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Docente: Ing. Aarón Daniel Corpus Torres.

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OBJETIVO.- Al término de la presente unidad el estudiante será capaz de utilizar las estrategias de lectura: SCANNING Y SKIMMNIG, mismas que le permitirán obtener información básica de cualquier texto en inglés, de manera inductiva, fomentando en el estudiante su pensamiento en inglés.

ACTIVITY 1.- Contesta las preguntas siguientes y comenta las respuestas con tus compañeros:

1.- Desde hace cuantos años has estado viendo el nombre de Walt Disney?

2.- En que cosas has visto el nombre del Walt Disney?

3- A qué se dedica la corporación de Walt Disney?

ACTIVITY 2.- Busca los equivalentes en español de las palabras y relaciónalos por medio de líneas. Usa el diccionario si te es necesario.

1. resort 1. ciclismo2. watersports 2. albercas3. swimming 3. botes de casco doble4. court 4. cancha (de tenis)5. boating 5. natación6. bikini 6. pase en bote7. health clubs 7. clubes de salud8. catamarans 8. pesca9. fishing 9. centro recreativo10.swimming pools 10. deportes acuáticos

ACTIVITY 3.- Lee el siguiente texto sin detenerte en palabras que no conozcas. Posteriormente contesta el cuestionario.


The Walt Disney World resort is located at Orlando, Florida State USA. Since 1955 millions of people from every corner of the world have discovered the enchantment of Walt Disney World: It provides a total vacation destination for clients booked into on-site properties. Resort guests have preferential use of golf courses and watersport vehicles and exclusive use of bicycles, electric carts, horseback ridings, health clubs, fitness trails, fishing, tennis courts and swimming pools.


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Biking. Bicycle rentals are available at Disney´s Village Resort recreation centers. Disney´s Caribbean Beach Resort and Disney´s Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground.

Boating. All Walt Disney World Resort marinas have a variety of boats available for rent, including mini-speed boats, catamarans, paddle boats, canoes and sunfish. Waterskiing can also be arranged.

Swimming. There are over 20 swimming pools located throughout the Walt Disney World Resort.

Golf. There are championship 18-hole, par-72 golf courses. The Magnolia, Palm, and Lake Buena Vista, and one six-hole executive court in the Walt Disney World Resort.

Tennis. There are more than a dozen tennis courts at various Walt Disney World Resort locations, group and individual lessons may be arranged. (407) 824 25 78.

Fishing. Fishing excursions may be arranged up to 14-days in advance. Complimentary fishing is offered on the waterway of Disney´s Fort Wilderness Resort and Campground. (No license required)

There are special events staged at EPCOT Center, the Magic Kingdom and the Disney Village Market Place throughout the year that can make a visit to the Walt Disney World Resort even more special.

ACTIVITY 4.- Localiza la información y contesta las preguntas siguientes:

1.- ¿En qué ciudad se encuentra el Mundo de Walt Disney?

2.- ¿En qué estado y parte del mundo se encuentra el Mundo de Walt Disney?

3.- ¿Desde qué año se encuentra en servicio?

4.- Escribe tres ejemplos de deportes que se consideran como de recreación.

5.- ¿En qué lugares se pueden rentar bicicletas?

6.- Anota tres tipos de deportes acuáticos.

7.- ¿En qué lugares se practica la pesca?

8.- ¿Escribe tres deportes que no sean acuáticos?


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9.- ¿Cuántas albercas hay?

10.- ¿Cuántos campeonatos de golf se celebran por temporada?

11.- ¿Cuántas canchas de tenis hay?

12.- ¿Dónde se celebran los eventos especiales que hay durante el año?


SkimmingLectura rápida de todo el texto sin detenerse en las palabras que no se conocen y poniendo en práctica las estrategias de lectura que se indican en el cuadro. Esta debe practicarse siempre como primer paso para la comprensión de textos en inglés.

Examen SuperficialObservación rápida de todo el texto sin enfocar la atención en una parte específica, y al final obtener los puntos para saber de qué trata el tema.

Títulos y subtítulosIndican en muy pocas palabras el contenido; además, por su localización es lo primero que se observa.

Apoyos visuales


Estrategias de lectura para laPredicción de contenidos y obtención del tema de un texto.

Examen superficial

Titulo, subtitulo

Apoyos visuales


Distribución del texto

Lectura rápida para la obtención del tema de un texto.


Palabras repetidas

Familia de palabras


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Diagramas, fotografías, dibujos y figuras que muestran en forma ilustrada lo que presenta el texto en forma escrita o, en otras ocasiones, agregan información u otros datos acerca del tema.Distribución del textoObservar la forma en que está distribuido el texto en la hoja proporciona una clave muy importante para saber de qué se trata, ya que se toma conocimiento de cómo se distribuye un texto para una información, un reporte, una historia, una receta, un poema, etc.

