teague and Milissa Sorenson have raised £315 for the Teenage Cancer Trust by holding a bake sale in school. Sam Jennings has been playing for Newport County Academy. Ella Skinner has been making and modelling cloths for a youth fashion show in Cardiff.

Hayley Stroud has raised £11, 661 for the Teen-age Cancer Trust Unit in Cardiff! What a fantastic

achievement—well done Hayley (pictured above with friends). 10A Rebeka Thompson has achieved an Associ-ates programme with Ballet Cymru. Eleanor Webster has been busy recording the voice over for the second series of ’Chloe’s Closet’. 10A is a very musical form; Tom Hann has passed his grade 5 on the bass guitar, Megan Hain has passed grade 5 singing and Jacob Heaton-Jones has passed grade 6 on the gui-tar. Georgia Atkinson and Kelsey Murray have been playing basketball, football and net-ball for the school teams. 10M Milly Williams and Olivia Dwyer both played for the girls’ U15 tennis team that won the Welsh Schools’ final & reached the last 32

“both interesting and informative”

Miss R Povey & Mr A Meddins

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Year 10 Miss R Povey & Mr A Meddins

“volunteered to offer their services”

in Britain. Milly Williams is also captain of the Year 10 netball team. Elizabeth Birch-Hurst was selected for the U16 county netball squad and Cardiff and Vale HUB, she has also achieved her basketball

umpire’s award and table judge. Oliver Shore raced at Cardiff small boats head. David Flani-gan has been selected for the Cardiff and Vale schools’ cross country team. Joshua Lewis has been selected for the Michael Fowler football academy. 10X Many of the form are involved with the Duke of Edinburgh Award and have consequently volunteered to offer their services: Ellie Dono-van at a tortoise sanctuary; Alex Warren and Kate Wilkins at Evenlode Primary; Harry Jowett at a local indoor skate park; Christina Bugert at PDSA and Hannah Dodge is help-ing with the homeless, serving soup and other food. Laura Huntley, Yoko Hargreaves and Christina Bugert have successfully competed in a show jumping event. Callum Keating is captain of Sully A football team and also plays rugby and football for the school and has com-peted in 3 cross country competitions. Sebas-tian Dumitrescu and Ashley Cullen have started fencing lessons. 10W Joseph Fettah plays for Penarth rugby team. Caleb Docking has been playing rugby for the Vale rugby team. Amelia Rowlands and Nata-lie Lewis came 3rd in the Cardiff rowing re-gatta and 2nd in the Penarth regatta. Jack Jones, Ryan Gilligan and Daniel Wilson are involved in Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. Emma Davies continues to excel in her cricket, representing Wales and being involved with talent testing for the England Cricket Squad! Sian Smith has also has a packed term as she is playing the lead role of Kim in the senior production of ‘Miss Saigon’ and per-

formed in the National Dance Company of Wales’ production of ‘Scheherazade’. 10O Alicia Chapple danced on a West End stage with the Performing Arts Academy of Wales and has been working at the Tortoise sanctu-ary in Sully along with Madeline Roberts. Maddy has also voluntarily been coaching at Dinas Powys tennis club with Isabella Broughton. Thomas Mullett finished 4th in the UK Open Karate Championship. Megan Morgan is in ‘Rock the Nativity’ for Razzle Dazzle. Leon Appiah continues to plat foot-ball and rugby for Sully and Penarth. Calum O’Neill has been singing at Penarth Lights as well as taking part in Trampolining competi-tions with Jac Ursell. 10R Alexandra Wallace completed 50 hours of volunteering at the PDSA charity shop in Barry. Thomas Moreton has played tennis for Penarth Rectory Road tennis club. 10K Edward Herbert gained a pass in his grade 4 trumpet. Rebecca Lim came 2nd in a Bad-minton tournament at Sophia Gardens. Jenni-fer Griffiths took part in the Remembrance Day Parade representing Penarth Explorers. She also finished 2nd in the Cardiff rowing regatta and 1st in the Penarth version. Gabri-elle Harding featured in the ‘Cardiff Life’ magazine. Scott Dutfield has represented the school in football, tennis and athletics. Ethan Nicholas has been doing Grade 4 Rock School Bass. Kenn Rufo ran the Cardiff 2K. 10L Seren James has gained her brown belt in karate. She is also taking part in the Winter Wonderland ice skating show. Thomas-Jones, Ioan Morgan-Jones and Max Scott are participating in ‘Miss Saigon.’ Max is also in a show outside of school called ‘Honk’ along with Alexander Collins. Har-vey Atkins completed a First Aid course for St John’s Ambulance.

