Page 1: Church of the C hurc · 26/08/2018 · of Eden Valley ˘ˇ ˆ˙ ˝ ˝ ˇ ˛ ˝˚˘ˇ ... Donna Bischof, Jenni Evens & Sarah

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Assumption Church

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Page 2: Church of the C hurc · 26/08/2018 · of Eden Valley ˘ˇ ˆ˙ ˝ ˝ ˇ ˛ ˝˚˘ˇ ... Donna Bischof, Jenni Evens & Sarah

A Message From Father Aaron

"Master, to whom shall we go?”

"Master, to whom shall we go? You have the

words of eternal life.” In the Gospel of John chapter

six today Jesus’ disciples turn away and decided to

not continue to follow him because he proclaimed his

true divinity in the bread of heaven, the Eucharist.

In fact the very verse they turn away from Christ is

the verse John 6: 66… Both then and now it is a sad

occurrence when someone falls away from Christ’s

Church. The Catholic belief in Jesus’ Divine presence

in the Eucharist is a challenging teaching that can only

be accepted and followed in faith. Jesus then directly

asks to his remaining Apostles, “Do you also want to

leave?” One thing we know that Jesus never said

was, ”Following me will be easy.” Nada. Jesus never

said that.

With the awful and heart wrenching news of the

recent Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report on the many

cases of abuse in past decades and even cover-up by

high ranking officials in the Church, the community

of Christ’s Church suffers greatly, and even has our

faith shaken. I know it certainly shakes me and makes

me bring my anger and confusion to prayer and ask,

“why?!” In the face of crisis, Church scandal, or the

challenging teaching of Jesus, there may be a

temptation to turn away from Christ’s Church. This

sadly hurts the Body of the Church and the individual.

However, through the centuries, dating back to the

first Apostles who started the Church, the ones who

chose to stay and fight in the face of crisis are the

ones who changed the course of the Church and the

world. They were the ones who became holy, and

even Saints.

I am so thankful for our Holy Mother Church who

has stood constant and firm in the face of every kind

of trial, temptation and scandal for over two-thousand

years. She is truly the “Rock. And the gates of hell

shall not prevail against her.” I am very thankful for

you, who choose to stay and fight the good fight with

Christ and make the church better and hang on to the

promises of our true Rock of Faith, Jesus our Lord

and Savior.

These are truly times which require heroic sanctity.

They are times to proclaim like Blessed Peter, “Master

to whom shall we go? You have the word of eternal

life. We have come to believe and are convinced that

you are the Holy One of God." May God bless you

and your family abundantly, and keep you close to

his heart.

Father Aaron

Twinned Parish News

Faith Formation Classes

Faith Formation will begin the week of September

10th. Registration forms were mailed to your

house, but if you need one, they are in the back

of each church. Please return registrations with

payment by August 31st. You can return

registrations by mail, returning it to either parish

office, or dropping it off at the EV-W open house

on August 29th. We are still taking teacher and

teacher aide volunteers if you are interested.

Advertise on the Bulletin!

The week of August 27


, Gina Shaughnessy, our

parish representative from LPi, will be here working

on setting up the advertising for our bulletin for

the upcoming year. We hope that parishioners who

have a business will consider sponsoring an ad on

the back of the bulletin, since the revenue from the

ads is what makes the bulletin possible at no cost

to the parish. Advertisements can be purchased for

a business, family, or a sponsor ad can be

purchased supporting community service

organizations such as emergency pregnancy

counseling, the local food shelf, or the battered

women’s shelter, etc. Please give these ideas some

thought. We need and appreciate your help!

If you are interested in getting more information,

please either call Gina Shaughnessy at the parish

office the week of August 27


at (320) 764-2755,

or on her cell anytime, which is (952) 356-6488.

You can also email her at [email protected].

