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August 27 2009 FOJA 2009-03279-F RFJ 2009-65675

AFHRNRSA 600 Chennault Circle Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6424 USA

Mr John Green~wald Jr

Dellr Mr Greenewald

This is in re5ponse to your Freedom of infonnatioll Act (FOIA) nquest received in this ortice on 25 August 2009 penaining to the docum~nt with IRIS nllm~r 00469755 Directorllle 0Intelligence KU201 Y l

As a FOLA requesl it has been assigned the identification of2009-03279-F The Air Force Hi~torica l Research Agency (AFHRA) has assigned it the Request for Information (Rfl) number of 2009-65675

As requesleU I have enclosed a copy f the documelH with IRIS Nwnber 00469755 for you

Please be advised that under the freedom of Infomlation Act you can be charged SlS per page copied middotlbe first 100 pages af( prov ided to you for rre-t However the document you requested is a total of 12 pages so you do not owe any money for copying fees

It is my p1t3sure 10 give you any infonnation we have and my sincere hope that the infonnation prov ided serves you -e ll


L-LU----1 (2oL Cathy Cox hivis(



1 Copy of original RH (~quest fo r inlormalion) 2 Copy of document with IRJS mffilber 00468755

POTA 2009-03279-F

Dear Sir

This is a nOll-commercial request made under The provisions of the Freedom oflnformtltioll Act 5 USC S 55 PurslUlnt

(0 the U S OPEN Records Act of2007 my VOlA requester status as a representative of the news media -- a status

entitling Inc to 111 unlimited search processing my request and the first 100 pages free of charge for examples of my

various publication credits in this regard I refer you to my radio netvork and my own personal radio show (syndicated

on FM and AM stations) at hltpwwwblackT~ultmdiocom My intemet website httpwwwlheblackvaultcom which

h(lld s l Vlst ~ovemmcll t document database along with many freelance articles that 1 have rittell h ieh have also been

published in mltlgazines and websites including OpEdNewseom UFO Mafazine FATE Magazine and othtrs

Addirional l) if this document is ovcr 100 pages and should illeul a charge please on ly send the table of contcnts and the

cover page of the dooument with a total number of pages available and a cost estimate

Trespectfully request a cop) of the follo ing documenl

IRIS Number 00469755


Call 1-1201 VI

If the document is considered currently and properly classified Trespectfully request a mandatory deelassifie~tion review

(MU) ofthe document as it is more than 15 yc~rs old and should be considered for declassification

Thank you so much for your tirnt and Tam very much looking forwa rd ro your response Please know that electronic

delivery of the requested material 01 com-spondcncc related to this case is preferred and accepted in lieu of paper copies

via snail mail


John Grcencwald Jr

IRIS Public Record Key Information


Document Type mSTORY

Call Number Kl4201 VI

IRIS Number 00469755 Accessions Notes

Old Accession Nbr 5-1959-13


Beginning Date 19SV0701

End Oaie 1952112101

Publication Dale

Classification UNCUS(

Rcvd ReI 1992101114

Indexer ID 43 Entered Dale

QC 10 Qed Date

Scanner ID Scanned Date

AceID Alc Date

Media Roll fI 11820 First Fnmc 328 Last Frame 337 Linear Feet 0

Old MFlm Roll KIIll AudioRec


Title Extensions VOLIOF6



DesaipUft FOR VOLUMES 3 4 5 AND 6 SEE IRIS NUMBERS 00906466 00906467 00906468 AND 00906469 NOla RESPECTIVELY

TIOe Added ntrles

Author Subject

Major Commarxl

Doe UnIlt

Administrative Markings No Administrative Markings Usted

Security Review Information


- ---



5- 661

~ ~ J j)19-bull _ 1 e 1 J ~lii~G Pale 1 0 AP~ 1gt 4



1 JULY - 31 DECBABEIi 1952

Annexes I - g not i ncluded In thl~ document Clessif icetion chenged ta l ~~~b in e ccol-dence vi t h note p bull

~- I~ _=___ ~ ~ K5 fLtCshy

by ~~jor Walt er R Barbour

When t$IJf No l-eZ is (are) withdrawn or not attached the bull cl essiflcatioD on this cor~osj)on~elc w111 be c~od to ~_ accordance wi th Par 2~ ~~ 205-1~

-lt- DECLASSIFIED AF IGSB Ltr 13 Dee_l91~ By AFSHRQ- shyDate- 10 APR 1914





The responsibilities ot the Director ot Intelligence are broad in acope and entall such matters s planning and executina functions to

ensure the preventlon at strategic tactical or technololleampl surprise

trca 8113 source prov1d1namp bull sound bub tor counsel upon air preshy

paredness I ampssuring adequate support tor planning and conduct1ng air


To accomplish theS8 responalb1litlbullbull delegation 01 authorit tor

certain accomplishments within the areas 1s necessar1l7 ~ to Deputr

Directora and comparable Chir under the supervision ot the Director

The speoific accomplishmente ot these Deputl Directora and Chir are

expressed in Annexbullbull I through V thes annexelS are integral part ot

the Histo17 ot the Directorat ot Intelligence whlle tM particular

volume is intended pr1mampr1lJr to retlect the actlTltlbullbull ot the immediate

ortice of the Director ot Intelligence and serve as an overall intrashy


Th preparation ot bull historr covering the aotivitie ot an orgampnishy

zation as large and ph7sic~ dipersed the Director ot Intelligence

is consid~d beyond the capabilities ot ampn7 one individual even it

employed so18lT in this task The Directorate Historian tterelore

gratelull7 acknowledges the eftort ot the tollowing personnel who comshy

piled the annexes which are appended 1ntegral parts ot thi report I

Major Walter J Brown A1OIN-ll - IaJor larhall A K1rIcpatr1ck and Hi Louibullbull Apple AlOII- 2X

Lt Colonol Edwin Bishop and Hr Wlll B yona AlOlII- JI KaJor Murrah StursJs and Mr Donald M Webb ATIC




S-ction I - Orcan1a_tion and Fwtctiono ~-S

Section II - ActiYiti 6-9

- b


Pre Contne on ItUn1dent11ed


~8 Ctgtjct shy 7

c Protect1oc Apinot P1bl1c Rol ot S-noitiv Subjct Mattr 8

d Visit to tlw Inte1llampenc School Lowr7 AlB Colorado 9

bullbull Participation in tho CQIlIIampIldro Conference 9

Annox I - Hitcl7 ot 410~ (PollCT and ~nt Group)


Annex II - Hi~ ot 410111-1 (oputT Director tor ColLection and Disemination)

Annax III - Hitol7 ot 4IOlIt-2 (DoputT Director tor Iot1mato)

Annax IV - - H1otol7 ot 410111-3 (DePUtT Direator tor Tarpto)

V - H1o~ ot 4IOlIhlTIC (Air Technical lntllgonc Conter)











Top scrot




Section I - Orpn1ampamption and FUnctiON

following the reorganization ot the Directorate ot Inte~nc on

J Jun 1952 tho DI undont a t r ial period during tho 017 months

ot this report There were no ujor changes made in either the basic

misSion organization or the functions However the tollowing minor

changes van evidenced

a On 14 August 1952 the Area Research Branch Collection

Operations Division Oflic D8put~ Director tor Collectlon and D1 shy

semination wa tranarerred to the Psychological Warfare D1v1sion

Directorate at Plane OCSOperationbullbull1 Th1o transter was effected

because the evasion and escape function ot this Branch is an intaual

part ot unconventional wartaro and i bolt plampcod in tho Pychological

Warfare Division Certain intelligence phase or the evaslon and escape

function were retained b7 the Deputy Director t or Eat1mates 2

b The following Branch and Division nattbullbull vere champnged to be

more clearly descriptive at the function act~ being ~rto~odJ

(1) Ott1co Deputy Director tor EStimatebullbull

Air Intelligence D1get Branch D1aet Branch HIE Branch National lat1mat Branch HIS Branch SUlYey Branch

(2 ) Ott1ca Deputy Director poundor Targetsl

CentNl Branch M1l1tarr Vulnerab1l1ty Branch Militampr7 Branch Industrial Vulnerab111tr Branch East~est Branch General Vulnerability Branch Target Vulnerability Division Phyolnal Vulnerab1lity Divlion

1 Xemorandum tor Secretary ot the Air Start tram DirectOrAte or Intelli shygence and Directorat at Plans dated 6 Aulaquo 52 subject Transfer or Personnel Spaces and FwvrM~94Datr~~ Research Branch D1rectoratu ot Intelligence CUI~ rI Li~ i I~ L



Structural lnalya1a Branoh Weapono Applicamption Branch Hathematic Branch Kathematical ~io Branch Intogration Branch Target Integration Branch Radar Branch Radar Targot Intoll1gonco Branch

c On 12 September 1952 tho aeromedical unit ot the Woapono

JUtcta BrancA M1l1tampr7 CamppobU1tieo DiYision (Eaot) Ottico OOputT

Director t or Est1llates was designated nKecUcal Team and va transshy

rerrect to the Po1107 Ollice PolleT and Management Group D1reotorate ot

IntWgence since it unction ___ pr1JDar1lT ot bull polloT natUle3

d Th Special ~tudlbullbull Group ot the Deput7 Director tor Target

on 22 December 1952 wu also tranterred to the Policy and lIanacement

Group4 It determined that ince thU Group produced apec1al stwl1ea

tor all three main araa ot the intelligence or~tlon 1 e Colshy

lectien and D1aehl1nation at1mamp~ and goto it ohould be placed

at amp level where ampll are would haft equal aceebullbull to it

Thare were no changes in the 1Jiaed1at ottice ot the Director ot

Intelliampence The two poeltlona authorUad that ottic we occupied

by Kajor aeMral John A Samtord Director ot zntolligonoo and 111

M Catherine Horgan Secretampl7

nere Vllre two chanampea in per80lUle1 at Deput7 Direotor leyel

Brig General Willlaa K Gu-land torrlJr the Deputy Director tor Targets

was made Chil ot the Air Technical Intelliglnce Clnter at Wright-Pattlrson

Air Porel Base Dqton Ohio he wu replampced b1 Colonel John G Fowler

Brig General Edward H Porter lOnllerlyen t hl Oeput7 Dirlctor tor Estimates

was ~e Deput7 Direotor ot the Joint Intelligence Group Joint Ch1el~ ot

Statl he wu replaced b) Colonll John J Morrow

3 InterY1o with Kajor E M LaV1gn UOIl-XU 11 Fob 53

~~ rON f IDEi~ fUl l



Sct1on II - Act1vitie

a General

As in previous historical periods the Director ot Intel

ligence roprented tho De_tMnt ot the I1r Porce (DAP) at klyen

meeting ot tho Intelligenc AdYloo7 CClolIIdtte (lAC) and mbullbulltinp ot

the Joint Intell1ampenc CClolIIdtt (JIC) which ro helcl twice monthlyen

In odel1tion to be1nc the DAP member ot tho JIC tb Director continued

his cha1zmanehip ot the cOllll1ttbullbull during this period AdvloQ ampauetanoe

va provided to the Director or the Central Intelligence AgeneT relatlY8

to hi function in coordinat1namp gov8~ntampl tntellisence activit1bullbullbull

r~roU8 intelligence estimat and other document involYing intelligence

matt ot national ampncI spec1amp1 interoot re roviell tho approYed

by the cClollldttbullbull were publiohed ampncI given appropriate l1a1ted d1tr1bution

