Page 1: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

機構簡介 Corporate Introduction

1987年,位於石水渠街的多元化社區服務中心正式投入服務。 1987: Opening of a multi-purpose community service centre at Stone Nullah Lane.


班熱心人士於 1949年創辦,最初於石


(聖雅各兒童會),其後於 1963年在



至長者及復康服務。 1987年建成現在位


展。 1990年開辦第一個灣仔區以外的服






地區設立服務中心,至今已有 57個服


2013年8月,本會共有約 1,100名職員。

1963年堅尼地道會所落成,提供少年工藝訓練、兒童膳食服務、功課輔導及長者身體檢查等等。 1963: Building at Kennedy Road was completed. Food provision and homework tuition to children, vocational training to teenagers and health check for elderly people were the core services provided.

Founded by the Rt. Rev. Bishop R.O. Hall of the Anglican Church in 1949, the St. James' Settlement started her work as a club for boys and girls in a temple in Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai. It was then developed to a six-storey building to provide diversified services, which included children and youth services, elderly services and rehabilitation services to the needy since 1963. In 1987, the headquarters was opened in Stone Nullah Lane so that the scope of services can further be extended. Since the first centre outside Wanchai (named Central and Western District Elderly Community Centre) founded in 1990, there has been different service centres developed and located along the North coast of Hong Kong Island, from Western Belcher to Chai Wan Hing Wah Estate (II). In view of ever changing needs in the society, service centres have been found in the west of Kowloon and north of the New Territories. Up till now, there are altogether 57 service points. By the end of August 2013, there was about 1,100 staff providing vast range of high quality welfare services for people of different ages and needs.

1949年何明華會督於北帝廟偏廳開展服務。 Our service commenced in a side room of Pak Tai Temple, and initiated by The Rt. Revd. R.O. Hall.


Page 2: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。











2013年九龍中央廚房成立,開始提供熱食服務。 Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards.

2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。 From 2012 onwards, Hung Shui Kiu Children and Parents Support Centre

providing service for parents in the district.

All along, St. James' Settlement serves the community and needy, whom are kids, youngsters, families, mentally retarded people and elderly. We provide both community support to residential care. Every year, we serve more than 2,800,000 person-times.

The major source of funding support came from donation and the Church initially and it now comes from social welfare subvention. Besides, part of our income resources is also gathered by charity agencies such as the Community Chest of Hong Kong, different corporates in Hong Kong, overseas as well as individual donations. The operation expenditure for the year 2012-2013 is about $480M.

2013年賽馬會高錕腦伴同行流動車服務啟動禮。 Kick-off Ceremony for CADENZA Community Project: Jockey Club Charles Kao Brain Health Services in 2013.