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Year 11

It has been a busy term for Year 11 as pupils complete controlled assessments and work to-wards achieving their GCSEs in the summer of 2013. The mock examinations have now finished and Year 11 pupils will receive their school re-ports on Tuesday, 15th January 2013.

During their pastoral lessons, Year 11 pupils have had a variety of outside agencies involving them in workshops and discussion groups. The Fire Service have spoken to a number of forms on Road Safety and PC Emma Mudie has talked to pupils about domestic violence.

Alongside this, assemblies have taken place where recognition has been given to world events, activities and the precepts of the week, including 9-11, Respect, Values, Remembrance, Is it ok to fail?, Anti-bullying week, World Aids Day, Jeans for Genes Day and Eco-School Week. Also, making use of the new school facili-ties, Year 11 have looked at Olympic Values in the iPad room and disability and the Paralympics in the Learning Resource Centre.

Homework Clubs have been running throughout the term and will continue right up to the GCSE examinations. We encourage all pupils to take part in these sessions if possible in order to fulfil their potential at GCSE. For further information on homework clubs and support provided in Year 11 please go to

This year our School Council Representa-tives are Emily Thomas and Oliver Jones. Each form has elected representatives for the Year 11 Council. They are as follows: 11T– Oliver Jones and Katie Alstead 11E– Mark Andrew and Lauren Miller 11A– James Owens and Kirsty Lam 11M– Elis Vandyck and Megan Her-ritty 11X– Tom Chandler and Rebecca Thompson 11W– Calum Hughes and Emily Tho-mas 11O– Tom Legge and Bernice Thomas 11R– Gabriel Ackerman and Emma Thomas 11K– Joe Prosser and Emma Bright 11L– Evan Davies and Catrin Morgan

“mae hi wedi bod yn dymor prysur i Flwyddyn 11”

Miss L Jenkins & Mr B Crompton

Page 51: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Year 11

11T Congratulations to Kathleen Ahearne on com-pleting the Baden Powell Award in Guides and also for successfully auditioning and being ac-cepted into CCVG Youth Wind Band. Well done to Daniel Ellis on representing the school’s rugby team. Cole Martin has represented the school’s football team. Congratulations to Ca-lum McWilliam on being accepted into the Newport Velodrome Cycling Club. Well done to Alice Nottingham who has qualified for the re-gional triple jump championship and won a bronze medal in the Welsh Indoor Athletics Competition. Good luck to Beth Johnson who is currently training hard in the hope of running the half marathon in October 2013. Congratulations to Tia Stephens-Collins on achieving a merit in her grade 6 ballet exam. Well done to Chloe Lewis on achieving grade 3 on the drums. Amy Guppy, Anna Kinnersley and Chloe Lewis are all cast members for ‘Miss Saigon’.

11E Luke Morley is very busy studying for his grade 5 music theory exam next year, good luck! Joel Lapton has represented the school’s football team. Lauren Miller participates in street dance shows with her dance group. 11A Madelyn Rufo is a cast member for ‘Miss Sai-gon’. Congratulations to Robyn Keane, Siena Monaghan and Amelia Squire on successfully completing bronze Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

11M Kayley Birch-Hurst, Alasdair Cavaye, Fiona McGavin, Seren Robinson, Jemima Scott and Vicky Williams were all cast members for ‘Miss Saigon’. Good luck to the many pupils in this

form working toward their Duke of Edin-burgh Awards: Andreas Asprou, Alas-dair Cavaye, Megan Herritty, Siobhan Kelly, George Kynaston, Mark Mona-ghan, Annie Roberts, Jemima Scott, Ellis Vandyck and Alexandra Ward. Congratulations to Kayley Birch-Hurst and Megan Herritty on completing the bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. An-dreas Asprou, Kyle Bennett and George Kynaston have all represented the school at rugby. Thank you to Jay Kapuria for volunteering at Maths club and supporting younger pupils and to George Kynaston for coaching Year 7 basketball and playing for the school team. Daniel Lages volunteers at the PDSA.

