
Inverse Kinematics Solving and Dynamic Identification of Human-Like Hand for Grasping Tasks

Choukri BensalahPh.D. Student

[email protected]: Mohamed Abderrahim

RoboticsLab, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain

MotivationSolve the IK and identify the dynamics system of each

finger to achieve smooth grasping task of the complete hand.

Joint limit & singularities avoidances are the most important constraints to achieve by IK approach.

Find the dynamic model for each finger to use in the contact force control.

IK problem The workspace dimension of all fingertips is the three

dimensions : presence of additional DOF. The method to solve IK is based on an optimization

technique that takes into account the relevant restrictions.

For the fingers which do not exhibit a redundant state, the IK problem is solved using the inverse Jacobian technique.

Problem statement

Dynamic Identification with Genetic Algorithm Scheme

Index, Middle & ring fingers IK.

The IK has been achieved using the Jacobian inverse with feedback correction.

Optimal solution

Thumb & Little fingers IK

Experiment al Platform for Identification

Optimal solution

The IK has been achieved using the Damped Least Squares scheme with joint limits avoidance and a feedback term of correction.

Simulation of Grasping a Spherical Object

www.handle-project.euFP7-2008 – 231640

HANDLE: Developmental pathway towards autonomy

and dexterity in robot in-hand manipulation, is a Large Scale Integrated Project coordinated by the University Pierre and Marie Curie of Paris and includes a consortium formed by nine partners from six EU countries: France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Germany.











El fin de la investigación es comprender como los humanos manipulan los objetos para poder dotar de inteligencia y autono-mía a sistemas robóticos con manos antropomórficas en su manipulación de objetos e interacción con ellos.


Los gráficos que hay a la derecha muestran algunas de las situaciones rutinarias a las que habría que enseñar al robot a interpretar y que los humanos realizan de manera inconsciente.

Mano robótica

Para realizar la investigación se utiliza una mano robótica en un entorno con cámaras 3D (RGB-D) que permite situar a los objetos (además de otros sensores).

Claves para interactuar con los objetos

· Entorno: ¿hay objetos alrededor?· Forma: ¿cómo agarrarlo?· Objetivo final para agarrarlo· Cuánta fuerza hay que ejercer· ¿Es necesario manipularlo en la propia mano?

Inverse Kinematics Solving and Dynamic Identification of Human-Like Hand for Grasping Tasks

Choukri BensalahPh.D. Student

[email protected]: Mohamed Abderrahim

RoboticsLab, University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain

MotivationSolve the IK and identify the dynamics system of each

finger to achieve smooth grasping task of the complete hand.

Joint limit & singularities avoidances are the most important constraints to achieve by IK approach.

Find the dynamic model for each finger to use in the contact force control.

IK problem The workspace dimension of all fingertips is the three

dimensions : presence of additional DOF. The method to solve IK is based on an optimization

technique that takes into account the relevant restrictions.

For the fingers which do not exhibit a redundant state, the IK problem is solved using the inverse Jacobian technique.

Problem statement

Dynamic Identification with Genetic Algorithm Scheme

Index, Middle & ring fingers IK.

The IK has been achieved using the Jacobian inverse with feedback correction.

Optimal solution

Thumb & Little fingers IK

Experiment al Platform for Identification

Optimal solution

The IK has been achieved using the Damped Least Squares scheme with joint limits avoidance and a feedback term of correction.

Simulation of Grasping a Spherical Object

www.handle-project.euFP7-2008 – 231640

HANDLE: Developmental pathway towards autonomy

and dexterity in robot in-hand manipulation, is a Large Scale Integrated Project coordinated by the University Pierre and Marie Curie of Paris and includes a consortium formed by nine partners from six EU countries: France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Germany.






Brazo articulado

CámaraCámara 3D (RGB-D). Contiene un sistema

que permite captar información y así situar los objetos.

Mano robótica(shadow hand)

1. Cámara de tiempo de vueloContiene un sistema que permite captar información en 3D.

CuchilloCuando tomamos un cuchillo de manera inconsciente pensamos en si el final de la acción habrá que pasárselo a otra persona y que no se corte al pasarlo o utilizarlo para cortar, y esto puede implicar manipularlo en (en o dentro de) la propia mano.

TazaA la hora de agarrar una taza tenemos en cuenta de manera inconsciente si es para transportarla, dársela a otra persona o para beber de ella, esto condiciona la manera de tomarla.

LlaveUn objeto que tiene poco volumen, como en este caso una llave, seguramente será más fácil arrastrarlo hasta el borde de la mesa y después tomarlo, que intentar agarrarlo directamente.

La mano robótica del futuro

Fuente: RoboticsLab de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Dpto. Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática. O.I.C., Servicio de Comunicación Institucional UC3M.