other WN returned to the vampIloue worldnamp group tor turther study and


During this period the Director ~ veral presentationa

on the aubjeot ot ur Intelligence to the Air War College and the middotAir

CIlOgtIIampnd and Statt School _U APB Alabama7

InternampllT the Director clevote4 JiUlch ot h1a tiM to proshy

rtding direction counsel and guidance to hi Oeput7 Directors and

comparable Chief relative to Directorat orampampniaation and tunctlona

Hi SECRlI memorandum dated 15 J~ 1952 (l1nclampo1tied) Princ1pal

Goala tor Finished lntelliamptncen8 (decribed in the preYioua Directorate

6 lnterrteyen vith Lt Colonel T J Grant ampncl C D Sullivan AIOIN-llC U Feb 53

7 lotmew with Kia M Catherine Morgan UOU 11 Feb 53 S On tu in AIOlN-l2B2




history) delineated more clear17 ttt areal or responsibility for the

acoompl1shQent ot these principal goals to not oolT USAF 01 personnel

out also to Directorate representatives or G-2 and ONI

b Press Conference on Unidentified fl1ing Objects

National interest in the wide- spread reports of sightings

or lying saucers and other unidentified flying objects or phenomena

early in this period led to the pamprtlcipatlon at JoIajor General Samtord

Major Dewe7 J Fournet (unidentified lying objecta monitor tor the

Directorate) and several Directorate personnel tram the Air Technical

Inte1l1gence Center in bull press conference held at the Pentagon on 29

July 9 The conference vas arr~d by the Public Into~tlon Ottice

OlAF and alo inclwlOltl lampjor General R M Rame) (tho Director of

Operations oeSO) Mr C Hrschel Schooley (Chiet Press Division

Public Information Otlice OSD) and representative or the press radiO

and te1eYislon 10 The conference did Quch to sat1sry the news media

and in turn the public that tt Air Ferce was not withholding intershy

matien on this subject it also did ~uch to renew haroonious relations

between the USAF and these news med1a ll

Ne~reel taken at t he conterence were hown over manr

television tations and in t heaters throughout the nation coverage in

ne~pers and u~gazines was also evidenced nation~ide A considerable

reduction in t ho number of reported sightings of unidentiried flying

objects resulted 1

9 Interview with Lt Colonel D E Taberg AFOIN- 21 11 Feb 5) 10 Interview with Lt Colonel W S Xvans PIO OSAF 11 Yeb 53 11 Ibid 12 Intorvimiddotbull with Lt Colonel D 11 Feb 5)


c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI



POTA 2009-03279-F

Dear Sir

This is a nOll-commercial request made under The provisions of the Freedom oflnformtltioll Act 5 USC S 55 PurslUlnt

(0 the U S OPEN Records Act of2007 my VOlA requester status as a representative of the news media -- a status

entitling Inc to 111 unlimited search processing my request and the first 100 pages free of charge for examples of my

various publication credits in this regard I refer you to my radio netvork and my own personal radio show (syndicated

on FM and AM stations) at hltpwwwblackT~ultmdiocom My intemet website httpwwwlheblackvaultcom which

h(lld s l Vlst ~ovemmcll t document database along with many freelance articles that 1 have rittell h ieh have also been

published in mltlgazines and websites including OpEdNewseom UFO Mafazine FATE Magazine and othtrs

Addirional l) if this document is ovcr 100 pages and should illeul a charge please on ly send the table of contcnts and the

cover page of the dooument with a total number of pages available and a cost estimate

Trespectfully request a cop) of the follo ing documenl

IRIS Number 00469755


Call 1-1201 VI

If the document is considered currently and properly classified Trespectfully request a mandatory deelassifie~tion review

(MU) ofthe document as it is more than 15 yc~rs old and should be considered for declassification

Thank you so much for your tirnt and Tam very much looking forwa rd ro your response Please know that electronic

delivery of the requested material 01 com-spondcncc related to this case is preferred and accepted in lieu of paper copies

via snail mail


John Grcencwald Jr

IRIS Public Record Key Information


Document Type mSTORY

Call Number Kl4201 VI

IRIS Number 00469755 Accessions Notes

Old Accession Nbr 5-1959-13


Beginning Date 19SV0701

End Oaie 1952112101

Publication Dale

Classification UNCUS(

Rcvd ReI 1992101114

Indexer ID 43 Entered Dale

QC 10 Qed Date

Scanner ID Scanned Date

AceID Alc Date

Media Roll fI 11820 First Fnmc 328 Last Frame 337 Linear Feet 0

Old MFlm Roll KIIll AudioRec


Title Extensions VOLIOF6



DesaipUft FOR VOLUMES 3 4 5 AND 6 SEE IRIS NUMBERS 00906466 00906467 00906468 AND 00906469 NOla RESPECTIVELY

TIOe Added ntrles

Author Subject

Major Commarxl

Doe UnIlt

Administrative Markings No Administrative Markings Usted

Security Review Information


- ---



5- 661

~ ~ J j)19-bull _ 1 e 1 J ~lii~G Pale 1 0 AP~ 1gt 4



1 JULY - 31 DECBABEIi 1952

Annexes I - g not i ncluded In thl~ document Clessif icetion chenged ta l ~~~b in e ccol-dence vi t h note p bull

~- I~ _=___ ~ ~ K5 fLtCshy

by ~~jor Walt er R Barbour

When t$IJf No l-eZ is (are) withdrawn or not attached the bull cl essiflcatioD on this cor~osj)on~elc w111 be c~od to ~_ accordance wi th Par 2~ ~~ 205-1~

-lt- DECLASSIFIED AF IGSB Ltr 13 Dee_l91~ By AFSHRQ- shyDate- 10 APR 1914





The responsibilities ot the Director ot Intelligence are broad in acope and entall such matters s planning and executina functions to

ensure the preventlon at strategic tactical or technololleampl surprise

trca 8113 source prov1d1namp bull sound bub tor counsel upon air preshy

paredness I ampssuring adequate support tor planning and conduct1ng air


To accomplish theS8 responalb1litlbullbull delegation 01 authorit tor

certain accomplishments within the areas 1s necessar1l7 ~ to Deputr

Directora and comparable Chir under the supervision ot the Director

The speoific accomplishmente ot these Deputl Directora and Chir are

expressed in Annexbullbull I through V thes annexelS are integral part ot

the Histo17 ot the Directorat ot Intelligence whlle tM particular

volume is intended pr1mampr1lJr to retlect the actlTltlbullbull ot the immediate

ortice of the Director ot Intelligence and serve as an overall intrashy


Th preparation ot bull historr covering the aotivitie ot an orgampnishy

zation as large and ph7sic~ dipersed the Director ot Intelligence

is consid~d beyond the capabilities ot ampn7 one individual even it

employed so18lT in this task The Directorate Historian tterelore

gratelull7 acknowledges the eftort ot the tollowing personnel who comshy

piled the annexes which are appended 1ntegral parts ot thi report I

Major Walter J Brown A1OIN-ll - IaJor larhall A K1rIcpatr1ck and Hi Louibullbull Apple AlOII- 2X

Lt Colonol Edwin Bishop and Hr Wlll B yona AlOlII- JI KaJor Murrah StursJs and Mr Donald M Webb ATIC




S-ction I - Orcan1a_tion and Fwtctiono ~-S

Section II - ActiYiti 6-9

- b


Pre Contne on ItUn1dent11ed


~8 Ctgtjct shy 7

c Protect1oc Apinot P1bl1c Rol ot S-noitiv Subjct Mattr 8

d Visit to tlw Inte1llampenc School Lowr7 AlB Colorado 9

bullbull Participation in tho CQIlIIampIldro Conference 9

Annox I - Hitcl7 ot 410~ (PollCT and ~nt Group)


Annex II - Hi~ ot 410111-1 (oputT Director tor ColLection and Disemination)

Annax III - Hitol7 ot 4IOlIt-2 (DoputT Director tor Iot1mato)

Annax IV - - H1otol7 ot 410111-3 (DePUtT Direator tor Tarpto)

V - H1o~ ot 4IOlIhlTIC (Air Technical lntllgonc Conter)











Top scrot




Section I - Orpn1ampamption and FUnctiON

following the reorganization ot the Directorate ot Inte~nc on

J Jun 1952 tho DI undont a t r ial period during tho 017 months

ot this report There were no ujor changes made in either the basic

misSion organization or the functions However the tollowing minor

changes van evidenced

a On 14 August 1952 the Area Research Branch Collection

Operations Division Oflic D8put~ Director tor Collectlon and D1 shy

semination wa tranarerred to the Psychological Warfare D1v1sion

Directorate at Plane OCSOperationbullbull1 Th1o transter was effected

because the evasion and escape function ot this Branch is an intaual

part ot unconventional wartaro and i bolt plampcod in tho Pychological

Warfare Division Certain intelligence phase or the evaslon and escape

function were retained b7 the Deputy Director t or Eat1mates 2

b The following Branch and Division nattbullbull vere champnged to be

more clearly descriptive at the function act~ being ~rto~odJ

(1) Ott1co Deputy Director tor EStimatebullbull

Air Intelligence D1get Branch D1aet Branch HIE Branch National lat1mat Branch HIS Branch SUlYey Branch

(2 ) Ott1ca Deputy Director poundor Targetsl

CentNl Branch M1l1tarr Vulnerab1l1ty Branch Militampr7 Branch Industrial Vulnerab111tr Branch East~est Branch General Vulnerability Branch Target Vulnerability Division Phyolnal Vulnerab1lity Divlion

1 Xemorandum tor Secretary ot the Air Start tram DirectOrAte or Intelli shygence and Directorat at Plans dated 6 Aulaquo 52 subject Transfer or Personnel Spaces and FwvrM~94Datr~~ Research Branch D1rectoratu ot Intelligence CUI~ rI Li~ i I~ L