11X Rebecca Thompson performed in ‘Bugsy Malone’ in the New Theatre Car-diff with Orbit Theatre Company. Kath-ryn Tann will be performing in a show in the Wales Millennium Centre in De-cember. Sian Union is a member of the trampolining club. Good luck to Rhodri Jones who will be sitting his grade 8 gui-tar exam. Joel Ringer is a member of the Cardiff Blues Academy who are currently at the top of the league. Harrison Stock is a member of the Penarth Squadron of Air Cadets. Liam John is a member of the school’s football and gymnastic team. Elliott Davies and Aidan Singh are both members of the school’s football team. Lambert Kalongo is a member of Car-diff Schools U18 .

‘llawer o bobl yn gweithio am eu gwobrau Dug Caeredin’

Miss L Jenkins & Mr B Crompton

Page 52: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Year 11

11W Rhys Savory and Spencer Ward-Henry are both members of the Cardiff Blues U16 squad. Congratulations to Jamie Hitchen on winning best individual performance at the London Schools’ Cricket festival. Yasmine Cole has re-cently joined PHAB as a volunteer. Well done to Calum Hughes who has raised over £10,000 for JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). Congratulations to Hannah Nef who was a member of the winning South Wales Girls’ Bas-ketball team.

11O Congratulations to Rebecca Te Water Naude on completing her bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award and achieving a merit in her grade 5 vio-lin exam. Well done to Elisabeth Britten on achieving a merit in grade 6 drum exam and good luck with her grade 6 cello. Congratula-tions to Grace Lloyd-Williams on passing her grade 5 piano exam. Well done to Hywel Ains-worth for raising £35 for the Children’s Society on open day with A-Stars. Congratulations to Daniel Hourihan on coming first in a gymnas-tics competition in Swansea. He also represented Wales in a high diving competition, where Wales came second and individually Daniel came third. 11R Congratulations to Imogen Sibert, Charlotte Thompson and Megan Wiltshire on completing their bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award. Well done to Clara White who has achieved grade 3 piano. Morgan Clarke represents Dinas Powys RFC at rugby and has recently achieved grade 5 flute.

Kieran Hopkins also represents Dinas Powys RFC at rugby and also plays for the school team.

Charlotte Thompson has recently ap-peared in the new ‘Oliver’ musical. Con-gratulations also to Jack Goldsworthy on being a member of the winning bas-ketball team.

11K Hannah White currently teaches Chinese to beginners and is working towards com-pleting her silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. Congratulations to Elinor Brunker who attends St. Johns Ambu-lance and has earned her radio communi-cations and young lifesaver award. Tom Farmer plays football for Cardiff City Development and is currently work-ing towards his silver Duke of Edinburgh Award. Congratulations to Isaac Ridgley on his 2nd place in Cardiff City rowing club Winter Head Regatta Double Skill. Well done to Eva Vestergaard on being ac-cepted into the Oure Ballet School in Denmark. Emma Bright is part of a charity fundraiser to raise money for the Noah’s Ark Appeal. Congratulations to Suzie Collins on com-pleting the Baden Powell Award in Guides. Well done to Ashley McGuigan on completing his grade 4 piano. 11L Alys Haswell, Catrin Morgan and Gab-rielle Williams are all cast members for ‘Miss Saigon’. Catrin Morgan is cur-rently performing in a Mark Jermin pro-duction of MONK in the Paget Rooms in Penarth. Congratulations to the following pupils on their Sports Awards achieve-ments: Kate Coker, Alys Haswell, Mat-thew Kent, Hollie Milward, Owen Rees, Sam Thomas and Leah Wenger.

‘campau chwaraeon’

Miss L Jenkins & Mr B Crompton

Page 53: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Year 12 The Autumn term has seen Year 12 students busy settling into their chosen AS level sub-jects and into life in the sixth form. We would like to congratulate them on their excellent GCSE grades and express our delight in seeing so many of them opting to continue studying at Stanwell, making this the largest cohort we have ever had in Year 12. We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome the stu-dents who have joined us from other schools. All members of the year group have really en-joyed making use of the additional facilities provided for them in the sixth form, in particu-lar the new cafe which has been a real success. Students have also embarked on the several elements of the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualifi-cation, most notably the activities for the as-

sessed Essential Skill, ‘Working With Others’. They were organised into groups and had to design, market and manufacture a product to sell on the school’s Open Day on October 9th. This involved a ‘Team Enterprise Day’, organ-ised by Careers Wales and a Dragons’ Den presentation where each group had to bid for an investment of up to £20 from local business people. The ‘Market Hall’ was a hive of activ-ity throughout the open day with all of the groups making a profit. Staff, pupils and visi-tors alike all commented on the standard of the products and the professionalism of the stu-dents.