Page 3: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

目錄 Contents

06 宗旨、使命及價值觀 Objects, Missions and Corporate Values

07 質素管理系統 Quality Management System

08 序言 Foreword

10 主席報告 Chairman's Report

12 2012-2015機構策略計劃發展概要 2012-2015 Strategic Plan Development Overview

15 2012-2013執行委員會暨各小組委員會 2012-2013 ExCo and Sub-committees

17 機構策略領導團隊 Corporate Strategic Leadership Team

18 機構組織架構 Organizational Structure

20 總會及服務單位位置分佈圖 Location Map of Headquarters and Service Units

25 財政收入及支出表 Charts on Income Resources and Areas of Expenditure

28 籌款活動及捐助 Fundraising and Donation

31 企業伙伴合作計劃 Corporate Partnership & Alliance Projects

36 展望 The Way Forward

事工檔案室 Settlement's Events Highlight

40 非一般資助服務 Uncommon Subvented Services

50 慈惠計劃 Charity Projects

54 自費服務 Self Financing Services

58 環保服務/特別計劃 Green Projects/Special Projects


Page 4: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

服務報告 Service Reports

66 持續照顧 Continuing Care

71 復康服務 Rehabilitation Services

76 青年服務 Youth Services

79 家庭及輔導服務 Family and Counselling Services

82 社區中心服務 Community Centre Services

85 服務發展 Service Development

88 企業拓展 Corporate Venture

92 慈惠計劃 Charity Projects

會務報告 Corporate Events

96 人力資源、財務及資訊科技 Human Resources, Finance and Information Technology

98 企業質素及資源管理 Corporate Quality & Utilization

99 顧客滿意程度調查 Customers Satisfaction Survey

101 實習學生統計 Student Placement

103 職員培育與發展 Staff Training and Development

106 研究與調查 Study and Research

108 鳴謝 Acknowledgements

119 捐款表格 Donation Form


Page 5: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

宗旨、使命及價值觀 Objects, Missions and Corporate Values


˙ 以基督精神,設立社會服務中心,進行社會福利工作。 To maintain and run a centre to provide social welfare services following Christian principles;

˙ 明察社區之不同需要,計劃新方法推行服務,以適應此等需要。 To be aware of new challenges in the community and to devise and carry into effect new approaches to meet these challenges;

˙ 供應場地,以作訓練社會工作學生,及社會服務員之用。 To provide training facilities for social work students and social service workers.




St. James' Settlement i lti ial service agency which provides high quality comprehensive services to meet the diverse needs of our society, to

s a muenabsoc

le the individuals to help themselves and to help others, and to build an integrated and harmonious community.



We will strive to continuously improve our services to become a centre of excellence and pi i i l service, in order to respond appropriately and timely to the changing needs of our society and to meet and exceed

oneerthe n

n soceea

ds of our service recipients.


We will closely monitor social service development outside Hong Kong to enable mutual learning and to explore opportunities for joint venture.


1. 我們以關懷、尊重、公平、追求卓越、重視顧客服務,作為服務的原則。 Our service principles are : caring, respect, fair, self-determination, excellence, and customer service.

2. 人是有潛質及有價值的,若我們提供適當的參與機會和責任,會有更佳的發展,並能塑造一個互相關懷的社會。 Every person has potential and value, and is capable of self improving and creating a mutual caring society if he/she is given appropriate participation opportunities and responsibilities.

3. 家庭是社會基本的照顧單位,我們有責任提供服務,促進其照顧功能。 Family is the basic caring unit of our society. We have the responsibility to render services to enhance its caring function.

4. 職員是重要的資源,我們關心其需要及工作成就感,提供在職訓練的機會,和重視他們所提出的意見,共同參與服務的發展。 Employees are our important resources, we shall take care of their needs and need for job satisfaction, provide staff development, respect their suggestions, and involve them in service operation and development.

5. 作為社區內的僱主及社會服務機構,我們以公平的方法,處理一切人事及營運事務。 Being an employer and social service agency of our community, we shall handle all personnel and business transaction fairly.

6. 我們對社會有責任,繼續支持公益、文化和公民事務、研究和訓練工作。 We have responsibility towards our society and shall continue to support charities, cultural and civic activities, research and education.


Page 6: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

質素管理系統 Quality Management System

本會自 2003年6月成立企業質素及資源管理團隊,並著手從以往的全面優質管理系統中,整理出以


The Corporate Quality & Utilization Team was established since June 2003. The Team modified the previous Total Quality Management system and formulated the following timely Quality Management System:

資訊科技 Information Technology

質素願景 Quality Vision

1.製訂標準 Corporate Policies &



Corporate Mission &


3.建立文化 Quality Culture

4.收集回饋 Performance Indicators &

Satisfaction Surveys

2.舉辦訓練 Skill Trainings

5.推行改善 Improvement


這個系統由以下部份所組成 The Quality Management System has the following parts:

(1) 整個系統以「機構使命及價值觀」為核心,任何環節都不應偏離;

(2) 整個系統由 5個環節組成,包括製訂標準、舉辦訓練、建立文化、收集回饋及推行改善,環環


(3) 資訊科技日益發達,恰當地引進使用,可以協助我們把工作做得更快、更好;

(4) 透過機構上下一心, 努力推動這個「質素巨輪」,將邁向我們的願景:打造一個有優質管理


(1) The Corporate's Mission and Values form the CORE of the System and is the reference for making decisions in the other components.