TipografíaDiferentes tamaños y tipos de letra que existen en un texto. Por lo general, se usan letras grandes para títulos y las de color más oscuro (negritas) para enfatizar y las cursivas (inclinadas) para definir o ejemplificar.

CognadosTambién llamados palabras transparentes, son una estrategia que se considera de gran ayuda para la comprensión de la lectura, ya que la mayoría de los textos en ingles tienen cognados. Son palabras que su escritura se asemeja mucho en inglés como a su equivalente en español.

Palabras repetidasCuando una palabra se repite varias veces en un texto, es lógico deducir que este se refiere al concepto de dicha palabra; además estas palabras ayudan para captar mejor el tema del texto.

Familias de palabrasPalabras similares, las cuales presentan la misma raíz o palabras base; aunque con diferente prefijo o sufijo, se dice que estas forman una familia de palabras.

ACTIVITY 5.- Del texto de Disney contesta las siguientes preguntas:

1.- ¿Qué crees que significa el titulo?

2.- ¿Qué idea te proporciona la ilustración de la parte superior?

3.- De acuerdo a la distribución del texto ¿Crees que se trate de un poema de Disney?

4.- Escribe los cognados que encuentres en el texto.

5.- Anota las palabras que se repitan más.

6.- ¿Dónde crees que apareció publicado el texto?

7.- ¿A quién crees que este dirigido?

8.- ¿Cuál es el tema del texto?


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ACTIVITY 6.- Observa las ilustraciones y escribe a que deporte se refiere.

ACTIVITY 7.- Contesta las siguientes preguntas.

1.- ¿Qué parte del texto tiene las letras más grandes?

2.- ¿Cuántos tamaños de letra tiene el texto?

3.- ¿Por qué crees que el texto presente unas letras de trazo más grueso que otras?

4.- ¿Qué información proporcionan las letras más pequeñas que aparecen en el texto?

5.- Al ver por primera vez el texto ¿Qué tamaño de letra llamó más tu atención?


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ACTIVITY 1.- Contesta las siguientes preguntas y coméntalas en grupo.

1.- ¿Qué es un satélite?

2.- ¿Dónde se colocan los satélites para que envíen señales?

3.- ¿Has visto alguna vez un satélite?

4.- ¿Dónde?

ACTIVITY 2.- Coloca sobre las líneas las palabras en español que correspondan a las palabras en inglés. Usa el diccionario si te resulta necesario.




1.- Debris ________________________________

2. - Chain ________________________________

3. - Earth ________________________________

4. - junkyards ________________________________

5. - hazards ________________________________

6. - spacecraft ________________________________

7.- path ________________________________


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ACTIVITY 3.- Lee el siguiente texto sin detenerte en las palabras que no conoces y contesta el ejercicio que aparece después.

ARIANE ROCKET.The rocket Ariane, flight 16, a European venture that placed a commercial observation satellite in orbit about 500 miles above the Earth in 1986. On Feb, 22 1986. Ariane is launched from a site in South America. On Nov. 13, 1986. The next Soyuz launch campaign for Arianespace's Starsem affiliate has begun with the European MetOp 1 polar-orbiting meteorological satellite, which is scheduled to be orbited from Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome in July. This mission - the first of three flights targeted by Starsem in 2006 - will use the upgraded Soyuz 2-1a version, which features a larger payload fairing along with improved launcher navigation accuracy andcontrol capability.

MetOp 1 will be integrated in the Soyuz-ST's enlarged payload fairing, which has an external diameter of 4.1 meters and a length of 11.4 meters.The ST-type fairing enables Soyuz launchers to accommodate large meteorological satellites such as MetOp 1, as well as medium-class GTO telecommunications spacecraft on a dedicated launch, or payloads in a multiple-manifest configuration for missions to low Earth orbit, medium orbit, Sun-synchronous orbit and escape missions. The MetOp 1 satellite arrived at Baikonur Cosmodrome in April, and was moved into Starsem's state-of-the-artpayload preparation facilities at the launch site.

With a launch mass of just over 4,000 kg., MetOp 1 builds on the heritage gained from Europe's successful seriesof meteorological and Earth observation satellites, including SPOT, ERS and Envisat - all of which were launchedby Arianespace on Ariane vehicles.

The MetOp 1 spacecraft was built by EADS-Astrium, and carries a total of 12 instruments that were developed incooperation with the French CNES national space agency and the U.S. National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA).

Developed by the European Space Agency for EUMETSAT (the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites), MetOp 1 will operate from an altitude of about 837 km., providing data of unprecedented accuracy to improve global weather forecasting and provide enhanced climate monitoring capabilities.

ACTIVITY 4.- Contesta las siguientes preguntas.

1.- Anota los cognados que se encuentren.

2.- Efectúa la descripción de la ilustración.

3.- ¿Dónde crees que apareció publicada esta información?

4.- ¿A qué se refiere el texto?


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La interpretación de esta palabra en español es “búsqueda de información específica” y se lleva a cabo cuando se indaga sobre un dato preciso.