Page 3: Church of the C hurc · 26/08/2018 · of Eden Valley ˘ˇ ˆ˙ ˝ ˝ ˇ ˛ ˝˚˘ˇ ... Donna Bischof, Jenni Evens & Sarah

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Volunteers are needed for

the high school Faith Forma-

tion classes. These classes

are scheduled on Wednes-

days, but the time each grade attends does vary according to their release

schedule. Please prayerfully consider helping our youth on their faith journey.

It is truly an unforgettable experience that will teach you just as much as it

teaches them. Contact Christy or Bonnie at the Faith Formation Office if you

feel called.

Eucharistic Adoration Announcements

-The Adoration chapel will be closed on Labor day and open on Tuesday

Sept. 4th at 8 a.m.

-We still have a open Eucharistic Adoration hour on Tuesday mornings

at 1 a.m. and another Holy Hour is open on Friday morning from 1-2

a.m. If interesting in taking an hour or if any of our regular adorers would

like to pick up a extra hour, please call Mary Ruhland 453-7525 or Rose

Becker at 453-7496.

Temporary Cleaner/Custodian Needed ASAP

The Assumption church is still in need of an immediate cleaner/custodian.

Job details and posting to follow. Call the office or talk to Nick Thielen

or Dan Thielen if interested.


Wednesday, August 29:

5:45 pm Mass: † Joan Riley

Friday, August 31:

7:00 am Mass: † Adella Schmitt

Saturday, September 1:

4:00 pm Mass: People of the Parish

Sunday, September 2:

8:00 am Mass: † Aurelia Becker

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Lector: Lona Brutger

Ushers: Mark Kern, Francis Bischof,

Jim Ruhland & Darrin Hondl

Ministers of Communion:

Michelle Brutger, Karen Becker & Dean Lemke

Servers: Ethan, Carter and Marissa

Laudenbach & Nathan Lang

Music: Lisa Thielen

Rosary Leader: Helen Theis


Lectors: Jake Blommer & Cory Zimmerman

Ushers: Nick Thielen, Larry Ludwig,

Taylor Ludiwg & Gene Bischof

Ministers of Communion:

Donna Bischof, Jenni Evens & Sarah Kuechle

Homebound: Donna Bischof & Marge Kuechle

Servers: Ellie & Skyler Field and

Megan & Aiden Blonigen

Music: Kris Latcham

Rosary Leader: Donna Bischof



Loose Plate

Adult Env

Assum. of Mary

Youth Env



Monthly Auto Deposits: $1755

Thank you for

your donations!

Each Friday, from August 3 to September 28, 2018, we will have the

opportunity to join in a nine-week effort of prayer, fasting and education that

a change in the U.S. Supreme Court will move our nation closer to the day

when every human being is protected in law and welcomed in life.

For August 31st

PRAY: May a change in the U.S. Supreme Court move our nation

closer to the day when every human being is protected in law and

welcomed in life. Our Father..., Hail Mary..., Glory Be...

FAST: Offer a sacrifice for the intention.

LEARN: Roe is bad Constitutional law. Even legal experts who

support abortion believe Roe is not well-reasoned and is a case of

extreme judicial overreach.

-The late Yale Law Professor John Hart Ely said, Roe v Wade is "a

very bad decision…because it is not constitutional law and gives

almost no sense of an obligation to try to be."

-Attorney Edward Lazarus, former law clerk to Roe's author, Justice Blackmun, put it this way:

"As a matter of constitutional interpretation and judicial method, Roe borders on the indefensible…

[It is] one of the most intellectually suspect constitutional decisions of the modern era."

-Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Tribe criticized Roe saying, "behind its own verbal smokescreen,

the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found."

-Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said, "The Court's abortion decisions have already worked a major

distortion in the Court's Constitutional jurisprudence…no legal rule or doctrine is safe from ad

hoc nullification by this Court."

-And then-Circuit Judge (now Justice) Ruth Bader Ginsburg said Roe "ventured too far in the

change it ordered and presented an incomplete justification for its action."

When experts on both sides of the abortion debate agree that Roe is bad law, reversing it makes

good legal sense and would return abortion policy back to the people to be decided through the

democratic process.