Organising community participation placements has also been a priority for Year 12 students. Completing 30 hours voluntary work is an es-sential element of the Welsh Baccalaureate and students have been arranging voluntary work either within school or out in the wider commu-nity. Their involvement includes supporting younger pupils in lessons, assisting with sports teams and helping out in local charity shops. Away from the WBQ, many students have been starting to prepare for future careers and univer-sity courses. A group of 30 visited Cowbridge School to hear a presentation by Jonathan Pad-ley of Churchill College, Cambridge, on the re-alities of applying to Oxford or Cambridge, while Local Magistrates visited the school to conduct two workshops for those interested in Law.

“ busy settling into their chosen AS level subjects and into life in the sixth form.”

Mrs R Connor and Mr K Watkins

Page 54: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

Year 12 The Sixth Form Information Evening took place

on the 6th October, where it was emphasised how important it was for every Year 12 student to put himself or herself in the strongest possi-ble position by the end of the year, not only in terms of achieving grades but also by gaining as much relevant experience as possible and devel-oping important skills. Parents also received details on the timing of assessments and report-ing as well as a calendar of events and further detail on the WBQ.Many of our students have also been very busy with various extra curricu-lar activities: W01 Bethany Hawkins has recently returned from a trip to Patagonia where she volunteered with Welsh speaking communities. W02 Holly Flynn has completed her Level 1 sign language course and is also helping to co ordi-nate fund-raising activities for Lesotho. W03 Daniel Harrison and Jacob Jones played in Penarth Town Football Team. Riyad Auckbar-ally has been offered a place in the Cardiff Blues U16s squad. George Johnson and Dan Soltys have attained their level 1 coaching qualification in Tennis. Elliot Richards has been selected for the under 17s South Wales Cross Country team and Sam Hall continues to play rugby for the Old Penarthians squad. Rosie Cockerill Evans and Millie Earp are members of the Junior Roller Derby Team; Rosie also participated in a local charity fashion show.

“ students have also been very busy with various extra curricular activity.”

Mrs R Connor and Mr K Watkins

Mrs J Rattray, Senior Nursing Officer from the University Hospital of Wales, gave a very in-formative talk to prospective nurses and mid-wives and a number of students will be attend-ing residential conferences at the University of Northampton at the end of term focusing on subjects such as Medicine, Chemistry and Vet-erinary Science. Many of our year 12 students are involved in this year’s production ‘Miss Saigon’ with Luke Waddon and Zach Ghazi Torbati securing lead parts. The Joshua Foundation has also visited the school to speak to the year group about raising money to help children and young people who are fighting cancer. A number of our students showed a great deal of interest and we were able to present the Joshua Foundation with a cheque to help support this worthwhile char-ity. Interim reports detailing the students’ progress in their subject areas thus far were distributed in November and a mid year report will be is-sued at the end of January following the ex-amination session. The Year 12 examination period will run from January 8th – January 15th. Students will return to timetable on Wednesday 16th January.

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Year 12 exam. Thomas Williams has represented Wales

by competing in the School Games in London running the 100m. Sam Stewart has entered the Welsh Boxing Championships W09 Emma Sharpe and Thomas Turton are work-ing on a local community project. Hollie Lam has helped with the design element of ‘Miss Sai-gon’. Lucy Rogers is involved in supporting Year 8 pupils with their reading. Kate Lewis has achieved her National Pool Lifeguard Qualifica-tion. Tomos Davies plays for Penarth football team. W10 Tamas Barry has completed the Cardiff half marathon and has also completed the John Mur Trail in California culminating in a climb of Mount Whitney. He has also recently completed a mountain marathon. Ed Barker and Louis Curtis has been involved with the Medieval Vil-lage activities at Cosmeston. Jess Watts and Amy Webber have been involved in fundraising for the Joshua Foundation.