ACTIVITY 5.- Practica la estrategia de SCANNING localizando la información y contestando las preguntas siguientes referentes al cohete Ariane.

Nombre: __________________________

Vuelo: _____________________________

Nacionalidad: ____________________________

Misión: _________________________________

Fecha de lanzamiento: ___________________________

Lugar donde fue lanzado: _____________________________

Lugar a donde arribo: ________________________________

Mes en que arribo: ___________________________________


Localización de nombres propios de personas, lugares y


Localización de fechas.

Localización de números o cantidades.

Localización de características propias de alguna persona,

lugar, cosa o animal.

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Construido por: __________________________________

Cantidad de instrumentos que porta: ____________________________

ACTIVITY 6.- Aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos obtén la información de la siguiente lectura.


There are different styles of reading for different situations. The technique you choose will depend on the purpose for reading. For example, you might be reading for enjoyment, information, or to complete a task. If you are exploring or reviewing, you might skim a document. If you're searching for information, you might scan for a particular word. To get detailed information, you might use a technique such as SQ4R. You need to adjust your reading speed and technique depending on your purpose.

Many people consider skimming and scanning search techniques rather than reading strategies. However when reading large volumes of information, they may be more practical than reading. For example, you might be searching for specific information, looking for clues, or reviewing information.

Web pages, novels, textbooks, manuals, magazines, newspapers, and mail are just a few of the things that people read every day. Effective and efficient readers learn to use many styles of reading for different purposes. Skimming, scanning, and critical reading are different styles of reading and information processing.

Many people consider skimming and scanning search techniques rather than reading strategies. However when reading large volumes of information, they may be more practical than reading. For example, you might be searching for specific information, looking for clues, or reviewing information.



OBJETIVO.- Al término de la presente unidad el estudiante habrá adquirido las herramientas gramaticales para reconocer los elementos básicos en la comprensión de la lectura.



Words are used to represent things and experiences in the real or imagined world. Different words can be used to describe the same thing or experience.


A referent is the concrete object or concept that is designated by a word or expression. A referent is an object, action, state, relationship, or attribute in the referential real.Example

Historically, there was only one person called George Washington, the first president of the United States. He can be referred to in a text in many ways, such as

The president Mr. Washington


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he, or even my friend.

Even though there are many ways to talk about him, there is only one referent in the referential realm.

What is reference?


Here are two senses for reference:1. Reference is the symbolic relationship that a linguistic expression has with the concrete object

or abstraction it represents. 2. Reference is the relationship of one linguistic expression to another, in which one provides the

information necessary to interpret the other.

Examples Here is an example of reference: A pronoun refers to the noun antecedent that is used to interpret it.

ACTIVITY 1. - Read the sentences. Then underline the best answer to each question.

1. Maria asked her mother to give her some paper. She wanted to draw a picture of her mother. What does “she” refer to?

a. Motherb. Maria and mother.c. Maria

2. Dave and Adam bought a dog. They named it “Smiley” What does “they” refer to? a. Dave.b. Dave and Adam.c. Smiley and Dave

3. We are going to the circus after school today. We will have fun there. What does “there” refer to?

a. at schoolb. todayc. At the circus

4. Jeffrey wanted some of the flowers that Jenny had picked. She took a few from one of the vases. What does “a few” refer to?

a. Jeffreyb. Flowersc. Vases

5. Pearl caught a frog in the pond. She wants to keep it for a pet. What does “it” refer to?

a. the petb. the pondc. the frog


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6. Martin and Ramón like baseball and football. The two of them are on the school teams. What does “the two of them” refer to?

a. school teamsb. baseball and footballc. Martin and Ramón

ACTIVITY 2. - Read each sentence. Then underline the word in the second sentence that refers to boldface word or words in the first sentence.

1. Alice asked Andy to go to the movies. She paid for the tickets too.

2. Mr. Lane teaches history. He thinks it is interesting.

3. Tina can usually beat Jerry at checkers. She plays well.

4. I have a birthday gift for Carlos. I will give it to Carlos after dinner.

5. Sarita is at a party tonight. She’s having fun there.

6. Robin and Amy like skating and dancing. They are in the same dance class.

7. Let’s go to this park for a picnic. We will tell everyone to come here on Sunday.

8. Grandma is an artist. She will teach Ana and her friends how to paint.

9. Vic wanted some of the apples Carl had picked up. Carl gave him a few from one of

the bags.


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What is a connector or linking word?

Linking words normally form a link between clauses WITHIN a sentence. (And but so because then until such as) Another type of linking device is used to form a link BETWEEN sentences. These words must start with a capital letter and are usually immediately followed by a comma: (Furthermore, Moreover,

However, Nevertheless, Therefore, in conclusion,)

The function of linking words Linking devices are neither nouns, nor verbs. They provide a text with cohesion and illustrate how the parts of the text relate to each other. Here are some of the functions which linking words provide. Adding extra information to the main point, contrasting ideas, expressing cause and effect, showing exactly when something happened (narrating), expressing purpose (why?) and opinion, listing examples, making conclusions and giving emphasis.