Structural lnalya1a Branoh Weapono Applicamption Branch Hathematic Branch Kathematical ~io Branch Intogration Branch Target Integration Branch Radar Branch Radar Targot Intoll1gonco Branch

c On 12 September 1952 tho aeromedical unit ot the Woapono

JUtcta BrancA M1l1tampr7 CamppobU1tieo DiYision (Eaot) Ottico OOputT

Director t or Est1llates was designated nKecUcal Team and va transshy

rerrect to the Po1107 Ollice PolleT and Management Group D1reotorate ot

IntWgence since it unction ___ pr1JDar1lT ot bull polloT natUle3

d Th Special ~tudlbullbull Group ot the Deput7 Director tor Target

on 22 December 1952 wu also tranterred to the Policy and lIanacement

Group4 It determined that ince thU Group produced apec1al stwl1ea

tor all three main araa ot the intelligence or~tlon 1 e Colshy

lectien and D1aehl1nation at1mamp~ and goto it ohould be placed

at amp level where ampll are would haft equal aceebullbull to it

Thare were no changes in the 1Jiaed1at ottice ot the Director ot

Intelliampence The two poeltlona authorUad that ottic we occupied

by Kajor aeMral John A Samtord Director ot zntolligonoo and 111

M Catherine Horgan Secretampl7

nere Vllre two chanampea in per80lUle1 at Deput7 Direotor leyel

Brig General Willlaa K Gu-land torrlJr the Deputy Director tor Targets

was made Chil ot the Air Technical Intelliglnce Clnter at Wright-Pattlrson

Air Porel Base Dqton Ohio he wu replampced b1 Colonel John G Fowler

Brig General Edward H Porter lOnllerlyen t hl Oeput7 Dirlctor tor Estimates

was ~e Deput7 Direotor ot the Joint Intelligence Group Joint Ch1el~ ot

Statl he wu replaced b) Colonll John J Morrow

3 InterY1o with Kajor E M LaV1gn UOIl-XU 11 Fob 53

~~ rON f IDEi~ fUl l



Sct1on II - Act1vitie

a General

As in previous historical periods the Director ot Intel

ligence roprented tho De_tMnt ot the I1r Porce (DAP) at klyen

meeting ot tho Intelligenc AdYloo7 CClolIIdtte (lAC) and mbullbulltinp ot

the Joint Intell1ampenc CClolIIdtt (JIC) which ro helcl twice monthlyen

In odel1tion to be1nc the DAP member ot tho JIC tb Director continued

his cha1zmanehip ot the cOllll1ttbullbull during this period AdvloQ ampauetanoe

va provided to the Director or the Central Intelligence AgeneT relatlY8

to hi function in coordinat1namp gov8~ntampl tntellisence activit1bullbullbull

r~roU8 intelligence estimat and other document involYing intelligence

matt ot national ampncI spec1amp1 interoot re roviell tho approYed

by the cClollldttbullbull were publiohed ampncI given appropriate l1a1ted d1tr1bution

other WN returned to the vampIloue worldnamp group tor turther study and


During this period the Director ~ veral presentationa

on the aubjeot ot ur Intelligence to the Air War College and the middotAir

CIlOgtIIampnd and Statt School _U APB Alabama7

InternampllT the Director clevote4 JiUlch ot h1a tiM to proshy

rtding direction counsel and guidance to hi Oeput7 Directors and

comparable Chief relative to Directorat orampampniaation and tunctlona

Hi SECRlI memorandum dated 15 J~ 1952 (l1nclampo1tied) Princ1pal

Goala tor Finished lntelliamptncen8 (decribed in the preYioua Directorate

6 lnterrteyen vith Lt Colonel T J Grant ampncl C D Sullivan AIOIN-llC U Feb 53

7 lotmew with Kia M Catherine Morgan UOU 11 Feb 53 S On tu in AIOlN-l2B2




history) delineated more clear17 ttt areal or responsibility for the

acoompl1shQent ot these principal goals to not oolT USAF 01 personnel

out also to Directorate representatives or G-2 and ONI

b Press Conference on Unidentified fl1ing Objects

National interest in the wide- spread reports of sightings

or lying saucers and other unidentified flying objects or phenomena

early in this period led to the pamprtlcipatlon at JoIajor General Samtord

Major Dewe7 J Fournet (unidentified lying objecta monitor tor the

Directorate) and several Directorate personnel tram the Air Technical

Inte1l1gence Center in bull press conference held at the Pentagon on 29

July 9 The conference vas arr~d by the Public Into~tlon Ottice

OlAF and alo inclwlOltl lampjor General R M Rame) (tho Director of

Operations oeSO) Mr C Hrschel Schooley (Chiet Press Division

Public Information Otlice OSD) and representative or the press radiO

and te1eYislon 10 The conference did Quch to sat1sry the news media

and in turn the public that tt Air Ferce was not withholding intershy

matien on this subject it also did ~uch to renew haroonious relations

between the USAF and these news med1a ll

Ne~reel taken at t he conterence were hown over manr

television tations and in t heaters throughout the nation coverage in

ne~pers and u~gazines was also evidenced nation~ide A considerable

reduction in t ho number of reported sightings of unidentiried flying

objects resulted 1

9 Interview with Lt Colonel D E Taberg AFOIN- 21 11 Feb 5) 10 Interview with Lt Colonel W S Xvans PIO OSAF 11 Yeb 53 11 Ibid 12 Intorvimiddotbull with Lt Colonel D 11 Feb 5)


c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI



IRIS Public Record Key Information


Document Type mSTORY

Call Number Kl4201 VI

IRIS Number 00469755 Accessions Notes

Old Accession Nbr 5-1959-13


Beginning Date 19SV0701

End Oaie 1952112101

Publication Dale

Classification UNCUS(

Rcvd ReI 1992101114

Indexer ID 43 Entered Dale

QC 10 Qed Date

Scanner ID Scanned Date

AceID Alc Date

Media Roll fI 11820 First Fnmc 328 Last Frame 337 Linear Feet 0

Old MFlm Roll KIIll AudioRec


Title Extensions VOLIOF6



DesaipUft FOR VOLUMES 3 4 5 AND 6 SEE IRIS NUMBERS 00906466 00906467 00906468 AND 00906469 NOla RESPECTIVELY

TIOe Added ntrles

Author Subject

Major Commarxl

Doe UnIlt

Administrative Markings No Administrative Markings Usted

Security Review Information


- ---



5- 661

~ ~ J j)19-bull _ 1 e 1 J ~lii~G Pale 1 0 AP~ 1gt 4



1 JULY - 31 DECBABEIi 1952

Annexes I - g not i ncluded In thl~ document Clessif icetion chenged ta l ~~~b in e ccol-dence vi t h note p bull

~- I~ _=___ ~ ~ K5 fLtCshy

by ~~jor Walt er R Barbour

When t$IJf No l-eZ is (are) withdrawn or not attached the bull cl essiflcatioD on this cor~osj)on~elc w111 be c~od to ~_ accordance wi th Par 2~ ~~ 205-1~

-lt- DECLASSIFIED AF IGSB Ltr 13 Dee_l91~ By AFSHRQ- shyDate- 10 APR 1914





The responsibilities ot the Director ot Intelligence are broad in acope and entall such matters s planning and executina functions to

ensure the preventlon at strategic tactical or technololleampl surprise

trca 8113 source prov1d1namp bull sound bub tor counsel upon air preshy

paredness I ampssuring adequate support tor planning and conduct1ng air


To accomplish theS8 responalb1litlbullbull delegation 01 authorit tor

certain accomplishments within the areas 1s necessar1l7 ~ to Deputr

Directora and comparable Chir under the supervision ot the Director

The speoific accomplishmente ot these Deputl Directora and Chir are

expressed in Annexbullbull I through V thes annexelS are integral part ot

the Histo17 ot the Directorat ot Intelligence whlle tM particular

volume is intended pr1mampr1lJr to retlect the actlTltlbullbull ot the immediate

ortice of the Director ot Intelligence and serve as an overall intrashy


Th preparation ot bull historr covering the aotivitie ot an orgampnishy

zation as large and ph7sic~ dipersed the Director ot Intelligence

is consid~d beyond the capabilities ot ampn7 one individual even it

employed so18lT in this task The Directorate Historian tterelore

gratelull7 acknowledges the eftort ot the tollowing personnel who comshy

piled the annexes which are appended 1ntegral parts ot thi report I

Major Walter J Brown A1OIN-ll - IaJor larhall A K1rIcpatr1ck and Hi Louibullbull Apple AlOII- 2X

Lt Colonol Edwin Bishop and Hr Wlll B yona AlOlII- JI KaJor Murrah StursJs and Mr Donald M Webb ATIC




S-ction I - Orcan1a_tion and Fwtctiono ~-S

Section II - ActiYiti 6-9

- b


Pre Contne on ItUn1dent11ed


~8 Ctgtjct shy 7

c Protect1oc Apinot P1bl1c Rol ot S-noitiv Subjct Mattr 8

d Visit to tlw Inte1llampenc School Lowr7 AlB Colorado 9

bullbull Participation in tho CQIlIIampIldro Conference 9

Annox I - Hitcl7 ot 410~ (PollCT and ~nt Group)


Annex II - Hi~ ot 410111-1 (oputT Director tor ColLection and Disemination)

Annax III - Hitol7 ot 4IOlIt-2 (DoputT Director tor Iot1mato)

Annax IV - - H1otol7 ot 410111-3 (DePUtT Direator tor Tarpto)

V - H1o~ ot 4IOlIhlTIC (Air Technical lntllgonc Conter)











Top scrot




Section I - Orpn1ampamption and FUnctiON

following the reorganization ot the Directorate ot Inte~nc on

J Jun 1952 tho DI undont a t r ial period during tho 017 months

ot this report There were no ujor changes made in either the basic

misSion organization or the functions However the tollowing minor

changes van evidenced

a On 14 August 1952 the Area Research Branch Collection

Operations Division Oflic D8put~ Director tor Collectlon and D1 shy

semination wa tranarerred to the Psychological Warfare D1v1sion

Directorate at Plane OCSOperationbullbull1 Th1o transter was effected

because the evasion and escape function ot this Branch is an intaual

part ot unconventional wartaro and i bolt plampcod in tho Pychological

Warfare Division Certain intelligence phase or the evaslon and escape

function were retained b7 the Deputy Director t or Eat1mates 2

b The following Branch and Division nattbullbull vere champnged to be

more clearly descriptive at the function act~ being ~rto~odJ

(1) Ott1co Deputy Director tor EStimatebullbull

Air Intelligence D1get Branch D1aet Branch HIE Branch National lat1mat Branch HIS Branch SUlYey Branch

(2 ) Ott1ca Deputy Director poundor Targetsl

CentNl Branch M1l1tarr Vulnerab1l1ty Branch Militampr7 Branch Industrial Vulnerab111tr Branch East~est Branch General Vulnerability Branch Target Vulnerability Division Phyolnal Vulnerab1lity Divlion

1 Xemorandum tor Secretary ot the Air Start tram DirectOrAte or Intelli shygence and Directorat at Plans dated 6 Aulaquo 52 subject Transfer or Personnel Spaces and FwvrM~94Datr~~ Research Branch D1rectoratu ot Intelligence CUI~ rI Li~ i I~ L