Mrs R Connor and Mr K Watkins

W04 Rachael Flaherty has been selected to swim for East Wales and has passed her Level 1 swimming teaching qualification. Olivia Muse has completed her Level 1 tennis coach-ing qualification. Chelsea Mace has attained a Silver Award in a Youth Achievers modelling and fashion competition. Alexander Huntley represented his Scout Unit at an explorer’s convention and met Bear Grylls! Kieran Brit-ten has passed his grade 8 guitar examination and also participated in the UKMT team maths challenge. Andreia Luiz is involved in the Joshua Foundation fundraising campaign and Luke Waddon is currently fundraising for a trip to Lesotho next November. Luke has also recently appeared in a production of ‘Bugsy Malone’ in the New Theatre. W05 Khushal Arjan has been awarded a prize for horse riding. Wilf Howard has recently joined Penarth Football Club. Amelia Newton has recently passed grade 5 on the clarinet and Megan Stealey has joined the Vale Netball team. Sam Wooding has played for a local hockey team. W07 Samantha Wood has completed Duke of Ed-inburgh Bronze award. Zachary Ghazi Tor-bati has been accepted by the Welsh National Opera Youth company and has also been awarded a distinction in a recent piano exam. W08 Rock Ho has participated in three singing competitions and has passed his grade 6 piano

“recently completed a mountain marathon”

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Year 13 The students of Year 13 have hit the ground running this September. Naturally, the UCAS process has been the priority for many. Each student was assigned a UCAS tutor in order to provide help and support with their application and personal statement. The majority of stu-dents have now applied to their chosen univer-sities and many have received conditional of-fers. 7 students have received interview dates for Oxbridge and several others applied through the CUKAS process hoping to study at schools of Music and Drama. Katie Jones of Cardiff University gave a presentation to the year group on interview techniques and mock interviews have been arranged for those stu-dents who expect this to be part of the process at their chosen universities. We would like to thank Martin Blamey, formerly of Careers Wales, for his continued support in organising these invaluable 'practice runs' for our pupils. Students who do not wish to study at univer-sity have been receiving help and guidance via the Careers Officer and Mr R Deighton-Jones (our Work Related Education co-ordinator). Advice was given on writing letters of applica-tion, producing CVs and where to look for em-ployment opportunities. We wish all students the very best of luck with their applications and plans for the future and we hope that all are able to fulfil their ambitions within higher education and employment. We would also like to thank Mrs Jacqueline Rattray for spending time with students inter-ested in studying Nursing and Midwifery. Those who attended found this opportunity to discuss and to ask questions with a profes-sional in this field invaluable. Two of the Essential Skills within the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification were completed this term. All students were required to submit their work on Problem Solving which ad-dressed the issue of deciding on which path to take when leaving Stanwell in the summer. In

addition, all were required to submit their Com-munication Portfolio which contained written, reading and presentation tasks undertaken by the students. All members of the year group have now re-ceived their examination timetables for the January session. The number of exams sat by pupils will differ greatly depending on subjects and decisions to resit AS modules. As a result, no block period of study leave has been organised and lessons will continue as normal throughout the period. In its place, individual study leave programmes have been organised for each student in the year group following a discussion between students and the pastoral team. This will allow those who do have exams the time in which to pre-pare thoroughly whilst also enabling teaching of A2 topics to continue with as little disruption as possible. On a lighter note, at the time of writing, excite-ment is building for this year's musical produc-tion, the Welsh Schools premier of Miss Sai-gon. Our very own Fiona Bell, Taite Drew, Beth Hopkins, Joseph Keenan, Ella Maxwell and Seren Vickers have landed leading roles and we hope they all 'break a leg' at show time!

The Year 13 Stars of Miss Saigon

‘Students of Year 13 hit the ground running’

