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Driving Superior Marketing PerformanceApril 2013

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Key Service Offerings:

• Marketing Strategy

• Marketing Analytics

• Marketing & Media Optimization

• Experience Management

• Social Media

• Content & Campaign Management

• eCommerce & Web Development

• Marketing Operations

Accenture Interactive: Service Offerings

Accenture Interactive offers a comprehensive suite of contemporary marketing services, software and assets to CMOs and brand leaders to drive up marketing performance, drive down the cost per interaction and create relevant consumer experiences on a massive scale.

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Accenture Interactive at a Glance

4,000+Number of professionals dedicated globally to helping CMOs and marketers• Management Consulting

Professionals: 910+• Delivery Professionals:

1300+• Technology Professionals:

440+• Business Process

Outsourcing Professionals: 1400+

11Number of Years Experience in Accenture InteractiveIn 2001, Accenture launches Accenture Marketing Sciences Group

500Number of AI Clients

1,100+Number of AI Engagements

Representative list of Key Clients• ABN Amro• AstraZeneca UK• American Express• CanJet• Mariott International• Mattel• Navitaire• National Geographic• Procter & Gamble• Siemens• Sony Electronics• Target• Telstra• US Department of Health

and Human Services• Verizon• Warner Bros.

9Number and location of AI Centers of Excellence• Gurgaon, India• Hyderabad, India• Athens, Greece• Antipolis, France• Shanghai, China• Philippines• Milan, Italy• San Jose,

Costa Rica• Sao Paolo, Brazil

…to provide solutions that integrate consulting, technology and analytics to enhance marketing performance

…and formally launched in 2009…

Our history began in 2001…

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