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  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    Siklus biogeokimia atau siklus organikanorganik adalah siklus unsur atau senyawakimia yang mengalir dari komponen abiotikke biotik dan kembali lagi ke komponen

    abiotik. Siklus unsur-unsur tersebut tidakhanya melalui organisme, tetapi jugamelibatkan reaksi-reaksi kimia dalamlingkungan abiotik sehingga disebut siklusbiogeokimia.

  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    Gas nitrogen banyak terdapat di atmosfer, yaitu 80% dari

    udara. Nitrogen bebas dapat ditambat/difiksasi terutama olehtumbuhan yang berbintil akar (misalnya jenis polongan) danbeberapa jenis ganggang. Nitrogen bebas juga dapat bereaksidengan hidrogen atau oksigen dengan bantuan kilat/ petir.

    Tumbuhan memperoleh nitrogen dari dalam tanah berupaamonia (NH


    ), ion nitrit (N02

    - ), dan ion nitrat (N03

    - ).

    Beberapa bakteri yang dapat menambat nitrogen terdapatpada akar Legum dan akar tumbuhan lain, misalnya Marsiellacrenata.Selain itu, terdapat bakteri dalam tanah yang dapatmengikat nitrogen secara langsung, yakni Azotobactersp. yang bersifat aerob dan Clostridium sp. yang bersifatanaerob. Nostoc sp. dan Anabaena sp. (ganggang biru) jugamampu menambat nitrogen.

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    Nitrogen yang diikat biasanyadalam bentuk amonia. Amoniadiperoleh dari hasil penguraian

    jaringan yang mati olehbakteri. Amonia ini akandinitrifikasi oleh bakteri nitrit,yaitu NitrosomonasdanNitroso

    coccussehingga menghasilkannitrat yang akan diserap olehakar tumbuhan. Selanjutnyaoleh bakteri denitrifikan, nitratdiubah menjadi amoniakembali, dan amonia diubahmenjadi nitrogen yangdilepaskan ke udara. Dengancara ini siklus nitrogen akanberulang dalam ekosistem.Lihat Gambar.

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  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    Di alam, fosfor terdapat dalam dua bentuk, yaitusenyawa fosfat organik (pada tumbuhan dan hewan)dan senyawa fosfat anorganik (pada air dan tanah).

    Fosfat organik dari hewan dan tumbuhan yang mati

    diuraikan oleh dekomposer (pengurai) menjadifosfat anorganik. Fosfat anorganik yang terlarut diair tanah atau air laut akan terkikis dan mengendapdi sedimen laut. Oleh karena itu, fosfat banyak

    terdapat di batu karang dan fosil. Fosfat dari batudan fosil terkikis dan membentuk fosfat anorganikterlarut di air tanah dan laut. Fosfat anorganik inikemudian akan diserap oleh akar tumbuhan lagi.Siklus ini berulang terus menerus.

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  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    Di atmosfer terdapat kandungan CO2 sebanyak 0.03%.Sumber-sumber CO

    2di udara berasal dari respirasi manusia

    dan hewan, erupsi vulkanik, pembakaran batubara, dan asappabrik.

    Karbon dioksida di udara dimanfaatkan oleh tumbuhan untukberfotosintesis dan menghasilkan oksigen yang nantinya akandigunakan oleh manusia dan hewan untuk berespirasi.

    Hewan dan tumbuhan yang mati, dalam waktu yang lama akanmembentuk batubara di dalam tanah. Batubara akandimanfaatkan lagi sebagai bahan bakar yang juga menambahkadar CO2 di udara.

    Di ekosistem air, pertukaran CO2 dengan atmosfer berjalansecara tidak langsung. Karbon dioksida berikatan dengan air

    membentuk asam karbonat yang akan terurai menjadi ionbikarbonat. Bikarbonat adalah sumber karbon bagi alga yangmemproduksi makanan untuk diri mereka sendiri danorganisme heterotrof lain. Sebaliknya, saat organisme airberespirasi, CO2 yang mereka keluarkan menjadi bikarbonat.CO2 di air.