Mrs A Mansfield and Mr M Gershenson

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Year 13 WB02 Well done to Ryan Atkinson who has re-cently competed in the British National Swim-ming competition. Georgina Attwood accom-panied the Welsh Department to the Urdd camp at Glan Llyn; James Chaffey and Jes-sica Green were part of the group that visited Morocco on an expedition in October whilst Hamish Couper, Emma Jagne and James Porteus continue to work towards the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. Emma was also re-elected as chair of Gwerin y Coed's Board of Trustees (this is a charity which is a branch of the Woodcraft Folk). Congratulations to Louis Franklin-Pugh for completing the Food Safety Level 2 course, to Megan Griffiths who helped organise the Save the Children ball and to Nathan James who has recently won a portraiture contest within the Vale and obtained a Lifeguarding award at the Interna-tional Swimming Pool, Cardiff. Paul Keeling has received the Duke of Edinburgh silver Award, Sara Aeyad has been working for the charity Dolen Cymru and good luck to Laura Elder who is working towards the grade 6 ex-amination for singing. WB03 Well done to Emma Davies who has started volunteering at Erw Delyn Special School, to Beth Hopkins who has passed grade 8 on the saxophone, to Joseph Keenan who achieved a distinction in the grade 8 exam on both the cello and singing, to Kirsty McGarrigle for raising over £1000 for the Joshua Foundation and to Andrew Richards for achieving sec-ond place in the Gwent and Monmouthshire 'Young Engineer of the Year'.

WB04 Joe Ingram has recently composed a new set of music for a production of Shakespeare's ‘Twelfth Night’ and he also competed in the Vale of Glamorgan Young Singer of the Year contest. Good luck to Mikaela Wood who is working towards the grade 6 ballet examination which she will take this month. WB05 Charles Fear was part of the Morocco Expedi-tion which took place in October. WB06 Well done to Amelia Eveleigh and Tesoro Monaghan for completing a First Aid course, to Tom Haughton who was a member of the Morocco Expedition group, to Harry McDonough who provided first aid at Welsh National Rugby matches, to Liz Pascoe who has passed the Level One coaching award for Paddlesports and to Seren Vickers who is a member of the National Youth Orchestra Wales 2012. Seren is also a volunteer at the Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff and is also taking part in the Experimentica Festival. Congratulations also to Bethan Weeks who has landed a role in

Music and sporting accolades galore!

Mrs A Mansfield and Mr M Gershenson

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Year 13 ‘Our House: The Musical’ with The Unknown Theatre Company and good luck to Jacob Freeman who is working towards the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. WB07 Congratulations to Beth Cowley for becoming a member of the Young Actors Studio at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. She is also working towards the grade 8 exam in singing and on the piano. Huw Evans is working towards the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award and, along with Lucy Flynn volunteers

in an MHA care home. Lucy Flynn and Amy Lovering have set up a Year 13 netball team. Amy also coaches an U15s team at the Canton Vale club as well as working towards the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. Lauren King has been coaching young swim-mers with the Cardiff Swimming Club and Lawrence Middleton has auditioned for the

Welsh National Opera and is working to-wards the grade 8 exam in Musical Theatre. Catherine Porteus has auditioned for the Welsh National Youth Orchestra Wales and is working towards the grade 7 exam on the piano. Well done to Catherine also for pass-ing grade 5 exam in singing, grade 6 on the piano and grade 8 on the violin, both with distinction. In addition to this, she is leading the band in our production of ‘Miss Saigon’. Well done also to Harry Wood who contin-ues to represent the school in the senior rugby team. WB08 Well done to Tom Downey who has recently won places in both the National Youth Brass Band and the National Youth Wind Orches-tra. WB09 Congratulations to Rob Jones who has com-pleted the Duke of Edinburgh Gold expedi-tion and to Sol Whiteside whose band, The Knox, has been recognised by and had songs played on Nation Radio. Forthcoming Events The January examination period com-

mences on Tuesday, January 8th and continues until Friday 30th.

The external UCAS deadline is Janu-

ary 15th

We wish all our students a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Year 13 students achieve in many extra-curricular activities!

Mrs A Mansfield and Mr M Gershenson

Students researching prospective uni-versities at the Prospectus Library in

the Year 13 study area.