Page 4: Church of the C hurc · 26/08/2018 · of Eden Valley ˘ˇ ˆ˙ ˝ ˝ ˇ ˛ ˝˚˘ˇ ... Donna Bischof, Jenni Evens & Sarah

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† Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace, Iris Donnay, 88, of Watkins, who passed away on August



. The funeral Mass was held at St. Anthony’s on Thursday, August



. Please keep Iris and her family and friends in your prayers.

Help “Beat the Heat & Cool Your Seat” at St. Anthony’s

We are still looking for more help to raise funds to install air conditioning

in the church and “Beat the Heat!” So far we have raised $3065.50 of

our $20,000 goal. If you are interested in helping us “beat the heat and

cooling your seat” you can submit your donations in the collection (in a

marked envelope) or by dropping it off at the office. Thank you!

Raffle Tickets

Raffle tickets are now

available to sell/buy and

can be picked up before

and after the weekend

Mass or at the parish

office. We encourage

each household to sell

two books of raffle

tickets and will again be

holding a separate

drawing for anyone

who sells their two

books! Winner gets


Silent Auction &

Kids Games Items!

The festival is now less

than a month a way and

we need your help with

Silent Auction baskets

and toys and prizes for the kids games. Collection containers are out at

the church entrances or you can bring your donations to the office.

Worker’s Sign Up

Worker’s lists are now available in the handicapped addition and are also

available on the parish website. Please spread the word and help at your

assigned times. Volunteers not on the list are always

welcome! We need everyone’s help!

Looking for a great way to improve your

prayer life?

Then St. Anthony’s Thursday adoration is for you! We still

have the hours of 11:00-12:00, 2:00-3:00 and 5:00-

6:00 open. The sign-up sheet is in the back of church.

Please prayerfully consider dedicating one of these

hours!�Please call Sharon Simmons at 764-7465 or Heidi

Schoenecker at 320-250-1091 to sign up or for any



Tuesday, August 28:

9:30 am Mass at Hilltop: † Carol Fuchs

Thursday, August 30:

8:30 am Mass: † Roman Svoboda

Sunday, September 2:

10:00 am Mass: † Al Schneider

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Lectors: Mary Ann Hesse & Pam Loch

Ushers: Earl Dockendorf, Ralph Huberty,

Tammy Winter & Joe Rathmann

Ministers of Communion

Precious Body: Ethel Donnay

Precious Blood: Lori Dockendorf &

Kathy Erpelding

Homebound: Betty Vossen, 764-9163

Servers: Emma & Ellie Donnay,

Carly & Cadence Meierhofer

Rosary Leader: Kevin & Erin Donnay Family

Children’s Liturgy: Molly Schlangen

(Morgan & Nick/Amy)



Adult Env

Loose Plate


Weekly Auto



Build. Auto

Build. Fund



Mondays: Mary’s Cenacle, 2:00

Thursday: Thrift Shop, 9-12

Saturday: Thrift Shop, 9-12

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Aug. 26- Sept. 8:

John & Lou Ann Garding,

Becky Garding, Vic &

Mary Jane Geislinger

and Tim & Mary

Geislinger and families.

*Please call Theresia at

764-7251 to unlock.

New Parish Center 8/21/18

Total Project Goal 1,896,954.00

Expenses Paid ($1,778,640.27)

Remaining Bills (est.) 12,000.00

Loan Balance ~$45,312.97

Unpaid Pledges $58,520.90

$162: 16 out of 430











Page 5: Church of the C hurc · 26/08/2018 · of Eden Valley ˘ˇ ˆ˙ ˝ ˝ ˇ ˛ ˝˚˘ˇ ... Donna Bischof, Jenni Evens & Sarah

Daily Readings

Monday: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12/Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 4-5

[3]/Mt 23:13-22

Tuesday: 2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17/Ps 96:10, 11-12, 13