(2) The 5 COMPONENTS around the core i lude: Corporate Policies & Standards, Skill Trainings, Quality Culture, Performance Indicators and Satisfaction S

ncurveys, and Improvement Projects. The components link with each

other closely.

(3) Appropriate information technology will be introduced to FACILITATE the System to perform its functions in the most efficient and effective way.

(4) The Quality Management System, in the form of a wheel, moves TOWARDS our Quality Vision: To become an organization with quality system, quality staff and quality culture; one that is healthy financially and is ever improving.


Page 7: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。


  「你以恩典為年歲的冠冕。」(詩篇 65章11節)





  聖雅各福群會透過 2012-2015年的策略計劃,實踐了僕人領導的精神,關




  藉此機會,衷心感謝上帝賜予的領導團隊 - 主席李國寶博士及各委員會









Page 8: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。


"You crown the year with your bounty." (Psalms 65:11)

Indeed, the past year has been one full of God's blessings. St. James' Settlement

continued to help the underprivileged, care for the sick, serve the community, walk hand

in hand with the needy. Disagreements on political subjects, difficulties in livelihood issues,

doubts for the future might have brought Hong Kong people to a puzzled and perplexed

state. Yet, in God's grace, the uniting efforts and unfailing faith of the Settlement made

it possible to put its mission into action. It has played a vital role as the salt on earth

to mediate and as the light of the world to overcome darkness, as guided by Biblical


Through its formulation of 2012-2015 strategy action plans, the Settlement modeled on

the servant-leader spirit, cared for the needs of its staff members, strengthened the works

of its professional teams and deepened the essence of a variety of its services. Creativity

and loving care have been carried over, through services delivered, to its service users. It

has been a fruitful year for the Settlement witnessing Jesus' love and care.

Taking this opportunity and with God's grace, we would like to give our gratitude to

Dr. the Honorable Sir David K.P. Li and all members of the Executive Committee for their

valuable contributions and leadership. We also have to thank all staff members for their

unfailing hard work.

Let's continue to unite ourselves and, with the basis of our past good work and our

hearts, to fulfill our mission in God's will for the years to come.

The Most Reverend Dr. Paul Kwong

Archbishop and Primate of the Province of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui and President, St. James' Settlement


Page 9: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。














  本人欣然報告 2012-2015年機構策略計劃於過去一年取得良好進展,並為本











Page 10: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

Chairman's Report

The Settlement made excellent progress during the year under review in its mission to serve the disadvantaged within our society. The Members of the Executive Committee extend our deepest gratitude to each and every supporter and donor for their generosity and benevolence, without which our Settlement could not have met its goals this year.

With the indispensible commitment and dedication of our staff members, and the invaluable advice and support of the Joint Building Committee and Joint Fund Raising Committee, together with generous funding support from many organisations, government departments and individual donors, construction work for the St James Settlement Redevelopment Project on Kennedy Road is now complete. This is an especially gratifying moment, and I would like to thank all my colleagues who have participated in the Redevelopment Project for making this project a reality.

The completion of the Kennedy Road Building marks the beginning of a new chapter for our Settlement. The additional space available in the newly redeveloped building will enable us to further extend the range and scope of our services. At our old building on Kennedy Road, we were limited to running a child care centre cum kindergarten. After hours, we supported a student after-school care service.

At the new building, we are in the process of developing an extensive range of programmes, including employment services for the mentally handicapped, day care services for frail and demented elders, adventure training services for recent retirees and career development for youth, among others.