Adding and Contrasting Expressing cause / reason

*andas well asbesidesMoreover,Furthermore,What is more,In addition,not only.... but alsoanother point is that relative clauseswho wherethat ,whichwhose to whomwhen whatwhy

*butHowever,AlthoughdespiteIn spite ofNevertheless,On the contrary,on the one handon the other hand,whereaswhilebut whileFor one thing,In contrast,Neither...nor

becauseassinceAs a result,This is whybecause ofDue toOwing to For this reason, Expressing effect / result*soso....thatsuch a...thatThereforeThusConsequently,too...for/tonot enough...for/to


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Narration Expressing purpose

First (of all)At firstAt the beginningIn the beginningthennextBeforeAfterAfter thatafterwardsWhenWhileduringSoonprior to

immediatelyOnceSuddenlyAs soon asonNo sooner....thanHardly...whenFinallyEventuallyAt the endIn the endAt lastTo begin with,until

toso as toin order thatso thatfor (Non-specific) Expressing opinionI would say thatIn my opinion,I think (that)I believe (that)PersonallyApparently, 

Giving examples Summing up / concluding


for example,for instance,this includessuch as e.g. (for example)i.e. (that is)

All in alloverallgenerallyIn conclusion,on the wholein the mainTo sum up,

especiallyparticularlyNaturally,exactly becauseabove allWhateverWhenevertoo / enoughThe more....

* Avoid starting a sentence with these words.The linking words beginning with a capital letter often start a sentence, for those without, position in a sentence is optional.

ACTIVITY 3. - In the following text, the linking words have been deleted. Try to reorganize the following sentences into a well-structured paragraph by choosing the most appropriate linking words from the list below. Remember that each point has to have some connection to the preceding one and the one to follow.

In all novels incidents, actions, thoughts and descriptions are related, ____________narrated, by an agent who is known as a narrator. The reader, ____________, sees the events of a novel to a greater or lesser degree through the eyes, ____________ point of view, of the novel's narrator. It is obvious, ______________ that the narrator is an extremely significant element in considering a novel, _______________ it is the narrator who decides what to show or tell us, _______________ what


[Again, and, because, consequently, however, or, therefore, yet, whereas]

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emphasis is to be placed on an event or character, _______________ it is the narrator's language that describes events and characters.ACTIVITY 4. - Match the phrases on the right with the sentences on the left.Write the sentences on the lines below.

It's a great city. However, He is good natured.

It's a great city. In addition, He visited Canada.

He's very good looking. In addition, he has no trouble finding Girl-friends.

He's very good looking. However, It has good public transport.

He's very good looking. Therefore accommodation is terribly expensive.

He went to America. In addition, he lost contact with his family in Europe.

He went to America. However, he's not very intelligent.

He went to America. Therefore he didn't like it very much.









ACTIVITY 5. - Write the correct referent or connector.

Students are eating unhealthy food for lunch __________ it is on sale at the school canteen. I propose that it is in the best interests of the students to ban the sale of junk food.

_________ Fatty foods contribute to obesity they should not be sold in the school canteen. It is well known that obesity creates major health problems. __________, a New Zealand research found children's weight is changing: "The study found an increase in the number of obese children from 2.4 per cent in 1989 to 9.1 per cent in 2000. The number of those classed as overweight had gone up from 11 per cent to 20.9 per cent." Who can refute these figures? __________ why is the school canteen still selling food that is high in both fat and sugar? Other schools aren't. One school in the


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same area now only sells thirty pies a day compared to the thousand they sold before introducing healthy foods. Is it not possible for our school to do the same?

___________ the school should display a social conscience by promoting healthy foods. Profiteering from selling junk foods to students is just not acceptable. ___________, the school has a moral obligation to look after their students. It is in students best interests to sell them healthy alternatives for lunch that are low in fat, sugar and salt rather than the junk food currently sold. What is wrong with selling pizza's rather than pies? The school can still make a profit. Eating foods high in sugar can be disruptive to learning. It is often said that sugar gives you energy, __________ this is only partly true. Researchers, in America, found that coca cola spiked a person's energy levels almost immediately, __________ after approximately a minute and a half their energy dropped to a much lower level. ___________, sugar does not really give you energy. __________, students' work levels may drop off because they feel tired. __________, teachers have reported that some students are hyperactive after lunch. Often, it is those students who have eaten doughnuts, chocolate, or had fizzy drinks all of which have been bought from the school canteen.

ACTIVITY 6. - Read the sentences, decide which linking word: (and, or, but or so) is the correct.

