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Cosmic Baryons: The IGM

Ue-Li Pen 彭威禮

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• History of Cosmic Baryons: a gas with phase transitions

• Missing baryons

• simulations

• SZ-Power spectrum: direct probe of baryons

• Prospects for detection

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Cosmic Gas

• Today, 25% of matter is baryons (ordinary matter), the rest is dark matter (interacts through gravity only). C.f. dark energy.

• Thermal state today very poorly known. Probably in warm/hot/diffuse state, filling most of the universe. Only a small fraction in stars, cold (obervable) gas (Fukogita et al 1999). “Missing Baryons”

• T range 104-109 K

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Cosmological Context

• Critical for understanding global cosmology processes: galaxy formation, cluster formation.

• Impacts precision measurement of cosmology: dark energy, dark matter, lensing.

• Major efforts underway to map cosmic distribution using SZ (Compton scattering of CMB)

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In the beginning

• Hot big bang: above z>1000, T>3000K. Baryons well understood: linear waves in photon-baryon plasma.

• Recombination: phase transition to neutral: well understood.

• Dark Ages(10<z<1000): non-linear passive evolution: well understood.

• Reionization (6<z<20): phase transition• Epoch of Galaxy formation 2<z<6: Lya forest: m

odestly understood• Present: z<2: poorly understood

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WMAP 3yr

Baryons at recombination: T=3000K, n=102/cm3

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• T:10K--10000K • 21cm @ z=6-15

Iliev, Mellema, Pen 2005. 1o FOV

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Present day IGM: 3,000,000K (simulation)

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Where are the missing baryons?

• The present day baryons remain undetected. But are not the dark matter

• IGM: what is the state/density• Compact objects: Brown/whitewhite/other dwar

fs. Formed at high-z. Where does gas in clusters come from?

• Fukogita et al (1998) speculated baryons to live in poor groups. Violates XRB (Pen 1999).

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IGM conundrum

• Gas falls into gravitational wells. Why haven’t we seen it?

• <kT>=0.3 keV from cosmic virialization: easily visible by ROSAT extragalactic XRB

• Brightness depends on clumping C=ξ(0)<60• PS prediction: C>200. Need to expel 70% of gas.• Simulations: C>>100 (Pen 1999, Dave et al 200

1, Kang&Ryu 2003)

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Cosmic Fluid Constraint

• If gas follows dark matter (adiabatic evolution), Press-Schechter theory describes dynamics: all matter in gravitationally bound, hydrostatic halos

• Missing effects: heating/cooling• Cooling: form stars, denser/colder gas, mo

re easily observed. Calculable.• Heating: expel gas from dark matter halos,

harder to observe. Unpredictable.

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Zhang, Pen & Trac 2004

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Gas traces DM too well, inconsistent with XRB data

XRB limit

10243 grid

Zhang, Pen and Trac 2004.

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Hiding Baryons

• Heat and eject: ΔE of 1 keV, maybe less if SN are intergalactic (entropy).

• Cool and hide: cooling catastrophe

• Problem with simulations? Data interpretation (XRB shadowing)?

• How can we find them and show that we found them? How does that affect SZ clusters?

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IGM balance

• Heating: hydrostatic equilibrium vs free expansion

• Gravitational potential determined by dark matter, only weakly affected by baryons

• Heating scenarios: 1. halo centers 2. uniform

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Central Heating

• Initial halo state: isothermal halo, strong entropy stratification

• Add heat adiabatically at center, due to winds from SNe, BH outflows, etc. (HII regions are not energetic enough)

• Raise central entropy adiabatically at convective stability limit

• Final state: central isentropic “core”, isothermal stratified envelope

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Hydrostatic Solution

Halo Mass. Given vc (observable)

Virial radius

Isothermal profile

Post heating core profile

Core radius

From Pen (1999, ApJ 510 L1)

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IGM dilemma

• Cosmic virial temperature is 3,000,000K

• 1 keV is uncomfortably hot (107 K) for SNe and feedback scenarios.

• What about warm (105-106K) phase? Difficult to understand in Press-Schechter picture: hydrostatic equilibrium results in high density, rapid cooling. Warm phase may be numerical artifact.

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Hunting Baryons

• Baryons (electrons) interact with light (Thomson scattering): SZ & KSZ against CMB.

• KSZ is photon Doppler shift from bulk velocity.

• TSZ is Compton y =τkT/(m c2) ~ 10-3

• SZ is redshift independent! Where are the baryons?

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Simulated Universe in tSZ

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• Power spectrum of baryons: thermal and kinetic

Zhang, Pen & Trac 2004

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Redshift resolution

• Equation of state of gas: how hot/dense is the IGM?

• Hotter means smoother, less correlated than galaxies

• Cross-correlation with photo-z crucial to quantify results

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Zhang & Pen 2001

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• New experiments: SPT, SZA, ACT will map SZ and KSZ for large areas of sky, measuring baryon inventory

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• Baryons poorly understood today. Heating/cooling probably important.

• Adiabatic prediction is Evirial = 0.3 keV, inconsistent with observations (groups, XRB)

• Feedback requires a lot of energy (>Evirial). 1 keV consistent with XRB, LTR (group properties).

• Debate on temperature (warm?), pressure equilibrium, simulations.

• SZ a promising physical probe of baryon distribution. This needs to be understood for precision measurement of cosmological parameters, galaxy and cluster formation.