I am also very pleased to report that we are making good progress in achieving the objectives of the 2012-2015 Corporate Strategic Plan. The plan is providing strong strategic direction for our future development. The Settlement will spare no effort to meet the many needs of our service recipients, and to build an integrated and harmonious community.

To close, I take great pleasure in expressing my heartfelt thanks to our President, Dr. the Most Reverend Archbishop Paul Kwong, for his spiritual guidance, and for leading us in the pursuit of our mission to serve the weak and the poor.

I am very grateful to the Members of the Executive Committee for their contribution and support for our work over the years. My thanks also go out to all our hardworking staff members. Under leadership of our Chief Executive Officer, Mrs. Cynthia LUK, the Settlement will strive for excellence in all that we do, and respond quickly to the changing needs of society, bringing love and care to the underprivileged.

Dr. the Hon. David K. P. LI

Chairman Executive Committee


Page 11: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

2012-2015機構策略計劃發展概要 2012-2015 Strategic Plan Development Overview

2013年9月11日「開心城市農夫計劃」正式成立,全會招募 7位成員肩負重任,為職員、服務使用者開闢城市耕種的天地。 Happy Farm Project is launched in 11 Sept 2013, 7 members shoulder up the mission to open up city farm at our Headquarter.

經過機構策略領導團隊、專業人員退修會及機構同工大會的討論及商議, 2012-2015機構策


The 2012-2015 Corporate Strategic Plan, jointly discussed and consolidated by the Corporate Strategic Leadership Team, Professional Staff Retreat and Agency Staff Meeting, has been in place and in good progress. Hereunder is progress of the goals in brief:

目標 1:善用地方資源,為服務提供發展空間,迎新趨勢,匯聚新社群 Goal 1: Maximize space utilization to provide diversified services







課程和維修等服務。另外,又於總會天台 600多呎成立「開




In the previous year, the Working Group reviewed utilization of internal space and encouraged colleagues to make the best use of spaces in various time slots to render appropriate and timely services. Room information are made available on intranet, colleagues of different units can conduct activities at available venues among units without space hindrance.

With the help of the "Dream Workshop" Scheme, "E˙Station"was established in Wanchai District Elderly Community Centre. Extra space is made available for increased rehab equipment rental demands, equipment display, educational courses and repairs. In addition "Dream Workshop" Scheme sets up a "Happy Farmer Project" on headquarters rooftop, area over 600 sq. ft. Colleagues having the same ideals will do initial development and design, aiming at encouraging service users to do city farming.

目標 2:我們上下一心,以言語、行為,展現本會的核心價值 Goal 2: Use our words illustrate the Settlement's Core Values wholeheartedly


四個核心價值,藉此匯聚力量,向前邁進。 四個核心價值包括: 1.發揮真誠與熱誠; 2.敢想

敢創敢造; 3.鞏固「尊重、自主、信任」文化;及 4.實踐社會公義。


Page 12: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

在2013 年春茗中,總幹事向全體同事宣佈:四個核心價值正式啟動! CEO announced formal initiation of 4 core values during the 2013 New Year Party!



此,我們在內聯網建立意見收集平台,舉辦 "CV Touch" 活動



結果發現多達 68%同事聽過,其中有 83%表示支持,沒有任何

一位同事反對! 2013年春茗中由總幹事宣佈正式啟動這四個


To act in concert with implementation of existing Corporate Strategic Plan, our professional colleagues and service management jointly discussed and consolidated our current beliefs into 4 Core Values to converge strength together and march forward. The Core Values include: 1. Be passionate and genuine; 2. Be creative and act with open-mindedness; 3. Embrace a culture of respect, autonomy and trust; 4. Pursue social justice.

For good foundation building, the foci of the Working Group in the first year include defining clearly the words use and the meaning of each core value, gathering staff's opinion towards meaning of core values and developing work plan for promotion etc. We then set up an opinion collection platform on intranet, held "CV Touch" activities and attended meetings of service units to introduce the core values to staff face to face. Moreover, the question of core values issue was included in 2012 staff satisfaction survey. The finding of survey showed that 68% staff has heard about core values before, of which 83% expressed support and no objection was indicated. Chief Executive Officer announced the formal set out of the four core values in Spring dinner in 2013.