[13b]/Mt 23:23-26

Wednesday: 2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18/Ps 128:1-2, 4-5

[1]/Mk 6:17-29

Thursday: 1 Cor 1:1-9/Ps 145:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 [1]/Mt


Friday: 1 Cor 1:17-25/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11 [5]/Mt


Saturday: 1 Cor 1:26-31/Ps 33:12-13, 18-19, 20-21

[12]/Mt 25:14-30

Sunday: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/Ps 15:2-3, 3-4, 4-5 [1a]/Jas

1:17-18, 21b-22, 27/Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23


Marriage- Couples should contact the parish at

least 6 months prior to wedding date.

Baptism- Parents/expecting parents should

contact the parish office to sign up for a baptismal

prep class and to schedule a meeting with Father.

Anointing of the Sick - contact the parish office

when anointing is needed.

Bulletin Deadline

Bulletin announcements are due by noon on


Please remember in your prayers…

Bishop John Kinney, Lori Crozon, Jane Anderson,

Tim Eder, Jackie Boulton Family, Theresa Welle, Jeff

Pauls, the Ertl Family, Alexis Vossen, Jerry

Weinmann Jr., Laura Miller, Alizabeth Ludwig,

Grace Hohenstein, Paula Schlangen, Charlie Schoen,

and Jane Torborg.

Traveling Chalice and Madonna

The call to vocations is God’s, not ours. That is

why it is important to pray for vocations. “PRAY

therefore the LORD of the harvest send out laborers

into His harvest.”

DJ, our prayers are with you as you begin your

journey in the seminary. God Speed!

George and Mary Jo Ruhland will host the Traveling

Chalice and Madonna this week. Thank you!

St. Cloud CCW Annual Fall Conference

The St. Cloud Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will

sponsor the Annual Fall Conference Saturday, September

15th at Our Lady of Lakes Parish, Battle Lake, MN.

"Reflecting God's Joy " is hosted by the Fergus

Falls/Wadena Deanery. Registration, meeting and keynote

speaker start at 8:30 am.

Registration $15.00 by September 1st. Late registration

and walk-ins $20. Send to Lois Nanik, 15100 Co. Rd. 23,

Verndale, MN. 56481. Join other Catholic Women in

prayer, education and fellowship.

Mass and Adoration for Hope & Healing

Friday, September 7, 6:30 PM, Church of St. Peter in St.

Peter. Are you struggling or hurting? Come and lay your

burden at the feet of Jesus. Let the Holy Spirit heal and

renew you. 6:30 PM Mass (celebrated by Bishop LeVoir)

followed by Eucharistic Adoration with opportunities for

healing prayer and Confession.

Discipleship Day 2018

Basic Evangelization Training. Open to anyone interested

in evangelization! Saturday, September 29


, 8:30-2:00,

St. Aloysius Jubilee Center in Olivia. Register by

September 21st, $20 per person (includes lunch).

Speakers Denise Hirl and Deb McManimon. Contact either

parish office if interested.

St. Cloud College Students!

College is full of new friends, new experiences, and new

places to call home. Newman Center is your Catholic

Church on campus. If you’re planning on attending SCSU

or SCTCC, check out us out:! Going

to another college? Your campus likely has a Neumann

Center as well. Go to to

find out!

Commemorating the 50th

Anniversary of Padre Pio’s

Death The Diocese of Saint Cloud

will be hosting the relics of Padre

Pio on September 25, 2018 from

8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the

Cathedral of St. Mary. There is a

need for over 80 volunteers to

assist during this time of

veneration. Volunteers are needed

to work in a religious goods area

and serve as greeters/assistants

throughout the day. An online

sign-up is available through the

Office of Worship website or by

calling the Office of Worship at


Page 6: Church of the C hurc · 26/08/2018 · of Eden Valley ˘ˇ ˆ˙ ˝ ˝ ˇ ˛ ˝˚˘ˇ ... Donna Bischof, Jenni Evens & Sarah

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