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100% Attendance: Autumn Term 2012-13 Year 7

1. Allen, Felicity

2. As, Ceylin

3. Atkinson, Thomas

4. Bale, Sophie

5. Barber, Matthew

6. Barden, Samuel

7. Barry, Ethan

8. Beacall, Grace

9. Bigsby, Guillaume

10. Boden, Katie

11. Bunford-Davies, Anna

12. Bach, Thomas

13. Cameron, Bethany

14. Conway, Darcey

15. Croft, Eleanor

16. Davies, Elliot

17. Davies, Natasha

18. De Grey, Sophie

19. Dibble, Ellis

20. Driveman, Ellen

21. Dyer, Toby

22. Edwards, Leah

23. Eshel, Renee

24. Evans, Ben

25. Frankling, Grace

26. Frost, Matthew

27. Griffiths, Eleanor-Rose

28. Hamilton, Connor

29. Hanson, Benjamin

30. Hawkins, Elinor

31. Hayes, Ben

32. Heaton-Jones, Joel

33. Hocking, Matthew

34. Jackson, Katie

35. Jenkins, Joseph

36. Jomon, Antony

37. Jones, Chantelle

38. Jones, Ellena

39. Jordan, Amy

40. Keith, Holly

41. Krishna, Karishma

42. Kulamannage, Christina

43. Lane, Owain

44. Lee, Dillon

45. Lloyd, Cai

46. Locke-Jones, Jamie

47. Luo, Christina

48. Marsh, Oliver

49. McGrath, Mary-Kate

50. Meddins, Rhys

51. Monaghan, Mila

52. Murphy, Niall

53. Murphy-Johns, Stanley

54. Murray, Lucas

55. Nadeem, Ali

56. Nicoll, Kathryn

57. Pearce, Bronwen

58. Pires-Jenkins, Rebeca

59. Poole, Kelli

60. Price, George

61. Ruelle, Jack

62. Shah, Constance

63. Short, Alice

64. Donovan-Simmons, Caitlin

65. Speake, Jordan

66. Stephens, Hannah

67. Streets, Katie

68. Taylor-Hoare, Niamh

69. Te Water Naude, Andrew

70. Thomas, Jake

71. Thomas, Madeleine

72. Tsoi, Nicky

73. Turner, Bridget

74. Warlow, Luke

75. Warren, Eleanor

76. White, Callum

77. White, Charlotte

78. Woodley, Bethan

Congratulations to the following pupils who have attended school every day since September. Research continues to show that pupils’ attainment grades are directly linked to their attendance rates: absences, regardless of whether they are authorised or not, have a detrimental impact on pupil progress.