Structural lnalya1a Branoh Weapono Applicamption Branch Hathematic Branch Kathematical ~io Branch Intogration Branch Target Integration Branch Radar Branch Radar Targot Intoll1gonco Branch

c On 12 September 1952 tho aeromedical unit ot the Woapono

JUtcta BrancA M1l1tampr7 CamppobU1tieo DiYision (Eaot) Ottico OOputT

Director t or Est1llates was designated nKecUcal Team and va transshy

rerrect to the Po1107 Ollice PolleT and Management Group D1reotorate ot

IntWgence since it unction ___ pr1JDar1lT ot bull polloT natUle3

d Th Special ~tudlbullbull Group ot the Deput7 Director tor Target

on 22 December 1952 wu also tranterred to the Policy and lIanacement

Group4 It determined that ince thU Group produced apec1al stwl1ea

tor all three main araa ot the intelligence or~tlon 1 e Colshy

lectien and D1aehl1nation at1mamp~ and goto it ohould be placed

at amp level where ampll are would haft equal aceebullbull to it

Thare were no changes in the 1Jiaed1at ottice ot the Director ot

Intelliampence The two poeltlona authorUad that ottic we occupied

by Kajor aeMral John A Samtord Director ot zntolligonoo and 111

M Catherine Horgan Secretampl7

nere Vllre two chanampea in per80lUle1 at Deput7 Direotor leyel

Brig General Willlaa K Gu-land torrlJr the Deputy Director tor Targets

was made Chil ot the Air Technical Intelliglnce Clnter at Wright-Pattlrson

Air Porel Base Dqton Ohio he wu replampced b1 Colonel John G Fowler

Brig General Edward H Porter lOnllerlyen t hl Oeput7 Dirlctor tor Estimates

was ~e Deput7 Direotor ot the Joint Intelligence Group Joint Ch1el~ ot

Statl he wu replaced b) Colonll John J Morrow

3 InterY1o with Kajor E M LaV1gn UOIl-XU 11 Fob 53

~~ rON f IDEi~ fUl l



Sct1on II - Act1vitie

a General

As in previous historical periods the Director ot Intel

ligence roprented tho De_tMnt ot the I1r Porce (DAP) at klyen

meeting ot tho Intelligenc AdYloo7 CClolIIdtte (lAC) and mbullbulltinp ot

the Joint Intell1ampenc CClolIIdtt (JIC) which ro helcl twice monthlyen

In odel1tion to be1nc the DAP member ot tho JIC tb Director continued

his cha1zmanehip ot the cOllll1ttbullbull during this period AdvloQ ampauetanoe

va provided to the Director or the Central Intelligence AgeneT relatlY8

to hi function in coordinat1namp gov8~ntampl tntellisence activit1bullbullbull

r~roU8 intelligence estimat and other document involYing intelligence

matt ot national ampncI spec1amp1 interoot re roviell tho approYed

by the cClollldttbullbull were publiohed ampncI given appropriate l1a1ted d1tr1bution

other WN returned to the vampIloue worldnamp group tor turther study and


During this period the Director ~ veral presentationa

on the aubjeot ot ur Intelligence to the Air War College and the middotAir

CIlOgtIIampnd and Statt School _U APB Alabama7

InternampllT the Director clevote4 JiUlch ot h1a tiM to proshy

rtding direction counsel and guidance to hi Oeput7 Directors and

comparable Chief relative to Directorat orampampniaation and tunctlona

Hi SECRlI memorandum dated 15 J~ 1952 (l1nclampo1tied) Princ1pal

Goala tor Finished lntelliamptncen8 (decribed in the preYioua Directorate

6 lnterrteyen vith Lt Colonel T J Grant ampncl C D Sullivan AIOIN-llC U Feb 53

7 lotmew with Kia M Catherine Morgan UOU 11 Feb 53 S On tu in AIOlN-l2B2




history) delineated more clear17 ttt areal or responsibility for the

acoompl1shQent ot these principal goals to not oolT USAF 01 personnel

out also to Directorate representatives or G-2 and ONI

b Press Conference on Unidentified fl1ing Objects

National interest in the wide- spread reports of sightings

or lying saucers and other unidentified flying objects or phenomena

early in this period led to the pamprtlcipatlon at JoIajor General Samtord

Major Dewe7 J Fournet (unidentified lying objecta monitor tor the

Directorate) and several Directorate personnel tram the Air Technical

Inte1l1gence Center in bull press conference held at the Pentagon on 29

July 9 The conference vas arr~d by the Public Into~tlon Ottice

OlAF and alo inclwlOltl lampjor General R M Rame) (tho Director of

Operations oeSO) Mr C Hrschel Schooley (Chiet Press Division

Public Information Otlice OSD) and representative or the press radiO

and te1eYislon 10 The conference did Quch to sat1sry the news media

and in turn the public that tt Air Ferce was not withholding intershy

matien on this subject it also did ~uch to renew haroonious relations

between the USAF and these news med1a ll

Ne~reel taken at t he conterence were hown over manr

television tations and in t heaters throughout the nation coverage in

ne~pers and u~gazines was also evidenced nation~ide A considerable

reduction in t ho number of reported sightings of unidentiried flying

objects resulted 1

9 Interview with Lt Colonel D E Taberg AFOIN- 21 11 Feb 5) 10 Interview with Lt Colonel W S Xvans PIO OSAF 11 Yeb 53 11 Ibid 12 Intorvimiddotbull with Lt Colonel D 11 Feb 5)


c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI



- ---



5- 661

~ ~ J j)19-bull _ 1 e 1 J ~lii~G Pale 1 0 AP~ 1gt 4



1 JULY - 31 DECBABEIi 1952

Annexes I - g not i ncluded In thl~ document Clessif icetion chenged ta l ~~~b in e ccol-dence vi t h note p bull

~- I~ _=___ ~ ~ K5 fLtCshy

by ~~jor Walt er R Barbour

When t$IJf No l-eZ is (are) withdrawn or not attached the bull cl essiflcatioD on this cor~osj)on~elc w111 be c~od to ~_ accordance wi th Par 2~ ~~ 205-1~

-lt- DECLASSIFIED AF IGSB Ltr 13 Dee_l91~ By AFSHRQ- shyDate- 10 APR 1914





The responsibilities ot the Director ot Intelligence are broad in acope and entall such matters s planning and executina functions to

ensure the preventlon at strategic tactical or technololleampl surprise

trca 8113 source prov1d1namp bull sound bub tor counsel upon air preshy

paredness I ampssuring adequate support tor planning and conduct1ng air


To accomplish theS8 responalb1litlbullbull delegation 01 authorit tor

certain accomplishments within the areas 1s necessar1l7 ~ to Deputr

Directora and comparable Chir under the supervision ot the Director

The speoific accomplishmente ot these Deputl Directora and Chir are

expressed in Annexbullbull I through V thes annexelS are integral part ot

the Histo17 ot the Directorat ot Intelligence whlle tM particular

volume is intended pr1mampr1lJr to retlect the actlTltlbullbull ot the immediate

ortice of the Director ot Intelligence and serve as an overall intrashy


Th preparation ot bull historr covering the aotivitie ot an orgampnishy

zation as large and ph7sic~ dipersed the Director ot Intelligence

is consid~d beyond the capabilities ot ampn7 one individual even it

employed so18lT in this task The Directorate Historian tterelore

gratelull7 acknowledges the eftort ot the tollowing personnel who comshy

piled the annexes which are appended 1ntegral parts ot thi report I

Major Walter J Brown A1OIN-ll - IaJor larhall A K1rIcpatr1ck and Hi Louibullbull Apple AlOII- 2X

Lt Colonol Edwin Bishop and Hr Wlll B yona AlOlII- JI KaJor Murrah StursJs and Mr Donald M Webb ATIC




S-ction I - Orcan1a_tion and Fwtctiono ~-S

Section II - ActiYiti 6-9

- b


Pre Contne on ItUn1dent11ed


~8 Ctgtjct shy 7

c Protect1oc Apinot P1bl1c Rol ot S-noitiv Subjct Mattr 8

d Visit to tlw Inte1llampenc School Lowr7 AlB Colorado 9

bullbull Participation in tho CQIlIIampIldro Conference 9

Annox I - Hitcl7 ot 410~ (PollCT and ~nt Group)


Annex II - Hi~ ot 410111-1 (oputT Director tor ColLection and Disemination)

Annax III - Hitol7 ot 4IOlIt-2 (DoputT Director tor Iot1mato)

Annax IV - - H1otol7 ot 410111-3 (DePUtT Direator tor Tarpto)

V - H1o~ ot 4IOlIhlTIC (Air Technical lntllgonc Conter)











Top scrot




Section I - Orpn1ampamption and FUnctiON

following the reorganization ot the Directorate ot Inte~nc on

J Jun 1952 tho DI undont a t r ial period during tho 017 months

ot this report There were no ujor changes made in either the basic

misSion organization or the functions However the tollowing minor

changes van evidenced

a On 14 August 1952 the Area Research Branch Collection

Operations Division Oflic D8put~ Director tor Collectlon and D1 shy

semination wa tranarerred to the Psychological Warfare D1v1sion

Directorate at Plane OCSOperationbullbull1 Th1o transter was effected

because the evasion and escape function ot this Branch is an intaual

part ot unconventional wartaro and i bolt plampcod in tho Pychological

Warfare Division Certain intelligence phase or the evaslon and escape

function were retained b7 the Deputy Director t or Eat1mates 2

b The following Branch and Division nattbullbull vere champnged to be

more clearly descriptive at the function act~ being ~rto~odJ

(1) Ott1co Deputy Director tor EStimatebullbull

Air Intelligence D1get Branch D1aet Branch HIE Branch National lat1mat Branch HIS Branch SUlYey Branch

(2 ) Ott1ca Deputy Director poundor Targetsl

CentNl Branch M1l1tarr Vulnerab1l1ty Branch Militampr7 Branch Industrial Vulnerab111tr Branch East~est Branch General Vulnerability Branch Target Vulnerability Division Phyolnal Vulnerab1lity Divlion

1 Xemorandum tor Secretary ot the Air Start tram DirectOrAte or Intelli shygence and Directorat at Plans dated 6 Aulaquo 52 subject Transfer or Personnel Spaces and FwvrM~94Datr~~ Research Branch D1rectoratu ot Intelligence CUI~ rI Li~ i I~ L