目標 3:拓資源 承傳創建精神 建構「新領域」聖雅各 Goal 3: Develop resources, To Inherit creativity spirit and to Build "New Territory"







The Settlement has all along been adopting a creative spirit in the development of different services for various districts. In this respect, the four key work foci as follow:

1. Develop proper and new service locations;

2. Develop new services in the new locations;

3. Fill in service gaps to benefit more root level people;

4. Look for different partners, develop new resources to assist promotion of new services.


Page 13: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

探訪學習之旅 - 團隊探訪百事公司,學習全面計劃為公司培養管理人才。 Team members visit PepsiCo, learning human resources development projects.







After detail study, the Working Group chose Western Kowloon District and Tin Shiu Wai District as the key communities to be developed for rendering assistances to the poor to resolve the problem of basic living issue.

The Working Group has worked very hard in providing food assistance to poor families in Sham Shui Po District. We selected a suitable location for setting up Kowloon Kindness Centre to provide comprehensive services for poor families. On the other hand, in past years, we had expanded services in New Territories West including mental health counselling, parental education and child development supporting services etc. We will further study the service needs of the district.

目標 4:成就人才,打造優秀及快樂團隊,成為推動機構發展的重要伙伴 Goal 4: To establish an excellent and cheerful work force, and work together as

partners to achieve further development of agency









The first priority for the Working Group is to assist the service units with difficulty in staff recruitment. It is hoped that by reviewing human resources , actively looking for new manpower from different institutes and organizations and caring about the feelings and opinions of the staff, an enjoyable and honorable working environment can be established.

In the meantime, the talent bank is built by optimizing the trainings for middle management and introducing "Project Management Training" and "Aspiring Leadership Training for Future Leaders" for the first time. The Working Group believes that these programs enable our colleagues not only to inherit our culture but also to play a role in leading the development of services and wholeheartedly serving the community.


Page 14: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

2012-2013年執行委員會暨各小組委員會 Executive Committee and Sub-Committees 2012/2013

贊助人 PATRON 梁唐青儀女士 Mrs. Regina Leung

會長 PRESIDENT 鄺保羅大主教 The Most Revd. Dr. Paul Kwong

執行委員會 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE主席 Chairman李國寶博士 , GBM, GBS,太平紳士 Dr. The Hon. Sir David K P Li, GBM, GBS, Hon. LL.D. (Cantab), JP副主席 Vice-chairman梁啟雄先生 Mr. Michael K H Leung義務司庫 Hon. Treasurer麥文彬先生 Mr. Robert E McBain義務秘書 Hon. Secretary白仲安 SBS,太平紳士 Mr. John R Budge, SBS, JP會牧 Chaplain梁秀珊牧師 Revd. Lysta S S Leung聖公會教區議會代表 Diocesan Synod Representatives陳林麗瓊女士 Mrs. Chan Lam Lai King盧健明先生 Mr. Lo Kin Ming徐贊生主教 The Rt. Revd. Louis T S Tsui聖雅各堂牧區議會代表 St. James' Church Vestry Representative單建安教授 Prof. Johnny K O Sin聖約翰座堂議會代表 St. John's Cathedral Council Representatives Mrs. Vanda Cole Mrs. Vanda Cole康約翰先生 Mr. John L Cox香港聖公會福利協會代表 Hong Kong SKH Welfare Council Representatives李正儀博士 Dr. Jane C Y Lee李賜源先生 Mr. Lee Chi Yuen委員 Elected Members陳炳釗博士 BBS Dr. Andrew P C Chan, BBS邱令智先生 Mr. Clifford K Chiu林鉅津醫生 Dr. Lam Kui Chun梁萬福醫生 Dr. Edward M F Leung李民斌先生 Mr. Brian M B Li當然委員 Ex Officio陸何錦環女士(由 2012年6月) Mrs. Cynthia Luk Ho Kam Wan (from June 2012)行政顧問 Executive Advisor賴錦璋 BBS, MH,太平紳士(由 2012年6月) Mr. Michael K C Lai, BBS, MH, JP ( from June 2012)名譽顧問 Honorary Advisors黎秀姬女士 Ms. Kay S K Lai盧偉強律師 Mr. Peter W K Lo麥列菲菲教授 Professor F Lieh-Mak吳有容醫生 Dr. Ng Yau Yung義務核數師 Honorary Auditor畢馬威會計師事務所 KPMG義務法律顧問 Honorary Legal Advisor高露雲律師行 Wilkinson & Grist Solicitors & Notaries