1. I want to go to the supermarket ____ buy some food

2. I haven't got any money ____ I can't go out to the cinema

3. Do you want to watch television ____ listen to some music?

4. I went to John's house ____ he wasn't there.

5. What would you like to drink? Tea ____ coffee?

6. I had a shower ____ then I got dressed.

7. I can help you ____ don't worry.

8. You must work hard ____ you will not pass the exam.

9. You must work hard ____ you will not pass the exam.

10. The weather is beautiful ____ we are going out for a picnic.

11. You should go home ____ have a rest.

12. We must leave now ____ we'll miss the plane.

ACTIVITY 7: Define brevemente las siguientes palabras:







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Prefixes and Suffixes

Using context clues is one way to discover the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Another way is word analysis that is, looking at the meaning of parts of words. Many English words have been formed by combining parts of older English, Greek, and Latin words. If you know the meanings of some of these word parts, you can often guess the meaning of an unfamiliar English word, particularly in context.

For example, report is formed from re-, which means back, and-port, which means carry. Scientist is derived from sci-, which means know, and -ist, which means one who. Re and ist are called affixes, that is, word parts that are attached to seems. Affixes like re, which are attached to beginnings of stems, are called prefixes. Affixes attached to the end, like ist, are called suffixes. Generally, prefixes change the meaning of a word, and suffixes change its part of speech.

New words can be formed in English by adding prefixes to other words. If you add them to other words they change the meaning.

Organize ReorganizeCopy MiscopyStandard Substandard

ACTIVITY 8.- Resuelve la siguiente pregunta. Which of the meaning go with these prefixes?

Mis- out- over- multi- pre sub- re-

1. “again” or “back”__________2. “before”_________3. “blow”, “under”___________4. “many”____________5. “past”, “beyond”___________6. “too much”__________7. “wrongly”, incorrectly”, inefficiently”_________

ACTIVITY 9. - Look through these sentences and fill the gaps with a word built from the word on the right and a prefix from the box. The first is done for you as an example.

mis- over multi pre re out Multi sub

EXAMPLE: The fall in the value of the dollar will mean a poor outlook for the look


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tourist trade this year.

1. In the sixties many experts were warning that the population of grow Japan had ________________ n its resources.

2. Because the machine had _________________ed its usefulness, live the production manager proposed ________________ing it. Place

3. The finance department badly_______________ ed the costing for the calculate new factory buildings, so they couldn´t be constructed last year.

4. There´s something wrong with his bill. We didn´t eat that much charge food. I think they have _____________ed me.

5. We´ve received so many complaints about the product that we design will have to ___________________ the next model.

6. Our major supplier is a large _______________ company, which always national delivers on time.

7. We are willing to __________________ the labor between the two divide countries. We do the basics, you finish the goods.

8. Most goods supplied to shops today are delivered in a ____________ ed package state.

9. Industrial buildings are sometimes ______________ed in Europe and fabricate sent to the Middle East to be assembled there.

10. The problem with __________________ companies is that they rarely national manufacture the components themselves. They always ___________ contract them to smaller companies.

Negative prefixes.

There are many different ways of forming negative words by adding prefixes. First look at these examples.

Un- fair unfair

Dis- like dislike

In- visible invisible

Non- smoker non-smoker

Some adjectives beginning with (l), (p) or (r) form negatives likes this:

Il- legal illegal

Im- possible impossible

Ir- regular irregular


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ACTIVITY 10. - Complete these columns by forming the negatives of each of the words in this list. The first ones are done for you:

Accurate agree fortunately sufficient capable

Certain connect payment Profit-making stop

Convenient desirable satisfied employed experienced

Foreseen Union used readable Union

Formal known valid honest

Un dis in non-


New words can be formed in English by adding suffixes to other words. These are added to the ends of words. Some suffixes form adjectives which refer to the characteristic associated with the noun they are related to.

-al -ary -atic -ly -ish -able

Sometimes the stress moves in the adjective:

Disciplinary= having the features of discipline.

Programmatic= referring to programmer

A further suffix:

Fortnightly= refers to fortnight

The there is this suffix which allows you to form adjectives from either adjectives or nouns:

Smallish= fairly small

Foolish= like a fool

There is one suffix practiced here which enables you to form adjectives from verbs:19

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Controllable= it is possible to control

Note that two other are also used with similar meanings:

-ant Aplicant consultant accountant immigrantAttendant informant claimant participant

-al Arrive withdraw refuse

-ance Accept appear assist perform

-ence Negligent insistent

-ist Machinist typist economist

-ity Able available

-ment Manage improve

-ness Aware bright

-tion Connect classify duplicate educate

ACTIVITY 11. - Fill the gaps with a suitable word, using one of the suffixes above.

The first one is done for you as an example.

1. The opening of the banking complex will be an important commerce Commercial development for the region.

2. Our customers asked us to pay our bills on a ____________ basic month

3. The new model was up to date and visually very ______________. Style

4. If you want cheap and _____________ products you can buy them afford at the discount supermarket.

5. The managing director prefers to leave _____________ affairs to finance his accountant.

6. The new range of furniture looks very _______________. comfort

7. The accounts department supply us with a _____________ list of quarter all payments.

8. When you retire early, you may receive a _____________ payment discretion

9. Every company in our country is expected to contribute towards vocation ____________ Training.


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10. Last year’s financial result show that it was a very ___________ profit One of the groups.