Structural lnalya1a Branoh Weapono Applicamption Branch Hathematic Branch Kathematical ~io Branch Intogration Branch Target Integration Branch Radar Branch Radar Targot Intoll1gonco Branch

c On 12 September 1952 tho aeromedical unit ot the Woapono

JUtcta BrancA M1l1tampr7 CamppobU1tieo DiYision (Eaot) Ottico OOputT

Director t or Est1llates was designated nKecUcal Team and va transshy

rerrect to the Po1107 Ollice PolleT and Management Group D1reotorate ot

IntWgence since it unction ___ pr1JDar1lT ot bull polloT natUle3

d Th Special ~tudlbullbull Group ot the Deput7 Director tor Target

on 22 December 1952 wu also tranterred to the Policy and lIanacement

Group4 It determined that ince thU Group produced apec1al stwl1ea

tor all three main araa ot the intelligence or~tlon 1 e Colshy

lectien and D1aehl1nation at1mamp~ and goto it ohould be placed

at amp level where ampll are would haft equal aceebullbull to it

Thare were no changes in the 1Jiaed1at ottice ot the Director ot

Intelliampence The two poeltlona authorUad that ottic we occupied

by Kajor aeMral John A Samtord Director ot zntolligonoo and 111

M Catherine Horgan Secretampl7

nere Vllre two chanampea in per80lUle1 at Deput7 Direotor leyel

Brig General Willlaa K Gu-land torrlJr the Deputy Director tor Targets

was made Chil ot the Air Technical Intelliglnce Clnter at Wright-Pattlrson

Air Porel Base Dqton Ohio he wu replampced b1 Colonel John G Fowler

Brig General Edward H Porter lOnllerlyen t hl Oeput7 Dirlctor tor Estimates

was ~e Deput7 Direotor ot the Joint Intelligence Group Joint Ch1el~ ot

Statl he wu replaced b) Colonll John J Morrow

3 InterY1o with Kajor E M LaV1gn UOIl-XU 11 Fob 53

~~ rON f IDEi~ fUl l



Sct1on II - Act1vitie

a General

As in previous historical periods the Director ot Intel

ligence roprented tho De_tMnt ot the I1r Porce (DAP) at klyen

meeting ot tho Intelligenc AdYloo7 CClolIIdtte (lAC) and mbullbulltinp ot

the Joint Intell1ampenc CClolIIdtt (JIC) which ro helcl twice monthlyen

In odel1tion to be1nc the DAP member ot tho JIC tb Director continued

his cha1zmanehip ot the cOllll1ttbullbull during this period AdvloQ ampauetanoe

va provided to the Director or the Central Intelligence AgeneT relatlY8

to hi function in coordinat1namp gov8~ntampl tntellisence activit1bullbullbull

r~roU8 intelligence estimat and other document involYing intelligence

matt ot national ampncI spec1amp1 interoot re roviell tho approYed

by the cClollldttbullbull were publiohed ampncI given appropriate l1a1ted d1tr1bution

other WN returned to the vampIloue worldnamp group tor turther study and


During this period the Director ~ veral presentationa

on the aubjeot ot ur Intelligence to the Air War College and the middotAir

CIlOgtIIampnd and Statt School _U APB Alabama7

InternampllT the Director clevote4 JiUlch ot h1a tiM to proshy

rtding direction counsel and guidance to hi Oeput7 Directors and

comparable Chief relative to Directorat orampampniaation and tunctlona

Hi SECRlI memorandum dated 15 J~ 1952 (l1nclampo1tied) Princ1pal

Goala tor Finished lntelliamptncen8 (decribed in the preYioua Directorate

6 lnterrteyen vith Lt Colonel T J Grant ampncl C D Sullivan AIOIN-llC U Feb 53

7 lotmew with Kia M Catherine Morgan UOU 11 Feb 53 S On tu in AIOlN-l2B2




history) delineated more clear17 ttt areal or responsibility for the

acoompl1shQent ot these principal goals to not oolT USAF 01 personnel

out also to Directorate representatives or G-2 and ONI

b Press Conference on Unidentified fl1ing Objects

National interest in the wide- spread reports of sightings

or lying saucers and other unidentified flying objects or phenomena

early in this period led to the pamprtlcipatlon at JoIajor General Samtord

Major Dewe7 J Fournet (unidentified lying objecta monitor tor the

Directorate) and several Directorate personnel tram the Air Technical

Inte1l1gence Center in bull press conference held at the Pentagon on 29

July 9 The conference vas arr~d by the Public Into~tlon Ottice

OlAF and alo inclwlOltl lampjor General R M Rame) (tho Director of

Operations oeSO) Mr C Hrschel Schooley (Chiet Press Division

Public Information Otlice OSD) and representative or the press radiO

and te1eYislon 10 The conference did Quch to sat1sry the news media

and in turn the public that tt Air Ferce was not withholding intershy

matien on this subject it also did ~uch to renew haroonious relations

between the USAF and these news med1a ll

Ne~reel taken at t he conterence were hown over manr

television tations and in t heaters throughout the nation coverage in

ne~pers and u~gazines was also evidenced nation~ide A considerable

reduction in t ho number of reported sightings of unidentiried flying

objects resulted 1

9 Interview with Lt Colonel D E Taberg AFOIN- 21 11 Feb 5) 10 Interview with Lt Colonel W S Xvans PIO OSAF 11 Yeb 53 11 Ibid 12 Intorvimiddotbull with Lt Colonel D 11 Feb 5)


c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI






The responsibilities ot the Director ot Intelligence are broad in acope and entall such matters s planning and executina functions to

ensure the preventlon at strategic tactical or technololleampl surprise

trca 8113 source prov1d1namp bull sound bub tor counsel upon air preshy

paredness I ampssuring adequate support tor planning and conduct1ng air


To accomplish theS8 responalb1litlbullbull delegation 01 authorit tor

certain accomplishments within the areas 1s necessar1l7 ~ to Deputr

Directora and comparable Chir under the supervision ot the Director

The speoific accomplishmente ot these Deputl Directora and Chir are

expressed in Annexbullbull I through V thes annexelS are integral part ot

the Histo17 ot the Directorat ot Intelligence whlle tM particular

volume is intended pr1mampr1lJr to retlect the actlTltlbullbull ot the immediate

ortice of the Director ot Intelligence and serve as an overall intrashy


Th preparation ot bull historr covering the aotivitie ot an orgampnishy

zation as large and ph7sic~ dipersed the Director ot Intelligence

is consid~d beyond the capabilities ot ampn7 one individual even it

employed so18lT in this task The Directorate Historian tterelore

gratelull7 acknowledges the eftort ot the tollowing personnel who comshy

piled the annexes which are appended 1ntegral parts ot thi report I

Major Walter J Brown A1OIN-ll - IaJor larhall A K1rIcpatr1ck and Hi Louibullbull Apple AlOII- 2X

Lt Colonol Edwin Bishop and Hr Wlll B yona AlOlII- JI KaJor Murrah StursJs and Mr Donald M Webb ATIC




S-ction I - Orcan1a_tion and Fwtctiono ~-S

Section II - ActiYiti 6-9

- b


Pre Contne on ItUn1dent11ed


~8 Ctgtjct shy 7

c Protect1oc Apinot P1bl1c Rol ot S-noitiv Subjct Mattr 8

d Visit to tlw Inte1llampenc School Lowr7 AlB Colorado 9

bullbull Participation in tho CQIlIIampIldro Conference 9

Annox I - Hitcl7 ot 410~ (PollCT and ~nt Group)


Annex II - Hi~ ot 410111-1 (oputT Director tor ColLection and Disemination)

Annax III - Hitol7 ot 4IOlIt-2 (DoputT Director tor Iot1mato)

Annax IV - - H1otol7 ot 410111-3 (DePUtT Direator tor Tarpto)

V - H1o~ ot 4IOlIhlTIC (Air Technical lntllgonc Conter)











Top scrot




Section I - Orpn1ampamption and FUnctiON

following the reorganization ot the Directorate ot Inte~nc on

J Jun 1952 tho DI undont a t r ial period during tho 017 months

ot this report There were no ujor changes made in either the basic

misSion organization or the functions However the tollowing minor

changes van evidenced

a On 14 August 1952 the Area Research Branch Collection

Operations Division Oflic D8put~ Director tor Collectlon and D1 shy

semination wa tranarerred to the Psychological Warfare D1v1sion

Directorate at Plane OCSOperationbullbull1 Th1o transter was effected

because the evasion and escape function ot this Branch is an intaual

part ot unconventional wartaro and i bolt plampcod in tho Pychological

Warfare Division Certain intelligence phase or the evaslon and escape

function were retained b7 the Deputy Director t or Eat1mates 2

b The following Branch and Division nattbullbull vere champnged to be

more clearly descriptive at the function act~ being ~rto~odJ

(1) Ott1co Deputy Director tor EStimatebullbull

Air Intelligence D1get Branch D1aet Branch HIE Branch National lat1mat Branch HIS Branch SUlYey Branch

(2 ) Ott1ca Deputy Director poundor Targetsl

CentNl Branch M1l1tarr Vulnerab1l1ty Branch Militampr7 Branch Industrial Vulnerab111tr Branch East~est Branch General Vulnerability Branch Target Vulnerability Division Phyolnal Vulnerab1lity Divlion

1 Xemorandum tor Secretary ot the Air Start tram DirectOrAte or Intelli shygence and Directorat at Plans dated 6 Aulaquo 52 subject Transfer or Personnel Spaces and FwvrM~94Datr~~ Research Branch D1rectoratu ot Intelligence CUI~ rI Li~ i I~ L



Structural lnalya1a Branoh Weapono Applicamption Branch Hathematic Branch Kathematical ~io Branch Intogration Branch Target Integration Branch Radar Branch Radar Targot Intoll1gonco Branch

c On 12 September 1952 tho aeromedical unit ot the Woapono

JUtcta BrancA M1l1tampr7 CamppobU1tieo DiYision (Eaot) Ottico OOputT

Director t or Est1llates was designated nKecUcal Team and va transshy

rerrect to the Po1107 Ollice PolleT and Management Group D1reotorate ot

IntWgence since it unction ___ pr1JDar1lT ot bull polloT natUle3

d Th Special ~tudlbullbull Group ot the Deput7 Director tor Target

on 22 December 1952 wu also tranterred to the Policy and lIanacement

Group4 It determined that ince thU Group produced apec1al stwl1ea

tor all three main araa ot the intelligence or~tlon 1 e Colshy

lectien and D1aehl1nation at1mamp~ and goto it ohould be placed

at amp level where ampll are would haft equal aceebullbull to it

Thare were no changes in the 1Jiaed1at ottice ot the Director ot

Intelliampence The two poeltlona authorUad that ottic we occupied

by Kajor aeMral John A Samtord Director ot zntolligonoo and 111

M Catherine Horgan Secretampl7

nere Vllre two chanampea in per80lUle1 at Deput7 Direotor leyel

Brig General Willlaa K Gu-land torrlJr the Deputy Director tor Targets

was made Chil ot the Air Technical Intelliglnce Clnter at Wright-Pattlrson

Air Porel Base Dqton Ohio he wu replampced b1 Colonel John G Fowler

Brig General Edward H Porter lOnllerlyen t hl Oeput7 Dirlctor tor Estimates

was ~e Deput7 Direotor ot the Joint Intelligence Group Joint Ch1el~ ot

Statl he wu replaced b) Colonll John J Morrow

3 InterY1o with Kajor E M LaV1gn UOIl-XU 11 Fob 53

~~ rON f IDEi~ fUl l



Sct1on II - Act1vitie

a General

As in previous historical periods the Director ot Intel

ligence roprented tho De_tMnt ot the I1r Porce (DAP) at klyen

meeting ot tho Intelligenc AdYloo7 CClolIIdtte (lAC) and mbullbulltinp ot

the Joint Intell1ampenc CClolIIdtt (JIC) which ro helcl twice monthlyen

In odel1tion to be1nc the DAP member ot tho JIC tb Director continued

his cha1zmanehip ot the cOllll1ttbullbull during this period AdvloQ ampauetanoe

va provided to the Director or the Central Intelligence AgeneT relatlY8

to hi function in coordinat1namp gov8~ntampl tntellisence activit1bullbullbull

r~roU8 intelligence estimat and other document involYing intelligence

matt ot national ampncI spec1amp1 interoot re roviell tho approYed

by the cClollldttbullbull were publiohed ampncI given appropriate l1a1ted d1tr1bution