Page 15: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

小組委員會 SUB-COMMITTEE財務委員會 麥文彬先生(主席) 白仲安 SBS,太平紳士 陳炳釗博士 BBS 邱令智先生 李賜源先生 梁啟雄先生 李民斌先生 李國寶博士 GBM, GBS 盧健明先生 建築工程委員會 陳炳釗博士 SBS(主席) 李賜源先生 梁啟雄先生 盧健明先生 人事委員會 梁啟雄先生(主席) 李正儀博士 李賜源先生 李民斌先生 單建安教授 徐贊生主教 籌款委員會 白仲安 SBS,太平紳士(主席) 邱令智先生 李正儀博士 梁啟雄先生 李國寶博士 , GBM, GBS 麥文彬先生 健康服務諮詢委員會 林鉅津醫生(主席) 何錦儀女士(至 2012年3月31日) 李奕嫻女士(由 2012年4月1日) 梁萬福醫生 勞永樂醫生 單建安教授 傅浩堅教授(由 2013年1月1日) 鄭淇德醫生(由 2013年1月1日) 曾偉男博士(由 2013年1月1日) 院舍服務諮詢委員會 梁萬福醫生(主席) 黎秀姬女士 李正儀博士 李子芬教授 勞永樂醫生 華潔瑩女士 社區發展服務諮詢委員會 羅健中先生(主席) 蒲祿祺 SBS,太平紳士 陳炳釗博士 BBS 馮國堅先生 司徒薇博士 鄧鏡華先生 杜立基先生 黃英琦太平紳士 楊光輝先生 俞若玫女士 企業聯繫諮詢委員會 李民斌先生(主席) 徐亦釗先生 郭曉妍女士 游淑儀女士 就業服務諮詢委員會 白仲安 SBS,太平紳士(主席) 顏仕庄先生 陳炳釗博士 BBS 康約翰先生 吳紫茜女士