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79. Woolmer, Rhys

80. Wright, Samuel

Year 8 81. Alford, Darwin

82. Anderton, Daniel

83. Baker, Thaine

84. Barker, Eve

85. Blunsden, Ffion

86. Bratby, Bethany

87. Bratby, Rebecca

88. Bull, Emily

89. Cavaye, Juliette

90. Chamberlain, Olivia

91. Cheeseman, Joshua

92. Cooke, Jack

93. Dhar, Saumik

94. Donlan, Gwynfor

95. Duggan, Caitlin

96. Dutfield, Lucy

97. Dyer, Lia-Maree

98. Faraz, Fareal

99. Gallone, Anna

100. Gimber, Kieron

101. Gray, Elin

102. Harris, Genna

103. Higgins, Anna

104. Hobbs, Joseph

105. Hodgson, Isabelle

106. Howe, Georgia

107. John, Scott

108. Jones, Ben Richard

109. Jones, Catrin

110. Khan, Aymen

111. Knupp, Kabir

112. Lawley, Moses

113. Lee, Richard

114. Lloyd, Madeline

115. McConkey, Jack

116. McKellar, Rob

117. Mirza-Davies, Seren

118. Murray, Ieuan

119. Newman, Harry

120. Ong, Wei-Shen

121. Owens, Alexander

122. Paley, Maximilian

123. Peach, Katherine

124. Pinkerton, Harriet

125. Roderick, Benjamin

126. Rogers, Daniel

127. Rotherham, Katherine

128. Ruck, Matthew

129. Skinner, Emily

130. Smith, Alec

131. Smith, Harry

132. Stapleton, Samuel

133. Stephens, Lauren

134. Stephens-Collins, Tamasin

135. Thomas, Owain

136. Trezise, Thomas

137. Aldridge-Waddon, Henry

138. Walker, Rhys

139. Williams, Geraint

Year 9

140. Aeschlimann, Jasper

141. Andrew, Rory

142. Anwar, Sumaiya

143. Buehner Gattis, Ella

144. Cole, Gregory

145. Collins, Thomas

146. Couzens, Francine

147. Crimp, Morgan

148. Dawson, Matthew

149. Dodd, Hugo

150. Durham, Alice

151. Fitt, Bethany

152. Frost, Nathan

153. Gale, William

154. Gammon, Kieran

155. Geen, Emily

156. Grafton, Isabel

157. Grosfils, Daniel

158. Hanson, Lloyd

159. Hermogeno, Lex

160. Hopkins, Mathew

161. Humphreys, Morgan

162. Ignacio, Jonathan

163. Iredale, Robyn

164. Jennings, Daniel

Page 61: Christmas 2012 Newsletter Stanwell School

165. Johns, William

166. Jones, Dylan

167. Jones, Gwennan

168. Jones, Kyrsty

169. Jones, Megan

170. Lane, Danielle

171. Lawrence, Samuel

172. Lee, Izaak

173. Loweth, Grace

174. Marsh, Tomos

175. Marsh, William

176. Matthews, Cerys

177. McCullagh, Ben

178. Meletti, Carlo

179. Mian, Sean

180. Mock, Abigail

181. Morgan, Robert

182. Morley, Thomas

183. Norton, Frankie

184. O'Rourke, Ellen

185. Owusu, Daniel

186. Pain, Harri

187. Pearce, Rhiannon

188. Peterson, Rosina

189. Phillips, Joseph

190. Price, James

191. Pringle, Luke

192. Rees, Morgan

193. Robinson, Spencer

194. Rogers, Matthew

195. Saji, Linda

196. Sealy, Kade

197. Shamte, Maya

198. Sims, William

199. Troth, Jacob

200. Tucker, Sam

201. Turpin, Benjamin

202. Valek, Joseph

203. Williams, Harry

204. Williams, Lily-May

205. Wooster, Emily

206. Wright, Jonathan

207. Yusuf, Adam

Year 10 208. Andrews, Joe

209. Barber, Simon

210. Bills, Katherine

211. Birch-Hurst, Elizabeth

212. Bird, Morgan

213. Borde, Solomon

214. Bosley, Jack

215. Chatham, Evie

216. Doyle, Martin

217. Dumitrescu, Sebastian

218. Dyer, Ella

219. Dyer, Isaac

220. Finlay, Rebecca

221. Fox, Thomas

222. Franks, Emily

223. Friend, Stephanie

224. Hallett, Maisie

225. Herbert, Edward

226. Jennings, Samuel

227. Jones, Lauren

228. Jones, Sally

229. Knight, Rhys

230. Lewis, Christopher

231. Majeed, Jack

232. McConkey, Joshua

233. O'Leary, Caitlin

234. Prosser, Adam

235. Quinn, Liam

236. Rees, Emma

237. Rogers, Lauren

238. Rotherham, William

239. Seeley, Niall

240. Skinner, Ella

241. Smith, Georgia

242. Smith, Natasha

243. Tanner, Benjamin

244. Ursell, Jac

245. Wallace, Alexandra

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Year 11 246. Ahearne, Kathleen

247. Bennett, Matthew

248. Black, Katherine

249. Brunker, Elinor

250. Carter, Daniel

251. Charleson, Patrick

252. Clarke, Morgan

253. Collins, Suzie

254. Davies, Jack

255. Derrick, Tomos

256. Findlay, Andrew

257. Fisher, Liam

258. Freebury-Jones, Joel

259. Guppy, Amy

260. Harries, Rebecca

261. Hopkins, Kieran

262. Howe, Benjamin

263. Jones, Oliver

264. Kinnersley, Anna

265. Lam, Kirsty

266. Lewis, Chloe

267. McGavin, Fiona

268. Monaghan, Siena

269. Nottingham, Alice

270. Paley, Phoebe

271. Ryan, Keira

272. Sibert, Imogen

273. Thomas, Samuel

274. Thorne, Emma

275. Tucker, Laura

276. Turton, Robert

277. Union, Sian

278. Weston, Jake

279. White, Clara

280. Whitfield, Matthew

281. Williams, James

282. Wooster, Daniel

Year 12 283. Elsen, Alexander

284. Flanigan, James

285. Jones, Robert

286. Newton, Amelia

287. Phillips, Lloyd

288. Pollock, Joseph

289. Richards, Elliot

290. Righton, Daniel

Year 13 291. Procter, Eloise

Stanwell wishes to congratulate all pupils and staff on their achievements this term. Apologies to anybody who has been

left out of the newsletter. Finally, 2XL wishes you a happy Christmas holiday!

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