other WN returned to the vampIloue worldnamp group tor turther study and


During this period the Director ~ veral presentationa

on the aubjeot ot ur Intelligence to the Air War College and the middotAir

CIlOgtIIampnd and Statt School _U APB Alabama7

InternampllT the Director clevote4 JiUlch ot h1a tiM to proshy

rtding direction counsel and guidance to hi Oeput7 Directors and

comparable Chief relative to Directorat orampampniaation and tunctlona

Hi SECRlI memorandum dated 15 J~ 1952 (l1nclampo1tied) Princ1pal

Goala tor Finished lntelliamptncen8 (decribed in the preYioua Directorate

6 lnterrteyen vith Lt Colonel T J Grant ampncl C D Sullivan AIOIN-llC U Feb 53

7 lotmew with Kia M Catherine Morgan UOU 11 Feb 53 S On tu in AIOlN-l2B2




history) delineated more clear17 ttt areal or responsibility for the

acoompl1shQent ot these principal goals to not oolT USAF 01 personnel

out also to Directorate representatives or G-2 and ONI

b Press Conference on Unidentified fl1ing Objects

National interest in the wide- spread reports of sightings

or lying saucers and other unidentified flying objects or phenomena

early in this period led to the pamprtlcipatlon at JoIajor General Samtord

Major Dewe7 J Fournet (unidentified lying objecta monitor tor the

Directorate) and several Directorate personnel tram the Air Technical

Inte1l1gence Center in bull press conference held at the Pentagon on 29

July 9 The conference vas arr~d by the Public Into~tlon Ottice

OlAF and alo inclwlOltl lampjor General R M Rame) (tho Director of

Operations oeSO) Mr C Hrschel Schooley (Chiet Press Division

Public Information Otlice OSD) and representative or the press radiO

and te1eYislon 10 The conference did Quch to sat1sry the news media

and in turn the public that tt Air Ferce was not withholding intershy

matien on this subject it also did ~uch to renew haroonious relations

between the USAF and these news med1a ll

Ne~reel taken at t he conterence were hown over manr

television tations and in t heaters throughout the nation coverage in

ne~pers and u~gazines was also evidenced nation~ide A considerable

reduction in t ho number of reported sightings of unidentiried flying

objects resulted 1

9 Interview with Lt Colonel D E Taberg AFOIN- 21 11 Feb 5) 10 Interview with Lt Colonel W S Xvans PIO OSAF 11 Yeb 53 11 Ibid 12 Intorvimiddotbull with Lt Colonel D 11 Feb 5)


c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI






S-ction I - Orcan1a_tion and Fwtctiono ~-S

Section II - ActiYiti 6-9

- b


Pre Contne on ItUn1dent11ed


~8 Ctgtjct shy 7

c Protect1oc Apinot P1bl1c Rol ot S-noitiv Subjct Mattr 8

d Visit to tlw Inte1llampenc School Lowr7 AlB Colorado 9

bullbull Participation in tho CQIlIIampIldro Conference 9

Annox I - Hitcl7 ot 410~ (PollCT and ~nt Group)


Annex II - Hi~ ot 410111-1 (oputT Director tor ColLection and Disemination)

Annax III - Hitol7 ot 4IOlIt-2 (DoputT Director tor Iot1mato)

Annax IV - - H1otol7 ot 410111-3 (DePUtT Direator tor Tarpto)

V - H1o~ ot 4IOlIhlTIC (Air Technical lntllgonc Conter)











Top scrot




Section I - Orpn1ampamption and FUnctiON

following the reorganization ot the Directorate ot Inte~nc on

J Jun 1952 tho DI undont a t r ial period during tho 017 months

ot this report There were no ujor changes made in either the basic

misSion organization or the functions However the tollowing minor

changes van evidenced

a On 14 August 1952 the Area Research Branch Collection

Operations Division Oflic D8put~ Director tor Collectlon and D1 shy

semination wa tranarerred to the Psychological Warfare D1v1sion

Directorate at Plane OCSOperationbullbull1 Th1o transter was effected

because the evasion and escape function ot this Branch is an intaual

part ot unconventional wartaro and i bolt plampcod in tho Pychological

Warfare Division Certain intelligence phase or the evaslon and escape

function were retained b7 the Deputy Director t or Eat1mates 2

b The following Branch and Division nattbullbull vere champnged to be

more clearly descriptive at the function act~ being ~rto~odJ

(1) Ott1co Deputy Director tor EStimatebullbull

Air Intelligence D1get Branch D1aet Branch HIE Branch National lat1mat Branch HIS Branch SUlYey Branch

(2 ) Ott1ca Deputy Director poundor Targetsl

CentNl Branch M1l1tarr Vulnerab1l1ty Branch Militampr7 Branch Industrial Vulnerab111tr Branch East~est Branch General Vulnerability Branch Target Vulnerability Division Phyolnal Vulnerab1lity Divlion

1 Xemorandum tor Secretary ot the Air Start tram DirectOrAte or Intelli shygence and Directorat at Plans dated 6 Aulaquo 52 subject Transfer or Personnel Spaces and FwvrM~94Datr~~ Research Branch D1rectoratu ot Intelligence CUI~ rI Li~ i I~ L



Structural lnalya1a Branoh Weapono Applicamption Branch Hathematic Branch Kathematical ~io Branch Intogration Branch Target Integration Branch Radar Branch Radar Targot Intoll1gonco Branch

c On 12 September 1952 tho aeromedical unit ot the Woapono

JUtcta BrancA M1l1tampr7 CamppobU1tieo DiYision (Eaot) Ottico OOputT

Director t or Est1llates was designated nKecUcal Team and va transshy

rerrect to the Po1107 Ollice PolleT and Management Group D1reotorate ot

IntWgence since it unction ___ pr1JDar1lT ot bull polloT natUle3

d Th Special ~tudlbullbull Group ot the Deput7 Director tor Target

on 22 December 1952 wu also tranterred to the Policy and lIanacement

Group4 It determined that ince thU Group produced apec1al stwl1ea

tor all three main araa ot the intelligence or~tlon 1 e Colshy

lectien and D1aehl1nation at1mamp~ and goto it ohould be placed

at amp level where ampll are would haft equal aceebullbull to it

Thare were no changes in the 1Jiaed1at ottice ot the Director ot

Intelliampence The two poeltlona authorUad that ottic we occupied

by Kajor aeMral John A Samtord Director ot zntolligonoo and 111

M Catherine Horgan Secretampl7

nere Vllre two chanampea in per80lUle1 at Deput7 Direotor leyel

Brig General Willlaa K Gu-land torrlJr the Deputy Director tor Targets

was made Chil ot the Air Technical Intelliglnce Clnter at Wright-Pattlrson

Air Porel Base Dqton Ohio he wu replampced b1 Colonel John G Fowler

Brig General Edward H Porter lOnllerlyen t hl Oeput7 Dirlctor tor Estimates

was ~e Deput7 Direotor ot the Joint Intelligence Group Joint Ch1el~ ot

Statl he wu replaced b) Colonll John J Morrow

3 InterY1o with Kajor E M LaV1gn UOIl-XU 11 Fob 53

~~ rON f IDEi~ fUl l



Sct1on II - Act1vitie

a General

As in previous historical periods the Director ot Intel

ligence roprented tho De_tMnt ot the I1r Porce (DAP) at klyen

meeting ot tho Intelligenc AdYloo7 CClolIIdtte (lAC) and mbullbulltinp ot

the Joint Intell1ampenc CClolIIdtt (JIC) which ro helcl twice monthlyen

In odel1tion to be1nc the DAP member ot tho JIC tb Director continued

his cha1zmanehip ot the cOllll1ttbullbull during this period AdvloQ ampauetanoe

va provided to the Director or the Central Intelligence AgeneT relatlY8

to hi function in coordinat1namp gov8~ntampl tntellisence activit1bullbullbull

r~roU8 intelligence estimat and other document involYing intelligence

matt ot national ampncI spec1amp1 interoot re roviell tho approYed

by the cClollldttbullbull were publiohed ampncI given appropriate l1a1ted d1tr1bution

other WN returned to the vampIloue worldnamp group tor turther study and


During this period the Director ~ veral presentationa

on the aubjeot ot ur Intelligence to the Air War College and the middotAir

CIlOgtIIampnd and Statt School _U APB Alabama7

InternampllT the Director clevote4 JiUlch ot h1a tiM to proshy

rtding direction counsel and guidance to hi Oeput7 Directors and

comparable Chief relative to Directorat orampampniaation and tunctlona

Hi SECRlI memorandum dated 15 J~ 1952 (l1nclampo1tied) Princ1pal

Goala tor Finished lntelliamptncen8 (decribed in the preYioua Directorate

6 lnterrteyen vith Lt Colonel T J Grant ampncl C D Sullivan AIOIN-llC U Feb 53

7 lotmew with Kia M Catherine Morgan UOU 11 Feb 53 S On tu in AIOlN-l2B2




history) delineated more clear17 ttt areal or responsibility for the

acoompl1shQent ot these principal goals to not oolT USAF 01 personnel

out also to Directorate representatives or G-2 and ONI

b Press Conference on Unidentified fl1ing Objects

National interest in the wide- spread reports of sightings

or lying saucers and other unidentified flying objects or phenomena

early in this period led to the pamprtlcipatlon at JoIajor General Samtord

Major Dewe7 J Fournet (unidentified lying objecta monitor tor the

Directorate) and several Directorate personnel tram the Air Technical

Inte1l1gence Center in bull press conference held at the Pentagon on 29

July 9 The conference vas arr~d by the Public Into~tlon Ottice

OlAF and alo inclwlOltl lampjor General R M Rame) (tho Director of

Operations oeSO) Mr C Hrschel Schooley (Chiet Press Division

Public Information Otlice OSD) and representative or the press radiO

and te1eYislon 10 The conference did Quch to sat1sry the news media

and in turn the public that tt Air Ferce was not withholding intershy

matien on this subject it also did ~uch to renew haroonious relations

between the USAF and these news med1a ll

Ne~reel taken at t he conterence were hown over manr

television tations and in t heaters throughout the nation coverage in

ne~pers and u~gazines was also evidenced nation~ide A considerable

reduction in t ho number of reported sightings of unidentiried flying

objects resulted 1

9 Interview with Lt Colonel D E Taberg AFOIN- 21 11 Feb 5) 10 Interview with Lt Colonel W S Xvans PIO OSAF 11 Yeb 53 11 Ibid 12 Intorvimiddotbull with Lt Colonel D 11 Feb 5)


c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI




Section I - Orpn1ampamption and FUnctiON

following the reorganization ot the Directorate ot Inte~nc on

J Jun 1952 tho DI undont a t r ial period during tho 017 months

ot this report There were no ujor changes made in either the basic

misSion organization or the functions However the tollowing minor

changes van evidenced

a On 14 August 1952 the Area Research Branch Collection

Operations Division Oflic D8put~ Director tor Collectlon and D1 shy

semination wa tranarerred to the Psychological Warfare D1v1sion

Directorate at Plane OCSOperationbullbull1 Th1o transter was effected

because the evasion and escape function ot this Branch is an intaual

part ot unconventional wartaro and i bolt plampcod in tho Pychological

Warfare Division Certain intelligence phase or the evaslon and escape

function were retained b7 the Deputy Director t or Eat1mates 2

b The following Branch and Division nattbullbull vere champnged to be

more clearly descriptive at the function act~ being ~rto~odJ

(1) Ott1co Deputy Director tor EStimatebullbull

Air Intelligence D1get Branch D1aet Branch HIE Branch National lat1mat Branch HIS Branch SUlYey Branch