Finance CommitteeMr. Robert E McBain (Chairman)Mr. John R Budge, SBS, JPDr. Andrew P C Chan, BBSMr. Clifford K ChiuMr. Lee Chi YuenMr. Michael K H LeungMr. Brian M B LiDr. The Hon. Sir David K P Li, GBM , GBS, Hon. LL.D. (Cantab), JPMr. Lo Kin MingBuilding and Works CommitteeDr. Andrew P C Chan, SBS (Chairman)Mr. Lee Chi YuenMr. Michael K H LeungMr. Lo Kin MingPersonnel CommitteeMr. Michael K H Leung (Chairman)Dr. Jane C Y LeeMr. Lee Chi YuenMr. Brian M B LiProf. Johnny K O SinThe Rt. Revd. Louis T S TsuiFundraising CommitteeMr. John R Budge, SBS, JP (Chairman)Mr. Clifford K ChiuDr. Jane C Y LeeMr. Michael K H LeungDr. The Hon. Sir David K P Li, GBM, GBS, Hon. LL.D. (Cantab), JPMr. Robert E McBainAdvisory Committee for Health ServicesDr. Lam Kun Chun (Chairman)Ms. Joan K Y Ho ( till 31 March 2012)Ms. Helen Y H Lee ( from 1 April 2012)Dr. Edward M F LeungDr. Lo Wing LokProf. Johnny K O SinProf. Frank H K Fu ( from 1 January 2013)Dr. Percy K T Cheng ( from 1 January 2013)Dr. William W N Tsang ( from 1 January 2013)Advisory Committee for Residential ServicesDr. Edward M F Leung (Chairman)Ms. Kay S K LaiDr. Jane C Y LeeProf. Diana T F LeeDr. Lo Wing LokMs. Wah Kit YingAdvisory Committee for Community Development ServicesMr. Chris K C Law (Chairman)Mr. Nicholas Brooke, SBS,JPDr. Andrew P C Chan, BBSMr. Fung Kwok KinDr. Mirana M. SzetoMr. Thomas K W TangMr. To Lap Kee, KennethMiss Ada Wong Ying Kee, JPMr. Alfred K F YeungMs. Cally Yu Yeuk MuiAdvisory Committee on Corporate AllianceMr. Brian M B Li (Chairman)Mr. Vincent ChuiMs Noelle KwokMs. Yau Suk YiAdvisory Committee on Employment ServicesMr. John R Budge, SBS, JP (Chairman)Mr. Tom ArmstrongDr. Andrew P C Chan,BBSMr. John L. CoxMs. Sandra Ng


Page 16: Corporate introduction · Kowloon Central Kitchen started to provide hot meal service from 2013 onwards. 2012年開始,洪水橋兒童及親職支援中心為區內家長提供服務。

機構策略領導團隊 Corporate Strategic Leadership Team



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總幹事 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (1)陸何錦環女士 Mrs. Cynthia Luk Ho Kam Wan

副總幹事 DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (2)李玉芝女士 Ms. Josephine Y C Lee



(4)張小娟女士(行政) Ms. Heidi S K Chang (Administration)(5)鄭康先生(系統及財務) Mr. Alfred H Cheng (System and Finance)(6)郭偉生先生(持續照顧 -社區支援服務) Mr. Zero W S Kwok (Continuing Care-Community Support Services)(7)容美端女士 Ms. Alison M T Yung

(持續照顧 -家居及社區照顧服務) (Continuing Care-Home & Community Care Services)(8)朱永康先生(企業質素及資源管理 Mr. Johnnie W H Chu (Corporate Quality and Utilization, Continuing

 及持續照顧 -院舍照顧服務) Care- Residential Care Services)(9)馮啟民先生 Mr. David K M Fung

(企業拓展 -服務及社區中心服務) (Corporate Venture- Services, Community Centre Services)(10)王佩賢女士(家庭及輔導服務) Ms. Wendy P Y Wong (Family and Counselling Services)

Ms. Agnes D N Lau (11)劉丹娜女士(復康服務 -工作 ̇ 生活)

(Rehabilitation Services- Dynamic Working and Living)(12)劉妙珍女士(復康服務 -體驗 ̇ 參與) Ms. Kari M C Lau (Rehabilitation Services-Life Enrichment & Participation)(13)黎良好女士(青年服務) Ms. Niki L H Leung (Youth Services)


(14)吳雯賢女士(扶貧服務) Ms. Connie M Y Ng (Charity Services)(15)盧佩芬女士(服務發展) Ms. Yvonne P F Lo (Service Development)(16)張頴雪女士(企業拓展 -協作) Ms. Wendy W S Cheung (Corporate Venture-Partnership & Alliances)


(17)潘美美女士 Ms. Tracy M M Pun


(18)賴震東先生(主席) Mr. Lai Chun Tung (Chairman)(19)包添隆先生(副主席) Mr. Pau Tim Lung (Vice Chairman)


(20)賴錦璋 BBS MH太平紳士 Mr. Michael K C Lai, BBS, MH, JP