Download pdf - Communication for YES!

  • 1. 2010 May 6
  • 2. ? Yes!
  • 3. 1. Communication ? 2. ? 3. WHISP , W H I S P! 4. WHISP WHISP ?
  • 4. Communication
  • 5. ? 14M 7M 6M Orangutan 1M Gorilla Human Bonobos Chimpanzee
  • 6. ? Joint Attention ( ) !
  • 7. ? Communication is the process of attempting to suggest information from a sender to a receiver with the use of a medium. -Wikipedia Message Context Sender Receiver
  • 8. ? . , . - ( , )
  • 9. ? Gemeinschaft vs. Gesellschaft , , , , ,
  • 10. Human Model Communication Quadrants WHISP
  • 11.
  • 12. ? MacLeans triune brain theory Atilla the Hun Frame: coin betting The ultimatum game
  • 13. P , . . , . " 15 . , ." . ". ?" " ." . " . ... ." " ?" *** , . . ? . (" " )
  • 14.
  • 15. , : ,
  • 16. Coin Test What shall I do?
  • 17. Communication Quadrants Information Interest One way (Argument) (Persuasion) Both way (Dialog) (Negotiation)
  • 18. WHISP Wakeup Hot Interest Story Persona
  • 19. 4 WHISP W (Argument) (Persuasion) H I S (Dialog) (Negotiation) P
  • 20. WHISPer, !
  • 21. ?
  • 22. WHISP Wakeup: 3 Hot: Interest: Story: Persona: ()
  • 23. 1. Wake-up: GABA , , , ,
  • 24. 2. Hot: visual 70% (prop) : what if? Rehearse (image training)
  • 25. 3. Interest: Vitamine vs. painkiller : uniqueness : carpe diem : High-concept : eye-contact, rapport, mirror motion, listening, eating, skinship, we-words
  • 26. 4. Story: : (Personal) (Fable) (Identity) (Review)
  • 27. 4. Story: Parallel structure (safety buffer) Lesson for emotional change
  • 28. 4. Story: 1588, Elizabeth I I
  • 29. 4. Story: Moleskin Marketing Reveal nature to bulid up emotion and relationship
  • 30. 4. Story: Peer review Viral marketing Herding effect 3F: You Feel They Felt They Found
  • 31. 4. Story: (Personal) (Fable) (Identity) (Review) .
  • 32. 5. Persona: Persona = ()
  • 33. 5. Persona: : - (tough initiation) -accumulating small YES ( ) -How was it? -Gesture / Posture / Feature
  • 34. 5. Persona: > (Information) (1) (2) (Attitude) (Behavior) (3)
  • 35. 5. Persona: -YES, but -YES, and - - / /
  • 36. Remember WHISP Wakeup Hot Interest Story Persona
  • 37. WHISP
  • 38. Information Interest 1 One way PT (Argument) (Persuasion) e-mail Both way (Dialog) (Negotiation)
  • 39. (Argument) : ? (Goal) : TPO (Time Place Occasion) (Key arguments) (rehearse)
  • 40. (Dialog) -Parinello case -Old Brain + Info - : -Power of Half-smile , , , - (Prixemics) -Public space > Social Space > Personal Space > Intimate space
  • 41. (Persuasion) , - -, -, -, Chronos vs. Kairos - > > > > Action words - / / / - / /
  • 42. (Negotiation) , -= -= -= (Joint problem solving)
  • 43. : 1 PREP model Point Reason Example Point
  • 44. : -: , -: . -: . . -: . .
  • 45. : What is your story? - (prop) : eye-contact (roman column) Rehearse!
  • 46. :
  • 47. : & (motivation) -, , (Empowerment) (Coaching) - > >
  • 48. : -, , , Group thinking GREAT -Goal / Role / Expectation / Agenda / Time
  • 49. :
  • 50. : : demo, prop, paper :
  • 51. : : : value proposition : head-first
  • 52. : : do not duplicate ,
  • 53. : Anticipated regret we-word
  • 54. : : (Interest) : , ZOPA (standards) (BATNA) -Best / Reasonable / Bottome Line
  • 55. : - / / - , - , , -Why? Why not? What if?
  • 56. : . OK, if (nibble) BL (small talk)
  • 57. : -: > yes, and.. -: -: ,
  • 58. : - ? - , -
  • 59. Human Model Communication Quadrants WHISP
  • 60. . [email protected]