11. The new clerk was given some _______________ advice about caution dealing with customers who do not pay immediately.

12. Extra payments at Christmas are a ________________ feature of option salaries in our country. ACTIVITY 12. - Fill the gaps in these sentences with a word built from the word given on the right. Here is an example.

BP is a large multinational corporation. National

1. Before operating the machine, you must __________ the screws tight

2. You’ll be impressed by the ___________ of this equipment. Flexible

3. The ______________ of their offices has cost a lot of money. Modern

4. The applicant is too ____________ for us a consider employing him experience

5. To say that exporting is profitable is a ____________________ simple

6. We’ve had complains because the machine is _______________ rely

7. We’re still waiting for the ____________ of the loan we gave them pay

8. Turn the handle _____________ to open the door. Clock

9. She is a very good manager and ________________ administrate

10. Thank you for your ______________, it was very helpful recommend.


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OBJETIVO.- Al término de la presente unidad el estudiante será capaz de identificar diversos tipos de texto así como habrá adquirido las habilidades para redactar textos en inglés.

1. What is text? Text is any piece of writing.This could be a letter, an email, a novel, a poem, a recipe, a note, instructions, and an article in a newspaper or magazine, writing on a webpage or an advert.All of these examples can be called texts

When you are reading or writing any text think about the purpose of the text or why it has been written.

2. What might the purpose of a text be?

An advert might be trying to persuade you to buy something.A letter from school might be to inform you about something.A novel might describe somewhere or someone to you.A car manual might instruct you how to do something to your car.

Depending on the purpose of the text, different methods will be used to get the message across to the reader.

For more specific information on some of the different types of text see the Persuasive texts, Informative texts, Instructive texts and Descriptive texts.

Persuasive texts

A persuasive text is a text that really wants you to do something

An advert might want you to buy something.You might write a letter to persuade a friend to go on holiday with you, or to try and get off a parking ticket.

Persuasive texts might use:

repeated words text in capital letters exclamation marks rhetorical questions (questions where no answer is needed) an emotional one-sided argument


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ACTIVITY 1. - Now write and persuasive text answering these questions for help you.

What am I trying to make people do?E.g. visit the attraction

Who do I want to read this?E.g. Children and parents

What will your title be?

Do you want to put it in capitals, a bold front or larger letters than the rest of the advert?

How are you going to persuade people to visit?

A good price? Lots of activities? Something for all the family?

How will you make it look interesting?

Pictures, uses of colors?

Will you use exclamation marks to get the reader’s attention?

Informative texts

An informative text is a text that wants to advise or tell you about something.A newspaper article might give you information about a health issue like giving up smoking.A website might give you information about a movie, band or something that you are interested in.A handout from school might be advising you about what your child will be doing during the next term.

Informative texts usually:

avoid repetition contain facts


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give information in a clear way - introducing the subject and then developing it

Instructive texts

An instructive text is a text that instructs or

tells you how to do something

A recipe wants to instruct you how to cook something.A leaflet with a piece of furniture wants to tell you how to put it together or take care of it.

Instructive texts:

are written as though the reader is being spoken to - (although the word 'you' is not usually used)

language is direct and unnecessary words are left out often use 'must' and 'must not' sometimes use diagrams or pictures to help understanding


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Descriptive textsA descriptive text is a text that wants you to picture what they are describing.A novel might want you to imagine the characters and see them in your mind.A travel book will want you to see the country it is describing.

Descriptive texts usually:

make use of adjectives and adverbs


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use comparisons to help picture it - something is like something employ your five senses - how it feels, smells, looks, sounds and tastes



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ACTIVITY 5: Pon a prueba tus conocimientos acerca del tema de TIPOS DE TEXTO y resuelve los siguientes ejercicios los cuales están por niveles, o sea dependiendo de tu aprendizaje será el nivel que decidas resolver.Por ejemplo el NIVEL 1 es sumamente básico, el NIVEL 2 es intermedio y el NIVEL 3 es para avanzados. Animo tu puedes. TRY IT.

1: What is the purpose of informative text?

To persuade you to buy something.

To describe how a scene might look in a novel.

To provide clear facts about something.

To tell you how to do something.

2: The following passage is an example of informative text:

New Sydmouth Public LibraryWhat can I borrow or hire? There is a large collection of books including paperbacks, non-fiction books, 'talking books, books in large print and books in languages apart from English. Up to 6 items can be borrowed for 3 weeks.



3: What is this text passage trying to persuade you to do?

CLEAR YOUR DEBTS FAST! Do you owe more money than you are making?Do you have lots of different debts? It's quick and easy to apply and you could get the money within just 2 days! Yes that's right 2 days, so why waste time. So if you want to clear your debts, make home improvements, go on a holiday or just buy something you've always wanted call us now on 0900 7895 2369.

