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Recent SightingsDeathjack sightings in the last twenty years are much better documented. The following accounts contain casualty information that may be regarded as accurate.

589 AR: Highgate, Cygnar: Mountain pass way station destroyed. Eight missing, presumed dead.

592 AR: High Gulch (northeast of Caspia), Cygnar: Gobber caravan massacred. Twelve reported dead.

592 AR: Khardov, Khador: The Deathjack is reportedly captured. There is no physical evidence, so this report is likely fabricated.

595 AR: Kidlan (east of Berck), Ord: Ironhand mercenary crew ambushed and slaughtered. Out of twenty-six men, only two survived.

596 AR: Fellig, Cygnar: Brickfield Massacre. Outside of military actions in support of Cryx, this remains the Deathjack’s most devastating verified appearance. Reports indicate 102 dead, 32 injured, and 16 missing.

598 AR: North of Imer, Protectorate of Menoth: Six confirmed sightings in the area. None reported dead, but twelve persons reported missing.

599 AR: East of Ceryl, Cygnar: Merchant caravan attacked. Twenty dead, leaving a single survivor.

599 AR: Hills near Midfast, Ord: Neighboring trollkin population wiped out. Exact casualties are unknown, but reports from the scene indicate upward of fifty intact corpses.

601 AR: West of Fharin, Cygnar: Trollkin kith massacred. In all ten were slain, with a single trollkin listed as missing.



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Transcribed by Aeryn Rudel

Art by Mariusz Gandzel, Luke Mancini, Brian Snoddy, & Matt Wilson

Although some believe it only a terrible legend, the Deathjack leaves

very real corpses in its wake and a trail that is both well documented

and centuries old. However, tracking down any substantiated

information on this necromechanikal horror has been difficult, to

say the least. Descriptions of fleeting sightings abound, but solid

intelligence regarding the Deathjack’s origins, design, and use by Cryx

is practically nonexistent. Most of what is available amounts to wild

speculations and the maddened ramblings of necromancers, infernalists,

and those rare few fortunate enough to survive its attacks. Despite all

this, I have been able to uncover a few interesting tidbits that hint at

when and how the Deathjack entered into the service of Cryx.


Documented Deathjack Sightings

Below is a fairly exhaustive list of all documented

Deathjack sightings over the last few centuries. Although

sightings are plentiful, documentation is scarce. Therefore

casualties and other specifics mentioned in early sightings

should be considered approximations.

350 AR: Tverkutsk, Khador: A monstrous machine described

as a “Devil in Iron” destroys a logging party. I could find

nothing matching the Deathjack’s description from before

this date, so it seems safe to assume the Deathjack was

created around this time.

355 AR: Blackroot Woods, Khador: Village destroyed. There

are only three survivors.

360 AR: Five Fingers, Ord: Fishing boat destroyed while

docked. The entire crew of eleven is killed.

365 AR: Ramarck (near Henge Hold), Cygnar: Cygnaran forces,

aided by Ironhand mercenaries, battle pirates near the ruins

of Henge Hold. The Deathjack attacks both forces.

390 AR: Caspia, Cygnar: Merchant caravan attacked en route

to Caspia from Clockers Cove. Four dead and two steamjacks


425 AR: Fenn Marsh, Cygnar: Trollkin kriel attacked. A

chieftain named Nargath the Scarred holds off the Deathjack

long enough for his kriel to escape into the marshes.

470 AR: Merin, Ord: Troupe of traveling bards attacked

outside Merin. The two survivors go on to write a number of

songs featuring the Deathjack, many of which are still sung


510 AR: Blindwater Lake, Cygnar: Gatorman village attacked.

The gatormen manage to drive off the Deathjack, but nearly

half of them are slaughtered in the process.

540 AR: Glimmerwood: Hunters stumble upon a battle between

the Deathjack, three argus, and an unnamed druid. The

escaped hunters report the druids and two argus were slain.

570 AR: Black River, Llael: River barge attacked while

moored for the night. Ten passengers and three crewmembers

are slain.