(2 ) Ott1ca Deputy Director poundor Targetsl

CentNl Branch M1l1tarr Vulnerab1l1ty Branch Militampr7 Branch Industrial Vulnerab111tr Branch East~est Branch General Vulnerability Branch Target Vulnerability Division Phyolnal Vulnerab1lity Divlion

1 Xemorandum tor Secretary ot the Air Start tram DirectOrAte or Intelli shygence and Directorat at Plans dated 6 Aulaquo 52 subject Transfer or Personnel Spaces and FwvrM~94Datr~~ Research Branch D1rectoratu ot Intelligence CUI~ rI Li~ i I~ L



Structural lnalya1a Branoh Weapono Applicamption Branch Hathematic Branch Kathematical ~io Branch Intogration Branch Target Integration Branch Radar Branch Radar Targot Intoll1gonco Branch

c On 12 September 1952 tho aeromedical unit ot the Woapono

JUtcta BrancA M1l1tampr7 CamppobU1tieo DiYision (Eaot) Ottico OOputT

Director t or Est1llates was designated nKecUcal Team and va transshy

rerrect to the Po1107 Ollice PolleT and Management Group D1reotorate ot

IntWgence since it unction ___ pr1JDar1lT ot bull polloT natUle3

d Th Special ~tudlbullbull Group ot the Deput7 Director tor Target

on 22 December 1952 wu also tranterred to the Policy and lIanacement

Group4 It determined that ince thU Group produced apec1al stwl1ea

tor all three main araa ot the intelligence or~tlon 1 e Colshy

lectien and D1aehl1nation at1mamp~ and goto it ohould be placed

at amp level where ampll are would haft equal aceebullbull to it

Thare were no changes in the 1Jiaed1at ottice ot the Director ot

Intelliampence The two poeltlona authorUad that ottic we occupied

by Kajor aeMral John A Samtord Director ot zntolligonoo and 111

M Catherine Horgan Secretampl7

nere Vllre two chanampea in per80lUle1 at Deput7 Direotor leyel

Brig General Willlaa K Gu-land torrlJr the Deputy Director tor Targets

was made Chil ot the Air Technical Intelliglnce Clnter at Wright-Pattlrson

Air Porel Base Dqton Ohio he wu replampced b1 Colonel John G Fowler

Brig General Edward H Porter lOnllerlyen t hl Oeput7 Dirlctor tor Estimates

was ~e Deput7 Direotor ot the Joint Intelligence Group Joint Ch1el~ ot

Statl he wu replaced b) Colonll John J Morrow

3 InterY1o with Kajor E M LaV1gn UOIl-XU 11 Fob 53

~~ rON f IDEi~ fUl l



Sct1on II - Act1vitie

a General

As in previous historical periods the Director ot Intel

ligence roprented tho De_tMnt ot the I1r Porce (DAP) at klyen

meeting ot tho Intelligenc AdYloo7 CClolIIdtte (lAC) and mbullbulltinp ot

the Joint Intell1ampenc CClolIIdtt (JIC) which ro helcl twice monthlyen

In odel1tion to be1nc the DAP member ot tho JIC tb Director continued

his cha1zmanehip ot the cOllll1ttbullbull during this period AdvloQ ampauetanoe

va provided to the Director or the Central Intelligence AgeneT relatlY8

to hi function in coordinat1namp gov8~ntampl tntellisence activit1bullbullbull

r~roU8 intelligence estimat and other document involYing intelligence

matt ot national ampncI spec1amp1 interoot re roviell tho approYed

by the cClollldttbullbull were publiohed ampncI given appropriate l1a1ted d1tr1bution

other WN returned to the vampIloue worldnamp group tor turther study and


During this period the Director ~ veral presentationa

on the aubjeot ot ur Intelligence to the Air War College and the middotAir

CIlOgtIIampnd and Statt School _U APB Alabama7

InternampllT the Director clevote4 JiUlch ot h1a tiM to proshy

rtding direction counsel and guidance to hi Oeput7 Directors and

comparable Chief relative to Directorat orampampniaation and tunctlona

Hi SECRlI memorandum dated 15 J~ 1952 (l1nclampo1tied) Princ1pal

Goala tor Finished lntelliamptncen8 (decribed in the preYioua Directorate

6 lnterrteyen vith Lt Colonel T J Grant ampncl C D Sullivan AIOIN-llC U Feb 53

7 lotmew with Kia M Catherine Morgan UOU 11 Feb 53 S On tu in AIOlN-l2B2




history) delineated more clear17 ttt areal or responsibility for the

acoompl1shQent ot these principal goals to not oolT USAF 01 personnel

out also to Directorate representatives or G-2 and ONI

b Press Conference on Unidentified fl1ing Objects

National interest in the wide- spread reports of sightings

or lying saucers and other unidentified flying objects or phenomena

early in this period led to the pamprtlcipatlon at JoIajor General Samtord

Major Dewe7 J Fournet (unidentified lying objecta monitor tor the

Directorate) and several Directorate personnel tram the Air Technical

Inte1l1gence Center in bull press conference held at the Pentagon on 29

July 9 The conference vas arr~d by the Public Into~tlon Ottice

OlAF and alo inclwlOltl lampjor General R M Rame) (tho Director of

Operations oeSO) Mr C Hrschel Schooley (Chiet Press Division

Public Information Otlice OSD) and representative or the press radiO

and te1eYislon 10 The conference did Quch to sat1sry the news media

and in turn the public that tt Air Ferce was not withholding intershy

matien on this subject it also did ~uch to renew haroonious relations

between the USAF and these news med1a ll

Ne~reel taken at t he conterence were hown over manr

television tations and in t heaters throughout the nation coverage in

ne~pers and u~gazines was also evidenced nation~ide A considerable

reduction in t ho number of reported sightings of unidentiried flying

objects resulted 1

9 Interview with Lt Colonel D E Taberg AFOIN- 21 11 Feb 5) 10 Interview with Lt Colonel W S Xvans PIO OSAF 11 Yeb 53 11 Ibid 12 Intorvimiddotbull with Lt Colonel D 11 Feb 5)


c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI




Structural lnalya1a Branoh Weapono Applicamption Branch Hathematic Branch Kathematical ~io Branch Intogration Branch Target Integration Branch Radar Branch Radar Targot Intoll1gonco Branch

c On 12 September 1952 tho aeromedical unit ot the Woapono

JUtcta BrancA M1l1tampr7 CamppobU1tieo DiYision (Eaot) Ottico OOputT

Director t or Est1llates was designated nKecUcal Team and va transshy

rerrect to the Po1107 Ollice PolleT and Management Group D1reotorate ot

IntWgence since it unction ___ pr1JDar1lT ot bull polloT natUle3

d Th Special ~tudlbullbull Group ot the Deput7 Director tor Target

on 22 December 1952 wu also tranterred to the Policy and lIanacement

Group4 It determined that ince thU Group produced apec1al stwl1ea

tor all three main araa ot the intelligence or~tlon 1 e Colshy

lectien and D1aehl1nation at1mamp~ and goto it ohould be placed

at amp level where ampll are would haft equal aceebullbull to it

Thare were no changes in the 1Jiaed1at ottice ot the Director ot

Intelliampence The two poeltlona authorUad that ottic we occupied

by Kajor aeMral John A Samtord Director ot zntolligonoo and 111

M Catherine Horgan Secretampl7

nere Vllre two chanampea in per80lUle1 at Deput7 Direotor leyel

Brig General Willlaa K Gu-land torrlJr the Deputy Director tor Targets

was made Chil ot the Air Technical Intelliglnce Clnter at Wright-Pattlrson

Air Porel Base Dqton Ohio he wu replampced b1 Colonel John G Fowler

Brig General Edward H Porter lOnllerlyen t hl Oeput7 Dirlctor tor Estimates

was ~e Deput7 Direotor ot the Joint Intelligence Group Joint Ch1el~ ot

Statl he wu replaced b) Colonll John J Morrow

3 InterY1o with Kajor E M LaV1gn UOIl-XU 11 Fob 53

~~ rON f IDEi~ fUl l



Sct1on II - Act1vitie

a General

As in previous historical periods the Director ot Intel

ligence roprented tho De_tMnt ot the I1r Porce (DAP) at klyen

meeting ot tho Intelligenc AdYloo7 CClolIIdtte (lAC) and mbullbulltinp ot

the Joint Intell1ampenc CClolIIdtt (JIC) which ro helcl twice monthlyen

In odel1tion to be1nc the DAP member ot tho JIC tb Director continued

his cha1zmanehip ot the cOllll1ttbullbull during this period AdvloQ ampauetanoe

va provided to the Director or the Central Intelligence AgeneT relatlY8

to hi function in coordinat1namp gov8~ntampl tntellisence activit1bullbullbull

r~roU8 intelligence estimat and other document involYing intelligence

matt ot national ampncI spec1amp1 interoot re roviell tho approYed

by the cClollldttbullbull were publiohed ampncI given appropriate l1a1ted d1tr1bution