To go on holiday. To make some home improvements. To take out a loan with the advertising

loan company. To buy something you've always wanted.4: What type of text is the following passage?

The boy was astonished by what he saw inside. Never could he have imagined that, there in the middle of the


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desert, there existed a tent like this one. The ground was covered with the most beautiful carpets he had ever walked upon, and from the top of the structure hung lamps of hand-wrought gold, each with a lighted candle.

descriptive instructive informative persuasive5: Why is this car insurance company giving away a brand new car?

Pay less for your car insurance and win a brand new car! Why pay more each year for your car insurance when you could actually cut costs with Skillswise Direct car insurance.Call us now on 0990 296 296 for a free no obligations quote over the phone.

To help customers to replace cars more than 6 years old.

To persuade you to take out car insurance with this company.

To help customers afford a new car once they have reduced their car insurance. To persuade customers to have environmentally-friendly cars.

6: What type of text would you need to use to tell someone how to wire a plug?

persuasive instructive informative descriptive

7: This is an example of persuasive text.

I had to leave my sick bed to visit Bert Baxter before school.It took me ages to get there, what with feeling weak and having to stop for a rest every now and again, but with the help of an old lady who had a long black moustache I made it to the front door.

true false

8: This is an example of instructive text.

Measure the first side Measure three foot on the first side and mark it off.Measure four foot on the second side and mark it off.

true false

9: A cooking recipe is an example of which type of text?

descriptive instructive informative persuasive


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10: The following passage contains descriptive text.

Everyone was in a state of high excitement, all the women in light cotton saris worn specially for the occasion, now clambering over the side, screaming when the boat rocked and clutching each other in pleasurable panic.

true false


1. - Persuasive texts are often written in a special way to bring the text to your attention. Which of the following methods is not used in the example below?

CLEAR YOUR DEBTS FAST!Do you owe more money than you are making?Do you have lots of different debts? Why not make your life easier and combine all of your debts into one easy affordable monthly payment. For under £100 a month you could borrow £5 000 immediately with no questions asked.

capital letters exclamation marks humour

rhetorical questions

2: What is the purpose of the following passage of text?

ACCIDENT: Treatment aims 1.Control bleeding2.Minimise shock for casualty3.Prevent infection - for casualty and between yourself and the casualty4.Arrange for casualty to go to the hospital if necessary

To inform the reader that bleeding needs to be controlled. To describe the scene of an accident.

To persuade the reader to attend a First Aid course. To instruct the reader on what to do if they come across an accident.

3: What is the purpose of the following passage of text?

Bert Baxter was lying in a filthy-looking bed smoking a cigarette, there was a horrible smell in the room, I think it came from Bert Baxter himself. The bed sheets looked as though they were covered in blood, but Bert said that was caused by the beetroot sandwiches he always eats last thing at night.

To inform the reader not to smoke in bed. To persuade the reader to always clean their sheets.

To describe Bert Baxter and his room. To instruct the reader how to eat beetroot sandwiches.


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4: Why might a personal loan company include the following line in their advertisement?

For under £100 a month you could borrow £5 000 immediately with no questions asked.

To instruct you to quickly contact the company to arrange the loan. To persuade you to take out a

loan for £5 000. To inform you that your loan application will be accepted. To describe the range of services offered by the loan company.

5: Is the following passage an example of instructive text?

SPECIAL OFFER FOR SHELL FRIDGE SHOPPERS! 2 Tickets for the price of 1 if you book before 16th September.

yes no

6: The following passage is an example of informative text. Which of the following is the reader being informed about?

Introduction to Yoga. FURBY COLLEGE OF CONTINUING EDUCATIONDescription of Course: This course is an introduction to the practice of yoga.Aimed at beginners, yoga is great for men and women of any age or ability or fitness level.

That the course is suitable for complete beginners

That the course will lead you on to the Stage 2 course.

That yoga is particularly suitable for women. That yoga is not suitable if you have a heart complaint

7: Which of the following are not normally used in descriptive texts?

adjectives adverbs step by step action to be taken by the reader comparisons to enable the reader to picture something

8: Instructive texts always use images to show what is to be done.

true false


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9: You should always consider the intended audience/reader when writing a document to be read by someone else.

true false

10: Which of the following is not a piece of text?

an email

a newspaper article

a map

an advertisement


1: Informative text provides the reader with clear facts.The reader is informed that The Black Plague reached which of the UK's main countries first?

The Black Plague In 1348, the bubonic plague arrived in Britain through the southern coast ports. The plague reached London by September 1348 and Scotland, Wales and Ireland in the winter of 1349. Estimates place the total dead as somewhere between a tenth and a third of the population (for the period 1348-50)

Wales Scotland Ireland England

2: Informative text can give the reader details of events that have happened.This example informs the reader that the king that led the army in battle at Falkirk in 1298 was who?