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  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    1 PEMANASAN GLOBALMenaiknya temperatur bumi global akibatoleh efek rumah kaca oleh menebalnyakarbon produk manusia di atmosfer


    Lapisan ozon di atmosfer bumi, pada lapisanstratosfer antara 15 dan 30 km di atas

    permukaan bumi yang dihasilkan daripelbagai persenyawaan kimia dan berfungsimenyerap sinar ultraviolet (UV) dari matahari.
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  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    HUKUM TOLERANSI SHELFORDkehadiran dan keberhasilan suatu organismebergantung lengkapnya kompleks-komplekskeadaan. Ketiadaan atua kegagalan suatuorganisme dapat dikendalikan olehkekurangan atau kelebihan secara kualitatifatau kuantitatif dari salah satu dari beberapafaktor yang mungkin mendekati batas-batastoleransi organisme tersebut.

  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    Organisme-organisme dapat memiliki kisarantoleransi yang lebar bagi satu faktor dankisaran yang sempit bagi faktor lainnya,

    Organisme-organisme dengan kisaran-kisaran

    toleransi yang luas untuk semua faktor wajarmemiliki penyebaran yang paling luas.

    Apabila keadaan-keadaan tidak optimum bagisuatu jenis mengenai satu faktor ekologi,

    batas-batas toleransi terhadap faktor-faktorekologi lainnya dapat dikurangi berkenaandengan faktor-faktor ekologi lainnya,

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    Sering kali ditemukan bahwa organisme-organisme di alam tidak hidup pada kisaranoptimum berkenaan dengan faktor fisiktertentu,

    Periode reproduksi biasanya merupakanyang periode gawat apabila faktor-faktorlingkungan bersifat membatasi

  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    stenothermal-eurythermal = temperatur stenohydrik-euryhydrik = air

    stenohaline-euryhaline = garam

    stenophagik-euryphagik = makanan stenoecious-euryecious = habitat

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  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    Proses perubahan komunitas/ ekosistemyang berlangsung menuju ke satu arah secarateratur. Akhir pada ekosistem klimaks

    ekosistem homeostatis - eutrofikasi

    1. Suksesi primer komunitas asal hilang


    2. Suksesi sekunder tdk merusak total substrat

  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    Kemampuan lingkungan untuk menunjangpertumbuhan populasi

    Daya dukung bisa ditingkatkan

    Melebihi Daya dukung = over population

    Daya dukung terhadap manusia tergantungpada teknologi yang dikuasai manusia

  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    Gradasi kelembaban dari hutan tropika(basah) ke gurun (kering)

    Gradasi elevasi dari hutan hujan tropika(daratan rendah) ke arah padang rumput dipuncak gunung

    Gradasi temperatur dari hutan musim tropikake arah utara sampai kawasan ekosistem

    tundra di dekat kutub utara

  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    1. Overlogging2. Overgrassing

    3. Overfhising

    4. Desertification5. Ozon hole

    6. Global warming

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  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    Ozone Layer, a region of the atmosphere from 19to 48 km (12 to 30 mi) above Earth's surface.Ozone concentrations of up to 10 parts permillion occur in the ozone layer. The ozoneforms there by the action of sunlight on oxygen.

    This action has been taking place for manymillions of years, but naturally occurring nitrogencompounds in the atmosphere apparently havekept the ozone concentration at a fairly stablelevel.

    The ozone layer of the atmosphere protects lifeon Earth by absorbing harmful

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    In the 1970s scientists became concerned when they discovered

    that chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs (see Fluorine)

    long used as refrigerants and as aerosol spray propellantsposeda possible threat to the ozone layer.