other WN returned to the vampIloue worldnamp group tor turther study and


During this period the Director ~ veral presentationa

on the aubjeot ot ur Intelligence to the Air War College and the middotAir

CIlOgtIIampnd and Statt School _U APB Alabama7

InternampllT the Director clevote4 JiUlch ot h1a tiM to proshy

rtding direction counsel and guidance to hi Oeput7 Directors and

comparable Chief relative to Directorat orampampniaation and tunctlona

Hi SECRlI memorandum dated 15 J~ 1952 (l1nclampo1tied) Princ1pal

Goala tor Finished lntelliamptncen8 (decribed in the preYioua Directorate

6 lnterrteyen vith Lt Colonel T J Grant ampncl C D Sullivan AIOIN-llC U Feb 53

7 lotmew with Kia M Catherine Morgan UOU 11 Feb 53 S On tu in AIOlN-l2B2




history) delineated more clear17 ttt areal or responsibility for the

acoompl1shQent ot these principal goals to not oolT USAF 01 personnel

out also to Directorate representatives or G-2 and ONI

b Press Conference on Unidentified fl1ing Objects

National interest in the wide- spread reports of sightings

or lying saucers and other unidentified flying objects or phenomena

early in this period led to the pamprtlcipatlon at JoIajor General Samtord

Major Dewe7 J Fournet (unidentified lying objecta monitor tor the

Directorate) and several Directorate personnel tram the Air Technical

Inte1l1gence Center in bull press conference held at the Pentagon on 29

July 9 The conference vas arr~d by the Public Into~tlon Ottice

OlAF and alo inclwlOltl lampjor General R M Rame) (tho Director of

Operations oeSO) Mr C Hrschel Schooley (Chiet Press Division

Public Information Otlice OSD) and representative or the press radiO

and te1eYislon 10 The conference did Quch to sat1sry the news media

and in turn the public that tt Air Ferce was not withholding intershy

matien on this subject it also did ~uch to renew haroonious relations

between the USAF and these news med1a ll

Ne~reel taken at t he conterence were hown over manr

television tations and in t heaters throughout the nation coverage in

ne~pers and u~gazines was also evidenced nation~ide A considerable

reduction in t ho number of reported sightings of unidentiried flying

objects resulted 1

9 Interview with Lt Colonel D E Taberg AFOIN- 21 11 Feb 5) 10 Interview with Lt Colonel W S Xvans PIO OSAF 11 Yeb 53 11 Ibid 12 Intorvimiddotbull with Lt Colonel D 11 Feb 5)


c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI




Sct1on II - Act1vitie

a General

As in previous historical periods the Director ot Intel

ligence roprented tho De_tMnt ot the I1r Porce (DAP) at klyen

meeting ot tho Intelligenc AdYloo7 CClolIIdtte (lAC) and mbullbulltinp ot

the Joint Intell1ampenc CClolIIdtt (JIC) which ro helcl twice monthlyen

In odel1tion to be1nc the DAP member ot tho JIC tb Director continued

his cha1zmanehip ot the cOllll1ttbullbull during this period AdvloQ ampauetanoe

va provided to the Director or the Central Intelligence AgeneT relatlY8

to hi function in coordinat1namp gov8~ntampl tntellisence activit1bullbullbull

r~roU8 intelligence estimat and other document involYing intelligence

matt ot national ampncI spec1amp1 interoot re roviell tho approYed

by the cClollldttbullbull were publiohed ampncI given appropriate l1a1ted d1tr1bution

other WN returned to the vampIloue worldnamp group tor turther study and


During this period the Director ~ veral presentationa

on the aubjeot ot ur Intelligence to the Air War College and the middotAir

CIlOgtIIampnd and Statt School _U APB Alabama7

InternampllT the Director clevote4 JiUlch ot h1a tiM to proshy

rtding direction counsel and guidance to hi Oeput7 Directors and

comparable Chief relative to Directorat orampampniaation and tunctlona

Hi SECRlI memorandum dated 15 J~ 1952 (l1nclampo1tied) Princ1pal

Goala tor Finished lntelliamptncen8 (decribed in the preYioua Directorate

6 lnterrteyen vith Lt Colonel T J Grant ampncl C D Sullivan AIOIN-llC U Feb 53

7 lotmew with Kia M Catherine Morgan UOU 11 Feb 53 S On tu in AIOlN-l2B2




history) delineated more clear17 ttt areal or responsibility for the

acoompl1shQent ot these principal goals to not oolT USAF 01 personnel

out also to Directorate representatives or G-2 and ONI

b Press Conference on Unidentified fl1ing Objects

National interest in the wide- spread reports of sightings

or lying saucers and other unidentified flying objects or phenomena

early in this period led to the pamprtlcipatlon at JoIajor General Samtord

Major Dewe7 J Fournet (unidentified lying objecta monitor tor the

Directorate) and several Directorate personnel tram the Air Technical

Inte1l1gence Center in bull press conference held at the Pentagon on 29

July 9 The conference vas arr~d by the Public Into~tlon Ottice

OlAF and alo inclwlOltl lampjor General R M Rame) (tho Director of

Operations oeSO) Mr C Hrschel Schooley (Chiet Press Division

Public Information Otlice OSD) and representative or the press radiO

and te1eYislon 10 The conference did Quch to sat1sry the news media

and in turn the public that tt Air Ferce was not withholding intershy

matien on this subject it also did ~uch to renew haroonious relations

between the USAF and these news med1a ll

Ne~reel taken at t he conterence were hown over manr

television tations and in t heaters throughout the nation coverage in

ne~pers and u~gazines was also evidenced nation~ide A considerable

reduction in t ho number of reported sightings of unidentiried flying

objects resulted 1

9 Interview with Lt Colonel D E Taberg AFOIN- 21 11 Feb 5) 10 Interview with Lt Colonel W S Xvans PIO OSAF 11 Yeb 53 11 Ibid 12 Intorvimiddotbull with Lt Colonel D 11 Feb 5)


c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI




history) delineated more clear17 ttt areal or responsibility for the

acoompl1shQent ot these principal goals to not oolT USAF 01 personnel

out also to Directorate representatives or G-2 and ONI

b Press Conference on Unidentified fl1ing Objects

National interest in the wide- spread reports of sightings

or lying saucers and other unidentified flying objects or phenomena

early in this period led to the pamprtlcipatlon at JoIajor General Samtord

Major Dewe7 J Fournet (unidentified lying objecta monitor tor the

Directorate) and several Directorate personnel tram the Air Technical

Inte1l1gence Center in bull press conference held at the Pentagon on 29

July 9 The conference vas arr~d by the Public Into~tlon Ottice

OlAF and alo inclwlOltl lampjor General R M Rame) (tho Director of

Operations oeSO) Mr C Hrschel Schooley (Chiet Press Division

Public Information Otlice OSD) and representative or the press radiO

and te1eYislon 10 The conference did Quch to sat1sry the news media

and in turn the public that tt Air Ferce was not withholding intershy

matien on this subject it also did ~uch to renew haroonious relations

between the USAF and these news med1a ll

Ne~reel taken at t he conterence were hown over manr

television tations and in t heaters throughout the nation coverage in

ne~pers and u~gazines was also evidenced nation~ide A considerable

reduction in t ho number of reported sightings of unidentiried flying

objects resulted 1

9 Interview with Lt Colonel D E Taberg AFOIN- 21 11 Feb 5) 10 Interview with Lt Colonel W S Xvans PIO OSAF 11 Yeb 53 11 Ibid 12 Intorvimiddotbull with Lt Colonel D 11 Feb 5)


c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI




c Protction Aga1not Publi Rel 01 Senoitiv SubJct


In the put tho Dinctor bed noticed the publio rel 01

intormation whioh he eonoidred to be seniti aubjot IIamptw I an

Intll1pne vi_int To 011gt110 1Ilturo rol 01 ouch mator1al the

Dinetor bullbulltahl1hed durins thi period a cl lIOrIdnc _nt with

tho Dinetor 01 Publio Woraation OSU Intll1pnco poliOT in th10-_tter danoed b7 ~he i IampI1oo 01 two lttn ontUled (Onolaa1t1ed)

1Proteotion Aga1not Public Relooo 01 SenoUiv lIUbJct IIatt iluoh wro

c11stributed to the Director ot Publ1c Intonaatlon OSU the npampt7 Chif

ot Statt Oporat10n0 ancI to air intollipne act1vitibullbull world_dbullbull

Thoa ltt dbullbullignated the Ottie ot the Dirctor ot Intollipnc USAF

as tho onlT point through which intoll1pne would be mad avo J ampb1 tor

public rel

d Viit to the Intelligence School Lowr7 Air force aue


On 18 Narombor 1952 the Dinotor ancI throe ot hi tatt

Y1aited tho Intll1pnc School at Lowrr Air Forc Ba Colo_o ro

ompl opportun1tT altorded tar dioeuoo1on ot Intll1sonco prob1_

and train1ns with the tatt ancI tacultT ot tho ohoo1 The roviaed

course (dscribed in the prerloua D1rectorate hiatorJ ot the PollC1 and

~nt Croup) bed Juot eClllllllneed ancI prOYided tho Director with an

on-the-lpot obervation ot it capabiliti The lnatructor-etatt

13 OI PulieT Lotto 2051 17 JUI 52 ancI 205-2 22 Jul 52 on tU in APOIJI-J





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI





appeared U-qualined to prent the procr and ampll 1ndicamptiono

pointed toward the production ot ampCbullbullptagtlJ qualitied junior ott1ero

tor the Intelligence pecialtiee involvwd Tho inedoquacT ot tampcUltie

houainc the Intell1~nc school wae ampppamprent however p1ampnI to ItOVI the

school to one or the nevl7 conatructecl lN1ldinga had bHn made which

if iJgtplnted would olvo the disperitT _randwo14 roaard1ni the

t1nd1np lubmitted to tho Director ot Tramp1n1namp Dcap on 3 Do_r

ReplT truo Major Oenerel Pamprbold15dated 31 Dooaaber oxpre_ apprec1ampt1on ot the intomatioc and implied that the Directorate ot

Tra1n1na dea1rouamp ot rendering anT aupport teadble tor ~ont

ot the courbullbull or 1t tamp0111t1bullbullbull

bullbull PartIcipation in the CCllllMndere Conference

On 15 October tha Director participated in the Cltrs

Conferenc- held at Egl1n Air Force Bu noridamp tor CCDlampnden ot

~or 41r CCDMnd both ZI and ovenea u well HllctAd represhy

bullbullnLattybullbull of Hq USAF He opened the eont~no with an nJt1mate ot

tho Situation which reviewed developmenta in Cocmun1at m1l1tampr7 atrength

ine mid-1950 and projected uch development through 1956 He aloo

dllcuaaed tacton 1nYolYed in bullbullt1mat1namp the poalb1litl of bull general

war the clol1ng portion of hie proentation dlvoteel- to amp report on

intelligence colhctlon ttortbull and what we beina done to Urther

dlylop inte1l1aence lourcea16

14 _rand tor DT 3 Doc 52 Intormal Statt Vbit to Intlligenc School Lowr7 UB Colorado on tue in lIOlH-l2B2

15 lIaorandUII trltlll Dlr 31 Doc JAlIlkQt- I~iICII in tootnote 14 ~D til in lIOlH-X2B2 UTlrl[jtl~ I ilL

16 Interview with Col J lI