Wallace was spectacularly dressed against a better equipped and better trained English army at the Battle of Stirling Bridge (11 September 1297) but was ultimately defeated by an army led by Edward I in person at Falkirk (22 July 1298). Wallace remained politically active in guerrilla warfare for a further seven years but was ultimately betrayed to the English.

Edward I Edward II Wallace King John

3: Which of the following is not an example of informative text?

a church newsletter

a recipe book

a doctors' surgery leaflet about services provided

an obituary in a local newspaper

4: Descriptive text often uses adjectives and comparisons to help the reader to picture things more clearly.What does the following passage describe?

Will caught sight of the pair of them in a mirror, and was shocked to see that they could easily pass for father 32

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and son; he had somehow imagined himself as Marcus' elder brother, but the reflection threw age and youth into sharp relief - Will's stubble and crow's feet versus Marcus's smooth cheeks and gleaming white teeth. And the hair... Will prided himself on having avoided even the tiniest of bald patches, but he still had less on top than Marcus, almost as if life had worn some of it away.

That shop mirrors make people look older than they are.

That will had forgotten to shave that morning.

The hair piece Marcus was wearing.

Will realizing that he was ageing when compared to Marcus.

5: What descriptive comparison does the piece of text make to Uma as she struggled for breath?

Uma knelt there, in the shallows, water pouring from her mouth and hair. She rose, gasping for breath, struggling, flailing her arms and choking like a big, wounded water bird.

Uma was like someone flailing her arms.

Uma was like a big, wounded water bird.

Uma was like the water which was pouring from her.

Uma was like something rising from the waters.

6: Persuasive text encourages the reader to take certain action. What is the reader encouraged to do in this example of a letter from a clairvoyant?

I would like to help guide you through this difficult time so that you can have the wonderful life that you deserve.If you would like the advice you need to help you find the love and riches you have always looked for write to me immediately. The sooner I can send out your 12 month reading and start you on your path to happiness and success the better.

To write to the clairvoyant. To attend some clairvoyant sessions. To phone the clairvoyant.To fall in love.

7: Which of the following is persuasive text, as taken from a letter appealing against a parking fine?

I was given a parking ticket for parking in a suspended bay/space. There were no warning signs

or notices to say the parking area was to be suspended the next day. As there had been no previous

warning, I would appreciate being let off this fine. I have an up to date resident's parking permit.

8: An instructive piece of text is normally written as though the reader is being spoken to.

true false


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9: The following passage is an example of instructive text.

London Borough of WelardRegister of Electors 2002 Every British, Irish or Commonwealth citizen living in Great Britain on the 12th of November 2001 is eligible to vote in this country's elections. European Union citizens can vote in local and European Parliamentary elections.

true false

10: What type of text is used for the following travel directions?

Wedding Directions How to get to Anne Marie and John's wedding. From the South via the M3 Leave the M3 Junction 12 (B3446) sign posted Winchester. Go straight over 1st roundabout. Take 2nd exit of 2nd roundabout into Rabbit Farm Road. Continue straight across next roundabout and take 2nd exit at next roundabout.

persuasive text

instructive text

informative text

descriptive text

Transcodification (mind maps reading)

Different people have different ways of recording vocabulary. Organize these words from the lecture and the e-mail by each of three different techniques.

1 Minds maps.Some people like to make mind maps of words with related meanings. This visual technique can help you remember sets of words related to specific categories.

ACTIVITY 1. - Complete the mind maps with the word s from the box


Cholera cart diphtheria wasteEmissions carriage smokeTuberculosis sewage wagonCarbon monoxide typhoid

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2 Contexts

Other people like to think of vocabulary in sentences or groups of words which go together. The context helps them to remember the words. Complete these phrases with words from the box, and write phases for the others.

3. Translations

Others people like to make lists of word with translation in their own language. Write translations of the word which are not cognates (similar in your language).

ACTIVITY 2. - Write these instructions in the correct column.


Take turns to roll the dice. You have to deal the cards. Don´t shuffle between games.If you want, you can play in pair. You must move your counters around the board.You can move any piece you want. You can choose to miss a turn. You have to follow suit. You mustn´t communicate with your partner. When you finish, you can pick up another card



Things you must do Things you can do Things you mustn’t doTake turns to roll the dice

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ACTIVITY 3. - Here are the instructions for a simple card game. Number them 1-6 in correct order.

Then the dealer deals the cards out – 7 per player and 8 for the dealer.

If a player can’t go, they pick up a card from the deck.

The dealer starts the game by putting any card face up on the table.

The first player to use all their cards is the winner.

First, someone shuffles the card – this person is dealer.

Other players have to follow either with same suit or the same number.

ACTIVITY 4. - Complete these mind maps with appropriate verbs formed with the prefixes and suffixes shown. Use a dictionary to help you and to check meaning and pronunciation.



ns, You’ve finished