    Released into the atmosphere, these chlorine-containing chemicals

    rise into the upper stratosphere and are broken down by sunlight,

    whereupon the chlorine reacts with and destroys ozone molecules

    up to 100,000 per CFC molecule. The use of CFCs in aerosols has been banned in the United States

    and elsewhere. Other chemicals, such as bromine halocarbons, as

    well as nitrous oxides from fertilizers, may also attack the ozone


    Thinning of the ozone layer is predicted to cause increases in skincancer and cataracts, damage to certain crops and to plankton and

    the marine food web, and an increase in atmospheric carbon

    dioxide (see Global Warming) due to the decrease in plants and


  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), family of synthetic chemicals that are compounds of theelements chlorine, fluorine, and carbon. CFCsare stable, nonflammable, noncorrosive,relatively nontoxic chemicals and are easy andinexpensive to produce. During the 1970s,scientists linked CFCs to the destruction of

    Earths ozone layer. The manufacture of CFCshas since been banned in most countries.

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    Scientists developed the first CFCs during thelate 1920s. The compounds subsequentlybecame used in a wide range of industrialproducts in the United States, Europe, and Japan.Manufacturers used CFCs as refrigerants in

    refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, and heatpumps, and as propellants in aerosols andmedical inhalers. CFCs also served as insulatingfoams in packaging materials, furniture, bedding,and car seats. Cleaning agents for electroniccircuit boards, metal parts, and dry cleaningprocesses also used CFCs.

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    CFCs damage the ozone layer when they escape from sourcessuch as leaky car air conditioners, discarded plastic-foam eggcartons, and old home air conditioners crushed in a landfill. TheCFCs drift up to the stratosphere, an upper layer of theatmosphere where strong ultraviolet radiation from the Sunbreaks them down. As they break down, they release chlorine,which depletes the protective ozone layer. A single chlorine atom

    can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation. When the ozone layer thins,

    more of a harmful type of ultraviolet radiation called UVB reachesEarths surface. Studies show that UVB radiation can cause skincancer. UVB has also been linked to cataracts of the eye and tosuppression of the immune system. Fish, shrimp, crabs,amphibians, and other animals that live in or around water

    including phytoplankton, microscopic organisms that form thefoundation of aquatic food websare all at risk from UVBradiation.

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    Greenhouse Effect, the capacity of certaingases in the atmosphere to trap heat emittedfrom Earths surface, thereby insulating andwarming the planet. Without the thermal

    blanketing of the natural greenhouse effect,Earths climate would be about 33C (about59F) coolertoo cold for most livingorganisms to survive.

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  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    The greenhouse effect has warmed Earth for over 4 billion


    Now scientists are growing increasingly concerned that human

    activities may be modifying this natural process, with potentially

    dangerous consequences.

    Since the advent of the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s,

    humans have devised many inventions that burn fossil fuelssuch as coal, oil, and natural gas. Burning these fossil fuels, as

    well as other activities such as clearing land for agriculture or

    urban settlements, releases some of the same gases that trap

    heat in the atmosphere, including carbon dioxide, methane, and

    nitrous oxide.

    These atmospheric gases have risen to levels higher than at

    any time in at least the last 650,000 years. As these gases build

    up in the atmosphere, they trap more heat near Earths surface,

    causing Earths climate to become warmer than it would


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  • 7/28/2019 daur biogeokimia 2.1


    The greenhouse effect results from the interactionbetween sunlight and the layer of greenhouse gases in theatmosphere that extends up to 100 km (60 mi) aboveEarths surface. Sunlight is composed of a range of radiantenergies known as the solar spectrum, which includesvisible light, infrared light, gamma rays, X rays, and

    ultraviolet light. When the Suns radiation reaches Earthsatmosphere, some 25 percent of the energy is reflectedback into space by clouds and other atmospheric particles.About 20 percent is absorbed in the atmosphere. Forinstance, gas molecules in the uppermost layers of theatmosphere absorb the Suns gamma rays and X rays. TheSuns ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by the ozone layer,located 19 to 48 km (12 to 30 mi) above Earths surface.

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    Scientists call this unnatural heating effect globalwarming and blame it for an increase in Earthssurface temperature of about 0.6C (about 1F)over the last 100 years. Scientists project globaltemperatures to continue rising during the 21st

    century. Warmer temperatures could melt partsof polar ice caps and most mountain glaciers,causing a rise in sea level that would floodcoastal regions. Global warming could also affectweather patterns causing, among otherproblems, prolonged drought or increasedflooding in some of the worlds leadingagricultural regions.

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